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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1966, p. 3

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ble nd tiycnxd acdthe Mshadne! Exchange Vows in Rehoboth Church bouquets od pale yellow and white carnations. i Little Misa Kimberley Ae Maldaof Oronoe, cccofthie W eddi gs 'Qbride, was flower girl iai short, full-skinted frock afi whiite nylon with erubroider- cd baws ln white. The frock was fadskmed witb long sleeves. She wore a head- band of white and yellow baby carnations, and carried a basket ai matching pale yellow and white carnations. Mis. Saim Kloos, Oshiawa, 05 MLDA ghte ofMr. nd rs. ohnwas bcst mam for hie brother, o! r ad Ms. oliansd tbe ushers were the Bouuet o!yelaw a d . RR 2, Newcastle, and bride's brother, Mn. Ben White 'mums fornied an at- and Mivrs. Andy Kiaca, R.R. 2, rt o rno n nte 'inactve sctting in the Reho- Osbawa ro! the groom,- Mr. bath Christian R e fo rm ed Revawa Peter Kicos o! Oshawa' Church, Bowmanville, wben' ev J. J. Hoytema af Ca- 'flhe roception was beld In Mil Helen Grace Malda and' bourg afficated and the wed- Darlington Townshi~p Hall, Mn. George Kloos were unteiding music was piayed by Mrt. Hamnpton. The bride's mo- in mmrrîa«e on Saturday a!- George Oldej ans. ther received in a blue silk ternoon, March 5, 1966, at 3 Given in marriage by ber dress and nmtebing coat, bath1 o'clack. The bride ia the dau- father, tbe bride wore a floor- with fron t lace paels, black __________ -lengtb, princes une gown af and white accessanies and cor- wbite siilk organta oves ta!- sage o! white and deep pink P uR R T Y G o feta with long lily-pointe carnations. She was assisted 8leeves. nhe bodice and gown by the groom's mother whe ý1 çiskirt were accented by re- chose a beige twa-piece wool déCI embroidered Alencon lace, suit witb mnink brown acces- and thc detachable chaPel saries and corsage o! pink train was also adorned witb and white carnations.I the sae lace. Her waist- 'Befoi-e leaving on their' length, bouffant silk illusion weddirng trip ta Eastern and veil with scalloped edge was Northern points in Ontario, oaught ta a clustcer ai hand- thc bride donned ber travel- made organza roses, anid ber Ing ensemble acd R navy and cascade bridai bouquet was af wiiite tweed walking suit red rases and white steipha- with navy accessories and notis. corsage of pink and white The bride's sister. Mrs. carnations. Mrs. and Mrs. ,' ' Richard S. Rekker ci Bowý-IKî0o wiIl be residinx at 35 * ~ 'B,~W5 manville, ,was matron o! Ontania St., Bowmanville. j ~ . honor and the bridcsmalids____ ,S ©Owere the groomn's sister-in-i HREj IB law. Mrs. Sam Kloos of UntesCurh- awa, and MisÊ Barbara Sund- Weton *-* bei-g of Orono. They were in identical street-length dresses Ohwpetl eoae of sappihire blue sata peau wthbsesa e aa styled with scoop necklile. tions, white 'mums and gla- elbw-lngh scevs nd bell- dioli was the setting for the shaped skîirt, and higblîghted ming f audyatr by a full-length panel flow- noon, Match 26, 1966, at 3 i i ' ' ng fromn a large rosette plac- o'clock of Miss Patsy Clara ~' cd at the centre ai the back Gibbs, daughter of Mr. and .,. neckline. Their beaddresses Mrs. Richard Gibbs, Tyrone, and Mr. Leonard James Thor- nett, Oshbawa, son of Mir. and ' Mss. Alfred Tbannett. Rev. Frank Ward officialed .