t Phone 6À Z&. d Mra. Ted Fairey dj à trRobin spent the weékeiqj Twelve Mile-Lake 4~.Joseph Junget of Tornrsto was a weekend guest With Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Rotriigk, King Si. West. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clarke, town, were Sunday dinner guest8 of Mr. and Mrs. Non- Inan Gilbert, North Oshawa. .Mother's Day is this Sunday ftd nmany wiIl be coming hom~e to visit with.mom. Please 'phbne i the names of your VisiWs., Just dial 3-3303. trii 4 dMns. R. F. Love and fattly have returned ta Lon- dIon u ater, spending holidays with Mra. Love's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Maurice Conway, Scùgog Street. Mr. 'and Mrs. George Thrasher and Mrs. Percy Mut- ton1 King St. East, returned last Sunday from a pleasant three-week vaçation at Day- tona Beach, Florida. * ~Mr. Ronald MeLean, RAR 6, Iýowmanville, recently return- ed home from Winnipeg wherc he -was a delegate at a week- long Union Convention. This was Ron's first flight by jet. Mns. R. Robson and son Duncan, Oakville, have been REHOBOTH Chr istian R.formed Church gengog Street MARANATHA Christian Reformed j Church Rqev. m. Moes, suppiy pastor1 623-34921 Worship. Services 11lam. 7:30 p.m. Bmck To God Hour CKLB Every Sunday, 9:15 p.m. eat Queen's University, Kings- Ian, leaves this Friday for, the IHaliburton Highlands where he will be serving as a stu- £/ yesonal dent assistant minister in the ,Minden-Caarvon charge un- 23-3 03 tii September. In the Fail, John will neturn to Queen'. -University ta study Theology. visitlng Mns. Robson's sisten Among students who have and brother-in-law, Mr.. and rcturned ta their homes aften Mns. Ray Preston, Tammycompletion of tis term's studies at Queen's University, and Timothy, Parkway Cnes-!are the following: Miss Helen Mrn. adMsIoh .JmsVanstone Miss Sheila Thomp- ar nd rsdinghnETorants.i son, Miss Pat Gi, Miss Carolyn are ow esiingin oroto.Stacey, Messrs. David Thomp- Mr. James has been trans-Ison, Rick Lander, Norman ferred ta the head office of iVanstone and Bil1 Dcpew. Miss Ail-Canada Radio and Tele- Gui, who complcted 2nd yçan vision Limited from the medicine, has already com- Montreal branch. ,menced duties in Memorial M.and Mrs. Laurence Hospital laboratory for Uic Goddard have returned from vacation montha. a vacation at Deerfield Beach, Wc again ask for informa- Flonida. On their return tn'p tion concerning the return they visited with their daugh- home of students from Uni- ter Tanya in Niagara Falls, versity and of thein activl- and their son Ted in Toronto. tics durîng vacation. A few For Dim and Distant col- years ago whcn a much smail- umns some 25 or 49 years in Ier numnber werc university the future we mention here1 students, it was quite easy ta that yesterday marning, May keep track of where they wene 3rd, we-had a snowfall. The atedi g tcbtnws flakes were huge and beauti-!ratndingetc., u now so fui but, thank goodness, meit- education, it is impossible ta cd as quickly as they fell. 1remember in what institution Sunday guests with Mrs. F.!of learning they are cnroilcd R. Cook, King St. East, wereland the particular courses. Mrs. Cook's brathers andWe, thenefore, request your sisters-in-law, M., and Mrs. co-operation. Clifford Jordan of Cambray and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jard- an of Lindsay; and Mrs. Mary EN IK L N Ovendn and son Randy, N IKL E Oshawa. M.adMs onMotn Congratulations ta Mis snMr. ad Mirs.Johnm- Elcanor Piekard, daughter of Senr, Mr. and MrsAaw- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pickard, SrpeW, Mr. and Mrs.w wvho reccntly