UNN.ISI B~ameUito relativeS 01 ~1ie~ssTm Tabb of 1'* I I il h P M OSHAWA RADIO ON JUNE 3rd WIN 7 DAYS FOR 2 VIA "AIR FRANCE" on the FRENCH RIVIERA A. LesdbSetr WU raceaiy wtîen UeVral met te say farowell to obert Pmutgch, prier te b t their uew home at vy village. W. ace lm o. Mr. sud r. Land éon Robbie fr=i ON iviera ,Çlencezvous" I-bard 10 Times Daily on - - DIAL 13,50 BOWMANVILLE iLTINO DUTONMAIMOTOE noTEm m Fl I SPORTopucs By Fxank Mohun I -t - %k . - l - N sam Bian, Oshtw, were sun- * UL t.E day cllers at C. Avery's. - - -Miss Linda Avery a an Mr. and lira. Garti MeGlIU evemnight guest cf Miss Betty 1Mark nid Kim, Cenn gton, Wright, BUnketon. were weekend guestU of Mr. Mr. and Mns. Allan Werry 1and Un. H. J. Molil. Mlnd fanlly attended a Mo- 1 ad lUn. Ralph Virtue sud ther's Dey party at* Mr. sud Judy wsre Sunday eue«Ux.Plir.Rcs Lee's, Kedron. Rev. Mrs, Ejarl Trewln, Doneen Mise Dou*erty joined thiesu tand Donald, were Sunday dAn- for tes. uer gueste of Mnr. F. Toms. Mr. sud lira. Howard Oke yk M Mrs $ in. W. Bowmau, snd fainily, Oshawa, were La ud Brie, Eufield, Mr. Suiiday callera at Miss Elsie Bruce Bownitan, Guelph, Miss andAlbert Oke'B. rGai K.«WSu, Waterdowfl, Mr. On Saturdsy evcnlng tic *Lloyd Avery, Bowmanvillc, Courtice Higl C entertained twene Suaiday dinuen gueula at thc Eniiskillen Higi C folks Wa. sud lins. R. Ormilstou's. te a isyride party. Mr. Donald Wearn un li- Miss Ruby Vfrtue, Toronto, s eetvuitor cf wa a recent wcekend guest hispaensAL. Wearn'a. of Mr. oand Mvi. R. Virtue. MTnsd lins. Floyd Petick Mr. aud lins. Earl Masters, anud Bill, Scarbonougi, werc Cindy, and Trent, Bowman- Sunday visitons witli S. R. ville, were recent callens at Mr. snd lira. D. J. Napier, Mr. sud lins. Win. Mc- Toronto, werc visitons wlth Cabe, Yelvertou, Mr. and huis. 0. C. A*ition's. Arthur Hyland, Nestlcton, Mr. snd Mv.. Allan Wray were with Mga. F. Toms. sud faanily, Bowmauville, Mn. lira. Herbert Stainton spet snd Mais. Don Larnb sud fani- Suudayr witi Mr. sud lirs. C. ly, Balieboro, speut Suuday English, Bowmanville. witli their parents, L. Lauib's. Master Bnad C1cm en s, Mr. sud Mra. Dave Both- Hampton, spent a few days well and Naucy, Maple Grove, with is graudparents, Mn. isd Sunday tea with Mn. snd sud lira. E. Wright. Mvi. C. Stainton. b1r. sud Mira. A. L. Wearu Mr. and Mina. John Belle snd Susan were liothen'a Day and fsrnily, Oshawa, isd viitors of Mx. sud Mrs. A. M. Sunday suppen witli R. Grif- Wearn, Clanemont. in's. Mn. and Mvs. R. J. Ormis- Mr. and lins. Murnay Ax- ton called ou Mv. J. D. Brown, ford, Mrn, sud Mna. Jim Mul- a patient lu Bownianville ler sud Darryl, Oshawa, Mn. Memiorial Hospital, sud also sud Mvs..Rion Clemens sud speut Sunday evcniug with boy@, Hampton, wenc Sunday lirs. J. D. Browu, Onono. gu ot f Mn. sud Mrs. E. Mr. sud lins. Fiiaik MeGill, B to C u Mîn. Don McGill, Mise ClaraBut flC u Page, Toronto, Mr. sud lira HoadBradley, MapleHod etn Grove, Mr. sud lira. Ros o d è tn Page sud family, SaUina, spent litetir's Day with Mms. E. April meeting of tic Pion- Page. enr Buttan Club wassield at Mr. sud Mrs. Jim Kinsman tic home aoflira. Wm. Sand- sud girls were Sunday guests erson, Janetville, on Monday, of li. nsd Mira. Bruce Dowu, Apil 25. Seveutecu members Ebenezer. sud tirce visitons were pnes. lisas Gerdîne Sneek, Ton- cnt. lins. P. Shontt cf New. ento, was a neccut gueat at castle gave s talk an buttons E. A. Wrry's. lu general sud illustnated ici Mrnsd lira. Lloyd Ashton, talk by displayiug vaniaus old Ronald sud Ray, Haydon, Mr. types, cf jcwel, waistcoat, Sat- aud Mra. Adamn Sharp Werre suma clambroti, silver (aver Mother's Day guests of Mr'. 