EOWMANVILLE W. L Thé Bowsnaville Women's fihatitute annual meeting was heI4 ,. r.dy, April 7th, in ,t-lâvation Arny 'Young Hall. Thle meeting aele y the president, Mm. D. Park, with 0 Canada, the Institute Ode, and the Lord'. Prayer. Minutes of the lat meeting were read by the socretary, Mrs. 1. Munday. Succeastul Kopper Kanival reults were given. Corres- Pondence was read. The convernor for the meet- Ing was Mis. A. Richards.; topie, Current Events and Re- solutions. Mrs. I. Munday took thie motto. "In youth we leOan, in age we understand." Crrent Events were given bY Prs. M. Wiseman. Cern- munity singing was enjoyed by ail. Mrs. S. Buttery gave a re- port of the District Board of Diroctcrs meeting. There is to. be a sale of articles at noon heur at the District Annual in Ken.dal on May lth. Rol eall ta be answered, number on rol, number present, and the most huniorous happening of the paut year. Delegates to the District Annual were cho- sen te be the President, Dis- retary, Mlrs. Flintoff and Mrs. S. Corden alternate Mrs. C. Da'wney. Mrs. I. Munday an- nounc.ed that Mrs. R. J. Pen- ney, Kingston, wiil be present at the District Annual ta ad- vise on pragrain planning. Re alil was answered "Im- Pressions on my first W. I. meeting" and pay your fees. Reports for the year were given by President Mrs. D. P ar k, Secretary - Treasurer Mrs. I. Munday, Public Rela- tions Oficer Mrs. H. Sumers- tord, Curator mrs. M. Wise- man, and Convenons Mrs. C. W. Downey, Mrs. M. Plintoff, Mis. T. Stewart and, Mrs. A. Rtichards.1 Mrs. S. Grant acted as the élection chairrnan. Ail offices being declared vacant, Mrs. I. Mundey was asked ta act as uecretary. Mrs. M. Fintoff gave the report of the Nomi- natlng Committee and the fai- lowing officers were Installed by Mrs. Grant: Past President, Mrs. M. Wiseman; President, Mrs. D. Park, let Vice-Pmeident, Mrs. T. Stewart; 2nd Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. G. Bagneil; Secre- tary-Treasurer, MîTs. I. Mun- dey; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. A. Wood; District Director, Announce New liealing Substance: Shrinks Piles hemonhoidansd repefr daunage d ti. tk renowned reoearch institute han 'und a unique healing substanco witb» the ahility t a hrink hemor- rhq~pinIos1y.It rolieves ici an ino fort iniminutsan .çeduphoeaiing of the injurod, inAiamed tiusue. In cané after cane, while gontly rolieving pain, actual reduction (brinkago) took place. Most important of al-roSults weresno thorough that thin improvo- mient wan maintainod over a poriod of many months. This wan accomplished with a now hoaling substance (Bo-Dyno) which quickcly helpo hoal injurod sella ana stimulates growth of nov tissue. Now Bio-Dyne in offored in oint- mont and suppository form cellod Proparation H. Aok font at ail drug stores. Satisfaction or your monoy »funded. Mis. S. Buttery; Altennate, Mis. R. Webbem; Public Rela- tions Officir, Mis. H. Suners- ford; Diiectors Mis. T. But- temy, Mis. S. Grt, Mm. H. Suunemsford, Mis. P. Porter; Viiting Committee, Mis. R. Rabbins, Mms E. Black, Mns. C. Dunn, Mis. M. Henry; Pianists, Mis. O. Bra.gg, Mrs. S. Butteny; Auditons, Mis. O. Bragg, Mis. L. Rundle. Standing Corneittee Con- venons: Agriculture and Can- adian Industries, Mme. C. Downey: Social, Mis. S. Cor- deni; Citizenship and Educa- tion, Mms. M. Flintoff; Social, Mis. G. Richards; Home Eco- nornies and Health, Mrs. T. Stewart; Social, Mis. R. Pat- field; Histonical Besearch and Cunnent Evints, Mis. C. W. Vaicoe; Social, Mire. L. Run- dli; Curaten oof Tweedemnuin Histories, Mis. M. Wiseman. The meeting closed with God Save the Qgeen and a social hal! heur was enjoyid by all. Lunch was served by Mis. A. Richards and her group. BETHANT W. 1. Thle Bethany Wornen's Ia- stitute