was suCcessfulin Jrene Wean, -Mr. and Mrs. passing her Red Cross Leader John Sraero,- Mr. and M. Parland înstructor's FedDrpe, n.an Ms Pag tr Misl krd swîm Ted MoLaughlin and Mr. and ongthests.fMisoPicordh YoskMrs Keith McGill were guests on he taf ofNorh Yrkat the Bowling Banquet on Board of Education. Saturday nigiht at Maple Following the final perform- Grave. Ms'. Motensen was ance o! "Separate Tables", chasen as sportsman o! the' the members of the Bawman- yean and reclved a trophy. ville Drama Workshap were Ms osAho shm guests of Mn. and Mrs. Ted fMiss Loidas Aohten scome Samuel. The Workshop pre- ifor e ay tsfternomple- sented Mrs. Tyas, the directan, ig eryearndnat et nd ib- with a silven flawer vase in gnver, ondon, andtwe Vie- appreciation of her assistance tgin 'er of wthrsesVin- with this production. Toriontord o ussI Mn. and Mrs. Jack White- To. nonta. 0 CAhtn side, Scanborough; Mr. and M.andos. C Ashton ii Mrs. Dave Whiteside, Toronto,MisLiAsonwrvs- and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Young- tors of Mr. and Mrs. Win. man, town, were. guests of the May of Woodstock. Peter KessIers, Starkville, an Mn. and Mrs. Herman TaIs- Sunday. Mn. Youngmnan gave ma, Newcastle, were Sunday the address at the Cenataph guests at Mr. and Mrs. R. during the Orona Odd Fellows Rowan's. annual church parade. Mr. George Pethick, Tor-. Mn. John Twist, son of n and Mrs. Ernest Twist, MiÉddle Rd., wbo bas just compieted bis final year jr GeneralArts1 TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. Il &.m. - Christian FamilySunday ""THE MOTHERHOOD,0F GOD" The Sacramnent of Baptism Presentation of Religion and Life Awards Dedication to Miss ion Ceremony SUNDAY SCHOOL S.:30 *.m. - Junior, Intermediate and Senioi, 11-20 a.m. - Primary and Kindergarten 11:00 a.ni. - Beginners ST. JOHN'S CHURCH ANGLICAN Rev. K. J. Frampton, M.A., B.Th. 623-5873 REGULAR SERVICES Sundays 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Wednesdayu 10:00 a.m. (except June it) Boly Communion Sunday Sehool - 11:00 &.m. (10:00 a.m. for 12 yrs. & up) Regular Evenint Services discontinuedl until Sept. 1Sth Speclal Services as announced Sun., May Ith - OSHAWA CRUSADE FOR CHRIST Cars leave Church at 6:20 p.m. Sun., May lSth, Evensong at close of afternoon Parish Lit Conference, led by Rev. R. de Corneille. ST. PAULS UNITED (HUR(H SUNDAY SCHOOL <ýTHIS SUNDAY MAY Sth il &.m., D.S.T. OUEST SPEAKER: Miss Janet A. McGregor &.A., BJLZ., A.R.C.T., BY: THE JUNIOR CHoIR D. A. MeGreior, Superinteuilent K. E. Bragg, Sec'y-Treas. Bvemlng Service Withdrawn A.U.C.T..1 A.C.C.M. M4iaister Tih. 1ev. EL A. Turner, B.A., B.D. onto, spent Sunrday with and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. R.' Raw wene Sunday callers on. mathen, Mns. Mabel Rowi and sisten Annie, Yelvert Mns. Rowan bas been quite Iwith the <lu -and today, M' J 2nd, celebrates ber 86thbhi: 1 day. Congratulations Mý Rowan. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McC Mn and Mns. Keîth McC and boys, Mr. and Mns.J Kinsman and girls wenecec ens et Mrs. Sadie Billet Hampton, wbere tbey met1 new bride and groom, Mn. a Mns. Douglas Billett, Toron Mn. and Mrs. N. E. Wnrig Mn. Herbent Wright, Jan and Linda, Mr. James Wenry were guests et1 and Mns. H. McGill's. Mis. Alex Perger, Sto Cncek, Mns. Gardon Wh taker, and frierd Mrs. Fi Wand, Hamilton, Mns. Waf Rahm, Tyran., were necf callens at Mn. and Mrs. Ri seli Gniffin's. Mn. Arthur Steinton, M~ Tom Sobil, Taunton, Mn.a Mrs. Rass Lee, Mrs. Bi Lee, Susan, Nancy, Barbi and Allison, Kedron, were l Thursday <c'a guests at» and Mrs. A. Wenry's,. Motbcr's Fellowshipm beid on Monday evening ýMrs. Keith MeGili'à;. