10METHING NEW AT SCHQOL tJsnvrai irmet 2Is cromnOBITUARIES The amaadin tatemD mnle p.2,16 ' Parish Hall in Bethany on Set- JAME8 PERCY RHUDE ChapcBwavle nweehssnl-a,~Mp BLACKSTOCK iaestPreyttendedd b Rec _At ~ service in the United Mark's Chut cn, C'wa, on! Pesry, Satuz-day. urday evening. = etAf pe eryamucc yRev G . ad nilqut zo,4yheh ethri on Bunday Rev. Ro- April 20th. and the W. A. An-1 Mr. and Mrs. N. S McNaly The father-son team Of hude occrred suddenly et of Trinty UnIted Cuctknqit naQei 'zery impressive a e r m o n. I Church House, Toranto, onl and Mrs. D. Bilbey, Toronto, joyed quite an outing this verley Rd., Bowmanville, on in Bowmranville Ceie*. l Whtis »Il thia discuLssion' Mav 3rd and 4th. Twa beau-t weekend guests of Mr. and*week - flying rom Malton ta Friday, April 15, 1966. thet Yeu are having on yourf tiful quilt tops, made and lirs. Carl Wright. flWg t ener olrao Eidne1fêh Wâkr h hi agthdntdI " u l udy atmn clerM Near there they viewed one of! ree-month-old J a in e s which the deceasedwahedAciane y i.btlS dl'them '"How Beautiful upon Brcln, were gratefully re- witb Mr. and Mn. Austin .A.slretdybtfe-Prywathen ci Owr he my the~ Mountains". i eeved. The meeting closed ecc wreM.nd r. ing stations, where somne Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rhude. floral tOken from rltvsVStIi utIsadaqan wihpayr rs .BilyTm oe shwMr n 80,000 cattie (give or take a'i 7%e luneral service was friends and organxion.th~ ~gl~tfr.r Ini St.John's Church a spe- w pae. r.V.Bxey, oCale OMrandMr. 1-»fw- oad1înt aeheld from the Morris F'ureral Pallbearers werE Msr lno i itdy a Ciac~ id e nd u hldng ad Mr s . eLaes lin and Mrs. oy M ew, oto M.'time ta count them) were k eptChplBW'ifVIonGrg ylîCifrdMoete eerain fteoe- ""~ mercwhe .1 g reou.host0 ess es nd Mi-.. loydBac. adon feed in large fields. They'Monday, April lBth, and was Leslie piper, Km»ehTrvso b iiiyUie ~uuren m'rched U to Mor Uian 10 persan efl ~ Ntîeten.also, viewed a research farm conducted by Rev. Harold Rabih LearmonthadLlyFreshpCbfwii tieoitand plac'ed their'oyed a delicious roast beef. Mr. Earl Dorreli spent taweeteyletsoeioaJTre f St. Paul's United Elis. waamme.H s mite oxesin the "Littie' dinner in the Recreation Cen- few days with thie Roger Dor- iGuc.Itnetwsi'____ ebro h eirÇU ChurdV' set there to receive tre, Blackstock, on Wednes-trells, aa, during the sows, as well as the scnie nemn Wsi them. artha awrene rendi deyevenin, Aprl 13th This'eek'bttawaybe oft ohetCoColradoommoun- wmnBow l Cnmilley.CESLEYterHA. th eoBinWleread' ay tennuel anquelth.Ti.¶wek.tains. During their holiday WSE IHR LI i isi u,~vdo them. Marteea LawrencwereapiwThetdeaannoalwba thelesori BranMaster Allan Graham, Port;,i jcnvîwdwr igs DOADTedahfWsev .tw dugtrBenc(M. tfie special prayer, and Robertithe Durhamn County Short- Perry, spent Friday and Sat-.onteOoeNrntALoeDad W. ELLIS adAln dhyrsetdDulsCl)adRt 1is Arhe ad onldEget~' or Cu, otre b teurday witih bis grandperents, 1adat The death of Donald Wel-l citizen of this townouxeNrma Bon) dby Teceivd the offering. Rev. I Blackstock U.C.W. ,Mr and Mr-.. Mervyn Grahami ",ligo liCîono- tMmralHsîa nMn rteM.S bre Ia ]Rose preached on "G;od's! Head table guests included; . . .Elw.o.Ea.o.Mil.