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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1966, p. 9

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¶~ SPOTopucs By Frank Mohun . 623-7234 GiEEI AELSREADY Wel te Trote Maple Lests have been soundly beaten and we have been tipped off thât "Punch" Imlach will be lrd-if he doesn't decide to leave on his own. Poor aid "'Pnchs"greatest sin was going with the aid-timners for Jim Bishop, coach of the Oshawa Green. Gaeîs e,~gcertain te romain at the helm of that c lub for many Years te come. Xishop has guiçled hi, team te three con-if s'ecutive Minto Cups in the Gaels' briel three year history. Whf le he may b. like Imlach when it cames te stressingi condltioning, there the similarity quickly ends.1 The Oshawa crew has lest two players frem last year's., champs, - starry John Davis and a rugged guy wha sat ant the bench through mast o! the finals - Joe Kiwior. NeWii Armstrong is the only performer of this year's team whoe wilI b. lest ta over-age next season, as most 'players have'] thrée te four years left in Jr. "A" lacresse. A hard guy te replace wiil b. Kenny Thompson, per-, haps the fastest player in the league. Thompsen, second highest point-man on the team ha, been given his release se0 that he can play hi, final season with Huntsville, a new: A entry in the loop. The Huntsville club captured the Cana-! ý dian Jr. "B" titie last year. i Bishop has had hi, charges practising for two weeks, iJ going at it twice a day over the past week and rates hi, fJ Gaels as the team te beat again thîs season fer the easternE ic crewn. Another Minte Cup weuld set an ail time recordI of four straight, breaking the existing mark Oshawa now'E holds with Brampton. i5 And now if Yeu'Il excuse us we're on aur way te the: Green Gaels' championship banquet. Y B Night Hawks Bowling A Team Standings Ileck 174, B. Wilbur 171, C. Iý J. Woodlock ------------- --39 Adams 171, B. Miii 165, J. R B. Wilbur --- --- 33 Rowe 163, L. Weodcock 163, ID J. Shearer ---- 27 D. Mutten 162, W. McNeii 161, M. Hodgson -------- 2" G. Scott 159, D. Saiiows 157:, 0 IL. Woodceck ----------------- 2 K.. Raisten 157, F. Land 155,1 X. Campbelli--------------- -23 ýC. Sarginsan 151, J. Mairs 151. Hîgh Triple-K. Campbell 5781 200 Game, iM High Single-J. Mairs ---279 fJ. Mairs 279, K. Campbell st Averages 251 L. Mutten 229, C. Adams Mv J. Shearer 203, 1. Wright 220, B. Wilbur 211, J. Lunn k:i 86, K. Campbell 183, J. Lunn 207, J. Shearer 206, J. Wood- in 181, M. Hedgson 178, J. Weod- leck 201, 204; F. Land 202. St BEAVER LUMBER Stretch Outdoori EnJor your home wlth privacy fez blned, they ereati for entertalnlng, For est! ber Even for morning cotfee lt's a great Idea. Porch - Patio Deck ~2 An outdeor famlly room 12' x 14, th@ porch poli.o1 2 la ocly ta build. Comploesmaterials Include asy M ta lolnew plans. Wth attacheS prlvacy sareen a. llustrated . . . 