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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1966, p. 3

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BETHANY (Intended for iast week> Mervin Si Anglican Church Women 'made te lhe Anglican Church WAo- the Parish mnen were entertaîned by Mrq.)a gardenp '.Athur S. Alierton at thbe June. RSetory of St. Paul's church! Mrs. Dc .10r thier March meeting. Mrs. Norm GrOUP IThree under th'teered te k leadethecîeaning o Ied ofiip etMrs. Eniory Mrs Lei SfhtUpvided a proczrarnM <' r ne EnOCIl..Urvice. et-iga ntprocep eO10 filin fetin ,t'ie sale of Work strip dpctn.recently at 1 ht r; rs. Merv 1)oeeboth in rural a nd ur-- Thl e AhE centes.Mrs. Char MM. Carl Smith. Mms. Da- will featui Vid Masters and Mrs. Morgan by pupils( Blgelow aaZisted in the wor- chers in B .1hip service.Ho *Durin.g the business period chaired by President Mrs MiLss Pat Home Eco: speaker at Announce New Hatters 4-E at the ho: 'Ileaing Substance: on te preý Shrinks Piles robe". TPhe gi rl mohpl rtsocpoetsk&cloth and i IUfhe OldB sud repair damaged iswe. hant rellie A renownei research ingtitute han in fin ishirj 'Ound a unic ue healing substance Miss She with the ablity te shriril hemor.. for the MEi ?hOidO PainleffliY. It relieves itching Mrs. Fli "nd diacomfort in minutes and' Bethanyç peeduli up heaiing of the injured,, Mrs. Fluer Infiauned tissue. vears-. died In cmaseater case, while gently! on Tuesdaý relieving pain, actual reduction lowingaa1 (ehrn"kge> took place. Mrs. Da Motiprtant of ail- results Bobcaygeor wereo torogl that tia unprove- ena HarknE =et was m aintainei over a perioti ed te Bet Of Many montiia. ears nid. This was accomplished with a s Dae new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) idf wich nuîy helpu heal injured, ried, irst atultesgowthnewMal-ion and cmeil ansiiltsgot fnwDavis, both Surviving Now Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- Hallv Me ment and aupposîùory foi-m calleti Davis andi PreparationH. Ask for itat aldrug! of Peterbci to"re. Satisfaction or your money trMs gel'uded.Peterboroue çÔry leainers( DEFINITION - MODERN' 1.One In whieh a s'witch resrulates eve chîldi-en. S. Where the' diellers wnuld iipeedjly1 cold, hungry, dirty. and unkempt Ift ivere eut off. * CLOTRES CARE HINT: Sorne shanapons contain aikalis f bat canc WRPPLED CHILDREN, NEED BUY AND USE EASTER 'Y OUR DUAMOND E 4la youir diaiond e- Are the day -Arethe shoulde, Is the base a la the band wor rouR oLD &YLE DiAMOND RiNG- CAM BE MADE DEA4UT1FUL AND NEW YOUR OLD JE' AT HOOPER'S JEWE r HErRES HIDDEN TREA SURE IN YOUR JEI Out of date jewelry you tion't wear han littie practîcal value. Yet the gem tcan be beautifuily reset. Lot us show you the many modern and striking mountinga which are quickly ena economically available. dfooper s Jei and Gift ShoF PHONE 623-5747 29 KING ST. E. SPRING DECORI BRING YOUR DECORA PROBLEMS TO US FOR PROJ ASSISTANCE brith, plans were sponsor a dance in i Hall in April anti party ta be helti in )ouglas Smeit anti nan Beothby valua- ook alter the sprîng tf the church. vi McGili reponteti Pd.s of $44.81 firn tf retreshments held it tht tarm sale oft v'in Sitih. ril A.C.W. meeting tIti at the home et nies Reynolds anti we a music necital <-ut thnee mnusic tea- Bethany. me Economist Accomplished Director tien. Wtien the actera walk out on otage ta take their bows. the audience thinks, "lAren't they clever to deliver ail these witty lines andi set se netureliy!" This is as it siould be. This is the finish- ed produet et heurs of pains- taking labor