T'h. Canadimu Sttesnmn, ownmvMe, Apr. 20, 1M6 DEADLINE FjrI7FOR (LASSIFUED - Tmsday, 4:30 p. me Births [ WFORD.-en and Jean e Ormiston) are happy te Steven Andrew on Tues- aY, April 19, 1966, et Oshwa ~nrai Hospital. Mother and by fine. 16-11 . BLE-Neil and Beveley Uncc McRobbic) are happy ta ~nounce the biith ai their Un on April 17, 1966, ah St. 'Ichael's Hospital, Toronto. 3oud grandpaients arc Mr. nd Mis. Alex McRabbie, Bow- tinville, and Mi. and Mis. ferey Hubble, Foxbora. 16-1 PEERS-John and Marilyn nec Peerce) ai Caledon, aiýr4r6 appy ta announce the but fadaugbter on Aprilste fo1ae adCn 196w, et Orangeville Hospit Tona. 16- DORP1-lnk ad -Beat- IwS heppily announce the jth ai their son Hendrik ilam(Hank). 8 lbs. 4 ozs., Tiil t, 1966, ah Memorial spital, Bownienville. Weim- welcomed by sishers Susan [d Debbie. 16-1 SEngagement SMr. and Mis. Joseph Flett mnounce the engagement of ieir daughter Donna Marie, ~oMr. Thomas Passafieume, on of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Passafieume, Toronto. Thé~ narae ta take place on Mayl jrdin gToronto, Ontario. 16-1~ ZMr. and Mrs. James A. -"ully are pleased to announce1 the engagement of their daugh-i ter Jean Elizabeth, to Leonard Garfield Stevens, son of Mr. àjnd Mrs. Glyn Stevens, Nap- e nee, Ont. The wedding wil ~ke place in Trinity United ~hurch on Friday, 20th May, 9I66 at 7:30 p.m. 16-1 Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Elliott;' ýarden Hill, w;ish to annaunce1 À*ihe engagement of their daughter, Sharon Joanna, to ....Xr. Mervin Louis Smith, soni .wef Mr. and Ms. Lloyd Smith,1 'yrone. The narriage will Iak place Saturday, May 21,, 1966, at St. Paul's Anglican ' _Church,, Perrytown. 16-11 Marriages WBHORT - YELLOWLEES- The marriage is announced of ,G1adys Yellowlees, daughter ýf the late Mr; and Mrs. J. W.1 ~ellowleesof Saline, ta. Mr.I .*alter A. Short, son of thei late Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Short, 4,,f R.R. 2, Bowmanvifle. The %4~Vedding took place- at thet "~nnseaI amponon Fridayt 1 eig April 15, 1966, with everend Charles R. Catto, f.A., B.D.,afficiating. 16-if £w Reception Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Demili who were married in Bow- :ianville 60 years ago, will be àat home" et the home of their .pJack Demili, 33 Harris S.ý -art Hope, on April 23, fromi 2 ta 5 in the aiternoon andt a4ram 7 until 9 at night. 16.1* A group of friends of W. -ýoss Strike are planning an informnai «Welcome Home" receptian for the farmer Hydro *Cihairman at the Lions Centre ,3.orn 8 ta 9:30 p.m., Thursday, Spril 28th. Any friends. tom Bowmanville or sur-fe rounding district will be wel rd~ NI Auction Sale Household effects ai the laIe -<lPorence Caughill, Burketan, ~erington Township, Satur- Way, April 30, from Burketon wQarage. List of articles next weeks paper. Termis cash. .&aie at 1:30 p.m. Cliff Peth- ek, auctioneer. 16-1 àîw' WEEKLY LIVESTOCK SALES 7at Durham County Sale% Arena 2rono - Every Thurs., 7:30 P.m. gelng orses, Cattie, SwIe' Calves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Relid SSon, Sales Managers 1-tf ÏrAuction sale of three trac- .rs, self -propelled combine, fui' une of nearly new Massey- jerg uson farm mechinery, 1- ;n. truck, garage tools and ~upment, bey, grain, furni- 'ze. 40 Herefard cattle, 70 teeder hogs, broad saws, poul- ,etc., the pîapcrty af- Mr. tier Mezur, Lot 1, Con. 3, lke Township, anc mile stcf Newtonville and one toilncession north. Selling with- Au eserve on Saturday, April ,td ae wil ommence ~o p l t 1 m . Terms "V hroughout the sale. Jack ]Reid, auctianeer. 14-31 0 130 Cattle: 45 Holstein os SHereford stocker and fat Ittle, 25 calves; 2 tractais, Î t combine, new spreader, ternationai drill (new), full e of implements, milking Jachine, hey, grain. straw, -roperty cf Thos. Elliott& Pon Spruce Lawn Faims, Lot UCon. 1. Caven Twp., two Ies west of Beileboro or Emiles South cf MiLbrook fUd 2 miles East, Seturday, fiý ril 23. Terms cash. Fain "d.No reserve. Sale et 12 lock sharp. Ted Jackson Spene e . Johnson, féî,ton1eers; ;d. jo l ào n, clark.14-3 Personal tr Co' la 4-81 la Death , HEDDON. Elsie Edith-At the WALNUT dining-romr suite. iamily residence, Lot 9, Con. 6, Phone Orono 347W. __16-1 East Whitby Township on 1,000 BALES of bey.