Ibo Caadian Sttum, owmanvlfl, Apr. O,.1168 .Memorial, Park Tea. Qutýtariding Event Nçnài*r1 PxrAssocatosscaio'&contlnued auccesa S'>%45gaar nd aifoil ii to wo ty efforts, and said M.Tealed on Saturday after- that ho wus h0nored to declare nqqii, March 201h, in the club- the Bazur and Daffodil Tea hois wax a great success. open, 116lrige numberof ai ple The spacious hall was beau- we ttsnded tbis popular tiully decoratad in a spring e"~i a a wond.riul aiter- color achenie of yellow and fl4Oflmauve. A pretty cmopylike a reslde à&&M. char. eiiect wua forsn.d by stream- lote lare$weconied every. ers graceiully draped below oo. 'She cailed on the Btey. the ceiling In bath the main H#mrld Turner to afficiaily portion of the large room and op en the event. in the more recently built 1 Te members of Memoriai addition. Zach was centred Park Assocation wer higly with a huge fluted dahlia 'n Somniended by Mr. Turner for mauve wlth a touch of deep their outritanding record of purpie. Yellow and mauve *clitvement anid ood work. streamers wsre alto effective- ne sud that thia ft. Organîz. b' srranied between the itili. ti has dane much for the ar tta ri two lattices. pesple of the town and refer- Mrs. Barbara Courtney and r« t10 the attractive park, Mrs, Marion McDonald were playgound, bail dianionds and the co-convenors for the dec- tli çpge and wsU appoiuited orations. Mns. Joan Bate and i 'bause'thiat ae the retults Mro. Frances Bruce were In ot e members endeavoro. charge af the Sale of Homne e Memorlal Park Associa- Bikiig. Mns. Betty Richarde la entiroly independent wau the convenor of the Candy has provided anad main- Table. d assets Vvlt#out <grants or M. B. Cowan and Ms. E. o r assistance, h. polted Edniondson were In charge af 9 Mr. Turner wbUqdth t hte Elephant Booth. -. Table was Mns. L. Chittick. 8 The treasturer, Mns. Helen - - - kPark, assisted wlth the returns. - Mna. Marion Mcflonald was -à& In charge of the Speclal Draw. - The. wlner ci t he beautiful ill ws Ms.B. Wilson, 81 * m-g Mn.. Annile Clapi, was iu .charge of the LucIcy Draw. The wnners of the door prizes were: 1. Miss Brenda Cowan, a beautiful cup and saucer, donated by Miss Loretta Kil. I gaiinon, and 2. Mrs. Lena Thomias, an attractive orna- mental basket, donated by bUs Kilgaiuion and Mrs. The periectly appointed servlig table, covcred with an Itallan cutwork and lace cloth, was centred with a profusion 1 ,"tirolIed room heat of daffodils and pussywillows yoU w ~In l a large slver vase, and il was 11< ted by bail mauve ',whrevo youwant te erson lsilver cvidlesticks. "At ... this easy way fth tea tables had daInty centrepieces of daffodils and pusuywillaw. The. flowers trcontrolled room were doriated by Mn.. Mar- tfteau h o ya wth goret Jeffery, the Immediate ýÀ past president; Mns. Annie Oke, vlOern electnic bhatlng. Be a lpast president, and Mrs. Neli îiortable liaery roomal Wilson. Those who prenided over the lea cups were Mrs. Harold *Turner, Mr.. W. Towuiley, Mrs. Ralph Campbiell and Mrs. s Qienholme 'Hughes. Assloting In serving were Mns. B. Dad- I sTion, Mrs. Margaret Jeiiery, the Mises Nancy Edmondson, Brenda Cowan and Janet Mr& E. Mitchell and Mrs. JLUJ3/ts al spea tiu nuance many growiug bunieees in ý,h. acquistlon el land, buiDiUng, niachlnery or equip. Ypu.It May be uaoful for you to discus. the &uucial /ndsof your busiess with us.' kt.. INDUSTRIAL - DEVELPMENT RANK 27 $RANH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA ,. TORONTO, ON4T.s Z50 Unlverofty Avenus - Tehphon.: 364.145 ff. Afloway wvenu icharge a of eMOMft Of lb. Nect bhc test tickets, snd lias. iu Darke's blrthday party but il charge of lie kilcien were was ield Sutay nigit, uns. Annie DMing, Mnm Grecs MarchI 11'ht bis:ldu htersý Downey andd Mn. S. Cawle. home ln Toronto. Hi. ianluy Atter thse*vent was avOt were preseut M4..mAnd Mrn Jim lie Iovely floral centreptece Adamnet viose home the frein .b .rlg alew arty wus'hcld* Mr, ad Mn. seul wth the ssaclton's bst nous Danke, ai Taronto; Mn. wihes to James Overy who and Mrs. Harold Wakely cif wa: IlUet biis home, 9 Nelsan Por-t Hope with ciUidren ua~r- Street. sn and Jeiiney. Mr. and Mu-s. Amng lhs mauy roele Ken Auhby of Port Britain1 prose et te énjyab, were aima proit. Miss Clara1 zaar and Te* were two mem- ud tsu o ethî o an, d j bers oi Town Council Coun- adtorohrsn e 011cor Aunie Oic. and èouncîî. Danke, wus Sn Houston, Texas, ion Qleniolme Hfughes. on business and -'pioued isq ______________ greetingu from. tiers. A euciu-e prty waï ield ut C ADMUStle home aifLMr. and Mrs. Han- CADMU oldAustin on Saturday night, Marci 20th, wlti a lar ge cnowd Intended for lait week) present ta enjoy thc hospilal- Cadmus U.C.W. met etel e of aithi Austin famlly. Tien. church on Wedneuday even- were betweon 50 snd 60 prom- ing, Minci Dli. eut and Il tables were played. Mn.. Nanman Rainer open- About $18 was reall;ed fan ed lie metin i wth a nsad- U.C.W. fundi, ing. Hymu "reatie on Me, 'Thens wene 52 ut Sunday Breath ai Gad" ioUaowed wti Scicol on Sunday monnins. tic Lond's Prayen. Cheryl Clarke played the clos- Devotional was taken by Mr&. Samelis folowed wit i prayen. Rail caîl was answered with aid nylons. Minutes of!the. last meeting were read and approved. Mlslonary was' taken by Mrs. Mlton Gray on educa- lion in Brazil and Trinidad. Treasure' report was giv.1 en by Mns. Lonne McKee. Mns. Russell Larmer gave lie fruit anid flower report. Cor- nespondence was read. Meeting closed wlth lie hymn "Tic Church'i One Foundation" followcd wilh thc MizpaiBecuediction. Mns. Carnaghan ai Black- stock shawed pîclures ai Ber- muda and several places lu Trinidad wich wene very interesting. Program consisted of a con- test b y Mrs. Fish. Lunch was served by the group in charge1 and a social lime spent. WESLEY VILLE (Intendod for lasI week) Springthhaugitsansd plans came tlan abrupt hall ix. paît week we arci slipped back tocald winter woathen witi a real suaw storin - cold sosmiugly more severe lu centrait witb thc beutiful sprlng days of the prevlaus wîek. Roads are breaking up badly, bath the. blacklop ou the lakesiore andthe. aide- The familles wilh membens ou lie sick lut welcame lie word tiey wilU soon be haome, Mis. Bruce Dlnne's niotier, Mn.. Joncs, wha ha% been in Pont Hope haspîtal; Mrs. Geo. Tuifond's molien, Mrs. Wut. Sanguins, wio bas been niany weekcs lu Port Ha pe haspital, and Mns. Imoe Dinnen who bas been lu Cobourg bouiîal. Wm. Asiby la back el wonlc afler a session lu Port Hope hospibel a week ego witi back trouble whici was a returu of an aid trouble following is stay iu a Peterborough hos- pital. Miss Clana Danke ne- tpirne4 tg ber home in Pont Bnitain on Sunday afler spend- iiig uuch of tie winter in bus- pitl and with Mrs. Hern. ut Welcome. We hean muci tiese da 5 a! lhe shrlnking world an tic dial telepione docs