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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1966, p. 13

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'FThe ýOrono Mr&. Jamnes E Richard ~an6mn. Géorgé Coul Mr. mnd Mru. Tom Hé Fm, te fr. and adt*lyioédat on Swiday into t h ite aprtent Main Street. to mr.and M4r. ind Mrs. Clendoft C Milton Chaflice - lice oô MillbtOok, Mr. Lorraline Mn. John Killéen ofI ' i »own - on their mai- nviqllviItéd 1Mr. and1 ~ 4fl Prlday èvenlng, eith TéunaandSfâmil3 2tIln Pntypol Unit- flday évéftxng. te 'C Rev WIn. Plercy Mr&. O. Côwin of Oui O té&d. spent th~e wektend in Oz Vrà, n aryMrer wlth relatves andS friends, §04 théïr daugter. Mn. H. Mr. Wm. Mafley at Luxton of Bow ville, visit- in the Oshawa Houpita. ed cousins Mr. ànd Mrs. Joé Mr. and Mns. Léoè BUd*Inthhiuftéo on Sunday. ins spent the wéekend Mr. CarmanBeandall of relatives in Hanilltofl. LORO&M spent the weekend Mr. âniS Mn. Walter W with Mr..and Mns. Percy ley of Bowmanville, Mr. Morgan, Mns. Fred Dayes and fan Mis. James Winnan of Kilr- of Blackstock, vlsitcd Mr. 'bY bu béen staying wlth Mr. Mra. Reg Sutton on Sund and Mrf. Wmt. Wannan and rs yna HeatlijéMcl Sôn YOMa on Cèntré Street. loch, widôw of the late Mrî. Harry ltawe 1* a W. G. McCulloch of Oroi Ptént In thé Memorial Hos- pasd away li the 0*1 Pttal, 1Eowmanville., Hospital on April 28th.Y Mi. andS Mn. Arche Watson eral was on Saturdayf and son Larry of Watérdown thé Armmtrong Funeral He qM1t Suday wlth Mr. and Oshawa. Intèrmnent, Osh Mn lxWatson. Comery. A MacDuff Ottawa Report 'Losers Wee MTAWA& - In apite -of phiances, stands convi législation prohibiting it, of breaking the law b~y w h ich a Parlianientary tenipting to induce two Comsittte laboured over taller6, Shaver Broo. of for meiths betore it was Catharines, Ontario included- in Canadâ's Coi- New Era Horne AWplian bines Law, mnanutacturcrs in Toronto to mcli skav amy yet be able to force and floor con4itionérs retalleri ta chatgefl th uce prices at or abovethe pr they fix for their prod=ct. set by the conipany. It1 .S u n b c a m Corporation apçealed bath convicti (Canada) Ltd. believes it to thc Ontario Court of! bas found a loaphole in the peals. The Crown hasi reale price maintenance pealed two acquittak à section of ftic Act and it Is bas now entered a third probubly readty ta figlit for peal against the judgc's it a&U the way fa the Sup fusai ta grant a prohibit4 regne Court of Canada. The order against the comçý Restrictive Trade Practices whicli inwolves tUic Cojinijimo lai equally de- point of iaw over which terznied that no suchl iop- whoic fightit j being wag bhol. exlsts and. wouid also It ls B safe bet that wu like a Suprenie Court rul ever lIem in the Onta igtoconfirn IL Court of Appeals wilhs At tlic moment Sunbeam, leave to aMeai ta the Si Canedian eibsidiary of the remei Court. US. manufacturer cf shav- The device usaiS by Si «ua ad oflur electrical Bp- beam la the resuit of atnendnnant ta, the mes OBITUARY e mainltenaniuceprohj ment added to the law Mg1. f9. G. NIDDERY 19W. The practice kno s "bs eading" or sell Ms.Sarahi Geortina (Av- a produef t aies than ery) Niddcry, mmt 91 years, retaller paid for it in oi whlo died In Mémiorial Hospi- ta attract custormrsta tal on Avril 5thi, was a lead- store has been frowned log resident of Hamnpton and by severai parliament district for mgny years. Skie cominittees over the ye w.s interented i thc weli but they have ne v being of the oommnunity, andS brouglit