- Phoile Saturday, April 16, 1966. Elsie 786-2468, L. Hallowcll. 15-2 Edith Orcherd, beloved wife oai - the late Fiederick John Hed- WATER for sale and dclivered. don and loving mother cf Miss 24 hour service. Caîl 623-5756.1 Lois Heddon, at home, and____ 29-tf Kenneth ai Toronto; sister ai RODNEY aats for seed,, clean- Mis. CedriicParsans ai Bow- &e and tîeated. Phone 986-4246. manville. Rested et the Mc- 1, _ _________ 1- Intosh - Anderson Funcral WATER for sale and deliveredt, Home, Oshawa. Service was Call'Ciff Pcthick 263-2131 held in the chepel on Tucsday, __ 32-tf April 19 et 2 p.m. Interment -- ____ Bowmanville Cemetery. InOATS. about 3 tans, and some lieu ai flaweîs, donations to Ihey, second cut. Telephone the Gideon Bible Society will 623-2100. __ 61 be appicciatcd. 16-1 ALFALFA bey. oats and barley. Edwin Staub, R.R. 3, HOOEY, William George-At Newcastle. __ 15-3 Toronto on Thuisday, April 14,- . - , 1966, William George Hoocy ai BOX trailer, 4' x 6' x 7' wîth Nestlcton, Ont., dearly loved beevy duty springs, good tires. husband ai Elsie MacDonald', Phone 623-5430 aiter 6 p.m. dear father ai Joyce ai Otta-__________ 16-1 wa, Margaret ai Gravenhurst, BROODER bouse, 10' x 12', dear uncle ai Donald Mc- and range shelter. 33 R 3 Leughlin ai Toronto, and loy- Orono, 6 ta 7 p.m., Fred Yeo. ing brother oi Velma Hooey aiof _ 16-1* Peterborough. Rested et the KY u uoaialhl Chapel af MeDemott-Pana- you wait, et McMullen Hard- baker, Part Perry, until Mon- ware 36 King St. E., Bowman- day noon, thence ta the Nestle- ville' 3 tan Prcsbyterian Church for 3t service et 2:30 p.m. Interment BUYING ar selling furniture Union Cemetery, Cadmus. or appliances, cali Elmer, 16-1 Hampton: business 263-2294 - _______residence 263-2695. 6-tf LABELLE, Florence Mary-At SMALL cabin cruiser, 16', 40 ber residence on Monday, h.p. Evinrude Lark, 2,000 lb. April 18, 1966, Florence M. Bur- treiler. Apply 52 Jackmen ton ai 36 Beech Ave., Bowrnan- Rd.,_Bowmanville. 12-tf ville, beloved w:te of the iate W. Oscar LaBelle, dear math- er af Laura C. LaBelle, dear aunt of Helen Fraser. Rest- ing at the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home. Funeral serv- ice 2 oclock Thuîsday afteî- faon. Interment Bowmanville, Cemetery. 16-1 McCOLL, Venda Jane - At Oshawa General Hospital an Tuesday, April 19, 1966, Vanda Jane MeCoil, aged 14 % months, beloved infant daugh- ter af Joyce and Ray McColl, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, dear granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McColl.1 Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Thursday et 2 o'clock. Interment Baw- manville Cemeteîy. 16-1 RHUE -Suddenly at the family residence, 19 Waverly Rd., Bowmanville, on Friday, April 151h, 1966, James Percy Rhude, aged three months, be- loved infant son of Mr. and Mis. Gordon Rhude. Service was held et the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Mon- day, April 18 et 2 o'clock. In- terment Bowmenville Cerne- tery. 16- 1 SWAIN,. Frances Josephine- At thc Oýhawa General Hos- pital on Seturday,, April lth, 1968,Frances Mauntjoy, bclav- ed wife of Harold Swain, dear mother of Jack, Jim and Hel- n, loving daughter of Mis. L. ~Muntjoy, dear sister of Grace (rs. B. Hallett), Oshawa, and Laurence 'of Warkworth, in ber 55th year. Rested at the chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Part Perry, fer service an Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interinent Union Cemetery, Cadmus. 