I CLASSIFUED Iay, 4:30 p. me 1cedWcmted Notices CrigEvents Cazds cf Thcnks IniMni am .lIMeoraAuction SlsAcinSl LAND suitable for planting Dr. T. L. Ewert's office wUI Dancé, Tyrone Hall, Satur- Once agàln uy apgrecaaon BATTAMS-In lovIng memory PROUT-In lovIng mem~ory of Auction sale 'of treta-WE the Spot Scotch Pine Christmas trees, be* closed untii April -l7thin- day, April 1l'Oth. Clara Nesbitt in extended te the entire staff of a dear mother Mary Battams Thomas Everson Prout who tors, seIf-propelled cmnvr'wiC A E ter Z 7w0r Crtp,>ied Fare aiso land already planted clusive. 14.2 Band. Everyone welcome. . f the hospital, to Dr. Mikios who passed away April 19, passed away April l3th, 1943. fui! lime of nearly niwMse~~LC 8teek. Picked up promptîy Scotch Pine Christmas trees, L. C. Mason, Q.C., law oâç 15-1' and friends, relatives and org- 19E3. Thouglits today, memories Ferguson farm machey -a ubmCnUSi.An TBaephne cofleet 283-2721 ýand Scotch Pine trees for sale. clsdt uylt,16,Dnea yoeHlSt iations for their kindness Dear God forgive us a silent forevr., ton truck, garage tosadOoo-EeyTus,? .. Apply G. R. Kirk Co., Burke- EXCEPT Tue. and Wed. Evs., urday, A ril 23. Music by and toughtfulness during my tear, --Sadly nised by wîfe and equipment, hay, grinfun-siig oa.,cw 8t.. Makcrgwill Fur Farmton, Phone 416-263-2209. 6-tf 9-10 p.m. for current business. Norm, -Mie mad the Western sa i i optl un ihta h aefamiUy. 15- eed4er fo rd cti,7 mv. hoec .ASl TYRONE Deadstock Service 15-14' Four., 15-2 Ma1e5. Gra ore.her ere. n yn etry, etc., the propert Licene No.4-0-6 Hlghst Cah PrieDafoce, d St.du HuOrange Hallietoknow, RUITER-In loving memory Peter Mazur, Lot 1 o.3 Licn o NoAnonus-Ca r md tCas r te fr ad St.osephs April 16 at 8:30 p.m. Lowery's The fanilY cf the lateATth-But she was our an weof a dear mother, Elsie Ruter Clarke Township, 'dmeRpas We Roor An Bons Car andCripped Fam Stck . rchetra. dmisson $.0miss Hulier oul0.iwhoe spassedss awayseAprilass13:waeaprtlo3: Newtonviltnvie 1-tf BURRErr FUR FAIM Separate School Refreshments. 15-1 cerely thank Nestieton friends --Sadly missed by son Deug- 1965. concession north. Sein thRerg aio: Phone Long Distance Bowmanville p Ruimnage Sale, St. John's and neighbours for tlieir las and family. 15-1 Little did we know when we out reserve on Saturdy pi n Zenith 66550 (no charte te you) arish Hall, Friday, April 15 beautiful flowers and the woke that morn, 23rd. Sale winlcmec rn fot9 - Il a.m., sponsored by Preabyterian Ladies' Aid for BATrAbM-nLovn eoy h irwth a ol promptly at 10 a..Trs ~ joc evC RIENT A 'Dept. Agric. Lic. No. 351-C-65 Registration of Juio Auxiliary. 15-1 serving lunch after the fun- of a dear mother and grand- bring, ras. fig ill. NEW CAR R * ~~4-tf uisEcr1 pry etnil eral on Saturday. lt was mont mother Mary, G. Battamswho The call was sudden, the cd throughout Uicae. ake enn-MlCle Hall, pi 15,8 p.m. Admis- appreciated. 