themseives to was generous in offeing hclp commnend ifs proliibit eniS advicc wben needed. thougli two provinces, Ma 1»uring flchest 10 months of toba -and Britishi Coluni: br llue . h - Wàsa * ientaat~Peu Mwnria Hoibial.'Ifinaliy conipromised by1 SNlddery was bomn i.'tig tiie* manufacturer 1~$ds, Darlington Town- do thxe job for thrm. Id shuip. She was a daugliter-oi manufacturer believes the late George Avery andS product la béing soid bel the late Jane Gillard Stacey oost be is, li effect, aUl- Avery. She niarnied Levi Nid- ed ta eut off supplies dery, wbo died in 1920. spite of Uic prohibit Mr. Nlddery la suiyived by uainst niaintaiing a -m one son, Robert John.-Nlddery, muni seilin~g price. Haed Bownille, and ttree dau- not have ta prove1' gltars, Emmxna (Mr. R. 3. leading". . Widecoenbe), H~ampton, Mar- Sunbeam argues thrcq orie ( r.Almer Timble), its counsel, J. J. Robine BIE 2 Bowmanvilic, axd Miss Q.C., o! Toronto, thaf if Iffary Nlddery, Hampton. law allows this, the * The deccased was a mcm- muet also aflow Uic mai ber of the United Church, of facturer ta, warn thc ret Canada. Skie was a Lufe crs of the minimum pi Member of tlic Hampton btlow whieh Uiey must United Churcli Womcen, a go without ruxining their tomber of tbc W.M.S., and of being refused thep thec Wornex's Institute. duct. It sent aIl retailen Skie reated at thc Morris price 1sf for shavers, fl Funerai Ohapel, and Uic great coxiditioxiers and othcir uubcr o! beautiful flwr pliaixces whidi it descril lut«aentwas n Ha ptn ro ig fthe comç ANOUNCEMENT Mt. Jcck Brough ORONO Wlshesta, anouace bis retfrement and sale of bis - CUSTOM FINCINO BUSINESS Mr. Wliam A. Hoo.y g of MW ylst, ilut New Addww. - lmAR ST, OSONO Lions Auditorium PacIled for Kinette Fashion Showe sdaiSatsaEwauflayIs News NearIy-200 PeeleNodd isj, Editor Froi Ontarlo EXPO Pavion J Wanted: Ncarly 200 pers- gloves anUdimatcxl dhé àiZ-Mrs. Wni. Cobbladick Is.ana bic people fa staff thic On- dhandia omlt reca -tyn tf é altr aria Pavillon et Montreai costume. A long double breast- tà on Mns. Lamne empson at during Canada's Centennial ed coat ln the same sage fib lgI*ckstôck. year. le worn Ini wet weatiiur. r-al Mm Aldine Haniuin, Mns. Ontario E'onomlcs aniS De- Pavilon gdesta nfnM and ThouxuâsFindliy of Stouffvilie vbpaetMinuter Stanley J. thon staff :hlb ad e"Up ao gow-W té Mr..and Mrs. Jlm =Radlltoday announced that the 28 hostesses aniS 16 hosto, Mnt. M2d efe en Sunday. hlm departaxent wll begin re- betwecn Uic ages of 21 andS 26, [yoxi Mr. SiS Hughes lasa patient cnulthng the staff for onfarils bilingual or multi-lingai. fl»» lna i Sunnybrook Hospital (Room M8000,000 pavillon in the fail. talgent and personab'le a*u haa425 ini4B Wést); Toronto, Thefo-fgl t heicstaff worfcet ntol r t. wheme hl *te undergo banc wl e hiôsesses choben from regional representatlon bu tient surgemy.appilcants from al parts o!aise iifféring racial man h Orono United Churcli Wo- flopofc. h tse backgrounds. 1i 30w- menxi ld euS vén Unit meetings w erancosTue hseiauy Pavillon personnel wlU 1"6 with on Tuesday as 'follos created by well known Toron- ceive grooming courses aM Unita, 1, 4, 5 and 6 was a ta desige* Sily ain etnsive instruction on *.» Vôooi- joint meeting in the Main Hall Mn aialfdy unveiled Province of! Ontaro, Expo 'Mf aniS at 8 p.m. Mns. Fairbrother was flic costume for ncwsmexi andS Uic Ontario ]Pavillon. ~~ miiy, flic guest speaker aniS showed fashan wnlters aniS Expo '67 It la expected thiat et andS pictumes andS in