orkl Cbamp~ton Skater ThrAI5-Carn~vaI Andience fers Town'-S..CentemilPo TwoBy-Laws were given three readingscmad passed at the meeting of Town Council held in the Counci1'Chaxiiber on Monday evening, No.* 1968 a By-Law to enter Into an agreement with Newcastle, for Dog Control Service, and No. 1969, a By-Law to. borrow to meet the cost of industrial cmdý ipurchase. A delegcitid6n fromi the Bowmanvile Rotar Club headeïd by George- Vi el Chairman of' thé Civic Affcdxr& Committee, appeared before, Council. The members'of this; deputation in addition to Mr. V i c e were President-Elect Bob Stevens, Vice-President-. Elect Ai Witherspoon, Mer- till Browln, Rex Walters,. Har- ry Cooke, Bill Thiesburger and Captairi Herb Fraser. todMn.Vice as spokesma todcouncil that the club had learned f rom information iii The Canadian 'Sta-tesmcm that the Centennial Grant for théITown of Bowxnanville has l1 (TURN TO PAGE TWOD VOLUME 112 20 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTA10I, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1966 10e Per Copy NUMBER 16- Change Clocks This Sunday Approve Firewoi Unde r Auspices Bomaviles Figure Skating Carnival was hon- officiai gift presented by His Worship Mayor Ivan M i by Miss Petra Burka, 1965 World Champion, whose shows those participating in the oeremony, including Atn igh School Gi numbers were greeted with tremendous applause from Miss Frampton, foreground, and from lef t to _right, * Two Young Comiedians rks Display Here of Rotary Club rounds, May 23 the large audience. At the conclusion of the aff air on Recreation Dîrector T. A. .annîng, Miss Burka,Mao Salvation Army Captain Herbert Fraser Wednesday evening, she was presented wîth a bouquet Hobbs and Councillor Mrs. Annie Oke. asked council at its meeting on Monday f o rm rR sdn of lowrsby littie Miss Maryellen Frampton and an prvaBltCnastobhednMy2dFrm rR ' et Pay Tribute to Retiring President Bev r hass f raiso funds for the Red Shield Campaign. Now Engaged in Beav r-Ch ses Councillor Rundie, seconded by Counciltor Bureto F lks Huhes moedtha cuncl aprve heBlitz, Unique Hobby V felcome Breakfast Smile BreonFl and this was carried.senedbConiorh8f icfme larses ts Lif Bure- Nicks, moved that the roquest of the Bowman- Lamb, son of Mrs.anth B est T ourist A ttraction Aolreet ar hadBuke ville Rotary Club for permission f0 hold a f ire- laie clive Lamb. He lu now mornlng when It refused to works display on May 23rd, 1966, in the High 30-3,earà»old and engaged ln S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~leave the village and took Sho oad ' mte otltrslgocpto S a s P ne R e g S e k r that came near it. of plc and f ire protection b referred fo ftho n hobby Ini Penticton, Warden Doug Powell chat plieBritish Columbia. ____________the animal and Dog Contrai repctvecies ih h undêrstanding tht is mother, uow vlcîting, A amile of weicome 'ath'e Mr' Bubbs served on a coin- O tf ce Archie Hoskln no guarantee can hoe givon that the f ire t ruck In Scarborough brought the bracattable means mxittee apponted by 'Met.On-bogtl oBwavleIe ntePnitnHrl Hees n 0H9st Ins analhears It w i oanduigtoipa.Te Monwas tem u theenton eldf Àthe a'verage tourist theainail1 taria economlie councl'stur- animaln Hu* ta aur attentionhe. Kelth ieftmoti i,;ý,he so-called attractions of ist xndustry comnuttee be checked for rables., carriied. here In October 1963 to take sytuitrgo,150 tourlst, Reporting on the hxghlights bfrConilo0iksmvJ ht Ton1 a Telecommunicatlons Cus operators were told last Wed- of the coemittee report, he rrepa ring. o CARNIVAL.HEL» OVER * *, f ick. ov hth oWnO at Vancouver& under uz. uies4a 0atCAbougostaed totfeveacmdibauslBowmanvillt adopt daylignf saving time f0 be »srhlp of the Vanadian nesdaA shortager.aftspacethat gover imditidHella r a« t- the annÜat <41n- I~l u9 na tourist region must 'nj ovra!..