15-1 passed away April 19, 1963. hc severe, Riacine.1- hn ETSE D AMY epairs - Grade 1-6 years of age by tÉie sion 50c. Ladies bring lunch. A mother who gave us, the To part with one we loved 130 Cattle: 45 Hosencw lhs*6337 G UARANTEED television and1 end of the year. Everybody welcome. .15-1 1 wish to thank nurses and best years of lier life, se dear. 6 eeodsok WEL rio evc ealmksiidratn5yasb h staff of medical floor o! Me. Who cherished our secrets, Sometimes it's hard to under- 60 Hleref5ord sokradftLadr Hrw r ' WEKLY adioservce t ailmake. Kidergrten5 ycru b t, Variety Show, Maple Greve morial Hospital, also Dr. Aust- . our sorrow, our strife, stand cti,2 avs rcos dEETI *MN LY Television Service Co. Phone end of the year. Hall, April 23, 75c and 25c. in for their care and attention Who tauglit us te love and Why some things have te be, new% combine, new pedr REAaONABE RTES 623-3883. 52-tf Dt pî Euchre party for April 16 dui.rng my stay in hospital and tauglit us to pray, i In His wisdoin, God bias International drill (e) u E LSC U T rIABX ATSÂat, p io th postponed te May 7. 15-1 to my many friends who re- Dear mother in heaven, God planned line of implementmiin CnstaMeereth I RepairiAng CHO oserBno hrsa ebre ewt etesad bls o oay eod u oe e e.mcinhy r MaD nld Fr ertified Watchmaker of The nurse wiII be niglit at 8 o'clock, sponsored cards. Your life was unselfish, for -Sadly missed by daughters property of Thos.Elit& Cndian Jwee'sAn. In attendance ail day. by the Sunnyside Park, Red Chas. L. Garrard. others you lived, June and Edith and by son-m- Son, Spruce Lawn Frs o SalesCaan eer s. There must be suffncîent nues- Barn. North Oshawa. 39-tf Not for what you received, law Bob. 15-1 18, Con. 1, CavanTpto BOWMANVILLE Marr's Jewellerv ber for Kindergarten te oper-. Special dates te remember, M.m r.Hry(uc)Btfrwa o ol ___ 4 miles Southicf Mlbo j~ ate go we urge aIl who wluhiApril 28, 29, 30. Why? Sear Osborne wish to thank Dr. give, PHONE $23-2534 39 King St. W. te attend te make thLi kno"'Ite Tables of course! Bow Siemon, Rev. Mr. Turner, U.C. Just a loving thouglit, just a WATT-In lovIng memory cf and. 2 miles East, ~îri 15-tf Bn h tf fmdcl sln er a dear husband, father and Apiril 23. Terres cah FrmM TILLSIN SEVC at once. 1-manville Town Hall, 8:15 p.mni ca the staf f edc Al atfu eo faandiather, oetRennie sl.No r S alve.1 14- ____________________relatives and neiglibors for mother se dear. who passed away April 13: coksap.TdJcsnOa a&Dsrc Keep in mind the home bak-. cards and help during their -Sadly misscd by son Bruce, 1964. Ted Spenceley Reg. oisn 20 MinutesFrom Geneal MotorsOPENHQUSE ung sale, Friday, Apri 22 at recent Wlness. Specual thanks daughter-in-law Doris a n d --Sadly missed and lovingly auctioneers; Ed.JohneRalE at Bor- 2 MiueFrn eea oosCliffcrest Cleaners, 1:30 p.m. te Mrs. Jack Martyn for hier grandchildren. 15-1' remembered by his wif e Joyce clerk. 1- on Taunton Road. Saturday, April 16 Proceeds for Brownies, 3rd assistance. 15-1î and famiîy. 15-1 Pack.______15____1 BURNS-In loving memory cf,____ Sunday,Aiipru 17 Annual Spring B u f f e t, I wish te express my sincere our dear sister, Ina, who pass-1 auspices St. Andrew's W.A., thanks te aIl my friends and cd away April 13,16an our WATT-In loving memory ofR N CUSTOM BUILT HOMES 1 2 - 4 o'clock Thursday, April 28, 5:30 and relatives for their lovcly gits, brother Harold (Bobby) Burns my dear father, Robert (Bob) ___________________________ FURNISHED MODEL HOME 7 p.rn. Admission, adults $2.00,fllowers, cards and visits while who passed away Mardi 15, Watt who paseed away Aprl., chiîdren $1.50. 