16-1 THOMS-Williem George, 75 yeaîs, Aprîl 14, 1966, et St. Thomas. Late of 249 *Frank Avenue, dear father af Mis. Jack Puîdy (Muriel), Baw- menville, Ont. Dear brother o~f Alex, Rentrew, Ont., Frank, Rochester, N.Y.; grandchildren Joyce, Gloria and John. Fun- cel service in the Walter D. Kelly Funeral Home, 1969 Wyandotte St. E. at Devon-1 shire Rd., Saturday, April 16, 1966 at 2:30 p.m., Rev. V. W. Raison officîating. Interment Green Lawn Memorial Ceme- terv. 16-l* ITHOMPSON, William Lorence --Suddenly et bis home on Monday, April 18, 1966, W. Lorenîce (Laine) Thonipson, dearly loved husbend of Gladys Cobbledick, dear fatb- r ai Jean ((Mrs. Dave Col- acicco ai Oshawa, loving broth-' er ai Harvey ai Oshawa, ,Merle ai Meliort, Sask.; Ivan and Donald ai Blackstock; loy- ing grandiather ai Lise and Joey Colacicco, in bis 61st year. Resting et the Chepel ai McDerînott-Panabaker, Port Perry, for service on Thurs- day at 3:30 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Cadmus. GENDRON convertible car- riage; double bcd slat spring and' mattress, two single beds. Phone 623-2817. 16-1 ONE Elco single generator, kit faim; 1 Eico 5"' push-pul oscilloscope kit faim. Joe Welker, Orono 1411. 16-1 B EE F for your freezer, Ineker Good Steer Beef with excess fat removed before yau buy. HINDS 65Sc - FRONTS 49e SIDES 55celb. Cnt, wrapped and frozen No extra charge flon't waste your money on fat - Buy good prime steer beef BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM Phone 623-5578 ________16-tf SPRING IS HRERE! Time to Buy LAWN MOWERS AND ROTO-TILLERS BUDGET PLAN "We Service What We SeIli" 85 King St. W., Bowmanvllle Phone 623-3134 For the BEST In Quality The MOST In Service Custom Blended or Regular AERO Brand Grades available Bag or Money-saving Bulk BULK SPREADERS 4-ton and 1-ton capacity ANHYDROUS AMMONIA WEDCONTROLS and INSECTICIDES FREE Crop Advisory Service CERESDALE FERTILIZERS LTD.' GARNET RICKARD & SONS Newcastle, Ont. Office Residence 987-4711 623-7150 _____________ 16-21 USED EQUIPMENT Tractors , i International TD5 Crawler International B250D w/Loadpr International 350 w/Loader International B414D John Deere 2010 w/2 Row Mounted Cultivator Ferruson 20-85 (overhauled) .International Super A 16-1. W/i Row Mounted Cultivator Notice to Creditors CokhtN 30 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Massey-Harnls 33 AND OTHERS International W-4 In the Estete cf lw William KonopeekiPlw ýNOTICE is hereby given that International 3-furrow the Executrix ai the Estale ai Fast Hltch William Konopacki, late af International C-35 the Town ai Bawmenville, in 3-Point Hltch the County ai Durhami, Retir- David Brown 3-Furrow cd Glass Merchant, deceased, 3-Paint Hiteh wbo died on ar about tbe Cockshutt 3-furrow Trail tbirtietb dey ai October, 1965, will afler the Thirteenth day Cutvt s ai May, 1966, distribute the utv or assets ai tbe said estate amang1 International 17-Looth Treil the persons beneficially cf-ý on Rubber titled Iberclo having regard International 17-tooth Treil only ta the ciainis ai Persans on Steel who shal bave on ar before I the Thirtecnth day of Mayi Seed Drills ý1966, gven written nOtice and!Ces statemnents of their daims toCa I utt 15-rua Combinetion the undersigned solicitors. rOn Rubber w/Power Lift DATED eat Port Home Ontario, International 13-rua Ibis 18th day of Aprîl, 1966. Combination on Steel Honey, Brooks & Harrison, 71 Wallon Street, O A *Port Hope, Ontario. a Solicitors for the Executrix. cquipment PnoT=ting Phone SU-Un8 POeSSIONIAL wor1k 184Elu guSt. E. owumolle ant.d. AM*ue CoIi*so,. LeepeMrpaD, O»». mi OU-MW. 8-tf le-il SPECtI AL -NEWSJ riWe have recently received a special selectian of TROPHIES suitable for EVERY SPORTING EVENT 25% OFF For yaur club needs, contact HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOPF 29 King St. E. 623-5747 BOWMAN VILLE 14-tf Cars for Sale 1964 GALAXIE 500. Cal 9 r il Orono. 16-1 155 PLYMOUTH station wag- on. Phone 725-6043. 16-1 '60 ENVOY, anc owner, low mileage, in good condition.! Phone _728-8038. 