uothiug ta djiscourmge the idea. The oh- or day Mns. Lent Ougitred answered her 'phone la hean a voice giking ber ho speak up, lien ask if tbis was a certain number and if a certain per- son wao lieu-e. Tic houe uiumber was correct but Pt. a tic wnong bouse. -Tic cal was from Flonida and was iu- tended for somewhene iu New Brunswick. Mrs. Clarence Nichols and Mu-s. E. Bannowclough attend- ed 1h.eBay ci Quinte Confer. ence ai the United Churci Women at Harmony Churci lu Oshawa on Tuesday, Minci 22nd. Tic same evening thsy attended tic meeting of tie United Churci Womeu lu Part Hope where a panel dis- cussion on churci union was held. Mrs. R. Sculîharpe and Mrs. H. Reeve were mIa prom- ent. A 5mall quit was quilted at Mn.. H. Danes during the week. The Ice storm of a few NO MIL K -.0oo ~ Y. ::..M PelI. iI siv.ry on: SATRDYPAPRIL 9th ing liymn andi the junior boys and girls led ln lhe doging prayer. Thc beginners' clas under lh. direction of tlieir toucher Mis. J. Fraser, dis- played lie resuits of! hein wark showing the mural tiey iad causlructed ta show "People Who Wonlc". They were: Nancy and Stanley Tis. novsky, Lance Payne, Jeftrey Payne, Mark and Palli Bec, Paul and Peter Houkin, Elaine Wilson was absent lirough ill- ness. Mn;. Fraser is assisted by Mir. Fred Haikin. Churci service was held here with Rev. J. Cargo lu charge. A chrysanliemura was pnovidod by tic U.C.W. group fer lie moul,; the choir's autiem was "How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me". Ah a cougregational meeting of the tfour churches held ai Mornisi on Manday evening. Manci 21, it was decideýd liai lie order a! services foliowed during lie pasl yean wajs ual satlsiactory and il was decidcd ho have hwo services cach Sunday, begiuning an May lut. Mr. and Mn.. Ras. Danke sud Danny af Toranto visitcd wlh Mn. and Mrs. Hector Darke on Sunday, Marci 27li. KENDAL (Intendied fer lait week> Durnug tie paît week we 1 have had a nemilitse fOld Min Wiuten - tie tempenature dropping almosit tozeinl sanie places with a heavy fal of auow wici uocosaitated lie use af snow plows îagain. This, Sunday being tic lait Sunday Iu Manch, Rev. R. C. Wite preached iilest sermon an ciange'd lives. There woee lias. like Paul whose lives' weno cianged suddeuly and atiers Who, like Felix, prefer- ned ta walt until a mare con-' veulent season and Pilat. Who wasied is bauds of the wiiale afiair. Mn., A. Fouler was back et tie ongan aud the. chair sant "Jesus lKeep Me Near tie Cnes;." .Next, Suuiday ilu Palm Sunday u1 nd Communion will be obsérved. Let us have a good aiendance as we look' forward ta tic Easler seasan. Tic Wemnen'i Institule met ah lie home a! Mrs. W. Turan- sky at week. Mrs. Low pre- ulded and lie toplc was lîken by Mu-s. E. Counaux wha is tie canvenon ai Agriculture and Canadian Industries. Her topic waî Rabies, a very suitable onîe us we have iad sanie cases aif.animals suppouedly su!ferng from rabiee lu aur community Sotie changes wene mmdc in lie Execubîve and funlien arrangements wene made for lhe District Annuell tob. ield lu Keudal United Church on May 10. Electian o! 'officers wiil be ield ut aur Apnil meeting. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Hanlmr>d Elliott who wcre mannled iu Newcastle United Chunci on Friday, Marci 25. Teaciens o! Ibis district ti tended a Reading Sominar at lie Clarke Higi Sciool on Fnriday luit. Tie U,C.W. meeting will b. hcid en Wednesday, Apnîl Ml et 8 p.m. We expect il wlll b. at the home of Mu-i. J. Fonk. Ahl members are asked t0 lry la be pu-esent as we wlll b. msking arrangements for the Manntie BannnAe(in rn. Frilday Courtice Min ister Speciks on Jamaica At St. PauI's U.C.W. The goreal rne*tlngci St. ing country near Kingston, Paula& rJ...wus heln ltie Jamalca. The asud.. conslsted Sund*y Schocl rooms on March of beautiful icenes of niaun- 151h et 1:30 P.ui. tains, beaches, as well as the A doudoius dessert luncheon cties and ' country lite and thie. was aerved buffet style and su acne plantations. enjoyed by ail. Mn. cBob Stevens cxprossed 1The. Presîdent, Mn.. Mc- thethanks af Ihose. proeut Arthur -opened the. meeting for thls enjoyable trip, by ulght and welcomod tie member. and oound ta the. Island af and getta.jamaica. md guil..A short business meeting Mns..Rota Dudley introducod followed. aur speaker, Rev. D. Arscott, The devotional was In charge frein Courlice, who gave a af Mn&. Harold Turner wlti very Intereotng lllustrated Mn.. Mansel Stacey aslsting, lecture on Jamalca. He tol Tii. theme, "Growti". Meet- of hi. worictiers ms a mniuter lng was closed by prayer fol- iu bath the. clty and surround- lowed by a hymn. HAYDON- i (lntended for lai week) Ie euncire party spousored by Club 21 was held Saturday ntgit, Marcii 26h, with live tables in pragress. Winiiers were, higi lady, Mrs. Topple; low lady, Delbeirt Poils, ticre being flot enough ladies; high gnt, Russell Tabb; low gent, Douglas Blackburnn, door pnize, Mis. Fred Pantner. Suinday achool wiil b. iield aI 15 midnutes ho 2 o'clock, 1Diii.;: Directory Accouniancy RAT J. DILLING Chartered Accountant 93 Churci Street 623-3861 LEONARD JAMES BROOKS Chartered Accountant Trustee in Bankruptcy Suite 205W 725-9953 Oshawa Shopping Centre WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILSON & BURROWS Chartered Aceauntants 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. Parîners : Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. G. Edmiond Burraws, C.A. Phone 728-7554 HALL, PERRIN MUMILLAN & CO. Chartered Accountants sa 4 King Mt. E. - Oshawa 725-6539 King St. Box 245 Newcastle 987-4240 Partners : WlUiani C. Hall, B.Coxnm., C.A. David G. Penkin, C.A. j. Qvaham Macmillan, C.A. Chiropractic_ G. EDWIN MANN D.C. Ofie:Chiropractor 13 Elgini St., con. af Harsey St. Pieu. 623-5509 Office mours: Dy appointment Dental1 DR. W. -M RTDELIL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bawmnanville Ofc ours - 9 amu. to 6 pan. daily Closed Saturclay and Sunday Office, Phone - 623-579,0 Rem. Phione Newcastle097-4261 99t. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.$. Off ice 75 King St. E.. Bowmanville Office HoUrs: 2 arn. ta 6 :,m. daily Clesed Saturday and Suuday Telephane: Office 623-5459 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in hus home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 623-5604 Office Houri;: 1 9 a.m. ta 6 p .m. daîly tClosed Wednesdlay Sunday DONAL A.McRGRÊEGOR tue, Auto, Home .Insurance 91/2 Xing lit. E.. Bowmanville Phone 623-5962 Land &Surveying MERRILL D. BROWN i'.ENG., O.L.S. 121 Queen St. Box 1659 ]BU$.and Res. Telephone 623-7251 Le g a LARNCE C. MASON, B.A. Barnister, Soliciton Notary Public lin g St. W. Bowmanville P h ne&- Office 623-5688 Res. 623-5553 E. UCHARD LOVEKIN B.A., LL.B. B3arrister - Solicitor King St. W. Newcastle Hours: 9 - 5 daily; Sat., 9 - 12 Phone 987-4735 MODGINS & FLEMING XuÊh E. Fleming, Q.C. Apha I. Hodgins Barristers - Solicitors Notaries Public 14 Frank St. Bowmanville Tî1ephone 623-3351 MMRIE and STRIKE- BotrJters, Solicitors ]$otaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Xdward C. Wildman .B.A., LL.B. 0 King et. W.