~ SUNWORTHYand the wedding music was played by Mr. Roland Mc-. WA LL A P R Crd. Mrs. Don Bevis was1 Mr. and Mrs. George Kloos, shown in the above photo, exchanged mariage je w at ou os' or inThe bride, who was given vows in the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday H.O is htyune o ii marriage by lier father, afternoon, Mai-ch 5, 1966, at 3 o'clock. Formerly Miss Helen Grace Malda, the F F k e â ý ! wore a formaI gown, o! white bride is lhe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Malda, R.R. 2, Newcastle, and the F r e S h NEW LU 'K! in:, straàght fuli4length skirt _______ _____ Photo by Astor Studio w bthwite lace. A flowing uiy Hlo-Stra train, falling fi-r the shoul-muiy Hl, Suda whtdaer , sand brmer hd wn- M arried in Oshalw a inght. d h aer , sandso trirnmedewit Ms. and Mss. Ted Watts M D E K IEIV N W ength veil was caught by a: were Saturday evening guests nhincstone beadband.Sh car-' at Ms. Arnold Wade's. PAINTS & WALLPAPERS ried a bouquet of red swect- There was another Teen-Age ~1KIG T.W.PHONE 623-5431 heart roses, white carnationsý dance in Community Hall, .1KN ST W.and ivy trails. 1 I Satusday night. --Miss Emily Thornett, sister Messrs. Bill and Grant Wade o! the groom, was maid of were among the locals present bottas and the bri'desmaids at the Mercantile Hockey B E L Lwe'rc Miss Joan Shier and League banquet, at Part Hope Mss. Ronald Worsley, al of Lions Recreation Centre, Sat- L LOshawa. Thy wre attired urday evening. in floo-length gowns cIf red Ms. J. Martel- was able to arnel faille dcsigned along rtr home from hospital U N E S nes sI olrta the bride's Sunday, following susgcry on gown, and worr aven an un- bis nose. derskirt o! whitec mmcl faille. Ms. and Mss. Wilbur Henry Ail iJeohwnsW.ncudonrtyeand children, o! Scarborough, byJon . owybrîde's, were the handiwork were Sunday visitorsswith Mr. your telephone woc-e rhinestone tiai-as and Mn. and Mss. Hasold Besi ttheir bouquets were of white and boys of Wesleyville, were * manager 'munis, toudhed with red, and dinner guests Sunday with Mr. ivy traîls.s. and Mrs. Roy Best and Heath- NoiW Ia iil aIie, complete wit1h thoughts Mn. Rager Hutchinson of er. of, rainy weckends and, In mast cain- Coboconk was best man andMran s.DnVkl munities. the return of Daylight Saving Time, moat the ushers were thc bsbde's ite Mr. and Ms. Clrn cenk property owncra are auxiona ta begin work out of brother, Ms. George Gibbs, Gileran fm.l a Lnday doors. Durlng the long wlnter months when snow R.R. 4. BownanviUle, and Mr. Gîlmerandfmlye.ida covered yards and patios, many have been busY Bocb Thornett, Oshawa, bsn- Mr.unday..Ml ay maklng plans ta plant shrubs or tracs, put up a new ther o! the grooms.adMr.Mc aye fence or make other Improvements. However, befare A recePtion was bcld ai the and daugbten of Cobourg, were you get your handa on the shavel or any other dlg Grnie Ga!Cu s- at Mr. Reid Wood's, Sunday. gn ol lae ieua alt idout if there awa, viwereUiCluOs-Mr. and Mss. C. M. Jones ging bl. plese, gve ua caîl a the guests wese .*.' .were at Lindsay, Sunday ailes. are any burled cables an nour real estate. Teceivcd by thc bride's nia- . 000, calling on Ms. and Mrss ther. For lte occasion she C.Sunaysitneitr wore a blue byrocade jacket- Bourger i werss. E. Lak%, dress, andi pink Eeccessorles. anB u te s weMs. I .Hukn The groam's motben assstcdddauge,Mr1.Hnig .4 ta receive and chose a pale Mr-. andi Mss. T. Lawler, Mrss ~" turquoise dress with match- L. Hunking. ing jacket and black acces-. Ms. andi. Mss. Art, Bonneti sories. Bath wore corsages of and children af Port Credit, Pink carnations. were with Mss. C. Robb, Sun- your property. And, while we are an the subject oi cable pro- tection, somethlng cîse cames ta mmnd. The burnlng oi brush and last year's dead graqssis anather papular AprIl pursuit in centres where tire regulatians per- mit. Before striking the match, loak up. There la nothlng lîke a raaring fire beneath telephone wires ta put part af the system out af commission. And, the