,800 Baton Twi*rlers from Many Points in Ontario C,-,mpete for Championship A ç~mtely 800 baton IMarie. Owen Sound. Ottawa the province of Ontario took tW~IiIWfoniSault Ste.I and other pointa througbout part in the Ontario Cham- pionip coimetition whlèh wsheld in Peterboeough on April leth. Members of the REM I D'ERIronie Harvey Baton Twirling judges presented the followiag WE HAVE list of results fon Oshawa and Bowm.anville girls:' Corps - Novice, Junior, Tartan Juniors, Capt. Janice M O V EDMonning, 3rd; Advanced, Jun- WE ARE NOW OPERATING yeaxu, Kathy Blake 2nd; 11-14 FROM OUR NEW LOCATION Brena Henning 3rd;, 15-20 years, Joan Major 2nd; Ad- vanced, 11-14 years, Dianno Y urkowski 5tb; 15-20 years, 24 DIVISION ST. NORTHIl Dibary Swis - Novice, 7-10 years. Laurie Yuill lst, Wendy Allin 3rd; 15-20 years, Joan Major 2nd: Advanced, FOR APPOINTMENT 11-14 years, Patsy Blake 5th. Solo - Novice, 10 years, Kim Ma-sters 2nd, Penny AI- PHO E 6 3-5 03 mod 5th, 13-14 years, Deb- diate, 9-10 yeams, Irene Riet-i millier 2nd; 11-12 vears, Mari- lyn Elsey 4t'h; 13-14 years, Bell-a Merle Pariqh 3rd: Ad- SC HAIR TLN venced,- 9 yea.ns, Linda Ferril 4th; 14 yea-rs, Cheryl McCune STUDIO 5tsh, 16 years, Dianne Shawli Che-mpionshi.p - Senior Mis 24 DIVISION ST. N. O MN LL 'Otro152VesDan JUST NORTH 0F EATON'S OFFICE I SUNDAYP MAY Sth BLOOMING POTTED PLANTS Hiyd rangea IN ANY COLOUR CARNATIONS GARDEN lAS 41 BOWMANVILLE OBITUARY MRS. HAROLD SWAIN Frances Josephine Swaia,' age -54, e well known and highiy respected resident of Cartwright, pessed awey quiteý suddenly la Oshawa Geaerat Hospital, April 16, 1966. A daugliter of Mrs. Luther Mountjoy and the late Mr. ýMouatjoy. Frances was bora neer Blackstock, receivod ber education at B)ackstock Pub- lic and High Scbools. Wben united in marniage with Harold Swain, Febnuary 14, 1936, she just moved a mile and together they oper- ated his farm where they silîl resided.1 In eamier yeers she was active in Young People's work. Taught a girls' class in Sun- day Schooi, a good wonker in the W.A., Secretary of the Womea's Institute, and a kind, loving helpmete and mother, also e fiend of ail wbo knew her. The lest few years due ta health conditions she had la drop rneny ectivities in cburch and community. Surviving are ber busband Harold, two sons, Jack of Oshawa and Jim and daugbter Helen et home-, ber inothen, Mrs. L. Mountjoy, Oshawa; brother Lawrence Mountjoy, Warkworth and sister (Grace) Mrs. Wm. Hallett, Oshawa. The funenai service was held Apnil 19 et the McDermott- Panabaker Chapel, Port Perry, and was conductod by ber paston, Rev. Philip Romeril, assisted by brother-in-lew Rev. Milton Saderson of Toronto. Interment wes la Union Cemetery, Cadmus. Pelibeerers were aIl ne- phews: Douglas and Robert Mountjoy, Vennon MeGilI, Dr. Marry Sanderson, Bill Marlow, Don Swain. Among the many -floral tribu tes which spoke of the esteem la which deceased was held were tokeas from General IMatons of Canada, Ltd., Gen- e ral Motors. Purchasing and 'Payroll Departments. Mother's Day US THIS SUNDAY 1 A GIF' THAT WJLL LAST THROUGH THE YEARS . .. IS A GIFT 0F FINE JEWELLERY! -5tfl JEWELLERY TO WIN ANY MOTHER'S HEART Lovely Pins with Matching Earrings; Cultured Pearl Necklaces Se@ our selection of Beentiful Leether HANDBAGS' A gift Mother Winl love! Mother will cherish a beautiful ALASKAN BLACK DIAMOND RING sfefil - 12.95 Mother's Day w w CUP and The Lasting it SAUCER A FINE Fine Bone China WATC..e . 