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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1966, p. 16

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t t ~'The Camadia n Stateun, IEwmanvfle, Apr. 20, 1980 SThe Orono News Mr-s. James E Richards, Editor rName Co - Chairmen o ' IWomen'*s Centennial Activities- Comm ittee' ~, ~ t ~ I~S~ y -Ur. and Mraz. W. Lloyd King neath on Saturday evening thei- April meeting at Ken- home on Friday after lor Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Adamsl dal School on Monday. -<ýholiday ln Florida and aiseo! Orono, in honor of thei< Me. and Mrs. Hubert Cob- 'pnt several days lait week recent mariage. bledick of Leansington visited îlifflng Mi-. and Mrs. Jim Visitors with Mi-. Jim Mid- bis mother. Mers. Wm. Cabble- IMânaby and ohildren at Ste. dleton who retumned home dick, Eastei- week. lustctie, Quebec, and the last week from the Memorial Julie Luxton of Bowinan- pt weekend with Mi-. and Hospitial, Bowmianvlle, and ville spent Easter week with M-.John Galbraith and Mi-.. Middleton, were Mi-. and lber grandparents, Mi-. and ebildi-en at Don Milis. Mrs. Mac Miiddleton of Chai-e-I Mrs. Han-y Mercer. ýMrs. Keith Taylor and dlau- mont, Me. and Mrs. Leo Had-1 Mi- and mrs. Wayne Hooey tesBonnie and Nancy of der, Brian, Michelle and Mi-1 of Toronto spent the Easter ' =amton spent Thursday and chael of Scarborough. lholidays with Mr. and Mrs._ lrfiday with Men. Mani-shil Mrs. Jack Stapleton o! Ken-i Horace Best and Ron. - Chattrton.dal, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coop- Visitooes with Mes. D. G. Ch-.ateon. is uinD er visited relatives in Toronto. Hooper were Mi-. Harold * Mr.pean heweeklenDon Sunday. Awde of Toronto, Mr-.and.~ viingMi adMi-. and Mes. Arohie Mc-' Mrs. Raymond Clapp of viingT ndeDe rs-. Law- Lai-en and chiîdren have i-e- Hampton, Mrs. Loi-ne Phare -tene DPooterat Tiilson- tui-ned home fromn a motor and Mes. Russell Vu-tue of -burg, Mi-. and Mn. Fiorant trip ta Mexico. . Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Ken ~MS. Mia laDe PaeMr.atd Mss Brenda Mitchell and Chamberlain of Oshawa, %lr. Mchal e Pepe tMi-. Simon Klostra of Keene, The Men's Gi-oup wil meet Mrs. Margery Pewtress Siic.Mi-. and Mrs. Oscar Adams on Friday evening at 7:30 Mrs. Margery Pewtmress and *Mr. and Mms. Normian S were Sunday dinner guests of o'chock in the Friendship Mrs. Margaret Nichols Jones, 3icNally o! Col-borne were Mrii. and Mes. Albert Mitchell Room of Orono U n i t e d Cobourg, have been named -Weekend guests of Mr. and and children. Church. The Rev. Gordon Northumberland-Durham co- Mrfs. Wnm. frwin and vlsited Mi-. Bruce Chapman of Tor-- Stewart, assistant secretary chairmen of tbe Women's Cen- togiei- relatives and fiends. onto spent the weekend with of the Board of Evangelism ts-nnial Activities Committee. -Mr. Loi-ne Thompeon of the Mer.and Mrs. Orville Chatter- and Social Service of the They will work to encour- Bkackstock area, hu9and o! ton, Car-ol and-David, and at- United Churoh of Canada wihl age Centennial planning, assist Mrs. G la dy s (Cobbledick) tended the presentation at continue discussions on the in the co-ordînation of area JtlompsSu, foimerly o! Orono, Kendal fSorMi. and Mrs. Bill theme: "Population Explosion celebrations a nd activities passed away auddenly on Stapleton on Friday evening. and the Churvh." All men scheduled foi- 1967 and aid in X~onday, April lSth, 1966. Mi-. and Mrs. Les Aslett and are invited to attend. other regards women's gî-oups Me. and Mm. liai-iy Mercer childi-en of Hagersville spent The Genex-al Meeting of the concerned with Centennial ob- iaIited Me. and Mn. Roy Mer- part cf the Easter week at U.C.W. wihl be hehd in the servances. Zrof Kendal on Sunday. theix' Orono bouse. Main Hall on Thursday at Mrs. Pewtress and Mrs. --Friends and, relatives at- The Teachers cf Char-ke 8 p.m. Unit 5 will be in Jones wilI be among eight tended a presentation at Rose- TownsJhip School Aiea