200 years aid), colored tire aud lins. Ivan Sharp. hale, sud bridie rosettes. Tie MT. sud Mnr. Grant Werry speclal card for April was snd fanily wcre Sunday tes giasas - oId on modern. Such guests of Mr. snd lira. Eugene varicty c f color sud design Scwell, Courtice. crested a greater desire and lins. Herbert Stainton spent interest In adding ta ones cal- lait Frid'ay wit li. nsd lirs. lecton. Tiene wene beautful H. Stainton, Tyrone. papcrweigits, m oo n s t o n e, 1&.in.sd Mra. E. Pettifer moongla, cdean glass, coloned and Rosa, Willowdale, werc glass, swinl backs, crackle- with Mn. and Mis. A. L. glass, kaleidescapes, reflectoil, Wearn. aunonas, cf ahl shapes. lire. E. J. Diekinsan, Port At tic close af tic meeting Hope, reccntly vislted lier there was an exciange of but- sister, MT. sud lira. S. R. tans sud thc members eujoy- Pethick. cd vlewing ail tic antique Mv. aud M-rs. Pat Tresise articles cllectcd thraugh the and Gail, Oshawa, wcre Mo- ycars by Mrs. Sanderson. Il tier's Day callers on thein might tnuly be called an parents, tic N. E. Wri_hts. antique siap - ouly diffenencE -Mr. and lirs. Robent Wilson is - thene is ne price attacicc, This reporter wss amazed at the numben cf people ýwene quick to dismias any chance tic Generals had winuing. We thougit the Genenala couldu't possibly be bad twa games lu a now, but if anyoue liad told us -y would win by six goals witiout Bobby Orr, we'll have admit we would have been more tian sligitly incredu- But Friday niglit, Oshawa came out flylng, and just au vas obviaus lu the opener that they were In for a rougli aning, this time you kuew that win or loue, the niotor ycrew would be lu the game. Orr saw very littie action, tled by the Danny O'Shea, Wayne Cashman, Chris Hayes e, the series was back an even ternis. And this time guys ýLansberry, Harrisan, Rochefort and Hamilton, wha had en causpicuous iu the Edmonton wiu, were scarcely ticeable at ail. KW iaunamarie Avrery tnd W. Richard Howe, Ti. bury, wwre weekend guesU ta 34r, and Mnr. C. Avery's. Mrt. Boy Avey and Car- llTUIlbiwy, MIM Laura omi, Ened, Mr. Lloyd Av«ay, Bowmnvile, were &indsy evening dinner guefs MQ C.Avery's. t t t t t BASEBALL PRACTICE Well lbeaems i kme ourrepent tiat busebali was s daad issue lu Bowmauville, wasaligitly premature. Howard Orn- isten, Leglen sports officer tellsunu that bic local Leglon Brandi 178 will sponsor bti pas we ansd bsutam teams bila yean. AU young baseballanu are invibsd ta attend the Iirst practice at tic Memenlal Park, tlz Ssturday aternoon at eue o'clock. WEM Imm ETO REAR Ws'Ui admit the weatier haut been toc coudusIve tc summar sports activlties, but Dons-tus-lei s aJuit about tuat inie cf year again. Tu. ardent golf ens have bain ai lb, (we have tue clubs out, but haveu't uwung therni yt) aoftball action get underway bhia week sud tennis, lacrosai sud soccoi' wlflason b. lu full swing. Within a few days, tue hockey players wlU at lasb hang up ticir ukates te join tic ranks of curling, badminton, basketball sud bowling enthusuasta who bava pacbsd lb lu fole saton. ThercIons, as w s uaaDy do when tic sports sema switcies, we're asiaS for asssanace freai you readm n cevering tie varlcua events. Sometimes tigsaxae gelui on whci we douil kaiew about, so lI ordan tegilvethe