the affemnoon: officiais. Tht ensemble con- accommodation - or a livii lay. Unit 2 was hlu in the Up- ss8ts of a strikiiig two-pîece albowanCe wil ha provdea. rCul- per C.B. Auditorium, sage coiored suite wltl a whlfe MoiiUily salaries will be ln the SDr. Unit 3 was at Uic home ci overblouse. A white liat i $350-$400- range. no - Mmm. A. A. Drummond and the new helmet design, white Adiitional staff will be me- hawa Unit 7 was at flic home of cruited ta iman Uic restaurants, BuL-A C K S.TBOoCnK ing two weelS with hermo- uainfain flicpavillon aniS pro- fram Please telephone Orono 127 1 LC4 TC hr r.LreTopo.vd te sete evcs [ome, me your renéwais or new sub- Mmm. Cobbicdlck, Oronc, as hawa criptons t thispaper alooThe April Gèncral meeting thec Con£erence on Chiristian visiflng Mns. T Ione nwite hs ppeaiaO f flicU.C.W. wa e li n lithe Vocation at eueen's Univer- present. Topaia flW tm.C. È~. Centre, Tuesday even- slty, Kingst on, over thie Shower 4 H B fC u mng. President Mm.. Kyte wcekend. Alsg rw abee nn d e~ oçèic wthanapronite Mms. Jean ICyte was hostes. Uic Recrestion Centre Satur-Hod e tn _ Iho*duglif and eueSe wei- for thec O.N.O. Club on Thuns. daey, evendig in lionor of ag came toalal, epeclly tht dlay ni g ht. Twenty-sevei newly married, couple, Mr. 1The second meeting of tihe visiliors. Mmm. Rameril of the membera aaid one visitas nS r.RbetSrng(hret.a -1 e!Clblo Min Uit1. mi nipeslv tndS.Nomma Van Campnu Y De Joug) . Mr. Dalton place et the farm' et.Jàseph ?p e rsil periS cmit Faibli. An andS Zicanor Wei'ry have put n,.D U wu MC. for'Uic fol-. Drew nea- Hmptmi At 1h18 ~p rslnerstng panel ditcussion a Ilinlem overing o n the ]awing prograni: Couni!ty meeting Uic answcma te the on The Princip au. cf Union large table in Uic Rereatîon sunging; a readhng by Miss flrst Îomrksheet wcrc dicu- ýted contendixig that thila was* was lield. Mrs. Charles Smith Centre. joan Paiskley oAle a ap,"et tsd ferta lcmub et- not the offending action. l 'Ale a ap BtYe e.Ate htteiefbr of St. John's Obiurcli was look atfter the CP. labels. the Bail Gaine"; Lemmie ad pltht w groupe. ~ha re- Thus flic ~ ~ : '.. moderacr, mdpanai mm- Club were asked to ester t atlir orell played aoe ite eegvn~lu St. whole case coilapses. hI tht bers wcre Mm .Fred Hamùl- a wccldixg on juiy 3M, IS ans o Se;Ms arw otr on gen ei . mulot andS judge la upild by the ton, siso of St. Jobn'a; Daltoni to a Grade 8 graduaion' dii- MaKee read "Tht Wedding o! ant agriculture reresenative ices higixar courts if beoixies Drdel, UnitedS; Rev.R.Mans- ner on June 2lsf; both wère Bob andS Shirley"; Messrs. Mr. Matthews, an te ota r av acuers possiibe evng mini- field aof Port Perry Anglican, accepteS. Cards a!f hanks Glenn Larmer and Rliard wcre siven pointa on judzing et uatnresaler ice.iey ..ini-* and R1ev. P. Rounueril, United. from Josie Hamiliton, Eileen Hlden, aucoxipanied by Mrs, bec! cattie by the club leadr rias mnresaolue price stheyMany questions were aslced MeLauglian sd Ruby Van Laimer, sang two humorous Mm.yBee..Gray ha ne olyisu pie issanS Siscusse andS ail appear- Camxip were read. Piease brung duets, "Do Da Day" andS Mrwas v. adnSscne ions as the minnium at which ed ta enjoy if. Tht leader Of a fea to'wcl ta flic next meet- "cBbby WetaCutn tefas mtte ! haanshaud Ap- tliey consider a profit can thc Mina Unit which hadiS ng wihis lata le at Marie Miss Elaune IMoutjoy reha witnt m.Dc ie ap- liemad anS Ureaenfa ureare Ui prgiuanhaig MiSds hmeMay l2th. Rail "Bachelors Advise"; Marilyn