held their annual meeting et the home of Mis. Addison Scott, with Mrs. Thomas Jackson, Branch Dm- ecton, presiding for the élic- tion o! officers. Mrs. Harny Rylîy, was unanimously îe-electid as Pnesident. Otiier o!fioers are as follows: Mrs. Addison S coett, vici-pnesident; Mis. Themas Jennings, secretamy- treasurer; Mrs. Earl McQuaid, assistant secnetany; Mrs. Hic- tor Morton, District Director, with Mrs. George Niais as ai- tîmnate; Mus. Thamas Jackson, Mis. Ina Palmer, Mns. Bruce Ryley, Branch Diiecters; Mis. Thomas Jennings, Publie Re- lations Oficer; Mis. Ross Cari, Curater of Tweedsmuir History; Mis. Bruce Ryley and Mis. Emery Smith, auditors; Mus. Harîy Ryley, leader o! Girls' 4-H Club, with Mis. John Niais as assistant. Standing Committee Con- venors are: Mis. Eaul Mc- Quaid for AEiculture and Canadtan Industmy; Mrs. Hec- toi Morton, Home Economics and Healili; Mns. Robert Ry- ley, Citizenship and Educa- tion; Mis. Ememy Smith, Be- solutions. The tepic o! Ris- tomicail Research and Current 1Events will be shared by al convenors. Mrs. Earl Wiath- Slit and Mis. Vincent Jackson are the Suuuhine committee. Mrs. Harry Ryiey, Mis. Hector Morton, Mrs. Thornas Jinanngs, Mms. Boss Cair and Mme. William Pbillips were appointed as deaegatçs te at- tend the District Annual meeting which wil hi heid at Garden Hill1 an May l111h. Mrs. Earl McQuaid was ap- pointed as represiniative o! The Women's Institute on the Manvers Township Centeaniai comnittee. Mrs. Thomas Jînninge gave the financial report listing total eceipts o!f $344.12, ex- penses of! $275.43 and balance on hand oif $68.69. Ia ber sec- retarial. report Mus. Jennings mnentioned 10 meetings held dumung the year with on av- erage attendanci o! 18.6 nien- bers and threi guet ait ecd meeting. Thon, le a nimber- ship o! 26. AUl convenais of standing comumttees gave reports of the succissful yiar of inter- esting piograms. Mnm. Hamny Ryiey gave an acoount o! the 4-H club girls womk thueugli the yîar and displayid sevenal saniples of soanves patterned and dyed by, MEMORIAL HOSPITALf REPORTING At Your Service Twenty mFour Hours A Day A WORD ABOUT - SURGERY If an operation is required, the patient ordin- arily has littie to fear. ;i matter how rare or special the operation nmay appear, it hau undoubtedly bien performid many times hi. fore and wilI ho performed.many tirnes again. The surgeon and his'assistants, the anaesthe- tist, the operating roomn nurses and others who are concerned with preparing a patient for an operation. performing it and caring <. fhr the patient afterwards, ail know what they are doing. Their education and experi. enci, along with the numerous medical ad- vances which have bien introduced, have reduced the former risk which was at one time synonymous with surgery to an absolute minimum. YOUR HOSPITAL MEALS Hospital meals are purposely nutritions and wholesome and while it is impossible to serve the patient bis favouriti dish when and how hi would prefer it, hi can nevertheless hi assured that every effort is made t. keep the the menus appetizing and te havi the food attractlvely uervid. Your hospital has lnvestid a great demi of money in dietary and kitchen equlpment to help provide the patient wlth good and satis!ylng meals If ii dct ba requested a special diet, it wlh. .prepmred under the strictest super- vision because it I. recognlued that a proper diet is vltally important to, the w.Ulheig of the patient. It'. ml part of your hospitml' service. Reports from Women's Institutes HAMPTON W. 1. Thi April meeting was beld la the C.E. building. The Presi- dent, Mns. Allia in the chair, opuned by Ode, Callect and Payer, minutes o! last meet- ing wene read and appnoved, also treasurer's report. Rol caîl was exehange of bulbs, slips of