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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1966, p. 15

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Ifng the weekend with Mr.!supper guest@e t Mmn Stain-i Iand Mrs. Oscar Adanis. ton's. Miss Jean Mcfloberts of, Mrs. P. J. Roberts ile a Pa- T ii ~. ru n -Tyrone apent the weekendý tient in Toronto Generel Hos- The O ono ewswith her grandmother, Mrs.I pital. STomn MeRoberts. 1 Mrs. Wes Camneron attended Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor L . on esha o sh- a shower for Miss Irndla awa.whospen seera dav Haelyat Mrs. Larry Fogal's,î with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oshawa. Mr.E. Bryant, Mr. and John Tamblyn. in Brampton. week. Relatives from Orotio Tamblyn, bas returned to her Mr. and Mrs. Rose Stainton, MrE. lH.rry Grâce and son'-on Maxch 26th. Mr. Jamesý who paid their respects were home. Mr. and Mrs. jim Stainton, D~avid of Burketon were Sun- Tamblyn and »jr. and Mrs.i Mr. a.nd Mrs. Wm. Wannan, Mrs. R. R. Waddell, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Poloo at- day gu ts of Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn also attended Mrs. M. Birch. Mrs. Harry Mrs. Harry Mercer called at1I tended the ElectrIcal Main- Chas oer. f rom Orono. Mercer, Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, the Gerrow Funeral Home, tenance Dance at the Airport MIle d Mrs. Lawrence De' Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears, Mr.: Oshawa, on Monday evening!on Saturday evening. POOrte *~and children of TflI- Mrs. Oscar Adams. the for- Howard Stapleton, Mr. and to pas their respects ta the! Mr. and Mis. Hans Geise- sonburg * vielted her parents, mer Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, on' Mrs. Ken Bail and daughters late Mr. Keitix Cragg, hus-: ber'ger Sr. visit.ed at Meurice- ï, Mil. and Mms. Julien Depaepe. their marriage on Saturday ' iBaniie and Su--an. band of Mis. Myrtie RobinsonI Stelhens', Brampton, on Sun-I MTS. Arthur Tennant and April 2nd, at Newtonville.1 Congratulations to Mr. and Cragg of Whitby. day. Mr. Chias. Taylor attended thq Rev. R. C. White officiated. Mrs. Sid Barraball who cele-! On Palm Sunday at Orono, Mr. and Moes. Hans Gei8s-ý funeral of their cousin. Ihe' Mis. Gladys Virtue Findlay, brated~ their 25th wedding United Church, members re-1 berger Jr. and sous ae ome late Mrs. Nellie Martin (Pet- wîdow of Talhert Findlay of anniversary in the I.O.O.F.I ceived by profession of faithlafter spending a nice holiday, tibone) Tamblyn, widow of Tfhornhill, passeci away lastî Hall on Saturday evening iwere Miss Dale Chale, Mr. in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones ! Armond Hollingsworth, Mr.1 Reverend Victor Bowins, and children of Bowmanville jDonald McKenzie, IMiss Mer-' Oak River, Manitoba, has the spent Sunday with Mr. and: garet Mddleton, Thomnas Win-! sympathy of bis fxiends at Mrs. Cecil Joncs. ter, and by letter of transfer, Zion in thIe passing of his Mr. Glenn Tamblyn <f!Mrs. Wayne Bailey (transfer mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Bow- ! Santa Ana, Californa, return- pending), Kendal Unit e d i. rPd home by pane on Tuesday1 Churah;, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- 1 alter spending several days.1 nedy Gray and David, Cad-i Mrs. Jim Stainton wue bas- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. mus United Church; Mr. and tees for a demon- Milton Tamblyn. Mrs. Paul Groeneveld, Em-I stration on Th'ureday evening. 51 0Mr. nd Ms. D S.Harness manuel Reformed Church, Alun ed nt the weberen a t u r shaLwe a r th e s r lilqulgt 1 aeteSre atwe.M.Ms rod oln ast WESek t rsLW. E h G UARANTEED S~~~~1 art e. l\asreied rom g~th egun, CutcUie ys ut ofdn htsn attnod Lds fnder o! h rWansfr n, irby U nitCunyasae ek* ad, and uvtra PAIcousi. ndhelaMrs. vlEd Sar-incht; Mr dM. Pry ery yoe onwbnt to be lk reayt TRU T C RT F CAT S etnt, MndPetror oug lasti MrklUnitd rch. OtronoUnited'bsed houe feine dysandutad Mr.nd s . Morne leee ner ChurchOeha ;Mr eld s evsaNeigbusin tecon- issed in amuns ro $00ofdeltSe.,Sark, i . 