MM s. ruce Tilison, Editor PMun@ M4213 Dle ha extended to hmoete o sent Trophies and CresusY" the film of the 19651 Plaof was shown, and en-j olowlng this, a discussion was held wlth the cornrittee W ilinng T ers open for suggesation on im- Win ingTemsand Plyer hProvlng their a8Ci&tio. With Newcastle - On Saturdayall round player, this fnciuded Foy, Rager Peel, Greg Gray, to-out the villa ge, and so. much atternoon, April lth, boyis ofschooi work as well. The nextithe bat boy, Robin Foshay,lwork being danc ta speed up, te Newcastle Atom, Pep W ee Robin Hood award was p re- cah ad assat ca ,te gate eltha thr andBanamhocey laers, sented ta AhIStr ee ,ouas atn a nd Blisoon wll gol, b. a elng ter cey ande Bantmtedcbyythe aye-SaaleBueAd read. Wite. sWln ad lsesn win ecatloerhEceye RereaItn ornte e foran etceiving teR . Rc Wrhinte .vc geteo achs~ointNcsle. roght n Refternoon senmteinr nnt aig h . .Rikd' heenn, h iah s Fcus Pion t ese r wgti b trophy for the teamment tha on dtherwveler u atscf n beforetheefaîl. the town hall. irp ov r theNeas tleAtwonmntheiRcr en mere. Adeitasluchwasfe u C ha rin n o th R e rea io tea m s, w as ca le a rt in. th is cetim e CMr. Bre eto e . b t st ylp n e by th e H ockey C amrnit ofMr. Sah e reton T ea rried s co up les Tarop .hy co me M . B es t n tane. d ele sln h w sst p hereed thupesToh Mothers. Following the lunchI welcomed the boys, and thank-' the coaches for the splendid edtecahsi tednewas pee tedtoh best Atomi many, who had other plans edorh coaches ioutt ane Goalie, was awarded ta Robin job they had donc. left, whilc several stayed for frse i co is o t, bu t ho eFoshay. Mrs. Bill 'White, vice-presi- games of progressive euchre. prse"hsdsPpoinytment inxn te ri orth the few in numrniI who had The final trophy was pre- dent of thehokymtes Wlngteprz frte corne. Possibly only haîf of theýsented ta Atnm Bill Wagar. and ber husband, represented hlgh lady and high man, were players showed p. ,This was awarded by the New- the Hockey Mothers. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell and Mr. castle Sportsman Club for the Mrs. Carveth were alsQ pres- Irv McCullough, while the The boys saw a colored filmihighest goals scored in the cnt, as a way of the recreation prizes for low lady and 1ow cf thc 1965 Stanley Cup play-,season. committee saying their thanks1man were won by Mrs.C. offa, and ahl who saw it en- for ail the favors Mr. Carveth Carveth and Mr. C. Carvelh. joyed Jt very rnuch.1 At the conclusion of the pre -_____________________________ Follwin thefil, crstssentations, Mr. Brereton asked were given ta every player on therey o elohes ail three age groups of the 1 flr ot present ta dlaim their weinr esg hu htuydoed t6retan he . byI lew cas t/e Ber winr theagtu. dnthede creton crests blcllng t heBrre the boys b y Toms and Sons At this same time, crestsý Ltd., IGA Store. were awarded the boys who C Mr. Brreton xpressd)his l(ye1 ee W1eb§Pl rstonal Mr. :- 4 Brr ton eu-esse. is-Àlmed Peseest erbailhastci l sum-rs na appreciation ta the boys ana mer --c-eb- --it the tearns for the good sports-I Eastern Ontario Baseball mnanship they had shown I sociation, 1965 Pee Wee wishing them a better year Champs, and were presq next year, and then went onIby coach Douglas Walton. to present the trophies. They were awarded to The Robin Hood most val- Wallace, Tim Walton, Ge Uable player award was pre- Walton, Ricky Stephe sented ta Bantam Ail-Star, Mike White, Norman Ti D)ouglas Rickard, this year. The David Shearer, Keith Recreation Cornmittee chose to!hench, Brian Anderson, I call the Robin Hood award the Foshay, Douglas Rickard, PROCLAMATION By iresolution of the Village Council DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMI wilI commence in Newcastle on SUNDAY, APRIL 2d4th nt 12:01 ar..p Please turn your clocks and watches ahead -1 one hour. Returu to Standard Time on Oct. 22 at 12:01 a.rn. D. J. CUNNINGHAM, Reeve, Village