'Y' Our staff wmlb ~~ ~glad to help you Fo in your selectoni1- I JEWELE& GIFT SHOP HOPER'S iz n KgtI Hyad: lut Vice Pre«. TA K VLL Fifty-Sixth Annivers-aCcU nWilsonL; 2nd Vice Pres. S A K IL Fifty-Sixth A niversary Bedycoat Mn. Do tmr-Treesure, Mrs. Richard Mns. L. Todd spentpa few Mrs. M..-A. Beaoeck; District Newtonville. Dkiectr, Mrs. M. Emerson; Miss Norma Hallowell. of Alternete District. Dfrector, Toronto was al weekend guest Mre.,y Hudson; Brandi Dmr- et Mr. Brian Caswell's. ectoe Mrs. Allen Beacock, Mrs. Jim Stark was in Miss Ruth Proutt, Mrs. Harr-y Toronto recently and visited lL'augilm; P i a n 19 t, MM. Mr. Elwood Moore. Lawrence Malcolm. Mrs. 1. Plum, Toronto, spent Standing (Žomitteie Con- the weekend et Mr. Arthur venors: Agriculture and -Cen- McKay's. adien Industres, Mrs. M. A.Mran s.Om Fls ,Beacock; Citizensh-ip and Edu- M.adMs reFu cation, Mr%. Den De Jong; attended the Masonic banquet Home Eioononio and Health, in Orono, Saturday evening. Mrs. Will Ashton; Hitria Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid, Resarv ad ~rret vensOrono, were Sunday evening RerchRan dir R Eesu-visitors et Mr. Llew Hallo- èûýa Raph SaderReslu-well's. bions, Mrs. Geo. Heaslip; Pub- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly. lic Relations, Mirs. Bruce and Mrs. Whitmee, Bjowman- Heaslip; Curator, Ms rn ville, were recent guests withi * 'Z "An installation service of, Mrs. L. Todd. the ffierswasconuctd ~ Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallo-, the ffierswas ondcte bywell were recent dinner guests Mrs. M. Emnerson. . with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice A report of the District HloeladfmlMrih Exectiv metinghel etRev. R. C. White was in .~ $k ~'x Mrs. 1. Munday's home was charge of the service et Shiloh, given by Mrs. Emerson, which Sunday afternonn, with a nice included the planning for. the attendance. Mrs. Lawrence District Annual, May lOth, et Farrow was organist and next Kendel. Nestieton Branch is Sunday will be the special to conduct the mernorial ser- Mother's Day service with a vice for deceased memnbers, baptismal service as well. and it was decided Mrs. M.i Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell Emerson prepeîre this. There attended the card party in Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, Port Hope, are is to be a sale of rtcls tinterest of the Cubs et seen celebrating their 56th Wedding Anniversar , onthe District Annual to defrey, Brown's, Saturday evening. 1966 Thi cople was aisd intheexpenses, each Branch toi _____ __ April 20, 16.Ti ope'a asdi h Morrish donate ta the value of $4.00.1 vicinity and later moved to Cowanville and 1New-on- Mrs. Êtmerson moved a vote, ~ "H N ville. Upon their retirement in 1958 they moved to Port of. thanks to th~e officers now JJJ-IJ-AN Hope and have resided there since. To celebrate the retiring and also to thos n stalled in office. President!