-. ' lin.I curEd senl at teTce- etday, Airil 4, 966.M.A lu i fBwavle ~ love".the President, Mr. David brook. Mr. and Mrs. Robert' In Ontario et Eaatview High School, wliieh is locate : naN SL T Not eea optlo n clbaedbs9t itdyWadhkrf n iep~ Thle W. A. of St. John's' B e a t h; Secretary - treasureri Johnstoi t ahrns r. an lotnx ort taa hey re do'n tngg i day, April 8, 196. H epta o Fi- eon Marcd.hi$,a 9 ay9etgadîid& ah ur' Chuz-iheldtheir reg lr onReodadM. iktOtto Buchwe]d, Collingwood. new. Student records are being put an Recordak microfilm 3 so Thear Nehstieton Ndîfty Rck Ne die- hi. 568h 1a6. H *f nor h 8,eatl.Pi fnrl evie meeting in the Parish Hall on! ard and daugliter Frances;j were recent guesti of Mrs. G.: there will always be available a camplete case histary of every- ThNeteoNiyNed- the evening of April l4th Mn. Wmn. New, Stroud. presi-V. A. Scott. one who lias attended the school since it opened in 1949. workers 4-H Club met at the Aso cfteleArbr IndcngliatduighdfomheMri nca Wi#,~~~ th rdn.Ms a-dent aof the Ontario Chuib, and ChononmMe. .f. sh Tesereors.nclMeailmrklmtedaon, eacerreors hmeondr. . Mlclin Elîsan lteMrs Hrr I1h pathener Mr. IIn adCh'pe, o'rnn'vllMnr.d renoe,, in the chair. The De-: Mn. New; Mr. Roslyn Fleit more, Peterboroughi, called on details about hobbies, special interests, character rtns ,ndyApi itil.ý The 4-H atoCesitn re he attend- pitai patientfrony oucodctdb eGore. vitoa eidwscnut cfthie Victoria Club and Mrs. fniends ini the village Thurs- adeeyhn !ipraceta apn uigsho pledge wsgiven and the rail etCdstlhon Mh 2,13,<ly no t foer ae an o rnt Unitg cd by Mrs. J. A. McAi-thur. Flett; Mr. E. H. Stoltz, Exc..tduy. a de ey hihoomo ta c h tha p n u ig c o l if. c l nwe red ul d nî the ac- ret h red whOn sr vive, l in dJane (Elfor his d ) A n, M . bet Cla c ui fo l h e u s u e l p io c e d u r e w a l-iei v e c e a r f h C n 1 o n nrKt y a n e l , _ _ _ _ _the-- - cforr mwe r- m k n g r. E li , w ' o w aH a r - S onef d e a e w S b x n a h m M - l i i d g e t a lowed. Plans were mode for adien Shonthorn Association, Bownîanviile, spent last week -- Theresw ardiscusingre- tSrdWo uvvs i adJn E the Mther's Day Supper tjMr. Wrn. Elliott, Ontario Se-c- with their grandparents, Mr. K ED Ahgrling auicscusin e-penter. resddi omn rvdneCnnuîy a-fcin rsdde i ngn be lield on May 6th. The at- netary and Sales Agent; and; and Mrs. Kcnneth Sanielîs. atriaiste am cieobond-uville or bout 10 y ars be rvinte ohp n181adItrsin a i om, tention of the members was ithe guest speaker, Mr. H. KIt Mrs. George Skelding visit- KNA aeilsadc eo a.d'vlfor bougto10Coibe-ixoneTovsidecePblcvil Cmt drewn tethie Ohawa Deanerv1 McGill, and Mrs. McGill. ed relatives in Stieetsville for Mr, and Mn.. Bill Wannan some act cf hi-s opened their bags. Work waS oitiniied noers ag Clo. He sixa mem en choo. O Dencr2,10, Plbaeswr he meein t b leldatstI r.H. . cGlli.Ontnî afe dys ndatenedthe ere guests of Mrs. Mary eyes. The choir .qiang 'Make tebt h ebn nto! the United Churci. he married Nellie AiDw rnsnDnl n aw Live Stock Comnissoner and wedding oif a niece, Miss Luxon one evening iast week. a little. rainbow of your tea"-s' making. tSriig eie i iesnwopeecae i nryBonadAU ae spoke on nome of the work Mary Anch. and Mn. Gary t is good ta sec the new ý wth Mrs. A. Fosten at the j Michael Keul flew ta Mexi- Haniett, are a daughter, Aipril. 