put in by a dur- ector whose job it la ta mer- shal the ceet, dm111 them in their parts, put it ail te- gethier,' plan tiie sets, cos- tumnes, lighting and thîe my- ria t ther ingredieuits wliich go te make up a stage pro- duction. It la the director who takes the cold printeti page, bloivs lite into it, hangs thbe flesh of the actera on thbe bones of the words, creates a new being and brings the play' te life. But the thiull wthen the eur- tain goes -up, when il cornes trîcia Wray, County to lite, when something new ~ onomist, was guest is born. conpensates richly tteBethany Mati for ail the hours otf labor. Iclub meeting heldThtlte director's ful-fil- ore of Mrn. John ment. s Wray gave a talk sent course "Accent unres In Your Warti- D U C s dyed iamples of B e.[e.s practised making a ti hem to be useti ig scarves. iela Wood presidetiE W eeting. lena Davis Dies by Randy Sallown 's oldest resident,Th atwe wspi- na Davis. ageti 94 alythe pas wek wa iohe d at her home here ai h uis îc h ay. March 22, fol- lingering illness. The Hoot-Night festîvities avis was hemn in were a great mucces-s They S, the former Flu- pSesented. -a gi-eet variety of iess Smit'h and mev- acts to please everyone. !thany when seven The annual Sprmng Prom living here ever has fmnally been decîded upon. The price ta $4.00 a couîple.~ vis was t wic-e mar- The d'ance will Meature the to Johnston Mc- Impremis Quintet andi will d then to Jeffery be held at the Curling Club ~ hi deceaseti. on Aipril 29th. We would like tg are three sons. ....te invite ail the graduates to cMahon, Theadore ii atkg Siewstefntlaya-confraneeigegea P Hilliard Davis, ail Billî Tyas, woh aig Sh aeh itld d one frtan en fgra , )rough: two dag- time out from hier busy pro- jud!cator for thé Orono etranet We wait te Torc Rhoda Johnston, fessiconal career to direct the Drame Festival andi just lest makce titso yer Pom a bigOra igh. and Mm. Mil- Bowman.ville Draina Work- week aippeareti in the fini-t outcs. eevnby tum n a shop in their forthcoming drama produced by C.F.T.O.ou.te prodctin o "Sparte ab-TV station. Although Billi On April 22nd there wili be onl les", has a number of firsts admits that perhaps acting is featre.Tidac l 5h I / I I to lier credit in Canadianrher first love, she hati an TdyadteTm thaI.Da i isiwmnuge twriircin pests, a fabulous band frein etn< e th atre urg tow rd d recton. Peterb rough. The dressa i elde directer for the fini-t lunch- inviteti to the diîrector's caosua. tphee fronSr HOME time -theatre in Canada (In- course given by Northwestern MyI htes stbher danfer Sri stant Theatre, Montreal) anti University anti she now tinds Myof 'hth eawlastbig edanceMT'i ervthing but the directeti the first production directiog extremely stimulat- are planning on having a C. of thbe fit-st Canadian play ing anti rewarding. "namne" band tram Toronto. Fltui presenteti there. She was in Neyer in the limeliýgthi. alWe hope to get Caesar aod Eva1 becoie. bored. Idie the first year company when director is really the uosungl tbe Consuls or the Myna T the electrice urrent the Strattord Shakespearean hemo in any theatrical protitc- Birtis. I Festival was launcheti andi appeareti in the first J. Ar- thur Rank mevies matie iî,1 Canada, *Right Around * Home*' dreti Brisýtaw, Bethany: alsoý 18 grandc'hiidren and 12ý great-grandchiltiren. She was pretieceaseti by one son, Lloyd diamage fabrie diYes. Davis. formeri y of Eldorado. 