plants and sueds. Mis.1 MacNab took change o! this item by numbîning them 'and anyone who brought one, got onu. Correspondence was read. Discussion on short course and needle cra!t or fiaishîs and luats and ask for advanced leather caft for those aine who' took the course in Mardi. Delegates ta Kendal annual meeting, Mrs. W. Smala, Mme. Heekin Smith, Mis. Allia, Mis. M. Mountjoy. Mis. M. Mauntjay, District Directon, gave a ripant a! the meeting to arrange thi pnag- ram for the Kendal District Annual May lotI, maming and afternoon sessions, any mîm- bei is welcome ta ga. Birthday Box was opened and $17.41 nealizîd and stanted for another year, 1966. Penies for fiîadship box was opened and realized $7.46. Group lead- ers reported for 1965 and 1966 (so fan) Mns. T. Mountjay faný Centre gnoup, Mis. M. Mount- joy for West gmaup, MIs. W . Smale, North goup and Mrs.ý Benton for East grouip "ai very satis!actomy." Mis. Munday, District Presi-i dent, installîd the new officîrs,I President Mns. Luther Allia, Fimt Vice Mis. Ted Chant,1 2nd Vice Mns. Atym, Secne- tany-Tneasurer Mis. George Yeo, assistant secretamy Mis. Allan Macklin, assistant trias- umer, Miss Nancy Johns, Pat President Mrs. Burnows, Cura- tom o! Tweudsmuir bock Mis. Balson, Mis. Cavemiy, Public Relations Mns. J. Balson, Membership and bithday box Mmm. Hoakin Smith, Pennies for friendship Mns. Wil!red Smale, auditoîs Mis. Billett, Mis. Burows. Mms. T. Mouatjoy, Centre group leader welcomed eveîy- one. The motto was, "Let us honor the one wbo taught us oui fiast lesson in Home Econ- omnies, oui mother." Miss Nan- cy' Johns prepared a wonderful papen but was unable te corne and Mi. Caverly read ItL Mis. Balson also had a reading on "Mother." Four ladies from Bowman- ville attended, Uns. Perfect delighted ail with her vocal solos, "Boy o! Mine" and "'Theni'. a Long Long Trail a1 Winding. Mmis.Oto Bragg was accom- panlat. Mms Chas. Downey was a visiton as her mother wms the lutscrutan>' o! Hampton Institute. Mms.Munday. Athe DisWtric the club muabes during1 their prmsnt course, "Accentt on Amemsries". The Counyq Achlevegnent Dey will be held in Bethany on May 2Mt. Mrs. Hecor Morton, Dis- trict Director, reparted en af recent Dis atr i ct executive meetng, announcing thatà mnebers wem aked toe x-5 hibit oestwork of any kind,J with conxnentary on sarne atc the District annuel meeting. In ber presidential report Mi1s. Hatrry Ryley thanked al inembers for thein co-omea- tien and mentioned sosie of! the highlights of the yeam.8 "Five mernbera had attended1 the Ares Convention in Tom-r ento and at this conventioni Mis. Thom«a Jennings had5 bien appolnted as an Aria1 Convenor for a tiiree yean teni. Gifts of clothing andt blankets had been sent te the( Haold King Faim for re-m habilitation cf ex-prisoners.E A basket cf Good Cheer hadc been sent te the Salvatione Army. at 'Bowmanville atE Christrna.s. Mesabers who had been 111 wene remeinberedE with gifts. A donation hadE been gven ta the ?&anvers1 Memonial Cenotavlt. Flower-c ing erab trees b.d been pur-E ohased te co.nmemorate Can- ada's Centînnial and pianted in the lawns of The Anglicani Church and Unted Churéh. A , Church and United Chrch.1 A donation hed been given to a village resident who lost hier home t hr o ugh fine.