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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1966, p. 7

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&tcaI fPiersb9naI Phone 623-3303 Mr. and Mrs. A. Garsonionto, was a weekeiid guest,1 have returned te their homne iwîth Mr. and Mrs. Charle on Mawers Rd. Johns. Mç@.F4 W. Hemmnd, Tor-, Mrs. F. S. Phillips Li spend-! O=e1~'sited Mr. and Mrs.'img Zaster weeke'nd with hert 1 aiInvond. son. 10 Knightswood Road, Mr. and "Mrs. George Hi-lTroto Bon, Sarnia, vieited Mrs. T. E.' Dr. R. C. AllUn and friend,i Prout last weekend. ý Toronto, spent Sunday withi Miss Marjorie Hoidge, Tar- hi. parents, Mr. and Mrs. iClare Allun. jMr. and Mrs. Stanle y Cor-j den have returned f rom a! REHOBOTH Christian pîcasant three weeks' vaca-1 Refored Curch tion in Florida. Refrme Chrch Mr. and Mrs. Walton Pasene' Seugog Street returned last weekend after' spending a very pleasant holi- day in Florida. MARANATHA Mr. 'and Mrs. C. McDonaldi and Sylvia were guests of! Christian Reformed !Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald) Church Belleville, Sunday. Church Mr. and Mirs. Lamne Slute, Rev R.Mec, .ppl patorand family, Port Perry, were Sunday visitors withMran 623-3492 Mrs. Merle Sdute and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hey- Worship Services iland, St. Foye. Que., are; çpendin'g Easter holidays withi il a.m.Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Heyland.! 7:30' p.m. Mv.. C. W. Slemon is much imiproved after a long stayl Back To God Hotti in Western Hospital, Toronto. and expects te leave hospitai CKLB shortly. Ever Sunay, :15 .m Mn. and Min.. Gordon La-1 Ever Sunay, :15 .m.vett, Çarrying Place, Mn. Hugth and Miss Nellie Muttanl lwere recent guestsjwith Mrs. ST. ANlDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EASTER SERVICES THURSDAY Holy Communion 7:30 p.m. - :00 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY Service il ar. SUNDAY Il arn. Morning Worship ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Anglican Rev. K. J. Franipton, M.A., B.TII. IIOLY WEEK SERVICES 8:.00 P.M. Maundy Thursday: The Institution of The Lord'. Supper with «*The Festival of the Passover" llluqtrated. Gond Friday: Three Heur Service: Noon- 3 p.m. First Hour: Especially for familles wlth cilidren ~hlrd Hour: The Seven Words From the Cross w Easter Dmy- -8-00, 9:00, 11:00 Hoiy Communion 3:00 p.m. - 59unday SChool1 and Family Service 7:00 p.rn. - Evensong with Choir Every Wednesday Holy Communion ai 10:00 a.m. ST. PAULS UNITED -CHURCH Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Ross Metcalf, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. GOODFRIDAY 7:00 p.rn. - Service of Devotion and Music Thirty Minutes of Music by Augmented Choir EASTER SUNDAY 9:45 a.rn. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Public Worship Music by Senior Choir 7:00 p.m. - Public Worship Music by Junior Choir SALVATION ARMY Corps Officer Capt. H. 1. Fraser SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES at the Citadel, Division Street Trhursday - East.r Film - 7:30 p.m. "THEY BEHELD HIS GLORY" Full Length Coloured Mcvi. GOOD FRIDAY Service nt 10:30 ar. GUEST SPEAKER: Capt. Wr. Littie, 'Toronte IASTIR SUNDAY Servies nt '7 a.m. - Il a.m. and 7 p.rn. Capt. and Mrs. Little wiII h. oui leaders at aIl services. Neil Mutton.1 Rev. andMirs. S. Snewden and children, Shawvile, Que., during a vacation vpent local- ly were Tuegday night dinnier guests with 1r. and Mrs. Charles Johns.. Polly Tkateh, 155 Church Street, was the lucky winner of a $12 voucher, in Durham Chapter Order of Eastern Star's Easter Draw made March 22. iMr. and Mrs. Walter Gil- bert, Uxbridge, were week- end gizests with Mr. and Mrq. A. J. Clairke. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gilbert were Sunday afternoon callers. M.".. O. N. Plwnmer and Margaret are ieaving for Dartmouth, NS., for *Easter holidays with her daughter, Mr. and MTs. Oliver Hold- stock and Heather. Mir. and Mrs. Elwood Cole, Peterborough, were Sunday evening di'nner guesta aof Mrs. Cole's brother, Mr. Joe Levett and Mrs. Levett. Mr. BiH Levett, Toronto, was aiso a Sunday visitor. Mr.. and Mrs. Wayne Bar- rett, Hamilton, Miss Betty Physical Re-surrection Basic To Christian Experience We, the undersigned ministers of the Christian Church in Bow- manville, wish to affirm unitediy: 1.) That on the Cross, Jesus, being God living as a human being, died flot only as an example of a perfect human life against which human self-wiil, pride and greed had risen in hatred, but that by His suffering and death He also overcame ail the powers of evil and took upon Himself ail the defilement and crushing weight of human sin and sickness; so that we might be fret f rom everything that separates us from God and spoils our lives; 2.) That the Resurrection appearances of Jesus were events of history not merely emotional o>r inner private experiences, and that His Resur- rection body wvas real, a spiritual body, by which we mean il has a more permanent enduring nature than created physical matter; 3.) That we are convînced of these things by the evidence of the lives of thousands of dedicated Christians down the centuries and today, - hy the evidence of our own direct experience of Him in our lives and in the -- P -A l I l- - ;:r : ý - - before we undertake to cor- The Canadian Statesmnan, Bown anvlle, Aer. 0, 1984. rect the attitude and practice - of others, before we speak of dead religions and equally, ded huchsan ifoereider s Entertain17 make reference to worldlyl pleasure and self-seeking. Are One? Do we daily draw ourAT St. PauI's Ch urch supply of life and joy from! the great reservoirs of divine ' The Eiders of St. Poui's annual event at St. PauFs and glory. We can only load men United Church and their wives, ' serves ta get the new membuïs sfar as we ourselves h ave entertained the Communi- and the eiders better acquaInt- gone Letus hen urn romcRnts' Class and ail those wýho.ed wlth each other.t e gon. Lt u thn trn romhad joined the church during The following Sundày morri ail these things which are! the past year a t a dinner inliing these pesnswr recekvà dead and perishable, and secekiproswr thec Living where He is to beth, hrh alo Straed into full mernberthip in the found, at the right hand 0f!March 26th at 6:30 p.m. Ar-Ichurch on Profession of flFit; Godreay t iniartHislirangements for the dinner Grace Barnes, Gerald Edrdg HisjayandHispeae. were in the capable hands Of !Andrea Ewert, laine Renderl. Hia oy ad Hi peae. Mrs. Harold Ferguson and Ms. !son, Eileen McQuarrle, Wayn0, "Buried wit'h Christ," and John Rice. McRoberts, Susan Mountjo,. raised with Hlm too; The Minister, the Rev. Har- Rickey Patterson, BrIdIt What is there left for Me 'aid Turner, welcamed the Pflanzer, Mr. and Mis.Lol te do? guests, and, on behalf of ail Phillips, Mrs. David Portal, Simply te cease frcrm strug- present, thanked the ladies Judy Sellers, Mrs. RobUzlt gling and strife, frtexclntma. atSm.ith, Mrs. Arthur StackaruIi4 Simpy t ."alkin ew-ail adjou~rned to the church Faith Thiessen, Daniel Wbi*! - ness of lie." where Mr. Turner showed a hand, Maure od r u ______________ filmstrip, "The Plan", which Mrs. 