cSociaIl&9)ersoadI7 Phone 623-3303 fins. X. Kelso Smith, ThIrd 9t . . tly returned frein a thi eek holiday, viting rua ini Janiaica. kbd Mrs. James Mm,ý St., were Bunday dinner Miss Betsy Slapp ndel nwd »Wu Margaret Wrywr miong the delegates attending the Hi-C Conference held in Oshawa over last weekend. Ur..and lira. erald Brown, &net and Bruce, and Mns. IiryPollock upmnt a few days test week In Narnagan- sett, .L., visiting relatives. %v. E. K. Norman af Bnldgenorth, nephew af Mr. and Mn. L. A. MacDougal, town, attended the Hi-C Con- férence in Oshawa laut week. Mm Mr is. Hamod Lake, ~II s; att.nded the fun- oralai i'.Lake's uister, fuis. M4ack Watt, held la Smiths ealIa on Wednesday of last week. Miss Carlatta Leung o! ]Eong Kong arrived In Canada iast Sunday night ta be with ber isten and brother-in-law, Mr'. and Min. John Seto and their daughter Janice. Mr'. and fins. Kenneth E. Cox, King St. East, town, and Mir. Genad Cox, Orono, were Sunday guetaof fMr. and firs. J, B. Allan Greville and daughters Dawn and Vikki, Oakville. Mr. and hus. Roy Gropp and Doug of Tlusanburg were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aines on the weekend. Miss P atGropp visited Miss Ann orris, daughter of Mr. and Mri. Don Morris. Mr. Robent Gow and Mi':. W. McNab a! Grange Mauth, Sterlingsbire, Scotland, are visiting their niece, Mn.. W. W. Bagneli and Mn. Bagnell, gnd their brother-ln-law, Mir. John fuir of Oshawa and oth- or Oshawa relatives. Mr. and fixa. John Martin, their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and fins. Rasa Williams and. Shane, Englehant, Ont., wene, in town recently, visit- uig lin. and Mra: James Mari- Bowmanvillo Pontecostal Church Phonoes3$-ff00 Pamien: 5ew. AL udra. D.Th. Sonda>' School - 9:55 ar. Conteat Results: Bowmanville (2) Cobourg (0) 11 *.m. 44WHY REVIVAL TARRIES IN OUR TOWN" 7 p.m. Missionan>' Service Message: "Thé Great Commission" FROM TORONTO: Sacned Concert b>' Wayne Robinson and DavldKirby! Wed., May' 4 at 7:45 p.m. Movie - Barry Moore Crusade "«Where the Word of God la moi bound" inOshawa; Mr. and Mrs. D. ", ,Mr. and fins. G. Purdy adother relatives and friends in tawn. MisaMadlyn WiUcox, Miss Margaret W. AJUn, Miss Ma Jewell, Mn. eibourne Wigh, frra Cha aesBichie,Uri.. Arthur Edger, Mrns. A. H. Davis and Mrs. D. R. .Mldread wene gpesta of Mr. and Mns. L. G. Jutice, Richmond Bill, asat Satunaay, for dinner and an evening of bridge. Many university students are completing studies fer this year, or have just completed them. We wouid appreciate information of their arrivai home and concerning their lans fan the summer months. !you have a son or daughten gnaduating this terni, we would misa b. very pieaied ta have this information. Telephane 623-3303. Miss Carol Sheehan and bier mother, Mns. Nyhi Sheehan spent a very enjoyabie week- end n North Tonawanda, N.Y., where they were guests of friends, Mn. and firs. Joe Marks. On Fridsy evening Carol attended a formai dance at the Statien-Hilton Hotel in Buffalo, N.Y., with escont Mr. James Burke Jr. of Tonawan- da. Mr. Burke attends Bryant and Stratton Business Imati- tute and It was bie school's formai. