The Canadian Statenutan, owmanvMfe, Apr. 13, 19M0 egion A gain Entertains m - M m _ o sHAwA SHOPPING CENTRE BONUS 1' Win .0 a *200.00o a Cash your aby Bonus Choque Oet «JOuhawa Shopping Cent"e Store 0 I mfouewevd sontestceetsy blenk end deposit lu ballot box et thse nlu polo. (No purchose noeesry-wlnner recelves $30.00). a If bllot le mtensped or a proof of pureliese ette.hed-wlnneir r- celve $10000. 9 If persan wbose nme la dewa le et the Shopping Centre or reports withlu 10 mintes of thse drow ho ,,eoles $200.00. DRAW IS ON THE LÂST THURSDAY 0F EACH MONTH AT 7:1i F.M. Shop At The OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE UTS NOT TOO LATE! THERE IS STILL TIME TO HAVE A COLOR TELEVISION TO WATCH N.H.lloPLAYOFFS LIVING COLOR 7uu ON A BEAUTIFUL SET by ELECTROHOME *PLAYOFF SPECIAL LB~alWo tuJa$mh» a wl , ubmu $~~t hîLP -first World W,,ar O I Un )pVimy Ridge Anj ~S~besof Branch 178, hoffe after dark. Waiters on ~.o'eL Caedan Legion, ex- table were younger veterans i~>ifed hewonderful coin- whose courtesy was proof of ~Ilp cf .men who have their pride i theïr aider tpe a cnmon cause in coirades. ttiatrés of war, when President Stan Dunn, in a newere hosts ta fifty Vet- splendid address, welcoîned odan f thie Firet World War, the ,~Old Sweats" ami let il -nthieforty-ntnth anniyer- ba known tiet any "Val" of ôhiOIthe Battle cf Vimy thie 1914-18 einbroglio would ~deApiii Mt. ha wecenxe to joi Branch -The aid "Fragmnenta f ram 178 1by payment cf one yealn's >Irmeie" were served a deli- dues, aften which, as long as Èloiis rabeef dinner pre- he remained in the Bowmtan- % nre y e Ladies Auiliary ville district. cculd have ail cflet egi1. who alec gen- rights and privIleges cd the gnisy provided ea'ch chap Branch without paying fur- ~'lia souvenir keycase, ther annual dues. ~ ipped with e miniature The Legion Glee Club, un- iight for finding the key- dem the direction cf Rom Cot- _____-ten, Oshawa, delighted the LAI.. audience wilh several nuin- iwirle s M ak bers ranging fmcm "Tipper- vine S o'wing ary" 10 "Meni cf Harlech", as many other peopfle could an- jay their fine, balaemd ig Eh Compeîitiom ing. Art Kiipatnick, at eighty- At the Fcurth Eastern On- three, was thie oldest person j~roBaton Twirling Cham- pregent. His military service onstips hel in Ottawa on included the South African 'auirday, April 2nd, area girls Wan, First and Second Worid tiade a fine stiowung in coin- Wars. Fred Tabb, in bis sixty- = ettion witih entries f rom sixth year, was the Voungest aadaand United States. "Old Sweet',. He joined the ef Jude for the avent were FouxI'.I Canadian Battalion In Icýe y-ns, Hmilon;Irenie time for thie Battie of Paqs- '~etty ynes Haiiilon; chendale, whcn only 17 years areOshawa; Marilyn01ae Jo, ti an. ; ah Mayor Ivan Hobbs extend- ille ttawa; Ja Cousins, cd the "freedoin of the lown" îW 1 Creek. to thie guests, and an behalf SResîrli were as foliews: of all citizense epressad best Basic Novice Strutt - 7-10 wishes. ~erWendy Allun, it; 11-14 That f arnous "hiil-billy"l j'aans, Kathy Rose, 3rd. baud of Art Sheehan, Padd~y 'Advianccd Baic Strutt - 7-10 Welsh and Glenn Virtue had dyears, Cindy Kowai, let. the "'Old Soda,' tapping their SAdvanced "T" Strutt - 9-10 tocs