15-1 in Memorial Hospital. Special 1960. 13, 1964. 3-Bdrom eecticaly eatd Wodvew ommnit Cetrethanks te nurses on first floor, -Ever remembered by sisters Loving and kind In al is 1965 RAMBLR16IOTA 3-edoo. leticll batd- ooviw omuit CntePrs Miklos and Sylvester for Lily Cherrington and Meloria ways,I 0( O HONSKI brick home b:llt hi' James MntrB in go. Twerty their ftpr Rid atAtenn arew. 15-1____ o! n us ats, theppen O'MaIiey Construction Ce. Ltd. - der kid ttetio C Noe o ult rfsmnhpgaiies-thirty dollars; RUTE-n5e0r Sincere and kind in heart and Li3149.Lc.X912 Notd orQuliy CafsmnsipSunset Terrace jcpt n w akosa My sincere thanks te ail o! a dca: niother, Elsie Rosin a t cuiulmm 94 A BEM96 ODX $250. Door ipriz es. Next who sent cards, tlowers and who paased lvlng na, mmdryI ~~Sub-Division Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, letters and or ic any196 away April 13, Lo1g964mmeedad -RCNVRIIL BEDROOM BNGALOWS ILIBERTY ST. NORTH Oia.46t kindnesses shown my family A wonderful mother, one of! sadnly miseb d antdutmai-D 6 01 on Large Lots 75' x 200 Priced frees $16.582 -with Euchrc card party, Memnorial during my recent illness. the best, Barba:aLic. 316490ary.an $2,450 down Park Club House, Liberty St. Specî.al thanks te my sîsters, May God grant her eternal asn-nie.ay n 31«___________ r $2.9.50 down Including South, Tuesday, April 19, sisters-in-law, my parents and rest. grandchildren Teresa a n dLi.145._____________ from $1 4,800 - $2,730Ocdown $500 Winter Works Bonus 8.n diso Odo egbus -Always remembered by sons1 Peter. 15-1 1962 PONTIC16 ODM BL orpie.lunch scrved. Procecds Eileen McLaughlin, Coulson, Wallace and families. For Appointment t. Inspect Model Home i W'. FRANK for Crippled Children's School Blackstock. 154' î15-1 Auctîon Sales LAURENTINLc1121 and Treatment Centre. 15-1 __________________ 4-Deor - 8 autoate ý.INAL ESTATE LTD, My sincerest thanks for Ohw I yPgDipr-Lic. 3162'2 CL121 Klnt St. W. Bowimanville MONSTER BINGO your~. kindness te friends, SAUNDERS-In loving me- OsaaDiy1gDses 1ALPoe6339 THURSDAY NIGHT, 9 o'clock relatives, Rebekais, Legioni mory o! a dca: husband Fred al at tic Durham County Sales ~~1 Poe623-3393 -1 pourdh'teunr Auxiliary, Home League, U.C Saunders who passed away Arena, Thursday, April l4th, 1962 CHEVROE ISAN C2-331- pnoe ytenomm r W. ofTrinity Churci, Drs April 13, 1965. afe7der h os 3 ftnhofs,150 IMPALA CONI R.Lc 144 ECU M AET1Chamber of Cmere Siemon and Ewcrt, al medîcai Tiose we love we neyer lose Lic.d42975. ____30__fat_________15 EXCLUIVE GENTTHE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT JUBILEE PAVILION fe:nreas r n For always they will be brood sows. Terms cash. Jack Le 29 NOTICE OF APPLICATION OS H AWA 8-tf fBarbares, ise frtsecadLoed, remembcred, trcasurced Reid, suc tioneer. 