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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1966, p. 8

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theCandl, Satemawn, Eowmanvill, Apr. 1,m90 $PORTOPICS Dy Fra"k Mohana 623-7234 -WM n IITTLC E UL 0 6wManville Pe. Wees leave tonight (Wed.) for Mid- sceneo0f the l966 Lttle N.H.L. Championhhips. The ieMeet Thorald at five o'clock, Thursday in the opening '10eof the Ontario A.H.L. finals, the wmnner advanclng, -~bflethelaser wiIl drap back into the consolation round. -ÇbÊMPIanahip gaines wlll ho played Saturday niglit in Jr. ",A.HL. and N.H.L. categories. t 1*t t 1- tt *ICOLSMOTORS WIN JE. TOWN LGE. CROWN XÎliChols' Motors edged Legionnaires 1-0. Sunday night, ~ lmxà great comeback as they won the Junior Town Ligue Chainpionship, thrce gaine. ta two wlth one tled. Zegbonnafres haît led at one tirne 2-1 and were favored to e«pture Uhc titie, but Bob Clark's goal at 9:08 of the second Period in-Uhc sudden-deatli affair, made Nichols' the 1965-66 t t t t t OSRAWA GENERALS - MEMORIAL CUF BOUND? 'Sep" Guldolin wau telllng us after Oshawa Generais *aid taken a 3-0 lead In their best of seven Jr. "A" finals, liait ho hoped Uiey could wrap it up in four, but Kitchener Ahngirs were really too good te go down without a single 1tory. rRangers came up witli that win Saturday night, as for t#>e firat Urne in the seriez, they looked 1k. the teain that Nid up»et Niagara Falls Flyers and Toronto Mariboros. The Generals, who had completely dominated play In1 lrldaY'a .8-2 canquest, appeared te be on their way again ]rlday nlght, but althougli they were In the game until weli On li Uie third period, Kitchener slmply aut-hustled the Mtor city crew. Rangers coachi Wally Kuilman replaced the semi-final biero Gary Kurt with John Voue ini goal. The fact it was 'Von' final Jr. "A" gaine and *perliapa the final gaine of bue season in Kitchener probably were big factors in getting Xitchener "Up" for the conteat - and they were facing 611ination. A paying crowd of 5,479 roaring fans crammed thc Qshawa Clvic Auditorium on Good Friday to set a new attendance record by 878., An even 2,000 people stood three and tour deep as the 3,47i seats had been sold out one hour after going an sale Wednesday morning. .Those who were fortunate ln seeing the third gaine çan't understand how the Generals could have lost Saturday, Dun matter what psychoiogical reasons may have aided Kit- eCener. What few people knew was that Bobby Orr spent a1l day Fridcy ini bed with the flu bug - and what a gaine h. playc! Ail the Generals were fiying ln that one, par- ticularly right-winger Wayne Cashinan wl» put on a great q0splay of stick-handiing wizcdry and wound up with three pad two assista. And you can't forget Danny O'Sliea, the clu¶'s playoff point leader - with two more goals ln the ~Win. Bobby's the kind of guy who wouldn't make any alibis, bù .think after liii big game Friday the flu Probably took lts toil In Saturday's boss. Biily White, another flu 'Nctm, mlssed the holiday encounter and tried to go the bon, nlght but just couidn't do it. We've neyer seen O'Shea skate as fast as he did ln the firat period at Kitchener, but no doubt the previous night's ail out effort finally took its toli on the entire teain. Andé3ai,,he Generals who had won six straiglit piayoff aies 1ave býen haited, but we would have to think only 1 > I-"rrily. GÛtdolin scys, "The boys have great spirit. I 4 0 c'tiey can smmli vietory and I'm sure a eontinued teain *ffort will wln for us." f We have ta agree, so by the turne you're reading this, iteawa Generala will probcbly have wrapped up the sixtli #mne, and be ready ta meet North Bay ln the Eastern Cmada seml-finals. Just ln case the O.H.A. Jr. "A" final la ~ olonged, future gaines are scheduled for tonight (Wed.) ai Maple Leaf Gardens and Friday at Oshawa. If