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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1966, p. 15

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Exchange Vows in Blackstock United Wedd* ings UTIOO -Dg lONG accessories and corsage. of yellow and white carnitions. Blackstock United Chrh They are residing on King Prettily dýcorated with white! St. West. Newcastle.I POtted murns was the setting 3n Saturday, Marci 19, 196 The bride attended Shaw's t0r he mrrig o Shrley Public'School, Newcastle Pub- !Or Dei mrr iage of SiMr. lie Sehool and Clarke High, mnd Mrs. Eelke De Jong,,School. 'Me groom, who is, Mëteton, and Robert Jamneslem>p loyed wîth the Goodyear Stronig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tire & Rubber Conqmny' Jordon Strâtng, Burketon. Bowmanville, attended scho; Re.Philip Romeril officiat-,a edl ed and the wedding music wasý Several parties honored thel * lYed by Mrs. Lorne Thomp- bride prier to her niarriage. son, church choir leader. Mrs. Ken Whitney, Mrs. Bruce *Given ini marriage by her Tiln r.Ane mt d Eather, the bride wore a fi corMI Linda Whitney were length gown cf nylon chiffon'hostesses for a miscel1.aneous aves netting and peau de soie s hower. Judy Alldread, Lu- with train fastened ut baick of cie Clement, Linde Woolner ~ '4' tisewait. Hr buffnhui- and Beverley Alldread ar- dér length veil feil from a ranged a community shower . cirelet Of petals and she car. 1%e bride's famlly and grand.- 1 ried a cascade of red roses mther presented the couple!~ and white munis.1 with a golden lazyboy chair ~ ~ s.<' Miss Christine Stoan of A set of TV snack tables Nesticton wus muid of honor was received by the bride andi............ ." In a formai floor length gowngroomn from the fan beit de-.........." ........... of turquoise - blue peau de partment ut Goodyear; undi~~ noie wsth white elbaw length Kendal Community held a' glove8 and White shoes. She present.ution party for theý carried a bouquet of blue and ha py couple When they were. white carnations. The brides- presented witih a Pair of table! maids, Miss Martha Broersma leumps and a matching tri-' Osawa and Miss Beth Strong,1 light lamp "' ' .,.... Toronto, sister of the groomn, Out-of-town guest.s attend-i ~'K were dreaoed in iden ticalled from Ottawa, Renfrew,1 floor length gowns of pink! Cornwall, Peterborough, Tor- peau de soie with straight onto. orono, Bowmnanville end,- '4 . x. skirts, short sleeves, empire Kendal. waiSta, white elbow length gloves and pink satin shoes. AIl attendants wore rhine-i . Otone tiaras and the brides.,' muids carried bouquets of Pink! Great M other mnd white carnations. ( arce Mr. Ronald Hoskin, Black-C arceit s stok, wu bet on a rdrthe Mr. an Mrs Robert Jmes Stron g are shown in the above photo as they usoher -were fMr.e ric ar,' yRv .Kda sign th~e register following their marri age in Blackstock United Church on and Mr. Edward De Jong, Pentecostal Church Saturday, March 19, 1966. The bride is t he former Miss Shirley Ann De Jong, brother of the bride. . Many folks do nlot realiz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eelke De J0 ng, Nestieton, and the groom is the son Thse reception was held in' the origin of Mother's Da.. of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong, Burke ton.PhtbyA orSui the Christian Education Centre Mot.her's Day was founded byPht yA orSui wrhere the bride's mother re- the granddaughtcr of a Meth-i He oined the. Goodyear organ- ceived in a