Thé Cantadian t taemun, Eawmvill, Avr. l,1m3.1of"MS,8h mail was handled by the n-0 ada ost ffie , o re-h here Is IniskillingMa sr t ' .$ýa Murhy aStan outaround the world elght ties. Pat Murphya Standoutinstitution of ietter Te MinaBnet asbendon Nicholser WrvicJunior Titiet of t eeerI.uainssoian eetings Iie inHIgnBomnil new psa terminal%, the de- -"oiterviews -wÎth delegates t. the On. ed i E which the Canada Post Office btI would appear ho could use instruction ini Ub18 ashlzoe CieE.Rtnedt fler<Thcf carrie8 out its aim: to keep geography. Ki 1t,160asholzn abreast of the latest scientifie, DaigtnAeBadChran rnisw Magistrate R . B. Baxter Is itney, driving i w afniicrblne managerlal,. and operational alnto r B rdC imaFacàW on vacation until early in May, noied wa -D f c in e i n I Otechniques n communications" Werry of Euniskillen, listed as corning front mis- his place big tilled thi excessive sp nte eef ln, arsatjth B y D f ag L g o Mr. F&uknier elrd killing, w:s asked: "Is Sex Education the Business week by M:gistrate J. D. Ord. Onariod te bs atecas !te 11iaf Iw Ily mwas: "Neted.yet. W e are ot rJ. D. Ord com- Magist rateca- Ord, w ee In 'ecial yet ofora ready1tion until May; inbis absence mended the chiffrbsa-cneto h fie Z'1eca uscye o this, because we do flot have the trained Trevor Clarke, Campbellford, tion, but dismiedtecagCrwegtrdinlcef byA ol nth eodI ppae ý srpetdcls npersonnel at hand. t could corne at sorne time in acted for the Crown. Many stating that th1 peaee h aeli rvg ovc by AIColsIn th secnd, reappaaeduegio's reeate clos lne ~~that It would be a repeat cf atacks in the third. They A t Stio PamIfthe future, but 1 believe i sajbfo h asw re rm ded utlmgtfo esrcl cuae infriloigf0coey Élbi ooswntethe openter, but at 9:08 Bob just couldn't beat hlm al-' ~ U U medicalprfsin If we can trainpol for their return. He moearetebudrvrtThfie as$5adct, STown League hockey Clark counted the big one, though throughout the period t-. - the profesyin. apeoplet. Ralph DeBoo, R.R. 3, a part- bl e more cfliiftrr-o iedy.H a un pon SundaynihwihRoetsngetngT r e ServcsS, for. the tirne being, it would seern that ed flot gullty of speeding 35 can dart out, seiiyh rfi lnchi ee thydefeated Legion 1 aggist. the play. Darlington students wiIl have to get by on the miles an hour March 2ist in school area. KtyPaina gd2, tb 0 ... and it was a trcmend- Then the game opened up Footnotes This game clim- The Choir of St. Paul's reur * , Oscar DubeaNwate ..5,Bwinil.wu f»g battie ail the way. wide. There wias rough, tough axed a great season and a United C h ur ch presented eua curriculum suujects. achre SThe two teams fought ta a skating and burnpin wthsprpaf!sietatan special music at three services 0 mwascagdFbur 3dcagdM2th 'w'iltÎi c1 *0deadlock throughout the goal tenders again leepmngifans enjoyed. Sa, it's hang during the Easter weekend. A Iu yG @I dence fiing u rouevi esdvng *4 g of insurfnce oschat upcthe MtilllesnuSmiththe faUi $Wichois and Howard Burg- boards, stopping shat ierails around again and anoth- Onl Good Friday evening M A P L R " V ewfo Lgln omngupwith after time that were labdled. erbig year epens. Our thanks the Choir sang sellections from * ~ lpaid. CorporalM lioa i fs n hpwgna ho suport.d cminthe Stainer's. Crucifixion and sev- SyTmpatiiy of this con=muni- say, is visitmng with his cou-OPP, testfiedththeacsUiraroteTwnHlad M*any key saves ta kecp their Pat Murphy must be credit- o hoe h spprtd h eral numbers Irom "The Story ty je extended to Mr. and sin, Master Terry Russell. ePO AEOE d when stoppei a rdc he aswr on i WWÏs io i heprcture. cd with standing off the club. of Calvary" by P. A. Schneck- Mrs. C. P. Swalow in the Mi.age!s Tu and Trya Rus. FOMPG cE d a driver's lcnead0fl ae1n hmwvda er. The Choir was assisted by Passiflg of their aunt,' Mrs. seli are visiting with relatives Science and Technology, Lon- lership papersinteaea!headdrvroacrea- soloists, Ross Cotton, baritone, L.evi Niddery of Hagmpton. at Cagmeron.doElndwheher-aAjx anbunepofobudonCucStet and Larry Marshall, tenor,* The many friends of Mr. H. Little Miss Karen Beaubien, ceived his Ph.D. in 1953. insurance. Ms rzek endoe H A~À M P T O Nboh ro Oshawa. Others Pettit a"e pleased-to kno'w hc Orono, was a visitor ithher D.Seo a enwt r ueuepandta awv akadcahdit asssti¶ ict hor wrehMriretiwerelbone rorMeoral ra4poens, r.ahdMr.eFculy f Apled cincean heha bogh th vhice nlyth rer f Uc ar hed ofc ~ Te frotmeeingo! the played and lunch was served. lady and lived a glood life. J. Sma es, Mr. C. King, Mr. H1ospital on M'onday inuc-h Jim Holtby. Engineering at the University the day befornd a oehdsopdfrUcso in Vojle lub was ering thc course o!flice ev- How nice that chie went home Everett Maycock, and Mrs. improved in healti. Visita'rs with Mr. and Mris. ofTono since15, and te the insuranceaetsofc h fîeadtedmg t te hme ! ev.andcnlgMr. and MS. Bradley at Resurrectiori time. IMarie Taylor, ail fromn Harrn- Mrm. Ktaren White is in Ron Rogerts and daughters since 1964 has held a full pro- lin Newcastlean fun nowsnymiradsgetc et the s urwyeve-wre elected as president, and Mr. and Am. Hooken Smith OflY United Church, Oshawa. Mernorial Hospital where she over the weekend were Mr, esrhpi lcrclegn oetee esi ewsOl~hgtpnly April m S.trliy aeven- mr. ad Mrs. Ballard. were and Mir. and Mrs. Donald Members of aur awn choir who underwent surgery on Mon- and Mirs. Robt. Worsley and eering. 'his way ta the hm !afin aitaeOdcnurd 2 hyaeoe ce ertr.Other offi- Prescott, Enfield, ettended took solo, parts, werc Mirs. day. daughters Brenda, Kalihy, of He has published 23 scien-;with weldingtocetaiXsig Crssdvngsa "ogelic club. Ninge-eril be "elected et Uic the funeral o! a cousin, Miss Wilson Pring, soprano, and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ashiton, London. Master Ron Worsley, tific papiers, and with Dr. J.1the lights on hi1 tto a-nsycnito o on lswe rsnattifitnxtmeeting. Any'anc inter- Elaine Talmer, Toronto, lasit Mr. Glenn Prout, bass. Caesarea, were Thursd'ay visi- who has spent the past m-onthl M. Ham, a widely used text-onadhuhtehdtieaprsnthv.AgiIan Im mdDreni M sted inl joIfifl<, please con- Wednesday. On Easter Sun- At the morfing service on tors with býis gister and hus- with bis uncle and aunt, re- book "Scientific Basis of Elec- insrc the saea hvwonnt eisee onito y andter r. Bwan iil. tact Mir. and Mrs. Bradley or day, Mr. and