besi and couplets coveras.passble, weVd ZMSa b hm t rou IYeU. Boy Scouts Pleas. SAVE YOUR WASTE PAPER for the BOY SCOUTS ie id e, ue Je nt an 1d. BEEF V-e 4 SHOAT or em O* S- boNEtLD£R INe In the second encounter Oshawa stsntcd eut doiug tic icavy-itting, but wlien the score reached 5-0, 011 Kings dccidcd te do a littie mors robuat eieckig on their owu. Bath clubs got sway with glarnug elbewlng, high-sticking sud cross-cliecking Infractions as refence Frank Daigucault was fatunate tie game didn't gct eut cf band. Edmonton manager Bfi Hunter statcd, followlug ticl coutest, "tice fficiating lu a disgrace for a natioalfinflua I'd be happy witi an 0.H.A. officiai but tiat Daigucauli has te go." Well tic Montreal officiaI was back again Sunday afteruou, but this time ho clamped down early, handing out hall a dozen penalties befone the finit period wau hali over. Alten Gencrals iad amassed s 4-0 bulge alter il min- utes of play, tic westeruers started te move as tlie teams tneatcd a Maple Leaf Gandenu' crowd of 7,305 te tie beit hockey of tic senies. After two games that wene extncmely slow by Jr. "A" standards, panticulanly for saliemorial Cup, tic teama movcd into higli gean thnougieut meut cf tic second period. Edmon- ton licld a wide manghu lu tic final stauza, as Oshiawa did't get so0 mucli as a siot on goal until uearly 12 minutes 1iad elapscd. The real steny lu thc third game was tic diffcnence iu goal-tending. Ian Young sliowed wliy he was tic 0.H.A.' ail-stan, while Don McLeod tunned luis third straigli weak performance. Sub-gaalie Jlm Knox took over te stail tic second, aud sitiaugli net tcuted su frequently, came ur with a fine effort. > Tic Oshawa defence sa corne on te out-play thii iigily-natcd western counten-pants by a large niargin, beini particularly adept at blockiug shots, suothen matten tic, lias lin. Hunter coniderably upuet. Paul Cadieux, tic Ottawi *University studeut, wlio has't accu mucli action In thi -last haîf cf tic season, lias taken a negular tunu, sud cci tainly given it everythlug lic ha.. Thus fan tic argument betwecu Hunter sudis coac Ray Kuasewici over wiich lu tic betten ployer - AI Hamil ton an Bob Falkeuberg rates a gond laugli. Hamilton hi gond moves and looksIlike a 'toli;flght p!'opèct? but Yô wouldn't know wio Falkenberg wss witliaut s programme We were told tiat boti wene better than Onn, but ti expected battle hssn't came off, witli Orr sittlug eut mcs cf tic games' on tic beuci and Hamilton net up te pi because cf a prevîcus injury. Howeven, afier tirce gamee tliene's ne doubt Or la tic mucli amoothen performerc tic two. Many cf tiose people who had nelegated Oshiawat tie asi-can, uow tiuk tic Geucrals have lb lu tic bal But undoubtedly Knox will be back between tic pipes fo to-nlght's content sud gond goal-tendiug ceuld quite cmsii put the 011 Kingu back lu contention. Gaine time le elgt o'clock to-niglit with tic fifli tilt slated for Saturday. The oeelikely will go at 8 p.m. also, witli Rochester Amenicar playing Cleveland Barons at tic Gardenu lu tic aftennoci If s deciding encounten lu necded lu thein Calder Cup serle Howevcr, tic possibility existueof a shift witi tic junloi going at two c'clock sud tic pros at niglit. 0f course ifa A.H.L. game isn't needed tic Genenals-Qil Kings will pie as originally schedulcd. If gixtli sud seveubligaames are needed, tliey willl1 played Suuday aîtenon t 2 p.m. sud Wcdnesday nil et eight e'clock. We talked te Stan Waylett, Genenals' traîner followir Sunday's fixtune, sud he told us tiat Babby Orr wss suffe: lug fnm'"s slgit grain iujuny" sund could play' if the uecded hlm. Se it would appean that Bobby, wio liai b.