behd charge of devotions. county chairmen working with Miss Mildred Bailey, Peter-Î box-ough, regional chairman of1 ________________$250,000__ the committee. A native of Cornwall, Mrs. Pewtress is cf United Empire' Loyalist descent. She studied1 Si co H ll Ce tr F nd lawte Majoar J.A etsse Si'mm oe Ha l Ce tre unIawtil bejmr J .Prestondh] Topped $ 100,000 Mark Mrs. Margaret Jones was a founder of the Cobourg Opera and Drama League and of the Cobourg Business and Professional Women's Club. Other activities in wbich she is engaged include the Ontario Historical Society and the Soioptomists. Mrs. Pewtress is executive secretary of the Northumberland-Durham Tub- erculosis and Health Associa- tion. Mrs. Jones is a descendant of Thomas Staples, founder of the Staples clan in Canada. She is a social workex- with the Children's Aid Society in Northumberland and Durham Counties. A past president o! the Business a nd Professional Women's Club of Cobourg, Mrs. Jones is active in com- munity affairs and is a mem- ber cf the United Church. BuilIder of Race Cars. eMUOÀIÀ 4j%.- L- i.: a - The Building Fund Cam- Mrs. H. F. Millen, in announc- show everyone in Durham anda3O e1IKb Iro IXI w aniLI1 s1 paign for the Simcoe Hall in'j the fund total, said: "The Ontario Counties something of5 Crippled Children's School and Women's Welfare League is the work that is being done Details of the designing and nents, and has driven this car Treatment Centre topped the extremely grateful for the by a relatively small group of manufacturing of motor cars in many races," Mr. Brooks $100,000 mark last week. many fine contributions re- dedicated people for the were discussed by Cecil E. stated. The Oshawa Women's Wel- ceived to date. crippled children of our area. Simmons, Oshawa, in his ad- Mr. Simmons, showed pic- lare League which directs the "The support of the many In fact, if anyone is really in dress at the dinner meeting tures of bis cars, and several eperations of the Simcoe Hall community organizations, lab- terested, I would be happy to of the Bowmanville Kiwanis photographs of one he helped Settlement House and the our unions, service clubs and arrange a visit to our present Club held at the Flying Dutch- to design. This car was made Simce Hall Boys' Club as well other charity-minded groups school so that they may see man Motor Hotel on Monday out of an aeroplane wing gas as the School is particularly and individuals in most grati- for themselves and perhaps eveninig, April llth. 'tank. pleased with the achievement. fying and heart-warming. get a better understanding of 1nrdcn h us pa- edsrbdauiu rn President of the League, 11 wish only that we could the reasons behind our cam- Itouigtegetsek edsrbdauiu rn paign for funds to build a er, Ron Brooks, a past presi- end suspension which he de- more adequate school and dent of the club, said that Mr. signed and developed. He uses treatment 'centre". Simmons was born in Inger- this front end suspension in E N N IS IL L ENsoll, Ont., and now lives in bis cars as it makes for fast E I N S K IL E ~IMrs. Millen went on to com- Prestonvale wiih bis wife, and easy handling on sharp Mr. and Mrs. Da'vid Joihn- home. ment that the campaign still three sons and one daughter. uvshetlte club. on, Calgary, Alberta, were Mr .and Mrs. Clifford Peth- has a long way to go to reach "He is employed by the On-~ The faulty design and un- recent vL-itors at Mi-. and Mrs. ick were visitors of Mr. andlits objective of $250,000 but Clairence Averys. Mrs. Arthur Redkn'app, Osh-, as she said: "The League mem- tario Malleable Iron Company safe features of cars manufac- Mi-.andMI1. Elyn icky aa. brs re eryoptiistc aoutLimited, Oshawa. Mr. Simmons tured today were discussed by ad emao BonnileMr. and Mrs. Mat Island th bes eersuisThee areu isl a member of the British- Mr. Simmons. He gave graphie and V vsitof rs wat Mr. OMrawandItr. a rsIslnteieadgretsany epe and American Motor Club and ex- examples of the way these cars were Sunday vstr tM.OhwM.adMs Brucel ti f romanwhpopleahe tremely interested in building are made. He blamed the auto- Moor, Soth Rverspet busiesse O cars for racing. He made a car mobile manufacturers for this .r.Rose Stinson, Bow- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Itohe, recently from aluminum tub- disregard forsfetypoi- manville, wasa arecent visitor MeNair. 