- Bowmanville Tèlephone 623-5701 SAM - NM4LTON . 030N Phone 1 r 16 7b*a Mortgage Funda Iludenc - Fara I*esPropertles and churci service at 3 p.m. on Suniday. We wei-ooue uhese iwo new familles ta aur community, iiaving moved i tothe Ber- trim Apartrueuts - Mn. aud Mra. Ji'm Munnee and daugi- ter. Oshawa. and Mr. aud Mns. Bave York and daughters Nancy and Vicki, Oshawa. Mn. and M'rs. James Heath, Douglas, Susan and Robert, Ottawa, were Suuiday visitons o! Mre. Cianlie Garnard, and visiled Mrs. Heali's uncie, Mn. Charlie Ganrard, at Me- marial Hospital, Bowuian- ville. Glad ta know Mrn. C. Gurrard i l l iinproving. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham visited Mrs. Gnaham'a brother, Mrn. CyrUýshtiln, at Meunar- il Hos9pital. Mr. Ashton's iealth is im.proving. MW. and Mrs. Louis Ashton, Peterborough, were supper guests o! Mn. and Mns. Arthur Read and Ly=ne. Miss Joan Falls, Keudal, and Miss Lynne Read wcnc supper guesis of Mn. and Mr.s. W. Blackburn aud family an Sunday. Mr. and M.ns. Walter Love- ridgc aud famîly. Tynone, were recent calle<rs if Mr. andi MaxwellHouse Instant Cfe Bave 20o 1-. aLIBBY'S PINEAPPLE Fancy Slced or Crushed Save lic T3for 89C Bave 36o For Automatic Waiberu Ail Detergent 20o Off Packt £cou. Fkg. Low suds Laundry $139 Detergent Bave 8e! 15-os. mize 490 BISCUIT FEATURE BISCUITS FANCY Chocolate s 69 Graluais, 75 Bi. 9 Duplex Cneaus, 54 13is. Cocoanut Cneains, 54 Bli. FREBAKED Un.. teslie Gohm'. Mr. sud Un. Artuw Resd and Lynne were recent aup- per guesta of Mr. sudXMu. Claylori Remd and famuly, Bowmunville. Mns. A. Thom, Spent the weekend wltti Mrnand IMn. E. Tionipson, Bawnwnvlle. Mis. M. Bertrim, Jean, Mindie and John, wene Sunday diriner cue5s o f Mr. and Mri. Itau Morrison and famuuiy, Oshawa. Little Susan Marri- .son celebrated ion blntbday, ane year old, Mrs. Roy Grahami visited hes, parents, Mn. and Mn.. Waltenr Umni.Tyrone, on Sunday. Mrn.d-dMn. Morris Pol- lard and family visited Mr. and Mré. Art fialard, Clans. mont, an Sunday, Mir. and Mns. Don Cameron vislted Mn. end Mis. Wallace Pascoe, Enfield, Suniday. Mrs. M. BerInn, Jean and Birdie vi.ited Mn. and Mrs. Willard BertriTu, Tickbore, recently. IMr. end Mns. John Potta spent thie weekend wili Mn. Poils' fathen. Mr. Tom PotIs, Colllngwaod. STÂRK VILLE (Iuteuded for la week) Mrs. Lorue Todd visited ai Mn. Don Stapleton's, Newtoni- ville. Mn. and Mis. Orme Falls and Harvey were recent din- uer guests with Mr. aud Mm'. Carias Tarublyn, Ou-oua. Mr. Elwood Moore and Mn. AI!. Gillis, Tarante, were din- uer guestra lasi week aI Mn. Jim Stank's. Mr. and Mis. Bran Camweli weire receut dinuen guests aI: Miss BeulahI Halloweils, Tor-' on to. Mrs. Rumsell Savery visiied Mrs. Walters, Elizabetiville. Mns. Etrwcli attended a weddîng lu Toronto Satunday lat wcek. .A card psrhy was held lu Stankeville achool Friday ev- eniug last week and was thie last one for tbis season. Tie higi pnize winnmr were Dorotiy Mercer aud Wayne Stark. The low ,vprizç wauners werc Mns. Ppy Little and Mn. ,London Critics' Praise Ray Dudley For Second Concert LONDON (CP) - Mugie uow is artistinl reW crilics