Mrs. Smith were Easter Sunday Mrs. Olive Hull band, Mr. and Mrs. IC. P. turned home with his parents. trical Engineering", (John xngthonespcand.froloigoocsey $2 trfrotteca Ba acta: a.. and Mis. Ballard. Corne dinner guests of Mr. and M-rs. sang "O0pen the Gates o! the SWaU10w. On Friday Mr. and On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Wi]ey and Son, publisher). A Mgsrt r upne n oto iedy.Iwn IVestc qoke on th l i n bring your suggestion.Aly aloln is, Bow- Temple" by Adams; Ladies' Mm. Frank Oookshenks, Ajax, H. A. Sm'ith and daughter second tet Tasformation sentence but wandtedm-yut rms eatn h - tnean c o:aîod utheiste te oinerr iselubn oceinomaviil; wegyConversion", is ta be insurance temmn e Teld rmsd te nd av ilfeme ommetnggave A E.idletaspnfor-tidmeeting.anoldDuMn.isiA.theE.rerBsilettRn Lckpentavile;onide"drve baso xùutueadthe anthem 'Hosan- Mr. and Mirs. C. P. Swailow, Sumday Mis. Margaret Snow- published by the samne com- die u ntehgwy* Qieanme !PCV >utremeti~. ama er Te Snban Msseigrsta. wih ie Fyena" by Granier; soloist, Mr. and ettended the funeral of den, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. pany later. this yearlxade nad eniZAlexandertBronghhwas.gSvithcasesshare.heardean14several dyMa-h31Th iteflKen. Bragg. their aunt, Mrs. Niddery, Stuart Clark a.nd daugtter. In 1949 Dr. Slemon marriedj I en4days ta a i ieo saltcagso !m of ti E a dester o n hu r . h o and h S a l sA.h e e i g h u , t e a p o . M s my N d e y O h w .M argaret .Jean M atheson, and v$15 and o st f lowpuc n- n tu e i~~îemptsday Mrch31.The26ti of L iM nd.s iClad r.Sal Aunic dCeoi g ofS.Pul rte Haptdonrs.amfwdys'Nidde r and Mrs. Hanry Snow- they have four children, Sally,in the villageo!N cat ft m t rmhard-boiled cggs. ~irs. Merwun Mountjoy ne- numnbering 32 members, sang with the Swaillows. den -and daughters, Bowman- SteveMakad ae Lance Burns gd1,16 TL UE NCMN Elaster visitions witi Mir. and oently, aise Mn. and Mrs. two selections. Mr. and Mrs. Micky Dow- ville, were Sunday visitors To his numerous fniends Dr. Church StreetpeadnoPLN Daylight Ms yne esy eM. ~~Mcki fr a otu. e music ws ndr the son sud son Paul, Windsor, with bis mother, Mn. Allan Semn istheembimn; 1 t of Iguita ta carls nvn a<n nd m.aReg., e n odFrda evcswr ietino h raitadspent teUic d it hrSnowden. Olaid Manch 2 thth. Ast, o!soWedneandan-jnohage la- sosfo t&,and Rev. hcîc! at Hamipt>on hagh Choirmaster, Ross Metcalf, A. parents, sisters and brothers, Allan Snowden and agtr tellectually inclined engineer.1 Constable IanSmtsaedhfcalat arignTo- Bank Entry and rs. Td ersy and mesgebig TeSee . KTAC.C.M. and the serv- Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooney. On Mrs. Bob Goodmurphy, visit o t uentshe is a vital ýwas southboundo cggsi er tl atn o faf rom.Hiltn atWrs.Tecorre-i .w'r odce yteSnaM.adMs .Coo- e(wite an StreetarwntsnMheandoeffediaecaracwordw!rh anthetreunicial Dog ontrllerArcble Mn. and Mrs. Jack Lyon dered thc beautiful selection, Rev. Harold Turner, B.A., B.D. ney, Mn. and Mrs. Micky Dow- and Mrs. E. H. Wilkins, Pont Awand for Excellence in westbound onKigtresop oad nthidesint eg C ponedThole M ansd !an-aly and Mr..and Mrs. "Beneath the Cross of