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Clern- ence, Oshawa, spent Thurs- day evening with Mn. and Mrs. H. J. Babcock, Ontario Street. Mr. and Mns. Clemence have just neturned fnom enjoying a six-week's holiday In Florida. Mr. and fins. Newton Ashton and Miss Brenda, Stratiord, visited wlth Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Babcock on Sunday. They also visîted Mr. Ashton's sister and brother-mn-law, Mr. and Muis. Jack Nesbitt of New- castle. Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Colwell, Susan, Tommy and Heathen, Coe Hill; Mn. and fins. Paul Mlntyne, Oshawa; Mr. and Mn.. Ted Foley, Mir. Donald Foley and fins. Pearl Hockln, Base Line, were Sunday din- ner guesta o! Mn:. Bert Col- well and Irwin. Ted, Molly and fsmily remained for a couple ai days. Tuesday cal- ens at the Coiweil home were Mr'. and Mrs. Belatto and two boys who are in Toronto on a scholarship from Brazil and are spendlng a week with Ted and Moliy at Coe HIi. E Mn. and fins. Alec Lyle, Flett St., retunned last Fn:day froin an enjoyable Eunopean tour wlth a graup a! the First Special Service Farce Associa- tion and wlves. The party.o! 36 left the J. F. Kennedy Air- p n *i DC-8 Jet Alitalia on eonda y, Apnil 4th. Thein itinerary included, ameng oth- en places, Rame, Tivoli, Naples, Anzio, (where the. Amoncan, Milltany Cemetery Is located), Pompei, Sorrento, Capri, Cas- enta, Nice, Monte Caria, Paris and Londan. When in Rame they visited the Basilicsai St, Peter In the Vatican and t had the pleasure o! seeing REHOBOTH Christian R.form.d Church c Scugog Street h MARANATHA f Christian Roformed c Church i £eV. M. moes, supply pastor 623-3492f Worshlp Services il ar. 7:30 p.m. Back To God Heur CKLB Ever>' Sunda>', 9:15 p.m. In wes iain wa] TRINUTY UNITED CHURCH wasy' Minuster - Rey. George K. Wand, B.A., B.D. an Organlat - Mi'. Arthur Collison, MusB 1R.SM. be 1i1 ar.à-Mornlng Worship "Tii. Importance of Litle Thingt" SUNIIAY SCHOOL a.m. - .1 arn. - 1I1:00 &.m.- Deglunens ST. ANDREW'S PRESSYTERIAN CIWR(H Speake. U L x . DL Anderson, ILC. aMd Bu MORNING SERVICE il AIL Toplc: 'U PGOING" EVENIO SERVICE 7 P.M. Tapie: "THE SWOED 0F TUE SPIRI# Mr. Julisu et b.fToronto Winl b. sol.Iat et bEth services Rot ary's Famous Magazine Now O ut standing Journal Thetrpoueto!the Rotar- ian, tiiofciimagazine o! Rotary' International, la to carry tbe Ideals o! Rotan>' ln ail directons, and toaffl~ad go0wifl throughouf the world by ielllng .stories o! acquaintance, iiendshlp, thoughtftuiess, and heIlpful- nesa, Forbes Heyland sela on Friday. Re was the speaker et the luncheon meeting ai the Bowmanville Rotary' Club ai thc Flying Dutelunen Me- lon Hotel. The biriday of Dr. Keith Biileti, a paet president of the club wua celebnated. Gueota ai lte lunioheon meeting wcre Donald Ross, Bellows Falls, Ont., Ed Wilkins, Leasidi, Ken Meuikle, Dlck Snowden, and Percy Manuel, aIl o! Oshawa. Mir. Hleyland, wb» wes ln- troduced b>' Dr. Billeti, Chair- man o! the Magazine and Ro- tary Information Commuttec, told hiii feliow Roienjans fini Chester Penny was fie final editor o!fie Rotanian, found- ed ln 1911. The magazine ai that trne was a means af commnxunication with the thon 