( Historjoal Resear-ch and Cur- rent Evenits had bien weill covemed in planning for the Centenniel Year. Sp ec ial1 speakers frSm the Ontario School for thie Deaf aet Belle- ville, the Ontario GiÈls Train- ing School in Lindsay made us awOeeof niany problenis. Several merabers attended a Tea at the Golden Plough Lodge in Cobouirg and the W. I. are maintaining an i- terest ia the Lodge as severalj 'membems of this cornmunity are in residînce tiiere. A tour o! the General Motors et O)sh- awa was anotJher nteresting evenit. A speaker on "Safety In The Home" had hein an- other prognani highlight. Mis. Glenn Skuce, the first womnan ta hi elected to Manvîrs Township Aria Sehool Board, .had bien another outstanding speaker as she outlined sanie . o the duties and nesponsibili-i ties Of the Board. A new1 Sdhool is te be built la Man-i vers township in the near fu-1 ture which will consolidate1 the 13 Public sclioals of the4 ares. Douglas Sadiler, colunin-1 â3t with the Peterborough 1 1Examiner, had bien guest1 ,speaker at one meeting, talk-' irig on 'The World o! Nature'.] 1Cake decooating had fiatuîed1 enother meeting. Members1 bcd Participated in a Fiindly; .Visiting Course sponsored by the local branjh o! the Cana- dian Red Cross Society, also in a Short course on 'Chos- ing and Using Fabe-les'. MO,- ey has bien raised through catening, sale of'horne bakingj and donations."1 SLunch was served by the ;hostess amstWed by Mis. Gar-, don Chasi, Ms. Glenn Pies- ton, Mrs. William Philiips :and Mca. Robent Ryiîy. Mms. Ina Palmer expressed thi thanks of the members ta 1Mrs. Scott fôrý the use, & her* home and te aIl those whoi Shad assisted with the meeting 1and lunch. Diamonds La test Fash ions by Ffere are diamond's latest matchmates witli the diamonds held Iligh above the mounting ln a swiri of delicate gold. Outstanding ini value and craftsman- ship, these are rings ta hi treasured for a ife- the. E/o oper 's fÇeweI/ery U NG ST. EL DO WMAN VILL T akes 'Part in Carnival President, gave us a very nice taik on "Packaging Food9," quite huinorous. Mrs. T. Mount- loy then conducted a contest oaly on the namîs of caket. Happy birthday was sung for three ladies. God Save the Queen was sung and a deliciaus lunch was served by Centre group, Mrs. Armour and Mrs. Metealf, convenors. BLACKSTOCK W.1I. Wednesday, April Oth belng the annual meeting of Blacik- stock Women's Institute, 22 ladies gathered in the cam- munity Hall at 12:30 and en- joyed a pat luck dinner and social time. At 1:45 p.m. the President, Mrs. Percy Van Camp, called arder and opened the meîtting with the Ode and Callect. Minutes were read and' treasuîer's repart receiv- ed and adopted. Decided ta danate $25.00 ta Faim Board, alsa decîded that we do not enter at Orono this year. Mrs. Percy Van Camp gave a repart of the District Ex- ecutive meeting. The District Annual is ta hi held in Kendal an May lth. Donations fan a sale at the annual were asked for. These were planned. Minutes of last year's annual were read and ripants of the standing cammittees given as follows: Agriculture and Can- adian Industries, Mns. Mc- Arthur; Citizenship and Edu- cation, Mrs. W. W. Van Camp; Histonical Research and Cur- ent Events, Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs; Home Ecanamîcs and Health, Mrs. Stanfard Van Camp. Secretary, Treasurer and Auditar's reports were alsa. received. Mrs. Lamne Tharnpsan pre- sided ýfar the electian a! offi- cers and Mrs. Ralph Larmer was named Secretary pro tem. Mrs. Manwaad MeKe gave the repart of nominat- ing committie. Officers fan 1966-67 are: President, Mrs. Velva Bailey; lst Vice-Pnîsi- dent, Mrs. Perey Van Camp; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. J. A. McArthur; Secretary, Mis. Lamne Thampson; Assistant, Mrs. Marwaad McKee; Treas- urer, Mrs. Russel Mauntjay; District Director, Mrs. Stan- ford Van Camp; Alternate, Mns. Mervyn Graham; Pianist, Mrs. Ray Taylor; Fruit and Flowers, Msds. C. Hill and J. Rahrn; Convenons: Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mis. Ralph Larmer; Citizenship and Education, Mis. W. W. Van Camp; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Frank Staniland; Tweedsrnuim Curator, Mrs. Ray Bradburn; Public Relations, Mis. Roy Taylor; Resolutions, Mis. Ralph