ijaclk&JiH cI ubs CoinzA, PWohflfl'Draws foÇ196 oeoàoad t: t' the meeing oforaryngPresidentwnshithedBley.ta t - 1qjcà Caeandaa amIanommniOPlannin Asscia 12 Presidents, Shirley 27nd and Dlk21iacr rgt n C a ci Frn, rsiet Drthhn tii. meeing o n arli n lntcdtoinhar'd Gbeceae -~Btt n iLbb ertre 1~ ~ ndb Council Cabr ai- Counuiitlan inbAs oci ta- y or ynt ~ onby Coillor Crl nedhi byolcorun clor Don Soilnov-osM Syleser a'3lmmesofdraigfmS a ot ciil were present. draigfo .Myot the efc htlnst iel '_ .eulnclflor Budai was Bp- thc forced rosd in Lot 32, Concession Four, wili be con- %utyClub wenth oWOOL llwac ries ~ cosed. This was seconded bv Deputy-Reeve H. C. Muir,SHPCLCTO Ai FrcI >Â~~I seconded by Councillor Gibbs, OrRgSSS irst M eet moved that' John Ecuwes belWrhueN.1 fis etn fDur- informed that unless he com-WstnOtao firatmeetig o! plies with the Building In- Oti ak n wn County Poultry' ClubO spector's direction the town- Cornz A Poppin' 1966 was a costumed in black and green. "'0007", a clever take-off of umibrella looking for a friend ens, engineer, Jack Nesbitt,iham, Keith Siemo n et toi hrefo held Tuesday, Ail~ 12, at ship intends ta apply for an' great hit. Presented by the The jillettes' dancing was Ian Fieming's James Bond resulted ln much laughter. ground contrai, Astronut No. 1,lJackson were a igigto .p.M. i was opcned by order te have a building at Jack and Jili Club of Trinity marvelously weii timed, and hero, written and dirccted by Another weli acted humr- Don Morris, Astronut No. 2, the show. Theygaeapis- .R.,ROO ley Lane with the 4-H the rear o!, bis property inEUited Church this sparkiing their high kicking was in Carol and Colin Birtwistie, was aus bit concerned Don MorrisýBud Oke, and the Jolly Greenled performance. hsqatt wHAL leand rol call. Mr. Lot 35, Concession Three, re-irevue delighted capacity aud- absolute unison. greatly cnjoyed. Bob Sheridan as a cap, Bob Stevens as a Giant, Bob Williams. AiseoKenlof exceptionall tlntd n ord Matthews, Durham mnoved. This motion was car- iences recentiy in the Town Tunes of Today, the Open- gave a remarkable perfarm- young man holding an even- Sumnersford %vas amazinglyýtertanr a tyls Assistant Agricul- ried. lHall. The able producers were ing Chorus, directed by Rase- ance as 0007. His fine acting ing dress over a hydrant while realistie as Ed Shack 4qf the' convulsed with luhe n Representative, hatided Deputy-Reeve Muir noved Jean Stevens, Elizabeth And- Mary Merkiey, with Marg added te the amusement con- waiting for his wife, and Jean Maple Leafs, Shirley Frank alternately highyaprctieobywtngo the information books. that a By-Law he prepared ta erson, Jim Frank and Jack Munday playing the piano ac- siderably. Lyn Lowry was Stevens as the loveiy wife whoisang Boots with just the right o! their fine sinig mn AAINC-PRTV~ s o! o a n Pinters wr et hs a eodd AISylvester was the witty, able. tyre in the raie o! Mr. Bg, parking place for her car. Labb abiy represented Bat- Mary Ann, The Ylo id S r Mf atPitersws eas-Cenclorhis aendecarrie and imperturbable M.C. Don tractive Jillettes, Pat Stocker, mnaster crook, showed much The Jillettes and chorus.man! calypso nunibcrCm ak 0S. li vneEs Y _________________ Anderson was the Stage Man- Shirley Frank and Rena Fisk, abîiity Don Morris anHrropndhescdpatote Unquestionably "The MusicEliza, King !te odadTroof, nao werc given by Mr. Gary _o ý-anKnHciDu 1 wor she t stken Aw I 'cenery, Merle Slute; Sound "Dear Dan Sianders", writ- believably sinister. Dorothy Chorus, directed by talented: and the placing was given i a rd -a lbsand Lighting, Harry Locke ten and directed by Jack Mun- VanDriel and Karen Lowry Rosemary Merkley sang If 1, theclss ! at. Tenanand Tom Rehder; Costumes, day, with Marg Munday as were the jazzy mails. Harry Loved YQU and A Spoonfull resting talk wvas given by $ 5 A A f Dorothy Morris; Make-up, Bon- pianist, was decidedly enter- Cooke played a second part in af Sugar. This was a treat for G. Jcffrey on the care$15 JI000 Grant nie McDonald; Ticket§, Don taining. Ken Hockin was price- this skit, the train conductor,ithe eye as weil as the ear be-1 Oui rest home has the best Iownintw snewerddupt young chicks and on uP and Enid Austin; Ushers, Harry less in the role of Dan Sian- competently. cause the ladies taking part! ugh the chicken's 111e on adMr ok;Fles Idrafmu dieete Tepc l dlvl neèigde- waelte.Ap rioF rY uhT a and Anna Strike;, Orchestra, lovelorn columnist. Marie ing revue, Cornz A Poppin', ses. . , ~3,/ .