light blue tXVo- odist minister. Her name wasi eli N w c ste Untdtion ini 1940 nt Akron as a piece suit, white hat and cor-1 Miss Anna Jarvis, and she, dîrector and was namUdigen sage ai pink and white car- h egan this great memorial d.. . er cune and a assistant nations. T assist, the groom's, dey as a tribute teolier awn .4 secretary. For the past two mother chose a three piece: motherMs naRee years he haed been responsible suit of dark blue, pink hât'J rvi, Mrs. Anna the-veo for Goodyear's wor]dwide fin- and corsage ai pink and white. dist minister. MothersMDay is . '.,and legal affairs. carnations. infot -an ancient customn, and it -Aasbsuetm tigi As the couple left for ~a' will corne as a surprise ta tasusqen etigo As te P fortef aniew'hn thy larn hat .~directors J. Clarke .Moon wus hontymoon in Virginia, tiýoî 1e hylen htapitdt uce en bride was wearing a three-'the first Mother's Day service ~ ~appint-pedeta re ped Denn piece, black end white check ased as reccntly as Mayasvcpridntepru- cOrý ws hel tion. Since joining Goodyear suit and a purpie orchid cr 10, 1908, in Andrew's Metho- n14 saprdcinsud sage. dist £piscoapal Ch'urch, Graf- in 1949 ason rproducMoon s srvd Boti tise bride and groom ton, Pennsylvania. on a varîety opton ss. He received their education inj Mrs. Jarvis died in Phila 4 has the distinction of having Cartwright Higis School. As ai delphia on May 9, 1905. The ' been the first manager of two hobby she enicys art. He awyns following year, hier daughter Goodyear-Canada plants, in and operates construction invited sanie fricnds ta join t 1959 at Medicine Hat, Alta., equipment. hier in an ineormai. tribute ta n n16 tVlefed Guests were present froni her mmother. The kindly Que. A few, months agQ he se- Brampton, Toronto, Peter- thoughts exhibited by tis turîïed ta head office to assist bo ugh and surroundinig ter- daughter in the holding of Denny. i. . ~~~~this specîal gathering in lier ' Th bor alo prve jiW and Mrs. Strong are' hame soon spread, and two Teis da e opay'spen- ow residing ut R .R. 1, Burke. years later, it was held in a tesio lnfth o saar enc- ton. ' h1 1- -'.. i Ivcrawhîrhuoru z aaf,. im Since that date when Mo-. ta reflcct the introduction of *ELLIOTT - ALLDREAD ther's Day was first celebrat- the Canada Pension Plan. ced, Mother's Day has become *Bouquets of wthite 'munis'> a great national çW=boi. Mins end pink snapdragons, bathed Jarvis, the founder, becamne light, formed an attractive 9pent her last years in a sani- ln U d r a àetting for the marriage on tariumn in Westchcster, Penn-e Frdyeeig ac 5h yvnaInher aid age, shej,. *F r U ( M e s 1966, at 7 'cloek in Newcastle was penniless, and iunds for Fo s. M e ' United Church of Miss Cath- ber aupport wcre donated by erine Gail Alid.rcad and Mr.I a grou'p of friends. Conference Harland Eliitt. Thse bride is It is truc thot Mother's Day,. t <,.. h ihanulBya the daughter of Mr. and Mss. like Christmas and Easter, Quin te Men CnfeencBaio Llod AldradNcwaste, as become largely comxner-i an hegoo s ie o i ilie, ii o.y the cec-t the United Churcis is already in h ro stesno ilzd iltd being pianned under the chair- Mr. and Mrs. Reginaid Elliott, bration cf Mother's Day withmasîaiJc Wlimsa Kendl.1imany, is ta senid a fcw flow- Frankiord. Rev. E. C. Woodland affi- ers, a box oif candy, or a tele- Mr. and Mrs. Harland Ellhott, shown in the above SThe Conference will be held ttd and the cisurcGs argan- gram. What is the best way photo, were married in Newcastle