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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1966, p. 3

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~f~'ssHere This. Speaker Research F?~Trea teefold pragram in I e' l ~t.againatcancer pMblic educationfuelrelsing, &Md patients' recavcry, in- cludes c an cern preventiar work, and most valuabîs of au research, Maurice Grimes, Toronto, Executive Directon, Ontario Division ai the Cen- gidian Cancer Society tbld the annuel meeting of the Bow- manville Brencb of bbc organ- Ization beld art the Lions Cani raunlty Centre lest Wednesday evenlng. President Harry &winders, wbo presided, gae the-Campeign Report for 1966 Outs 'nding Matched sets for your engagement and wed. ding plans. Each set is dlistinctive and beauti- fui . . offering many variations in beauty and value. àYoper s fJewek'eryq 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE CAM% lit 18dm t. Month ecentv St.Churc replaced Mn. G. Kirk I ~~and Mn.. V. Letliangue were KEDRON liaet latalyit t appointed to look after thef.He ugv avr g cer lary i Arî 7h.M rC. 'The Good Friday Service for *ffstig tlk iS.1m~ G ive s 1Dave Preston and MAuditoriumAmi D eta " e 'o fMRK.y will b. ini charge on the Columbu - Kedron Pastor- lar1e5, uni.n April 22nd. ai Charge was held i Kedron atndaieIexvcm A motion was made by Mri. United Church on Fniday ev- inl view that Ititiu10l11 W ork U nderw ay Van Wienn and sec::ded ening with spécial musc by dialtrunin e lokafter* ordering twelve The music was under the n eélection. it e n o C n c rbowls for thc church ki'tchen. direction of MIss Elizabeth New oonmittee w rt e t f C a c rArmion Hayes and Mrs. Grant Hner drawn Up Vo tk n pep heCamaig te gestspake, aidtha Amoton asmod byMr. Rv.Winnifred M. Bridges phioning. ticets,et. o rchair=an Mrs.Harry Saund- Mr. Grimes jomned the Can- D. rst on arne that we pby Mr. Roy heBsrviceand Mr.ed o th a a nev ers: "The Can.ass in Bowman- adian Cancer Society In 1952, Ms JPSha e ht erbrugpay SM.coy theande r.sofSs e draa n up :ville wilI b. held from Mon- and she spoke of bis outstand- our dues t heP tebruh RsionottRaglnhanCalumbuofS.s- sociatin *d u e. icmm Sday, April lath to Monday, ing work since then. She said Presbyterial ann.ually. remersinoRalnndCum s.soctonndi A-pil 5t, bthdats icls- ha Mr Grme asExcutvethan quarterly, as was donc Miss Bridges concluded bier bership were 'Iroe aur ive. The Canadian Order Mi Director of the Ontario Di- lo er are.sre fsroso h att -nay a Foresters and tbe Sunsbine vision of tbe Canadian Cancer A motion was made by Mrs. words froni the cross, possible a socialevln ad :Group will be in charge. Society is in contact with ail Van Wieringen and sccanded Miss Bridges is spending Pot kick supperwl b o- e 'The Rural Canvass will be phases of the cancer control by Mrs. H. Richardson that three days this week visiting garlzed for the Asscain spread over the month of pragramn. Sbe toid the meet- we give a ebeque fer $100.0() friends on ber former charge, -April. The iollowing are tbe ing that Mr. Grimes had givenchchunsreuteo'r tRvS..HiirafBoki nn flSlD .. -Area Captains and the areas a paper nt tbe International tth uc reseasWilt ake, care of nyemerg- y they caver: Captain Harold Cancer Conference in Moscow, tliis tmie. Cared. . ow ene.S. J.bihreqref the et-hid hi y Gibson, Saws School, New. USSR, lest year, and bas been thSeveime C brers êe ilten f a nîste e castle, Brown's Scool, Scool asked te present another paper fvura reetigac Yis ay whîl qi e sheet 6Section No. P. ai;tbe conference to be beld