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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1966, p. 7

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Social & £ersonal Phone 623-3303 I <r.and Mmi. William Maira are Eastez, holiday visitors ande dauhter Bomiie are on- with Mm. and Mu-. A. M inylng a holiday at Daytona Thonipson, Concession St. Ki; -h. Floride. Easter guests with Mr. and -~and Mmi. L. A. Mac- Mrs. Lau Dewell, Nelson St., .Mu a, Chumch Street, werelwere their son. ACd Randy odFriday guests af rela- Dewell, Bagotville, Que., and tives i Belleville. MZ. and.Mms. Gardon Agier, Mr. and Mm.. George Browfi,IMarga"rt and Susan, Ott.awa. Liberty St. North, spent the Mm. and Mi. Kenneth E. weleeid with Mr. and Mrs. Cox, King St. East, spent EL. Bumk, Welland. Easter weekend with theiri Mr. and Mi. A. S. Badger daughtes- and son-lin-law, Mm.1 and 6m.iily, Woodstock, spent and Mns. John E. Wyllc,l Eânter with Mr. and Mrs. G. Brock and Adrienne, Landau, ,Badger, Maple Grave. Ont. Ms-s. Bert Colwell and Mr. Easter weekend guests with Irwin Calwell spent the Easter Mm. and Mmi. H. Lake, Elgin weekendi with Rev. and Mmi. Street, wcre Mr. and Mms. Matt E. S. Colwell and family, Coe Bady, Toronto; Mm.. Chas. Hil Roantree o! Lyndhurst-, and, Plan Wo attend Tinity For- Mm.Metn ilaiautS. rythia Tes Wednesday, April1Marie. oA7, 3-5. Corne with your fmi- Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Rickaby, Uids and enjoy an informai town, and Mm. and Mmi. H. C. social ho.ur. Rickaby o! Oakville etumned home lait week fmom a vemy Mm. and Mrs. P. Auch, Belle pleasant thee-week holiday at River, spent the Easter week- the Thousand Pines Inn, North anid with hiem parents, Mr. and aoi. Unm. Les Coombes, LibertyCaoia -Street North. Dentils Kowal, son o! Mn. Mm. E. E. Murphy spent a amd Mrs. Peter Kowal placed! weeirat te Hoe Shw inth-ird with a mark o! 84 at the Torono aattc e Shtow a i-Peterboroug'h Kiwanis Music Tanplayehbtendant ero!meds- Festival in thec clasi for piano ~pad exhibiing sume hmssolo, 12 years and unden. md funishnge.Dennis in a pupil o! Margot Mmi. A. Marjermison, Flett Moffatt, Oshawa. Street, apent lait Friday with hem brother and sister-in-law, Weekend guests wlth Mm. Mm. and Mm. Lloyd Doran and and Mmi. T. Wesley Cawker, family, Belleville. Liberty St. North, were Mri. George Young of Bancroft, Mrs. George Squire ci Lon- and their grandson, Mr. Ste- don, Ont., is Eastem week guest phen Cawker o!f oxbomou-gh, e! hem. sister and brother-in- who is now attend±ing Wes- law, Dr. and Mmi. H. B. temu University, Landan, Ont. ]Rundle, Queen Street. M.adMs atrByn Mr, erno Saudersandecently eturned from a son Bob, Toronto, were Satur- two-week visit with the for- day visitors wi'th the former'si mem'spaetan mli, parets, r. ad Mr A.and around, Vauxhaîl, Al- Saunders, Waverley Rd. berta. Aooompanying them Mr. and Mmi. A. J. Clarke on their trip werc Mr. and anmd Mr. and Mmi. Ross Clark, Mmi. Milton Bryant of Haznp- town, w;ere sunday dinner ton. gueits ai Mr. and Mmi. Al. Easter weekend guests with Elliott and family, Whitby. Mr. andi Mmi. E. Weîsells anci Mr. and Mmi. Leonard Dodds IDenise, Liberty St. North, werc sand Jo)hn spent Ewter wek-Mmi. Wessells' parents, Mr. end in Stratford with Mr'. and Mmi. G. Gaham o! Wil- Dodds' brother andi sister-in- lowdale. Mr. Wessells' môth- 1mw, M. and Mmi. Frank Dodds er, Mmi:- Ruth Wessellî, Pros- anmd family. pect St., joined the fmmily for Mr. and