Larmer; Auditors, Msds. R. Fond and F. Stani- land; Branch Directors, Msds. J. Rahrn, Leith Byers and T. Krockenstoel. Business was finished dur- ing which it was decided ta ask for project, "Facus on Fin- ishes"; 2nd choice, "Block Printing". Delegates ta District Annual were appointed and plans for aur part of that meeting made. Nestieton 6th A'nniversary was announced. Meeting clos- ed with Queen. _____ YELVERTON (Intended fan last week) Yelverton Uanuted Church, though well atternded an Sun- day, was somîewhat more sombre than ustial, reflecting no doubt the ne.cent attitude o! the îetarded weatherman on milady's hats. Usually thýe fine Spring Ea:ster weather has a rather intoxicatiag effîct on the fetmale "psych" after the dulli dreary wiater months which leaves them wth an imnepnessibie desire ta do somethiag fo)olish and un- onthodox; la this aur more or less civiiized era customariiy takes the forra o! a shopping sprîe with the punchase going direct ta the root of the trouble - madanti's head, in the fonm o! some of the most nidiculous inca ngruous mon- strasuties ever conceived by humans, designâted as wearing appanel. 'Plia year, as mndi- cated, there wuas a deanth o! such freakish head covîning. Most yîans thE!re are eaough prisent ta keep us chuckiing iawaidiy right through the iongest, dryest sermon; this Easter nat enough for aven one ungadly giuffaw. Yelvînton U.C.W. held theiri Apnil meeting la Port Penryl on Thursday afltennoon at the! home o! Mrs. Clive Boyd. On Satundtty avening a capacity crowJ filled Yelver- tan Churdli iziali on the oc- casion o! the J.anetville Charge Hi-C Variety Night pnesenta- tion despite strong campe- tition in the !orm o! Stanleyl Cup Playoffs. Mmss Maigaz,,et Wilson play- id the accomlpanimeat for "O Canada" ta fopen the aven-: ing's entertaii iment. Howardi Malcolm wais the capable chairman fox- the progîam that foiiowedi. Miss Linda Rowan playuid a piano solo. Misses Anne and Norma Wil- son starred in a skit. A one-act play entitled "10% Tommy" was caactid.. The amateur thespians weri David Staples, Marguerite 'Wilson, Pat Bux- ton, Judy M.obinson, Canal Stacey, Tarry Malcolmi, David Frew, Vaneta McGill, Douglas Porter, Ronnifie Vivian, Jim Stacey, Lincia Rowan and Vaughn McG iii. Miss Pamela Cook favoure d with two vocal solos. Tery Malcolm and Jimmy Stac ey presented a humoraus sk it "The Facts o! Life". Mr. Ivan Cook and President o! the Hi-C,, Terry Malcolm, îach spoke a few words o! appnîciation ta the gathering and explainied that some a! their funds wouid bu axpended by adopting;a chid la Konea- a wonthy a dvînturî. Lunch was servîd and a social bour enjoyed. Duriag thue weekend some o! oui sumurer nesidents made their first brie! sojouin thnough snowv and mud ta their rustic piapeirties in this com- munity. Easter vi.sitors weru num- erous: Mr. Ken Limai a! Hamilton eiad Mis. Gardon Robinson o! Cavan with the Ray Robinsoans. Mn. and Mirs. Raipli Malcolm and family o! Scaîboro with relatives lu. local commuai- tues, Miss Cindy Malcolm speading 1I,he holiday with cousin Judy Robinson; Miss Mitzi Malccilm getting a week's subumban living with Karen la Scarboniugh. Mn. and Mis. Lloyd Wilson o! Scarbo rough withthi parents theu David Wflsons n the Allaa Vilsons. Mr. and Mis. Boy Werny and girls o! Timmins with the Francis We.