pungent ameiliaf an auldoor tire la not enhanced by addlng burnlng cable! Like gaod health. the telephone la neyer fully appreclated until wc are wlthout it. Let's do aur best ta look atter bath. When you lift the receiver on your telephone, yèu may notice that your telephone set has been made ini Canada by Narthern Electrie. If you have eV g stopped ta watcb the huge cable laying machin- af placing cable underground you will likely have Snotlced that the tremendous reel that unwinds that "cable ia marked in large letters, "Northern Electrîr." In cominunities where a new telephone switching centre la bcing canstructcd by Bell Canada (and there have been many n Ontario the past few years), it is Northern Elcctric cquipment that goes inta it, and Northern Electric technicians who instali and test tbe equipment ta make sure it operates ta, exacting standards. Northcrn Electric bas developed Canadian sources for more than 95 pcr cent of al materlal it punchases. More than 5,000 other Canadian fima are engaged la suppiying Bell Canada's varicus noeds through Narthern Electric. This close relation- shlp betwccn Bell Canada and Nortiiern Electric la not accidentai. Nortbern Electric is Bell's wholly- awncd research, manufacturing and purchasing sub- sldiary. The resuiting unity of purpose and shared ahi actives contibute ta the higb quality and reason- able cost of service enjoyed by Bell Canada custom- eri.Theparnerhip rovdesthenecessary degrea tion that alves particularly Canadian probles - distance, climate and sparsity af population ta assure &cwtomners a standard of service that is second te am* nthe world. The leader, Mrs. Chas. Elliott, apened with a suitable Peem "Golden Morning", and tbanked Mrs. Down for ber hospitality. We were entertained at the piano by Miss Margaret Down, who played a minuet by Bach. Mrs. Carl Down gave a pres- cotation relating the decisions af Herod and Pilate to the de- cisions of taday. Pilate DID care, but faltered when it came ta taking action, while Herod DID NOT care. Taday, we are in an age wben it is consid- ered "smart" ta be "dumb" in the classraom, and it takes real courage ta go against that atti- tude. We were reminded af the saying "For cvii ta tri- umph, it is necessary anly for gond men ta do notbing". Everyane was delighted ta have Mrs. G. F. Annis sing, and she chose the Easter bymn "0 Camne and Mourn wîth Me Awbile", accampanied by Miss Louise Osborne. Mrs. Allen Down gave the devotional that had been pre- pared by Mrs. Esli Oke, beip- ing us te realize the sorrow and joy of tic first Easter, and some a! the tremendous events that followed: thc toun- dation of aur church, aur faith and aur hope for etcrnity. Easter turns aur sunset ino sunrise. The meeting ciased with "Jesus Christieu Risen Today". followad by pnayen by Mis. Allan Down. The- commîittee in charge served a tasty lunch, and ever=ueenjoyed thc special te lwhp of a meeting in a homne. , Gibbs, Tyrone, and the groom is the son of Mr. and FaîlowÏng an iîîncsg of one Mrs. Alfred Thornett. ______ ______ month, the death of Edna Dunn occurrcd at ber home lAI 1648 Simcoe St. North, Osha- A number of local ladies was convalescing at the home pital and just returncd home, attended a plastic demonstra- of her son, Mr. Harry Warrall, Marcb 3lst. tian at the home of Mrs. P. following bier rather lengthy A daughter of the late Mr. Willems on Monday evening, stay in Memorial Hospital, and Mrs. John Farder, Edna last. was forced ta return ta that was born in Cartwright Town- Miss Linda Turney of Tren- place last weekcnd as the ship, September 14, 1891. S5e ton, was a visitor for several resuit of an atLack o! influenza. received her