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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1966, p. 9

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f»* and Walter Plately M7. John Luxton led the single lvisfon wflh a 343 pune, t>hr tpefforts giqt HowardBrLornell 329, Art Rwowe 326. Jack Bond 316, Geooe Brewster 311, Ralphý Cwr4)bell 301, Morley Thomp-, son 296, Ait Randle 287, Fmnk* Wrighit 282, Roy Slacki and Lloyd Heard 278, and, John GoOde 275. ?eqnu Standings 'v« m échange lni the Ooôdver LÀague standig IM t 1.bsdiy night et Erald- ens dOWnd. Boier BROM 5-2 ta nanin utheir sen point 44vantage S« Machîne Shop. «&2 winners ever Bonbury. mip e eated Belle 5-2 la dlUl*k-rth Pétition end ut liE ne tlime nove e point CiO~'\K> bthe hird-ranking twedged the Fan :I'i.unj Wrihtcame up wltb a Mug 794 total to take hiei triple hônour, Ioll.owed by "SBud" HenvIng 782, John Luxton 748, Farewell Blek- b=r 743. John Oke end Jeck »fflbOthwith 742't, George M£vt736, Art Bowe 721, Pdse }atéiy 721. Hiian Mar- tyli 106, All Randie 6M, John Goûde -84, IIaley Thoenmsn WESLEY VILLE About 20 ladies were pres- ent *for the April meeting, of tbe U.C.W. on the afternon tithe-lg#i, in spite of the abbéflce of 'some regulars in- cl!dlng Mrs. ileeve wbo was xw Toron ta for the day and T R.. Bcd; who was Ili. The ni 'ing was apened witb Plfer by the President, Mns. Jihn Groencyeld. During the bi$inesz period, Mrs. F. Hosk- in - Was appointed to, receive allparcel aid nylons needed b .5Xarean workers; money wMvoted toasasist any girl ~ifwsbed to go la camp. .e programme wss in Cliârge o! the group led by MA. H. Auctir., lb was oe . ed wibh quiet music play- edry Mrs. T. Wilson and Mre. '4I In read introductory vers- esuM Seripture for Easter was re*d by Mrs. Wm. Tuffordi allj5. meditation by Mra. Gco. Ti.dford. Following thc offer- in,#'- and bymn the devotione wgte clased witb prayer by M"'. E. Barrowclougb. Theme for th. programme Was "The Church's Happlest1 Ture", and concerned churcb union. Mrs. Austin weicomed Mrs. R. Scultborpe who was1 sharing a panel. Mre. E. Bar-1 rawchough reviewed in a fewi minutes, tb. way iwhicb the vkIed into so, many parts since its tinst formation. The Pic- bure seerned ta show that division made intoîcrance- and union brought tolerance be- cause a! necesssry compromn- !ae. Mrs. H. Austin rcviewed the organizatlon o! the United Cburch and Mire. Sculîhorpe did the sarne for tbc Anglican Church. Mirs. G. Tufford briefly outlincd bbe principies o! union agreed upon by a comniittee o! bath churches and accepted by the Anglican Churchiîn Canada hast summer and ta b. vatcd on by the United Church Ibis year. The question period whicb followed, brought discussion limiled oniy by lime and a furîher mneeting was proposcd le foliow lb. U.C. vole. . Mrs. J. Groenevcld thankcd M-rs. Sculîhorpe for ber in- formation and share in the discussion. Whiic tea was prcpared a conlest sent by Mi-.. Carroll Nichais, a mcm- ber a! bbc group unable to be presenl, was conducted by Mrs. H. Austin. Ail answers werc found on a coin. This past wcck there bas been considerabie iilness ini the communily, moslly flu, but carne chieken-pox. Mr. T. Wil- son wbo had s sevcrc case o! flu wenl the hospitl aathi Goody.aa LONG SAULT Mr-. end Mrs. Adam Sharp, Enniskilcn, were Sunday af- ternoon guesle of Mri. Bert Jojingon. Mr-. and