16-1 '59 FORD Galaxie, V8 auto- matic, black and white; good condition. Phone Orono 3034. 16-1* '56 AUSTIN, new battcîy, gaod tires. in îunning con- dition, $50. Phone Bctheny 58 r 2 1. 16-1 1954 DODGE stake truck, good shape. matai rccntly aver- hauled. Phone noon or efter five, 623-7174. 16-1 * '59 PONTIAC Laurentien, 6 cyl. standard, radio, 4-door, good condition; $495 or best offer. Newcastle 987-4446. '56 MERCURY 2-ton. built-up tool boxes and tarp, $695; '65 Pontiac wagon, 7,000 mies Lauenim,4 r, $Z995 2-tf onald Mount.oy - 623-3614i 200 Acres - Bailiebor, 180 'N Y EBR S uy LeBln 623-3115i acres workable, 20 bush; ,îdso Wiersma Orono 1649 ýspring, drilled well. Bain Furitre nd Phyllis McRobbie- 623-7159 122' x 36'. Two tractai sheds, Furntur an Ingr Jrgesen 87-4912 drive sheds, lO-rooni solid Ingr .orgnse - 87-491brick 2-storey bouse with 2. Upholtery Lorne C. Duf 985-2728 fireplaces. $4,000 - $20,0001 Upolt!yRoss Davidson - Bethany 30r2 down. S e P g 1 5i _B____eaut________________________________1___building SeePag 1516-1 -lo-t 11- 50'ulxul200' on]y minutes CUSTO MFor Rent - froni Oshawa. School close GARAGE, 31 Carlisle Ave. by paved road fronhage. Ask- FA R M IN G P hon e 623-594 0._ 16-1 ing $4.300. AT REASONABLE RATES FIVE-rooni house for rent. Building lots epproximetely Phoe 23-30 CIl 623-3935 aiteî 5 o'clock. 100' x 150', Taunton Road East, for ALIG - LOWNG - - - t $1.250 per lot. fo r AYG ING, ET.-APRTMENýT. App 4 SPAYNG EC Qucen St., Bowmenvîlle. Orono - 7 acres, on town ___________16.1* Jweter, very central, Builder's JACK BURGESS MODERN store in Bawmen- opportunity. Asking o n 1 y OIL BURNERS - FURNACES ville, 525 sq. f. Telephone $15.000. Ternis. CLEANED 1623-7664. 16-2* BUY NOW AND SAVE- PLUMBNG REPAIRS FIVE-roani home, bot water $500 Wlnter Worka Bonus PHONE HAMPTON heat, closed sun porcb. Aveul- 26-11able May Ist. Aduits only.1 3 Bedroom electrcally heat- MailAddesa SIXrooi bick - --Ibult by James O'Mallcy in MalAdrs:iIX-ombrc ouse, very Sunset Temmace Subdivision, P.O. Box 543 - Bownianville, central. Write Advertiser 714,B mnilePrcdt$158 ACK RM N /o- Canadien Statesman, P.O. with $2,950 down, including ACKERM N Box190,_Bowmanville. 16-le bonus. EXCAVATINGFIVE-rooni bouse, central ln- LOADING - TRENCHING cation available May 1. Write Caîl 623-3393 Sand, Gravel, Top SdIl and Adverîiser 713, c/o Canadien After 9 p.m.: F111 Dellvered Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Baw- 24-Bour WATER SERVICE manville. 16-1* Ken Hoekin - - 628-5055 Resoabe ats at Tee - 8- 23-3077 Re3-5o56 le Raes LE Livestock For Sale Jo. Barnoski- 723-5787 62 -5 5 - B..NV L L _ - - _ _ _7 9 -10_5 BARNES & BYA YORKSHIRE boar. Phane DOutGower - -7810 PLUMING & HEATING ýOshawa 725-6043. 16-1 ClaeMcCullouth- 723-7843 SALES & SERVICE I THREE-yeaî-old 54" mare, Roy Foster - Orono 321 24-HOUR broke ta saddlc and harneau.1 Uowerd Forder - Oi B rnr eric Phone 623-3447, 16-1 BrOoklilu 655.885 OU BurnHeServicd S TITAK » 175 CHOICE surfod and George Heston - SETILETANKS AD0fram oe year adtwo Port Ferry 985-2081 TILEBEDsyeer aid stocker stecîs sud DII and Doreen Glmblett PRONE heifers. Sale Wedncsday, April Office - PL HOPe@885-4548 HAMPTON 28-2288 27. George A. McGowan, Eldum -PtNoie 885-858 TYDONZ e 3834650 778-2213 Havelock. 16-11 18-1 Jack iticarci REALTOR 99 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-2503 SUBURBAN HOME with vicw ai Lake Ontario. The bedroanis. Ultra modern kitch- en. Fimeplace. Attractive en- trence. Caîpoît. 15 mina, ta Oshawa. $19,900. Ternis. HOBBY FARM. 18 acres with 3 bedroani home, sali barn, tracter, etc. Mile froni Bowmanville. SOUTHWAY DRIVE. Storey and balf home on attractivel lot. Nicely kept borne. $15.500. WHAT CAN YOU BUY FOR $14,000 ? See Ibis nortb end 3 bedrooni, ranch style bunga- low with athached garage, Large lot. Ternis. COURTICE RD. N. Large, attractive b r i c k bungalow witb attached garage, bufit-in oven and range. 