iimpresSive Ceremony Marks 'Historic Occasion STARI MAI-L DELIVERY izin t4trtm an. 'VOLUME 112 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1966 10e Per Copy NUMBER li History was made here on Monday morning when, for the first time, citizens of Bowmanville re- '-Ceived their mail by postal carriers, instead of having *to go to the post office. Taking part in*- the brief but Impressive ceremony were, fromn lef t to right, Hugh Faulkner, M.P., substituting for Russell C. Honey, M.P. who is in hospital, J. G. Fultz, District Director [)f Postal Services, Lloyd Boyd, District Public Rela- tions Officer, His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs, and the Rev. K. J. Frampton. ___________ Peterborough's M.P. (uts Ribbon To Officially Launch Mail Service Lo«g- Awaited by Local (itizens Today the most Important Peterborough Civie Hospital, part of the Canada Post Office were brought by Mr. Faulk- policy Is being put into effect, ner, who said Mr. Honey is, the delivery of mail by the responsible for pressing. the j nost efficient, speedy, and government about this ser-, convenient method possible, vice. liugh Faulkner, M.P., Peter- "He înitiated the first inquir- borough, said at the ceremony les in 1962, and has been fol- at the Post Office bere on lowing themn up ever since. It Mlonday mornIng. that marked is too bad that Mr. Honey the inauguration of. letter car- could not be here today to see rier delivery seryîce in the the fruitation of his labor,"E $OWf. Mr. Faulkner stated.1 ,Greetinjgs from Russell C.* J. G. Fultz, District Directori ;Igney, M.P. for Durham of Postal Service, assisted by1 -Çunty, who Io gr patient in (TUPJ4 TO PAGE TWO) 2 JntresRçte -ont 'Arrea-rs ~ es WM io IfrpTrçp wýv NDE LuIN ToWýn Council at the meet- Ing held in the Council Cham- ber on Monday evening passéd iR By-Law to increase the in- terest rate on tax arrear.s effective January lst, 1967. Councillor James Bourke, ,econded by Councillor Paul NEW CAR- WASH OPENS There is very littie excuýe, ether than laziness, for having a dirty'car or truck these days. Biznek Construction has com- peted the new "Sofspra Coin, pCar Wash" on KingSt West and business has been brisk. Their opening adver- tisement appears in this edi- tion. Accident 1Round-Up There was a fatal accident at the CPR underpass on Lib- erty Street North on Tuesday morning at. 4 a.m. Fortunately it did not concern hiuman lives, but it brought sudden death- to a number of chicker4s. Douglas Wheatley, 'Toronto, driver- oe a Broadview Poultry truck, tol d policq thatapec of -steel, had.been 'hanin dowi from the top -insid o the. underpass, and ,as his - hicle, passed under .he ., n~ by it. Corporal John McGuey investigated. lo %w4 oI% There was a two car collision Chat, ove tht apliatin1on Tuesday at 8:31 a.m. on 401 be made to the Department of Hai eWa steahS oateBow- HiÈhways to acquire a strip o!f avfeWihSae h lan ontheweà sie o Cln-drivers o! the cars involved ton Street, Lot 13, Concession wJohnaldtreet, phitye, 2n2 1, sbown on a plan provide d Jh tet ht n by the departrnent, for the James Warren Stewart, Scar- purpose o! widening Cliaton borough. Constable Murray C. Street. This was carried. Joint, OPP, 'was the investi- Councillor Paul Chant mov- gating officer. ed that council concur with At 8:20 o'clock on Sunday the request o! Robert A. Ed- evening a -car driven by Hazel munds, the Counties' Engin- Mary Toms, Downsview, Ont., eer, to restrict the issuing of and another car driven by Ed- building permits in the area wardi George Stephen, R.R. 4, of the intersection o! Highway Bowmanville, collided on the No. 2, the CPR tracks androad ln front of 273 Liberty Martin Road, and on Martin iStreet North. Damage to the Road to the southerly end -)!two vehicles amounted to Waverly Road, and the Build-Imore than $100. Constable Ian (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ISmith investigated. Chased 'Caddie' Fips Over ums impossibile. that anyone could R et out àfi ve from the badly smashed ilac convertible pictuxed above, kt surprisingly enougli, the driver jured and.a passenger opaly recelved minor injuries. ar was going west on 401. Higliway near Newcastle wlien Constable L. ey, OPP, reco nngtlt description of a stolen car, gave chase in lis lie driveér of ge Cadic