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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1966, p. 10

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[ T1he canadian Statesnmn owoeavtfe. Apr. là,le Reprt from Queen's Par a roest 6> Alex Carruthers, M. P P. M& à '. ed stlnites Urne oely 21 % of the. slow- Mlrriter added, fs nom' eau- 4 nJue23hlaî eaable eut in harveated from mated at 140,000, mnakini up ~CUii2b 4 areai the Crown lands. one of th Isrgest game herds ~IB1¶matt of Landsa and 1Ibs vast area of foret in North America. h in N'e tirylng -mrembers of wealth la divided, for admidni- pact Of Ifiese fMures en the "he Ontario Legislature, be- strative purpases, into sorne economy ofth nrh ile ei- , nwhatrnght be consider- 22 districts, and is adinister- Phaszdb h atta anepe lih into North ed by 3200 permanent staff 36,418 resident am 7,345 non- Wmto Ontrioand the fat members, as well as rnny resident licenses for moose vltnce the of thie pro- additlonal part-tltne attaches. hunlting were granted laut Wbenthe lghft ended six a particular interest in the Replying te criticism by 4.ys later et Toronto Island operations of this departrnent Mr. Freernan of the depart- $I'prt, the membera had in vie <>o the fact that with: nient's forest regeneration lavelled nmre 3000 miles, in the borders of tliis cunty prograrn, Mr. Roberts reveal- an& In soine 15 distinct lifts, are locateci a number of pr- cd smre ratiber ixtresting M.d vited many thriving jeets wtiich came under its facts. Ceuxnunitien on the frontiers supervision. Included in these Witih a secd bank of somne mi the future, and saw for are the Forestry station at 1.8 billion différent types of t*hisse1ves thle vaiat extent Of Orono;, the Ganaraskg Conser- sceds, the Minister stated, Our northern arcas. vation Authority, the pilot and with thc new tubed seed- Memories of that unique authority in the province; a iing niethod of trcc plantlng, to0ur were recalled a few days section oif the Central Ontaia foret regeneration ie not oniy ago when thec Hon. Kelso Authority, which bas a pro- assured, but wül h. greatly Rtoberts pregented the esti- ject under development in cxpanded in the years ahead. mates of hie departrnent ta Darlington Township a n d The tubed seed xnthod of the Legislature; memories Darlington Provincial Park mn planting trees ie à new de- '--,hlch contributed greatly ta which will be cstablished this vclopment that is revolution- the debate, in that members sumimer an outdoor swimming izing the regeneration pro- "Me able to speak with pool. TI¶ii will be the first cess. The big advantage of £reter knawlcdge, and with sujgh pool to h. cstablished in this mcthod liesin thc fact agreater appreciation of the any provincial park in On- that tihe cost 0f rnany trans- roourecs andi potential. of baio. piantings la eliminabed; anc this great chalicnging wilder- The developruent of these transplanting only being re- lien of tihe norbh. projects, together with the quired. S It w'as itheievcnth occa- proposed devclo'pment by thc Mr. S. Farquahar (L. AI- $Man for Mr. Rober-ts, as a Ganaraska Authority on the gomna-Maniboulin) octing as Minister of the Crown, to Grahar Creck in Clarke o>pposition oitic, u.rged the ipresent estimatcs for conisîd- Townsipi, will be watched government te dcvelop Uic èmvon o! thee ocs.Onh with interest by ail residents great potentiai wealth of ouri $ed en of thesroaiAton eofDutharn. Approval fer a northern muskegs. General and four as Mn argeln s n erain Fîying over these last surir- .! ~area in the county la aiea mer they appeiarcd ta us as Oand d, corn. s e aiing ippoval by the large pools o! slime and mess. Ievn cudhv snesg There arc now threc public their oniy use rnigiht h. ta The total arca of Ontario is huntin.g arcas in tbc province prevent a land invasion fironi 412,00 square miles, of in addition ta the foret areas the north by a Russian arnmy. which land occp 341Sj,000 controiled by Lands and For- According ta Mr. Farquahar, Uqaemiles or 83%, and ets. One of these le Darling- and he quobed a icadin.g au- water 68,000 square miles or ton Townsihip, and the nur- thority on Uhc subjeet, Dr. 17%. ber o! hunters acmodtdNormian Raforth of MoMas- *Forcsted land covers 75%in hes locations isseaiyter University, there la vast .01 the province, and produc- ifloreaslflg. potentiel wealth iocked wibh- tive forcat land, total.ling lMr. Roberts~ ponted out, in bhc muskeg slinie. *xe 105 million acres, oc- that in thc prevention o! Prom the vast deposits of euffic 40%, with 90% cf tlhis huntinig accidents, more than peat in thcernuskeg, he said, W«es wned by the Crown. 100,000 youtlis have now been can he dcrived coke, tar, dyes, 'Ite tOWa growing t<rest trained in saie gun handling. gasoline, and cellulose. Peat, Stock In Ontario le ncarly 151 The value of this training 's h added, cen h. used ta billion cuible feet, and it is reflected in thc fact make artificiel f ireproodf ur- eétlmatcd bth4 bh forests of thre last comPlet. burrting niture, and a F'rench brand of Onti'o cen sustain an aîîow- season, thc nuimber o! hunt- une ear mad partly froin a~ble, eut of 2.7 billion cubic mng fatalities was 14 campar- peat 15 cletmed te h. warrner Meet anmually. At the present cd wlîtb 36 in 1060. than woal. It bas aise been Mr. E. J. Freemnan (N.D.P. used taeniake resin and plas- Fort William) Onfiticized the tic moulded produets. Minister and bis departiment One of the greatest sources for the policy on moose hunt- o! wcalth in this province, a ing. province ricbly cndowcd by qW O O L The moose herd, Mr. Froc- nature, is our vast areas of Rufie he lghst etuns orman etatcd, le rot bein.g pro- foret land. Not oly do t>bov R ethe wol by pt rtnsz four perly harvcsted. Thre hunt, ho provide a wcalth un wood. rganizby atfiin o said, la concentratcd in very products, but tbey are the arel sneaU accesedaireawinprime probectors o! two other SHIPCOLECTTO ac oerbrvcsed, leainggreat resoufrces, namely out SHIP OLLET TO the Inaccessible aeas under- wild life and our source cf Our R.glstered harvestcd. Further restric- fresh waber. Wai'ehotjse No. 1, tions sirould h. iniposcd, h'e As citizens o! tbc province, 'Weston, Ontario added, on non-resident hunt- wc must use themn wiso-ly s0 Obtein sacks and twine crs, as thcy add littie taeUicetibat Uiey will bring the great- economy, f .. .in Éu3y est possible goodtaeUtcegreat- cqnipped with provislim-s." est possible nuniber of people M r. Roberts, i rplying, for thc greatest passible m Apointed out Uiat it was not lengtar ol time. W . J* A E nreny ycars ago Uiet beever _________ III. 1, On d moose wcre protected by OOO closed soasons, and flo hunt- BE H N or'by writing to ing cf these aninrels allowed. E H N r ~SInce -1957, he said, beaver 'AADAN CO-PRAIE have contributed ach