1948. He was i,-adtie ehwCas' the commission is endeavor- Rutledge, in Txinity Anglican signs that have been erected, organ. co to visit his uncle this past Berniece (iMna. Wallace Ter- ber of Trinity UnitEd hrlAfe lhadAvnDw \S(arder ing to do. He also referred Ohux-ch April 9th. on the cSeventh lime pointingt uetsofMn. ald~ ~ nd Mn.. Firnest reer ga n ii amre , augnd fvole, Andilgent. osiniu mn i aybstfi R~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h Canadian Shortharn As-,and !Howard spent a couple of rnd going down t'a thePend were Mn. and Mrs. Ennie emtjoyed an lasten visit with Viekie, Donnie and Clieryl. worker, Mn. Allin fa1 e i lrltibts vdneo h Res umes sociaticm have recomnîended1days with Dr. and Mrs. Jack ohureli is deepiy appreciatedý Smith o! Vittoria. fricnds In Renfrew and Ot- A1lc> surviving are two bro- o! his adult Mie unti i e sei nwihHedoee in type an-d the aima Of thleMarlow and family, Lively. as itli as been very difficultl Mn. and Mrs. Jack Fonk tawa. liers, Gordon of Ciastleton tirement abrwit l arao.wshl, eetoe rôf P biainprebned breeder in rltin Mr. and Mn.. Grant Fergu- te knOw where taý tunn es-'and sons visited Sunday with Earl. Bowers took the Lon- and Norman o! Peterbonough. From 1905 to 1948 h prt alntnTahraiDj Publication ahip to the commercial breed-t son and family, Toronto, cal1- peciaîîy at nî.ght. ýMn. and Mrs. Hatchen Foster. nie Ohaipmaii family hack to T'Ple fumerai service was ed bis fanm situatedo h an hitn11 The Lindsav er and feeder. cd on M.RyFnuo n n adMs e lit nFriday evening there North Bay after .»pendin-g theI held froni the Morris FuneralLjakeshore in West Dnigo h atr tr Wander, oldest continuously-: Mn. Wm. Siater thanked w'e suppen guests of Mr. and visited Eastcn Sunday with ' Was a gond cnowd attended bolidoe with Mr. an-d Mrs. _ ______________ published newspaper in V;r- the speker for his add1ress. Mn. Lloyd Wright and fai- Mr. and Mn. Ross Elliott andIthe presentation in the Or- George Bowers. e tona Cunt. iîîresmeMn.. Ken Gnay and son Da- ily, Monday the I lUi onJhna CrwalRa ange Hall for Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mr.. Philip Le puiatiountywi a e for- vid, formerlyv of Czdnus,j i Mn.and Mns.. Erncst Bel- sJh transf rn wafl.oossawaBill Stapleton. La ur en ece Chance returned lest week, pulctinwt anwfr-paedsvrl eeton nyeNny n ilGreenwood watUic efificient andtMn. and Mrs. Harry Craibi mat, Bayd L. Grahami, pub- yiNtoyam grCornwall lest faîl M.C. for athe eeienand re odyfo x lihesad hs ee. the piano. irnte, were Wedmesday dîn- Mi Lyn Litie pen he pîa y d seer l s e e ct o n, o n M u ntwy n d nie n ,1t M n . fory eh !ee Mga d e u n. n r . A e b n e -L W IHHàC I S o k R t r Mn. cdl»'~~Th Family Dance sponsor-: er guests of M . and Mrs. Fasten holiday~s in Orono w th' rnre w o a e ~ e tm c i~ias i lnd.o i a r e . d ic h O.N.O. Club was! Ivan Mutoyadfamily hler sister, Mr.Way -presentiation o h lovelytM.adMs dletBa puloealthougli R new1held in the Recreatian Centre and called on other relatives. Bailey. nIegifts, a wall mirron, a dock cock spent last week in Lon-, comrpany lias taken aven theFrid.ay night. A gaod tîre ila Master Charles Drinkwater, WeaepaedtscBnlwihalouon pict.urc at' don, Ont., visiting ber sister, oPresh .Wacma-ade1eotd. Muias pnvie Otwa in a fe !Hlld back ta bis home *n one end, and two place set- Mn.. King end faîmily. t Pra Ld hbêna u-by "The Scugog Isiandens" with hi. Mt d 1 ndi.Hehd pet ih tings o! the china they arce ynptyi xeddt idiary of Siona Ca. Ltd., pub- orchestra. Prîzes were won W. W. gVanampt, ad h wntrinTaate cieein.LuchacidacngthHemlyo te ie ilim *AEWih xluiv owRthesyl lihr m iaces rma olw:Ehmnto ac. Blake Gunters. Miss3 Kaiie Stewart visited ta Lowerys music topped off Hooey and also o! the laeÇý Pesnide. I Rflph Laimeroanddauglit rMn and Mnrs. Tom