>H l n ,C u[i 0 the Great Pinse be made aware of his respon-SUBTmd tneesr ah i ffecivt? u4y ~jl2t.T~W~.sc nksg ila CquDçj . Up. ttqtpro xoton X UWUUDU ,4,,Si~abyeunday,.A~ 1~nFarid.mncaln ~ * 'ôf~'~6, xv~h s~ie elom tatFome Tad Mn1te the skating carnival. pigt.T , wmn or aton reaon, , aj N rtey te o7 tar4o markeeting manager for a waitress gives in a restaur- the Diefenbaker governnientHe andtwo ausclates Impela o j~ TUN O AGTO) Ho Gore es, has been lf Jf ..5 Seminar '66 was contalned i an eadEdoMcc- spending the latter part ot thelce a a ~ ~ aI a letter froin the Centenniai cm of apd ldAir ervices Easter recess making severa]' Commission. This communica- rhaeaCierCdt spece i Pr Hp ad u1 tion was received and filed onl aerobatic plane near Hamil- anc1um ' er'aI county i I 1 a motion by Councillor Rundie ton In 1964 aud took it west z dAt the meeting in Port HopeN ' s 30 S peeciers seconded by Councillor Annielurondonsae fc> o t r e elast Friday, he criticized the aOke. Ihaven ompletciy e.bultte F QLiberal governinent for ise , A notice was received 0fmahan have itl euopte- GRAS Pedcton lstwek f rshofgrsstight money and negative tax-uie V iv a ni e V the. Community Planning As- ating condition. The Cadet fires over the weekend really came true with the ing policies, claiming they- Q ui a M ac inNe! sociation of Canada's annual le the ouly one et .11. type Bowmanvile, Newcastle and Orono brigades on would slow down the country's- meeting to be held at the King knowu to be still In* opera. duty most of the time. One of these days, if con- expansion. The new radar speed-check- feet away on a level strip. Edward Hotel, Toronto, on tion.i eebe ptie ditonsdo't mpove muicpaltis wllhave te 1 as efne is tn g maclhine purcliased by the Roling paveinent, <ips and April 28th. Councillor Hughes but In much emailer, han au diton dn'timroemuncialtie wllinopposing withdrawal of the town for the Poli-ce Dept. has hollows, interfere somewhat moved that a request be made80h.p. Franklueglueca. lay carges againstofnes tews r gt death penalty, until assurance been in use for a-bout a week with its operation. The beami by council for the minutescfe of podcn17mie cn osts will continue to skyrocket. was given that a lite sentence. and with what police con- it projects is checked with a this meeting. This was second- per hour and, according te t t t t .t. j really meant life . .. and not dr excellent resuits. Near- tuning fork hit against some- ed by Councillor Paul Chant, Mrs. Lamb, le rcally quite ADVERTISING- laed o s hva_ a parole atter as few as nine y suîdrv ee s'tig n edi foto h and carried. . a unique. machine that in Pesdootakthaed-years. l 0sumt imos haexbeen ishng n helxibrtosfroto!the A letter from the fir rin o iigteowes-w verismens or hi ortht ffar lacd n te n rigto, h eterd hete ioslt o f 0ceeng e the sibratos fentheegmnadHmnnci-cn i c abe nowùincthdOe fe veitn isees fo n.Thsothasi trafi placor shot eInt Brighon hoenere th es antown speed llit cf 30 f ork areth argine as0thoe re n'iaoandHaalnci on testsfdaien. om u nec te Bit ad iecs olmn Ths s trctlyforsr curn ftwoBofCOthOeprincv ip les a or culyalbucdof a en enatent aoriabyson te-stctcio.nival last week neWS ites. Tere re thercoluns o the"Ths Hor Ha Sevn ofthe hav bee ove 40 ileDanpart.Thientabo! isde -_____________l-_______ tw,.A Cney ite . Th are