'Stewart .Wood. iilustrated the truth that Gadi Also received into the con-4 ha. a plan for cvery life, and 'gregation by Transfer of Car- that it is important that each'tificate were: Mr. Douglas Evangeistsanc find that plan and dedi- IBarr, Mn.. Clifford Cowafli Comina forcate bis life ta it. This is aiMrs. Daniel Vivian. É Gayne, Mr. borne k'ascoe, lives af personal trienas, - ana oy our reason wnîcn iinds any alternative Oshawa, Mr .and Mme. Larry Dewell and Rodlney were explanations of the evidence much harder to swaliow; I se SundayMr ntdi Mr aress'Plier Crusade -i Sund .a ndht di'narets 4.) That anyone who is %%illing can receive these benefits of God's great Th--r-nvlePtten- r Johns. love ~simpiy by comritting islinoCrt' keepingan following tai C'hurch is conducting in IMr. and Mm.. Harry Jordan, His instructions as hest he knows. relying on Him. Easter Evangelistic Crusade' Lindsay, were Sunday dinner with Rev. a nd Mrs. Euge-,e-', a guests with hi. sister, Mrs. F. Kraft. April lOVh ta t'he l7th.' R. Cook, King St. E. Later THEREFORE we cali on all mcri and würmeni of good-wNill to join us in 'fle Krafts are graduates o Me IMrs. Cook accompanied themn the Western Pentecostal Bible ta Kedron where they had the study of the evidence so that together we may combat falsehood (in College located in beautiful supper with MT. and Mrs. ourselves and in others), strengthen waveîers, guide the young, and know Bitish Columbia in the dlvy Eric Webster.thliigCrsan aeHmkon yheSrt of Gd f North Vancouver. TheV thelivngChrstandame HTayowlyotepirt f Gd.have travelled extensively in Tay, h i el ko, Oih the interests of Youth Evan- this area, lias been appointed G. K. Ward, H. Turner, G. Taylor, A. Kudra, J. S. Gilchrist, K. J. Frampton, gielism an'd have been busily off engaged in this type off Gos-' ,manager o the Bowmanville H Fraser, E. 0. Boomer, F. K. Malane. pel work. tal nd taric ut and ai e- Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Kraft ings Corporation. H.Ris 1ny i alit. 'Phey pan toaprd friends will be inter.ested ta! ls t sacremusiain pec learn that he assu'med his! servicre hey cal pln ta tke new duties on M'onday ai thîs' se~~Iprtvin.the asu ny ohool week. Mpart L U esin sithe r tdalents ta! Mir. and Mrs. Jim Firth Ht S R I EY esshiond preactherdnt of' have returned irom Fiorida 11ev. A. Kudra, Pentecostal Church God. after enjaying a veny pleasant' The Salvation Army Choral wcek at Daytona. The re- «I Wi» seck ye the living l,"bath abolished death, and, is not in the dead religions oti Group will bc supplying spe- mainder of their holiday was amang thec dead? He i. not 'bath broughit life and immor-1 our day, non is He ta be found~ cial singing Tucsday niglit et' spent visiting Mrs. Lola here but IS RISEN " uke1 talitv to light through the' in the whirl off worldly plea- 7:45 p.m. The Baptist Church' Brown and Jean Cemeron At 24- 5à 6. 1go.~pel" (2 Tim. 1: 10). sure, non yet in the respec- Corl rnigsvrlsl Cassebury, and Mrs. Firth's 'sHe l ies"' are thec oprningý We (-an be almost sympa-! table sphere off purely selfish Chirns ingith eerial sigh T ( brother and hi. wife, Mr. and words off most epitaplis. Tliesc thetie xith those 'devote d wo-! living. He is in the glorv etosi h rdyng Mrs. Ken Fletcher, Cîcar- -'siniat heu ives ]ninastymde thir " I d d~ nymeeting. The local Pentecas- Ad wod ndct teuieiamn sîrma cr a n a .s a etai Church Ladies Ensemble, waer helpessnes-s o'f man before lîýs ta the sepulchre, carrying pre-: turn from those things whicl' wîîU supplying speciali Members off the Bowman- grcatcst enemny, Death. These' pared spiceS with whirh ta'bear- the marks of deth andi hymn endtsdnn h ville Dama Workshop attend- humniliating wards serve as anoînt the body of their dead:["seek those thîngs whîch areh- C rusde. osdrigte cd the Dominion Dramna Fes- the signature ta the life off' Master. t is truc that had, above, where Christ sitteth'Cuae.1 P tival held at Hart House, Tor- eveny man, whether hie be: thcy' vbeen mare attentive to on the right hand off God"! A cordial invitation is cx-1 onto, l'st Th'ursd'ay nîght, and prince or pauper, riclh or His \vords. and been given (Col. 3: 1) are we goîng ta'tended ta the residents afi following the production were PoOrn high or low. Jesus more wý\hole-hea rtedly ta a f ind life, and that more abun- Bowmanville and also ta the~ uetofM.BllysTor- Christ, however, is the grea1 study off the scriptur'es, thev, aty Ltu irtrmvelautlying areas ta atend tîhese! onto. Helen Nelles, Wiima exception, and instead of thei would tiot have blundened the heam from aur awn leye, special services. Armstrong, Doreen Kitney and coid, impensonal epitaph etch-; thuis, buit then, of course. 