cf Newcastli f e Attention, Save money- on thi "Oldsmobile you've be ABmY *& Have a field day! Look over the Chevroiets, Oldse mfobiles, Epics end fine OK used cars - OUM SELECTION'S AT ITS GREATEST RIGHT NOW Discuss a trade-in allawance for yaur present car - WE FIRMLY BELIEVE YOU WON'T BETTER Il Community Bowling Lions Youth Exchange Ladies - 200 end over Berie Partner 266,* Penny Meadowa 255, Dorcen Neal 249, Betty Thompmo 235, Elenor Perrin 232, Veirna îWatson 231, Minnie Taylor' .230, Betty Major 229, Helen kCouroux 220, Evelyn Meadows 212, Mary Hendersn 209, Dora Youngman 209, Janet MeCracken 206, Teresa Lang- staff 202. Men - 225 ami over - George Kimbail 260, Gordon Wat.son 251, Bill Williams 243, Ron Good 246, Lloyd Taylor 237, Sam n Kiopper 236, La r ry Pearce 240, Hank Hallem 231, Jeok Ohard 229. Friday Mixed - 200 and over - Stan Powell 269, Mur- ray Paterson 260, Ruth Sona- r than 259, Ruth Couch 253, Larry Pearce 250, Alice Ku- pery 250, GeorgeKimball 250, cMerril Henry 234, Tracy Einb- .ley 233, Wilda Johnson 231, 2Ben Hoogkamp 226, Andy rHerrell 225, June Kram-er 213,1 Doreen Nesbitt 212, Marilyn Couch 210, Ellen Dean 205, Ed Nembitt 203. Thu.rsday Mired - 200 end over - Marge Ibbotson 215, Ken Whitney 210. Newtonville Ladies- 175 aàover - Jean Hall 244, Linda Whitney 264, Liz Wil- liamns 215, Analla Hollen 209, M. Smith 196. Il As-I- ------I- _______ Lions International District A Youth Exchange IBri Zone ented, Newastle:- Once again Winnipeg, whc recently r e-De I programn got off to a good start on Sunday last, when 1. the Cancer Society is asking turned fromn a tfiree weeks' D ise I'40 92 children from ail parts of Ontario gathered at the get iTo > for donations. The ladies of vacation in Florida, spenta West Toronto Lions Memorial Arena to start their i eordie thehoms trW uhou th al in g few aiInthe villge Vs gh O n e of These f ive day trip ta Washington, D.C. enlson, area on Monday evening, Ap- is the daughter ofaf irs. Jon ' Two of the travelling youths are pictured above ma ion nil 25th. They will appreciate Gxlarrod, and Mn. Haigh is theL I with their parents, Deby Darling with Mr. and Mrs. an( Marty your help and your'donation. son of ?&s. E. Hjaigh, of the Littl e O.nes Gardon Darling and Janice Rickard with Mn. and Mrs. Perty!Hv o aetoep n Lodge. Other members of the -myet for the big April Artifi- 'a»î eeae eypesd "neUo ie a adopted children ta have child- Tfl7 'Cj St- ta ec themn and enjoyed their once the guarantee of a story Bfl"VVLA cial c Dance? It's this St visit with them. with a happy ending, but ta- ren of their own, and also uMiss Shighma anrgusonian day there is no such assurance keeping alive babies wbo used Congratulations ta Mr. end duing the evening, somneoie MmSaxaFruoone as the following will prove . .. ta die; more and more women Mrs. Wellington Farrow who will be mrade a lot richer of tihree daughters of MT. and Uo ieee okn n eoigls eet when they dre-w for the fifty- Mrs. Sidney Ferguson, had Once UpnaTm-vf okn n eoigîs n- yec elebrated their Gol- fifty dvaw. You oan't win if ber picture in the Telegra'ms five years ago ini most parts terested in adoption or adding dnmbe tga thersrictA you haven't got a ticket. 'After Four' Section, last of Canada four carefully chas- ta their famnilies. Whatever calle anro the dsrite Make sure yau get yours now. Thuraday. Her best frîend, en homes eagerly awaited the reasons-The Child Must Saudayo n t iie y rie E Dance tickets are going stead- Idska Rienstra had sent the cvery baby avaîhable for adop- Suffer. SAtura Hoe t ther fres ily, but there will b. tickets pioture and ber vote hoping tion. Today ilegitimate births "u hrhscohl Ays a me" s asiti indsin sohd at the door, so if you ta bave her win the "Reb's have jumped 50% in 10 years Miss Charesn thelOntari as lunch.itiginsrvn can't decide until the hast Reward". Whihe she didn't ta 26,556 in 1964 and it is a MsC hrletonteOtrolnh