16 Rotary Clubs, he said. "Thene wene 3,000 copies in thc lirai issue wih a renun Guesi Speaker Of 3000. lThe circulation of the Rotarien la now 410,000, anmd the circulation ai Rotar>' Revista, publtahed in Span- ihJe43,000. «'Thene are 43,000 donatcd subentions, and 12,000 mail- ing Est changes a year. 8ev- eniy-six tons o! paper a monuli, 920 tons per yer anc uaed. "Ninety-elg*xt acres of Can- adien pulpwood make a, four foot wide ribbon 6,895 miles long. The Rotarian is printed on a 96 page two caler press ibat stands two atoies h1gh, and delivera 4,000 copies per houn. It goes Iite 6,400 mnail- boxes la 138 coutties. Re- prints are plck'ed up each month and used la oher medlia. Mr. Heylend pointed oui that these atailtica wlmle impressive are only part a! fie star>'. "Itlisa people fiat £ive fie magazine blrtuh and life," be said. "6Il la people wha own ih, run it, nead il, sell , teke il, or leave IL. lus people that make Up the edilonlal staff, Uie publshers, pninters, and mallens. "It la people fini write 5,000 letters or cardas evcry mionth totheUi edilons, sanie ta complain, others tao oemend. It la peoiple talkin.g ta other people through its pages. "People sucli as Gbandl, Churchill, Galsworthy, Ed- ward Benes, Knute Rockne, Henry' Ford, Arnold Toynbee, Paul Hennis, great flinkers, have contributed and o!fered something fromi their mftnds, excperience and hennita t tis magazine. "The Rotarian la a forumi wbere pros and cens anc dis- cussed, two aides bcing pre- sented fon thoughli-provoldng reding. Ih lsa aminror in which eacb o! us Sen se aur- selves as Rotaunians, and cen compare ourselves ta othen Rotanians. "It la sometimes a torcih fiat cen iight a fine o! in- spiration. itis a cemunrmca- ton canveying messages of many kinds froni maay minds and landus. Il ha a link join-1 Good Lawn ti Needs Care ca 1COI.John M. Anderson For thase people who are surfa( startlng a new lawn this shouli 1be the anniversary speak-isprlng, here are a few sug- as po ia St.Are' Pesb- gestions from horticulturists Ne% mn Curc anSunday, Mayljwith the Ontario Depantment Keep The evening service wili o! Agriculture. wl f inenet t ai wh seved In most yards the finat fac- nnd i the Arned Farces as Lt.' ton ta be considened la the top- the s Anderson wiii be speak- sali. If you want ta end up It ls j on the work cf the Padre~ with a good lewn that wili banga wer and ln pence. stay that way aven the years, are i ý-Col- John M. Anderson about iive on six inches la best and: sbn ln Edinbungh, Scot- for most locations. Although them. d, where he neceived bis it may be expensive tai start, good many and secondany educa- it wll psy off Inter an. If a la ma iAften leaving hinh achool gogd deptJ pi.