to, ively rhythsns. ïVears, Cindy Kowal, 2nd. A twcnty minute moitie, ,Novice Militai-y Mamch - 7- prepared by the National 10 years. Cindy Kowal, 2nd; Film Board under the spcn- ,t1-14 years, Kathy Ross, Ist. sorshi.p of Molson's Beer, for 'l Novice Open Solo - 11-12 the Dfept. cf Veterans Affais, -jeane, Sherry Davis, 3md. "Fields of Sacrifice", brought f, Iitermediate Open Solo - 9- tihe evening's entertainsnent 40yeanrs, Wandy Aluin, 2nd. to a dSe. This picture is -Novice Visitors S.olo - 11-12 deicated tic the liundred âpears, Sherry Davis, 4th. thousand Canadian -soldiers -Intermediate Visitors Solo - who lest their lives ini two *1 years, Wendy Alin, 2nd. world wars - pehaps the Mr. Geo. Staniland in Rest Hoe. Mr. end Mis. Erie fuir and Beverley, Brampton, M 19 ss Beth Strcagemd Mr. Gerald Fergumon, T o ro nto, were weekexd' guesta of Mr.and Mn. Gardon Strong and Mr. anmiM. Bob Strong. Mr. and -Mr&Barry Duns- mc end famnily, Branmpton, MT. uend Mro. Bey. Dealy, Toronto, vWated thie Kenneth Dqinnnoorg ovS e ieweek'end Mr.and Mms.Tomn Wallby, 0*vfllie, w«re sùwbdy ght, and U. Mn andms. Ban SnaU Mqu Pp, >P -vmbied op Imm W"WD DIe and il- 1- c!i mm WocrIcI War n iversary = ecncentration"'fdead aM in te Iod. Jook ,Miler, chairman of special everits, reelved con- gratulations for thie aucce- fui eveniiig. President Stan Dunn tlhougWiUully -Pro iedaport- able TV set, ln abakromi, w h e r e hockey enthusists could watch the game while sipping their favourite brew. Another good idea was a naine plate on each guest's jbrest pocket, "'Hello, my namin John iving."9 Once more, esso» otten in thne past, men of thie Fuîst World. War are very appre- ciative of the genercus hoepi- tality of Branch 178, in gen- eral, end thie younger Vets in partacular, for lettlng thern know in a tangible manner that the~y are not forgotten- a warm heaurted gesture. BLACKSTOCK kExceptionaolly fine Easter servicsa were held ln both tdcui'ohes this year. On Good Friday evening in St. John's, Rev. Rose took as hia text "It isE Plnished", and on Sunday he delivered a fine Eiaster sermon. In the United Friday even- ing, the choir sang the an- tahem "God So Loved the World". Rev. Romeril spoke on '"TMe Seven Words f romn the Cross." Sunday morning at 10 the United Church was Packed. The choir chose as their anthern "The Lord Is Risen! He iÀves Again", and Rev. Ro'meril's text was "Be- cause I live, ye also shal live." The Sacriament of Holy Ccnununion was adîn&nistered in both ohurches. Sonry to report Mira. J. A. rJcihnston end Mira. H'arold Hiamilton are in Port Perry Hospital and Mrs. Harold tSwiain in Oshawa. MT. J. A. Johneton is ini Rest Home. We wish. ail speedy recoveries. Symkpathy la extended the faqùilies and friencis cf Mr. W. G. Phfufp of Cadmus, Mr. Arthur Hulbert of Nestleton, and Mr. Arthur Wright of Oshawa (ifoxinerly of Cart- wright), all of whom passed away during the week. Mr. Earl Dorreil returned home frein Florida Friday and reports the storin did not hit Brandon. Mr. and Mrs. Keith John- sMon, Belleville, visited Mr. ,and Mms. J. A. JoAinston, Sun- day. Misses J. and P. Priest of Meaford and Owen Sound Vlsited Mrs. G. V. A. Seott on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. John