year United Churh Womn WOO G OELMTE D more thaen 100,000 pelts, rang- The United Cburch Worncn 40 t. laR TneEst ghI price trom $6 te $40 met in tbc Sunday School e4004 ý enu.Ea pet pelt, wîthout danger ta hall on Monday nigbt with Toronto 7, Ontario. bbc bireedlng stock. Mrc. Carl Porteous prcsiding. The moose population, tihe Mire. Thomras Jackson and Peat Moss .......... Evergrsens........... Shade Trees ....... Flower Shrubs .... Hedges ............. LANDSCAPING ASPECIALTY "Drop In Or Call" Vain Belle Gardens -Your Frlcndly Garden Centre" à MINUTES EAST 0F OSHAWA ON XIGHWAY No. 2 623-5157 Mns. George Waélell led tbc Easter worship service o! scnipture lesson, mediitation, prayens andu bynns. Mrs. Boss Davidson contin- ued tbc mission study on Trinidad, balkin.g nainly on their educationel systeni and comparing lb to Canadien courses. "Bey. John Morton o! Bridgeweter, N.S. was bbc tinst nissionary to go there in 1868, hie wife ecoompany- ing bim es a teaclier. Ho was sponsored by the Presbyter- ian Synod o! the Maritimes. Wlhen thc United Churcir came into hoing in 1925 bbc work in Tninidad becerne its responsiblity. ."Forty-bhree per cent of todey's population in Trini- dad la under 15 yeer-s of age. Education îs carnied on by bbe Governmient and tbc churches. The sclroohe are very over-crowded and many ax e refused admittance." Mrs. Vincent Jackson ex- plained tiroir sebool systems greded as Primeny Sobhooli (same as Canadien Publici School), Sccendary Scboolsi and Teacber's College. They aiea bave Grmwaner schoools whiclr give a sbraigbt Ace- <ipmice ducatin and Tehni-ý DO YOU WANT AN ADDITIONAL INCOME? OF $3,000 - $5,000 PER YEAR THIS (AN BE MADE BY RAISING STARTER PULLETS ON A GUARANTEED BASIS - THOSI INTERISTID CONTACT -e hAVER LUMBER ~PoimlALEVALUE end SERVICE ~q~*d's .4t ...Mou Th"a U0Ontado stors cal M~I e In tm are an tlicy have Tbacher Tlt*1it coure lr araducbes et tîhe Prirnery schéol, where these pupils rny becoine 'Pupil Teadrers' working under ex- pei pa ersonnIelanid writ- Ing quaklyig * xanilnatliin every year. !flhe christian re- ligion la taught ln a» schools witii a hall hour period de- vobed to Bible stud& every da&. Davdgon read ques- tions froin one Bible exarni- nation paper which were ans- wered ar*Rly by bbc niembers. In conclusion, Mns. Devidson saici "Assisbing with mission work and educetion lsaa challenge toa ah Canadiens. We must share our knowledgc wlth others. Perhaps a good waY o! pomotlng triendsilp oould b. oipenhrg oui hornes and entertaining students froor other cocuntries, wto are completing their oducatian in Canacban Umiversities or Bi- ble Colleges." Bey. Wililam Piercy led tbc Bible study on I"God and Hia Purpose for Ail People?" "Even though mran's sine and feuls resutitln all kinda of evil, there la a place for man in the created order o! Goci. God doms fot castIeut thbcsin- ner, but instead continues ta work out his creative pur- pose. He uses the fermer, tbc inventor, tbc scientist, etc. ta carry out Hia plan. Thre purpose of God la ta win bbc affection, trust and ser- vice cef bis peopile in aal parts of! the world. He lea ur Father wbo wlrrs us by the wisdom Of Love." Mns. Harold Whlte and Mrs. William Lawrence assisted Me. Pieriw in the diwsusion period. Mers. Earl Argue, program convenor, tibanked thc speak- ors. Mes. Carl Porteous explain- ed how U.C.W. allocation funds are uscd at ail levaIs. Mrs. Ross