Generals win the league titie, tliey should be favored to represent the eat in the Menioriai Cup final. In an] tuçhlbition gaine ecriier in the season they demolished Nçrth Bay 14-3, and there's no reason to doubt that they should defeai the N.O.H.A. champs. Halifax won the other qlaarer final sertes over Cornwall and will meet Shawinigan 11,of thc Quebec Provincial League. Yotnotes - Biily Bannerrnan, witli the Generals last Muaon, was behind thc hencli Friday niglit adding moral ipppori. His teain, thc Clinton Coniets were elininated ln ià-thir Eastern Pro League payoffs ... W. met an oid buddy 4,pm Toronto at the Jr. "B" gaine Friday afternoon at the qîvic Auditorium and nearly did a double take wlien he sIdI thouglit tickets were hard to get - I just bought a #air." - They were standing rooni . . . Doug Orr, that's1 *obby'o father, was discppointed when Generals lost Satur- >~Y niglt, because lie had Invested in a case of champagne t0 celebrate. Bobby's older brother Ron i. playing with *Ïry Sound in the Ontario Jr. "C' playoffa. He scored1 tIaree goals Sunday as they defeated Napance ta take a 2-1 I#jad ln the hast of seven series . . . Our visit to Kitchener 4uditorium was the firat in quite some tinie. Last time we Were there Dave Baon and Jin Neilson were piaying for t4e Kitchener pro club. Incidentally, the Auditorium is a ~Iddown model of Maple Leaf Gardens, and the largej 1ý -gent of Oshawa supporters were ail able to secure ta Peter Nevin, a sure-fire prospect for next season t~ncrutches, the resuit of a cartilage operation on his knee *..Brian Morenz la travelling with the club, apparently1 on lits way ta conipiete recovery. J. J AL LADIES FINISH SEASON Beavi Bowmanville ladies wouiid up their hockey season Lumib rday by competing in an eight teain tournament at Ken's rn Men's dge. The fairer sex was represented by entrieszro Nels *raway as Parry Sound and Midland, and although the Insure ladies didn't win the championship, coach Bonnie Cowie Dykst Jury quite happy with their play. LandE Bowmanville defeated Orono, a team that had the edge Frank them aIl season, 5-4, but lost to Uxbridge 7-3 In the Variet À final contest. I. G. Nancy Goodwin, Jante Cowie. ad Debble Reynolds eccl Seiby two goals for the Bowmanvilje ladies, the others' Heatir to Cathy Chapinan uand Marg Goyne. Namue Larry 'Ed. MEMORIAL Mur Ron1 Bob1 ARENA Budt Toie isos 133 728Dr. H PUBLIC Clon Art Ri SATING P~IYAPRIL t~- 8 10 P.M. ~ W'O8DDSEAN N1P Members of the Men's Curling, Division of Bow- manville Curling Club held their ciosing meeting recently and distributed trophies as well as electing offioers for next year. Top photo shows the officers, inciuding newly elected President Wayne "Pat" Pat- terson, seated lef t, and Irnmediate Past President Dudley Deeley; back row, lef t to right, Treasurer Harold Falk, 2nd Vice AI Rundie, Publicity Chair- From the time Reeve Sid Little dropped the puck ta open the Midget Tournament on Saturday, April 9th, until the final whistle biew, the fans were treated to a very superior brand of hockey. The opening gaine saw Bow- nianville blank Markham 10-0, followed by Whitby taking Port, Hope 7-2, Ajax and Lind- say playing to a 1-1 tie with .the gaine going to Ajax and a thrilling gaine.between Tren- ton and Richmiond Hill ending in a no score lie, with Trenton scoring 45 seconds afler the overtime started, to take the1 gaine. In the second round Mark- hain look Port Hope 5-2 only to lose the final consolation gaine 10 Lindsay by a score a£ 8-2. Bowrnanvilie lost out to Whitby 3-2 with Ajax laking Whitby in the championship Men's Major League Standing l4th Week Lowell MacDougal 42 214 Second Schedule George Stephen 42 214 n L Pte. Jack Bond -- 42 214 Bill Orme----- 42 213 [ry Motors 33 9 33 Maurice Richards- 42 212 rty Bowl-- 231/1 181/ 23½Y Frank Mohun 36 211 ÀCola ---23 19 23 Bob Williams 42 211 er Si Trewîn --,.... 