*Caec elsfl ths anniversary the family, consisting of Beverley-' dMrs. A. Hyland requmed thei ar eeneas ednet his' Cecil of Bowmanville, Mary and Fred of Newton-ý chair a nd it was suggested thle: fracturin'g his knee cap, and ville, held an anniversary party at the Village Motel Sun'shine Comniittee to be l îsniow a patient in Civic 110,; in Welcome. As we]l as the four children, Mr. and~ Mrs. Geo. Bowers, Mrs. Gen. pital, Peterboreui2h. Mis many[ John-s, and Mri. Will Ashtonlf'riends are wishing him a Mrs. Henderson have seven grandchildren. Also at' ta be asked. ! peedy recovery. the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Truemnan Henderson Mrs. Geo. Heaslip and Mrs.' M-r. and Mrs. James Fraser and Mr. and Mrs. Morton Henderson and families. Harry MeLiaughlin were &gain: have returned home from fivel After the delicious 'cbnner the group retired ta the! elected as auditors. months' holidays in Scotland.11 homeof Fed endesonfor famly eunin.Tt was decidtr' not ta ex-I Donald Scott, Newburgh,I homeof redHendrso fo a amil reitin. hihit at Orono Fair. spent the weekend with his! The May meeting waa plan- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Addi-; ned for May 5Vh et the home son Scott. - aif M-t'. Richard Davisoti with Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Monk,f j'... .4 the usuel sale of -plants and Peterborough, were weckend- R epo s ~ om ulhs. A deliclous lunch was guests w-lU, Mr. endi Mrs.! Repo ts f o m srved by Mrs. Geo. Johns- Thomas Jenniags. and Mrs. David Johns and e Mrs. Ernest Lamb is a' ~ vte of t'hanks was tendered patient in Civic. Hospital,! W om ns n tit 'te yl eMts H. Meuhin toPeterborough. Mer many fr1- W o m e s nsf tut s te hsteses andthecSn ens ae wshig hr aspeedy venors for their excellent re- recovery. MAPLE GROVE W. 1. histnry of aur 20. years. We ports of the year's work._ Mr. and Mrs. Frank White,ý 2th -ANNIVERSARY have had speakers,.41hort courses, extension servicesi The 20th Birtihd-ay Party of bus trips arid picajos, ta men- Ma-pie Grave Womea's Insti- tion a few osf our mrany ac tute was held on Mornda, tivitie. During the 20 vearsý April 2.th, at 8 p.-m. in the we have lied 12 presiàents,l .- C. E. building. Mrs. S. Doyle. anc deceased. Each president the president, welcomed he lit à candie and stood while' l~ meinbers and past members Mrs. Laird read the high- e~ . - ' ta the -party. lights of her termn of office i'%" The prograni opened with A vacant chair was left in1 ý. ~ the singing of the 'Ode" andmmryfMr.CMlsan the repeating of th e Lord's fnr Mrs. C. Greenhem, who X Prayer in unison.M . h ad luet lost her husband. Brown gave the "In Meno ver $6.900 has been raisedý Ian," fr tihethirte n ee- by the W. I. in these 20 year. ii ed membex-s. ee5 Donations have gone to many1 Misse Susn VanCampand rthy causes aver the years. Mse CrderVan gang "adlhe"Good Neighbors", a con- Esthr Cyderan ang AI]stantly active committee pet- Throulgh the Nigiht", and farming a worthy service 'Night in an Old World Gar- witb cards and flowers fýr den." Mr.q. S. Morton reed manv occasions, bath sad end several letters from members ioya»us. In this day of ra.pid wlho were unable to be p'e- change we do nat know what sent. Five teen.