Damtan Rotico, Hamilton, fled at a speed of a 100 -mies Per botir,, *bd while driving at this rate tried to turn off elAër~tY Street iM~erchange. He os-t control of the car, and it rolled pMilan 1Poticô WSN axreste4, and" eturned to Hamilton where lie is charged ewni ehqt of e I aT4M S, »onld .Rotko, also of H-amilton, received for MjnlIf-OÙ lnJur e-t. Ont-patezt department. tMemorial Mos- Appeal Sentence 0Of Former Clerk On Thursday, March 3lst, Boivmanville Police served Jack Reid, former Town Clerk, with notice of appeal of bis sentence. In Magis- trate's Court bere, Reid had pleaded guilty and ivas found gullty of convertlng to bis own use, touvn money lni the amount of $38,711.53. Magistrate R. B. Baxter on March 8th gave Mr. Reid a suspended sentence, and called for a bond of $10,000 ln this conneetion. The Attorney General of Ontario bas given notice of appeal on . the grounds that, the sentence is Inadequate. È Paint (an ExpIode s In. Orono Boy'1s face Brother Saves Eyes, James Partner, 12-year-old. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner, Orono, is a patient in Memorial Hospital recovering f rom first degree facial bur1ns suffered in an unfortunate accident on Saturday. Doctors credît the quick thinking of the boy's brother, Harvey, age 13, with saving the Iad's eyes f rom serious damage. The boys were burning garbage in the yard in back of their father's business premises when James threw a closed paint can on the fire. It immediately exploded,- and the boy's head was enveloped in flaming paint. His bro- ther, Harvey, quickly grabbed a coat, covered James" head with it and smothered the flames. Both the boys' parents were away at the time. Mr. Partner, who has a plumbing and heating business was out on a cail, and Mrs. Partner was playing with her team in a bowling tournament. Young James was in such a condition of shock f rom the f ire that he hardly feit the pain of his burns. Mrs. John Forrester, accompanied by Miss Sharon Simpso n, rushed James to Memorial Hospital in her car. . Darlington Pupils Meet with Success At Music Festi val NEWS ARRIVES LATE For some reason, a great dealý o! correspondents' copy arrived Wednesday moon, too late to be included in this week's edition., .1 ÇB10. an-1d£Pieces holiday crept up on many merchant'ý who didn't gét together to decide on vlosing ;«hours until Tuesday. It would now appear that there will be no general trend to stay open Wednesday after- noon or evening, although as will be noted in some of the advertîsements, certain stores will be open for -business. Most stores will remain open until 9 on Thursday evening. Early meetings of the Chamber of Commerce will be held to see if agreement can be reached ahead of time for future pre-holiday periods. I t t t i. TOURNEY - Eight teams will participate in a Midget All-Star hockey tournament here this Saturday, starting at 9 a.m., with finals at 7 and 8:30 p.m. These lads play an excellent brand of hockey and there should be 'plenty of excellent competition to keep fans on their toes. t - t t -. 1 HALFWAY - Rotary's Easter Seal Campaign has reached the halfway mark, not only in the time set aside for the project, but also in the amount contributed. At the moment, over $3,700 has been received, about haif of their objective of $7,500. If you have not already made your donation, please send it in today. and use those Seals to spread the word. t . t.t4t MEMORABLE- Last Saturday was a big one for Girl Guide Gold Cord winners in the area. The special annual presentation ceremony took place at R. S. McLaughlin Collegiate Institute in Oshawa when Mrs. D. R. Gunn, the Ontario Provincial Commissioner presented the Cords. Winners from this area included Judith Cochrane, Nancy Dorreli and Elizabeth Thompson of Nestie- ton, Marlene Tomchishin of Caesarea, Judith Swain of Burketon, Gail Walter of Courtice, Eleanor McCracken, Elizabeth Powell, Beverley Rickard and Candace Storks of Newcastle. Their parents and Guide leaders also attended the im- pressive event. ti t t i. WONDERFUL - This morning the Editor received a letter that raised hopes f or the future purity of the English language. Enclosed was a clipped advertisement from The Statesman. Its heading was "Do you know a man that wants to progress in the Lif e Insurance Business?" "That" was