s h heemaja 5atumn Zwmivm, pr 0,190 Mount Dennis Salvation Army Band Coming Here This Weekend Baton T ilng1 ~try Club Reviews 'Worthwhlvob fila ê.L4 (jtUUMffI.m*fâ~~ By (Carole Greehî vr usca s' 0-trI L~i UWgIIVe hIVIU Many regard batotwrngrHaelnitr as just another ci f~2bto wre s isMjr Jmtreuingaccounts of the ed frorn the International Rn- et fCnd ~l ~ asuions and of thee taryFoundat!on acknowledg- fabulous sixties prmtoa1u t~, h erîg rc ý'àWrtainment highlihts of în~tecub donation and irackets. But speakîga icn n cîeîgtWi tba,Distriet 7o7 Conferenoe stating that the Bowmanville beginner, contestant adtah osipratWa *4«q given at the luncheon Rotary Club is now a 400 per er, 1 think flot. Eveyyugsotlnayn o rU =eeting of the Bowmanville cent contributor. person must have som xr-gi os rc efcîi OsryClub on Friday by1 Don Murray told his fellow curricular outiet, whehri &cc db bet opt * =-tae Don Morris, Don Rotarians of the first evening hockey, football, ui r ncne~sam~ n ek 1urray* President-elect Bob lof District 707 Conference held baton twirling, somhngnendothvarwhndiig adRex. Walters. The at the Royal York Hotel, can .succeed at orf0 .Witne forov ra nmeeting was held at Toronto. This was Hospitality pmur snt aem beerhokyBtntrlnhafvemi Vtii. Flying Dutchman Motor Night and Regstration.intaBbyHioramrtscexespie ,~ MurayViceChaiman Everyone attending had agrc ani sl-oidce Mute atrra iceCoimitee marvelous time, and it was a lTrT1Vphsc fne aduteo- ko f the Easter Seals mite great opening for the confer- .UD ..O ITUAIL otnte.Fvroe ms ~uM 1gnoftheEatr este ence. Our neighbors, the Port agre hatanBneorpreer Cnmg.He stese h Hope Rotary Club, won the MBLB ENT byalo hs ulte Importance of the work for Square Dance Competition," foun-inyoubso ordauhte «miped chldircn financed by Mr. Murray said. He addedMr.MblTul)BnttwiIhpthmf1thrroe the funds raised by Easter that as a comparatively nev, iwidow of the lite EretBn1stmrrw5wrdlaes Sei.He said that the club'sImemer he haci been most This fine 36-piece silver band from Mount Dennis will be visit- The Bandenaster is J. McAlister. One of the finest Salvation Armny nett, passedi away atMêra 1966 Easter Seals Campaign favorably impresscdi by the ing the Salvation Armny Citadel here this Saturday evening an-d will bands in the provincel they will provide a wide variety of entertain- Hospital, Bowmanvle o thtMs of its objective. Re- wnefuaepl nsas o ____________ the morning adevening services onSunday. ing numnbers during the Saturday evening performanhcathea.F hanw ~chdabu won ferf e pe, ad mtmya s o behead-drin-an--n -erorm eAiln Sth.6,afe ar0 turuta to date amount to $5,000 toio i oebesfo I I R -and he urged evcryonc ta send hshm lbbte to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and 1i tetDanewt l ie *h. a eidc nteoc In their pink envelopes with Pes m cudent-e e foodi. Only five per cent of Licorice Alil Sorts at C..arnival fiddîer and square dancing pincer Trull hometedBe fhew ,Easter Seals donations PeieteetStevens stat- pecopie who use alcohol be- r i Liwt teaui nZe, (usettis eii 19) îc so, that by the ncxt weckend ed that it was the 6lst 707 Dis- corne addicts, but 90 pe centi j en'teits cstumtes ofnc hl0usan0sdeth th&>.Soal of $7,500 would lie trict Conference, and that the of those who smoke bc dryeari-g iostumbes dgio 10 Mrs. Bennett wîstetîd Mr o nwo attaffied. iWillowdale Rotary Club was addcicted to tobacco, Dr. Bell ya aoabedgrwing.,daugh ter of the lt ac Tom Rehder, the Attendance the bost club. He referrcd tohaitl heahrng Mr. contost for the meri; a Mili- and Mary Truil incii uvv ha ndtegleig tarv Band to attend an mOte voeduhtr r. Ensklmno Chý.m' n, presented a 211two dignitaries at