Hodge le ite naeog o fine evening. Mrs. Harold Swain wha pas- UP Io 44c. Sharon firs spotdance Lau-and ýmimy isite Mr. nd "e sa On S MrtuGeoay Lot-e0,ngatthey sedinathealset hiy t pastasweekk ed weto!onate C a.L.SroTunefr atnpd ane Lau- andTommPyne sitd Mf.amdhouse in Oshawa, Friday, and Kendal girls heid a shower: Local folk attemding the. Patntd ousngwh hih i Paid-Deaer io!AllenElirarieTurer nd ath Guter Mr. Sannaynaad'faîfer Far-eaeri.AlanWood, second gpot dance, Janis Don- Sabrulo audy ehrte eto m for Mrs. Ronald Dimnen, nee, EasternL Ontario Provincialbaemksson cummck Who bas taken aven the finan- n ell and Mary Lou Malcolm. amdbogi onw hm visited frienda, in Oakvile. MaiLttattehm o!Aeby fCninOdr cil nsosblt !teA Lame Ranger, Maxine BY-1rr a week's visit. WdwrpeYleae t Mtiss June Geach. o! Foi-esters in Belleville onga ».tsih fesic utig Waxder en, ad lEnparents tram: Mn. and Mn.. Walter WiP-,cuciwihu ntudyhie weekend were: Mn, and ~~. Sdtasipa!te evtli-Owen Sound visited Mn.. Fred'man, Toronta, wene Sunday mdga htse ~ ~Mx-s. Oliver Rohrer, Mrnaid rdbowclpngltob.(B ems - cdLidsy eelyh. otyejHan Ltan ae Land Ranger, caliers of Mns..Ira Argue dbtt. and M ..ordon Rovre, Mrn. wihmoepe4oc o iddeI been decided, but Mn. Gra-ýCaptain. Saturday. i heTotHdge.M.. .Mre a nU-M. adnCaeg nm- l'a-m said the format will un-! Sincere svmaty . x- JiW.ndJaiceBcr fin bU h UIa-arsElitnMr ad rsI dero drstc cane. tended Mn. Harold Swaim and' i9hed this year's course in, and fwdasIstwekM. Johnu Doyle, Mlr. endmoe "Wc are happy new an-' family, ail the brother. mmdiKemptville and Guelphi ne-1 and celebrated witli ber bro- imm nnaJh DylM an rangements have been mnade,"t sisters and relatives in thelspectively and neturned ho herMnAthnGahi Alwyn Haines and MTr and w -Ktimn.Welsroseto Mn. Grahami said. "My faniilylffuddem death o! Mns. Swain!Frîday. am18tibrtdv n. esnHr ba encnetdwthteStra onn.1Mns..Ted Coatharn and fam- Box 98 Mr'PloEx Hrt. f etetn'ý etAsSfsyo Wihancnected wifor h atuda înonig.Reand Mrs. C.H eg~~~mc n.Vance Allen Parliament Buildings, WmnsIsiuemta h Waclmn-a-dr o -a! ,Aiso sympathy te Mns..Wm.j son, Don Milîs, called iointedSuda iththinmo-Toono 5 Otaia, h M mtlet the cenur, mdI an lese 0~ Hooey amd family an theMessi-.. Roy and Bill Fergu- hry h1,omTe of ns. Macolm n m -' se tepaercn oniueif'passing o! Mn. Hcoey ln Tan ison, S-unday evening.t~~~Anl 16 son te foninulate plans for@q ,anbroken record as the long- 1 nto, hrda iMr n Ms kliAchr:Te Oran-gemn-ir held their Dean Mn. Jamnes: theiir 60th Anniven.any ta, be, neson Saturdyevin.meigoth Neate On uday eveningfn .~ LIJ newippe i Lnday tPenny Hsia tpresent: Marilyn, Peterboroul.vst ey' rhsr upinge etiConilafsttemeti.at-e todtefi-e e This year marksthie paper's Mns.. J. A. Johnston. Mns. W. 1,cd Mnrand Mns. Wilbent Ar-l th ' rhetsu'le inUid. nueiata te Reevieo!t-esDicke boue formramreos .~~ The ardsrraper ceased lia bcs, -Mrs.Wm Pegu o Mr.ier Aisr~~xthur i hom- o re- village ta the ef!ect that Mn. bJonH'cfnmwnkd e.rgvwe,.1Mhqi...V N B L EAR E S publication tempoaaily two Mirs. Har-old Hamnilton and' Rodick and Mr. John Roniv' tunned froni bis trip te Van- Carruthers, M.P.P., hmd stat- by Douglas Ohurchill. weeks aga after the financial Mn.. Stan Raihm. At tme ofiwt Wednsay Rodic.kof couver and Califonnia last cd 90 % o! the cost o!fi-e- Mr. Gordon Fleming was «Y U REDYG RE ETE supprt lirughadvrtiingwniingaIlai- imrovng. 