'he funeral service was YOUR HELP helti trm t'hç Kaye Funerpl Chapel in Peterborough, with SEALS Rey. William Piercy et Betb- anv iUnitedi Church efticiating. " ~ Palibearers were six grand- sons, Glenn Davis, Garry Da- ,__4 M e flu M vis, Kenneth Jobn&ton, Terry Davis, John Davis anti Robert Davis. Gaa' ______________ Bunial was inGrhm Cemetery. Bethany. 3 E C R E? Bethany Athletie Meeting The Bethany Athletic Asso- ciation belti their annual 1 e-cur' meeting on Wednesday nigbt, ns or thnin the Town Hall. The tollowing ettîcers we-eý rdciamontialse? electeti: President, Robert Gil- >f thett n w-oi-n? mour, vice-president. Roey ~.. Scott; secretary, Jack Paliner./VMIE . l l Q 7d /O Ibm' ~treasurer, Gordon Chaise; au- M~C L~ v c /~ ~ M ~ A v ri thin ? ditor, Bruce Ryley. ME C L E / e4 CE ý Athletic Park Trustees, IrWF.Zé'W Y«/wyYO /~7 B/Z Charles McGill anti former memabers Murray Logan, Gor- don Smith, Howard McGill. Lawrence, Adidison Scott, Bobý Ryley, Vincent Jackson, Levil WELLERYMcGi Il, Hanry Ryley, Morley1 NELLERYMcGill, Percy Pearce. Membenship tees were set.- at 50c per person, wvith Mr' anti Mrs. CharlesNMcGil, Mr. :L E R Tand Mrs, Harolti White p WEL BOX. th prînting anti distribution, rd membership cards. Plans were matie for '-he! annual Victoria Day celebnr-- tion ta be held on May 23rd' when a sports day will lie helt in1 the afternoon anti an' [evening entertainnient. Il .Wally Reidi, Bobby Sineit, Ille Sinelt anti BillLaw ai euerij rence wene appointeti asa 4i /r committee te arrange for thei P II4 7 % 1 IU À À bail gamnes, races, etc. on that ý 4..'f~A3* ~ 7 A 7A~~ )de v. The committeetin charge of evenîng entertaiement arel .____ BOWMANVILLE Robent Sissen, Mn-.. Thamasý Jennings anti Allen Beer. with power te add atiditional mein- bers if necessary. à IM .Vincenît Jackson will be the'________ year, ail paid for, which ina- SIcludes material for park swings, 1/ h.p. roter and gparj j J! ui pum rpus100 ftL of chain, I1nkfnc.The cemuitte. af UIth previcus year, Roy Seot,ý Bob Ryiey. Gordon Chase, j apers Hai-nid White anti Bey. Wm. Pierey wiil be respansible fer' Le 1921" the building ef the swings.' The next meeting wil bel >WMANVILLE helti on Tueaday, April 12, at Wed in Parkdale United Mr-. and Mrs. Ronald James Rundle ýarkdale Unitedi Church, leoketi ratiiantly lovely in a ente, was attractiveiy dec- long gawn et white Chantilly tIe wîth white chrysan- lace importeti tram France j nums anti white gladiali anti sheer white organza linet Satunday atternoon, March with. crystab. Tht becoming ton tht wedding et Miss bodice ot ChanrtIlly lace lied ricia Jane Helmes, Tom- long lily pointeti sîteves anti c, te Ronald James Runtile, an Empire weistline. Mie er son et Mn. anti Mns. skirt which fell in gracetul wand J. Runtile, 10 Jane folds from the high waistline eet, Bowmanvihie. The twes enhýanceti with appliques de is the daughten of Mn-. et Chantilly lace, anti tht rion Holmes, Torante, anti cathedral train wes aise et E. Rokmes, Hallandale, Chantilly lace. Hen heati- na Tht Rev. G. Rupert piece was a dainty pilîbox ns otticiatei. coverei with lace matching Che bride, wiho wes given, the gown. Rer bouffant veil niarriage by her father, was fermeti by four tiers of NOW IiE/11 ~ E.. l'M GOING 70OENDL ANY D«\Y NOWM * IThe Canadian statesman, Elowmanvmle, Apr. 8, 1988 silk illusion, and she oarrned e bouquet et white gladili.1 Miss Marie Burgess, Tor- ento, the maid ot honor, anti the bridemnids were Mira. Gao-don Rundle, B.ow-t mienville, sL«ter-in-law of thet groomn, Miss Roetmai-y Rey-t nolds, Toronto, andi Miss1 Helen Miles, Gueluph. The1 boide's gif ts toh le, attendantsc were beaded evenuing bags.N The nraid of honor and the thiree bridenniaids were dres- seti