144_i0 iee. DELIVERED The Canadfimn Stateman. Eowmmnvlme.p <, 98 i L.ands -n orm WeekIy Report. CiomingEvients est areas. Extmngulsh ucmkt S April 28 to 30-Union Rod ing matera. on bere octk 'os an d Gun Club Sportsmen's inl minerai 1011. .. Sow, Civie Auditorium, Osha- 3. Avold lunch lires. li for- wa. est armas. Take hot drinks lu 1 rie 5eam<n OpenuIi'n otis Tihe tire season extends from 4. Camp buildings- a d Aipril1 ito October 31, 1966.It roîe d wgs ith spstar arrinet is hoped the 1966 seasonwallbePoiddwthsak a aA New'vlle-tarkilleLoca 189Hocky Ba quetproduce lmw tires. During Os Newvile- takvleLoal18 Ho ke B nq etBURKETON 1905, 1,218 lires occurred in usneetsor Bowling League i Mr. Chester Hoskin was ars n flelowest burns Coas sh ayb AA I . I o te ci s taken k> Memrial Hospital, o eor.a s pe myar urn b ~~'Ja m ey We staesG l d te re o t ste n e h or a i m a p rt I h be t n s u nrasp e a d u nbe ANeriee e Siwmnville, on Tuesday Spring lire hazard should be and May In Haliburton Cunty ig Bron 19 81 obhin home frei om h itl district. Extra caution should This doms fnot include the. Shirley Wood ----- -l ~ ~ve be taken at this trne, however, Townships of Clyde and Bu ShileyWo - 186 72lE"âI L U I iU gfmIE E ...iA 9" witb grass and brush tires. ton and the northeast cornai M.HreMxel185 ..3Buck C owle N w Pre ide Mr. Cyrus Ashtonm saiso Old vegetation dries out quick- of Eyre Township, Lots le te M.arg. McDonald _ 182 871 out of hospital at- home with ly in the spring and causes a 34 inclusive, Concessions il Edna Elliott__ 182 81. Head table guests at the These on the chamipionship voted on and kept secret un- his sonl Roy. hazard until new growth be- to 14 inclusive. This arma la M'arg Wade ------- 180 87 anflual Local 189 Hockey Lea- club were: Brion Hughes, Jim tii the annouincement is made. Miss'Doreen* Perrett,- Hamrp- gins. now part of Algonquin Park Doris Tompkins 177 33 gue Banquet, Saturday night Clarke, Paul M.cCullough, Raye West was -selected as ton, called on Mrs. Tom' Eight out of 10 liresar wheire the use of speans ù Marlene Stacey 174 75 at the Memnorial Park Club Gary M'oCullough, Vince Van- the lea.gue's. most valuableiBailey recently. mncue.T rvn hs prohibited at any time. This Dot Stark ----- 170 81 House were: "Archie" Cros- stone, Bob Fairey, Joe Both- player during the regular' Mr. Charlie Dignard of lires the following points aiso applies to the rernaindez Mary Skelding__ 168 84 sey, president; "Butch" Cole, well, Bob Sleep, Jim Mc- schedule, and was the o'I-NwBusikhsbe hudb osdrd f the Lindsay District. Ex- Marie Trîm -------166 81 vice-president; Ted Fairey, Knight, Danny Girardi, Don jent of the Local 397 Trophygt t hsor. e here 1e- eas andpa untain g r t h C otionîoned ;race Farrow __.... 165 84 secretary-treasurer; Bob lFair- Mesters, and coach "Buck" from Gary Tighe. Bob Fi e sna t f hsor. ephis . Aoiespingbu n 'i cetfor tha po ti n Hli enny Rypstra .- 164 69 ey, past president; and repre- Cowle. aprensandeplatheiomost sponoalreyjDi.gnardej peetdteo t rman-lcently. 2. Sit down te smoke in for- aoen esnsalhv Toyce Stacey- 161 87 sentative of office union Local Raye West received the like trophy te "Butch" Cole. 1 Iri i ossin o foyLuto -------- 60 1 97 GryTihe !Mrs. Jonias Saulnier from - _- - -sper i ossin o ey uxtn-----16 2 39, GryTi~e.leading scorer trophy lfrom During the business portion.New Brunwickvisied hrîMesrf eorgeandLloy Ai ïelen Sincair ----- 157 81 AfteTr an excellent meal Ted Fairey, while Vince Van-: of the evenin.g, it w-as aimnost'dauý-thter, Mrs. Deiphis Dig-!dread on the passing of th r iverLindak ostrea :)ive Henderson 154 87 prepared by thie Memorial stene was awarded the "Ve- assuredly decided that the nard. luncie (April 18) Mr. ei te insy isrit Thna Tree Plantlng Check List lIva Robinson - 143 78 Park ladies' group, and a zina" trophy as the best geai- league would drop its affilia-' (Intended for Iast week) Alldread of Carman, Mani-!Ayn lnigfrs rm 3. Henderson 141 81 equaliy agreeable financiR] keeper 1w "Butch" Cole. tie wit!Locl 18nandit: rs. om Biieyhas een oba haro Brulown 134 681 taempentate fa we arey, The gifts were presented was left for the new execu-ý visiting her daughter, Mrs. The Tyro's are holding theirloig points: ted Stplton.