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ro lands and boys, Scarborou. Miss Clara, Page, Toron were Sunday visitons 'w, Mns. E. Page. Mn. and Mns. Merv. Er lish have neturned home fi thein honeymoon and wi Tbursday guests at Mn.a Mrs. R. Rowan's. Theym Imak. thein home in Oshav Mn. and Mrs. Boyd Wer Bonny, Lynne and Jean, M, ton, were Sunday dinnen tee guests of R. J. Ormnisi Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Asbt Ronald and Ray, Hayci 'wene Sunday dinnen guests, Mns. F. Toms accampani by Mns. Lloyd Slemon recei ]y visited the funeral pan?( at Pont Penny and paid th respects ta the late Mns.J Graham, e li!c-long <niei She was in hen ioOth year qMrs. Toms and Mrs. Sien had tea with Mn. and M~ Wilbur Vance, Port Per and oadlled on Mrs. Geoi Samelis, Pont Penny. Mn. and Mas. Walter La% ridge, Joy mnd Charles,1 rane, Mn. and Mm. Iv Sharp,, Lindea ad Janet, M, Linda Avery were Sund dinner guests at Mr. and M~ Allan Wenry's. Mn. and Mir. Grant Wei and !amily were Sundayt guests et Mn. and M. Hi bent Leighton's, Bowrnanvil Mrs. F. Tomsacacompari Mn. and Mrs. N. E. Wrighit the funeral o! the iate M Dr. McCullach, Oshawa, ai called on Miîmes Annie a EMfa Wright. Mn. and Mns. John Bel Phulip and Karn, Oshai were Sunday 'evening cmli at R. Griffin'a. Mr. and Msrs. Norn Moore, Trenton, wene ne.i visitons c>! MT. and Mn. Howella. Mr. Glen Spry, Penfie N.Y., Mr. Win. Hamblei Rochester, N.Y., wee wet end visitons et E. Wnighl Mr. anciM. F. Spry rotua cd home with <hem ta chester, N.Y 'Mr. qpry feeling mudi betten froe1 !Uines$, Mn. Joe Suinçoa and3 Post. Carnpbelliord, W E Sunday visitons et W. Ho .11.. We welcome Mr..and M P. Carreau and fmsily teo inid.t. Un. Car!reau wu 1 0 1,-IDaUM GOUI frw Mn.' l'an his van, cil] tIay rth- n s. Jim tt's, the and nto. 'ice A. $1,275 Hlstein at M aycroft. Dispersai This six-year-old Holstein, is Suflholm Roberta Lassie, who brought $1,257 at the dispersai af the purebred herd of John J. May & Sons, Picton,- Ontario. Lassie, who is classified, Very Good, the second highest rating for body con- formation, is ý daughter of the Very Good and class Extra bull Lassie Leader. She was purchased by Neil T. Malcolm, of Burketon, Ont. Left ta right, Thomas May, Neil Malcolm, and Rober t May. Two Sons in Canadian Army The military if e must appe-al to two young men from Bowmanville, members of the same family, who are widely separated by geography but in the same Canadian Army. They are both sons of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cox, Elgin Street. Private Randy Cox, lef t, is with the United Nations Emergency Force at Camp Rafah in Egypt and his brother Craftsman Gregory Cox is with RCEME at Vimy Barracks in Kingston. TYRONE Mn. Plans are being made lori Mn.land Mns. M. Peddlei the, Sunday Schoël Anniver- and John, Toronto, visited oney sany, May 15th, when Mr. Mrs. Zena Anderson and )4r. bit- Stephen Saywell, Oshawa, and Mrs. T. C. Dodd on Sun- 'red will be the gucst speaker. day. iten Sec Cossing Events fon fur- Mrs. Annie Hatherly r.- cnt ther notice. tunned to ber home on Satun- us- On Saturday, April 30th, daY alter bavin'g spent tb. Miss Elizabeth Mller of Osh- winten with ber son, Mn. and ,s. awa Rave a tea at Adelaide Mrs. Harny Hatherly and and House, bonoring ber sister, family. Toronto. Harry and 'ian Miss Helen Miller, R.N., Ton- daugibten Karen bnougbt bis, ara onto, bride-to-be, whcn sev- mother home. lait erai ladies rani tbis cari- Sunday visitons of Mrs. Mn. mun'îty attended. Hathcnly wene Mn. and mrs. Thc U.C.W. meeting wiii Reg Adamrs and !amily, a held May llth at 8 p.m.,Biailiebono, andl on Monday et et the' hme o! Mns W. Park Mn. Russell Hooey, New Ton- Jr.. onto, visited Mns. Hatheniy. 