42 211 ier --22½/2 91/2 22'h Bob Gianville 42 211 3 Bud Henning - 42 211 s Wear - 22% 19 'h 221/ Don Bishop 42 210 Osborne Laurence Learnan- 36 210 rance---22 20 22 Bruce Milne -»" 42 210 tra's Food 22 20 22 Fred Thoinson - 36 210 ,& Lovell 20% 21~ 20 % Jack Parker - 42 209 er Hdwe. 18 24 18 Don Bagnell. 42 208 iksBob Lawton 42 207 ety 17 25 17 Stan McMurter- 42 207 .A. 16 26 16 Harry Akey - 42 205 y Grant Ted Bagneil 39 204 ng - - 12 30 12 Howard Bromeli 42 204 Averages Harold Michelson- 42 202 aGames Ave. Lau McFeetera 42 202 ,Piper 42 252 George Piper - 42 202 L.eslle____ 42 243 Al Samelîs __-_ 39 202 *sborne ___ 42 237~ Ron McLean - 42 200 ;Oke ---- 42 231 Boh Kènt - 42 200 rtz Anneari 42 231 Bowling News ,Brock-- 42 228 Two bowlers tied for top Maynaxd - 42 228 triple this week. Don Bishop Richards - 42 228 lied 818 with gaines of 174-312- Barter ---- 42 *228 332, whie Ah Saman liad Uic Harrison - 42 226 saine score witli 297-283-238. anan -___ 42 226 Lou Wiseman aima crashed thc Hately 39 225 Uic 800 mark. Lau had 806 ePerfectZ 42 225 made up of 285-308-213. H. Rundle 42 224 Nine bowlers heitered the Westlaké 42 224 700 mark. George Bebee 770 Oke ---.. 39 224 (269-267), Bud Barter 755 Wiseman - 42 222 (309), Don Oke 750 (261-271), ence Oke ...j 42 222 Maurice Richards 747 (335), Rowe-- -- 42. 221 Kari Biekeil 726 (297), Bill 1,»4man - 42 219 Westlake 722 (319), Harold ~Hnnng 42 218 Michelson 7M8 (288), Laurence i per - 42 217 Lýeaxni 703 (284), AI Osborne k Semais - 42 216 701 (240). Id Senneti 42 216 Clarence Oke had 288 for se Zçbee - 42 216 ose gaine. gob Lawtan 284, Carter - 42 210 e'g Piper 20, »ob Ricia- Murby - 42 216ardu 279, Jack Bond 247, How- pejime - 43 215 ard Br*OU S1240, Ernie Per-' man R. G. Lawton, lat Vice Paul Kowal and Secretary Laurence Qoddard. Lower photo is of the winning skips and their trophies for the four schedules, from lef t to right, Charlie Biekie and the Wiif Kitson. trophy, Pat Patterson and the AI Rundie trophy, Fred Kramp and the Lander trophy and Jack Munday with the Toronto-Dominion Bank trophy. Excellent prizes were also awarded to winning teams and runners-up.i gaine 2-1. Consolation trophy was pre- sented by Vice-President Jack Hayes witli President Grant Bail presenling crests to the winners. The championship tropliy was presented by Grant Bal with Jack Hayes presenting crests to the winners. The inost valuable player award was won by Danny Skeiton, Ai cx. Hap Palmer 261, Bill Shotter 260. The Liberty Bowl squad won ail teain honors, having higli single 1284 and higli triple 3495. Garf Clarke won the low single award, bowling 117; Bill Shotter 118, George Gian- ville bowied a 475 triple. Ail captains are requesled to contact their leani 10 find out how many will be attend. ing the banquet on May 7, 1966. Night Hawks Bowling Team Standings J. Woodlock ______32 B. Wiibur _______28 J. Shearer _______27 L. Woodcock 24 M. Hodgson 24 K. Campbell ____17 Higli Singe-J. Rowe- 266 Higli Triple-I. Wright ...653 1. Averages J. Shearer 207, I. Wright 186, J. Lunn 182 K. Campbell 180, M. Hodgson 178, J. Wood- lock 169, C. Adamns 169, B. Wil- bur-168, B. Mills 167, L. Wood- cock 164, J. Rowe 164, W. Mc- Neil 162, D. Mutton 162, G. Scott 159, D. sallows 159, K. RaIstan 158, FP.,Land 154, C. Sarginson 152, J. Mafra 149, M. Firth 147, A. Loruaso,14e, v. Bartlett 145, J. Harness 144, D. Cochrané 143, V. SargInsan 141, L. Mutton 140, B. Keitti 135, B. Coorzibes 134, I. Turn- bull 12à, 1B. Beera 129, L. Burg. cas 128, D. Dewcll 125, 0. Per- fect 124, 0. Moffait 121. M*Gie J. Roe 266, 1. Wright 208, 258; J. Woodlock 249, J, Shearer 247, B. Mina 24, B. ýV'ilbur 219, 229; K. Campbell -28 2 I;BL Ki 22. = Xria. 1 Mixa Major League April 4, 1984 Monday nièht seemed ta ho a good ndght for the goad bowlers. JoUl's tearn racked up a nice 3513 &hree gaine total. There were three 800 series with Hec. Ballantine rolling 840 (295-219-326), Er- nie Perfect 831 (224-271-336), Doris Jol 824 (250-246-328). Other nice trWpes - M. Anna- ert 7ý3 (290-217-246), H. Bai- lemn 716 (288-231), L. Connors 713 (227-251-235), V. Connors 706 (215-256-235). Othier sing- le honors go tao B. Buday 293, P. Dobhin 285, B. Holroyd 272, M. Mairs 268. O. Patfieid 262, J. Sutciiffe 253. Ballem ................ joli ...................... Perfect................. Annaert ............... Dobbin................. BaRantine............. Sanian ................ Itomson .............. Brock.................. Murphy............... Buiday .................. Bickeli ............... Murphy ............... Patfield............... Wright................. Team Standing Joli ............. 45636 28V2 Buday ......... 44191 24 Wright ......... 44351 211/2 Brook .......... 43592 20 Patfield........ 42355 18 Biokel......... 42747 14 New'ville -Starkville Bowling League Thursday, April 7/66 Averages Ina Brown ____188 Shirley Wood ______186 Marg McDonald ____183 Marg Wadc 179 Doris Tompkins 175 Marlene Stacey ____172 Mary Skelding ____169 Marie Trim n ___-___166 Grace Farrow _______15 Joyce Stacey _____160 Helen Sinclair _____157 Olive Henierson -___154 Elva Robinson ---- - 142 Berniece Henderson - 141 Sharon Brown 141 Maureen McCullough- 133 Betty Botliwell 123 Annette Savery 100 1. Brown 238-247, M. Wade 235-213, O. Henderson 210- 213, H. Sinclair 254, S. Wood 241, M. Stacey 227, G. Farrow 224, J. Siacey 224, B. Hender- .son 211, E. Robinson 201. 1Games Won COF BOWLING 1 Knab....................... Mrshal i .................... Mrut .....n... b............... Mr ........................ Prout ........ ................ Brok........................ Dnn eh .................... Deak ................. 234 3 23) LE E ,,34 EmERCARRIERS April a. 19U0 riday niglit It was West- lake 7-0 over Dakin, King 5-2 over .M,àshall, Maenab 5-2 over Prout, Snowden 5-2 over Denney end Grifn 4-3 over Brook Rosi Brock was top bowler with a 755 triple (251, 320, 184). For the ladies Betty Weatlake z'olled high triple of 716 (246, 241, 228), whlc Ulse Prout rolied blgh single of 309. Over 200 Gomnes wcre rolled by H. Snowden 240, 211, E. Luke 270. 228, V. King 216, N. MoLean 220, 222, Y. Luke 220, R. Westlaýke 200, 229, Roy Woodward 265, 243, F. Stub- bert 237, E. King 251, 212, 268, Ruby Woodward 224, B. Patter 229, G. Prout 202, J. Macnab 223. C. Roberts 228, F. Allen 240, 230, P. Buma 211, B. Griffin 276, M. Malley 226, 208, D. Nolan 208, G. Dennis 202, N. Woodcock 206. Lemon League: R. Stephen- son 90, B. Hawkins 52, V. Luke 92. 31Telephon. 723-4631I $4215 m $4965 Post Office Departnient BOWMANVILLE, Ontarlo Application forma, obtainable ai the Pout Office and National Employment Service Office, should be filed with the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO 7, Ontario, before April 28, 1966, Quote Competition 66-T-843. DRING TRIS SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE PASS ~ SAT> APRIL l6th KINSMEN SUPER CAR --BINGO-- at the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE oEt$8,200 IN RI9ZES includimg Men Curlers Elect Officers, Distribute Trophies el ,Lindsay Wins Consolation Top Men E. KlIng ..... ......... . ..... 222 R. Brock ..--.-..212 K. Snowden -.-..208 rW. Denney. . 204 rG . M ar shall ..... . . . 199 R. GrUffin . .........108 rR. Westlake ........... 197 Top Ladies FM. Mlley.. ....... 12 C. Roberts - 85 B. Weotiake > 180 V. King ............... P. Allen .. - . ---- ----- . Nolan ............ 172 L. Woadcock ............... 172 Iwill ban Fou Up t. $5,ooo.o ai a reasonable rate of Interest To cosolidate 7our bis or for any other worthwhlle purpose *.providing 705 are steadily employed and have tood credit. quq ro'eý410 m

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