the confer- Stevens also spoke appreciat- doo>r event; a St. Patrick's e yoedu Yeazs Perfect Attendance Pin! ence, Governor R. Haues of ivcly of thc hospitality cxtend- cocr!nMrh16. George Dobbins (Flrn)of hoo2325 to Dr. H. B. Rundie, and 141 District 152, West Germany, cci to Bowmanville Rotarians avrerIstlr ý e Years Perfect Attendance Pins the matching district of 707, by President Morris at the ranerMcrvsetrsti 4.Orl ni resses te «Soth Dr. Keith Billett and who was introduceci by Dis- Lichce Gardens. lofIihrgn.Oe pas0 Slb;M.. ]Reît-Walters. ýtrict Goveriior Jack Hughes, iiicludc a rccordcd history Ofi(Edra) Mrs. o hn rîc The brthday of R. P. Rickmî- 'and Clifford Randal, a Past Re!atr elrc htMnesTwsi.a SSyMrs. Irwin Sexsmth(ay > atpeietyconference on Saturday morn-an PulcSekn 0t5îfB mavl. by apat reidn , wasPicnt fRtranenalh.hr lnayssino h conductcd in the pub1ic M' ent vspeees celèbrated by his fcllow Ro- tional. tîi e goond soliciRotary sehools with an award night cd reertht.,MN 5A OD A tarians. Guests present at theý "Mn. Razîdali attendedthnoraingvebysea- 'Fed lunhen eein BllcoinencfsohemaE'tioîci ofn baddress by at the new proposeci public Ro an Jy anci rthesstr, OKN W ecue. lucenmeigwcre Bllofre sterepresenta- lsts. H odo n drs yschool to lbe opencd in 196' Ry a. Godander(Wt]i Patterson, Smiths Falls; Chas. tiveoftepeetPeietuieRco ntldWer Ms.JA.Gda EUAàott, Percy Manuel, Harry of Roftarheprsnt ei t nl.e Rco nii Weandi planting of a number oMfs. Faît, ac GlveJancGrd otry ntenaionl.He GuiceRetorthMauuricned- had teesintoes'np atki red. 1s.DoaldCaero Whn t crns t pulcy r lve gavePheeotsadingad Where We Arc andi Where shd re ntwsýpak.(Lydia) and Mrs. SaTrmi ochlttobshspata, Wi ».ams, al of Oshawa. doresses. and IT only wish thatWe Are Going". This speaker Three committee.swere "t o-i .arHepeiececa ote reietMorris announced ýevcry member of Our cu hacia stateci that Rotary shoulc uýp to represent Pontypoo.(elnxea oamoeefiinadeo ,haa letter had been -receî.v-!been prescrit k' hear him". t ake pride in having pioncer- . Eaohea ille b re.sony lsedccib e.J oei fi-i to r h opeeln _________-Mr. Stcvcns told of the dis led the service club idea, but ut bRe.J r r ~cussion ofa major Rotary pro- . t for promoting One evenit a,,'Ebenezer Unitedi Chucwsotmu Vtrdcsish ýhaci also pointeci out Hlmoefthloa mmtehlatheMriFurlsockn-hwf theniu ject, the renovation and ne- Rotarians must try to do as mr ftelclcmjtý1edateMr furnishing of the mansion, well in Rotary's second 50 desires. Chapel, Bowmanvihl.o n raiainta tnsbhn ' O O Baldwin Hlouse, which* has ycars as it had in ils first. Couneillnr Harvey Malcolm: day, April 8th al ..I-hî..dpnaltsnoefc byeVelvertond byct-erdnivtrs- terme nt was at, the omn iedsaepeetosntto Rotary Clubs were urgeci to control and high level d'itaIit lize the hghest returnis for îty of orono o Rotary for additives.ery wolb arnzn oran International S t u ci e n t s revue andi revise programs himn Ote mmbr SBruno (chairman), John Man- Trul Davidi Prestn ap -E AOAOISLD éwn Organizationl Centre. we eesr oesr i aClnRcirioJh!ReeCale Btol~ The special speaker at the highcst interest andi participa- SPCOLCTO Rotarians luncheon oin Friday lion by ail its members, Mr. aClnRcrdoJh SI Our EglsTerdwsDnadS conlMPwaltens declareci. He told of Payne; Janetvillc area, Mrs. Almon McKnightan______________ Ou Ongitrloprtn . ecscardotBert McMullen (ehairman),Revs Warehouse Ne. 1, 'the Minister oi External Al- by a number of clubs in Dis- Mrs. Hildon eaJohnso n, Ms Weston, nai fairs, Mr. Stevens sakci. He trict 707, andi commendeci the M erg ilna Jurn, isonHeaF- Obtain sacks and tWoe also spoke of the luncheonr fine addnessgiveni by Mrs. Eci