othrcolumnghlyadb a ys ringra two fe rinascg hi aebe vr4 miles an hou.TseabeonteThsouHsSeemisaneur. police ta set the second little 1cision ntt of e nd iay40 L-Y b these twd o ye CominEvenTtsthate orthorouiiiy radetY temad tpormass"Aprogram, by detending nt sExit(ibetyftheet)a.41 PLY HWICAN anueunar etc. are boxhe that sirsn onxthengs. Ext 75(LbetyStel).Con rea deTal t'sh pl e o thPa"advaeris- teiandtepoganasA ngnos otapin and has an illuneated aisi, cillor James Bourke, seconded Oshawa Gencraliilpîyphotographerwa ing. ncidetally it houldbe noed tat adance outsandin." th sinîl gren bo hans oelî,rata uPta 10 mile1an0ymCoueislonAnne Oku Shawnlga Fail, Friay -ay niht se the news cf events te come where a charge is made Ail of which could be a on the side window o! the hour. m od th rAt n srngeiettke, 5nltatSoccksdatow MryJn prelude ta redistribution and police cruiser much as a tray mvdta togrlte ih t8olc n a-onMr a or a collection taken is advertising, the stuff we the next election when Mr. frein one of the drive-in lunch It would be quite difficult be written to the Department urday night at 7:15 àt Civie or seil te be able te pay for wages and materials. Hees may be a familiar figure counters. It is net very big for anyone ta argue effective- o! H-ighways regarding the Auditorium, Oshawa lu the or of solo pèr Every new and then we reach a peint where we inl the western enid of Durham but powerful, able te check ly Mgainst the accuracy of! the need of illuminating the Lib- tiret two games of thelr East, other, commite finri we are giving awav bread and butter and as a PC candidate. an approaohing vehicle 3,000 (TtJRN TO PAGE TWO> <TURN TO PAGE TWO) cru Canadian final -aerlcu. show on Wednes have te close the door again. That peint has been reached and a tighter policy will be followed in future. Sorry! i. it i.t t t TRASH - An Editorial in this issue calîs attention te the despicable condition of Bowmanvile's main street on Saturday, anid Sunday, when Works *ept. sweepers are net on duty te dlean up the trash that is scattered far and wide until they corne on duty again Monday morning. We can't wait for the Chamber et Commerce te instal many more garbage receptacles and urge every- one te make use of thein instead of droppîng wrappers, bottles, etc. te make a mess of Bow- .Manville's front entrance. oàýr. d jr. Gerg Saw Ohaawt e OgETTE - Diane Shaw, 16-year-old daugh- ~~l~iied'"Miss Ontarie Majorette" in Peterbor- gIL'on Saturday. She is well known te many Bôwinanville and area twirlers who have compet- ed against lier. + it t t t ANN1VEESARY - It doesn't seem possible that ~six years have gene by since Fred and Freda Jramp came here from Brampton te purchase the '~iuresoefrry operated by the Morris ~ Kr~p'sare elerating their anniversary ,e hbwee. .4+i. * t t t FMp'jy - Detroit Red Wings came Up with a ~ azl~.gfineh last night wben vetçran Deax> ~'Pintice scored two f pt goals to give them the ïàiJ-!iin.ia aid eUzlinate dicago3' ta E8~HDA -Congrat"J±obs to Mm~a M. ?LB.,yrho c0*baed het OOth t sipRou. s D arli ngton Barn Burns on. Sunday -Afternon,. 0 i 1. i ialy hghghd-~ ih-»,eeSk :,- - 'as the comed'ap n be iunablete attendth.Ïfaa n. *'.d re are m>'o pcue ,Bwavl Qke, aznd her ~a~nrVictor ri. ner Debbie -*Wiesmobca ,'Unlted CcdutiesC the âpring seWèi. 9w eu, mi comzunloat$o enetwi'k. 1 Ve' moh!eyl bac aý been '&et aside liti~ budget but fintlal cj mnust be given. The »q ment, worth fbout $90, bue becrn ixitaUed on-àa monotratloxi basis by Ai t Is nuc eelon o dcl a*ed for ùnf- e f [btona nthe Iporpt4n Id *Kma býwed othe wuOut ajiy 1Q 'e one mTV t' 1.