1Mrs. A. Harvey and Helen, Congratulations ta Mn. and O-Mrs. James Coombesated Mrs. J. C. Cook and Mn. and -19h, cd a miscellaneous showen Mns. E. A. Virtue or <hein rta, fon Miss Bonny Le. Warren,, 3th weddirg arniversaniesj 'itb bride-to-be, last week. 1 May 2nd, and ta Mn. and Mrs.1 Little Debbie Anderson <.11! Gardon Baker on their 25tli ng- and broke a bone ir ber:wedding arnivensery on Sun-1 rOmI shoulder. Sh. went back to day. cre sehool on Monday, somewbatý Several fnorn ber. attended and better., Ladies Night et the Legioni wiu] Mrs. B. Dodd -and girls left Hall, Seturday nigbt. wa. Sunday mornng for <hein Mn. ard Mrs. Don Allman, rry, new home in Montreal n.Bet1ew -l Oshawa, laIl- -__ . - - Miss Mabel Jewell, Bowman-i a nd ville, wene Sundav visitons o!ý ton. Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Phare.' ton hJMn and Mrs. E. A. Vintue' ion DOWalong with Mr. and Mrs. Les-ý Bowmaiville lie Vtue o ied ýMrs. R. Hodgson and Mn. aîdý ent-e c~u Mrs. W. Mcolv oot, lonsi pen e estal .on Sunday. heir' Mn. and Mns. Clintozn Eng-ý Joe' (L..Lish and Paul. Weston, visitcd, *nd.. Il uILi hem grndniother, Mrs. W.! i. 1 Miller,. non; It Liberty St. 8. Mn. ard Mns. W. Rahrn1 ers. !visited Mn. and Mns. J. E. rry, ]Phone 423-5166 Gniffin ard family, Lindsav rge A.&M. and Mrs. Don Lindsay, Paser:lev A.Kadra, .fl. and childncn, Selkirk, visited' ve- Mn. and Mns. Tom Phiilips! Ty- Sundmy Schooi - 9:55 a.m. and family. van1 Mns. S. Gable and Mrs. W. fiss Contest Resuits: Vivian spent a couple o! days day in Montreailelst week, ta dns. Bowmanville (3) meet a nephew, Mn. Stanley Cobourg (0) Gable of Liverpool, England, nny - ls.wbo plans on staying a cou- tea lu mystery mother ple o! yeers3 in Canada. er- Satundey evening Mn. and lle. to b. chosen. Mrs. J. C. Cook, on arniving iied boîme frc>m an enniversary, L tol dinner held et the home of! l m.. Miss G race and Mn. Fred "CLAIMING THE Smthtb wene pieasartiy sur-1 and prised ta <mid tbein home1 WHOLE HOME oven lowing with family ardj lle, FOR CHRIST" friends who had ga<hened ta lwa, aonar Ethel and Jack on <hein [ers 3th wedding ennivcrsary. A 7 p.m. toast ta the bride and groom nan was Proposed by Mn. Donald !nt "REVIVAL IS Stainton who pnesen<ed on W. behalif of ail present a lovely IMPERATIVE, aval card table and chairs, eld, IF REJECTED, showing <hein good wil ad tonCHAS! affection on this happy occa- !ek- CAOS?'sion. A dainty lunch was 1's. neved wbich included a inn- May th to th. lSth - beautlful. decoeated cake, the RO- Barry Moore Crusade gift o! <hein grandchiidren. la A hap~py and cixjoyable time his Oshawa Civic was had by all. Auditoium -Bethcsda School presented Mr. Auioim- its annual Variety Night Ap- ere, 8 iLIU. nightly. nil 26th, <o a very good audi- ow- ence. Master of Cénemonles UWhere the. Word et Go David Windsor ed Ithe Dur et buadnprognarn by int ucing the oun lntb@i4 first play, the "'Mud,4lle Gen-1 týR1> , 1"l -Uteman's Aid," in which 'Da-~ Stainton, David Windsor, Neil Goff, Peter Hamiilton and Margaret Hamilton partici- pated. Grade 1-3 then took .over th. program to do a series a! nursery rhyme sangs as mess- bers o! the group acted their out. Neai Smiith was the live- ly Jack in Jack Be Nimble; Stephen Yarrow and Jili Car- field' were Jack and dili in "Jaýck and diii went up the Hill"; George Lewins was the crooked mar jr "There was a Cnrooked Man"; and Jackie Can!ield nocked the daîl in "Rock-a-Bye Ba4y." The Bethesda puppeteens