-age girls from the future halda for this or- Os(ha-wa called "The Null Set" ganization la this commnun'ity, sang "When I Woke Up Th*s but nothing can ever take s - ' Morning" and "S-o>un&- of Si-]- way frai- us these 20 years - ence". Mrs. H. Cryderman that we 'have been together, and Mrs. E. Twist sang "Get and worked to-get-her for the Stinshine Habit" and "Lui-'Haime and Country._ leby and Good Night." Misses Nancy and Loraa . '* - Mrs._ W._Laird prepared a Morton played two piano '- duets called "Rustic Dace" P O TYP OL and "Little Boy'Blue March." After severel months af poor voked much merriment. M-rs. health Mr. Albert Stewart H. Bradley was the commen- pessed away et bis home east ta-tor with Mrs. W. Laird at - of the village on Thursday the piano. Misses'Susan Van night et the age of 74. Me waa Camp and Esther Cryderman a World War I Veteran and a sang "Santa Lucia" and member of Branch 402, Mill- "Alice where are you going."1 brook Royal Canadien Legion. ",The Nul, Set", agai n sang, He was keenly interested la "AlI My Trials" and "The' sport and maaaged the local Hamnier Sang." basebali team for some time A social tii-e was enjoyed in the early 20's. To bis wid- b, about 60 ladies when aild ow, brother, sister and child- times were reviewed . A lunch i-enwe xted ar smpahy.of sandwiches, relishes, birth- Mr. Robt. Halbran is spiendi- dyck n 0 rata h 'b 0 p 7 b A lie Sarnia area. 1ETEO Mrs. Howard Brownî i C'o.n- NS TNW. I. i valescing et borne after under-' On April fth, the Nestieton going surgery recently in hos- lnstitute held their Braach pital. Annuel Meeting et the North Wedding belis aag on F ri- Nestleton United Church. day night wben Laorainne M... G-on. Johns was lhostesal IBrwony auglhter of Mn. and Mrs. David Johns ca-has- Donald Chellice son of Mm. The preident, Mrs. Arthur! and Mrs. Orville Challice of Hyland opened the meetiag1 Orono were married in Ponty- witb the Institute Ode, fol-1 pool United Cbumch by Rev. fowed by the Institute Creedý W. Piency. About 50 guests in unison.r. A warm welcomeý set down toa ehot tumkey sup- wvas exended toa eh present.ý per' served by the local U.C.W. Terl alwstepy Aftem the supper the guestsiTmenrail caîl wsh eean- attended a receptian et the men7o membership ee aald liide's parents. Our heartiest and one new member added. congratulations ta the newly- The minutes of the March weds.metn eeaot a ad It tnust have been w oving meeting weretadoptend as ra day on Saturday. Ali day rbpytof secrend also aiv hundreds of wild geese weereporetnf.aThe caen excrtiv seen erroute ta the northlend banqet .th elebatnthe for a We were glad ta, have a visitbaqe oclbt te6tI an Sunday hy a chep we yeam of Nestietan branch lied hadn't seen for 36 veers. Mr. been agreed upon by the and Mrs. Munro Thonipson of C.O.F. Lady Court Snowbird. Hamilton dropped in on their 'T ho plans -for this ta ho heldi way ta Bancroft. Some older May 18 are progrnessing. citizens will remember when The f inaciel stiatement for Munno and his parents lived the yean was red hy the i in the Latonia Motel <burned Sec'y.-Treasurer and verifiedj four years ega) here. Munro as correct by the auditors,! recalled the fact that I taught Mr$. Geo. Heaslip and Mrs.i bis Sunday School class et Hrry UcLaugh-lin. that lime. The reports of thbe Stand- After spendin'g the winter ig COmmîittee C on voen o n s months with hon stop-daugh- were read and were ail ex- ten Hazel (Mns. Brown) near ceclent: Agriculture and Can- Kingston, Mrs. Rennie ils now adian Industries, Mrs. M. A. residing in ber home In the Beacock; Citizenship and Ed- village. ucation, Mrs. Bon De Jong;ý Recently I paid a -visit at Historical Reseanch and Cur- the home of Mn. and Mrs. rerit Events, Mrs. Allan Boa-' Lloyd Fellis of Ballyduff. We