Mmi. G. Astor. King Emter dinnen. Street East, attended the Pro- Mr. Frank e. Tighe, Ana- feusional Photographers Of Îheim, Calif., arrivcd by planei Onitai Annual Convention Supciay morning, April 3rd, held un Landan, Ont., on April to visi t bis niother Mns. F. T. Ord, 4th and th. Tliglie, wh'o was recently a Mr. and Mi. John E. James, patient iu Memom-ial Hospital, Montreal, Que., - pent the Bow'manville. Mm. Tiglie e- *eekend with their parents, turued to Cali.fornia on Tues- lins. Irene Roberts, Newcastle, day o! titis week. and Editor and Mri. John M. Miss Oarol Wight of Shaw's unes, Churcli Street. School, dýughter o! Mm. and Mr-. aud lin. Norman Lux- Mmi. Doug Wigtht, will parti- ton enjoyeci several days with cipate at the concert given their daughter and son-m-. by the prize winners of the 1mw, Evelyn and Gino Sarto. ecent Peterborough Kiwanis rétto snd diildren, Margaret Music Festival to be held this anmd Teresa, Ottawa. Saturday, April 16, iu St. Mm.mim Mm. Kngsey ay-Peter's Auditorium, Peterbor- lor, Oshiawae, m t<lhelr' wo ou«h. E ' .Ms o sono Ernie and Kenny spent nsE.J.RMaoTm Zaster Sundamy with their outo, end Mmi. Liawrence lia- aunt Mmi. Vanslyke, and son, Town, left Tomonts Inter- Ms-s. 'n Pak. national Airpot on Wednes- Mm.K. M.- 'Ilrmith, Miss iugten, travelling via New Mcflr hai n sd Miss York. Iley rcturned Monday Nazs- MIlnith ot Ottawa night mand report the cherry Spécial Services Continue With REV. AND MRS. EUGENE KRAFT Musicians - Vocaijts - Ministers Thurs., 7:45 p.m., Rev. Kraft relates story of his conversion to Christ. 1Friday: "SALUTE TO YOUTH"P Sunday Services: 9:55 a.m. A growing Sunday School 11 a.m. (Infant dedication) 7 Evangelistic Rally - Krafts playing their instruments - duets, solos that thrill hearts - ladies ensemble slnging Wed. April 20, 7:30 p.m. Famllr Night Service Theme: 'CHURCH PROBLEMS' Bowunanville Pontecostal Church fi Liberty' St. B. Phone SU8104 4ers the Word of God F lu net houad" blossonis were in full bloomn whcn tiey wcre lu Washing- ton. lins. A. Wright h« s etumu-i ed home gem spcuding tiinee' welvs with hem daughter sud1 sou-îu-law, Mm. and Mmi. W. A. Davis andi !amily o! Ot- tawa. lins. Wright also spent a weckeud witi, hem grand- son, Mr. W. Wrighlt and fam- ily. Mr. W. Wright rccently moveci from Landou, Ont., ta Ottawa. lins. D. W. McConmick o! Gaît imi been visitiug hem daugiter sud graucidaugiter, Mmi. Morley Vanstane sud Miss Barbara Vaustone, Beach Ave. Mmi. Mcdarmnick, lins. Vanstone andi Miss Barbara spent Easter weekend with Miss Helen Vanstone at Quecn'î University, Kingston. Mr. sud Mss Ken Maguire of Tomanto weme Gooci Friday visitons with théin _grancipar- RHBTH Christian Reform.d Church Seugog Street MARANATHA Christian R.formsd Church Rcv. M. mecs, supply pastor 623-3492 Worship Ses-vices i1 a.m. 7:30 P.m. Bmck Te Gad Boum CKLB Every Sundày, 9:15 p.r& I TRINITY UNITED (HURCH Minster -Rev. iGeorge K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mua.B., L.R.S.M. il an Mornzng Worahlp LAYMAN'S SUNDAY Speaker. DR. KEITH BILLET "#A Layman's View of Chditlauty" SUNDAY SCHOOL *-8Osu -Jupor, lntermedlt. s"d S.aJ 21:5 UI -Pdrmr»sd Kindergartes enta, Mr. end lMm. Albin NIL Clemens, Concession Street. Sunday dinnes- guetta wlth Mr. and 1frs. Clemens were Mr. and Mr#. Nos-man Clemens, Scarbruh;M.and Mns. Lav= rno n d Ba~M and Mus Darlon. Hall, al cf Mr. and Mn. Gordon C. Martin entertained the family on Enter weekend: Mr. and Mns. Frank Bnham, Colleen, fleanne and DaBvid, and Mbs Doris Martin. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alec G. Martin; Tommy, Donny and Greg of Newcastle,, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Martin, David, Phel- ley arid.Lianne, Dorval, Que., and Mr. Harold Bentley af, Clavet, Sask.. Mr. and Mrs. Brent Hughes, who have been residing in Memphis, Tenn., since last Fail, have returned ta Bowmanville for a few months. The hockey seeason for Brent's team, the Memphis Blades, was termin- ated wheri they were elimin- ,ated from the playoffs. En. ýroute ta Bowmanville, they ývisited Brent's brother, Doua- las, of the Royal Canadiain Navy, stationed -at Halifax. Mm. Walter T. Pîngle, Hamiupton, wiho celebrsted his 78th birthday the laet day o! Mmmcli, was honomed et a sur- prise dinner pamty et the Spruce Villa Hotel, Whitby, on Satumdmy evendtig. Tic party wwas aranged by two of his daughters, Mmi. Gerald Bumr, Courtice, mnd Mmi. Alec MeRobbie of Bowftimnville. A third daughter, Mmi. Gardon Spicer, atati-oned ini Baden- Baden, Gerrnany, wheme hem hubndici with the RCAF, was uumble to b. present. Seveutecu membens oai-the Immedliate bumily were pre- sent f rom Woodetock, Allis- ton, Bownmnville, Hamipton, Courtice mimd Toronto. Fol- lowing thc dinner, thc guests andi the grancildren gath- ereci mt Mr. and Mm. Pinglc's home in Hampton for coffee and birthday cake. SOLINA On Wednesdmy evenlng, April 6th, mmny- present aiid former lady residents a! tie Salins community, gathemed Inl Vie hall fon a miscellancous showcm in hormoun of Miss Gladys Yellowlees, a bride-to- be o! this mouti. Mmi. Everett Crydemman calleci tic group ta ancien andi inviteci Gladys andi hem sisten Mmi. R. Davis ta Vie chairs by t h c avemflowing "Wishîng Well". Aftem opeuing the many useful andi lovely gifts, Gladys grmciausly thaukeci anc andi mli andi extendeci an invitation ta visit hem in hem new home at Courtice. Following s frienci- ly visit andi heamty laughs a delicious lunch was senveci in the lowcm hall. Miss Gladys Yellowlees wmî ionoumed with a "1pensonal, îiower" attendeci by hem cousins. Mmi. V. Powell, Co- lumbus, and Mmi. G. Glaspell, Zion, weme hostesses on the~ occasio n if "tic hofme -of- Mmi. Powell. At the home af Mmi. Francis Johnston Uic United Chus-ch Womcn presenteci Meis Yel- lowlees wîth a centerpiece ai "Blue Mountain Pottcny". Tie Adult Bible Clmss a! Eldaci Sunday Schaol also pre- sented a gif t of costume jewel- lery Vo Miss Yellowlees. The diffenent church groups arc busy prepsrng for tie U.C.W. Fmmily Nlght ta be held iun thé hall on Satumday, Apnil 16Vh. Evenyonc is wel- came. On Easten Sunday, April lOth, Eldaci Sunday Schoal helci an open session. Mr. Harvey Yellowlecs apeneci tic service andi Mmi. G. Brown pmesided for tie followiug programme: a recitation by Mark Brown, a hcmmty chorus o! "Jesus Loves Me" by thc Kindengarten a ndc Nurses-y Classes. The scmiptume was meaci by Dean Knmox, Hemb Tink, James Baker, Scott Eak- i. Thc Explorer Group gave an exencise ou "The Cross of Christ". Four Tyra members, Dennis Broome, Tom Lang- maici, Rob Eaklnî mimd Roy Dimbleby took up tie offer- fitting illustration 'af Vie meanlng o! "Eastcr". Mmi. M. Vice eaci an inteesting stamy. Tic wiole Sunday Sciool gmoup sang some well knowu hyrnns sud Vie service was closeci with prayer. A lange cowd attendeci tic Eastcr chuch service. Miss Gladys Ycllowlees at tic org- au sud lins. Evemtt Cryder- man et Vie piano reudcmed very fittiug music for tic occasion. Ms-s. Donald Taylom sang a sala "The Moly City" anmd the chair chose as thals- anthem "Ho Lives". 