£ taking two tneatmeutu daily, will be ready ta go tuis weel end. His presence lu tic lino-up could be tic decidir factor in thc Memonial Cup senies. Wc look for Wednesday battie ta te tic beut ta date. - Matt Leyden, O.H.A. prexy Informes us that Don Cale tic goal-keeper wlio was necruitcd from EÉstevan Bruina,1 wsy af Weyburn Red Wings la not cligible for competitio Tic 011 Kings' pick-upu - Ros Lousbenry, Jim Harnix sud Ted Hodgsan, all from Estevan,, have becu among the top fonwardî. And lucideutally, wc've heard a lot of people blamiz tic Genenals, thie O.H.A., C.A.H.A. sud evenybody under t] sun for switchlng tic senicu te liaple Leaf Gardens. TI simple truthislutiat tic Civic Auditoru (as wc mentioni lait week> had been prevlously booked for a religlous rail Tic C.A.H.A. did not say tue gamet iad ta go te Toroni but witieut lces, t was impossible te play lu Oshawa. TI twe 7,000 plus cnowds Friday sud Sunday wouldn't ha, been possible lu Oshawa anyway, If it waa't for televisfi we would tiink that Sunday'u attration would have druç a near capacity Gardens' attendance. A&P IMME DEAN CamFEESM! VICOROUS anld WINEV COFFER BAVE lie BAVE 4o BOKAR 3-L1 BAG 1.40 Ub SAG 83C MILD and MEL.LOW COFFERB AVE Ibo SAVE 4o 8 O'CLOCK 3-U AG 1.14 14B AG7 5c A&P Choice Quality FEATURE PRICE! Io" - C.Iour and P..tin <TAdd.d Rep. prift.41, SU *Av£ « WU59 MUR m 24-d Rose Brand - White or Coloured Reg. Prioe.2 lbo 66o - BAVE se Jas.Parkecr Bq>Pris. lsd Usn - MARGARINE3 1"'f 8Cadd 9og4 »m 79< Fresh Fruits and Veg.tables - Arr fr1., g DoUyý MOxicn, Vine RipOM, mud an nPlw, Exira ter., m1h.Si» 27e, No. 1 Or. CANTALOUPES .- 9t 00"id, Vine Ripen.d w"p Sx.,S 0 TOMAIGES l& _Ce PLORIA PMREORANGE JiCE P.sk.d Under A&P's 0w Label 32II-zWt43t I 6z'ugSS% uil Po on laThli.AI ;t #, !e i 't [p g at .i il- he of to lor h1 ah lat ns esu sy be lit Ing iey ,en Lng ey,s by on. son ung the 'lie Led ly. Ita, rhe avo on Wn NE WTON VILLE Mri nsd iras. Danule LaTn- bent movcd to ticir new home in Bownianvilie, hle tweek. lins. Ed. Hoad uudcrwent sungery lu Memlonial Hospital during the past weck. Misa.EH. Trini apeut Wed- nesday in Oshaswa witli ler daugiten, lirs. Walter Siuip- son. lir. Arnold Wadc went te Toronto, ThuTsday, to attend thc "Meet The Baîl Club" dinner that evening, sud tic opening gaine of the scason on Fiday. Mn. sud Mrs. John LockliaTt of Niagara Falls callcd et Mn. M. KIirbsll's con ThursdaY. Mosan. C. Canveth of New- castle and R. Dilliug cf Bow- ninville werc callcns at lira. C. Burley's, receutly. The funcral cf the late Mir. Allan Browna, brother cd Mr. Clinton Brown, took place at Onono, Thunsday afternoïon. Faanily relatives, nuubering about 60, gatiered at thc home cf Mrn.sd lira. C. Bnown, hene, iollowiug tic Iuterment. Mr. Harry Wado, necently 7ppointed Cuc Cenu onîs- sione forti.district, iii beon n luhlam afor sevenal days taking a course 01 lu- struction. Mn. and Mm. F. Henderaon and fauilly were Saturduy ev- enlng visitons et Mn. Bey, Heudenaez'&, BOWnsavlflo. Mr. Charles Mom and Mr'. Orville Culbent cf Llndaay wene cailers, Satuday, wîthl Mnra G. W. Joues.. L MiÏss Joan Kiuitall cf New- cmtie spent Ssturday with Mr. Mud ins. fPhilGibe sud Umxily, sud Mri. aud lirs. iWilla FParrow were ticir dAn- uer gueusa Scane of