Mew and faimily and. Mr. Richard Mew, Tcronto, were Sunday guesta, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cale, Oshawa, a-fternoon cai- ers of Mr. end Mrs. Austin Beacock. A good nuanber froin this area either cailed at the Aimutrong Parlors on Friday or attended the funerai Sat- urday of Mr. Arthur Wright, Oshawa. Mire. Harvey Ginn, Orono, visited Mms. Albert Wright oni Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ar- cher, Bowmanville, were Sat- urday nippes giiests et Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer. Mn. and Mms. Peter Vander- huel, Orillia, v'isited the Ceci Gibsons and H. Vanderhuels o'ver thne weekend. Mir. and Mms. Melville Sain- ailâs end children, Bownian- ville, spent Friday with Mr. end Mirs. Kenneth Saniells. Corporal and Mis. T. K. 1Strang and boys, Ottawa, »Pent a few days with the Larmer fainilies. Sunday, Mr. ffld Mrs.- Harvey Yellowlees aften a two weeks' visit. Mr. asud Mire. 1B11 Cordingly and fan-ily, Toronto, visited hem parents, Mr. and Mirs. Lewiq Swain, Fiday. Master Jimmiie Wrighxt cf Oshawa is spending a few days with thie Lloyd Wraghts. Mn. and Mie. Lloyd Wright and family and Mr. Roy Fer- guson visited Mr. and Mirs. Noci Morton and boys, S,'un-' day. Mr. and VMrs. Bial Ferguson and Alan visited han nother and brother at Norwich on Sunday and Mjond'ay. Miss Edna Larmer las@pend- ing thiie week ini Toronto. Mr. and Mms. Ted MeMahon and fanuily wcre Sunday sup- par guests cf Mr.anid Mme. Jini Gray aud fainly, Cad- MUS. Mr. aud Mirs. Wallace Rut- ledge, Bancrcft, were Wadnas- day visiter-s, aud Dr. and Mme. D. Bilbey, Toronto, ware weekend visitors of Mr. and Mms. Carl Wright. Mr. aud Mire. Mewriii Henry, Jo'hn, Betty anid Linda, Bow- mantille, visited hie mother, Mira. L. Heur-y, Sunday. Mn. A. B. Mauson, Strat- ford, Mr. and Ma-s. A. N. Man- son aud famuLly, Montreal, were Sunday guests cf Dr. J. A. and Mms. McArthur, Betty aud Andis. Misses Doreen Van Camp, Betty McArthur, Mary Brad- humn, IÀnda Venuîng, Ger- tmude Henry, ail of Toronte, and Elaine Mountjey and Miessrs. Paul Rahm, Peter-bon- ough, and Ar-dis McAthur, Waterloo, anid Mine. J. Mott, Bellevile, at thei- respective homes for the wcekend. Mrs. Howard Trewin and boys, Sharon Springs, N.Y., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mri. Bert Gibson. Glad te report Mme. Ira Argue returned home fromn hospital en Saturday. Mr. and Mre. Tom Hodge 'and boys attended service in St. John's, WIiitby, Sunday morning, then visited Reit. John and Mre. McKibbon. Mr. and Mme. Jin Millt and chidren, Tomanto, Mr. and Mire. Lawrence Malcolmn and fasnily, Nestleton, and Mre. H. Taylor were Friday guests ef Mr. and Mire. Nail Maloolifn sud faxniiy. Michel Millett ramained for a couple of days. Mi. and Mmr.. Marwood Mc- Kee spent Es-ter with Mr. and Mis. Ed Lawson and Bruce. Saturday, Apnil 9th, Mr. sud MBm. Ver-non Asseastine amlandataily attended the wed- ding cf lheirr son Leslie and Mis Leaih Denis, in Toronto. Also attendinig froni tiis aieai were Mies Mary Frcy and' Miss Donna MéLaughlin, Nes- t1eton, Mr. David Kyte of Blaokstock, Mr. and Mis. Frank Hcney, Port Perry. and Mr. and Mis. ROY Morton, Mr. and Mir. Floyd Johnson, and the gmeemn's