îc il, is.,netThe m6ved Wlï' hi8s pareults ta supplled, tex'e finot sufficinthe iada, whene they settled at plant food ta maintain good aquan lana Falls. Wanking at a growtb and the grass becames cation lety o! lobs for a iew thin and weedy. seed i rs he decided ta study for Tny ta wark ln same well- in on( minlstry af the Pnesby- rottcd manure an other good bal! 1 an Chuncb. He received bie ongnnic matter such as leaf A!tq Ldegriee at the University mald ar peat maoss. When finatightli Western Ontario, and bise dding fertiJizer, it ia a good surfac ýlogical training at Knox idea ta have the soul tested ta this,i lege Toronto'. know the correct ratio ta apply. only, îgredusting ln 1941, he As a general rule, the sandy butior calld ta the P rebytenian types sbould have a 4-16-16 atnoye ireh iIn Port Elgin, Ontario. an a 5-20-20, while on the seed, te fall o! 1942 he received heavien types aucb as clay or into t] commission as Chapiain in loam, a 5-20-20 le best. These sal ai Canadian Army. Stationed shouid be appiied ai n rate of It i! a few montha ln the Exhi- about 25 te 35 pounds per 1,000 the c on Park, Toronto, he pro- square feet, and Weil wonked let it, ded ovenseas in the sum- late isl. water aio 1943. Aiter basic train- Careful prepanation a! the. fine s at Aldensiiot, he wss ai- seedbed is most important, se the ti cd to the Highland Light tny ta break up lumps and get banc intry ln the Canadian nid ai 10w patchles as they wiil The hland Brigade. With this cause trouble inter on. Hol- depen tus infentny unit be serv- iows will hoid water and seed for the remainder o! the cause seeda ta flot, while bigh grass . landing in Nonmendy on spots tend ta dry out neadily quick- Day, and being the enly and bath of these will produce if cor plain ta receive the Mili- an Inferion lawn. Wben yau appea SCross and Bar for gal- are doing this, nake up ail days. ry.1 wg and atones ta give a good coid, ince the wen, Lt.-Col.- An-twg son bas been stationed in ion, Ontario, Calgany, AI-E WN ta (witb the Patricias, N E WO ne he broke bis ieg lna ~Mr. Harold Bentley a! Clav- aur 1( ,chutc iump), and Mont- et, Saskatchewan, was an aven- Tbe 1Quebec. ýnlght guest at Mr. Gea. Staple- cd th n 1954, Lt.-Col. Andenson tan's, lest Monday. offert: sSenior Protestant Chap-1 iwith the Canadian Brigade'1 Mrs. Gardon Turney of Unite Eorea. On his netunn, he Trenton spent Monday here evcni appainted Chepisin et thelwith ber mother, Mns. R. Wood yal Militany Coilege, King- Bruce. Mesdi rbeing the first Permanent A demonstration o! house- PaedE ce Chaplain sa appolnted, hold wane was held et the Stapb senved there until Scptem- home af Mrs. Bill Stacey on A. Wi o! 1958. His next posting Monday evening, and anothen J. 9London, Ontario, as Anea kind et fins. Reid Woad's home Ferra aplain (P), Western Ontario an Wednesday.Re a. Jn Hampton yaung people pro- minis lice e 1963 Lt.-Col. An-« sented their Variety Concert In Newc son bas been Command Community Hail, Tuesdsy ev- evenli aplain Central Command ening, under thc auspiceS o! Ur' à Hendquaniers ai Oakviile, ,went taa, M 'i niht. Pape Peul wben he passed nean them. A highiighi a!fie tip was the invitation receiv- ed irom Pnincess Grace a! Monaco ta visit hen la thc caurtyard o! the palace. Pnin- ceas Grace very gnaciously consented ta have pictures taken with Uic tour group. The Rev. anmd Mn.. A. W. Harding retunned April 18th from a three-montbs' vacation la St. Petersburg, Flonida, visiting friendsalmsoaet Fart Laudendale, Fia.; Goldabona, N.C., and Williamsburg, Va. They' repart a mosi enjoyable wi.nter in apite af some froat ln