Jesus.' soi andi son Paul visitcd the Hope. ehigtprvi).Tal1wtn oml uàa Tupheud Theftfnates-5 Reg. Kersey and sons sud Mr- On Eeaster Sunday, relatin g Tthigtapo e i) oailwingt aealf un. apoeo eyrr so Z" umyatronadan Mr.SKrc er u-bssro t h rsnf ormen'a iother, Mirs. Blanch Mr. andi Mrs. J'im Henry Engineering Alumni tea- "Suddenly theewsabn o eznn adta ol ni me quici voie. eresup-hisseia tnehedresny\~ t Cooney, Green Acres Nursing and family spent the weekend nounicement ,o! DnrasSlemon's'and a car dnive yLneeal h t ay enn iMn qitolesTrcy ais ervisiters withi MT. and Mns. question being widely ediscus Home, Trenton.rn crshe Ihd Conab oled ra entai Id Ashton on Sunday ev- sied, "EGod Deeci?" Rev. Cat- Mrs. Weîîie PearsonMr.Vallty, g rthlatiey odncre.xec-Brscahe notera opn ooe ln h"aro Valleya oNortha Bay. ngly gond news. of the stopped eil, o-sut !Hgwy41 Iia obr.emng ini Eniniskillen On the ta pireacheci thc sermon "Thetan r.CSohradsn aturoraly. u esns occasion of ttieir 20th wed- Question o! Deicide". r $5 130 JV Is, Peterborough, were Good ura lywi,chirnewalthaug ding annivcrsa.ry. Sunday . s Confirmation Sun- Fridey visitors with the for- 'Tt9fT st peted thre was ah On 1Fri-y evening, Mn. and day and there wiîî be a spe- ner's mothen, Mirs. AI! Laird, NESDCIE C TAIOEI BT hleh oewdhere asaMme. Hon Luke, Robbie, Terry ciel reception for those newlyDm~uring vM arch n d itr MsNEe Lid EICN M hiê or AnviitdMr ad ofimein the evenng, Mrs. Pearson remaine! for a The Nestleton Nifty Needle- E] HEMORRHOIDAL PREPS. Oint- eilbe e.5.0 ,IO Appbarntly, early Tus-waner 4- CuLoetni hAnnnt,1vz.s/11t2. upMn.or daymoringBaa af Mon Ms. Edwand Gibsan and which will include thec pre- The Wel!are Department ne- longer visit. wokrl- lbmta h et, 1i% oz. $1.260,Suposit or ]BIPITPN.Rg 9!t ttc.? moyecg ankerofsMon- hIldren in Oshawa. On Sat- sentation o! certificates. Par- pont for March submitted to Rev. and Mrs. Stan Snow- haine o! Mns. L. McLaughlin, 2fo50.Stcupa2/0!nd/5, lad se a olnud acea envaeevningMMr.n ManendCriedsend rlatvesareTow Conci latewekayndn aci aimlyStiwvileFridy, pnIlls wih Mss YKINEYBLADERELL 10'sIRMI10TA1se feoftewnosote Luke spent the cvendng iieeiayWeos. the Administrator, R. J. Welsh, Quebec, Mn. and Mrs. Jim Bni acl rsdn. 2 for $1.40; 5's, re . 89, 290J!TOEY th inos nth i. o Jnh nshowed that the total cost o! Ewing and two ohildren, Sev- The 4-H pledge was given andi E] LINIMENT. White ,8 oz. eg. O I I XDSA éClamer Inspection revealed 'T$u,13o75,DANCEs tHALLpeWRE KED ..s wàth1he prntcd by bringing the complcted OCASTOR OIL. 8oz. reg. 75,2/76,C4neaps /101t /17 that a fafr-ized raccoon Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott '$5c130.75, but as thedeeigecteoz. visi ors5w, ncm parent5, wasonfli miifrlngtaandi Mr. A. L. Pnescott werc Residents who speci to the necavenies from provincial andi Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden.. sclr whih hd ben deign 4 o z. or P45Lter.Forl,2/,2 wueth efoll r oin guests, on Satu.rday o! Mn. fine at Bowmanville Beach on fcdcral subsidies and charge- Brother and sistens have a,, cd, dycd andi hand-rolled hem-. 2/460;H8¶oz. 4 o. reg. 45,f 2/46,In or. .izbreg. 