the. fbaweru gracing tie sitar Sunday mmung wenc placed tien. by Roy. R. C. sud Mm .Whlte lu lovlg tnibute tic the latt8r's mtier, iila others wee in msmsry ýt f Mn. Allen Brown. Wth an attendance illllng th tc hur-ch, tis amual MO- tien'a DRY service W"s cou- "ductcd by Rev. R. C. Whlte, i who admlnisterad the. hcly rites cf Baptiari lie ifol- lowin«: Rodney Hmrod, In- tant son cfdM3&. and Un'. Den- n0Ia E urley; Kenueti Phiiip, a1 k*ant son of Mli nsd Mas. ýg Pilî Gilmer, Tuznotlsy DeUg- st lam, infant son cf Mr. and Mmns Ente Sharp.; Marvin Gleu M nwant son of Mn. aid lMn. 91u=i 8*sleton; ER~i t Ea-10 GENEBALS RCEGAIN WINNIG TOUCE Aften playing oeeof ticir werut games of tic seson lu losing tic Memonlal Cup opener to, Edmonton 011 Kingu 7-2, Oshawa Geucrala regalncd thair winnlng ways as they topped tic westernuer 7-1 sud 6-2 to moya lu front lu thc best cf seven final, lait week. Iu that initial contest, the Gens wene me lnept that It wss liard te judge Edmnoutou's real potential. Tue 011 Kingu wcren't exteudcd, as ouly Bobby Orr, playlug witi an aggnavatcd groin lujuny sud Chria Hayes gave tic visitons any trouble. A bigger Edmonton club displayed flue pas1- tianal hockey whlle giving Oshawa a souud geing aven physically. et thc Read home. M&. a.nd lira: D. K. Tliocmp- son, Bowm.anville, wene Tues- day visitais et lin. A. Tiornpsan's. Mr. snd lins. Jerry Abbott sud Steven, Bunketan, wea-c Fridsy even- lng visitons. Mr. and bMm. Donald ThomnPson, Hampton, werc Satunday evening caîl- ers. Weekend visitons with lirs. Thompson wcre lia'. L. Tiomrpson snd Terry, and Misa E. Willia=n, Toronto. Mr. nsd ins. E. R. Th<nip- -son and Cynthia,Mrlinsd Mrs. F, A. Osmond, Bowmanville, wene Sunday callena cof Mri. A. TlionMmsn. lins. L. Grahaim reccived a phione call froin ler son, Jiai t Grahami, Valleyield, on Mo- ther'. Day. Mn. Roy Grahara called ou bis niother an Mo- *then's Day. Mr..sud lins. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald sud Ray weve dinuen guests cf Mr. sud Ma'.. Ivan Sharp, Enniakiflen, ou Sun- day. Mr. sud lira. Alfred Qar- ràid 'iid'-t~iuli et'Mn. sud Msr. C. Garard'a on Moticr'a ëDay. Mri. sud Mira. Rein Monrison sud Sanfly, Oshaswa, Mn. r George Bentrnan sd Chery], 1Taunton, viaited their mnotier, Mrvs. M. Bertrim, on M'ther's Dey. lirs. Cowling arrived home ou n Tucsday sftcv spendlug tirce menths et hon daugh- tc's lu Miamil, Flonida. rDoe't forget tic bake sud Y' sewing sale bciug lield by Lt Club 21 at the sehool on >Wed- tt zesd.ay, May 18, at 8 p.uin. 74.lNH CUT - FIRBT 4 IOS OWLY ~mu m n STEMS' ~ff QUAIEY M- M R4 * * s COLLECTION DATE SATURDAY, MAY 14' 1 4 Pi nwL N md. Inift son etof i. end TeCmi. a ttmn omilh a 1 U SALEM lirs. Ray Toenpklnh. A specisl i "F a y,, ySwiday visitors wt r service wua held et ihu suad Mer. Hrr Wade were on Sunday when .the sara-Mr. am Ms. Wm. Brown aud S ORTOPIÇ S ~ ment of baptisa WtU adniinia. Karen, Soagborough, M r a. tered by Rev. D. Northey Gmace Wade cf Toronto, and WIN LADIES Tl=L Thm re pented for baptisai Doug. WBde, Newcastle. A 60 pin margin lu the third and decidlng lame gave. were Rodney Roger Cochrane,, Mr. Glen FamrW tCeif- Marg Perla team the Ladies Major Bowling Champlomshl amn of Mr. and lirs. Roger Panied tie other Grade 13 over firat schdul inrOi the.Pii kte Cochrane,, Barbara Ami dau- students frein Clarke iiigh dl lnrOi thr el oit& ghtr c Mv an lia J cShool vîlio took the trip to opener ratier easily but Etcher came