1Arthrmetinsa, followsUnite,paitwelcome Mr. andM . s GUARANTRichrds and MrR . LWante rcppe r . aditorsiu at Al ian B ofigntdfatn-t upwads or , 4 r 5yeas. ark!Tene rthone r.andof Mr . ap..: n it 2Uniper C.hEurt Britain. Tre hey ,arde lving aRnUST nert, p Caya e Sf- en Brns and aughter uitodCriu ct h.m.;Unt , ndtJehoe f e ly acu- Patty of Oshaw visited Mrs.,Ue . .Auditonori t ed by r. H.Boknad yerl b heueMDr. Hndpr. s.;M aerCU nit M in H ll at e teMor rointhcomn-'r issue in rnouts forn 1M0ss E erle Poer, s.ruR peetinît 5, om o !MrUnit ritain. oeMr.Broan has * ah f ,orrze 5nest ent fr ail a'.clowr nd Mr. a old . Bow. it 28 . EUnit ortmavedtaiPort Heal n i anadecianteInsranc yCa ie s f-Power o!Oshawa vwie r S.,u poero!r. . Caterton! ivengwithMrs. . rStnap d Canadian Insurnce Companiesday dinner guests of Mr. and[at 8:30 p.m.: Unit 7, home of r n r. .Drewr and trust funds. Mrs. Gordon Power. ! Mrs. C. BdIlings at 2 p.m. in Mr. and Mrs . areerea Mrs. S. Snel of Bowman- v-- ngWhit las W redn s ville visited Mr. and Mrs. G. isit't h rs . Da nd eMr L. McGee. ZTIONsiserr. N.Daan . ýpatient in the Memarial Hos-Mr.EB.rwcoh et ST IN R S S pital, Bowmanvilc. Mr. and Mrs. Fôrbes Fishier, the weekend in SabSg ËSTER IN 0 R U STS dread and ohildren of Nevv- and sonse, Oshawa, Mrm. Elsie and Daniel Karvonen. She castle have movcd into the1 O'Neil, Oshawa, were Sunday was accompanied by Danya CORPORATION home o! the late Mrs. wm.I visitors at Allan Fisher's. Hill of Port Hope. Cowan on Ohurch St. South. ! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flin- There were 58 et Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sani-; toff, Mr. and Mrs. David Kyle schol on Sunday with Super- IMrs. Frank White of Trenton' Sunday supper guest.s at Wes charge. Mrs. Howard Payne 372rey t, 35Dunlpri., 7 riia ofColùsied Mr. nd Mr anl nd f:mly haa, Were intedhe ft he nioru f:rdin T7 ont, B5ariepS. 3Msisg Robinson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Shaw claes in the absence of the Mrs. T. M. Bulpitt of Wil- and sons, Mrs. Leonard Shaw, regular teache'r. Inwdivle returned horne on Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jffe an attems ______________________Monday evening after spend- Jackson, Paris, were Sunday fr ane riehad theamis- a post during pliay, and re- SIceived a eut which required a few stitches at the hospital Il1 in Bowmanville iast ek I The FIyîng -Dutchman HOTEL MOTOR RESTAURANT WILL SERVE a cÇrdttônc±-- 8 aster linner IN COLORFUL SPRING FLOWER SETTING Tced Shrimp Cocktail Choice of: Chicken Soup or Consomme Brunoise Tomato, Apple or Grapefruit Juice Aesorted Relish Tid Bite S EL E C T I0N S Roast Ontario Tom Turkey Savoury Stuffing - Cranberry Sauce Baked Hickory Smoked Ham Fruit Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus - Major Grey's Chutney Chilled Strictly Fresh Whitefish Wine Sauce Gree Bene -Baked Idaho Potato Cauliflower Gratiiee Tossed Green Salad Choice of three Dressings A Variety of Rolie and Butter DESSERTS Assorted Pies - Jell0 and Whipped Cream OId Fashioned Rice Pudding Strawberry Parfait Fresh Fruit in Season Cheddar Cheese and Crackers Coftee Miik Instant Coffee PONE623-3373 FOR RESERVATIONS Tes e Canadien Istatesmn,newuman1fe, Api'. O, lm98 e- t -'4. uithfinefarefrme 0 0 Mild uch mon. switdi le Da*mi9 Uwes... les tmiy C4nmdas E mo..a CLOSEDOCmflIAY A MPLE LEAF RtN IComplete Skinned - SShankiess Whole or Haif 69b i * 'r [ Choral Society Presents Concert Fine Here Angther successful season is drawing to a close for the Oshawa Choral Society (form- erBowmanvie hï. îSo- qi»Ly) «Ady being miade for the most amn- bitious year in their history of more. than 12 years under the capable direction of Mr. Hugh Martin. These plane in- clude a program to be present- ed at Expo '67, as well as an- ather of the well known and Ioved Gilbert and Sullivan Operettas. The Yeomen af the Guard is not as weil known by the public in this country las many of those given in the last six years but aIl who' heard it this year were ma.t enthusiastic about the sing- ing the acting, the colourful costumnes and the story itself, which follows a more serious, even sad, theme. There are h owever, many hilarious mo- m nents