~tim wasgivenfor ues-Glen Hodgson, and Pop Sales, Moses was his lovely secre- neyer slackened. Everyone en- In the Mixed Chorus xveie:'H HNE LIS s then the meeting was Canada's 4-H mavement wasBill Bragg. tary. Rosemary Merkley and joyed the amusing filiers. In sopranos, Gwen Black, Dor-1 oured aai giento lvelreogi- Three comical and weIl dis- Jean Sumersford as counselees one Martha Sylvester was al- othy VanDriel, Dorothy Mor-' ourned. agtian when ato uth elrve l n-gidcows Bob Stevens, were excellent. Anna Strike luring as Herda Tory, andris, Marie Moses, Mary Cooke, TRADE tien whe a outhtrael l StikeandHarry Locke. and Merrili Brown as a slat- Hurry Cooke perdtb DenHajanSms- O grant, o! $15,000 was awardedprior ta the overture, kept the ternlv quarrelsome wife and a real esbuappeared tboren art, eanvesmers-P lto'P W.uB Yê20 last week ta the Canadan audienc amused with jokes bu]lying hushand were tre-'James, In another Art Oswald Eileen Gatch'elI, Jean BillettHNELIS M IR VIER S Council on 4-H Clubs b thean tis mendously funny. was the leader o! an armed Marilyn Coty, Ev Dunn, Shir- for by The excellent orchestra xvas The Men's Chorus ably escort, Harry Locke, AI Lobb, lpy MeLean, Lyn Oke, Karen,,. jCentenniai Commission. compased o! Glen Hodgson, directed by Merrîli Brown Keîth Billett, Ai Strîke and, Lowry. Anna Strike, Dorothv' In acknowledging the grant, Don Hamm, Charlie Cochrane, pleased the audience singing Jack Bryson. who were cOn-ýKeiîy; tenors, Merrili Brown,i ~Gan os' nthr n oe EE 64Lou DewelI, Rick Dewell, Youi Must Have Been a Ba- veying the Town Cierk, KenlKen Kelly, Lyn Lowry, Jack! i e, h rom h rqutoutwt kEET... * Coun~lPresientfl.BYauEmie Archer:and Doug Rack- tiful Baby and Down Our Way. Kelly, ta the bank. iBryson, Harry Locke; basses.Iý pride tesfs iigioc ae h .J.eSn.Wdou ~ suit i mare 4-H Club mem- The show opened with Chorus were Ken Hockin,ýthe most of the part, and Rs-ab iSrkBbSees'. .satreldolwesfl bers participating in educa- joyou,% verv wt h tradition- Harry Lce Lyn Lowry.îmary Merkley a wonderful Keith Bletad o i- 1"«U, Ontario tional travel programs than ai Cornz a Poppin' music. The Bob Wiliams, Bud Moses, as bis bride-to-be. Her singingiam~s BletadBbWi.- "saed tdentbc hnsesat 263-2655 ever before in the movement's petty Jillettes, Dorothy Kelly, Jack Munday, AI Strike, AlIan of Second Hand Rose was a, One of the shaw's hits was,- rsoso us ak aeyo 53 year histary. Shirley Frank, Betty LbLbJmFak o Rehder, delight. Ken Sumers!ord's act-'1a marvelous act, Sentimental! 2~ bps o' cî uf a -pe The $15,0»00 wiil be allacat- Rena Fisk, Jean Harness and Bob Stevens, Jack Brv'son, AIiîng and bis comical uines in aiJourney, put on hy the Ladies!i'" rnsisonkd:et ed ta Provincial 4-H admnini- Pat Stocker were smarti Sylvester and Art Oswald. filer about a man with an Trio, Dorathy VanDriel, Gwen1 strations for inancing 4-H Black, and Lyn Oke. In it travel and exchange programns charm, hilariaus humer and in 1966. This is the third con-MUW talented singîng were inextric-i M N Centennial Commission hasl was Sentimental Journey 70 KNOW beCause.. * given financial assistance taý (Intended for last week) - jthe pre-camporee weekend in fi!th out o! the sixteen. Their singing o! Blue Hawaii,'ROINR CA L wiiauit comes topouitry or live. the travel phase o! h 4-H Layman's Sunday was oh- camp fr the north-east dis- Donald Werry and 'ily:1 their wddancigthe hla ong tocldealttroubesh0pracical inghetoanupr a da te g-served at the regular Sundayltrict held at the Courtice!Eiiiott participated in an over-.,I a wre ihpoo~d ,on-lu>am xperenc ca oftn ig te toal up morning service at Kedron'campsite recentiy. inight hike previously od-lapn com nit»YreudYreinamegswwrsofHn-iu leat to aracre eoicthet granto-wie$40,n0ted Churh on May 1. The Of the sixteen patrois par-ýted by the 8th Oshawa RoverpaocaPns. u y mdnunYreioMit~OdOihtCiU@ A E L A D N th rben Oehl fth rn