January and torando aciiv- ity ncarby on April 4th. These twistera blew la from a "asqual Uine" la thc Gulf o! Mexico and bit firat jusi south o!fie ety of St. Petersbur1where Uc 15-mile-long S sie Skyway bridge touches land. Thfrty-two homes near there wene compietely wreckcd. T'he damage was much greater, however, Io the nonth whore thc tarnadoes touched down at Clearwatcr, Tampa and Lakeland, and wbene bundreds af homes were de- stroyed. At leut aine live wene let and ovin 250 injun- ed la tune arias.DUMag lm~ t -* »MUM i«d OUM& - HEAR BARRY MOORE "CRISIS IN CONVERSION" a Crusade Film Also, Featurlng-. * Harvey Sehroedcr Music Master * Jimmy McDonald Recordiflg Artlst * Leslie Grant - Organiat Sec It At: THE BOWMANVILLE PENTECOSTAL CHUIRCH 75 Liberty St. S. TIME: 7:45 p.m., Wednesday, May' 4th Sponsoring Pastons: xev. J. Gilchnlst Rev. E. Boomer 1ev. A. Kudma Captai F. Frasr %EVEYONE 18 t WELCQME ing ama to tebiïg ormant- zation ume the men ln it. lU can and doms-aid prospective membana by o~ften anxwoelng their uziasked question&. 1 IN.w menhirs and o)d cen absorb Rotary pleasantly and readlly by neading every lu- sue. By letting the faxnilyr get accustomed to, reading the Rà6tanian, you as a mem- ber wiil nuctive the backinga and underatanding of the1. itamily. This la helpful and [very iniportant If we are ta ibe good and active membmns. à "The more n.ading of the:1 Rotarian the more deeper and broader the underatanding af Rotary becones. In Its pages are articles that are aperkilng and gtimulating. It Ji MuIiof 1inapiringand exciting wnit- n«. It containa muci ne"s of fRotary happenings, and marny Lsuggestions Mr clubs ta con- aider and maybap adaopt. In closin-g YM. Heyland ne- minded bàs feilow Botanhiss iihat their magazine's roie La (d great Importance ln the spneading of acquaintance, 1friendship, thoughtfulness and he1pfulness, and thet these. qualities are thle cornerstones of Rotary phiilosophy. Ken Purdy mnoved a vute' cd thanks to Mr. Heyland for his excellent address, whlchi lie said was so well research- ed that it helpred hiscu niembers to a better udr standing of the Rotariaii, amd an appreciation of ita bene- fits. President Don Morris also expressed bis personal apreclation to Mr. Heyland for a job won4erfully well done. Preeident Morris presented a club banner to Donald Rose, a visiter, for the Bellows flla, Vermnont, Rotary Club, and Mir. RMsapresented one of his clu.b's bannera ta the ipresident for the local Ro- tary club. President Morris cordially welconied back Marty Martin. a popular Rotani-an. He told Mn. Marntin that ail bus fel- low Rotarians are happy that he la able ta attend the club's luncheon meetings aIgain._ hot Lests it Start ce. The final seedbed Id be as fine and as eyen Dssible. ver buy cheap lawn seeci. in mind that the lawn be thene for many years lt wil be only as good as seed you start eut with. a paon investment ta buy lai seed mixtures as they iable ta have weed seeda pon types of grass in .The added cost o! a seed mixture at this time 3ney well spent. e.general sowing rate in, ta five paunds pern 1,000 , feet. Fan an even appli- nget a seeder, divide the in hall, and sow