85!, 2/86, ..e O AMiss WrayRD5HoForal EIg finie. and I Ms. Jacob Kessler, Bol- TuesdaY night noticied that backs amount ta $4,302.60 th3e rctunned home. md Misws WnyHoe Eon 3E ASTHMAPOWDER0oz.2/52.26 ,-gno /15.Cra /1O Mr loiin nuere thirton, through the kindness o! the 'East Beach anea has actual cast ta 1the town will Mn. andi Mrs. Roy Topping amis a u guest andi she Asma-Kets Tabs, 24's, 2/99,!0 esali for assistane and Con- Mr. and Mrg. John Carrigan, changeci oonsidenably recent- 13e only $828.15. andi four sons, Toronto, wereoe on a ur so r s, "acch ent H FOOT POWDER. 4"One 2Moinute"i M IDBTA C s4biç Davis happened alant Oshiawa. Mhe fenuily gather- ly. Depew's dance hall that Seven new applications for Easter visitors with ber par- ena] idea of 1the 4-H Club. 100's2for$1.O1;24snow2i51,! ter give a band fil the- cap- ing was complete as Mn. andi also senved as a re!reshment wel!anc wene filed in Manch. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ste- Thene was a gnoup discussion E] UIN.A-SEPTIC 4 ounlces 2,$1.01 Mr ia.20Rfehsmuh ho.2S, Mprc of the furry animal Mrs. Herbent Prescott andi booth for niany years has Five were acccpted, and cm- vdins. Mn. and Mns. Haroldi E] LAXATIVE. "0rderies"' Chocolat- t IMKRSTOI AT e whowan'tafaillnerete !ail, Mpl Grve wee eento donn lcv~g olyployment was procureci for Senswthasprtsls.on the cane o! bats,, shoes and ed. 120's2/$1.8060's, 2/$1.01 witrt.h %dNw27, Wh anta l neetdfmlMpeGoe eebe o on evn nytwo people. There were 1091OnStene wthhl ay re nteM als QElREXADENT TOOTN PAtTE orcz lA iomung alonr peaceably. present. portions of the cernent foun-wlae eiintTuiggh.nWcns M.adMrs.ands Richard tiavi- Wreg.RU5.75,1pera6;4 z. n1.6r dationniin o et.t hhe ValoraQ' iecipiVonvisit hn guth Fet. d 4es er in son spent the Eastcr weekcnd 2 'e,.2' animal In being held Wcndell Prime bas gene tato niiiht month. This total inchitdeci 121 bss is sister, Mr& C. wt n niMs ogDv- CUN f5ys2IgadlO~~$2 Voaitduntil it can lie deter- brother Stanley for the Es unth5 empei hadts o iles bte, Os. ew Har adson, B]enheîm.OGHSYUP 8or o imlnisd If if suffers from ten vacation. edcassd1 dependnts, sie inTda r and aughNe- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs E]1XLAAOGSYU.o. O ! TablesM .sdMs. Aicad ae ih15dpnet,1mDan n ean e-o! Taranto wcre at their re - $1.40,2 S1,41;4oz.2,,51.01 VAUt.- v'stM .an ciMm W. A Yade12 snl esnnineatntsilcastle, wr audyvstmNsteo oefrtewe- Ch«drens 4 oz., reg. 98e! 9 - ie r ndM.W.Yoin ns os, atd1 iet erpaenStu, r.avtndMse.stîohn m for tenc- NASAL SPRAY. 18 cc. 2.,511 isfJAOSLHVEC E.Nfa FINE QUALITY on Saturday cvening for sup- ViO people who reccivec OA.A iLh ber arnts, n. ndy r. i MrsJh calc c NOSEANDTIIROATDROPS.With 1 MONUMENTS AND per. Mr. end Mrs. Robert #e v c n ..L upeetr i. dCx o b Jut. on sn a n.companieci thcm, before Ieav- Ephedrine. 1 oz. reg. $1,2/1.101 O~~Ii 12 /12 anciO.A.. spplcentay ad. ad Mr. Bb Jonsonanding this week for a visit te E] ANALGESIC BALM. l'àl OZ,.7/0!_____________E ARCEM MARKERS Bryaint werc there aira from (FReM PAGE ONE) The expendîtures for March jmily, Courice, visited withiScotianci with relatives. E CAMPIIORATEDOIL8oz. re 110,!,.