forveur GfairdenPtin J n______la__ "Captain Clarence Bell, New- in Jpn next feu. . r rGen wasrty intedyi wy to vhe, C o ke rck ot "T day we are ehl living Inn eec a pay wih t e .l LavleCokesare, Port-onn i the most exciting and ofMr . etoFas Gpone Granby and aehrC _ progressive tmes in istory,"1t eetapay ihtehl anill, AtarkviNor, Cena, Mr. Grimes stated. He spoke LeGh icuso ak eorge Heos Uioy, sAntohr h, lark a ofthe benefits of tbe dem- ple ith rgdis tso n d-ck UntionLesard , nd ron. eTetic way of hile, and seid pW eak atar t fnd that the ighest frm of derausing projecta. An afternoonw ilS e ka "CptinLe Sal, yrne t ctth hbs f ah ai dne- ty auction sale and bake sale EnSle , Pron, Haydon, mofay slfore de pean tawere saome of the projeetsP rtl Grave, Caurtice and Ebenezer. mnen mentioned. Since we havePor H pe M eet Catnnski en, ink, M ap et gveaoslnt idteiIelo CatanBrc Tnk urean he Bowmanville Branch ai, been asked ta cater for a j tameigaiteeeu Enfield, Solina and Hampton. tbe Canadien Cancer Society wedding on April 29th, it was tiveai meatin op e ePro- Our objective this yeer is was bighly commended by Mnreie.htw audah-geav Cnevtv sa $630"Grimes for the help given ta dule aur project for seietfi n eld let vening in Mrs. W. B. Syer, Chairman patients, and elso for its fund- i'i nthcal.Tiiwud tih d îng room ing hn af the Service ta Patients Coi-n. aising efforts, which are part ive usin et e V hi o make Qhe ni H oteM.A orrih, giveus mre tme t mak Quen's otel.Mr.A, Mrris mittce, reparted tbat tbis com- of the organization's trans- tbe neccssany arrangements. president, stated he had madle 0. mittee works closely with the Canada endeavor ta finance,-. Mr. Clark of Ballydufi was arrangemens it Mr A'u doctars,' pravides patients' the vitally important wark a ofreetan avns eon eogtH es, nihMbnfr.3Ui tranporatin t bopitas, eserch q~stratan of ber Art.ex wark, Nortbumnberlandl, Vo apeak at bmakes dressings and supplies, He spoke of the research whioh was very interesting. a publie meeting in Port 'Hope and bas an ambulance service. now being carried on in uni- lIt was decided that Mrs. an Friday, April 15th. Ail this wortbwbile work is versities i n Ibis province and!I Clark would givc another de- Wihs anmsusaipbw carried aut by the Sunsbîne et the Princess Margaret Hos- monstraion af ber wark on lie interesi; coming up in Pan- Group, she stated. pital in Toronto. l'We must ~~~*.> Wednesday evening, April 20, "Every Tuesday afternaon not fmil in aur commitment taeaet 8 o'clock in'the Pontypool the Sunshine Gnaup meets et research. We have pnamîsed M CMAt ouhosshw n h bve ht ecah basement, and every- the Lions Community Centre ta find the answer ta cancer Mr. and Mns. Arur Oscar Boreison nteaoephte agd e in tihe cm.munitywilb and makes dressings. In 1965 thnough research, and we marriage vows on Saturday morning, February 12, 1966, at il o'clock inl Stve. wlcoe V ated a total ai 2,949 dressings were should be optimistic because Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowmanville. The bride. is the former Miss Lunch will be served. C lea n ers C 4u4I madle, and so fer this yean ai the progress being made," Elizabeth Ann Couch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch, Newcastle, and The treasurer's report wasl 1,065, dressings have been lhe declaned. tebieroni h o fMs oreiSabruh n h aeM.ra yMs .MKy completed," Mrs. Syen repart- A motion picture shown by th rieromiste o o rs ougoiScroouh adth a- r.radb Mi C cKy *d. She spoke ai the anganiza- Mr. Grimes entitled "Who, Oscar Bourgeois. . Photo by Ireland