education in. days last week witb Mr. and Miss Dorothy Elliott went to Egypt School, then trained for j Mrs. R. Bruce, Mrs. Ciifton Toronto, Tbursday, for a fewla. nurse inl Bowmanville Hos-1 Robb af Westmount. is here at days' visit wîtb relatives, pital from where she gradu- 1 ber cottage for a couple of, Several ladies from this' ated as Registered Nurse in weeks. . the Spring of 1920. That Fal Mesdaes S.LancsterC.1f attended the Oppor- she was united in marriage MesdmesS. LncaterC tnity Sale, Friday, in Tninity with Bensan Dunn. Brown, R. Farrow, A. Wadc, Utnitcd Cburch Sunday School Fomotathimare B. Joncs. F. Henderson, M. Hall, Bowmanville. iFrmso their oe a beena Joncs and L. Peck attendedý Mr. and Mrs. Wallace 1648 Simcoc N., Oshawa, and the spring. luncheon at Perry-l Eoughen, Mr. and' Mrs. H. she went out nursing. town an Wcdnesday. Stapîctan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Dunn was a memnber af Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Don Northminster United Church were Tuesday evening visitors Stapieton wcre among those and Unit Tbree of same church. with Mr. and Mss. Mac Irwin. present at the Friday evening She is survived by ber hus- Mrs. Ai! Graham and Janet, presentation bn Kendal Hall. i band, their ane daughter, Mrs. with Mrs. Gea. Kimbali and. Messrs. Jackson Peacock andiD. Brain <lone); twa sisters, Joan, wese dinner guests, Wm. Jackson were FridayiMrs. Garnet Wright (Gladys), Wednesday at Mr. Miltan Kim- aiternoon callers at Mrs. Cecil 1Part Perry; Miss Vera Farder, bali's and made several calii Burley's. There werc Il tablesiToronto. and anc brother, on village friends. in p1a at the regular HallWiil Farder, Blackstock. She Rev. and Mss. R. C. White C nParty, Friday cvening andi1 was psedeceased by a sistes, were Thursday supper guesta the winncrs werc: Higb Lady,1 Annie. with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Valerie Partridge; Hlgh Gent,' The funeral serviic wasý Haywoad o! Orillia. B. Joncs and A. Farrow. ibcld in Gcrsow Chapel, Osha- Miss Pat Polny, daughter afi- Draws.: Mis. R. Frarrow, Mrs. iwa, April 4. and conductad by Mr. and Mrs. P. Polney, of Milligan, Mr. Wooten, BiliiRev. H. A. Mellow, pastos o! Zian district, bas gone *ta P4eneer, Peter Henderson. iNorthminster Churcb.. Inter-! Vancouver ta take up resi- Mr. and Mis. R. Bruce andinment was in Riveraide Cerne- dence. Miïss Linda Turney were visit-itery, Lindsay. Mis. Jim Gilmner and child- ora In Havelock Fnlday, at the' The- many beautiful floral, ian of Part Hope wcra dinner homie of Mr. John Chatterton. t.okens nd donations te, North- il Puests Thursday at ber parents'. Pater Heoderson and Jim1 minster organ funei spoke o!' Mn, and Mns. C. Browvn. Atehuson attended the hockcythe'high estecin in whlch de- Mm M9. . WorrallBr., -who i banquet la Newc.astle Cam- 1oeased was hecLd.. i MEATY PORK HOCKS PORK CHOPS mS"hoedrrbut SX BRAND WIENERS BACK BACON &Su-Right, . sked Va-lb w JANE PARKER, SLICEO or * LIJED WHITE BREAI Reg. Pries caf 24o - SAVE 7o D fRESH FRUITS & VECEI Cflfor,o, Mo1Gg VALENCI ORANE 54lb c eh5Ç Hoavy Duty Leundry Re.. 9e -#iAVg lu AJAX DETERGENT giant siz. box 89c solo Reg. Prie* plcg M - SAVE 100 MARGARINE 3-lb pkg 89C Jans Parkler, Peu I-Ineh Reg. SSo-4tAVE 1IN RmUitaARSPPLPIE I4oz pe49,c 53c: lAI ESI Ct 1 raisV Ulara k-ilObs. c[aUÊçnter ot IVIr. 2nd Mrs. H.irhnrci,ý AMQ icalhvrlnt TITWXT M~PLE GROVE The Canadienf Statesman, Bowimanvfle, Apr. 20, 19668 The many friends ofMrs Suriday visitors wlth his broth-IConcert on Saturday eviâ Fred Wright (Marion) are er, Mr. Charles Greenhanin1l at the Christian I:du'-a- pleased to know she has suf- Memorial Hospital. Cenre ficiently recovered