1ev. Charles Cette used for ii sermon "Tic Question o! fleicide". Tic lovely basket ô! flôwérs àt Vie front o! Uic chus-ch was lni nienimy ai t2 late Mmm. G. Niddemyai Hampton. Thore wer* isa mote reVty ZAster lilies plac- éd lni thé thurch. Next Sun- day, AiXril it, séerco! Confirmation anmd Moly Cérn- rhuniofl will ho ie1d. Sympti aif hb cônumunity ln extefid4 ta Mmm. Ida West- lake on Uic passing af hem muster, Vie laVe Ms. G. Nid- des-y o! Hampton. Condolences are msa extended ta Mr. Charlcs Allu o! Bownmanvillo on Vie pasing ai hie brother, tic late Ms-. Wes Allin. Mr. simd Mmm. Orville Lunn, Ted, Karen mimd Nancy, Pet- erborough, Ms-. and MIs. Lloyd Preston, Gary, Bob anmdKl icén, Bawmanville; Mr. mand Mmi. Roy McGill, Enailn wes-e recent guestao! Uic LinI aid familles. jurd an U .Bruce Taylor andfaiUywormEXator Sun- day Vea. guesof Mr. mand Un. Bruce Xitgmmy l(lg Dos-laMblisaeti spro- groain imourblyafts-hem meent tep iop at the West- ern IL='I' ront.. W. mil wlah hem miow strenth tach day and hope he wlg soon ho 9 & mmdIl *PtMgan Mfr. and M&m, *moad Award.Tvo Religion and Life Emblems At the Third Pack Brownies Mother and Daugh-1 left ta right, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Chisholm, the Rev. ter Banquet last week, one of the highlights was the C. Hickson and Mrs. Egon Rietmuller. The two recipi- presentation of two Religion and Life Emblems. Those ents were Gloria Chisholm, lef t, and Irene Rietmuller. taking part in the interesting cereznony were, from____________ Third Pack Brown les HoId !Mother, Daughte*r Banquet The Third Pack Brownies held a most enjoyable Mo- thers and Daughters Banquet at Memorial Par-k Clubhousc recently. The tables and the spaclous roomn were attrac- tively deooratied in t4Ê tra- ditional Baster colos-s, pellow anid mauve. At each end ci the head table were idenitical white vases filled with yellow and mauve excelsios-. Spirea bran- ches were placed ini these vases, and beautifully colored eggs were-suspended from the branches. In the centre cl the head table there was a huge white Eaaster Bunny's head miade from fluffy cotton Anthes and family, Waterloo, visited on Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Millson. Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Aber- nethy, Manilla, were Sunday tea guests af Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and family. Little Valerie Taylor returned home with her grandparents for a few holidays. a nd Elizdbeth," Blackstock, were recent visitors of Mm. and Mrs, Harvey Yellowlees. Mr. and Mns. Harold Jebson and Dorothy, Beaverton, visît- cd with Mr. and Mrs. Russ Vice and Mm. Everett Vice. Mr. and Mns. Harry Knox and boys were Easter Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hil- ton Tink, Ebenezer. Dean Knox remained for holidays with his grandparents. Master Darmeli Knox in spending a few days with hi. cousin, Master Brian Tink, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome and famîly called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns of Bowman- ville. Saturday guests at the Har- vey Ycllowlees were Cpl. and Mrs. J. K. Strang, Tom and Steven, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- lowlees and family were Sun- day tea gueits with Mr. and Mmi. Glen Larmer, Blackstock. Mr. and Mmi. Walter Par- inder were Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Large and family, Bowmanville. Mrs. Rae Pascoc and child- ren callcd on Mr. and Mrs. John Dyèm, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. Broome anid Kelly, Bowmanville; Mr. Robt. Blackburn, Salem, were Sun- day tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. with Mr. and Mms. Nelson Fice, Taunton. Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. visited wîth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook, Peterborough. Mrs. Sid Mitchell, Bowman- ville; Mrs. Howard Hartley, Chris., Teddy and David, Otta- wa, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Westlake Jr. Mrs. Ken James, Mrs. Ted Prichard, Pam, Sandra and Bambara, Sault Ste. Marie, with Mr. and Mns. Everett Spires. Mr. and Mmi. Doug Flett and family were Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Art Youngman, Tyrone. Mr. and Mmi. Ray M.iddletàn, Pobin, Bruce and Billy, Toron- ta: Mr. and Mm,. Harold Pot- ter, Joanne, Brenda, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Patter, Lau- oirne and Danny, Salem, visit- ed wîth Mr. and Mrn. Alex Patter. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmald visited Mr. and Mra. W. Moffat, Omono, recently. Many esidents have had bad bouts af the flue in this community. Mr. Lawrence Squair, Sol- cm, was Sunday tea guest wlth Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmnald. Mm. and Mn. Emrnest Hacka- day called on Mr. Archie Cationnand Mr. and Mrs. Vern- on Trott, Tomonto, on Good Fiday. Mr. Aflan Fraser-, University of Western Ontario, in spend- Ing Bater holidays wlthhi parents, Mr. and Ms-s. P. C. Faser. a ven a nigici plastic Ionm. Thismuother country. Seven o! -hollow head was filleci with tic Brownici niow working teggs in all the calors "of the for titis badge entertaineci rainbow. witi songs froni Hollanci, Ail thc Bmowuics receiveci Germany, anmd Italy. f avors of tiny baskets cover- Ncxt ou tic pmogmmm a ed with pusple crepe paper playlct entitîcci 'Mc Kiigit andi filleci with an Enater Skit wias prcsented. IV was chocolate. Ite progmaumi for an eubtetaining take-off on Uic niotieirs wene rolîcci in tic word "Irght"$. Tic mauve anmd yellow construc- Browuic pleying thc Longeit thon papes- and each was fas- Knight was lcugtiencd by tened i wth a net poru-poni on wcarng stilti. Toc Arabian a plastic ring. Knight w'one Uic pictumésque Grasc was saici bythUic ev. raiment o! the Neas- East. A C. Hicksoon. Toc Toast ta Uic Knight o! thc Roaci was iu Quecu was proposeci by Mmi. bobo clothes. Sir- Gallon-had W. M. Rudeil, Division Cmn- carrieci a large catn of gaso- nissioner of! Girl Guides andd hue. Sir Knight-shirt was ln LBs-ownles, and then Goci Save a nigitshirt, and Sir Laugi- Vie Queen was suugi uniuson by tic more than 80 persans present. Gloria Chisholm read a poem giving Uic Toast thVe, Mothert, and the respouse was given by rMss. V. Junkin. Thc delialous uxeal Za servcd by six Girl Guides who Badges, Cathy Land, Nancy Junkin, Kathy Mânlen, Fran- ces Heuninig, Mary Tighc, and Karen Davis. Tfe -'lÇkides wet é assated- 1w!