~129 75wondu~in tie easn as n.te Don Masters who is leav- tive te ultimately dacide what! Peelin'g, and sister Mrs. Har-ipaper drive this Friday night i 1 Plant coniferous trees -in 4edaStaletn 19 7 wo driengt "hie " rons Bow-manville to join would happen next season. igoOsa .anStudymrn.Ince etty Bothwell __123 -78 din efOshwa. nd atudaymornng.In asetheearîy spring sean alter the. nnette Savery ---- 10 7prsnedteLoa 89To Goodyear in Collingwoed, and Frd Buk Coe ws Symjpathy is extended te cf ramn it will be the follow-fstevsth gru. G esWnpy mlmtco egethe two coaches of lthe final- elected to the office of presi-' Mr. Clarence Aveury and fam niig week. 2s Plant trees the saine day Gane Wnpy eema tic Do a egu ists, Fred Cowle and Uloyd dent, with Lloyd Stainton as lîy in the death of his aunt, Mrs. Jack Oliver of Fenelon thej arrive, if possible. sureayVoDn a ters, Mrs idr fHmtn l al iie e ohr r rens - ------- 63 captain o! the winning team. Saitn vice-president and Peter Sta- r.I'eyo aapoa-lal istdhrmteni.13. Keep tree roots moist :obins 40 Individueal trophies w e re Highlight cf the evening eey, the excellent radio andis te the Niddery famiuly. Percy McCoy. iand covered at ail times until )ove --- ------ 36awarded te the Hornets by was' the presentation of the press contact man, as secre- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stop- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byamrplanted. loves-------------36 ey had their son Hairold Mr. and Mrs., E. A. Virtue )Wls 35 C rossey and Ted Faireytwo coveted trophies that are tary-treasurer. ________ histenied in Burketon United viie1rltve at4ek. Plant trees ta original Miieforlatids Owe ound.idepth nt which they grew lIn 200 Games iToving into fourth place, and- Clurch. MaMrd ad eoun d .pe t aFn curonythe stenfor change M.Saey3420,M Hre. 0F MadnlIqGtai oor ntese) ;r ac 3-20 0, , . Ell C F O W L Gta2123,Apil1,166HeSode....2Blackburn h a d fYON ew days with her sister, Mrs.1 5. Pack soil around tres 2 0 5 f h* 2 6 - 0 - 0 , J yi1t e T g r - .1T R N R . S c tt. fro n ts w ith y o u r h e e l. tra 24-200,E. Eliott 21-235 Apri 15, 166 H.Snowdn .........42 2Mr.FaandllMrsckbG. hAllMrreadd, 6.G.Protect&6.tPhteetplantationio [. Wade 219-250, D. Tomp- Friday night it was Brocki W. Denney......... 25 204 hinseif a big night, sweeping I Mr. M. Gaskin visited Mr.1 from fîre, grazing rodents, In- ms 253, 1. Brown 235, E. Rob- 7-0 over Prout, King 7-0 over G. Marshall........ 42 198 ail the honours with an 8061I Several from this commun- and Mrs. H. Streng, Salem. scsaddsae son 207, G. Farrow 204, J. Westlake, Denney 5-2 over G. Prout .........42 13til1n 6 igegm. t n ae teddte ogrtltn aM.ad201JwC mpiltes at Park Lacy 24. aki, Mcn'b 52 oerJack Bond had a 789 total, programme on "Evangelisrn"iMrs. J. Bishop (Joyce Davey) Ba0sNmw Lak, Provincial Snow 24.D ekn an rifi 5-2 over M Top Ladies followed by Don Oke 747,llast Wednesday evening înwhe were married Friday Pakl fe 20nw ap MshodandGiiil2oe . Mal]ey .......... 