one baîf îdirection and the ether In the other directian. tr sowinq, caver the seed [y by neking the seed-bed ce gently. When doing rake in one direction s0 that the even distni- n o! the seed la not de- ed. After covering the rail it ta press the seed te graund, and pack the tround It. imost important ta keep seedbed moist and not dry eut. Haweven, when ring be sure ta use anly a spray, or you may wasb :e seed nwey and leave spots in the lawn. erate of germination wiill id bath on the type o! and the weathen. Most mixtures contain sevenal *growlng vanieties, which nditions are good, should nr in about fine ta 10 If weathen is dry or tbey wiil take langer. VILLE lcal U.C.W. efollawing ladies attend- àe U.C.W. Easten Thank- ing Service in Newcastle ýd Chunch, Wednesday rig, at which Rev. E. C. iand was the speaker: mes S. Lancaster, W. en, J. Elliott, R. Wood, G. lton, B. Jones, C. Brown, rade, M. Jones, R. Farrow, lartel, F. Henderson, C. w, F. Gilmer. v. R. C. White attended a serial meeting at the castle manse an Thunsday ing. *. W. Paeden, Mns. M. 8and Mns. S. Lancaster ;ta Cobourg Thunsday t,,t sec "The Sound of. mrsday evening dinner ts wlth Mr. and fins. F. ir wene Mn. and lins. P. owe, Janetviile, andfins. on Robb. s. Cliaton Fannaw, Mrs. ,Henderson and Canal, Reid Wood, Mn.. J. Mar- Mn.. T. Hendensan and la, M. C. Brown, Mn. Mris. S. J. Lancaster wene ,of those in attendance at production o! "Conz a )n"' In Bawmanvlle last ,.and fins. George Staple- and Keith attended the al banquet e! the Eastern xja Hereford Association ikefield, Fniday night. bbie and Glen MacDon- underwent tonsllectomies lmor][4l Hospital, Fnlday. itons at thc manie the weck wenc Mn.and fins. Id Creaser of Bannie, Rev. ira. F. J. Litte of Whiite- Mn. and Mrs. Clarence 'ood of Orlula were red guests. On Sunday Allen Preston, lMr. and Robert Tutton, Glondine, ln anid Vinginla if Toron- w.dinnen at thfe e, wblle .George icey.'c o! osnth, -à- MM. W. J. 38--à- med Thu guests Gilmeu J.Roi Mns, Fred fins.1 tel,à and M some thel weZ. Mr'. ton a annual Ontaxi ai Lak Deb] aid i pasii and M vale. Haywc weeke Mrs. Canoly to, we SàM [I endenson of Peterbonough nd Un. BMf Lani comlng out Jahaston, W. Frarrow mP for suppon, Sunday, and tek- PGilmer wn dnen <usi ing their daughiers home. I;th Mr. RoLStIh and Mr.-lMessrs. Wallace Beughen, 1.enuli, YicoOn. Hum>' and Bill Wade attendcd fins. W. C. Duan o! Toron- the Odd Fdellows Service la to spent fie weikind with ber Trinity Unite# Churcli, Bow- dlater, Uin. C. Brown. The nianville, Sunday -moràlng. latter iield a fanmly dInner Miss - Glendine Tutton o! p rt Y " u da vnm g oh rToronto was lthe guest sololt gualg ln. .H aet aur Sunday snoramlng seny- md tMnHn Hado!Pr ice. A pupil ef Mn. David Hoep.Oucbtcrlony, Misa Tut to n Mn. and Mns. Norman leard chose as ber fist offenlng, of Peterborough, Mn. and Mn. Wesley's "«Praise The Lord" George Kimball and Joan of and for the final one, the la- Nqewcastle, w er e Satunda>' spiring "'Hean My Prayen". rmîght dinnen guestsaet Mr. 2F. Mr..and Mns. Carl Farrow Clilmen's. of Downsview were Sunda>' The Lakcesbore Group heid visitera with Mri. R. Farrow. a dance la Commuait>' Hail, Barry Lano was a visiton, Satunday evenlng. Sunda>', with Mrn. and fins. Heather and Wendy Lane Ted Lani and son, Orona. of Port Hope were ovennight A famil>' gatherlng was held guc.ts of thein grandpnrents, on Sunday aitithe home o! Mn. Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Lane: Mr. and Mrs. J: MarteL in hnr m 5KING ST. W. The OaDadian Sttma», Uowman,. ~ ? of their daughter Linda': lth blihday. Gucats lacluded Mn. A. Burden, Mr..and Mns. Wl!- bur Henry, Sanidra and David of Smebonoiigh; Mr. anm s Hanm> Scott and Mn. Robent Willsher of Oshawa. Mnr.mand Mns. Charlie Wai- ters af Toronto and fins. Waiters Si'., of Whitby, were Sunda>' visitons with Mn. and fuis. Raymond Bruce. Mr'.and fins. E. Brace>' and family, lin.and Mn.. Ailan MeaosOshawa, vislted ai Mn.Bugerie's, Sundaya- ternon. SAneiher famliy dinner party waa siaged ai the Village Motel, Weicome, lanIxonor ai iii. 56th Wedding Anniversar>' of lin. and fuis. George Rend- ÇrsOn Of Part Hope. Those Bey. Nenmdmwsonand Mr. ant, Mr.Caci He ndson andB 1 Mr. F.nderm Carol, Mr,. and Mmru Henderson and family et- rlsh. Foilowitig the r the guests repaired th home of Mr. Fred Ken for the reat of the ev»n. Mr. and i. Sld Eo and Cindy viuited Mm-. I Wagg at the Markhaui Home, Sunday afternoon. GRT CABU TOIDAY o FOR O9ALAYOWD tbreugh BTATROMAN Telembeu. U3-330l A PRICES GOOD'UNTIL APRIL 30 YOU GET 24 HOUR PROTECTION WITH BRAND NEW AQUA VELVA AEROSOL SPRAY DEODORANT STOPS ODOR - DRIES ON CONTACT .CHECKS PERSPIRATION SUGG. LIST $1.29 ANUSOL SUPPOSITORIES 12'S STJGG. LIST $1.50 sl117 SUGG. LIST $1.59 sl.e37 TONI HOME PERMANENT SUGG. LIST $2.00 $1,47 NEW DAWN jKAOPECTATE 1-IAIR COLOR FOR DIARRHEA ' SUGG. LIST $225 ( oricledlen " D"f 128 SUGG. LIST $1.19 99C 8 OZ. SUGG. LIST $1.39 (RESI TOOTH PASTE SUGG. LIST $1.19 97C Sylvania Flashbulbs SUGG. LIST $1.80 sl-049 SUGG. LIST $1.92 $159 CRESI TOOTH PASTE REALLY REDUCES CAVITIES MANUFACTURER'S SPECIAL 69e VALUE FOR 63e 2 for 99C1 KLEENEX T'ISSUES 200'S, SUGGESTED IST 2 FOR 4le SUPER SPECIAL 16cl HALO SHAMPOO FOR NORMAL OR DRY HAIS - FAMILY SIZE - MANUFACTURER'S SPECIAL $1.19 VALUE F~OR 99a VITALIS HAIR TONIC 70OZ. SUGG. LIST $1.07 89C [NO FRUIT SALT 807. SUGG. LIST $1.19 99C 88CI DIPPITY m DO' HAIR SET GEL. 8 OZ. SUGG. LIST $1.25 99C CASTORIA WITI-IFRE OZONOL SUGG. LIST 95t 83C ASPERGUM IFIXmA-PLATE. PAIN RELIEF IN REPAIRS BROKEN CHEWING GUM DENTURES. MOzqNE FORM MI'S SUGG. LIST 57cM1 BACK GUARANTE3 49C $198 MODESS CAREFREE THE NEW SHAPE IN COMFORT SUGGESTED LIST Sic i 2S 411 Scientlfic medication works qulky, for hours, te heîp. brak 'If ch-cÎyol W ...check, itohina even, membrane itching Yoen S el fut, bleued relief from itching, chafing, rashes, dry skia sczma. .. even cmbarrassing mem- brone tch (vaginal and rectal itcling). LANACANZ'5 medicated formula auickly cama h a mw eds BRECK HAIR SET ài FOR BEAUTIFUL HAIR MANUFACTURIRS SPECUAL 79c VALUE, FOR, 59c PRESCRIPTIO NS tlieves itchi ;medicinaiy, 'ns Ire to satch, thua breakstge Vi- clous *"itch-scatch.itch cycl" And LAmAcAm =nftgùA aw .. "ST.' SPECIAL53 L D. Aý REMEDýiES i j w,,. .. Junior, Intermediate and Senior hlimary and Kindengarten ALEXý McGIEGO