-,BitnGro.4Luba/9, Taunton. Bowmanville was James Blackwr:drctwlac$,536,hrparents, Mn. end Mrs. L1Mn. and Mrs. Lonnie Chap- 29,;4o. e.5,,2fr5, AIEOCemHîDssn Mr n r.Rn lmnwohldteofc rmcntany a id $1200, exccss andiL t@.. ns HnClmnsmwohcd 1emffcnfon uaindoms$l05,supe-Coî nofmiyo!NotoBrthr.tbe Rg 5.a.y'l ru~;.a'I STAFORD Brent end Braci attended the 1826-1828. Fis successors were Mrdi.nasnd32il.. Bry' ekvîsited n. and ns. George aîoSf.hnWîpigad I qalt,/5lnz$8o OFT». FRD Wright -Axflord wedding in Robent Fairbairn 1828-57, thei Building Inspecter RonaldOtapntewced Bowens. Dorothy and the o bSIKCyAdre. mRogularly$1.10oaach. "o , a BOS. . Enniskillen on Saturday. Mn. latter's son, James B. Fair- with her parents, Mr. andcilidnen are rcmaining for the A*U** N * SWATCH SNOSdMttaiGexpansio m dandcMmGien !mRocheste rn, 157-190 , . . ng, 912:building permits wenc issueci ther Dave.Mnaniis.JhSlsoM NwArnerem itfol. lIau m vm en Genyfrm ohete, 90-112 . . in, 91- nMarch, anci that 1the total II on lssr AND IONN0ws A 2 onrarny6. e oz.r no New York, spent the. weckend 1921, C. B. Kent, 1921-1950, his' 1o osrcto a 14-Mn. and Mis. Alex Tanner, Charles andi Moira o! Sudbury 8- ý,'I 'o $1.26.4Uo. reg.I79 et the Clegnens home, son, John Kent, 1950-1954, andc Rofcscis fa124 il- Stirling, spent Uic weekcnd visiteci ber brother andi famn- E IAINC 10mgm lablets. 100's 2/$1.40. 10 925.77. R .ps o tebu à ITM m t.'abi .250.2,42.51.25mg,,,.. 10A r idey - a i- h rsn otMatrig pr s amountcd ta it ter auhtrand itus- iiythe Alex Inglis, aeth11e "n Rxai 100'. 2for S3.111. H TICYTL r 5 StffrdBte rs !undrsteoou erensbiioties nd uth,!$902.Tre l in e-band, Mn. and Mirs. Donmanse. Mins. A. Inglis Sr. is c] MULTIPLE VITAMINS 21/7.99. SOs now EGOER 7,Zr LIMIED oundres atglorousEaser- espnsiblites nd dtie ofmits werc issueci for which $33 Brooks and !amlily. rcturning with thcm, after PCOUSUIDROPS Moiledtwith ASA. chor. LI tine. 'Me funerai was on this office on May 6113, 1954. was neceiveci. Mn. and Mrs. Wsn. Laird, spending the past two menths VI U once or Menthol flavour. lY 1. /.OLUIGUOK ow22 N u els Goed Fridey and th1e inter- Speaking at thc inaugural ingMrhteBiligM.Ae aidwr odinNslt iMILK 0F MASISIA la2/SPCELLULSE TAPERefili.2Re0. m oumens3mtey. NddryH a oingOfice nym Barkn 13e st !Inspecter completeci 20 investi- Fî'iday visitons witt 113e fan-1 Welcome back te Mirs. Wes- CU,. iotrlef.16r ri etesI li ,BoxnasSt .,Wit13nfo39 eas o i g nci lettr arir cetierysrvigties Hofe5biligmer's son, Mir. and Mr. Wrn.1 ley Campbell who spent the E] BRONCIIALSYIP~2îO.osar.9 ,,8!ldsin/$O1&/.S $1 hoDndsSE.,Whit beean i ofshithagea uhFukc .. ee-inspections during 113e month, Lair'd and d g, atKo-iwten nn Gaît. Te Dr. Bon- àMTà ANlriFor stornch up:t 4oz. liqud.2/1 2/1 3 ] PN C Roand, Bay Riciges, skidded as struck t13e shoulder o!f h rdeac n n n.lir one n &e.lso it came off the CPR overheeci roadway an Scugog Street, andliman Rodman, Karen andi Wil- ..jqo4atle(au7pi bridge nt the west endi o! the went out o! central. The ve- son o! Little Bnitain. DUSTING POWDER HYDRGNIa 40 ua /* town. The car went eut of hicIe bit a hydre pole and! Formitdfo octPRXD osh 37 HAHN-ECLIPSE control and smashed through broke it off, then camne te rest SA EMItaien ttcC Pe E'fIINEALI opdid not go down th3e bank. quite a lot o! damage but the boxes o. 2 24 l L t fl AWDDUIV 1AflMiss Light!oat fortunate]y driver escapeci injury. Con- We were biesseci with beau- Roi. ;2.s09o'c . 