Mi'.. Wmn. Sun, Oshawa, Mi-. and Mrs. F. E. Alexander, o! Bowmaenvillc, were Sunday evening callers o! Mri. Robert Sim. Giad to report Mr-. Walter Vaneyk la home from hospilal gradually ixnproving In health. Mi-. and Mns. Jake Vandani, Millbrook, Mi-. end Mns. Andy Sutch, Ponty'pool, Mis. Nellie Hooyer end Mr-. Ed Slaples were Sunday evening guests of NI. and Min. Walter Van- eyk. Mira. Wood and boys, Ty- rone, were Sunday cycnàng guests and Mr-. Hoag, Toronto, visited on Sunday aftteoon with Mr. and Mis. Robt. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson werc Saturday evcning guesîs o'f Mi-. an'd Mire. Pai-kinson, pWoO ~ WOOD NO BETTER TIME " THAN RIGHT ... ... »éMM. LUMWIth dayllght saving and before the, ground hardens le the, best time to start your fencing. For free planning help IIIIIJihIlhIlhlIIIand estimates, visit Beaver . ..yu uiIIIitiiiIiuiiIItIIi it always welcomed! uIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJL.BEAVER HAS THE SELECTION OVER 2 DESIGNS ... PRE- V Vl LMM lo mm moPLANNED TO SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY IJm«mm EU tr-j SO AWu15 m Igh fenclflg for prlvsey - low feneing for boundary protection. . . seo &Hl the selection ast Beaver. BEA VER. GARAGES 201 x 12' SINGLE CAR Suit 2-690i,~ff coup Dsms- e REZ goals, preteets end hins wood lnuoee simple operatiou. 15 clourteusto choose ,rom . . . Eteg. 9.18 $8.95 SNGARD Preservative Perfect protetiou for greund. $3.88 A Gal. SAKRETE leudy te u5scernent mlxs - jgst ad wa3t*r. Concrete Mix 90 lb. bag 1.98 45 Mb. bag 1.29 Sand Mlx 80 lb. bag .1.98 Beaver Special Exterior Peint White, Red or Green $4.95 A Gal. ONLY ~1j0, 71 Delivered 'L!wlth iprlvacy sereen - $144 Easy To Build- o" Porch Patio Deck 'Ne enveu:o :2 ffa paio ulht let @Irgo I o.. .siple te bulld 12 . 14 nom sti fer Uy - enyMent lti«ahoot«M».. êàmpl.i moteîlu and *«Il te feulw pas pn...10 ICHAIN LINK tolet t, tady t ullu- C hU. ain lln d o ui c dli le peasawlth qdrtl~ie= top ~= Complet. in t UAL" %»79c un. Pt. O DEPENDABLE I.' k.' U3' x Ont. Cedar 4' x 4'à 4- .80 5 - 1.00 6 - 1.20 7 - 1.40 Lithtweight ALUMINUM LADDERS Brnie Owner 5 Pt. Smlt fshers ha"e bai bay and havltsg their utubl luck icatchig lish and gettiùg stuck- ln the mud. Ladim finlubed a quilt ut Mins C. Darhi's during the. week, -that tais ntended 'for a tmissionary family., ?&. and Un. Ilector Darke and Miss Cjla »arke attend- ed thepu i chool concert lni Port.Hope lest tiburady nîght in which their grandebutdren IKaren- and Jeffrey, Wakely were taking part. There were 50 ut Sunday School on Sunday mornlng with illness accountig for corne of the reduced attend- ance. The primary clasa and tieacher Sharon Thorndyke ý-ahowed the resuits of their work for the Easter season. John Groeneveld, Paul Green and Julie Payne turned the pages of their batiks to, show pictures they had made of the main parts of the Easter story. Church service was i this church conducted by thé Bey. J. Cargo. Daffodils pro- vided by the April group of the U.C.W., reminded the con. gregation of the work of the Cancer Society. John Groene- veld sang the solo part in the choir's anthein. Team Standings J. Woodiack....7............. B. Wilbur ................ J. Shearer ................ M. Hodgson .............. L. Woodcock ............. K. Campbell .......--..... Higb Single - - J. Rowe High Triple - J. Sibearer Avéragés J. Shéarer .............. I. Wright ............ xK. Càmpblil. ........... J. Lunn ............... M. Hadocgan.............. J. Woedlack .............. B. Wiibur .............. C. Adema ............... B. Mlii............... J. Rowe ...............-. L. Woodcoc ............ G.Stot ............ W. MeNÈ11 ...........«.. D. Mubton .............. K. Hulston................ D. %aIkYoa............... F. tend-................. C. Sargin ........... J. MaIra ................ A. Loruaso .............. M. Firth .............. D. Ccorane............. L. Mutton .............. J. Haeuw.............. V. BartletI .............. E. Comebes .. ......... I. Turnbuli ....... ........ V. Sarginon ... ...... B. <eith.................. B. Beers ................. DtD.we ...... . 200 Gamnes - Joyce Rowe 246, Joyce Shearer 228, Gla-ý dys Scott 228, Linde Mutton, 210, Mi. Hadgscon 206, K.ý C'amPbeil 203, B. Wibur 202, B. Mlis 201. Pleaee Note: Tbe Ni'ght-I hawke Bowling League Ban- quet will be bcld Mlay 0, 19e66 AI tbe Rib Room o! bbe Hotel l Genoaba, Oehawu. Pi1esa. meet in the lobby et 6.45 p.I TYRONE Twenty-tour friend and; neighbora gatbered et the. home of Mis. George Aildread for a surprise birbliday peby1 for her mother, Mrg. Alfred, Gaskini, on April lOth, I%. former Margaret Dawson wae bei-n et Dewson Setîlenent, Albert Co., New Brunswick, 1876. Sheh. anfive children, Harold o! Dawson Settlmmaent, N.B., Ronald o! COVOrdale, N.B., Mlary (?&s. H. True- man, deceased), Mns.- W. Ste- wart (Elizabeth), St. Lam- bert, Québec, Mr#. G. Ail- dread (Pauline), o! Tyrone. Suhe hai1 grandchildren and thi'.. great-grendchildren. Her daughter Mra. W. Stewart ws present tor lhe party, al- so ber granddaughter Mis. J. Baker and Mr. Baker, Tor-- onto, were aupper and evên- lnâg atwnt. Ob*cr96ved pnmay cardsa nd <lta. She. -Io a et cuvea" liwo Braiders ................ Machine shop. .. Tigers ......................... Hoee .... -. Feu Beltà .. ............ Banbury ................... Be% . ........ .......... Bolier Rom .......... eo*e A GENERAL MOTORB VALUE JlThe Canadien Statesman, Bwmanvfe, Apr. 27, 10 trom witr .holiday. ii-. tereesdon CitY, Florida. Mme. St1ella oyd, Taosmto, is vfOiting wthMi'r. and Un. Norman Botiby. .Wesley Vfflahon heu re- turned to Worlvme'a Coin- PexiationÊi itai et Dmons view te undergo fuither treatnment for a spinal injury, sustalned over & year ugo. John Jackson, who hmu been w1th th. Canadien Armny i Germeany for the putI elgh- teen months, returnd home on Tuesday. Mri. and Mirs. Cecil. McGiI wttb mms.Ja.mes Id Mire. Ina Palmer ' MIld7riatkyw tii Saturday atteun sien ofthle L.O.LA 14dige. il ChurW'~ d a lte, mbe. et SPORT p c tione UCW, was held on the 0ap inc n*of-the 20thate =fne o! Mn-A. Hiet~,with 27 ladies présent. Mrs. A. Dy Frk Moun 4M 4 riwn, piiesldexit of Oohw&, M Preebyterial -1JC.W., was cUr est peaerandusing' the GENEALS S. SAWINGAYth. study cff -Dr. A. B. B. Fmnt Game Moore's "Jesus Christ and the It was obvieus rlght -frm the %penlng Whletie Saturday Oiristian Life." Mns. Down night that the Shawinigan Bruins vers a! far better' boani based her questions on- the Ml, 6th and 71fi chaptezs of than North Bay Treppers, and for niait oi the firtt two Matthew, whici relate the en- periods il appeared the Oshawa Generals were in trouble, tire Serm Ono the Mlount. The visitors wasted littie time hltting the acore-sheet