iminute, corne along any'way. receive tbe reward, she was fight ta find enough bornes ta osutnt-they might con- Suniday dinner guests with claàed he Souher. Blle"kee evn, nd anywhosider a Protestant adoption Mtr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes, Our tire figbters in tbeclaoreth wek o rtuBlle" kep eaveadptmav n h ye,. Th-brnsshe says, David and Chris, were Mr. village are getting their usual f. hewe. ogatl-mih a e o pdby wav e enare there. We just have ta and Mrs. R. Rutherfomd and d pring practice, with several ti"ns harrna.scared o by wt tne work harder ta find them". son, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. CaRUS coning in for grass Our friends end neighbours ards. sad Also the church could accept Gary Hooper, Whitby. fires. Be sure you l-ight your in hoepital this week are: Wa atr o sweb and belp the unmarried moth- Miss Wendy Wilson spent a débris away trom bbc bouse, M&s. Dorothy Anderson, Mr. er you a ls ove ndsupportha er who keeps her baby instead few deays holidaying with ber it doesn't take much Of a John Davie, Miss Tina Fergu- ryucnlvadspota of showing censure and preju- cousin, Miss Jan-ice Palmer, breeze ta make it scatter. son, Mrs. Violet Harrison, Mr. hild, not youn income or dice. Campbelleroft. And if it dees get out of band, John Jeffery, Mrs. Sadie sca tts If at one time you consid- Mrs. R. Simupson and Susani remeniber to cal1 983 Orono te Sharlp. Mr. Ed'ward Smith, Normal appealing babies ered adoption but met with are spending a few deys with' e hve temn reach the tire Mnr, Cornie Vander Werf, Mr. still find bornes, although they difficulties or feared the red *r.n r.Ei akn, tighters.. Philitp Williams and Miss wait longer than they should tape, make enquinies, the situ- Georgetowni.1 Mr and Mrs. Walte'r Haigh, Paticia Young. 'and homes are not so ideal as ation may be quite different Mr. Keith Robinson is at- Ttt -~s~3 erwa'~eTonnn1 un ýSâtUrday ne raci 1 rUthey should be. Non-Anglo- ta what it wgs.. Give that tending Trade Scibool in Tor-ý [and $269 for Darlingtoný Port Credit ta attend the Saxon, unattractive and past "Once Upan a Time" a happy onto for. the next few months ITownshiip, aind as low as $214EMQuand-Watson wedding. infancy chihdren may go with- ending. These tiny ones, and where he is studying further R outThe unbalance of babies not sa tiny ones, need al the in is plastering trade. instajand homes arises. tram any love they can get as soon as The parents of the 'District HOP~ causes-illegitimacy rates on they can get it-Give them a are rernînded of -the forth- car buy rs!he emphasis on sexual free- after. Contact the. Children's 30th sponisored by the GrOup r om meica adancs eab-Aid Society, Port Hope Commrittee of .19t Brown's ~ e actChe rolt o mothers who rnight have 885-2421. mayol en Iooking for....M....b ndc -L*A-year. isno but deal cpal * ANYWHERE! What's more, we can promise ON- t THE-SPOT-DELIVERY on virtually any model. Wu Il want ta give yau aur first-rate falaow-up service, too. - Came in and make the DEAL 0F VOUR LIFE! We. T planned this event JUST FOR YOU! CHEVI COR VAIR COR VElTE AUTSORIM D DALER N EOWMANVILLE: W RY NICHOLS MOTORS LIMITED SQWIINVILE 624556COURTJCE 728-OM le im to »sennzon the CC-1Y netIW r adi Sundy. Cl&w k m oa istdinqfor dianmi ondtim&. The Cenadlan Statesman,neowmanvl, A&g. 1M, leu Trip Off to Good, Start ýenton Rickard aIL of Newcastle. Over 200 children and their parents attend& a- t-acquainted Banquet Sunday afternaon and igereà roduced ta their chaperones for the trip. Dr. Copeland fnom Sundridgé, wrho is the ilur anager is being assisted by two 'ministers, a n&rse id another Lion's member. WEEK « END SPECIAL!ai 8, to 10" ONLYs39 ONLY ONE TO ACUSTOMER 11Drop An Or CaIll" Von Belle Gardens~ "Your Frlcndiy Garden. Centre" C 5 MINUTES EAST 0f OSHAWA z & ise-never-buyAccount? CANADI AN IMPERIAL 8ANiC Or~CM~~ dos-578171 ON RIGHWAY No. 2 In Full Swin