1 Win Wonnocott were ushers cd on granite or hewîî inl:there were so inanyv factons! at the performance. istone, wc hear the vibrant' in that day- whirh Made for' Mr.andMrs Gln Trne, 1declaration off a celestial an iniperfect îînderstanding Mr.andMm, Gln Trne.'creature w'bo, standing at 11W off things divine. Therefare,ý Dr. and Mns. John Piatt, Mn,. gapin'g mouth of a necently i we sense a yentleness in the Nancy Bortihwick ai Toronto vacated sepulchre. declarcs, angelir rebuke, "why scek yei tene ntw uds aa- "He is not bene, but is isen"! the living amang the dead?" ri tedthe chistening ai Gil- Coupld with tîiis ',tinusuail It is ta be feared. hiowevei-,: hian Turner, infant daughter announicement, we lhave heem that ours is a greater blunder, ni M..Jon urerinaugunated by this prerr-~ for with the naan-day suni off L (formerly Mary Mitchell), at dent-'snashing event. Fron mýdivine irevelation s ii ni n g i St. John'. Chureh, Bowman-. now an, a new word is ta bc! down unhindered upon aur. ;ville, by Rev. F. J. Frampton. ascociated with the namne ff' mind.i and spirits, it is stIil Thes' were later guests off Dr. jestîs, and that new word is'flic practice off mnin'ta SEETR' and Mrsq. V. H. Storey. "ie.W n odTELVN MN H "le.War odthat thelTPRICESGVINGUNTL APRTLE Miss Patsy Blake was in purpose off Christ'. cornîng! DEAD. Scripture affter scrip-i R C S G O N I P I Kitchener an Sunday, April w:as "that men niight have' turc could be quoted. if spare- 3, ta take a private Batanlihf e, and have it more..aýbLin1 pernùtte'd,'ýttOshow 'ýthat the Twirhg leaon an clin - ,ndantly", (Jn. 10: 10). Paul de- ý whoie present programm f UE PCA struction from Ann Nita Ek-i clares in bis letter ta Timothyt Idivinie redemption is linked' strom MeDonald of Gary, Tn-ý that aur Saviaur Jesus Christ with the living Lard Jesus' moist outstanding contest in_ an the righit hand of the Ma.-ý structors in the United States jsv And yet -'we sec the 127 OR 620 SIZES and the first txiler ta wn!w a viI millions about us that seck .bath the Junior National 1 MV vii thc livinig one among the dead (1951) and Senior Ntoa forms off religion, anlv ta be SUGGESTED ' U (1955) tc ta disappointed and disillusion-, At the Daifodil Tea held by ced. What have the ponderousi LIST 65e EACH FORIS the Ontario County Unit of: rL ituai s and mystir cerenioniesî 2 the Canadian Cancer Society, Lnurcn off an iiîîîpc-singc and preten-- lield atSimcoe United Chumch tious wo]s'hip ta do with the Memonial ' Hall 7atWde- '5 Liberty St. S. isen and glorified Christ,. day afternaon, Mns..O. D.' Phone 623-5100 How gloomvy and heavY ik the L KS ETRY Friend, Chairman of the On-:i Fagter: 1ev. A. Kudra, B.Th. Ashivof ne the ugetean.- taria County Unit. Service ta pes youfr onthehen tem-îe&S E T E Patients Committee, and Mns.1 lso eiiowehrhr iW. B. Syer, Chairman off the! PLAN TO ATTEND> or in heathen lands. the rnus'Y GIVES SPEEDY RELIEF FROM UPSET iBwmnvll rachs er-tHEEG RF smcll of' dcath meets you on ire ta atvile nts Cmitte, THe- eveAT ,ry side. Some are advo- STOMACH AND COLD DISCOMFORTS. ceived. Members off the local' YOUTH CRUSADE ratil that Jesus îîcvenrase Sunshinc Graup who assisted i Musicians and Vocalists a gain; otheîrs are conitent in' AN' ;i evn eeMs .M-keieChrist on the Cross: SUGGESTED 2' F I Donald, Miss Mary Jewell, 'll t' c:rF rej t i dead LIST'S 78 'Mns. EarI Thompson and Mr. Ut 11 heI7h c ion fiom theda. LST7c Syer. Ms!Ap l1-Oht h 7h Sanie are never dlonc wilh6 775 _____________- (excluding Mon. & Sat.) dat. 1 mnseChrt Not onîlY d e ekCrz inidst dead religions wbirh do IM 27O 2 . ew M em bers' Sunday Services: n uuore than speak off 1-is SUGGM, 12 1.5R 6 death iin a historiral fashion, KOD AC0 LOR LS $1.51 3 J D VVelcon-ied at Sudayscbool but nthers ___________the__________________ onnatural lives. dead in A TSPI,1 Z rîiy L ntd ' Worship: il a.tu trrspasses and sins. and rut -EA O U G IT$.0 . 