39 196iDick Perfect 745, Stu CarsoniTyrone United Church. Te evening in Tyrene United sa ites this er.M00 t ecthp Marshall. ~~~F. Allen .......39 1811f716, Arnold Lobb 685 ànd John Explorers' sang, Shirley Rey- Church. Reception wa, held at ststi er oto h Marion Malliey wes the top C ..bets .8.on.8. new camping'spots are located . oet .......38 giLuxtn64 enga read a poem. Rev. DavidlTe Acres,.i oddaes u. e bolra!teniitwthaB Wslke...2 180ý Other high singles were. re-,Northey was chairman andf Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue weîîs 1supy capr 732 triple (216, 276, 240) and V. Ring.............. 36 180,ceddb od36 efc showed a film on "AmoiwreSudafdnnr uetso!w sppy amer Faye Allen had high siile R. Nolan..........----42 175 324, John Goode 279 and OkelNeighbors." Robert Hamilton1 Mr. and Mrs. AIr Evans, Ôsh - wt r ae. tn o of 310. For the men Gran 276. ýplayed severai selections onfawa. entysanhv edon s-ofpe iMaley had high triple cf 696 Ithe piano. Jim and Jack Shear' Sunday guests of Mr. and e 10fe tsoeiet 1(208, 252, 236) and Ev. Ring emSadnston100ftofhrli o Mixed Major Teain Standings lof Oshawa sang four gospelIMrs. Lorne Phare, Mr. and poid ec e wmes rolied hdgh sigle o!a291. Fs. ihym ns and aise participated in Mrs. H. Babcock, Mr. and Mrs. A iservddfo i iOver 200 Games were roll- Braiders..............58 the panel discussion on "Evan- Ken Cex, Miss Mabel Jewell, Highway 46 and lrom newiy ed by H. Snowdien 219, J. Leag eMahn__o ---- 49 Igeli sm" along with Mrs. A. Bowmanville, Mr. Bert Jewell, constructed Hîghway 46 which Smith 217 E. Prou 201, J.Tigers ------------------- 47 Hamilton, Mrs. John Vaneyk, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Macnab 231, P. Buma 242, 210, April il, 1966 Hose -- --------------- - 41 ýMrs. James Woodiey and Rev. Eber Snowden, Courtice. gasses along the norther-n G. Marshall 226, B. Allen 215, Fan Beits--------------- « D. Northey. During the aller- Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore 9nary aof the park. 223,B. ottr 21. 26, Wîh jut ee mie eek f Bnbuy-------------39ing Mrs. R. Burgess sang. and Paul visited her mother, A .Wloh MeReelis 201, 221, R. Griffinbwln p eos le l a Belts ---- .... . , Misses Margaret Hamilton, Mrs. V. E. Milîsen at St. Distri ct Forester.. 210, 202, D. Nolan 203,_G. a firrm.helel -on -frrst pae- In -Bierj!Rom --- --- 28 'Louise Hoar, and Christine John's Convalescent Hospital, Denniq-.205. S. Mle-2b 204, fact, wîn or lose next week, -.-- Brent also sang, accompanied Tarante.- .* 114.MeL-ean 201, F. Potter 251, she is stili secure in first by Mrs. G. Brent. Mr. and Mrs. George Rahni, g11sf irour rice R. Nolan 215, 205, R. West- place. The girls led the way The maximum corporation - Namptpro Young People are Miss Helen Rahm, Greenbank lake222,R. Bo2c~~ ~in scoring with D. Joli rolling taex rates in Canada' are 23 having a -Vartity Night in' v itedhi brother, Mr. andj o orL'elo E. Roberts 228,2K, the high triple c 5 (262-pe cent on the lirst $35,000 of April in TyreneHa1-. Mrs. W. Rahm. 212I. ibsn 25,G Pou 271-323) and H. Brook with incarne and 52 per cent on the Congratulations te Mrgi M. Congratulations te Mr. and'sreg 209, B, Westlake 243, F. !the high &ingle of 351 and a remainder, compared to U.S. brush and grass in forest Mrs. Merv Engiish (Donna f 9 T A T 3 Bs n A N Snowden 211. 