Studio The meeting closed with DFMINS -TM tian's gratitude ta the Bow- Me?" graphically depictcdth the M ipa h bri i itin . The arbltrary division of eterilty. ca-apleations Clud o its o gconnectionketenmkngd the ~ing of the Pontypoal UC.W.Lunch was served by Mrs. envile ions Clu fr its dacongers in smokiengmongd the r was held aet he hoaiofMr.Ray Bnown and Mrs. C. Mc- 2. The only maney that cannot ho counterfetted. vision ai a roomn for the mak- and lung cancer. W. B. Syen ky otse o h vn ing ai dressinga. moved e vote af thanks ta Mn. Wedding belis will be ring- Another successful Euchre J. Richardson an April 6thing. 3. The stuff between iiaydays. "Our volunteen drivers work Grimes for bis excellent ad- ing gnon agein in aur com- weas held Thursday evening with an ettendance ai twxelve! The next meeting will be in unity with the Red Cross, dress and fan bis presentation muniy. sponsored by the U.C.W. Lady membens and two visitons, he Id et the church on Wed- and with its Blood Donors ai the informative film. Presi- Good congregations were winners w ene Miss Brende wirth Mrs. Van Wieringen pre- ne6day, Miay 4th. Roîl eall is Clinies", Mrs. Syen said. She dent Freeman also- expressed presnt ior bath the Goad Van Dain and Mrs. George siding. ta be ans!wered witb an article mentioned thet Mrs. Bruce bis persanal appreciatian ta Friday and Easten Church Van Dam, gent winnens were The devotional was fiifon ur project in the fail. Heavysege hed provided 15 Mn. Grimes. Services in the United Church Mn. Leonard Cain and Mr. charge oi Mns. Deve Preston! LTZ CR IT table centres fon the worksbap After the meeting a delicious hene. A local children's chair Terry Dixon. with seniptune reading. John held in Cobourg recently. lunch was served by the ladies nendened the service ai song Mn. Ha.rry Van Wieringen 20, 11-18, and meditation i JO ffered rte orcohsaantmt aae oeie h "Several ai aur niembers, af the Sunshine Group. Mrs. with the pastor, Rev. Piency, ilew reccntly te Holland ta "1oniy the Gardener", which rtc o lthsalitmt d ag.o Mrs. C. McDonald, Miss Mary Herry Freeman and Mns. Earl i h upt pn -fw weswt pi it h atrsoy tlny hales maths make esii't be mccli but thefirshe Jewell, Mrs. Eerl Thonipson Thonipson presided aven the i h upt pn ~iw weswt ei ihteFatnsay an 'ere tth afdi e adcfeecp.Th e- A large number f ram here iniends. Mrs. Preston clased witb FeIIovc ji y been weakened and wlll shred durlIng dry eleaung andI snve ettheDefodi te ed cusecu~. Te pn-went by bus 'bo Toronto ne- A bus load ai members ai prayer. ~I Tee held by the Ontario iectly appointed serving table ,ently to attend the March on Milibrook Juvenile Orange.Tesceaysrptio J.GTylBwmnil, APRIL IS CANCER MONTH County Unit ai the Cancer Sa- was centned with a beautiful Tesceaysrpr o .G alr omnil, ciety this aternoon," Mns. Syer arrangement ai deffodîls, and Queen's Park sponsoned hy Ladge conferred the initiatory March was reed and appnov- was listei amonig the naines CNAS - ARL1 O2 NLSV said in clasîng. t wes lighled by taîî yeîîow the F'armen's Union. The bnief degree et a meeting ai Ponty- M. Rail caîl was answered ai 179 students oifered pre- CNAS - ARL1 O2 N Mrs. Stan Dunn, lntroducing tapers in crystal candélabre. presented by themi eantained pool J.O.L. an Monday. with the membens wearing doctoral fellowships in ecano- _-many worthwhile appeals ion At the regulan meeting aif-their n o ade Besten bon- mies, sociclogy and social psy-d11, 4 consideration by the govern- L.O.L. 82 the Royal Arch De- n ets. chology, political science andFj; / 7-( - 0 