*e ktcM< by Mi. Clii !ord<"Shred. Aiter the mcml, those at Uic PR ICES GC head table were introduceci by lins. J. T. hffDoalci, Third Pack Br-own Owl, wio pre- sideci, as lollows: Pathes- BA Hickson, Assistant Pash Ps-test o! St. Joseph'% Roman Catholic Churdi, Ms-s. W. M. Rudeli, Uic Division Commis-s p Broywnies, Miàs Gloria Chis-MI -su hali aund hem mother, Mrs. Stewart Chusholm, Miss Cath- erine Etcher, Pack-le o! the S P R S E Third Pas-k Baownies, andi hem mothes-, Mmi. A. Etchei-, Mmi. M. Stout, Finit Pack Brown Owl, Miss Irene Riet- mullcm, a Fimit Peck Bmowuic. aund lier mother, Mmi.. Egan. Rietmullem.1 Nm Next Mmi. McDormald intro- MULTIPLE duced Uic assistants o! Vie Thiàrd Pack Brownies, Mmi W. Luxton, Mmi. C. Henring, Mmi. R. Sargineon, and Mmi. MFR'S Sf'ECIAL L. Carslon. $.9VLEFR$. Toc pmog-am began witli a $.9VLEFR$ Bmowmtic play iwhis-h al thUi Thdmd Pac-k Browuies toak part. Thi play s-eplmced thNeW Tic highlight o! thé evemi- A îng was the presentation o! Religion and LÀ'!. Badges by Fahe ics V o Gloria BY M OhLiholm, a Toird Pack Browuic, and Iren. Rietmnul- 1er, a Finit Pack Brownie. An inspiring tadk wms given by 3 ' Fathen Hickson egas-ding the significance o! Vie Religion mand Life Badge l in.heflleo! a Brownie. Under tie supervision o! E Ms-s. Carlson fous- Brownies perfommeci a skit callcd tie THE MODER? Mamch Wind. Titis consisted 1/ o! four verses dcscribing Vie Mardi Liou, Lamnb, Wiud, mnd SUGG. Sun. Mmi. Rudell, the Division LIST $1.35 Coaissioncr of Giml Guides ___________ andi Biownies, presented a Golden Bar Badge Vo Patricia Woodward, sud Golden Hanci Badges Vo Valerie Bôthwell, SLI M mM INT Caithy Porter, Ruth Craga, Susan Jones, Linde Rowe, Glaorla Citishohu, and Lynda R P ATO Burgess. T i on mmny proiieléncy badges were presented by PRHISOHEX Mmi. Rudell. Those who ne- ~e ceived A AsUt Bs énweme Cathy Porter, Uàmi- owe, KIHT GUARI Ruth Crage, Valerie Bothwell, a Gloria Chishokui, snd Lynda BugesCylitBadge, Karen MIRDTH BALLS Sarginson; Book Lover Badge, Gloai Chisholni; Toy Maker l eA O Badges, Virginia Hoges-vonut, ii>A. M T' Barebarea Hennmng, Lee-Ann I Ah Milner, Kar-en Piper; Wmiters IUIRPf'JO Badges, Barbam Henning, Lynda Burgen. mand Kerri Luxton; HomseOsderly Bad- ges, Catihy MacKlntooh, Jame Marstiill, Bonie LauCarlson, Kare Saginon;Thift Bd- MeiSarKarene- , Bonnie !uCarslon, Cathy Portes-, Cathy Tigie, Nancy Wright, Cathy MacKintouh: Dances- a-Lot was alga approprlately costumeci. AUl tiese Kiigits ln the skit were gatiered et the Knigtta' Eniployment Office looking las- jobs. Eoach Brow- nie haci a witty verse to me- cite which. descni-beci Vie qualifications o! the. knight she wms inmpesonting. Tien Vo ie amusement of thc Browuies their mothers participmted in nlimination dance, Uic record4 played be.. ing the populas, Betman (pop- ular with the Brownies any- way). Toc winner cf the elintination dance, lins. Mur- ray V. Tighc, neceiveci an Eaiter Duck egg cup, mand hem daughtcm Kiathy receivaci a gaily decoreteci ti afcandies. TIc Bs-ownie Sbory acted1 out by sevéral of Uic Bnow- nies concluded Uic program. The Bmownies then formeci a inde mand zepeated Uic Bmownie Prayes-. Law, andi w kYER 'I RI N EVITAMINS lo0's Reports from Women's' Institutes, MAPLE 010 VE W. L The Annual Meeting af the wonien's institute wus he~id in the C. E. bullding on April 4th at 8 pan. President MM S. Doyle oonducted th. busi- ness meeting. It was decideci to renew oui' C.A.C. meniber- ship. Mmi. H. Cryderman re- pas-ted for the District Execu- tive meeting held at Mîm. I. Munday's on Mss-ch 29th. Mmi. L. C. Snowden present- cd bwo resolutians which are tobe given at the District Annual. Thc District Annual will be helci on M1ay 1th at Kendal. The delegates are ta be Mmi. S. Doyle, Ms-s. H. Bradley, Mmi. L. Vite, with Ms-s. W. Brown es mtemnate. The ycsrly financial state- muent