elike in royal blue velvet ful length giowns designeti with Empire waistlines and i thu-ee quarter sleeves. Their heeddiresses were camposeti of rosebutis in the saine shade of blue. anti lelti their shortî andi aatching veils. Thev car-e rieti bluali carnations.e Tiniotîhy Leahy, Torointo, was tîhe best men. Tht ushers were Gordion Rundie, Bow-r nianville, brother et thet groom, and Ken Bertrum, t Toronto. The groonis giflats oi the best man and ushers werea fine leather wallets. c *Following the ceremany aa reception was helti in tht spacieus Blue Room et the l Pickfair Tavern. Tht mother ofth Ucbride receiveti the ,guests wearing e gown oet brown lace with pink acces-, sanies, andi a pink organzaý petl hat. Hier corsage was of pink crations. Mrs. Rundie,l mother etflie groom, who as-i sistet inl receiving, wore ani exquisite blue satin gold bro-j cadeti two-piece dress. Rer featheiredti Iwas et tht sanie blue, anti ber shoes and hanti-! bag were golden. Her corsage was et white carnations. Atter the reception tht bride andi groom let fer a motor trip te Chicago. For travelling the bride donneti a sinart navy blue suit witb a wuhite linen coUlar. Hen i charming profile hat was aise white, as were her gioves andi hendbag. On theïr return frei their wedtiing trip Mn. anti Mrs. Ronald James Run- dle will reside at 3011 Di*en Roati, Weston. Dut et town guests et the wedding of this papular yaung couple were from Baw- manville, London, Ont.., Kitchener, Brantfor-d, anti Miami, Florida. Prier to the wetiding tht bride wes the guest et honor at several showers. A m-iscpl- laneous shower was given by the groom~s aunt, Mrs. Carl Osborne, et her -residwSc 241. Thirtieth Street, LiongBrnche Mr. B. iKais~er, 148 wIn Avenue, Toronto, à friend t the bride's mother, aso en- tertained et a shower, and, the mudd of hoeior, Mises?&,rie" Buirgess, 252 College Street s. Toronto, was hostoes et a nis- oellaneous shower. The. groomn was honiored at a stag Party gliven for hlm by a large groupl of bis friends et the' Métropole Hotel, Toronto. A±fter the wedding rehearsa e recepticn was held et the home of the groorn's aunand uncle, Mir. and Mrs. Carl Os- borne, Long Brandi, and Mr.- and Mira. Edward J. Ruindle,. parents ol the giroomn, recevà- ed the wedding party.. In the most recent year cf. record, 1962, there were 19,848, active taxable companies in- the Canadian manufacturlng. industry, of which 5,Q86 oper-.- ated at a loss;,the 13,062 profir~ companies had a total net tax-. able income of $1,776 milliu. on which they paid $891 milla", lion in corporation taxes. OFFICIAL i1osILçob w vus tbe homes 01 Newcamor. ew- weds and-Ntew Babies lt)rtnq-* inq hem toca information anid 'housewarm ine qifts w-hil, 03- tendinq the weleome hand et the community. 'Tour OW" ho" We nsedeel Lady age 35 te 55 with a car. and maies aend er-. qanizatienaI r±biiitv w-ho w-auto , Er vear-ound business of hur, ew-n. Ne inveaiment. Commis-' sien w-ltb exlusive tertte?., Comp!ete lainra art«nI&d.' Write WELCOME SRVICE ADVERTISER BOX 705* P.O. BOX 190 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. A Ccnadia. Mmiuwttb Brances W oVin? oncll-isaf 011 and wn Mm MIT EfO rrNOWBE>Q£#Y tr iF XJ WANVQ5Vý -M0 5AIFr l JLI i sr. - th! by AVAlI LATEX MATCI GLOSS AgERNETF Paints & WaIIp "D.coraingS peciafists Sba N'G ST. W. BC 133 Nul JOIN NOW Dear Sirs:. Please send me your fokier containing complet. informat'ion on OM51P and accompanying application. NAME ADDRESS_____________ TO.- OMSIPD 135 St. Clair West Toronto.

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