7D ýTrint U itedoîf f rom the source off true (Infant Dedication) iffe and jo0v tbcy persist in 7 ~spelnding fimie, talent, and UCL RSAMO At Trinity United Church Evangelistic: 7P.111. sect{ing for life in a Da n iew SA PO 1 8S on1 Sundav morning, many vol f nnnhig pn ,u UG IT$,5 1 0 nevw members were ecomed Week Nigbts at 7:45 p.îîî. xvi of rotecein Cii-w U G.LIT$22 by the Rev. George K. Wand \'om esof deth. e cansno- and the cangregatian. hi e f dla th. e nlds et. 8 .M.M 'iFlm A -2 Those who wene received by Hear the: bcrnvnninthe L Sugg L. 1.Moie il Praofession off Faith included: -'Otliers. some ignorartly ail'd 'vuu e.u.w.. . List$5.25m 4e29J LI. Kenncth Alfred Ailin, arci Saivation Arniy some deliberately, having con- Amne Anderson, atniciLo! Chralsed pChrist as their Saviaur,.1 Ayne, Memidy Rabenta Bate, o ek ieadeîîjoment' Jenome Bruce Bict MsjBaPtist Chitrch Choir in Iicir wn little m n*,ný- Terry Black, Susan Marie PetcstlCurh îardl\- rircle off selffis;h livinîg. ,Clark, Brenda Anne Cowan, etcsa h h The\, are coîîstantly' heard ta' V L A L . . .C U O Janice Manie Elliott, Chenyl Ladies Ensemble .pekoff 'ny home. mY car, Anne Evans, Sally Pearl Firth ni' incarne. my rareen. nmv Patricia Diane Gibson, Michael rrputation, mv mgts' andA $2.00 or more purchase at L.D.A., plus this coupon, :Ja Gîhaîy Mura Dog- Good Friday Service thev \voîder *why thcy are, entitles you to receive FREE, either: las Hammand, Canal Marie; 10:310a.. not trul 'v happy w~hile living' :Jackman, Faye Jackson, Linda in ibis grqveyard off self-gra- 1 pr. "Lovely Lady" Nylon Hosîery (Nutwood shado> Ale-ne Ke-llyElizabepth Anni* he 41thw_ _à,<> ~tiffication. or Preston, Paul Matthcw Slem-, aon, Deborah Ann Stevens., David Harald Watson, Anne' Elizabeth Wiggans, Canal Lan- rai. .e Wight, Glen Dyer With- enspoan, Mnù. William David' Bromneli, Mr. David Ian Green, Mr. Norman Ray Kîchka. Others who joincd by Cen-' tificate wcne: Mr. and Mn..' Clifton Gannet Draper, sons! 'Terrence Arnold, Richard Den- nis and David Colin; Mn. and Mrs. Pcter Elwood Gravelle,' ,Dr. and Mn,. Allun W. Hamis,ý Miss Leanne Harris; Mr. andý Mns. Harry Locke, Mis. Carlý Paedei), Mn,. Douglas Michael' Stickels, Mr. and Mis. Mal- colm Alastair MacLeod, Mn. Richard Henry Watcharn. The choir provîded speciail lEaster music te mark Palmi Sunday, with Mn,. Sam BlackIý singing a solo "The Palma". Mr.. Ward's subject at thei 1mornng service was "The 'Secret of Serenit.y". TRINITY UNITED (HURCH Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. il amn. - Easter Suinday Service "FACES ABOUT THE CROSS" Number 5 "The Thief on the Cross" The choir 'will render Easter miusic SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. - Junior,, Intermediate and Senior 11:20 a.m. - Prirnary and Kindergarten 11:00 arn. - Beginuiers l.,,....J (Coupon vaimd oriy whon signed) SCustomer's S gnature.................................... Coupon expires on April 19, 1966 ~-"~<"-'VPRESCRIPTIONS :kets Available :k & JI embers 1966 THURS. APRIL 21. FRI. m- APRIL 22 SAT. m m APRIL 23 8: 15 p.m. 2OWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE Imission - - . a $1 .00 (Thursday Night Only) ýECIAL STUDENT PRICE * e - NO RESERVED SEATS ïlkinsonSw d STAINLESS STEEL RAZOR BLADES ""THE WORLD'S FINEST BLADE"If NIVERSARY ,ECIAL S53 FOR 65C VE 4 BARS WITH FREE OV BRUSH AND COMB SET 88 C esert Flower SGG IS 3.50. YLVANIA FLASHBULBS 1' AGI OR ST $1.801 AG1 B 1.49 M2 OR M28 SUGG. LIST $1.92 e1591 BEAUTY BEGINS WITH Pacquins SEXTRA DRY HAND CREAMý S SUGG. LIST $1.1t' sl.091 1. D. A. RÎMEDIES ALEX McGRE, e DRU GS e' 5 KING ST. W. PHONE. free item haro:

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