Dividing the sermon into four when an lcing shot bounced off the back boards and deflected mue', Mr'- Down a9ked "The Perfection o e ! iKngdotn, i off goal-keeper lan Young's skate Into the net, alter can w obtain it?" «W1hat la only 12 seconds of play. prayer, why do w. pray?" Shawinigan, a club with big defencemen and for the "The price of the Kingdomt, most part amail forwards, led 2-1 et the end of the first. how c' stl3r in It?" end finally 'What do we mean by the Oshawa started to move ini the second, out-shooting the Kingdorm and what doms it visitors by a whopping 22-5 margin, but they could manage tnean to us?" Mrs. G. Brent only one goal as Phllip Myre put on a dazziing display o! thainked Mrs. Dewn for a puck-stopping. very thovght provoking study. Our' présidenmt, Mrs. A. Knowl- But the third was ail Oshawa as they went in front ton 0onidueted the business. for the first time et 1:28 and added three more before the Mre». W. Pwrk J-'., Mrs. A. mld-way mark ta eventually win 7-2. Hoar and Mns. R. Bowers Danny O'Shea, who spent most of the wcek in bed 1 were In charge o! the pro- ,gramn and led in -the worship suffering from influenza, complicated by bronchitis wa period based on thie Easter a top operatar. We talked to the Ajax star after the gaine message. Mrs. R. Burgcss, and he lnformed us that h. was just about back to par. with Mrs. G. Brent at the Wayne Cashmnan was the gamc'e top performer, while Chris piano sang "The 01<1 Rugged Hayes, elevated toi thé tiret line In place of a benchcd Billy 1 Crs. G lded . *Little played one of his best games of the season. Bob Black! and Mrs. W. Stewvart and Brian Morenz, both given more ice time, showed the! called on Mrs. L. Justice, importance o! the Genérais' strong bench. Richmnond HilI. George Babcock missed his third playof! cantest, out Glad to report Milton Vir- with a shoulder séparation. It je hoped that George wiîî tue is feeling better and back b. back for Wednesday's clash In Shawinigan. And the flu to work. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence bug continued ta plague the club as both Bobby Orr and Soper, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hold- Bill White suffered récurrences. stock, Bownanville, w er e Coach "Bep" Guidolin told us that he had thought quite, guestz o! Mrs. Annie Rivers. highly of the Bruine !romn advance reports. "Thcy took off Master Steven Grigg, Osh- pretty fast and our guys knew tbey had to play hockey." awa, recently holidaycd with "flp" urherstaed "I wil . agao eric - e'l hveRicky Southwell. "Be" frter taed,"Itwil b agoo séie - e'l hve Mr. -anid Mxs. Vic Daven- to go to beat 'ern. The Generals gave everything they had part, Richmnond Hill, werc tonigbt." Sunday visitors o! Mr. and Shawnign l enitle tosixpic-upsfro th QubecMrs. Henry Stain ton. Shainianje nttle tosi pik-pc ror te Qebc fMr. and Mns. Lloyd Smîth Provincial League, but they elected to go with their regularl attended the 45th wedding router, whlch produced five fi rut tcam ail-stars in their own annversary of his brother, league. Top player on the team lu Norman Pepin, a siick Mr. and Mýfrs. Ed Smith, Col- centre, in hic final seasan of Jr. "A" compétition. If Oshawa Ms. .Vead takeu the second, don't be surprised If Shawinigan doesn't family visîted Mr. and Mrs. grab a trio of Thetford Mines players, who were good enough N. Bairstow, LeskaTd. . ta play several gaines with the Québec Aces. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Win- Guy oucerpubicit diectr fr Shwingan din'tacott, Nestleton, Mns. W. Sun- GuyBouher pulicty iretorforShainiandid'tstron, Trenton, Mrs. Murray tblnk the Generals werc as good as he bad thought, nnr Cathmoiir, Oshawa, wcre Sun- did he believe they were a fast-skating club. However, he day visitai-c of Mr. and Mrs. made those statements when the score was 2-1. But foilow- N. Winacott. ingthegam hegad, The'llnevr éatus ackIn Missses Helen and Joyce ingthegaie b aad, Tby'l neer eatus ackInMurray, Toronto, spent the Shawinigan." weekend with M.r. and Mrs. Incidentaily for the fans who were at Saturday's game, E. Prescott. Sundey guests the lady who was bit by Orr's bard clearing shot, needed1 were Mrs. Reta Thornton, six tithesto cosetheeut Shestii sni 1 Toronto, Mrs. Ace Abbott, sixsttces o loe te ut Sh sil managed a onl when. Oshawa, Mr-. Stuart Hoocy, Bobby yiuited her in the Gencrals' dressing room during. Mr. Ken Hardy and Gcrald.1 the third period to tell ber he was sarry. Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngmani t. t t i. t an.d faniily, Mr. and Mrs. G.1 Alldread, Mrs. M. Gaskin at-i Second Gae tended the Odd Fellows' ser-J There was na joy at the Civie Auditorium Manday vice Sundlay norning at Tri-1 night because the Oshawa Generais, favorcd ta reach the nity United Church.9 Mrs. W. Cann, Bowmanville,1 Memorial'Cup finals bad lost ta Shawinigan Bruine 5-& Mr. and Mirs. Levi Annis,' The visitors didn't score as qulckiy as they had In the Toronto, wcre Suntlay callers1 opener, but It dîdn't take them too long, tbree minutes and Of Mr. and Mns. L. Hooper 15 seconde ta build up a 2-0 lead. and Mr. end Mrs. A. Richards. Oshawa came back to tic il up before the period ended. Wbcn the Generals wcnt aheRd at 9:50 and added anather t -Se seconds later you had ta béleve they were on their way.i But the Bruine got anc back late in tbe second, and atter they potted the equalizer, lb was anyone's game. Little' Clement Tremblay, a player who scored an amazing 731 goals In the regular season, bagged the winner et tbe 13:201I mark. Sbawinigan goal-keeper Pbilip Myre made the differ- ence as be faced a 40 chat barrage, whilc the winners mai-! aged only 19 on Ian Young. The Generals' first team ail', star goal-keeper, the guy perbaps mast responsible for' Osbawa's presence in the Eastern Canada final, didn't have, . . a gaad gamne, particularly on the winner when he gave! .. the puck away. But be bad company as O'Shea, Orr and Cashmnan just' weren't maving bbc way they can. It could be the alter effects o! the easy North Bay series. However, Generale bad thc chances, as thcy treat.di the 3,667 fans ta came fine passing in tbe second sbanza.* Many turnes they pacsed a little toa often wben they should i.- bave chat. To give you an idea of the play, Oshawa out-uhot Shawinigan 15-8 in the first, 16-5 in the second and 9»6 In the final., The Bruine realiy caeinta hn i!. in thh+ird, rM3. and Mr&. Wulred Rail, rnOwianville, visited his par- ents, Mr'. and Mira. H. Hall. Mr-. and Mm Carl Clark, Mr'. I'red Clark, Mr. and Mrs. i enneth Bbok rege Satuxday -evenlng -u~~,.M. and Mis. V. Thi ~t, Qsha*a, Mr'. and Mu Noemean Les- sam~ and tm1î=~ s Wl lard Ilibaub ,M. M4ih '1l: bault, Oshawa, Misseé Dôro- ty and Mabel