hp, ra. rWilmsandesn Swthout charge from and Fashion Show helci that Storey, Oshawa, wife of a Past i)Mr.Wlia Sndsn day in the hotel's Roof Garden itic 0 Gvror rcM S. Nse ood (chair- for the Rotary Annis. President Morris tolci ther -n. ss hoa Jenns LE ngFiday's afternoon club of the fascinating Inter-ma)Me.Tos nng, * j'HA E sessions plans wene outlined national Gift Shop that hai cent Juasogn, Mis M- frteRotary Group Exchange been set up during the confer- Qu ..... cn acksoWayRs.Eicrobent 1, ORONO Visits, he stateci. He toici of ence. He also describeci the, Guimour, l ReidRLewisMc ri, wittheo Rotary Group of seven eoal entectainiment at1______ GilILar e'evStaLewsMc by ri m GeoenfrogeutrNealswil tRooveso'sTall veico- COr OPERATIVE tour Canada from British Co- ing event of the conference. W""i MI sonarnc e MS. Rs anrwcr CAiG OER lTD lumbia to Nwfoundland this Genholme Hughes moveci a E bi s, Ross David Morris, Rex Walter. Bob Stcv- I -~ Fcost andi possîbilities of hav-Haeyufudte nwr *St. Clair Avenue East MSueîtevens nîso gave an votrs e taksto res, bient N 14 K i E. appornteit etgt h #*"Toronto 7, Ontario. account of the speech given by1 ens andi Don Murnay for their (îtne o atwc) o n n r.DnWanvstr fM.HretWih gahistory of Manvyc à.1Dr. Gardon Bell on acidictions excellent accounits of the Dis- Itnddfr at w ask o M. nd Ms o erivss. ofM.Hret rgtlg'WOy Ofl Me4 aa.c ,.wj ir trict707 Conerence.The UCW. meeting M. ad Ms. Aec owne, .I:nqh.-inJw lred A707 hn, ar man othelci atthe home of iVrs. k.! Mn. andi Mrs. Osborne Orr Mr.Dn LowniAecLohwai, nwlcto.Alwr snwbigdn atenw'uiii h Af e vellnts Cai otteMeGili with 23 ladies presen t. Rosscau, were Friciay to Tune; 1s. o one saa e oain l oki o en the opansfrh Mrs. L. Stainton openeci thelday guests of Mn. anci Mrs. àivisited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. hs400s.ft fforsaeicuigalreso om eas fti ispoe of plas orth gala ctn with a reading "A J. Ormiston. Knox. hs400s.f.o lo pc nldn 4rovin eofO trio Requires s meeîpayffeors tinohrg ryr nitaîed M.ac r.Jh ude fmî, bnzr eeSn Roaydslyo ieok oMr. and Mrs. Ken Tink and expansion we now handle a completeli.one frite nuin ýý E DMns. McGili for opening heraccompanied Mn. andi Mrs. R, day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. chesterfields, tables, odd chairs, kitchen uits appitnu t. frhome. Mrs, F. Toms gave theRowan to the Golden PILougF' Francis Johnston and David. DLILL evotional. Two verses of1 Locige, Cobourg. visiting thii Mrs. Tom Baker and Jean, he.te see you soon at ourne str i.Iwc.,pdlah*ytohw LV inr of "Building Bricks for 66." Shaun, Dean andi Tocic, Po on Monday last for Mrs. Larry to re.upholster your present chesterfield rchis W nne Several passages o scrip-;Credit, were weekend gucst. Perris (nee Rosentary Ormis- i M P R V EM E tture were rend andi she closedof Mn. andi Mrs. H. .. MeGih ton) in honour of her recent with prayer. Mrs. H. Ashton Mn. andi Mns. Garth McGil marriage. E aster Dinner iwas in charge of the prog-ýMark andi Kim, Canningto Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smales ~ ~ T R S FRIUE&UH LTR eI f r l I C Dram. Mrs. I. Sharp gave a St.! Mn. andi Mrs. Ralph Virtue an and faniiîy, Oshawa; Ms IVrU eO . F ~I Vr VI L5 tThe winnier of the draw for Patrick's Day ncading. Mrs. R.!Judy, were Sunday tea guest Helen Baker, Toronto, were ...,ER V IS ORw the Enster Dînnen was Mns. Ormiston favoreci us withý Mrs. Lorne Lamb spent Sunday tea guests with Mr. Harny Bnrtlett, Concession St. music on her harp, Mrs. H. fcw cinys hast wcek with Mr. and Mr. Tom Baker for theConroKngadDvsnStet faEx. This dnaw was manie on Ashton 'gave a reading "Grand- Alex Thunston, Fenelon Faîl, celebration of Catherine Bak- (a.nvSaturday, Apnil 2nd. The mothcr's Day."r M. andi Mrs. Osmon er's 4th birthdiay. ~VWIU~ of Cub 15would Mrs. . St~nton ave ulslWright, Blackstock, wene Sun Mr. and Mrs. Bdi. Davis,Fre*tm t lurham C uny Association members thfsCevent,5the po- Trur s. reptino gvn.. C.Bp'ag is aPhono 623-5252 Thedutesof he ostio inlue te cllctig ike to thnnk everyone who s.orne notes on Pncsbyteny.1day callers at N. E. Wright'. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. N. and testing cf nmilk samples, also the keeP of cecs of which will be useci to Roll raIl wns answercd &,jhllYn Wagg, Uxbridge, weî-.r prdction and cost study records. Qualifica- ar ntevnospojcs'htIhv oct mrvSattirdanyvisitons at, A. 1il. ......1111 ... sh as hclping needy families my education sunce leavingý Wcarn's. tos-Grade 10 education, with a good i.ti a..s.ol" n ndMs.R..O.it...... ~. -v ~. 4'>'- cnweg f dairy farming. Salary $3,900 per - iutsofrnetngccSu ncay guests of M.a -r.-. ______ year rising to 4,0 per year. i ed.Svea ereIMrs. L. Ashton, Haydn $4,600 (Î~ET CASH TODAYthn you notesMs id atr n Apply in Writii#g to Personnel Director, FOR OLD APPLIANCES x'ere rend. Meeting cînseiM ibrothr Tret, Bow anil Ontaia epatmen ofAgrcultrethrughwith prayer and Unit threel tenâdci afamihy gathcning on. Mn. and MVis. John Biertran,. Sna tMn. andi Mrs. Eari andi their children Davicid hopaeric (T~lClark itiî., Toronto. Steplianie have moveci herjly s orsevc m~r~rrinr'~(~iiI I lii IMrs. Archie Llcwrllyn, Loti-from Calgary\, Alta, don, is spending this weeki Miss Hazel Prestan, Stonpoî with ber daughten Mn. and wail, Man., is visiting wtu c n tik o Mrs. Joe Lake. ýMn. andi Mrs. Emery Smith. I, Mrs. Gordon Witiakcr andi Dn R. M. Butler ieft o. werelas Wedesdy cler Fridy to joi bis f amiyii a f : Iaotofr I.51o 2 Ibs. of Atrazine 65W which r.A eioMsMa- wthuarsdn ocr1 * ffectively coritrois quackgrass and anrtual grasses asra eeweedgetan hiehlrnJmsanm oaty maltt fe. *opntrols broadleaf weeds over a longer period. CORNTROL 862 has undergone repe ated PAdashatrphomt e hvnoMrspieAc theClark n ihM ods% .Go e c.Go epe plot tests and field triais over athree-year period and is now FULLY FAR M- PROVEN. Ontario 1Ital. Mns. Harry Gregg. Mn. Mr. andi Mcs. Ccaig Neshi Sn look fist to ho=e for your necds. j#méhaveshow yied inreass ofove 20 ushes pe acr whe an il Michael Gregg, Gien Burnie,!anci familyofPr th tesé hveshon ,el inresesofove 20buhel pr are he anoi-water emnulion is jM.D., spent the Easten holiday! visiteci ast week with h our figers do the waiing throughi the Yellow Pages ..4»d with Atrazine at 1 .5 lbS.-compared to, Atrazine in water only. iwith ber parenits, Mn.aiîd Mcs. aunt, Miss Winnifced Nesbit to find the above people ...admn tes &Mer your requiremnents of Corntroi 862 now!1 fmile2sac hrbohesac Mrs. Ina Palmer spent IF ir ..l ou jMn. anci Mrs. Ed Coombes weeker.nd Min Petcu BÈRAYTO GO WHEN THE WEEDS ARE READY TO GROW'1!ýn family, Miss Clara Page,i Gv>U r.ad r. dM Toronto, Mn. anci Mcs. Rossi lyn.To Page. Valenie andi Stephen.! Miss Gwenciolyîi Gray, T COINTROL 862 OIL-AVAILABLE ONLY FRDM VOUR MEILq AGENT Solina, Mn. andi Mrs. Howard!onto, was home for the pai ImrLnILN,~/Bradley, Maple Grove, were; week with her father, Fred Eastcr Sundny visitons with'Gray. Mrs. E. Page.- Mrs. James McKinnon ase - Mr. and Ms.Geo. Iwn atweedwithMra A ui. STU ROCK & wSO NSSndy ta guests ofi Mrs. Cecil McGill in Toront. -*y '-:. . Misses Louise anci Marjorie; n ni r.Jh e ~- -. ~ . OAII U EtPHONE Mclntosh. Whitby. r. niMs on LIMITED 2351 -Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Weannentert.ained with a famnil . £ --- ! -and Susan, were Sunday guesta dininer partyt for her Cran_ I I f 1