-nnys at Enaîskillen. Mis. Werm: r and girls nîmain- ed foi a Y veek's holiday with relatives oit Enaiskillen and Yelverton. Miss Elizabeth Rowan, ne- companil by several cf hem buddies ((lemale we're assun- ed) spent 'this weekend seeing .the ights- la MontreaL BETHANY (Intended fer last week) Guests with Mn. and Mis. William Phillips duing Eastem wiekend were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phillips, Peterborough; Mr. and Mis. John Mitchell and family cf Lindsay. Mis. Walter Neals acconi- panied by hem daughter Mis. Donald Cathcamt were weekend guests o! Miss Shirley Ana Deyell aand Mns. Launa Speens ia Toronto. Orboe Challice, Blind River, is spending this week wîth his mothen, Mns. Richard Challice. Mn. and Mis. Ross Cari ne- tunned home on Wednesday !nom spending sevenal days holidays with Mn. and Mis. Crîighton Carr at Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Niais, Elrnvali, visited with Mîs. Thomas Jackson during the weekend. The Mad Hatters Bethany 4-H Club met at the home of Mirs. John Neals and continued with their course "Accent on Accessonies". The girls con- tinued wonking on their hats and discussed costume jewel- lery, belts, gloves and thein cari. Miss Ruth Brown,, mem- ber o! the Cavan Club, was welcomed as a guest. Thene were niai tables of playens at the Easten pro- gressive euchre party sponsor- id by the Bethany Ladies Good Luck Orange Lodge and held la the Orange Hall. Pniz- es fon high scores went ta Sidney Powers and Mis. Han- ald Green. Second prizes ta Harry Jones and Mrs. Pîrcy Mantle. The lucky door prize was won by Fenton Fallis. ELIZABETH VILLE Church services were at Garden Hill. Rev. J. Ramjit is still in the hospital and Rev. P. F. Gardiner, Canton, spake. Mrs. M. Cruse rendîned an ex- cellent sala. On Wednesday the United Church Women met at Mis. Clarence Beatty's homne. Mrs. G. Morris presided. Mrs. H. Quantilil took the devotional. Chapter 12 was taken by Mis. M. McAllister. The minutes were îîad and approved. It was decided ta do no mare quilting for awhile. We have CROSS CUT RIB or Boneless Shoulder Lc ROAST 63 lb The Canadian Statesman, BowmanvUe, Apr. 20, 1988 3 Darline Thickson's weddlng in May. Hynin board and the name board outside ti church was discussid and wî plan te see about nîw ones. Lunch was served. Mn. and Mis. Jackson Peacock and boys, Kapuskasing, left for home Sunday after spind- ing the week with his parents, Mn. and Mis. V. Piacock. Mr. and Mns. N. Yost, Otta- wa, spent the Eastem weikend with Mr. and Mis. R. White. Mr. and Mis. John DeKoker wîre with Thicksons on Fmi- day evening. Mn. and Mrs. Laurence Mul- drew, Oshawa, havi sold their Oshawa home and moved down to Sunnyside. Mi. and Mrs. Eric Baty, o! Tomante; Mr. and Mrs. Jini Fait and childrmn, Pontypool wene with Mn. and Mrs. O Mincir on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. R. White had dinner on Easten Sunday wlth Mr. and Mms E. White, Klrby. They visited with thuir niect Edith, from England, and Marie, Mrs. Downs, Mn~ Downs and f amily. Mis. J. Piàcock and boyi had tea with her sisten, Mis K. Trew, Mr. Tnew and famill on Sunday. The 4-H Clubs held thel meeting at Mis. Ross Beatty~d home when Miss Wray, thq Home Economist, was presmnt, Thiy did dying and hat inaku mng. Mr. and Mis. R. Saven' Stamkville, with Mrs. Wa1târ recently.à If you are planning to start, expand or~ inodernize a business and you require a term ban to carry out your plans, write for. this descriptive booklet or visit an IDB office. MIND US TRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 27 BRANCII OFFICES ACROSS CANADA TORONTO, ONT.î 250 University Avuenue - Tolephonh: 368-1145 Maple Lia! S.P. 1/ Cryovac COTTAGE ROLLS Maple Lia! Rlndless Sllcud SIDE BACON 1WIENERS PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. - CALIFORNIA STRAWB-ERRIES Maple Lia! IL 59c IL 85C IL 55c 3Pints$I1.oo0 VINE RIPE TOMAIGES IL 25c O R AN GE S sizi 90s doz69c Bowmanvillle IGA Foodli-no#r .0 BWMAN VILLE Miss Pat Rudell Save 10c Pineapple & Grapefruit Save 12c York Delmonte, Drink 29c Kam Square ' 49C Save 10c Ayimer 2c Off Chum 1oz. 15-oz. 9 CATSUP 2 otls 5 Dog Foodl2 Tins99 L 1 W- A=-.Çe JRLIIM