'Mn mm Mn. GennLaxmeri Tuesday. Apnil l2th, and hlas conditioning the aId 35 Higli- well enotîglito leave Lindsay fell off. The first issue unden A car load o! ladies o! the and sons. since cauglit a baci cold. wmy would be borne by the Hospital end in now gaining the new parent companY will Anglican Cliundh attended thel Sun-day, Mn. end Glenn Chuncli wa- held as uqual municîpality. stnength at tbc home o!fîuîq 5 MINUTES EAST0FOH W be rclc'mised today. Eastei- Tea at the Pexish Hall,I Larmner and boys e taîneci Sundmy nnorning with Rev. I arn sure the Reeve was sister ndm ler husbamnd Mr ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 245 . -Examiner. Chux-olio! the Ascension. Pont Mn. aind Mn.. Harvev Yellaw- R. C. WbMite preach-ing. Het misquated in this comnec- an-d Mn.. George Heasliîp - ispoke on Jesus aippearîng af-1 tion. In my discussions witha ten his, Resurrectian. Ch rist the Depatment for the ATwas risen but sosnething Pi'e' transfr aof or 35 Hlighway -.AVAILABLE ONLY AT-ne Maryanth disciple., to thc Muicipality, the De- from recognizing him 'untili pantment agnced ta assume 1 1 appnoximately 90% o! the c les and family, Sauina, andý cost including drainage. Denns Yllaweesandi Doug- would appreciate it if n las.ILarmer, eci seven ycmrs would publiali the above Guaranteed Investment Certif icates oid. correction. ~- * * - No Incarne Tax ta pay until maturity and then at an average 3-year tex rate - An authorized investrnent for Trustees - Can be used as collateral for loans - Redeemable annually upon the request ef your Executor - Termns available - 5 te 20 years Central Ontario Trust Accumulating Guaranteed Investment Certif icates are especially intercsting te - People who want ta save on Incarne Tex - People who nced a cornerstone an which ta build an investrnent programme at - People who want ta seve and invest at the best possible rate with a feeling of security and- a minimum of bother at - People who wiIl retire within 10 - 20 years - People who want to build Up some Capital ai -,People wbo are unsure of the Stock Market -People who want to provide for Estates Tax and Succession Duties at For Corne in Today to CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS 1CORPORATION làigmese St. N. OMJswa 7234221 3$ letar st W. D.WaaeVllleM2327 VYo Yield Per Annum Over 10 Years Longer Rours Monday to Thursday 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 9 Saturday 9 te à (Bowmanville Closed Wednesday) igegular Giieratd Investment Certificat«s are aIso available et au lnteret rate of 4% per annum paad hall yearly. Mr. and Mx-.. 'Plis. Mabaf- Yours veny truly, fy, Barry and SendiraOwa, Alex Carnuthena, ÎM.P.P., wenc Sunday guests o! Mn. Durham. and is. Bill Meha!fy, Grant _____ an-d Neil Mebjauglilin. 'Phunsday guests o! Mn.. Ed. Harris wene Mns. R. Ki]-: E V R O patnick, Mrs. Neill and Mns, 'Plie initial meeting o! Man-' Dye- of Oshmwa.j vers Township Centennial1 Mr. Willimrd Skure, Fleet-ý Planning Commitice was beli wood, visiteci the Fred Tre- Ion Tliursday evcning in B3eth- wins and Mn.. A. Wright an any Township Hall. Thle at-' Sunday. tendance, due quite possibly' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tmylor, ta thc conflictian of eveningsý Mrs. J. Forder, Mi-. and Mrs.. witb the Ma pie Lea! Hockeyl Arnold Taylor and girls join-1 CClub's "wake" wms mot aven- cd Mn. and Mn.. Ansan Taylor I y lange, however the en-. af Scarbarougli mnd visited thuiagni o! those present ivas! Mn. and Mns. Garnet Murray! encauraging. No daubt, broad-ý and girls, Cnesswcll, Sundayer covenage wili be provided, afternoon. ýby the Bethany Correspond- Mr. mmd Mn.. Arnold Taylor, cnt. Mn. ai-d Mrs. Roy Taylor1 A speedy convalescence is visitcd at the Parlai-. Wed-!wislied Mn. Jack Payne nesday on attended the !