preserted Mark Twain's Tom Sawyen in "Whitewashing the Fence," before Grade 1-3 came back agair Vo per!arm a sin.ging game calied "Haw Do You Do, My Partrer", .and ta sirg "Six Little Ducks". Thc senior classes then toak ail on a trip to Swltrerland as they sang "In the Alps," while thnee boys with chang- ed voices, Donald Stainton, David Deeley, David Wind- so~r, sang "Bluebird Tirme." A change of! pace was provided, as the seniors sang abouti "Faýotlball"'. A short internission gave tisse ta set the stage for the second play, "Cbild Psycho, logy". The audience found out that chiidren can't always b. bnought upý by the book,1 and one &! the est found out thet the show must go on ne- gardlecs of stuffin.g !allingý out at the wrong time. The cast inciuded Christine Brent, Karen and Richard Brome, Louise Hoar, Margaret Ham-' ilton, Gail Rundie, and Diane Lambhert. A series of iolk dances took the audience again ta vaniaus parts of! the world as the sen- iors danced: The Crested Hen (Danish), The Troika (Rus- sien), Mexican Hat Dance, and the Bunny Hop. Santa Lucia was sung as a duet by Christine Brent and Margaret Hamiliton, and the pnogram was brought toaa close with Betbesda choir singing "Supercalifnagiiistic- expialidious" and "This Lard' Is Youi' Land." The pianinýt1 for the occasion was Mr. R . Meteaif, and Teacher Miss Shirley Sykes. ZMON Mirs. Russell Stainton, Mrs. Wes Camenon, Mrs. Alaan' Figher, Mrs. Ray Caeeron, Miss Donna Henry attended a showen for Miss Judy Cam- cran at Mrs. Don Prout's, Bowmanville. Mm. Carl Bnadley, Mrs. Boyd Ayre, Mrs. Harry Paloz, Mrs. Keith Stainton, Mrs. Glen Glaspeli, Mrs. Rors Stainton, Mns. Jim Stainton, Mns. Russell Stainton attend- ed a card panty at Maxwell's Sehool on Thursday n'igiht. Mn. Claude Storms, Oshawa, Mn. Jack Camenon, Angus,1 visited at Wes Cameron's. 1 Master Scott Stainton, who, has been a patient in the Osh- awa Hospital for a couple of weeks, is recovering nicely and hopes ta b. home soon. Mn. and Mrs. R. Apsiey, Highland Creek, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Bull and Lisa, Oshawa Mrs. Sidney Bull, Toronto, we.ne recent visitons at Henry, Dant's.Z Mn. and Mns. Edwin Geiss-1 berger, Victoria Corners, Mr.1 and Mrs. Christian Star, Is-1 lington, visited at Hans Geiss- berg~r's Sr. m 5 KING -ST.-W The Canadian Statenman, Bown K-EN Snow flakes flying arouad and chiily winds have given us a littie taste of winten again on Wednesday and Thursday. Some of the wind- shields were cmvered with ice Thursday morning, We hope'I now it has had its fling and that wc wil have good weath- er now. Mr. Arthur Thompson, Mns. H. Fosten, Mrs. R. Elliott, Miss C. W. Stewart and Mrs. W. Mercer attcnded the Official Board meeting in Newtonville Church Monday evening. One o! the chie! tapics discussed was whether the church should be closed for the month of August when the ministen takes his vacation. It was decided ta announce it for two Sundays and take a vote on it the third Sunday. Shiloh closed their church last year for the month. Thunsday the W.I. ladies. had a nainy, cold day ta qu:lt their appliqucd quilt for the Penny Sale but those who turned out had a most enjoy- able Kentucky fricd chickeri and scalloped potato dinnen topped off wîth leman pie. A number of big fia cks o! wild geese were noticed flying nonth, Satunday. We hope this is a harbinger of better weath- er. Sympathy is extcnded ta Mr.Chas. Thampsan and family on the passing of beri sister, Mrs. M. McBride, of! Cobourg, in her 95th year, on Tuesday, Apnil 26th. The fun-j enal was held from the home, Saturdey, Apnil 3th with in- terment