13/ acre lot. Strawberries planted. $23,500. SEMI-DETACHED. 2 Bcd-1 roarn home an Brown St., $8994 DOWN.1 MAPLE GROVE. Storey1 and balf home on No. 2 Hlgh-1 wey, 2 garages, 6 fruit tree. $14,000.1 We bave several small acre- ages and building iots for sale, i Clarke Twp. Ceil for de-. tala.j 100 ACRE FARM nemi Tyran.Vcxy scenlc. Good» hause, convenlences. Bain. Stream. $5,000 down. 35 ACRES with strean ear Newtonvlle. S8ôm. eb us h. $3,900 - Termes. Mulforul Meolonau- 028-3Ull Frederlck St. Attractive 5-rooni bun- galow situated in an ex- cel1erýt residentiel aiea - on an irregular wooded lot 72' x 175'. Hes Gar Wood ail furnace - Roof- ed-ovcr Patio - Must b. inspeched bath inside and ouhaide ta be eppreciaed. Caîl New and arrange to irispect Ibis home. ARE YOU THINKING of SeilingT our Hoe This Spring? We have Man, people Iooking for properties f, ail types and d bleo May W. e Ip youelS. For full partlculars ali 728-2265 or MEL DALE (Bewmanvllle lepreative> 623-588 Irwîn Crulekshanks - 7283w* George Koorneef 723-U»5 Don Howe - 8-o Bill Johaston * 728:=1 Irene Brown **725-8 Msrg Hali 281f MlIble Boudresu 11'28-3# Michael Delmonto -725-*8* Bd Drumm - - 728-93e Allan Thompson -728-3319 Reg Aker - - 7Z5430M Bill MePeeters 21-11. Member of Oshawa mnd, District Real Estate BMa&' W. Lat Exclusive and M 30 lINO or W. - OSU U 1WIVf Eawke - Ores.1 il lj- 6«»teS Elard ri là. UUO~ - 1I se@ ruua W -1 Articles for Sale Warited to Rent Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate f r Sale' BUNK bcds, like ncw. Phone THREE-roorn iurnishcd epait- 23 ACRES of land north ai THREE bedraom brick bugeRUILDING Lc-t - leural ParkB 62-33. ____ 16-1* ment.__Phone 263-23277_16-1 Newcastle, paitly bush, large low, N. Cabour; ', buibs, Sub-divisian, Cobourg. $1,000. Fatoy _ ONEI cash register, perfectcon- SMALL faim with option ta pond. $500 down. For in- close access ta Hwy. 401; 1,1300 Na down peyment. For infor- for Sal eorLts dition. Phone 623-2006. 16-1 buy. Phone Orona 13910. formation Phone Wîightwey sq. il. plus enclosed breezeway mation P h a n e Wîightwey 164 * Matais 623-2301. 15-3 and double garage. Lot size Matais 623-2301. 15-3 sultable for large body »hop, RASPEERRIES and stîaw- ---1-150__x__165__IL--Phone - Cobourg lu owmaavillearea. Rot bernies. Phone 725-6046. GARAGE or small buildingI10x65t.PeCbug WESTVIEW Heights Ne w- water hestlng office 'Pace and 61*for starage purposes. Phone1 John F. DeWiih 372-7890. - 16-1 castle, seven îaom home with waahrooms. Vacant Sept. ist. ONE box trailer, in good con- 63596-1 3 pcc. bath end fireplece. Low For Information Phone dition. Phane 987-4483, Nw-HUE o armnt fr REALTOR G lyleVen dvn payment. For informae- castle. 16-1 couple with four childien. twavle-1 rnk~ og llvn ion Phone Wrightwey Matois Wrightway Motors CHEFMASTER electric stove, Phone ater 5, 263-2293, 16-1 Phone 623-3950 REALTOR 623-2301_15736320 gaod condition, $65. Phone FARM, approximately 10 DAIRY FARM, 194 acres, Phiofl 623-5300 MONEY TO LOAN, __1- 623-053 16- aces. ode conenince, only 2 miles irom Oshawa. Ex- Ner îuFirst and Second Mortgages PLAERpino Blndîl vry30-mile radius Oshawa. Cal eletbuildings. Home wîth a campe ion, new ranch god onito, 20. hoe263-2306. - il mdm cneine.Bi style bungalow, large living- La ud vlal 728-803.ondit61onR$2b00.oom house, los1ihmoeîcstabecea. B arnrom with fireplece, large Consuit We have clients Interested lu 728BUSHE8. Rodn -1 shREboo m , by May osCe Bulkutoa cooabclr. Oshawa ktchen. dîningroam with slid- A .H Q ? purchaslng amal acreages, aaîff-SËý-- - s chob ayt9 a ul ak colr saaing doors, electîic beeting wral am n ob 200 bushels Herta barley. gîve references. Telephone 'milk contract. Valuable prop- system throughout, two-car Real Estate and Insurance wral em n ob Phone_623-5158. 16-1* 623-,7435. 