United Church on gi tEimLdeo e fat, Mr. Williams, played the to, honor You.r mother? T.e . . li odeonSpt. wedding music. Mr. Glen Ai- best way is ta be tise kind ai Friday evening, March 25, 1966, at 7 o'clock. Formerlyl.30th, Oct. Ist and 211d, start- lin of Newcastle was soioist. persan your mother would Miss Catherine Gail Alldread, the bride is the daugh-1ing at 4:00 o'clock Friday and . The bride, given in mar- have you ta be. Thse greatest ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alidread,, Newcastle, and' finishing at 1:30 Sunday alter- rnage by her father, woTe a mnothers of aur nation were the bridegroomn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald1 foofl* iloor length gown ai white church-going mothers. Thev Eîîiott,_Kendal. The thenie speaker will be peau de scie witb long lily- were mothers who loved God1- __ teRv.BueM Dugl poi.nted sîceves. The bodice of and adored the Lord Jess'e RomSdb. r MacDoug-l breiorted Chantilly lace was Christ ond taught Hini to jmimu, ~ ~ m.u~e I iai is anc af thse riginators aof adorned witks miniature-peari their littie ones. Mothers who D o m iionuf StJo.rIe> Ldtise "Lufe Line", a telephone ernbroidery, und the bride knew how ta pray. Mothera-S s service for persans in trouble. wore thse groon's gift, a cul- whose lave and prayers foi- .mh He should prove most interest- tured Pearl necklace. Her lowed their children through EcU ir iiigs andhUSaieç ili and informative. eh6ulder iength veil Mf tulle every hour ai every day. 1m Boyd Steele ai Parkham isi ilusion was caiug*it ta a sin- There is no better woy ta tise Prograin Committee chair- gle, peau de soie rose head- hanor your m'aViser and to *U R cord evel man and together witb his piece anid she carried a cas- make her happy than to, be1 amtei okn adt cade bouq~uet af red roses andithe kind ai persan yaur xno-I Earning$ and sales of Do- year. brmingtatis Coreince a mt white stephanotds. itiser and your God would i minion Stores Ltd. were at Thse year was eminently interesting and spiritually re- Mrs. David Woolncr of have you ta be. 'record levels Thomas G. Mc- successful from ail points aofrsigwknd ~ornnvii, iseraith, tu] gdl mtierha'Cormack, president, states in view altisougis the pressures rsigwend bride w niatron of honori many charactcristics. Pro- a preliminary report covering ai inflation are becoming in The committee is looking adebride smai..s issves3 the fiscal year ended Marcis creasingly evident, Mr. Mc- forward ta a full attendance JyAis dth bread o Owa Mighveta31sheds considerable 19, 1966. Net earnings of, Cormack reports. The cost ai ai 200 men. Juy .IdradaiOsaw, igton this very themne: a $10,655,576 ($1.32 a share) Idoing business is increasing at The balance ai the commit- cousin ai tise bride. They great mat.her is, PURE: "1who were 5.7 per cent above an accelerating rate. Every tee are as ioilows: Promotion oef sr le et-ienthdesss' afonr avîtcuwm?$10,077,827 ($1.25) for year conceivabie effort is being Chairman, L. M. (Pete) Mc- of oyl bueveietWiti orher price is far above ended March 20, 1965. Sales made ta maintain this at a Murtry a Oshawa; Music and bell-ahaped skirts and shorti rubies." (vs. 10) She is DEi$i,5670wre5 em0iui aleeves. Their petal cluster PENDABLE: "Tfe$513,rt,740ahead .3 emIiu.Worsip Chairman, Feuix headrsss wreaThethi heraOi cetnt h ai of$487,735,081 Cash pas ition remainslSkoutajan ai Batawa, Sang beadreses ereof mtchng erbusband dotis safeiy trust'1Dividends totalied $5,805,8,52 strong. Working capital ai Leader, Quirt McXinney ai royal blue with brncf full veil- in ber." (vis. i1) 5h. is DILI-1(72 cents a siare) crjnpared $26,748,595 at Marcis 19 was Peterboroughs; Treasurer, Arn- jile and tiseir'bouquets were GENT: "She seeketh woo,witi $5,153,81 64 et)ls 20734hge.adBc iBîha;R of white and blue-tinted car- and max. and worketh wil-j1(6-cntistrar, R324hihe,.o ossofBrhit io;hRea- îmýow ngly witb ber honds .. h e i _____osshiteofOhawa tier cuins ai e bride,1 riseth aise whiic it is ye __ cotnile unlo ter grl oishoi G odyear Vice Pres. NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY, M c H lr , i. t, id gi ets eu y t h ta wearirig a frock Oi White ny- bonds ta h fi ladhr h olwn aa xrc Ion sheer chiffon. fashiained bonds tise tpindit, (lher a speeThe failowin : nd extr with a short, bouffant skirt. staff an which flax, wool. etiVV ail> ' Dine réires ton, Assistant Provincial Sec an meiiwiehabnd. is otndfor use in spinnîng) D!retary af tise N e eocratic lier flowe"a were red r'oses!.. ieloeswe ttseI in bt sehnti. 1-s er oeh eltotParty of Ontario, te, a mieeting r %Ir. Dennis uannan aifGas-1eateth not the b , dofidE i e Hope on Tbursday, Apnil 2s: iws as weetmnad the bnie' bo- ., (vss..13, 15, 19, 27) A Louis A. Lapainte and'companies including, T he "Tise cycle of change in Îàsérswer te bides bo.godiy motiser is WISE: "she 'Bruce M. Robertson were Toron to-Dominian Bank, Atlas Ipolitical thiiikiiig is slow. ther, Mr. Mark Alldread,, apenetis ber maoutih with wis- elected directars ai Tise Good- Steels Company Limited, Roy- 1 This bas certa.inly been truc Newcastle, and tise groorn'sidem."1 (vs. 26) 5h. is KIND: year Tire & Rubber Company ai Trust Company and Rioinponca politics in Can-' broher Mr Nel Eliat a i"In her tangue j% thse law ai ai Canada, Limited, nt tiselAlgoma Mines Limited. Rab-.d iieCnfdrto.Bt Orn.kindness"1 (va. 26). annuai meeting ai shareisold- ,ertsan is an executive vice. eventually, the ice juin moves: Thse reception was held at' hr thé Nort h ay Restauranst' oe Me bidren ters, Apnil 21. psdent ai Goodyear in thse out. .wiséreItise biemte e! up and coul her blessed . . 1 In making the annatince- îOnited States. I believe that, alter a quar-i -we he braide& ai w'isite her usband aise, and he ment, President and Chief' As a resuit ai tisese ap- ter centuiry of Tory suie, tmel lace over yellow brocade with ipastshr (s 8. Eeuiv fie eadE.1pointments, uive oi tise ine la running eut on Ontario brown accessories and corsage -SecrsidtetanenAiirectors on tise bourd tci' Conservatism. 1 believe that$ «, wite an yelowmrn-ý eieected ta fli vacancies IGoodyear-Canada are native Ontario people are ready o o. hle -an yelo caa- Salarled employeecaut GMI created by thse retirement ai Canadians. ja politicea change ce serizus tions. Thse grom's mather cf Canada may save up te 10 A. Wallace Denny, who us aise t- graduate ai Purdue Uni-' proortions. I thfik tisat they, .a"isted te recive and cisoje per cent af their salaries ini retiring iromis is Position of iversity, Denny joined Good. are tired ai thse blandnesofi' ~the ocauion an off-whitetthe GM savîngs-stock pr'ogram. vice president. tire produc- Year in 1930 and served i the Robarts government. Ji witii. ilver overl&y, hiuei The. company contributes Si tion. and Howard L. Hyde, different locations in theic nt. think that tisey are worried, ernie s m osg ifr c di $ a e y te c -former vice ciairmnan ai The d States until 1938 wien