at Centerton. The Foster families here took part in the search for1 littie 3-yean-oid Todd Miller,1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Petef Miller (nec Susan Foster) of! Pontypol, last Sunday. When1 the lad could not be found1 around home an alarm was1 turned in and friends, neigh-i bouns and police were soon on1 the job. It was about an hourE and a haîf later that Don1 Walsh found hîm about a mile1 and a bal! <rom home fallow-( îng along after his pup and1 calling for them ta corne and get him. The lad was none1 the wonse for his expenience.1 Mr. and Mrs. David Sutche and their two childnen have1 moved back ta their farmi a!ter spending the winter in the summen -home north and- ta the east af the Glass farm.f It is necessary ta be able ta get their threc ycar aid son1 mnne, Nay 4, 1leu very qudckly when h. tait,, the attacks of asthma. Mrs. M. E. Fosten aceco- panied Mns. Allen Pouter to Tebterville and intends ta stay up there fan a few weeks. MM. Manlatte, wha has been 111 at the home of her sister and lu' now feeling much better, reà-? tunned home with hen daugh. ter, Mns. A. Foster. 1 Mrs. Seileck af Omemea, visited last week wlth her, daughten Mns. G. MacDonad,,j George and farnily. A numben <ram Kendal en- joycd the Masonlc Lad1esUý Night ln Onono, Saturday. The - Kendal U.C.W. catered for thie- evening and put on a fine supper. Remember the W.I. Penny-' Sale. A beautiful appi1quije"l quilt and many <ie articesu will go fon a penny, There:- will also be lunch senved. Mn. and Mns. Paul Mencer, Guelph, were down ta see her -ý father, Mn. Fred Warren whd is in Memonial Hospital. Hi., tests have turned out gaod,,i- and he seems quit. weli but' they did nat know when he would be ailowed ta leave the. c bospital. Church was held as usual Sunday morning with the Rev. R. C. White taking the serv- ice. Just the small class went into th. Sunday Schooi roomn.. It was Rural Life Sunday' when home, fa1miiiy hf. ancl children were strongly stress., cd. He said whiie there were eight little folks wha went' into Sunday School he saw 16- out playing between Newton. ville and aur church. He chose as bis <ext "No man havig - put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the,~ Kingdom o! God". The. chair,;' sang "Have Thine Own Wayr,.t Lord" with Mrs. A. Fasten the organ. Next Sunday I# Math er's or Famniiy Day. M.. White gave the neasans for., and against having na church'- for the month a! Augut and* said a vote would be taken iii - two weeks time. The lovel3è* fiowers were placed i the"" chunch in memory of Miss M. MeBride. Mr. and Mns, Eddie CouroUx,., Ray, Marie and Lynn spent* the weekend at <hein cottagee at Lake Kushog. Miss Donnaý., Wilbun and Kevin were aiso thene. Mn. and Mrs. Halstead", Coatham and Mrs. Wm. Menc- en wene guests at a binthday celebration, Sunday, at the borne af Mn. and. Mrs. Ted Coatham. A PRICES GOOD UNTIL MAY 7q SUPER SPECIAL ROLL - ON DEODORANT 11/2 OZ., SUGG. LIST $1.29 SOFTIQUE BATH Oit BATHE YOUR WAY TO BEAUTY 21/-OZ. SUGG. LIST $169117 NY-lOt LUSTRE FOR RESTFUL SLEEP l0"S SUGG. SHAN L7ISOTON$R1.QU0 20'S . c LTO RLQI SUGG. 7 SUGGESTED LI ST $1.50 I.L I LIST $1.29 Penaten. AN -IMPORTED MEDICATION FOR DIAPER RASH. " SUGGESTED LIST $3.45 CREME APOO $1l009 S WORD T A 1h11 Cf TvmmI 1 0 0>1 I suG.1,,101 AI16» LIST $1.29 M J MFR'S. SPECIAL suGG. 2,71 5 VIE 5 LIST $289~* 5 AU 5 PRESCRI PTIONS 4.99 NESTLÉ BABY HAIR WIýTH pEBU! 5MAR' S PECIA $2.5 ALUENT.2 mi.0 LanacaTL E - PNQI~4~ HAN KSCRAFT Baby Bottie Warmer, WILKINSON STOPS ITCRING, EVEN MuomÉ~a> BLADIS ý RISFLE8S 59 ..352 ALEX McGREGQR * DSUG~Sé.4:~.~,, :'~zfr,. -1