whiali thc meeting ,Ams adu. anS stop supplying Uic retailer il, Mm.. Raniemil exrese c oel was weli ainswered witki f andS Marie Van Camp jounned. ap- wiho sella below flue profit. thea thaxiks fa the panal. Skie a ousecleaning Uip. G a ches a lyued a piano solo; Mis. re- If tihis is the final ver- alse, broughf momea iighliglits 01 bingo were cxijoyed for PdletBaoc ed"p tory diet the lauw will have to be faiUcarna etigO n la!hu. 10 -l; Mine ail aS Boinu usny changeS by Parliaixient or the Board of Wcumen iu Tor--iaile-you-wn snwihs Mims landtw ondues key prohibition o! resale price o. nta, whidi shc was able to and S cfie was provided by "Loer Cone Back ta Me" vjc Ut thxe maintenance dropped. attend for onc dey last week. Uic bosetsand gr<ouju. aS"t.U aae .vdhi vhd. Caia Ml apue Fohlowinug a brie! business Mm. Je& PUrdy, Mim. Jim At fis point fixa MC. ln-LaMUdies' it u Uiir io- Caitl uSpenensul e , pserliSoUcfher Urint iiSlagdl ier,115, Andy and vited the bride axiS grmcn ta 9XiO WiUiSpener, urisnger ***a lae o!homebaikne ~ Julie, Torounto, vliied Mr. seats on flic platfonux, whilc e**nb eck Seven Days et ai causing plants. Lunch was se 1d y endS Mmm. Stanford Van Camp, Mmi. Larwrence Malcoan, ho 311P- wceks of delay membera aof *the Candace Unit ani soBlcial Tuescday. hi copnc e A prugM e ti- eun sle rn a ii lim- s ladies end or ens ated- Mm. axid Mrs. RosCurtis, fers aniS playedfor UicecSmn- The B 0Wmiian v l C Bor an-o h aésum.o Thin g lor nsting.i i ~ atn-Orillia, Miss Bcfh Strouug and miun!tY einging, played the Scouts Ladies AuxillaTy babd san o!ment sumarlnie' h o enn- ng. Mr-. Gera-Id Ferguson, Ton- =smgmardi. Daltaon ex- thexi- April meeting on Mon- sale men sef a- l flt ainonc-Tht Town anS Country Club ontoa, werc Saturday niglit PrsS conigratulationis' aniS day, April ltfl, at thic home ibi- ing allich legisiatioxi that spoxsortd s trip ta Cobourg gucat, o! Mm. aniS Mas. Gor- gicod wlahes, weloomed fthe o!f1Mr. mandDM. Orville Os- rlia- it intends ta fbrow ftflic aniS a four of tht Court House don Stmong. bride ta this locaiity, axid on borne. iin MP's flua session. Tht 11sf, and Golden Plow Lodge, Sun- o a~ f Uic friends anS Our ~hast venY klndiy dis- own se fan, conitaixis 50 items dyaMr.ron.T nyficand Mme. Brie Barrm and nb o snedUcua-paeSUcpriutac ling thougki less than:liali a! persans enjoyed tUic ater- Beverley, Bramxpton, were s ii n t~ ab cl flic thase have been axinounced ra Saturday niglit guesta of Mr. <»coup lewth a swlvel arznmSt trsig bY - cl rder ta date. The government MS. SauardVn< en d Mrs. Oscar Graham.I chair, a set of ooa en md end lectixig andiSlnishln drl!t'e kils will have ta choose btween Velvý Ma a naaiie any, ap Mes Doreen Van Cap tables, andS sne nilaclian- wood. The ladiet fouind this on panung Sown ifs 1sf or pr-V ercy ie, a rghToronta, was homne for flhe 1S gen.dathBo a i 1r- very intrigulng as 'w*ll um the ýtary ing down Uic suinuuer ixol-Pey Van we ~~ eckwni. Sunday Dorcen was bey etpe=,dterapeii ayohrhbisc!bt ears day. Last Wednesday ladies turned out in large num- Lean andS Ray BraSburn et guet speaker af the Airmiver- flan. Mr. aniS Miw. Oâborne.' ver* ** bers to see the latest ini fashions and hair-styling at Mde I s ~ ~ 5iy Service ini Newcastle 5udfgt ui upIS Arpr u ie y u re-~~~mrodr Caaa1 ahv e e ~Stice os or-Ski. and en parents Mr. md by Mis. Annie Tooaubs, Part aewlng convtnoe siiowng the re- C4ndais o avea ew heannual Kinettes Fashion Show at the Lions Com- cd by Shirley Woenen'a Inti