from her A farnily dinner gathering operation in Menmorial 'Hospi- was - held at the home of Mr. . Mr. and Mrs. T. McGui4 tai, ta returntio her mather's, and Mrs. -tac Beaubien (neelfld daughtefs, spent amu Mrs. Arthur Martin. We ail Faye Holtby) and Karen,I days with Mr. andMs. . hope that she will soon be Orono, in honai of Mr. and iSflelgrove, Windsor, and visita able ta return home to her Mrs. J. Holtby, who celebrated iMrs. T. McGuirk Sr. whot husband and family. their silver wedding anniver- In bospital. Mrs. E. Ashton has been55ry, April 1Mt. This. ca- Cngauaiost M.Jh confined to her bcd with the, munity extends congratulations i McGuirk who won fiast ln flu. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ta them. 'piano solo Prelude and FugtM, Beech were visitbrs there on Miss Janice- Beech visitedlBach, in Ciass of Amateui-à Sunday. She is much unproved through Easter week with Mr. only at the Peterborough at time af Mr.R ad Mak, Kiwanis Festival. UCW wornen will hold their Roseneath. 1 ________ meetng n Tursdy eenig Te many friends af Mrs.! ming on.Ha.Thray ve Ted White (Karen) are pleas- The air cleaner of your ra in dte on. al. resl e c d ta know that she has suf-jengine. should be cleancd anl mar ebatea Rscaaed that iciently recovered from berire-oiled at the recommended maeng arejsthas apaen. 0 flp tion in Memorial Hospi- lintervals. A dirty air cleanoe cirateg s heldwoyMn.W al to' be able ta return home.1can reduce mileage by 10 pi? H.irowtne phnd byMrs. T M- D't forget the, Variety cent. Guirk, negative Mr. JaCK Hurrie and Mr. Howard Brad- ley. Ail men and women aof the community are welcomc. Il 1 Don't forget the Institute %A a e s %,fa birthday party on Monday evening, April 25th at 8:00 ~ p.m. in the C.E. Hall. A wcl- DEFINITIONS SPRING corne awaits all aid members. Visitors are cordially invited. 1. The season of balls - golf, tennis, base and math. - Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Mr. Peter Pritchard and Master 2. The time af the vear when farmersanmd golfers sta$ Paul Pritchard, Manotick, were their sprlng plowlng. weckend visitors with her 3. The time of year when motorists drain the anti-treaz"P mother, Mrs. L. C. Snawden. frmte raior w wektason* Brother Bob and sister, Mr. fo hi aitr w ek o on and Mrs. John Huband, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Castie,A Peterborough, along with the others were Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. L. C. Snow- den and Bob. Mrs. Harry D- COTITES CARE HINT: Bennett, Mrs. Jack Illidge,1 Don't preus a soiled garment. Heat plus steaus llterally Toronito, were Easter weekl makes mud pies In fabries and can permanently "set" stalnt i visitors at Mrs. L. C. Snow-j maklng eleanlng difficuît If flot impossible. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swýajlow ARLI ANE OT were Sunday evening visitors1 PI ISCNE MOT with Mrs. Ann Creighton 00: CANVASS - APRIL 18 TO 25 INCLUSIVEýn Bond Street East, Oshawa. Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Srnithj Oshawa, were Sunday supper Z- , guests with Mr. and Mrs.H K dWW1ee -1M G. Freernan. W. M.g Mr. and Mrs. James Green- ham, Port Huron, Mich., wer AMN PIAR FUATURE PmCEI DOULE YOUNS99 y DOUBLE YsouMEV RACK GtYARANTEE I yuw e m umtimfied with the q«%&FAfmyc a Page Tomate Soup. A&P CFOXCE QUALWT FEATUR PRICU ît - R-01 PEAS 520 nAN-N PAGE 1WitfiPark k% Tom¶ate D y Sauce, Boston style or Vegetariso STOItEWUD . ;tBEANS SVNS FEATURE PRICEI 4 for79cà ILlleHî4[a ý Itos 1he fA T l heh. EA T T-baiCeu&iAt A&P'. s.1Ths woek Pmoieffm pyu -tMe ait fer Your MW .t d.ay ut AV bm. A&P PORK PRICES ARE DOWNI Sý 2-lob»

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