14-2SE AN TSTD VETE16 Construction of new homes in Newcastle will LcnigDsrc o Pre-Natal Education Classes. care. Always in our memory. I~L 1_____ wuisritfe.7 a. -ovnd ly. îs'n FAIRLANE -FMUCTANG .omneIth erftr.1The Spring Series of Pre- Amy Tait. 15-1 anLoving ly eme5ere Auction sale o! implements, >LiI comenc I th ner utue.TAKE NOTICE that Thomas Natal Classes will start at ___ John Deere tracter, 3-furrow ui.TUN EBR - FORD TRU Maryglad and Doris Maryglad 2 p.m., Tuesday, April 19, 1 wish te express my sincere plough, M.-H. 6' combine, M.-COT T kruo! the Town of Bowmanvilie, 1966. For further information thanks te Dr. Sylvester, Dr. RIMAR H. tiller, McCormick drill on W .F A KEAL maA E t. i te alcon atramSpecial telepione Northumberland - Richmond, nurses and staff ef rubbcr, fulll une o! imple.. BU» FOGG -JRYKA A UL mak aplcatonata SecalDurhami Healti Unit, 623-5661. Memorial and Oshawa Hos- MEI4ORIALS ments, 2,000 bus. mixed grain, 21 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Meeting of the Liquor Licence 15-i pitals for their kindness te me, tic property o! Wesley Swect, Board o! Ontario te be held at ne eatn OU- aise te relatives, neiglibors and Dignified and Distinctive Lot 21, Con. 2, Cartwriglit,3 217 Murray Street, in tic City TEER BLOOD DONOR CLIN- kindness te rny famuly whule I inela.o.*17IL miles south, of Blackstock, on 29KN T . O M &IL dl Peterberougîi in hetounty-IC, Wednesday, May 4th at the w'as ii tih~f'al 152 simcoe St. S.. Oshawa tgàturday, April 16. Terms o! Peterborougi, on Friday Lions Centre, Bowmanville- Gilbert Adcock. cash. Sale at 1*30. Ted Jack- POE6323 tic Sixti Day of May, 1966: 1:3 .m.1te 4:303p.m.0and6:3027 sn, en Spenceley, auction- at tice u: of 10:00 e'clock P.m. te 9:00 p.m. Persons 18 ____ î-'7310 2-6 s D.S.T. un the forenoon, for tic te 65 in geod icalth - GIVE My sincere thanks te friands Office__ __ _____ ________ 14-2 issuance o! a Dining Leunge THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE! and relatives for cards, visits, Licence for the sale and con- ..15-3 fruit and flowers received ( C AAWO ___ sumption e! liquor witi meals -. Flower Demeonstration by whule I wau a patient in Me- fer tic following premises: Jackman's Florist, Monday, meniai Hospita-.A pecial Boivmnanvillc Hotel, 54 King April 18, 8:15 p.m. at St. John's thanks te Masonic Lodge,_ _ _ ___ __ PDU T Street East, Bewmanville, On- Churci (Great Hall), sponsor- Churci Choir, Rebekah Lodge rO HW ODP tarie, sîtuated on a lot iaving ed by the Guildettes; aise and Orono Band, also te Rev. ____________ We Reserve the Right t. Limit Quantîties a frentage of 78 feet by a exhibit o! Eskimo lUather and Mr. Long, Dr. McKenzie, hos- depti o! 190 feet, being a beadwork. Coffee and dessert pital staff and nurses.I BONELESSi tiree-storcy structure and con- at intermission. Dean prizes. Milton J. Tamblyn. PRESENTS THEIR SPRING !ofee shep and 28 hetel ronis. i5-1 I would Like te tiank My Any ersn wh isresîentrelatives and friends for cards, (huc St ak :~~peronweisesient Tic time is new. Ail set te flowers and visits. A big objece thplctio a gfo o. Ties aanow htank you te Drs. Hubbardan tic rouds ! ojecionin er ou e kow.Durham Ewcrt a vcry