ha tlwt the gvernsient oft tie t -O ;._ - ns.PlOYee. Hall of tise salar1edý Goodyear Tire & Rubber came te, Canada as an assistant police State bill, a govern-ý lefose ltvisg on theirlemipicyees' savingt is investedCo'.npany, Akron, Ohio. superintendent. He was made ment wisich is tee Prou.d toi *oddiU trip to Eaptemn; in Canada Savinga Bonds and; Lapointe. oresident oi tise a vice-president i 1946 ènd sec the. two thounand larea t&-j1~ th Ide donnt-d her, hait in GM rOimmen stock.1 M irao n Company Luie,' ieco n15.wh ald o i eni u Tm ffalmapmble et a two-jThle comparsys contribution isiMa1ntzef), is a direçtor of ~jHd isbftn a. direct=, al, mentis, ha.Sbean i office t00 ~j~1o~f wt~blk tveta etlel ai~M ~ nwibr l.otlp aza4a ~ -cnad sic 100 lng hIe Canadim S8ttaan, Eowm=vne, May 4, 1966 10--1 VA. % I I MR5. C. PURDY 53 Centre St. Wins $5000 issoo MR. E. ANDERSON WMRs. S.10.EE0 13 Third St. R.SVEB K [11111, il i, Iý l.]' 11 ihmank et hbç oleDa. * aic Pms hm &.k"do a ig " P.- wfth the *xcitine cash bont(s Ym MM oe t DSonubbooard et 41 '.0. or fl âi in 111L ..4l o. 10. 100- *1.0.M.M:1 a swutwy.MWy lhi Yo<iveShal om lia le us, a blo euh pu. $amd beàlm otas b*... m.i* - aset ffiusaI) MRS. MORRISON 33 fiorsey St. This Week's Meut- Features SHORT CUT - SEMI BONELESS PRIME RIB ROASIS Ideal For Braising - Short Dominion's Own Famous RIBS of BEEF 49' (ORN BEEF Niagara Brand Rindis BREAKFAST BACON 1-lb. rkg. 791 lb 49c lb Tasty Skinless Wkg: 55 TENDER - LEAN WHOLE OR HALF LEG ROASTS 0F PORK 69!1b Country Girl Domino ONLY AT DOMINION APPLE PIES 'GINGER ALE 24.z..$3000o.0z99 3 size 8 Botties99 MONEY SAVU-N IDeep Brnwned 48-oc: Tin Libby's Pork & Bea ns 2 for 89 cJ ChamDion DOG FOOdi7~ #Pa 6 Varietlea 2o, Tr Reins S-oz. Jars Junir B BY OODS2fo37c BICK 'S RELISHES 3for89c.* Reins 434-oz. Jars MANZoAS NILLAi-ou li Strasined Baby Foods 8Sfor.$1 MA ZANILA OIVES.5 3c 9 Varleties - Duncan Hines 19-oz. Pkg.'20& o.. CAKE MIXES 47c LEMON PIE FILLING 3c Mir Tri Pack 60-o:. Containers Blrdseye Awake Frozen 6o.Tî LIQUID DETERGENT 89c ORANGE DRINK 4for85c' MOTHER'S DAY BUYS &m Assorted Colours §EIr ALO1 LAWN CHAIRS Gmt oiur 'la rc iktlSOS.OREcagVohesPFRI--- BROADWAY MUSICAL FOR CHILDREN ea. $19 Teflon Coated po c m Wear Ever DuPontROA BAKEWARE AEXROAn c l AL<XETDRA UR % PRICE TICKETS OR EXCHhNOE Large Selection THEATRE VOUCHERS AT DOMINION AUD1 SAVEI TUE. A a Sea a glittering gallery of 102 Iavish lifs. $1.69N.oM$AY982*0eWatch the zany antics cf dancing clowns GOOD VARIETY 0F 4:30-6:00 P.M. adtheir trained elophantl PO TE PAN S700-:30 P.M. . Mk up atheutre party foryoung'unst POTTD PANT (Aunts, Uncles & Grandparants con camne toot) [oyes whch wer a Iiitd1 ~G SPECIALS Choc Ful 01Nu1 Instant orJa A'I'DAPTVa'--- %MWvr FRESH PRODU New Crop Mexican 4-lb. Bag Valencia Oranges 49C CE SPECIALS New Crop - South African Sweet Eating Barlinka GRAPES lb. 39c,: Ontario Grown Fancy C.A. 3-lb. Bag- Mclntosh APPLES 49c s 2bse2c Florida No. 1 Grade Large Bunch CELERY STALKS 23C FIRM GOLDEN YELLOW BANANA U;rn J 1,1I k'II I fJi il eZ% Ail merchandis. as guarant..d t. gave 10% matamtn Values Effective Until Closing, Saturday, May 7, 196 in Bowmanvilll. WE RESERVE TUE EIIGRT TO LIMIT QUANTITIEs OpenThurs. and Fri. Nights 'tiI 9 p.m. KING ST. AND SIMPSN AVIEUW(Hlohwaov 1 '12. .i tins$5000 Wins $50.00 SNOP WMli CONFUDENCEU bI~om book, fum w ir Pmcau - -otmimcu IL6,e:, m « filim r, 1 Dl( ýmAxnnqllivrljur rKlubly 1 1 1 1 , O#j 1

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