'too the _________entin____________________po-ions of Mr. and Mr-s. N. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Milne, to h people who have con- iguigVlsae op- os Miss Valerie Schell, Mr. Rockwood, were Sunday cal- tributed to our fuiid without "They will flot spefld the: Moré3 Shel, ouih ivrersatth Mcais.beîng canvassed. Their help ish and family visited his nioney to develop a safe car.ý Moret LSte weekoth Mivr. er a theMrs. R. J.Om i s- is particularly appreciated. If mother Mrs. F, G. Cornish, To themn the cost per car isý end Mrs. E. MeNair and fam- ton had Sunday tea witah Mr. anyone wishes to donate, they OhwStra vnn. mr motn hnsvn an4r3%et mso, may send their gifts to Mr. D. Mr. Willie Johnson, Lind- life," Mr' Simmons charged.1 GaMalcolm of the National sy; Miss Linda Johnson, Lif- He then showed a motion pic-! -Lecmd -ch-ell Bbenezer, -aldwere 4a1&. =' G. Malcolmpanf'thefordational their grandfather ture featuring the 1964 Play-! faimily, South River, Mrs. Leslie Blair, Oshawad ride- theweeendat r.andwholos he hsbad 'rcen-, Oshawa. No gift is too Sun ay ornnM ers 200 Race at Mosport. theweeendat r. nd ho ostherhusandrecntsmall and receipts for income Sorry Mr. W. Vaneyk had Bruce Colwell on behaif of E. McNair's. >' txwllb sse, the misfortune to slip fromn bis fellow Kiwanians thanked Mr. and Mrs. Grut hedrtoMr.monrias.HWs Jt Brag cixalsopforspresentingsuthe 'Mi. n~d Mt. G an W rry Mi. ad s.. M len concluded. a load of baled hay last Wed- Mr. Simmons for bis interest-ý ~eeallers a r and Mrs. and faniily, Providence, Mr. _________ nesday afternoon. He was ing and informative address, no~tjoy, ao, Flint, Maple Gi-ove. Mr. and L N A L hr twsfudh a President F'red Tippins askedý ~r.Lloyd Siemnon and tam- Mrs. W. Begley, Oshawa, Mr. suffering fromn shock, concus- the. directors to remain for aj ~1,Haydon, were Sunday tea and Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker sion and broken ribs. At time short meeting to discuss plansý eitse at Mrs. F. Toms'. Charles were Saturday even- and Michael, Waterdown, were of wrîting he is resting muchi for the preparation of Kiwanisý and Mms. A. M. WeaRn, mng dinner guests of Mr-. andSunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. easier and we all hope for a Park for the 1966 season. ~memont, aioompanied Mr. Mrs. Harold Ashton in honorIG. Baker. speedy recovèry. Guests present at the din- ~dMrs. A. L. Wearn and of their recent 2th wed'dingl Mr. and Mrs. C. DeMann Excitement ran high Satur- ner meeting were Stew Pres-i usan to visit Mrs. Alex Tel- anniversary. Sorry the restland baby daughter, Base Line, day afternoon and evening ton, Ted Dawson, Ken Randaîl,ý ~, Janet and Paul, Toronto, of the family were unable to1 were Sunday callers of Mr. when fires got out of control, Whitby. George Bebee, andi ft Sunday. be there on aceount of sick-lRobt. Sim and the Smiths. one in Clarke on Timols' farm, Lloyd Harmer. ~Mrs. Frank Spry, Roches- ness. Mary and Wendy Cornish burning many acres of Christ- N.Y. is visiting with Mr. Mr. end Mrs. E. Carlson,,ispent two days holidaying mas trees and the other north Mr.E. Wright and other Mr. and Mrs. R. Risley and with their grandrnother, Mrs. of the 10th. Con., Darllngton.HAPO do in Bowmanville Memiorial Milîs and boys, Maple Grove, Bertha Armour, Hampton. Mrs. Robert Cameron and cpital Wýe wish h1m a Mi-. and Mes. K. Cryderman Johnny Payne of Hampton, Ruth Ann, Mrs. Gabriel Kov-1 Last Sunday was Confirma- Dvedty rcvery. Their tasn- and girls, Zion, were Sunday spent Monday with Garry acs, Judy and Louise visited tion and Communion Sunday. Mies have been here this past supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cornish. Mrs. Orme Miller, Whitby, last1 at the Hampton charge. Con-i1 Ieetk and have returned L. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Corn- Wednesday atternoon. firmed in the Christian faith Glen Killens and Miss Barbara Kozak. Rev. Catto's sermon dealt with "The Promisesaof - eativesPaofnts endconfid reatesfd aore confat te Zion nday chptol thaleo Sunday evening. The Ladies of Zion served tea. Certifi- cates were presented at this' -~ time. On Tuesday evening the "Weechyogans" took their variety night programme tLo Newtonville. Also on Tues- day night a special panel pres- entation on Church Union was open to all at the Hampton C. E. Wing. The panelîsts were Mr. Lionel Parker Jr and Mrs. Lillian Dilling of Bowmanville's A ngli ca n Church; Rev. Dave Northey, Tyrone United Church and Mr. D. J. Measures of. Hamp- ton Church. This was spon- sored by the U.C.W. The A. O. T. S. men enter- tained their ladiess on Wed- nesday night at the Acres Restaurant. Following supper they enjoyed the ail-colour including "The Royal River" (Thames), "Highroad te Scot- ]and" and "The Land of Magie" (lreland). Callers at the A. W. Prescott home during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Prescott' and family, Maple Gi-ove, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott, ick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY Enfild.~ia vnigM.A W. Prescott attended the r- union of the Veterans of the1 at your. neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a 1l6th Canadian atlowh1 fought se valiantly at Vimy Ridge and the Battle of Cam- FaimilyExpo67Tour Account-Be sure your faniily cees Expo 67-,April 28 te Oct. 27 at Montreal. Osa.h enowahdi The Hampton ladies will be; collecting for the Canadian Cancer Society in the near THE GHARTERED BANIKS future. The ce-operation of th pe comunty will b p SERVINGYO MeiaPesot, n fleld, spent the weekend with' ANI)YOU CO MUNTY hr gandaretsMr. and Mrs. R Sit n amily, l M, Oton.were Sunday night Avimer Fancy 48-oi. Tins 70MATO JUICE 3 for $1 Aylmer Choice Halves 1-oz. Tins BARTLETT PEARS 33C Aylmer Choice 15-oz. Tins Peas & Carrots 2 for 39c Avimer W th Pectin 24-oz. Jar Strawberry JAM 49c Sw~artz MUSTARD 6-oz. Tumbler 19C Strong Heart (at or Dog 15-oz. Tins PET FOOD 4for49c 4 Co1ouïr 1-acelle Royale 2 Roll Pkg. Bathroom Tissue 29c 3c OffGiant Tins AJAX Cleaner 2 for 59c Ajax Powdered LAUNDRY DETERGENT Country Girl RAISIN PIE 20-oz. Size 3 C Domino Brand GINGER ALE 81 30-oz. io Bottless1.0 Plus Deposit Giant Pkg. 89C Get Your FREE Ballot at the Store ra- Answer Those Brand Name Questions Mail to address shown on ballot da lAI Il ADominion Gift as. WIN A$100 Certif icate! $1,000 TO BE WON In Dominion Gift Certificates DEEP CUT FEATURES Kellogg's Cereal 12-oz. Pkg. CORN FLAKES 29c, Evaporated CARNATION MILK 6 16.oz. .0 89C Country Club Vacuum Packed E Ail 16-oz. COFFEEPurpose Tin Li'l Abner Orange-Pineappieo ORANGEDRN 48-oz. Tin 9 c 10c Off Red Rose Pg. cf TEA BG 90's79 9 Flaveurs Jell-o JELLY POWDERS I 6-oz. Pkgs. a a Fresh Produce Features Mexican No. 1 Jumbo Size CANTALOUPES each 3 9C Florida Grown No. 1 Green Beans 2lbs.49c California Grown CARROTS 2bnch.29c Arizona Grown Tender - MiId Green 0Ons 3bnch.25c i 43c WUNS $50.00 MRS. C. PURDY 53 Centre St. Bowmanville WINS $50.00 MR. E. ANDERSON 13 Third St. Bowmanville WINSio.o* WINS. MRS. M., SHEEHAN Bowmanville WINS $1000 MRS. S. VERBEEK Newcastle WINS $1000 MRS. J. MICHELS Newcastle CANADA'S FINESI RED BRAND BEEF LEAN TENDER BONELESS ROL STrEAK EASY TO CARVE - ROUND OR SQUARE END RUM-P ROASI PRESSWOOD'S RINDLES BREAKFAST Swifts Pi-em iLni WIENERS 1-lb.c pkg~ BEEF BACON kg. 83c Corn Beef Roilis 85cb KING ST. AND SIMPSON1 AVENUE (HÎghwaY No. 2. U.smt), ,UND OR ROAST 89 l 5H01' WITH CONFIDENCEI à Md Md MWM" d a bmwm vwassr«m. hm wrnsumn

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