ment. gree was confenned. War. rltd suis anucd" Mn. ac MnanspntaBr. o~ tale, ..M, ndICossiderable correspondence rdetd tuie anauce 2 4w . r . Mrew Jc dnaysi nS.Jsenta H os-B na.Lwstals, ai Betany was deait with, Whicb includ- Menoh 20th by the Canada r ZL fewday inSt.Josph' Ho-, ro.Lews Nalsof ethnyed tjhank you notes inani eo-Cauncil. Mn. Taylor graduat- pital, Peterborough, recently. L.O.L. 1022 assistaiinte i in the cnmnt o rm TrnoUiest Miss Linda Youngrnen has onferring q.. the Degnee. l intec muîyfre fo TotoUvrsy W eclcungs ~~reovre fo a bad attaek Mr. and Mrs. Laurfince God- ethsetVethn. rL r e a âlhs aad l ealeM EM O RU L H g W e d i gsofth fu.ASmpnid y ar, owanî1ean r re rdley, _______________ hrparens, Mr. and Ms nlMs ad cKy i-ta attend the meeting, sent in __________________ Fred Younigman, she was able gara Fails, were Sunday visi- a1list ai naines ai people she u . ta spend the long weekend et tons with Min. R. J. Payne. had sent cards ta eenl. ai T nd r the cottage. Mn. Lavenne Brown spent The two cteent C 1 .e d r REPORTING. 4Any local citizen,,, who have the long weekend with lis charge oi the card parties ifor B inaple trees tapped report aI parents, Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Manch turned aven the pro- F r B id n good run this year. This wni- Brown. reedjs te the treasulrer. It was g te wsabetescuean ex- _hereu_____ y e.t--d.cided. NewontCentre ar-A t Y our Service cellent saanple produced on Terg a otl ee-t otnetep N w C n r 1 ih arm ai Mr. Lloyd Brown~. Now on ieba BOUREOIS- ÇOCH aornd th bodce wich asýThe weather forecaster hadTh aritcul rmo Th mriaeaiMssEiz-designed with long lily-point- lwtees Hi feast fwesoteesize r a, Thar ch ierl fin,1 jen'ty m Four H o r 'ThOUrrige ofiss- ÇOCH a donna the andiscoedbic - uteksta s ea the wasI fe nie ideKitchener, anc publicly ealling betlh Ann- Couch, daughter of ld sev yo oes n aceckp- sanie for tomonnaw, "Cool .1, <W 117 i! on tenders an the constnuc-1 Mr. and Mmn. Harold Couch, ue yo ae nlc p with scatteered gnowflurries" J5" t,5 ion af the new Sinicos Hall' Newcastle, and Mn. Arthur phiques an ed aitenfuhi - -te ,Crippled Children's School and!AD a Oscar Bourgeois, son ai Mrs. si-,adbrwillnt1.. TeletCnr ab u] Bourgeois, Scarborougb, and bridiai veil was caught taea TrSet bjntCentaieBtoor Street the late Mn. Oscar Bourgeois,1 white crown headpiece. Sh, IlIIne esing Utloyuhsyub a t Ee an Haonyf RoedStrhetWT H BS was solemnized in St. Joseph's c;u,-,a.cscdebouue o and girdie in the sire that announcement was macle byi Roman CatholiecOhuroh, Bow- veny deep red roses. Fil s lS ow f ae ers a itn W. B. Bennett, chainman ai the,. . TO SERVE YOU BTE manvilles aniSeourdayomoan- Building Committee. mng, Febýruary 12, 19à6, et hclî1 wsmî alhnn n I best -which wu$ fine The new sehool will be ofl To keep pace with the continuai prreso n atio s an ~~ w h e 'm nis t h s br id esm a id w as M s e - A I b3 r o o u r h c t h s n t b e a s b ea ettc. aktso ink ceale. ThRey wena ttir ai inrar provideci you were a perfect the best possible design and medical science, your hospital is addn e niomsdsan dewie nu n ica lo-sgb gre h omnihe Pbi .wlincorpanate many fecilities ~te blue crepe andi lace, lec-k projector. i~t *~v htarvltc Grade III- - Highly COni- .