706 triple. High triples went rates of 22 per cent on the first Gaskin on her 9th birthday, Yellowlees) on their marriage V L A 9 8 I1' I E3DaB to H. Bailemn 806 (288-318- $25,000 and 48 per cent on the April 19. . Saturday. Donna was a terni-f Phenq 623-3302 Lemon League: R. Simnpson 200), H. Bailentine 779 (265- remainder. Sympathy is extended te er Tyrne girl. MMFB 89, B. Hawkins 85, R. West- 238-276), M. Annaert 778 lake 60, S. Milley 76, B. Pot- (281-238-259), "Lýen and Lan- ter 87, E. Prout 85, C. Roberts ky" Thom'son 754 (346-227), Your Home 98 TeaIStndigsP. Daman 734 <22564-259), ~ g Tea Stndigs P. Somain 739 (24245-239),Th outside of a GIVMC pic u S K~~~~~ing .................. .. -66 E. Perfect 711L(21.6-26.5-230), ......................... ..... lIh4taesat e te the unit of yoiir lot -anb ............ nengan ecin. o- arhll.................... 4H. Bâllem... ' .....255 o fly al t e s o Le an outdoor living.rom Brock .........._................ 5 D. Joli ...................249 barbeeulng and resting. Prout.......................... .Pefct........4 Denney ........................ 42 . DAna ...................24 rIdeas, planning help and Dakin....................6P Dbi.............234 mates, visit Beaver Lum- Snowden .....................36H. Ballentine .....«.......... 232 - u yesvisit lu alwayu Westlake....min............................... 229 weleomed F. Thomnson................ 229 Top Men H. Brook ..................2211 here's the other hiaift E. King.............. 42 221 M. MurPhy .................. 213f R. Brock ----- -- 42 211 B. Buday ..................... 2l3î S . BiMurph ..................201. -, /j hyu..MJOR.B.cke ................ 203 TheGM pickup's box flo«mo d e iofa V. PConnors............... 2027; preservative-treatid waod. ft canet rust mm"t V. C nnor ................... 2 21 drum.' Steve 11k. new longer! BO LN ol...Team S 8.tan d.Iig 30 '/à Standard two-stage coil ruer suspension JOli .26 autamaticaliy adjuats springs ta laid dîmetd but1 Ài/ B1- __- ......................... 3 1tsbeen a tough struggle rc ................. btPerris finaliy made it to FWright ......... _.......... 2 /2 the tpo the heap. Last Mon- Patlieid .................19 'dayniht, Perris walloped Bcel-------1 cellar-ding Tnnne30teFDon't farget the Bowlinlg1 take over the Ladies' Majo~i, Banquet at the Legion Halli !eague lead by a single pointFan Saturday, May 14, prompt- when Buday was upset ly at 6:30 p.m. Haynes. fThree other shut-outs were registered as Joli bested But-î toshw o aitan herM embe rs.M en's 3fed -0 winners over EtcherîT w albu and Baker bounced Brooks. In I Vil L eag F the final contest, Bickeli edgeai Slaght 2-1. gam tfes !28,24d 257 tooftball Teams Ole atfie8,27ld 27led 1up lead the way with an 809 Stephen's Fuielq:- B. Abbott,! triple, followed by Doris JoIliJ. Allun, J. Bond, E. Brooks, 765, Dot Brooks 686, Lola R. Burgess, J. Co>wl.iýn'g, C. ;Wright 678, Peggy Haynes Ferguson, J. Moorcraft, L. *662 and Kay Stephen 649. Perris, R. Poliard, J. Sta4nton, Doris Jol', 307 game took G. Stephen, L. Wiseman, G. high single hanours, other top Wrigiht. f scores going to Dot Brooks Kra-mp's Furniture: B: Cale, F 279 and Stella Poirier 270. P. Corneil, R. Cranibie, J. Team Standings Fard, V. Grubin, L. Hamnilton, CILUX EXTERIOR LATEX HOUSE PAINT UWYICA LOLUVIK ICha«n Linki "ou w*I"btw ».Iq P "ma e nd FENCING FREE ESTIMATES Just measure your lot chooue a fence or fencing then .. . PHONE TO-DAY IO VER 20 FENCES TO CHOOSE FROM AT BEA VER. BEAVE] EXTERIOR PAINT Red, White or Green. only Reg. 11.88 le ft. Yusih.Up Exotnion .. .88SS. Bug. 20.03 4E5R a-ý Gai. DEPENDABLE lù x6r FENCING CEDAR il per L.Ft. LUMBER Budet-er' C»amo4s Lart , - - 9erm Mues t. c.8 mOMtale s9moaAs aonth Phu, 6233883Netbbag Down Perris --------- .