gandmotiher, Mrs. V. Chaplini, al cf Osh- awa. Mr. and Mis. Or-r Venning attanded thie Watkuns Confer- ence at the "Tops" inotor ho- tel, petambonough, Wednes- dey. Mn. and Mrs. Isaac Lucas, Toronto, and Mr-. & Mme. Wil- fred Martin, Oshawa, wera Good Frida.y guests oi thte Or-r Vennings. Dr. ami Mme. John Werry, Bowxuanville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mme. Rupert Wenry ami Roy. Mm. J. W. Wilson and Miss M. McLaren, Port Penny, were Thum"dy night supper guests of Mn. ami Mri. Hector Short- ridgia and Bill. Sunday eall- ers weme Mr. and Mrs. Ross Williaims and Shayne, Engle- hart, aud Min. and Mire. Carl Fice, Oshawa. Curiers Banquet Bliackstock Cui-lers h e 1 d their annuel banquet Satur-- day nuight with 85 presant. Aiter a splendid meai senved by the O.N.O. Club, Mrs. Ger- aid Kelly showed pictures of local avents. Pnizes wera awamded as fol- lows: To the fimst prize teain of Daltion Dorraîl, Sudasih Guysta, Harold MeLaughlin and Bill Farguson, the first prize and Suggitt Trophy was presented by Merlin Suggitt. Second pnize was pnescnted by Harold MeLaughlin te Keith Van Camp, Glenn Ler- mer, Frank Hoskin and Ivan Mountjoy. Third pnize was presented by Frank to the High Scixool teamn, Ray Mountjoy, Ron Martyn, Floyd Kyte and Bob Kyte. There were lucky draws thmough the evening. Chick- ens ware won by Ray Mount- joy, Merlin Suggitt, John Binkman, Courtney Grahamn, Walter Wiht, Glenn Larmer, Dave Wilson and Ken Lee. A deslc set was won by Her-b S'wain. Officens elected were Pr-cii- dent _Neil Wemry, Vice Bob Wheeler, Secnetary R alp h Larmer; Executive, Harold bielaughlin, Gerald Kelly and Deug. Slaep. Hoecey News - Pee Wee Apatil 4 - Jacksan's team, TAKE OFF WITH SHELL . Win a holiday t. Jamaica, France, Hong Kong ror any orne of.ýoew 100 eourtries served by Sheill Ail yué have t. do lu match up one of the UTke -0 With Shell" bis you receive when * you- ake a purchas. at our service station. A 8100 WIU- TOU MAT BE NEXT MiliM &GOULD à f 72 Scu S. -623-7451 Sw~ourteous service J ub1 ofSh.U Products rL : !iiV WuarIs - epairs Alick Lyle, His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs, Legion; President Stan Dunn, Mr. Youngman, Padre John' Living, Joe O'Neill and Alex Mairs. Lower picture. shows part of the'Legion Men's Choir being led by Director Ross Cotton. OBITUARY Edward George Charles Strong Edward George Charle Strong, age 18, a lifetime resi- dent of Manvere Township, lest hie ifa on Fabruany l9th in a tragic accident. He was in a car that was stuck in the snow aud he dicd frein carben monoxide poisening. Ha is eurvived by hie par- cuti, Mr. sud Mri. William Strong, and a younger broth- er, Melville. Ha was bein in Lindsay but bis famiiy moved te Manvers Township whcn ha was vcry youug. Ha ase educated in Pontypool aud was empioyed by the Acmae Pallet Manufacturing Company, of Pentypeel. A popular young, man Mr. Strong had many friands who wene saddenad by hie lois. Ha rasted at the Nerthcutt aud Smith Funaral Home, Bow- manvîlle. Among the many beautiful floral tributes ware those frein. the L.O.L. No. 82, the L.O.L. No. 444, the L.O.B. A,, Poutypool, and the United Church Women, Pontypool. There were also a large nuin- bar of floral tokens from