reacted wili warm the Uuivedusity ai C pralie tla hie second Haydn He is eider son ai recital given Salunday by the late Mn. C. H-..: Toronto pianist R a y nia n d orie Dudley ai London's WigmoreCotce Hall. Thia contrasted te tic cold word. fan bis firsl concert Marci 5. The Daily Telegnapi says Dudley's performances were 1'remarkably pweiubath In spiritual p=enLonand sheen size, and did muci la erase lie less favorable inm- prosion he miade in somel Doms Yoi canlier Haydn sonates In is The Times' says Dudley "dis- Ilpialz played a mast assuned sentie' Insuranc ofstyle, delivering bis phrases wlth crystalline clariîy, an- nod a ohol liculatlug thern with intel- ligence and coaxing an incis- Ive. brighlly-colored toue fromn is instrument." Do you have hospf A graduaI. af Toronto s Royal Consenvatory. Dudley, unsurance tireugh Follows Her Mother's Lead Tic Editor received a letter 1aI week fromn a former resi- dent, Mrs. Bill Clarke now o! Oshawa. Clippiugs enclosed tell of daugiter Calleen's inierestinl community affaira In Elliot Lake. Sic is naw Mrs. Clifford Lapnainie, malien c! sevpi young cildren, and a gralu- aIe ai St. Michael'. College, U. o! T., wienc mie majared lu psychoiogy. Colleen bas been an executive member pf tic Catbolic Women'a League, secnetany of tic University Wamen's Club, a member of lie High Schooi Board aàd rcceutly nan second for Elliat Lake's Council. Her many former frieuds hene will wisi ber eveny suc- cess. Mrs. Laprairie's malien was very active here in educa- iouai and commuuity atiairs, before maving ta Oshawa. BEST BUY! Bave 9C! Fancy Quaitur Hozkes' Po 15-ou. Tins Stokely's Peas 4 for 77c BEST BUT! Save 2Oo! 10e Off Pack 1-lb. Pkg. RED ROSE COFFEE 77c BEST BUT! Bave 20e! Raie 2e Off Parchment Pack 1-lb. MARGARINE 3 for 87c uunboam Cake AngelFfood 39C_ Supreme Brand Hot Cross Buns 6 for 33C Golden Heur 1-lb. (hocolates 89 Ca box ition kup? 1 group plan wncne you wonlcY if sei it would bc wise to reappraise lie amaunt of protection you have in the light o! la- day's haspital-care costs. if you need mare insurance, we can add just lie ight amount thhuougi Hartford Hospital Expense Insunance. Call us. STUART BR JAMES GENERAL INSURANCE 24 King St. E. Bowmanvlllei Office lesidences 623-5681 693-5493: CLUB flOUSE OLIVES Save 10c! Loose Pick manzanillas 5o Off Packc 12-oz.49 York Fancy Style Qumlilî Cream Corn Save Ilc Tins 4o8 FRENCB'S MUSTARD Save 60 Pre]baredc 16-6:. Jar 23 Bave 40 .4wect Mixed 15-os. Jar 2 PLI AS E COFFE CREAMEl Save 6c 6-os. sise 4 C Dunean Hines Deluze Save lic Sunshine Fresh Easter Produce CAKE MIXES 2 pkgs. 87c Sunkist Easy la Peel Navel Good Size ORANGES 2"79c Crlsp and Crunchy CUCUMBERS ea.129c JTumbo Btalks PASCAL CELERY ea.13 c MORTON'S QUALITY FROZEN FOODS Save 13c! Beef - Chlckea - Turkey Ail One Prie Morton'9s Meat Pies 4 for 85c Rave 10e! Morton's 8-oz. Pkgi. Macaroni,& Cheese 3 for 49c Specially Selected - Value Check'd - Suprême Choice Plump Grade 'A' TURKEYS 45c1b Swif t Preiui - FuIly Cooked - Short Shank Skinless - Shank Portion SMO KID HAM lb. 69c Maple Leaf - FuSly Cooked - Mlild Cured 21/-3 lb. BONILISS PICNICS lb, 99c lan- WeIl Stneaioed - Mild Cured Fiat Paekage TREND BACON IL 79c MUld Seasoned - Vac Pick - Always Twelve ID Mt MDchn wm c il tt. OCA SRYCRANBEJIRY SUCE ,IL>. l s p~ MPL GROVI MD &WHITE Maple Grove -~ ORNISH'S RID WHITE, . Orono ,DELIVERY FRIDAY, APRIL Sth -11 -l' !i. -P d-