Mr$. Stadadamexp Perny, andS Mr. John Archer, uccd -for 12 ncw scarves b 811- alinu oerfiautotnsmunity Centre. The models are shown in the top fute, Thursdaiy and 'Frida- were Slnner gucats a! Mr. eud witl Bian Haumiltoncallng varlous troops. iai, aniS personnelofixheBc>ard photo, from lef t to righf, Anni Harris and dagnghter mn »ErsJu~ SanM. JamesBr. -4JI- frnha Ie ou-oy -Plnsxt ma& to s qM- L*o 1en rr'-umssxn-Delibie, Diane McMullen and her brother Danny who Nancy fondel, E Gbe Mhnfr.nd oni. fromhu riafl iKiWiprtenoo!M.H.Teuo, géft- ers, flie, Air Transport appeared a couple of turnes but didn't fancy the model- Thomnuo ansd Linda Gray on Sunday. end dancing resumed unfil son Ave., oci M&obday fa oadth Mriim CIx. ing business, Eleanor Murdoch and Bonnie Wood- and Bonald Martiyn attendeS is Wlbn A- 2>7flddUWt E!a mission andi- cvexiuaiiy. erer W.andooEup'an ertn ai bs sparslblity for interrv- ward, Shariene Cain and sister Sandra, Lillian Hooper doecnhunrdai e accoVinue aMr.o! an- low cial truckinug. Thia plan for and daughter Cathy, Dawn Cot and Geoffrey Masters, eevd piVay malo in cetArerenonfSun- 1ow- uintegrating ail forma a! Debbie MeMullen and Joanne Colbacutf, Ulva Lath- vaccinations aniS 199 were ne- day -and visiteS Uic fornxar's C R ATiI N G PE It lu transportation *as not e- angue and Bobbi-Ann Fairey. Lower photo shows vaccinateS. TItre were 552 sisner, m nSFrn flaOn comniended by Mr andc Mac-an rinii- Plierson Royal CotheniLaio Bob Buzminski, Proprietor of the House of Flairei9n!ordung doses o! triaS Cook. dota but lay Mr. Justie ugo Oshawa, wavung an auxiliary hairpiece, callcd a gae. WrlgMrs. Russel MbI*ughifn bu rpmtxi >x f uruaon "siche T 85 fmilesand Mm .Wm. Mahia e t-.'n L n& o e '13 eotn ntasotiin psih"while model Dorian waits for ifta be ini- tndiSf1J onegTs atn problenus neariy 15 yeanu stalled as an integrated part of hem coiffeur. vsited flua monfli and o!flice fielS Wednesday attenicn. iug auo. * * * ,620 home visita miade, 64 Mr. Gardon Paisley WB*anc R t Thc long dclaiyed railway M ERere ta give nursing care. .aofsanie tiitY H*,h Si boaý RADY PASTED WALLPAPER la ebainl gtigafr A P E GO oorperception test ung Principale who wenre guceto! law begsiaionla cffng fo~ Amu ai as Colou insane of thethUicCanadiah . Anned Farces anu- thex, hoisf unitil Septcnuuer Inisfitute meeting Monday Mm. andS Mis. A. Sf. Pierre, schools alang with the Sxicilcn at their base li Cox B.C.,ý nice o mentla ious he gc e veing, May 9, at 8 p.m. in Miss Vera St. Pierre werc vision tests. There wcrc 370 Thmsday ta Sundiay a wcek nof the possililify tUit might flic C. E. Hall. Motta, "Tht Sunday visitars with Mrs. boys given Ishi Hara cobour ago. risk h oae uta h ii only aid persan is anc wkio Stella Beedli and Mr. Chas. tests and 21 of these wcre Mr. axid mý. Peter Vaider-A be ebtedjut e te tmenoa longer Sesires to beamn"'; iane, Bowmaniville. founS to have sonie percep- huel, Orillia, spenf fthc week pro- thuat flic railways' wage dis- topic.,"Histnrvy o! an English Mr- anid Mms. Mike Jo--,nso ln loss. This will not inter- end with' the Cccil ihibsns, as Uie weu-known motion picture spoon. Tht matixers' local M. andS Mme. Ron Rogrs in 1966.a9 ies "The Sound o! Music". If was association presenfed hem with and daugîters and Mrs. Allan Envlroumental Banitation M ot h er s D oay G îf its . . rder thoroughly enjoyed. a Guide ring and a corsage Snowden weme Sunduay vis!