was given by Ms-s. S. Morton. The yearly Gooci Neighibonîs report w'as given by Mi. C. Greenhani for Ms-s. F. Stevens. Mm-. L. C. Snow- den mcpoted for Memnbership. The following reparti were given: Agriculture and Cana- dian Industries, Mmi. W. Brown; Historicai Research andi Curent Events, Mmi. H. Cryderruan; Citizenship andi Education, Mmi. C. Greenlmam; Home Economics andi Heaath, Ms-s. S. Doyle for Mmi. G. Beecli; Resolutions, Mmi. C. Jeffemy; Mmi. H .Bradley me- pontmed for the Nominjating Connitte. Mmi. I. Mundaiy, Bowman- ville, District President, con- ducteci the cleotion o! officers and the installation service. The following officemi werc elected: Presideut, Mmi. S. Doyle; lit Vice Ps-es. Mmi. G. Lee; Sec.-Treas. Mmi. S. lior- ton; District Dimector, lins. H. Bradley; Altemnate, Mmi. H. Crydermnan; Public Relations Officen, Mrs. G. Beech; Brandi Directors, Mmi. S. Je!. fery, Ms-s. K. Hopkcins, Mmi. L. White; Pianit, lins. Wm. Laird; Auditons, lins. Wmi. Laird, Mesi S. Laird; Good Neighbours, Ms-s. F. Stevens, Mrs. C. Jei!ery, Mmi. E. Foley, Mmi. H. Allison; Menibcssp,, Ms-s. L. C. Snowden, Ms-s. R. Dubeau, Mmi. L. Collacutt. Standing Comnulttec Con- venors: Agriculture sud Can- adian Industries, MTS. W. B rown; Home ZOMaMleM WA: H.mlth. mm.C. Swgl.* Ctznsh~d Rescamd Cýurrent EvMi*, Mn.. H. Crydesmuan; Roslum tions, Mm .là. C. Snowdon. President Mss S Doyle row suzned the chai- The roll call was 9<Pay your fees." Mm' Doyle announesd anu.xgcê- tive meeting at ber place on May 2n>d. Mm IL HCrym Winl ho in Chae f 4h.Mof meeting. Mr&mi. . Bsa&ev, Eenih Director, preecnted Uicw i loinu rgr. A s1ng-Mzng man with Ms-s. W. Lafrd a thc piano. Mi. W. Brwim conimented on the. motto, Uê us inake good mesuberu .tè and more menibers interest- ed." Sh. said that at a Bmmneh Presidenti Conles-ens-e at Guelçýh in 1954 the themne wmu "Start wtheme you are with what you have." 5h.- stated that if every Institute menu- ber showed more enthuskidm for oaT W. I. w'ork anmd help. cd to publicize it more, the great things coulci b. mcccxi- plished anmd more unenbera abtained. Ms-s. Brown reéd "Qualities of ien Ideal Ingt- tute Mlenber" and concludid with tic poem, "Just Bufid a Better You". The ladies gave a bat pr ade depiting their In ttuts office or their bistdy nuonth. Mmi. I. Munday u the jucige and prizeswee awarded to Ms-s. H. Crydes-- man, convenor o! HLçtotïg#1 Research and Curment Everîts andi lin. S. Doyle as the Pré- sident. : Tic meeting closed wlth thc repeating ofithec «Cllet", in unihson, alter whIch a 966- ilal hall! houa, was enjoyesl. Cet Cash Today For OId Appliancos, through T A T ESMA N C L A 8 1F 1E DB Phono 623-3308 A" ALBERTO VO5 RIEGULAR OR BARD TO BOLD 7 OZ. SUGG. LIST $1.89 sl149 CHOCKS THE FRUIT FLAVOURED VITAMIN SUPPLEMENT s3,019 SUGG. LIST $1.75 2519 sl.57 GI LLETTE SUPER STAINLESS STEEL BLADES REFREE ODESS $1019 TOL NJ ANTISEPTIC OZS. $1919 GUM NH ,Antibgcterial Séap, 5 oz., sugg. 1W 8 2.00 59C SUGG. LIST 75e HEAD & SHOULDERS CREAM SHAMPOO LARGE SUGG. LIST $1.19 99c* 1*69, 1,69, 1.59; ______________Deodorant, à oz., Mfr. Speclal $1.29 for' $1.1 9 9 or FLAKES 1 lb. SPECIAL 3 I KILLER _______ 1 lb., Regular Sft, _____ _____ ____ _____ ____An Excellent, ole .0 PRESCRIPTIONS L D., Ajý REMEI. ALEXMcREO 5KING ST. W. DRUQS* PIoN )OD ÙUNT IL A PRIL 16 -- Chewing Gum Reducing Plan 36'o, sugg. list 1.98 For Hemorrhoids, sugg. lust $1.98 .1 'l' 1 rmsk=:r:j ,99

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