îîn-I(Pontypool C nr respondent) ci-ai Thunsdav in Uxbridge who we umdexstand unden-, o! Mn.. Murray Senior. . stand, underwent surgeny this Word bas just been rcceîv- ;weck. ed ai! the quciden dcath o! Mr)i Been enjoyimg a haut witb Lorne Thon-pson. tbe flu iately? Say isn't iti Mn.. Fncd Henry, Mn. and the most -- as thc sasying M Mn.. Clias. Hickey, Tonronto,'goes. In case you are entici- U wene weekend gucsts o! Mrs. ipmting a ew days holiday froni R. Ford.1 the daily gninci we'd like tae Hockey News l'give you a preview o! the Atter winmning the game <udtion ta the malady willbe Ail oth by the score on'smtfs ou is nn ApBla! I clithen an upset stomech oron 5-3 tie Blackstock Bnai.mencîy a senies af bone-shui-, faé4d Uic last game a! the ciering sneezes !ollawcd by a, best o! five senies, needin1g nunmy nase that doesn't i-un,: only a tic ta win the Pont'but gailops for several <laya Penny Bantazn House League 'tii you take on the appear- tropliy. mmcc o! Rudoipli the Rcd-nosed In the firqt pernd at 7:(}5,- Reindeer and fear that wbatý Carnagie sconed for Green- braîns you mmy have pasesseti bank. Trailing 1-0 the Black- have bcen liquidated mnd are' stock teani put on the pres- now lyimg in severmi bushel sure whivh pait off, with a baskets o! Kiecriex discanded goal by Mark M1alcolm attbcside you. And your back 11:20. At 11:45 Paul MaPPin 'aches like a !arewmrning o! sent a biazin.g abat into the laboux- pains. Your cyes are Greenbank net and the period glassy with feven, bloadshot ended 2-1 for Blackstock. like they lied been immensed SI-ir'ty aftes- the second in tomate juice and inset ini peniati gat underway Ex-yen sockets o! a sandpapen base. Wolfe scored frocn Don Vaux- lioat feed, like It bas Wright and Denwm s Rnfeni been send-blasted and eveny- te make it 3-1 fon BWakstoclc thing yau swallow you'd swemr which held t thec end of the you wee downing a hanse- second periad. chestnut stili wearing its On a breakawmy, Cannagie prickly epidermis. And yaur scred -for Greenbank for bis benrt that used te go patlat second goal of Uic gaine et pet on slippered feet, now 8:45 ýbefore Romieril tock a goes pattity-pat - kenplap; on perfect pos from Grant Mc- every 'kerplop" a set ai air i LAughlin te put the gaine out hammners open up on your cars of neach et 18:16 o! the Uiird frmtheiinside. Should you period. be se rash as te bend oven 'Plrce penalties were called quickly te do up a shoc lace in tic third pexiod, Carnegie or such-like, Ringo Star opens end Lee for noughing and up with ail bis percussion Max-k Melookam for booking. instruments inside yeux tend- And so enîded another gaine er dame. Excuse us whie we 4-2 fon Bleckstock. shoo off a math who la playing Anotèier playol!, three win-s, petty-ceke on the window- acm Mau, one tic, and Blalk pane. atock's tii-st cup ever, after Mr. Ken Wilson ha. coin- elght yean' camps tition. pleted bis second year at Uni'. Yupeel ~veruity of Guelph and has re- i SUPPORT YOUR...0 PINK ENVELOPE AND EASTER SA * * CAMPAIGN * SEND YOUR CHEQUE:. C/0 EASTER SEALS, BANK 0F MONTREAL', BOWMANVI'LLE, ONTARIO PLESEDO UT TODAT! Accumulating forrn that yield VYo Per Annum Over 10 Years GUARANTEED SAVINGS AT GUA'RANTEED RATES or suvioe