15- 2 erty. gaaee1 ayahe xrs1 %Lle t t N., Bowmanville farms, wlthln a 10 mile radius QUNIY of baled hay. ONE bedroom apartment for DAIRY F A R M, P O R T This is the homne for the exec- 623-7264 of Oshawa. Phone Eber Millson, 263-2137 single ladyT, central. Write PERRY AREA, 150 acres wîth utive, who bas ta do much en-,I oarlnestdnsllg between 6 and 9 p.m. 16-1 Advertiser 710, c/o Canadien excellent buildings. Good size tertaining. - 2-tf your property, list wltb a - --- - --- Statesmen, P.O. Box 190, Bow- barns. 10 Roomed home with CABËiNl, 14' x 12', insulate Imanville. 16-1 al]l modern conveniences. Ceni Maple Grave: Weil kcpt 3-P .fomrfrmr .E.1op mahogany lined, ail heated. - s !ngcn bedroom frame bungalow,P.EfomrfmeAE.Tm- 'aI-o b boughtlarge garage and lot. Askîng GRAVELLEsoarreettvfr To be moved, $350. Newcastle en 9744.16-1* ated to Buy cr.puice $13,500. Ternms.Sho ed- 987-444. - - -SCUGOG ISLAND, 100 acre Orno:8 rom fem- ous, RE L E TAT DRIED shelled --coin, $62.50 GIRL'S bicycle. Telephone!stock faim. Excellent buildid- new al8frnace, rae. I- 2 D 30 KnREt.L., shea. nt per ton. Vicon Faim, R.R. 1, 6232697. 16-1 lings. Brick home with alcae ipfroperty. garas n -360Kig S.fW, St.a, Dt Enniskillen. Phone 728-3601 GIRL'S medium size bicycle.,modern conveniences Aking other înterest and is anxiaus as 723-2265; Evgs.: 728-2870 ater 6 263-2013. 16-2 Phone 623-2437 aiter 5 p.m. $28,000. Terms. iita sel BOWÂMAN VILLE -_-_ 6-tf GARDEN tractai, 7 b.p., ncarly-- 16-If COLBORNE AREA, 190 acre Na ihe 5 c-IY U C O C new; farim galvenized gate, 14', PUREBRED and Grad Hol- be fi it xeln room, well decorated 2-starey 623-3341 best offer. Apply 74 Ontario stein cows and heifers for ex- buildings, including 2 trectors framne home, big implement, SAAw1 cpmd St. or Phone 623-5718. 16-1 port. Phone 986-4246. 1,5-3 and fulli une ai machinery. shedAon,4 acre lot. Askin From $1,676 Down POAOS, Irish Cobblers, LIVE poultry, aid featherAkn 2.00 em. price $13.000 which includes clà erombik ug- 1 New Models Kennebcc, gîown from certi- ticks. M. Flatt, R.R. 11, Beth- PORT HOPE AREA, 1441apr 50,000 glad. bulbs. Give iow, on large lot with bcdge, iied seed. Smell $3, large $4 any. Phone 7 r 13 collect. jacre faim, 8r oomed brick usaife.neer G.M. sauth plant. P.I.T. Ail N.H.A. Detached per bag. Leslie Taylor, Burke- 28-tf home, al modern convei oma1le Nrt.vr 78.00 month.ButbyAmrogwhau- ton. 16-1PANS - nymkncs Large bain. Excellent',sce-ic 10 acre lots witb large, OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS, ONE-cr gaage 1'x 1 ' I ANOiz S~ wanted, aymklocation. A s k 1 n g $35,000.1nyr aligc.e.6 unit epartment building in inum sidlag, eay brick, C. sellfdo.An resncahndcniin WilPay 1 errns. 6- a very desi rable location. Grass lumble kîtchens, built-in range sellf or n esncahadmove. Pleese writc,' 16- TRNO-A,15 ce- aver ,500.00 per month n vn aogn rm n able offer eccepted. Apply et statîng meke end pie, name TRENTONic AREA, 154 acre -rh an 73 emernc S.,Bome- ndadiestaAdcîisr 11highway faim. Good buildings.:! ' KING ST., compact _:kIAYECUVE XTA villeprneS. 16ma-i / anadeSt detean , Ftesudiiio, Asking!W. Frank Rel .tale bungalow on very deep lot.iMN XLSIEETA vil90,-1c/ anBow ma'n .Osivso. ea iCommercial potentiel. CloseSo e ¼% WATERLOO 400 garde-ntac-Box 10 omnil.__ 17_LIIE OM / tor, plow cultva.to end- 1- - DAIRY FARM, 100 acres as LMIEDte I.G.A. $16,000.00. CL SNWA tor, 8" pow cultivtor andia going concein. Peterboîough'21 Ring St. W., Bowmanvilll 1ORSEY ST. Prestige type CL SNWA harîows. Becs, four active I Pets mik contract; 19 milk cows.ý colonies and complete apiary COGiurgseef-Mciey sig $500 eîe 623-3393 2 storey brick home. Excel-i equipment. Phone 623-3447. dld-ppregister-ed e.M hiey Akn $50.-em r Oshawa and 'District lent residential location. GRIFFIN ~~e~SER alumi5neekmold.Telephone TermURsAE , $1,Ra5Es0e0oad DkO WNi . 