which were touched off in the truc Gilbertian style byý Jack Allun in the role of the jester, Point and Bill Rundle as Shadbolt, the head jaîlorý and assistant tormenter. Par-i ticular praise shouid b e ie Larry Marshall, whose fine I acting and excellent tenar, voice made a great appeal to the audience as Colonel Fair-: fax, under sentence a! death, i but whose reprieve arrived at the crucial moment and he and hic fair bride, Elsie, play- ed by Nancy Jeyes, in her clear soprano tane made a handsome and h a r mo n io usc couple. Other membere of the cast included Paul Mlntosh, the stern Sir Richard Cholmon- deley, Lieutenant of the Tow- er; Harvey Tremeer, Sergeant Meryll cf the Yeomen; Roland Coombe as hic son. Leonard who has just returned from darîng exploits in battie ta join the Yeomen o! the Guard; also the let and 2nd Yeomen, Milton Rainey and Wendel Fisher; The priest, George Gil- len anxd hic young assistant Martin, and the Headsman, David Brent. The stirring chorus Sung by the Yeomen, themselves, in- ciuded Roy Beckett, Ted Culjp and David Brent. The chorus o! citizene nuniberîng about 25 provided an excellent back- ground for the dramatie theme set by the principals. Sergeant Meryll's Phoebe, played by Edna DeJong, pro- vided both humour and pathos. Damne Carruthers (El11n nr Brent) as Hausekeeper of the Tower, brought ta a success-, fui close ber pureuit of the elucive Sergeant Meryli and' Kate, ber niece (Lynda Mar- shal.l) added a sweet touch in1 the dainty quartet "Strange j Adventure". given, two in Bowmanville, two in Oshawa and oneln, Thornhill, ail recelved mosti enthusiastically by those pres-; ent. The regular accompan- lat, Mn. Stars Payne, was ably reinfored by 'la membens of the Oshawa Symiphony' Orch- estra, addlng immeasurably to te musical succescf the per- formances. Choreography and prompting was donc Dy Mrs. Vrace, Butler., Shop Dominion For Your Easter Ham s& Poultry GRADE A OVEN READY - 5.10 LB. TUIICYS ýSNOP wIH CONFIDENCEI IM- W MIL a-NIL-MIR m - la§É dMWw n ONLY AT DOMINION DELUXE GOLDEN BIRD ehghlu, Romu«wPruesnd m O'.TURKEYS 47,b IAT AND SERVE CENTRE CUT HAM SLICES SEE OUR SELECTION COTTAGE ROLIS BONELESS HAMS FRESH TURKEYS CAPONS ROASTING CHICKENS YOUNG DUCKS 891b BREAKFAST .1.1b. PKG. BA&CON 79l Baker y Feature Rlchmello HOT CROSS BUNS pkg. 01 6 33C Pkg. of 12 63 C Fresh Produce Feature California Grown Snow White No. 1 (AULIFLOWER' J1unbo 2 Tasty - Tangy Hawaiian PINEAP PLE Large39 Florida's Finest Indian River Red 5K Jumnbo 59 Serve Theni Candied LouisiannaYamslb 7c Ontario No. 1 Mild .b a COOKING ONIONa 19C Bnighten The Home "0 0 EASTER LILIES SO STORE HOURS EASTER WEEK WEDNESDAY 8:30 a.m. .9 p.m. FRIDAY - CLOSED THURSDAY 8:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. . eATI ID flAV _ - ifl ua-. A Country Girl 20-os. APPLE PIES 31s10R Richmello Pkg. et 18 DINNER ROLLS 27C Money Saving Specials York Choice 15-o:. Tins PEAS 3for49c Betty Cracker 9 Varleties 19-a:. pkge. Cake Mixes 3for$1 Essex Canned Cooked 1-1b. Tin HAMS $1019 Domino Choice 15-o:. Tin Fruit Cocktail 29c Ocean Spray Whoie or Jellied 15-o:. Tin CRANBERRYSauce 29c Manarch Pastry FLOU R 7-lb. Bag -75C HI-C Orange-Pineapple Plneapple-Grapefruit Grape, 48-os. Tin OrangeDrinks37c White Swan 2 (lolours Roil Pkg. Pae fTowels P""-49 c Cheer Powdered Glant Pkg, DETERGENT 99c Libby's Deep Browned 10-0s. Beans with Pork 4 TINS 89C Domino Fancy 48-o:. Tins TOMATO JUICE Frozen 1Food Specials York Fancy GREEN PEAS 2 lb. pkg. 49yC IDomino Fa.ncy Buttered 20-oz. Highliner1 16-oz. Pkg. CORN 3 for $1.00 (od Fllets 43c See Your Toronto & Oshawa Papers I Values Effeca~iv tilsing7118157da Aprilh9,1966 i Boactlle KING ýST. AND SUMPSN AVENLU (Highwacy No. WINS $5000 MRS. C. PURDY 53 Centre St. Bowmanville WUNS $1000 MRS. M. SHEEHAN Bownianville WINS $1000 1MRS. S. VERBEEK Newcastle WIN$ $1000 MRS J. MICHELS Newcastle WINS $5.00 BRUCE HAICKý- 41 Temperance St. Bowmanville SPECIAL CHILDREN'S PRICES Favors For the Kiddies See Our <J'> Display of Baby Chicks - 0 , 9vlw.--4 30 Green Beans Whipped Potatnes Candied Yams Cake and Ice Cream Sherbet PHONE

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