stroked out and replaced by "Who". We can visual- ize at least three teachers who would be completely disgusted to see such an error in The Statesman. For once,- it wasn't our mistake, the copy came that way. t. i.t t t i. CLINIC - The Recreation Dept. is already.pre- paring for, the summer season. A Playground Leaders Training. Clinie has been laid on for April 18, 20, 25 and 27 at the Higli School Those interested in applying for summer work of this type should contact the High School office or the Recreation Dept. for application forms. More details next -week. t t t t f1 CONGRATULATIONS - Mrs. Elmer Wilbur now recuperating in Memorial Huospital, just two cloors away from her husband who also is on the mend, had a most enjoyable tune yesterday. It was her birthday and ail the family and quite a few friends brought lier gifts or sent carda. No doubt she wil recail the happy event ar ç<me of the hilghu1ghte oc her 3.1e. By Ross Metcalf Many Darlington pupils par- ticipated in the twentieth An- nual- Peterborough Kiwanis. Music Festival held from Mar. 25th to April 4th. It was the general consensus of thé. music teachers and music supervisors that the competition was of a ljigher calibre this year, but th4t the adjudication was nQt Up to the usual- standard o! the pat four iTURN TO PAGE TWO> ýPost 0Office* Services ,on Good Friday The following service will bc provlded by the Post Office on Good Frlday, April Sth. The office will be closed ail day.. .There will be no Letter Carrier Delivery or Rural Route Delivery. One Street Letter Box Collection at 3:00 p.m. Mails will be recelved and despatcbed as on Saturday. NO WORD ON CEMENT As o! 2:30 this afternoon, Darlington Township officiais had received no word from the Municipal Board concern- ing a decision on the St. Marys Cernent plant. Mayor .Hobbs, Receives First Letter. The first letter to be delivered by postal carrie;v<in Bowmanville went to Ris Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs on Monday morninu The honor of presenting the message to the mayor went to Fred "Buck" Co e, -right. Postmaster Sends Ca rriers After the ribbonw as cat, byHuughFaulljer*M.P., the six carriers started4 out with the day's mail that they had been sorting since very early in the nwirn- ing, under supervisio 1n of postal department officials. The carriers are, from left to right, front row, Fred Cowle, D. Jensen, second row, Harvey Rowe, B. ;L. MacLean, third row, Jim Clarke and G. W. Bonathan. The. seventh carrier, -Ron West had already been assigned to duty and was not present for the photo. Post- master George Vice at right, wishes the m well on their f irst delivery. Variety Pro gram- Features ,High School's 'Hoot m Nif e Bowmanville High School's jtbs-oughout the evenipig. At presentation o! Hoot Night '661 the end of the entertainýmentl KIN INVESTMENT on Friday evening was a tre- a man, (P. Wels'h), callcd outi men'dou.s success. The appre- to ask the M.C. why ha kept The Statesman's Advertising ciative audience that filled changing his suit' between Manager Geo. W. Graham the auditorium to capacity nearly all o! his appearances. finally hit the jackpot, but he thorougihly enjoyed the varied The M.C. astonished the audi- had to spend a couple o! weeks prcC-rarn. The producers were ence by his reply: "As I have in hospital to do it. On Tues. Albert Kerekas and Garth an identical twin brother I day, his name was drawn ipu Gilpen (Staff Advisor). gave hlm haif my lines to the Kin Investment Draw and 1earn?1 He then introduced a cheque for $50 has been de« The Master of Ceremonies, hlbhrDns ivered to him in hospital tod Dan Lemon, welcomed everv- hsbohr ers day. It is expected that thîs one and ably introduced tÈej The stirring Overture play- type o! therapy should brt.ng numbers on the program (TURNTO PAGE TWO> rapid improvement. OId Photo Brings Back Many Easter This interesting . ad unusual Easter pliotograpli Drive, and Mrs. .Jwm~ was taken some years ag at the pro rty now known daughters of -Mfr, a"d ' ji as Preston Traziuport. oth young ldies have aged This is one of the. cpM#t juat a little and are maired. -Tliey are, Lillian andj seen. Aren't tbhôe, -%ût ; Porothy Snowden., now MUn. Wm. Lewist Southway li on Round s 1964 :was Jl~l Memories % i ýr !ýje-kj-Aà Auq,&%; 1 .; f.