cock: RHOme Economies and enjoyed an boun vîsitlng with Healhl, Mms. Geo. Heaullp; Mn. Lou Williamson who bas Curator, Mrs. Grant Thoinp- spent the winter months there. son; Public Relations. Mrs*. Helooks well and is in ex- Lawrence Malcoln, Resolu- cllent spirits. This fine old lions, Mmi. Geo. Johns; Sun- gentleman is nearing his shine Comniitteo, Mrs. Geo. middle ninoties and hasn e- Bowens (for committçe). - sided ia this anea raost o! his The report of the NSminal- Ille. ing Corîmnittee was reed by While stI unable to be Mm P red Dayes, and ith very active and longxng te do Mr». M. Emermn ei etio)n1l bomthnin ' yg dn and chairmnan andd Mm. . ýDev~i" arn hop ng to get son election secretery, the fol.11 sUaram who 1 v" " th wnle Prfuideat t u. Aitur PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY WE RESERVE THE IIGRT, QtIANTITIES. gave 10e ýRoue sweet Mixed PICKLES' Save Il IGA Canned Soft Drinks i12 Sav'e 16e Maxwell ]Rouge COFFEE Savse Se Grarnlated White SUGAR ,TO LIMIT 24-o. Jar 3 C 10-ou. Tins 8 C 1 -lb. D9aig7 5 S-lb.. Bat Solo FamiIy Park E3-lb. MARGARINEpg The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Mey 4, 1988 Trenton. were weekend guests 1er recently retuirned te Seot-, with Mr. and Mrs. H.ràry land. Mr. Hovward McGill heu Ryley. accepted the appointinent. 'On Saturday, Arbor Day The Bethany Med Hatters was held at St. Paul's Angli- 4-H Club held heir final mutet. can Church, when the Young ing for the present course People's group turned out in "Acnt on Ameessrles" et force for a clean-up of the the home of Mns. John Neais. ch ur ch end parish hall Book eovers were completed grounds. A new ciiurch sign for their records. Achieve. . was erected Iacing IA high.. ment Day for the County wlU way. At a recent Vestry be held. in Bethany in May.. meeting the congregation of ________ St. Paul's dhurch conaented t- to haye Mr. Arthur S. Allr IMre than $765 million in ton appoint a People's Wvar- spent in Canada each year by't4 den to replace Dr. R. M. But- General Motors WOMEN'Sà Naturalizers Full Range of Sizes A9 and Colors --$4. 3Up WOMEN'S HUSH PUPPUES $9.95 A il Sizes ------------- - WOMEN'S WASHRABLE FUNTREADS by Kaufman Sizes 5 to 10 4 - 95 YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE Lloyd Ellis Shoels 49 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE MOTHER'S DAY SALEý Convenience is the pagiWord this week at IGA - ail features are purposely planned to make this Mothers Day a day to relax and remember. Th.is week drop in to your fniendly IGA where yon always get a littie more than you expect. TableRite - Canada's Finest Quality Red or Blue Brand Beef SIRLOIN, PORTERHOUSE, WING, BONELESS ROUND STEAKorROASIS OR d m dILA RUMP ROASI Lean, Well Trimmed, Boneles STEWING BEEF 691i Tasty 40 Fathoni Snoked COD FILLET S49i Produce of Mexico VINE RIPE OMA TOES Produce or ..A Canada NO. 1 Grade LETTUC!E 2S4'ohead 19c Produce of U-S.A&. -Callfornl& Stra wherrie0 . 39 8now Whlte r t 9 Mushrooms Produce et U-.S.A. Florde 59" .ço Jpj ROSES LONG STEMS from $5.()( do&. MIXED BOUQUETS - POTTED PLANTS FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS >JACTUS GARDENS - TROPICAL PLANTS TULIPS GLADIOLI HYACINTHS FOR ALL 0F THIS.. AND MORE SHOP AT Carnation Flower Shop PHONE 623-714 55 KING ST. W. Ï4 s Bowmnvile IGA Foedi. 10 WMAN VILLE - '- I <, ~s- * Il -,