- iue fa ae enpa nii3 The annuai Open House an o! wqite carnations. Sevemal tara with fhe latter'e 5ugh- hardetas u are efor haln-t a a ' lits May 4th at Uic Higix School aoflice Guides acteS as lias- fer, Mmm. Lcn Gadrknunphy, hcaeSon! eif folyr e-uman1 -t for ye rs~ wibl give fa Uie parents an ink- tess, semvi.4 tea, coffte andS and hcr husianu andS daugli- isetd a.émi ta lig es ta wliat Uic student s cookies ta t he rnany mothers ters, Oshawa. Sunday aiter- hf lcrdIsafxd n o5 VreisO anc bcarnng. Besides flic cisas- Pre'Sent.. A vcry enjoyable noon Mrs. Allen Snowden, reCpacaif la affieS niSvrl Cndfônen rc roonu isays, Uic Drama Club eveiing came to a close by Mrs. Len GaaUT- pacheed1!or ha. eed.nseel 57VanletiéS o aada CeueRal r will do flic performance "Be- fthc. girls singing several phy andS dauglifers viited the eflischSo renpiot ed.Nie VRRESAM YCA hiniS Uic CloseS Door." To Guide sangs-f rom their Guide former'a parents, Mn. aniS maSe. rln54taiswreMVaktîes of BeauiW ulCrnma<m top off Uic everzing thc Home book. iMna. E. H. Wilkis, Port Hope. By-laws néspecting barbermOE Flowelng Tree Economidca studexifs will mod- hop andSlirdreang cstab- r te r -5.1. ued 9Md ci their awn créations In Uic No lsixuent sanitatién may l>e ~~o ulp beautiful pringthme seffing ta N rthumberhland & Durham asc ymncplteudr32 iite o rape$6 9 présent aunait spectacubar wpatdbiy o tMuncipalsAdctHA ETRE fai. Hn showUnit Damne à .S.0. 1960 C. 249. h t- HDE RE Flcwing U' c SistniUuitoneprt .two inspections weme made ta .anged a "Cance sriay"wiochdétermine Uic degrée. cf sni- * ~ yic pn sO ar S .o ~ ora rt a carerday ic a ch a- Report for March, 1966 Médical Officer o! Héasth tâY practices anS Uic neS took place on Wednesday, Communicable Dise itressed thaf aIl animais mt- for sueli a by-law. Apii 7U. Icspakrsgae >u10 cse iigabnormxally should lie con-BmMftulIRsdection bAneiçi nfotTh pkrmatonOf107t asesic uied d ered as posailiy rabiS aniS Of 895 animals inspecteS by ienérestedinomton t a f thei ing tht moxiti, 75 were thaf flierefome luman contact thc Veterhnrinan, aiglit wcre IIB services, dictitian, sccretary, ii nSUc aactemi UrUOi ions. LZ -DNJAN3' laboratory teclinoiogist aâ ii n h alneGr A toru otly o i 1 eca enns tate oB iure. etsles, eS meagies and scan-Atfu otl hscln eraRmkeB& -DO IN laidnetah iu let fever. icm, 71 persana recelveiS a Dr. Honner andfiance mcm-GLDAO et Courtice thua ycar will ha Seven rabiS animal., Uiraac heut xrny. TIert were 376 bers cf Uic staff attcndéd, Uic the Grade 12 Commercial doge In Clarke Township, two cases On txe reglater atthUicAnca Conférence District Ne. $3.00MNM M Sauce fctoarinig George Ken- fores in Hamilton Townshlp beiginnlng o! Uic mmtonf ne 2. at East York-Leauhde Realth n#dy, C K E-y dhac.jacke?.and twe bovine in Cartwright c m aved out during thc Unit on Mardi 30 and 81sf. Droit will lie "As yon ike if'. Township were reported by'Mcmf h leaving 375 cases on Uic The Depty 1<inWAr of Msll bard ta put forth a special eue for preveaive treatunent ni@ith. Dr. K. C. Charron, addrséd VN . SLI GARSN prouq4mfor tfis ais nce. Lef'. a ie o un pnos îmusfui D f.lnhw utai.Juila à Minsite Drive Eetwom Oslmwa s show aOur appreclathoil by Fourteeii investigations o! hu- At 30 officeaniS school clin. Ciaz'lotte . , omnea,« 3-5 gcwng o rtinman contacts wlth possibl ,14cudnnmmltdflc B4 , DD.P.H, à MM jxo >WbI gansa l iedi initial' sertes of QuaiS vaccine -Médisai Oficer o! mmJîb1..,snag.A rsentpr?. rel" tbe a aiS 0 neceved a relafochssnaM d th mai »rm*w.,. , :1

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