Leséard Tren- t, were .SundaY eflernoon fguésts of Mr. and Mns. C. Clark. Mri. and Mirs. Hai-ris Michael and famlly, Oshawa. were Sunday guests o! Mr-. and Mrs. Kenneth Blackc. Mrs. Ruth Wight, Mrs. Gis- dys Wight, Mns. Evu Bragg, Miss Mary Jewell, Bowman- ville, were Mioeday lunchéon ouees of MT-. anid Mn. Lorne Phare. M. and Mn. Canon Tay- lor, Dundalk, spent a fe'w deys with hie sister, Mire. W. P. Park elso visited hie bro- ther, Mr-. Wesley Taylor and Mm,. Taylor. ENFIELD Mr. and Mire. Les Johnsont, Pamela and Brian, West Hill, visiled Mrc. T. Taylor. Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman, Ms Laura Bowman and Eric visil- cd Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, of Toronto, and atcndcd the Spring Flower Show at Casa Loma. Mr-. and Mrs. Bill White, Whitby, visitcd at E. Lee's. Mrs. Russell McLaughlin stapped for a vieil wilh the Fred Griffin family on ber' way tram Florida ta ber Caesarea home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sargent, Scatt and Timrny, Ida, werc guesîs at tbc Pascac home. Mrs. R. Griffin stayed hast week with Mr. and Mrs. Rae Cawling, Whilby. Albert Samis and Eric Baw- man atlcnded the Hi-C Con- ference in Oshawa during the wcekend. Misses Beverley and Teresa SM~ith spent the weekend aI Brooklin wilb Mirs. Fred Smith. Unless there is a change in the weathcr, the tiret o! May will find very litIle seeding donc around here. An epidemie ýof German meses has been culting down school attendance. Sa far, only a few persans bave bad thenfu. They didn't seem ta il. BETHANY The Bethany Ladies Good Luck Orange Lodge beld a eucceful progressive eucbre party on Fridav ni'ghl witb nine tables cef players. Prizes for high scores went te Mirs. Lila Ken- and Norman Brown; second prizes te Mrs. lia-iy Preston and Thoum Brown. The iucky door prize was won by Meredith Pi-eston. Mr. and Mrg. Ernest Cavano arrived rlhome n T,,na Pontiac lAurentian k'our-Dor 3 A lot of our advertising appears mi people7s- driveways~ Pontiac's beauty seils a lot of .Pontiacs. Consider the arrogance of its split grille. The long, lean sculpted body. That nimble-looking, distinctively-Pontiac stance, But we have a clever device for selling even more Pontiacs. We cail It our Pontiac dealer. He's the man with ail the answers. He can show you, for instance, exactly why ib is that we're putîing more of our, Success Cars in poople' driveways than ever befor eH's a man F~ WA~T /KWMLWW&7 ai~ you should niake il a special point to meet. He çali you about Pontiaes lavish Interioris with -th*hè ho* Mtndard equipinent luxury and saféty featuo,.W even demonstrate Pontiaca ncw bzmid of proaa you re feeling adventarous. But more Impor- tant than 'anything clie, he can give yqu u94., xcdlent deal on the Pontiac of your choci And let you do sorne advetiaing for us. I woniw-~ Toironto. spent bbc wuekent~ ,~ .~ celt our Priae- FOr Your Lhr.ho4 a T A Ta au MA 0 L A B&BEt' 1 BY S18 TWO1 'C"RUE t. DCueudas Lares-a AUTHORIZE» PONTIAC ;Mît RIN BOW1 ROBSON MOTRS IIL Phono 084308 Footloose and fancy free.. and Honda te compiete your fun. 14 modeis ail told, engineered for comfort and safety plus, ail the advantages of 200 miles to the gallon.ý' Sec your Honda dealer today you ineet the nicest people on a EQUIPMENI CO16 134 King St. E. PHONE 623-5689 Bowmanville M,

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