Davidson gave tic financiail report. Mm. Gardon Chase read tbc corespondence wGich includ- cd bbianks frein àM. and Mrs. Peter, Van Haitern for gift te tIrir new baby, an invitation to attend a Teea an Bazear et Bailiaboro, Uianks tram Mrs. Ernory Smiith represent- ing 71he Anglican Oburch Wnnand froi Maivvcrs TowneMhp Council re Centen- niai plans. Thre date for the ennuai Garden Party was set for June l7th. $5.00 wilil ho sent ta the John Miltan Socicty far the Blinid. Mrs. George Waddell an- nounced another bale of used Or new clothing will be ship- ped in May and members werc asloed to send in their donations. before that date. The gtrouip weTc happy ta reccive thre gift of an electrie kettle for thc churc'h kitéhén, sent from Mirs. Lyall Dew- kins, Buckeyc, Arizona. Mrs. Dawkins le the forme Doris Driver and was a memr o f bbecheurch belore moving ta Arizona. KENDAL (Intended for lest weck) Your regular correspondent Mrs. Wm. Mercer and Mirs. Luxon are expcbed home Ibis wcck frorn Long Beach, Cali- fornia, wbere they bave spent bbc pest threc manths. We welcorne theni back. We wcre carry ta heer that Mr. Thos. Stevens was teken ilI et bis tarm Iset weekcnd and wa taken ta Menroriel Hospital, Bownranvillc. We hope for a spcedy rccovcry. Communion was celebrated on Palm Sundey lest. Rcv. R. C. Wbîte's sermon was about bbe events of Palm Sunday and bbec engin of Easter. Hic text was "Bhessed la He Who Cometh in bbc Name o! bbc Lord". There was a gond choir attendance and tbey sang 'Feer Not Little Flock". OBITUARY MARGARET JUNE WOOD Miss Margaret June Wood, ege 18, blos er lite as the resuit o! e car accident in Osbawa. on March 28tir. Sire la survived by lier parents, Mr. and Mira. Henry Wood, 78 Afibert Street, Oshawa, formerhy of Tyrone, two bro- thora Robert and Josephr, a sister, marie (Mr-s. W. Robin- son), and lier niece, Sandy Robinson. misa Wood w«s educated et thé Albert andl Kir% Street Public Scirools, Oshawa. She was a member cd the Tyrone United Oburci. 'Young Miss Wood had a sunny mil un- disposition, and was well liked by everybady. Her udden dealf cerne as a greet shrok ta ber famly and ta blr numy fruende. Site rnstcd et thc Nortbeutt and Srth Flunera.! HSme, Bowmamwille, where thre large number of »Oral tributes ti- dJuded one fror General 'Mo- I=r of CWmida, limlted. 'The Rev. David Nortxey, Tyrone United Orurch, ofickIed at the service et thc NortheutI and Smith 7Fwxeral Home on Thunoday afternoo , XMardi Mot. Thre pal3ers were Bruce M4ackgsy W.yne ert, Be- bert fli wu iry n Mmati ILW ctuolinws Wins Judo Championship Alex Rogatinsky a Juniori bnownbelb bas just won thec Southern Ontario Judo chani-' pionship in the * under 14j years of age group. Over 100 juniors in Ibis catogory ahane oompcbcd for thie ile. Third place in bbe 10 year group was won by Eddie1 Vairge, Maple Lea! Junior di-1 vision, Oshawa, and in bbc under 8 year group fourtir place«by Teddy Cotter o! the Ajax club. A total cf 4001 campetitors from all over On- tario took part in tihis event wbicb proves thre tremnendous growth o! Judo in Canada. In this picture seen, le Alex Rogatinsky, 14 yeers aid, throwing bis instructon Lea A. Itaunsberger, 3rd degree blackbelt bolder, president o! the Maple Leaýf Judo Club and a national director o! Judo in Canada.1 The club was tormed by Mn. Haunsherger witlr the assis-i ane of M?