ilservice was conducted by the ticipating, three were frointe ce cot n Sotrs "snutsAnny 3iolsutio n ael1cite l be divided equaliy among the maie members o! the congre- Kedron troop. The boys were1from a number of Oshawa Gemin!" directed by Joan "YOUR FRIENDLY G R E E TE ]ES *tole e te coplee lns n cap lre nd disric tropstookpar intheMann and Lee McIntyre was of famousKX-Vet products plusthe ten provinces and the remain- gation, with a men's choir judged oncapll are - andlditit tr Thestook p a sh original, funny, tuneful, and a 5MN TSES FOHW solid know-how of the unique der on the basis of each prov- providing the musical seiec- bygiene,as i as in com- xeiin h ru a joy ta watch. The splendid 5MN TSE o rganisation that stands behind ince's percentage o! the Na- tiens. petitive events. required to foiiow compass catwa om357o5Jc7O IG W Y O ý]hm ..a epndbletemfr ffc-tionai 4-H- membership. A de- Doubles' Club members are Larry Watson's Coyote pat- directions ta a predesignated cuast a cop ose bo JcSOtHGIW Y O tiedsaeprevention*aiiaii. ald*rpotad adtet hoid their May meeting on roi won the trophy for the campsite at least 15 mile \ntrol . anif high levai 1Vitaity statement i, submitted each Thursday, May 12, when they highest accumulative points from the starting point, car- d ditiyu&. yca ir 1t hé' c t*ë1fiÏhit ! be - tourîng the Ontario for the weekend. The Panther ryihg 20 pound packs. They K-VT LIORTORES ~. Comission showing- how the Courthouse, Whitby. patrol, with Patrol Leader spent the night in the open, K.f M AO T. manies were invested and the Scoutmaster Wm. Werry re- Donald Werry, took second Mrs. Harold Werry and A Houpoes,COtario travel prograrns in which the ported the 2lst Oshawa traap place award and trophy. Mrs. Harvey Pascoe have re- 4-H niembers participated. imade an excellent showing in Biiiy Eliiott'q Fox patrol came turned from an Easter vaca- tion at Nassau, in the Baha- were the gucsts o! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grunseli, Owen Sound, recentiy. They aise Il a ie ij lOE T ~ U spent a day with Mrs. J. Grunseil at Annan, Ontario. p eatdeà IMr. and Mrs. Charles Maschke entertained Mrs. McCaw, Bancroft,. over the Wason ws eing i n.rtone ofits 15 m od ls Eastèr holidays andi together they attended the McQuand- Credit. Mn'W. and Mrs. Ted Maidmnan, flread Margaret have re- Itured roma trip ta North Carolina. If I1niay interleet a personal note, I would like ta express mrny appreciation tealal thosel Aerud graup were ailow- theDbands at Wercroft. Much interest was shown in the two towering silos and the auto- matie silo fillers which were WOOD ANDPROD CTS installed' Iast summer. Tue feeding programme and value o! !eeding concentrates were CTS wideiy dîscussed. ýOD L NRDMr. Werry noted that fanm- -..----.----,--------. ing han undergone many-,IaaSotCup changes msince hii parents î NW A TL, NTàRObrought their young family ta What makes one Car a better buy Chevrolet got? Everything. A Jet orCerltdae aigv NEW(ASTeLE, ONTARIOta aoheNo us rie sothrrie Egne ro k ane time it took thc labor o! several men on a farm ta The car itself is important too. tîp to 425 hp. -Show-stopper st- tw.Thtmnhebt rs maitain the ;hipetof twô Its f eatures, reputationý and ing. What's Its ýreputption lilce o orta na h ats 4- cans of milk ar dy. - -~~~~A Now, with tractors,.milking future value. Then look at price, Impeccable! And-its futurtlhvrto hnmyucm C N A Tmachines, . automatlc gutter trade-in allowance and the final worth? Chevrolots have traditio- igBtemaei oay eaners, silo fillers, In short automation. deal. Chevrolet builds a great ally brought hiîher trade-i Mr. Werry, his son and onei deal into its cars, and you get a allowances. As to -the deal, nr v E EU NUE MIMER LB! N assistant are able to efficient- IN~*JZ7* MATS1~NAL WUUE~UDWUWUM. CDVICFly handie Uic production o! up great deal when you buy. What's during Car Buyers' Field Diy,_____________ JUr~WWW*W~ ~ NW5WWUEIWUUU ~ to twD thousand pounds o!fIO~ZDC~VOE milk daily. 3t4~~SIMCOI ST. .5. GB? OSTCASE TOBAT D u i~ IN I T t C u m u~ sijýac-o E S O~êTA~IO wOYL 245 UeU1T, 800 9 840 . ue ç0io1r S- uÀrk.c Susy.CtkYWloo Ufn f qC) ~ .. AMIKÀMM 30 te P Mngoýîwç 0;ý M &#WY.cl»