3 Bedioom REAL< ESTATE LTM. summe heat contins rpelsIve.,Obawa.16-1 faim on paved roed. Toronto. Queen Strpet - 5-room brick $650 ag o.7366 r 7384 wumert: -ear urne.REITRDGrmnSe-m contract. Goodr build- home, new ail furnece, veryï NEWCASTLE, building lotý SALES OFFICE wamt, 0yer uaate. ISTRE ngsn h . H orc.Go LaneAlin IPrnc S. erd puppies, sîred by Adel V. ig.Hme al] modern con- central. Only $12,000 - $3.000 on Robert St. Ideai for split-: SOUTH 0F OLIVE AE LorneHau Pabst, amPHrisceeiSt.vne's. Asking $32,000. 2,00.iVE 16-doaunPastdaevellei-$2.000.3200 1WEST 0F GRANDVIEW ai by, 1.1* iobanns Reta. Cali 623-5058. erms. ' Preston Road South - 5-rooiI EgtYar fRlel QUATIY 6c er 6-f'STOCK FA RM 92 acresi bungalow, stone and aiuminumn Experlence In ail Phases Oshawa bale; mixed grain, nets and ___with good buildings. Excel- siding,* fireplace, broadloom, il f Real EstateOEN1 s barley $52.00 a ton, deliveîed. \Vork Vlanted lent soil. Askîng $17,000. weter soitener, dlean decora- PNl J. A. Cerscadden, Phone Orano _______-Ternis. 'tien. $14,000 witb îerms. Elizabeth Blaker- 987-482711 35 i 9. _-,.-----15.ý2*jCUSTOM roto-tilling at ieas- BOWMANVILLE, 8 roomed, 2'Bedroom country home Helen Braybrook - 623-7065 DEKALB Secd Coin - We stillionable rates. Phone 623-5390. Wi et2soyhme nlwith 4 pce. bath. Ideal for--16- .. Ti have somesizes inmost heat16-1 - *Elgin Street, Ail modern con- [retirement. On 14 acre lotShfed- krLd units. Supply goîng fast. H. CUSTOM ploughing and disc- veniences. Asking $12.000. good od $850-Tri' P e K w lJ. OSAA HNE7326 J. Brooks & Son, telephone ing, large acreeges or gardens. Ternis. 1'Less oa.$50 Tem. lr cKs.oAL , Jr . Open AA -O9E&723-2261 623-5125. 12-6 Caîl 725-4063. 16.2* BOWMANVILLE, 5 roomned,. Newcastle - 8-rooni freme RALO TlSEDwasheN parts,?__C.p. MOVaNG? Clegningup? Wil 1 almost new brick bungalow home, lot 80' x 132', largead GENERAL INSURANCE Executîve Home on matais. Complete line ai take eway discardable and ap- on High Street. Broadlaornrmomns. Home in excellent' Rehder Ave., Bowmanvllo Beatty, Thor and Crosley ap- pliances fiee. Phone 623-7276, and tile floor coverings. Fln- cniin sin 1.0 ih Rcady for your inspecttan! Large 3 bedraom bun. pliances. P a d dy's Market, __ 16-tf ished rec. room. Asking ternis. Four brand new homes, twa galow, with single car Hampton, 263-2241. 1-tf- R GIW Ventian$18,750. Ternis. Queotet-2 tîybikan Simpson Ave., two. n rg and rvt shl SPRINGTIME __-Venet* ueStet-2soybrc Frank St., behind Dominion grg u rvt shi INSLATION, blowîng meth- blinds îepeired at reasonableBW AVLE oe eroiiceto tr.BlIb saaWo drive. Fireplace in living- od, with rock wool. Wark- cost. Fiee estimates. Phone ment pîoperty Five unit apart- rom fireplace. broadloom. PrdcS.NHA.ersad lv room, lbodilgram * menship gueranteed. Free 623-3264. 1~*[etbidn.Vr eta.Go income home. Mfany mortgages et 61/ %-,aise $500 ad bdom nldd estimates, Harîy L. Wade, b; ainvestgrl[xlet investment. extras. $19.900 - $5.000 down. Winte ok ons ul- andraes reise includd PhneNwtnile78-25.student desires suitable sum- BOWMAN VILLE, building[ Ontario Street - Veîy cent- in Tappan stove and mehog- cd. Exceplianal nd un- 8- mer empîoymcnt eerîy in May. lot On Scugog Street. Choice raI. 7-rooni brick home, 2 any cupboaads, plenty ai uuefare anromfe TYPEWRITERS,eaddeis, cash Phone 623-3050 evenings. ýlocation. batbiaoms, famiiY raom. Just clothes closets. Ceil for ap- isue a n arie .mnt "mot registeis, desks, chairs, fîling, 16.1* MAPLE GROVE. 5 raamned, listed ah $17.500 - Terms. pointment ta sec these. if.shedi nis enta hot cabinets. Ternis, tiades. New, 1-YE----- - tenin 3 bedrooni bungalow with.et- 10-year-old bungalow on Attractive' aplit -level on1 lacated on' a 1el1 Cd! uscd, rentais, service. Bill. 19-YEARhold old attendang tachied double garage. Fire- Liberty St. N., with 1% acres Scîugog St., large livingroom, sc4pqd lot 73X 5' lSD Haitnw a glan 15-othf time employment froni 8-3 Place in îec. room. -1/ Acre ai îand. Only $13.000 - $2.500 kitchen and diningroom. BuilI- is. a borne Yeu wouÏ&" Lsaw ite o-l ad woo weekdays and ail day Satur- lot. Asking $18.500. Ternis. down. in garage. AIl on large lot proud te own. For an ap ,- LREwiecaan odday. Phone 623-3153. 