fniende aud neighbors. The Rev. Wm. Piercy, Bath- any, officiated at the service at the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home on Fcbruary 22ud. The palîbearens wce Ronnia Richardson, Murray Brown, Denis Wallis, Byron Keliett, Vincent Davis sud Biliy Chapinan. The flower bearers wera Raiph Hayland, Bruce Charlton, Ri ch ar d ýStrong and Charles Calvin. In- tarment was in Pontypeel Ccmetery. hit the ica flying tonight iu the second gama of tha Pea Wee House Leagua Finals. The game waeu't many min- utes old when Rick Campbell laid down a beautiful goal- mouth pass. Jackson made ne mistake on the play, back- handingr the puck into the open right-hand sida of the net. The lesd was short liveci with Phinney scoing from Hall. F'orest was sent ta the sun-bmn; MeKean was given twa minor penalties. TMe second period wes aven steven with Rick Prooser scong for Jackson and Me- Kean for Hall. The penalties were alec even with Prosser, Jackson, Phinney and McLen- non getting the refèeae's nod. Iu thxe third period Jack- son's went ahead by two goals and- stamted te think tAxaI the gaine was on the ice. Map- pin sccrad uuiaeeied frein the blue Uine, and Jackson got hies econd goal mcmm Camnpbell. Hall's boys cama right back with Hall sconing from YKainp. Jackson'& leamn inlate lwo penalities with Forest and Prosser being ctîased. Jack- son's çrew fought vary bard withstanding thie terrlfic pres- mu%-e applied by IW's boys. The final score wue Jackscn'i 4, and Hail's 3. New Hail's boys have tAiir backs agust the wall and must win three straight on ha elianinated. April a - Jackaon'a Pee Wees wi Port Pervy House Leagua Chanipionuhb. Jackson's PeaWous Ymlked êway wlth thie cdiaploiniIp here tonight, deieatng Hall's Pee Waes 6-1. For. host cf the finit perlod noitiiertucoum dat Ua tracked, wi1th a sloppy brandi of hocnkey resulting. Towards the end of the period Jack- son's crew started to find themselves and soored two goals, Jackson from Toniihi- shin and Tomohishin frein Jackson. In the second perfiod, scor- ing for Jackson were Prosser frein Jackson and Toinchishin frein Jackson and Rick Camp- bell. Hail's teain finally hit the score sheet with T. Kent seoring frein Hall and Phin- ney. In. the third period Jack- son's boys really started to outskate their opponents,scor- inîg two unanswered goals. Forest went in and beat the lone defencemnan, tucking the puck neatly into the lelt aide of the net. Campbell comiplet- ed the scoring from~ Jackson. Veterans Mark Annual Vimy Night HEAR GEORGE H. HEES M.P., NORTHUMBERLAND IN PORT HOPE FRIDAY, APRIL 1 5th - 8 p.m. ST. MARY'S AUDITORIUM - PORT HOPE LOTS 0F PARKING EVERYBODY WELCOME Fresh NEWIIiDK ABERNETrHY'S PAINTS & WALLPAPERS 33 KING ST. W. PHIONE 623-5431 Go-Abead people make things bappen with a Iow-<ost Go-Ahead- Loan from TrORONTO-mDOMINIOI The Bank where -people make the.diffeer 39 Tensperane Street, IL G. LAWTON, Manager, The Orono. News . M&s. Bruce MicClure, Doug- Mr. âid Un. Rom MarcS,. las andi Jouet et Como, Que- Mr.and Mms. Wred Mlotta. bec, upent a week over Kaster shed and difldren c iee with ber mother, Mis. Roy 34r. adMmi ESJim tLuin d Branci. Karen of Ottawa'WemrWsEter Mr. and Mnr. H. A. LeVail- weekend guets of Mirs. Thomi. lan't of Scarbcrougb, Mis. ton1 Wilson.1 Perry Irwin, Mrs. F. Saxby, Mis. Robt. M rH~M. Lunda and Rlcky cf Toronto, and Mis. Ettian Jc es, Port Mr. and Mis. Fred Lycett Hope, Mm. Wm M ri M. were Baster dinner gueste ocfand Mss. D. Powell ctild- Mir. and Mss. Win. Irwln. ren cf Elimeth1l ysted ?