&. Frak Burda 1 1955 and bas produccd -man champions and cm dit for clevating utm at soyen students la the mue coveted rank of blackbel Thie naimes are ftwrk Burdb Dan Dillon, Ray Wilson, Hai ry Scott, Douglas Pealla-i Bill Gribbein and Ali Staedtke. The Maple Le. Judo Club aIso considers t self fortunate to have gaine Mr. George Dunn e blackbe o! long standing train Sco land, who le now teeching ft tlîis argenizebion. Thre club is situated1 Courtice, 10 minutes driN frain Oshaws, and a Senic and Junior division la spoa sored by thre O.R.C. at Ha- man Park. Wolfe Street, 091 awa. Practice bours et t] homne club i Curtice aa Tuesday, Thuirsday sud Sui day froon 8:00 to 10:00 p.r a'clockc, and for ehildrenc Saturday froin 9:30 to 11:1 iaur. o'cliock. At Harîpai Pal senior classes are held c Tlhursday fnin 8:00 P.m.1 10:00 pen. o'clock, and junl( classes on Satuirday fromr 0:1 to 11:30 a.m. For further i; formation please phone 62: 5393 et anyUie. Ineldentally, MT. Haunsbe ger, wbo lhan been on tQ teariling staff et Port Hot HWgIrSahool, wîll bho bac] inig Draugbblng and Bn', Occupations et Courtice Wi School's new Vocation Wia thie tell. n beca a resident eo sha*a trt ly orethn 8 yurs T ndêrs'Cau 'e A Vary active member of ,te KingStrea nd FUnitr cto es Mir. t ormerly eerved k, cording stewardl. (. W r-. Mr. Wrigbt wes predeceas- OnI lguiWay ilsa ', cd by hie tiret wéife, thc for- ,mer Edith Krby, Nov. 24, Mr. Alex Carruther, IWp. a 1937, and bu bis second wife, P., Durham. sunounces' thAt it the forner Pearl Buck An- tenders are belng cldf ed derson, Aug. 8, 1962. Hihwy onrcfor Au el H le survived by a ste»- cavcring the construct of t- deugliter, Mrs. Jack S. Gra- the intersection et Hig*ex Or bain (Winnifred) o! Cooks- No. 115 and No. 28, andl ville; two step-sons, Morley Cavanville Creek Bridgee 3 in P. Anderson o! Gravenhurst miles north o! the lnteruec- 170 and Rex Andersoni o! Toron- tion. or ta; two sisters, Misses Aînie Tecnra asfrga - and Effla Wrngt ofOdwalin drainage, granuler base, t' and a brother, Norman Wright bot' mix paving and structure. h- o! Enniskillen.________ hc Thre memnorial service was ee held et bbe Armstrong Fun- GET CASH TOT>AI ~erail Home, April 9, followed FOR 0WD APPLIANCES" Sby intermrent in Oshawa Un- througb onion Cemetery. Bey. L. W. TT MN ,Herbert, minister o! King LSIID rk Street United Oburcb, con- Tlpos6380 on ducted thc soe-vice. Tlpoe8330 tot - "MM :30 In- ýne -h- vs,1 OBITUARY ROBERT ARTHUR WRIGHT: The deatbr ocurred Thurs- day, Atpnil 7th, 1966, et bbcl Oshawa Goneral Hospital, fol- lowing e ahort, cenious rrck- nse, of Robert Arthur Wright. Thre deceased, wbe w*as a resident o! Hillsdaho Menor, wes in hic 92nd yoar. A son o! the late Thomas and Thirza Wright, bhc de- ceesed was botn Oct. 23, 1874, in Cartwright Township. A carpenter by trade, ho lied Df NEW TRUCKING RATES Effective April lst, 1966, the trucking rate for livestock will be the following: Hogs - $1.25 per hog Calves - $2.50 pér caif Sows - $3.00 per sow Cattie - $.50 per cwt. Straight Load - $.40 per hundred Lambs - $1.00 per lamb RALPH DAVEY DOUG ALLEN RALPH DAVIS O. C. ASHTON ALLAN J. WERRY ARNOT WOTTEN MERVYN C. ALLIN LLOYD RAHME ayour Chrysier dealer'sI Big sav ingsl 81g values! Right now-to celebrate the biggost sales year in Chryslor historyl Traie now- AND SAVE- on ail the exciting 166 Chrysier products ... during Volume Value Daysl 'Il

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