special thanks thegrondsof bjetio inCiapter, O.E.S., presents an- tete staff on Medîcal Fiee:, __ iting shall be filed witi Mr. other Opportunîty Sale. Pu aise tîanks te tic Dietary H. J. Browne, tic Registrar O!fliome-made baked goods. Trin- Dcpt. fer tic lovely hiot meals address is 55 Lakesiore Blvd. Sciool Room, Friday, April setpitaysayi h ib E., ~Toronto 2, Ontario, at lcast 15ti frem 9:00 a.m. until th ia.Ms etMny 10 days befere tic meeting at last sale. 15-1 Ms etMny _________________________________ wiici thc application is te be We would like te thank ou: FREHL BNEES iad at Bewmanville this PENNY FAIR !amily and friends wlie ion- -- SHOUDER11 t da ofApri, 166.sponsored hi' oured us prier te ou: niarriage, SHOULDThelOtshdaao!nApriit1966.with sucli beautiful and use- Gru d C ukThomas Maryglad, TeOhw n ititfui gifts neceived at tiecocrn Grou d (uck Steak Roast Doris Maryglad, Cerebral Palsi' Parent Ceuncil munity shoer, and moe« DON'T MISS THESE MONEY SAVI G O F R Kppicnt. ripp er p.ir¶wil find a place o! ion- 63 c 7 5 ch ilNOTICE 0F APPLICATIONI atrda r. BES1QUAITY N L No. i SNOW WHITE THE LIQUR0111n LrICENVVR CE SIMCOE HALL GYMNASIUM1 Cathy and Harley Elliott.REU RL PRCDA $125GLAN $33 QT B I 0S C U I T îi7 ( Ofie i eistry Di- Con. 4, Clarke Township, one cral Home, Orono. M iPAINT SPECIALM ASSOTE»flAVUIWDurham, for Uic Registry his farnm and wil acîl by pub--- ASSOR M FLAOURSDivision of tic West Riding lic auction on Saturday, April It la with grateful thanka MMX 09 ?ATCH SAVE 18C of the County o! Durham. 16th, at 1:30 p.m., Case Model and pecan te ou: own M Any person resident in the S tractor, a good flue of Case immeciae famlly, relatives, -- 9 licensing district may objecci farmn machinery, Pontiac car, friends, nelghbours, thi ln- -I NJN STFODSF Yseo. te bhc application, and the 100 bus. Rodney oats, cleaned enoe Nightingale I. O. 0. F. E a STW"FPie'SFNY 2 69 hall be filed with Mr. HJ.Ian. se* bils. Terms ash. Ledge: LadeAuxliry tothe O sh.aw1 a , *rodu~~ CKryPi lm SAVE 25c Browne tic negistrar of tic Jack, Reid, auctioneer. 14-2 Legien, Dra. Ewert and Se- Iicensing district, whose ad- on, Mrs. K. Sqair R.N., tice dress is 55 Lakeshore Elvd. Twcnty-eight Durham cattle, grand bunde! io on medi- COURTICE ma w~SHOPPING CNiR - TRA 'East, Toronto 2, Ontario, at tracter and machinery, 3,000 cal and surgery, Uic physio- L II 0 D Y KI UN S ing at which tic application seed, the property of Charles kitchen staff, for all the kind is te be heard. F. Prouse, wil be uold at bis and gencrous things Uiey did - TDATED ai Toronto ti. îîh fanm, Lot 30, Con. 5, Hop for us in any fan wbatsocven ..... ;0D MR Eday o! April, 1966. TvJp., 2%, miles uorth ef High- whlle in hospital, with a---- way 2 on Ommane d d% speclal thanks te Van for hiii 5gst. W. FmIEDeIiw«Y wm v Roadaide ~Divelopmenta, mile west, by public auction kindes and moral supportj urAmD SAVE PHONE M23U54 Limited. on Baturday, April 16 atl1p.m. those finit few weeks. Thank- q <, i QAU , c/o 143 Duke Street, em cash. For parti ularng aga sin, one and ail. 'A L N - H A"m TO SSJ I N' 15-3 Mr. 184' BU"ya"i La iKlg p. *1 I. t,, y'. i