&. and MUs. Ernesat Mc- Mi.and Mis. Cecil Gibbon of Toronto and theïr Mm. Myna Miull iS. a son GartAi cf Waterloo Uni- patient in the Oshawa Gen. versity apent Easten weekend eral Hospital. with Mi. anm Ris eg. Sut- Mrs. Mackey Mcxulton and ton and M&. and Mms. Ken- daughten Mirs. Hewett of nedy Gray and son David. Perthi visited Mms. Marshal Dr. and Mis. Keth Taylor, Chatterton, Sunday, April 3rd. BanniE and Nancy cf Braanp- Doretta Challice spent Bas- ton spent Easter Sunday and ter week with ber grand- Monday with Mrs. Marshall parents, Mi. and Mrs. Harvey Chatterton, and Mi. and Ms. Atkin, at Millbrook. Onville Chatterton, Caroi and Mnr. and Ma-e. Walter Wool- David were Sunday dinner ley, Mms. Ray Munday and guesta. children cf Bowmanville visi- Mis Evelyn Harris of Tor- ted Mr. and Mms. Reg. Sutton, onto, Mise Joyce Harris of Mir.and Mis. Ken Gray and Whitby, Mis. Geo. Morton son David on Easter Sunday. visited Mr. ami Mis. Law-I Mr. and Mire. Harry Mercen rence Harise and family. vîsited Mis. M. Luxon and Mr. and Mrs. Borden Kramp Mrs. Wni. Mercer at Kendal of Kitchener spent the Easter on Sunday. weekend wjth Mn. and Mns. Mr. and Mia. R. P. Baxter Gordon Power. and sons of Hamilton epent Mr. and Mss. E. M. Challice the Easter weekend with her of Millbrook, Miss Loraine1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Brown of Pontypool, Mr. and!Annstr-ng. Mms. Kcith Tregunna. Naneyi Mr. Wm. Malley is stavin-l and Ricky werc Efflten Sun-1with Mn. and Mmi. Oren Mal. day dinnen guests of Mr. and :ev. OEihawa. Mirs. Orville Chalice and ' Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamb- family. lyn and daughter Sharon weve,- Miss Sandra Mercer et Pet- Easter dinner gue.3ts cf Mr. erborough spent the Easteri and Mrs. Gordon Power. weekend with hem parents,' Mrs. Sid Rutherfcrd, Regr.N., was the guest speaker at0tI.o Larry Jackson playing the C.G.I.T. sucper meeting he1!d centre, of which he is cap-! at the home of Mms. Ed. Mill- able, gamnered a goal and: on c Wednesday. three assiste. Ail the boys on Mirs. J. Noden and daughtpr Jackson's teain earned hou-;Miss Viola Noden of Toronto queta for their fine efforts. suent the Egster week at thsýir Hall's defence played a. Ornno h'me. strong game and Hall skatedý Miss, Neda Quinton is a miles in a losing effort. Tomn-,patient ini the Moimorial Hos- chishin was chased for char-g-'pitp'1, Bowmanville. ing ami Taylor for cross-; Hi C members f rom New- checking. castie and Orono Uniteýd The Bantanis won their: Chumdhes enjoyed a bus trip game 3-1 on Saturdey. Par- to Ottawa on Monday and ticulars next week.i Tuesday. L-L On Saturday evening, at the Legion Hall on Queen Street, veterans of World War I were enter- tained by the Legion. Upper photo shows Statesman columnuet Ed Youngman recalling experiences and anecdotes of that war. Aise, at the head table, from left to ight, were Jack Miller, in charge of the event,