51 8 lriarS /W IMevy.,c, i vi, mi iv a ~.uuescepeci without injury, but stable T. Davis Investigated. tiful wcathen fon aur Easter 1___________a_ i. tufimrS /0! ber car sustained considenable A cal! wandercd eut on f0 service on Sunday when UicTOT damage. Constable Smith in- No. 401 Highway et Lamb's cburch was decoratec i wth KLENZO MON"AS-E HAA vestigateci. Roaci and met its doom at 12.30 Easten lilles. A confirmation Aiip fr h wuiufaHiy Grmay desng kit bre n> oy.There wes a two car cal- a.m. on Thursdey. The young service was conducteci by ZAduliylea brushes, uteAIET She grom eo que~ ~ t ar w lision on Anne Street at 2:17 animal was struck anci in- Rev. D. Northey when Misses style eri vx. 2/51e Ftffefctive relief lA U p.m. on Thursday. The driv- stantly killeci by art express Susan Craig andi Ruth AdlegOlnaturel biste 117W b eoda**e, ma a s the »fut rading mower mede She ens of Uic fwo cars unvoived truck dniven b>' Ernest Vilen- Shackleton were reccivcd into Youths' nyio bristie lZ4Waa&WUU 87IboauOsa sated blade oaly ',whmsafily were David Scott, 7 Anne St., euve, Ottawa. The cal! wes the membership of Uic church. Chlden's aylu hostIi/hp ers. àt. I I 2/9t anci Bilan Edward Smith, 42 owned by Jerome Marvin, Tor- Tbcy werc wclcomed into Uic aeated. It doeWnt buck whcn ah. samt Qucen Street. There was more ont o, who had been boarding felhawship of aur church and than $100 damage to the two some stock at William John-. pncsented with Bibles an be- mp.r~ si0OpS; vn' opturf; Mdht. 5-speed gateci. Mrs. Ellen Rumne',. R.R.. 1, !Mn. K. Shackleton and Mr. W. mi wpagi>u Two cars sustaineci miner Coboconk, suffereci miner in-- Cralg. The choir pravideci an damage in a collision on juries in a twe car collision Eater anthem. oteawmu &(qc"Thursday at 7:30 p.m. et fthc that happeneci In front o! Several from Uiis district ursa corner o! Churcli andi Silver Horne's Restaurant on No. 115 attendcd Uic Durham Count>' Streets. The drivers of Uic two Highway an Thursday even- Junior Farmers tour o! Uic vehicles involved wene Henry ing. The drivers of the cars General Motans last Wednea- Cewies, 86 King Street West, involved wcre Robent Rumney, day nigbt. 'DROP IN OR CAtI' and George A. Kennett, 58 RHR. 1, Coboconk andi Richard Mr. and Mis. B. Twist and R Anderson investigateci. Mrs. Rumney was faken ta guests o! Mr. and Mrm. Rosa W i u [ ilE N evening a car driven by Mms. Bowmanville Area Ambulance, supper guests o! Mn. and Mms. Vîvan rigt, ingStretihe eclved treatmentfo e Ray Twit, Oshawa. FftIWeIt Newcaste, CaNke into inuri«, sclp 1ctions, and Mrs. RolndShackleton, Mr. P O I 6 3 3 6 a prke caowncd by Frank wus able colave flic hospital Gordon Shackleton and Bîlly, s isii* z. S iOSMAWA Wright. 75 Prospect Street, The. on Fmlday afternoon ta ecup. Miss Stella Blackburn, tawn, '133418? accient happencd immediate- erate ut ber home. Constablej wcre Sun day supper gucasae I T .B WA V L i boums. Both cama reced aid tboassden __-". -__________________________________