- . the stoehoume af Wonder drugu sd h accesoniesand crsage ai Th presntaton a- thes N ~ .............. en place ii foundation niended, Hiiery Hlie anE1nedications . . . ail vltally emential te sprl$. mnedium pink roses andl white four motion pictunes wes the.... len Latimer; Commendeel, Ar- of modern hospital cars. Under V he diet ué carnationas. f irst oi meny suc-h progranis dq.A~IDiyFeh lène Munno, Newcastle Rema1 vision of qualifled personnel, the homPitals ,mc As bhe couple lfit for a ta be pregented by the iti Nestereczyk; Paus Pluas, Kathlyt or evie honeymoon in Quebec City, manville Library Board. The Kiraly.letyursvi, the bride was wearing e black Librery Board is also plan- Grade IlI-HighlyCm- CENTRAL STERILE SUPPLY enewieseahdes full ning special programs o mendeel, Jilin Etile . . . te ensure an ample tuPpi iaetedei white Bang coal, black acces- Centennial Year.PsiPuJnFeigDaeI liedeipetTeserlato osnbeu. Kas ls a n g.W, o-f mnt a i pm enteriifetion,,ofaricual aories, and corsage ai deep nsd The Library Board is coni- SPollard K R . W.,clLyni cmestJiialin pge very.ifeton a - roses. They will reside aI 155 posed oi Chainnian George manville; eomndL 'ofsrry Victor Avenue, Toronto 6. Vice, Len Lucas, Mmi. Gerge A Rss nhe bride eltended New- IWebster, Mrs. James Fair, Grade I - Highly Comnmend- MEDICAL RECORDS cetle Public School andî Mrs. K. J. Fergiuson, Mrs. T$INI-S $01cd, Anne Nurse; Commendeel, al... a iibrary ef invaluable iafdrauatlo a laa Clarke Higb Scbool. A wane-j Robent Poste, Miss Menons eMenthe Easden, Mary elauta aeucto n esac.Mialhsouse ~- ~-bous clerk with Texaco Qi Couch, and Gary rrighe. Husband, susan MeKelvie; every patient who hbu CnWCred hý b itl r k Campnythe roo allnde May ne boks wne n .Pass, Pemnela CampbeUl, Wen- en file and ".refully documentéd it la'tg ra St. Francis Scbool, Pickering, displey in the new Bowman- R&r. drKsln ,cimneIV eebrta h eod ascnieta and Ajax High School. ville Public Libres-y dunîng JyeNlo.eno erlse esiétd ese Out-of-town guests atlended National Library Week. 'nlec BANDEAU #2952 white o#25ndchie90 . joc eHson anatbeielasd oau epesn u ge orn#293ry -, Honours,0 MKelhy ywitbont flhc express authoris0on ef the ais from France, Pet te w sw a, Bownmenville Public Libnery REGULAR LENG TH PANTIE GIRDLE # 6942 white Howard, MChnelle HElibeh!isgarin Quebes, Belleville, Toronto, Board le gretefi'lta the Baw-HglyCo nedEiabt Pickering, Greenbenk, Ajax, menville Womnen's Institute or #6943 nude, choice 9.00 ea. Alderton, Sunen Deline, Moira MATERNI'T! WARD ' Weston, Osbawa, Courtise and for edon-aling. two cofies tables Hlarvey, Jnel Reynolds; Corn-! . , providing Lb. ýbumt110 cars- fori mt dé CW mended, Susan Hedju: Pes baby.*,Nurserles montippd wlth hcumt Bowmnanville. to the Reading Rooni, and the Db0'is ls t*~dWi1411 Several parties honoredelc1leetern ion tis Auditorium. 5j5Plus, Mary Heawbolt ebbi 4pris!, ie w loe e bride prier ta hon merniage. The donations af $50 by bbhec U'f Riehl. DonnaWhornis; Pessa, are as avatiabi. Md tmab. MU1 1 ~ s1 Mm. 'Bnian Rowe, Newcastle, Bowninville Drma Wonk- Merna Quernel, Albert Ulricb.' new babies %'**W* ~4* . was hosteau for a miacellan- shop and $25 by M?&a. John 'lite Roiyal Acadeimy Gradjm stuV et up a Junior and Pen- PYI~ K f cous sbower, snd a similar Cax were greatly eppreciatedl,Ç ~* tti. w cn n.-cnaaw 1M shwrwsgiven b Mrs. by the Board. These donsa- oa jm fasuetde tOreye qimn u l sLillian Saindon, Scsrborough. tions together wM otes ' S foppe in ans yeux, they have accel- alti or didese hi 810b Misa Beverly Rickand. New- mde It ossible for UiheUcbGaderdI a-li 01 form e eictro 01817pler* sertie. held a kitchen stiewcn, ta ircbase chairs fornflc1theCNOS P'o enate.She Grntae rIu musela e 0d808t105 Ud, and rs.Alfed arrd, ew-auditorium and the at-active, « ONIS rp et aeqn

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