-- 34 Buday . . .33 Joi .. 28 Patfie]d . . 25 Haynes . 24 1/2 Bickell 24 Slaght ----- . .--- 20 'Baker------ . 20 Buttonshaw ---- 9i Etcher - ----- .18 Brooks - .-------- 17 ýTennant .--- .. 8 220 Gaine. and Over M. Perris 226, L. Wright 231, 237; B. Piper 242, J. Pitmnan ý233, J. Tennant 234, O. Pst- field 274, 278, 257; C. Bruce 227, 235-, H. Simnick 232, O. Etcher 221, D. Brooks 279, K. Stephens 243, J. Baker 251, C. Bewers 238, 223 D. Joli 307, 254; E. Dadson 252, S. Poirier 270, P. Haynes 233, 226; S. Davis 247, S. Bickell 230, 220; M. Siaght 220, F. Bruce 238. Top 12 Averages D. Joli 239 B. Buday _______232 J. Baker ________2061 0. Patlield _______206t P. Haynes 204à D. Brooks -______204t Hl. Donoghue ______ 04c 0. Etcher ---_____203t B. Buttonshaw _____2031 S. BlckeU ______200t L. Wright -______106 C.* îlUwe8 196 T. rioar, B. .Foeer, G. Joncs,l L. Lowry, J. Msaon, M. Rieh- ards, R. Wallace, B. Wiiliams.1 Manager, R. Mantie. Ken's Men's Wear:- D. Bag- neli, T. Bird, T. Black, M. Burgess, C. Cook, B. Cowle,l A. Crossey, K. Park, J. Park- er, L. Piper, F. Mohun, C. Vanstone, D. Werry, A, Wise- man, N. Yee. Manager, T. Cox. JBill's Billiards:- T. Dadson,1 J,. Fowier, T. Fairey, P. Fice, Dy Girardi' A. Guernsey, C. ilPatrick, B. Kanopaki, B. Marenrison P. Mutton, B. Osborne, T. Pearson, L. San'iis, H. Snowden, D. Uuiley. Man- ager, A. Osborne. GOODYEAR BOWLING Oplional heavy duty Juif apringe shown bore. Double roof -panels with sandwiclied insulatios help keep driver warm in winter. cool iv summer and cut down on noise in cab. Standard cab comf art and canvenience feetures include windshiald washers, two-speed electric wipars, and comfartable. doop-paddad seats with two seat boîte. Printed circuit for instruments elimimetes spaghetti-like tangie of wires, onds shorting, moaes circuit-tracing easy. A 8turdy three-speed manuel transmission is standard. Or choose an extracet heavy duty three-spaed. four-speed. or automatic transmission (on meut modale>. P Standard OMC pickup angine is an eager 250 cu. in. six with 155 hp. More powerful enigines are avaiIable, including a 170-hp six, a 175-hp VS and a 220-hp V8. Independent coil-spring front suspension makis GMC ride aimost like a car. The load la botter) cushionnddand handling je easy et &nW speud., GMC pickups ar@ greet with camper bwcks .OR mIy s m m £t$f Avw E - ar.. ao J, j A 7-0 shutout win over the1 - Beits, enabled Machine Shop -AON!tLMolT@A Ve4UI te take over soie possession of Be gm towatCh"TolgsCop.W,svFIiFugitiverand «rhe Red Sketoo Koer"now showins mtulavlulos-Cwluk 1usd 1IetI5I * mwec*u4e second place and mnove within iUHRZDGCTUKDELR1<BW AVLE two points of the imague lead- ATOIE M AC ELR14BW AVL£ ers. Howmver, the pace-set- tlng Braiderz vfrtuaily wrap ,pd up the second achedu le leating the Fan Belts 5-2. l1 u sqS.E O M NI Boss wallojid m nbury 7.0, lo " ýi

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