16-1 * NORTH 0F B0W M AN- 2-Bedrooni bungalow an 70' x 130'. painîment te inspect- stove, reservoir and top aven A - VILLE, large POND, stream, huge weil landscaped lot righh Two bedrooni bungalow, Cal! us NOW. excellent condition, $40. B.tly A.tBA Ru.S - on 16 erres with 8 roomed in Town ai Bowmanville. Ideal well1 located, aluminum sid- Ranch Bungalow Mis. Pearl Avery, Burketon, home. Bain. Asking $20.000. foi retirement. $10.000 full ing and windows, enclased first house nortb ai achool, on Plumnbing & Heating Trsprice. porch, two garages, wauld Thris t large hometo- west side. 16-1 NORTH 0F BOWMAN- Scugog Street - 3-Bedrooni hold thîce cars. Full price Dterlnon 11/4.acresitu-n TENT traîlers, rbinelon duck 3 Nelson St. Bowmanvllle VILLE. « roomed bungalow O rc uglw ht tr$11,800. only 3 years aid - bas 3 top, aIl zippered, screen wind- __1-tf 6 acres with beautiful streani. heating, naturel fireplace, ccd- Large 3 bedrooni bungalow bdoos Hlyw d ows, sleeps six. Must be secen-On $.00dw.ai iined closets, extra lot. Only on Prospect St.Bil-nTp kitchen - fireplace, and is ta be appreciated. A bette ERNIE LLJjEC. BEAUTIFUL C O U N T R Y $19.500 - Ternis, pan slave, attractive fireplace, onîy a stone's tbrow front qualîty trailer. On display et PLUMBING & HEATING HOME. Brick and stone with East Beach - 5-rooni cottage two atone planters, N.H.A. No. 2 Highwey. Il la dcec- WbteBos,55KigSt ., Phn 63350stone fireplace. New double îuîîy furnished; sandy beach. 6 1/ % mortgage. Cali for trically heated and bas an BWmaile o. 5Kn . , P6-1 6231599 garage on 2.88 acre lot. Owneî Priced et $3.500 cash or $4.000 price and termis. atteched garage - Veiy CTAGER- U-sed FuniP.O. Box1.9 leaving country. with $1.500 down. North end,' 3 bedroorn bun- atatv napaac turc, kichen set, 4 chairs and 1 78 Ontario St., Bowmanville 1 NORTH 0F NEWCASTLE, General Store in Oshawa gaiow with electric heet, ail and well worth youî im- bufet;54' bd ad attesa j_______ -tf 5 roomed brick bungalow on aiea. Good farming commn usiewls nbsmetb ediate inspection - Celi 1space saver, thrce 3 pce 41112 acres. Ail modern con- ity. Velu able corner lot. Own- sulated and panellcd, a big us NOW. chcsteifield suites, 1 studio SEPTIC TANK veniences. Asking $13,500. cm anxious ta selI. 838,000) - help for that rec. roani. Priced HmtnLt couch. inTheîîe aetrade-inj PUMPING 1TeIcAms TL romdTens. Arebeffta seI. Good ternis.aewt e;:Lt Wx40 items i xeln conditiono ECSL,5 rond 30Ar effrsei Two-ept. income hmwt w good lt O.x40 Wbyte Bras. Furniture and WHITEWASHING STABLES; bungalow. AIl oencn roîîing land, large trout streeni, garage; central location, large intan - lagey$2of0.0Hamp- Uphoistery, corner of King BE TT PKN velecsa 2i2ar lo.2pns7 oihm,2basot Caîl NOW and arrange for andDiisonSîs 1-1Smll bain. Only $2.000 Price $45.000 - Ternis. rn an inspection. TVT V E S phone Newtonville 786-2-552 dawn. 125 Acre faim, large trout New 3-bedrooni brick bunga- TV TO ERS Cal Colleet 4_1-tf I NEWCASTLE, 5 roomed, streani, 7 rooni home. Pnnty-Ilow on lot 66' x 110'. Priced Lakemount St. - Oshawa $50 up. new, brick bungalow on beau- pool. $1 7.000 - $5,000 down. ita sel]. Ternis arranged. Good brick bungalow- S A AFRANK BRINK tiful, tîeed lot. Many extras. 5 rooms - only 8 ycars old, OS A ATeciqPriced ta selI. 150 Acre stock faim witb Eveninga: situated on e lot 50' x 103'. TVSU P Y T . 'eLstPot M . . excellent 2-storey 8-room brick 'ACde 2-65 Lag e.ro 13' 6" X TV SUPP Y LTD.TeChTANK n xcuiehome two miles froni Lindsay. A.Coe21'- 23264"aGe t rîoom to en- Taunton Rd. E, Oshawa aEPnC TAKcluLssvehotor.ge.painted barns, 2 silos, 2 P. Kowal 3r. - 623-5868' 21 etolraedy eze Just East of Ritson Roed ISALTO ponds. Excellent soîl. Only ___ _____-16-i. olh ollk ree Dm- ' iallw3-8131 Ham00ton Afi.e.iru r Caii___---___---__ ___ this sumnmer--CalNOW - 1 I