back, toe ven It u:m urges, and Russell Bdwa ,Moutreal Thureday, retaulng and force a declding gante. smof cfMr. and lirs. Ken heineStzuxdia ilglit. Members of tic winning aggregatien were marg ptr%>a- litynard. Th e responsive Mr.. and lira. C. H. Lane captaisi; Lois Wright, Helen Nicholson, Dot Colis, JO=' reading was given re a wres uaud swthM.Bate, Betty Piper and Joanne Pltas. Twsit. Susan Cr&Walg tic and ira. Charles Gray sud Js eidr-DWogttesaoýnIn s- sori.pture lemon. Robert Craig dauglitersiluBowznanvllle. utarmde-Dotfrgtheesnediga. read tic tory. Mru. E. Twist With Mir. aud lira. Glen quet Monday, May l6th et the Lions Centre. Feqtivities gmtb.' aud MT. Bob Oraig sang a Stapletion and family, Sun- uuderway at 6:30. duet lu the suthem, by the dey wcre Mni. Elle Austin of t t t t t choir. Port Hope, Mr. an r MinJl There will be no chureh Qabern of Campbeleroft, Mr. BIG ?ARADE service here next Sunday as aud lirs. Cecil Stàpleton. The longest parade lu Oshawa's hlstc>ry wifl be hall- it la Tyrone Anxiversary. At Mr. C. Browu's wens Mn. this Saturday morning stsrting at ten o'clock from A;exàn.. Mr. and Mrs. Farewell and lira. T. Heuderson sud dra Park. Thc big affafr wlll kick off thc centeunial project Blackburin end Brian attend- Iaimily, Mr.ad. ulra. F. Heu- ed church service at Zion lust derson, Peter sud Carol, Mr. sud a campaigu for haif a million dollarsfer two swinýmfi2 Sunday wlien David John, and, Mrs. Jim Gilmer and pools and s recreation complex. to be. built at Uice- son of Mr. and Mrs. John farnil, Port Hope, Mir. sudý east end cf the Clvic Auditorium. Kin«liorn, was baptized. lins. R. Trini, Mr. eud Mr.. It lu expccted that thousands will Une thc parade To«61 Ma'. John Twist, wlio has Blll Wade and boys, M.r. sud dw iio tett h eoilBu hl.Tshg been ihidaying at home af- Mrs. Rocs Brown, Marty sud dw iao tett h eoilBn hl.Ti u ter corn-ýpetiaig hie final year Shelley. parade, ene-third langer than the 1963 preseutation thi4. in General Arts at Queen's At MT. Ray TSnipkln's were spot-lighted Uic Auditorium pnoject will :take somne _t%» University, left last Friday Mr., eud lrs. Bert TomiPkins, heurs te ec t dsiain tor t.he Haliburton Highlands Mr. sud Mrs. L. Clysd-ale, Oshaa Gen erastinaton.f el atia MpeLa wiere lie will be serving as Mns. Austin Sr. cf Cno, Ohw eealwowl eI ctoii ai et a studeut assistant'minister Mr. sud Mrs. Willla jparrow. Gardens later lu the day, Bastau Brü.ilu' Eddie Westfal.' iu the Minden, Caruarvon Mira. Gilaner Smith cf Bow- a motar city minan hockey pro6tUct', and Leafs' Eddie Shact, charge until September. manrville and Mir. and lira. will play s predominft» noie. Mr. and lins. Gerald Shack- Frank Gilimer were Suuday Ntol ht u cr el el sta aas leton sud Ruth metoired ta dinner guestis with Mr. and Ntol ht u er el el sta amn Ottawa on Sunday. Mr. Ericelirs. Milton Ximasu ad Robin alang withý 15 bands will take part, sud ha Shackletonm, who lias cern- Mr. and lins. SM Bxown extendusu invitation te Bewmanville citizens to attend ti pleted his second year at and Cindy visited hein methen, mammoti parade. Carleton University, returued MIrS. V. Wagg, et Bnier Bush home with the«n.. Hospa)tal, Stouuffville, on Sun- uey sd D glMn.wtMvadMa.SJ.ai Mr. aind irs. W. Craig lef t day.Ki Burley n d Dldefcas, rwte r. anded the.J. Aunr by plane on Sunday mioning Mr. and lins. Anthony Ton OoougliaBo Burley lrn fcsoyervi att W elcuir for a two week vinit with were Sunday dinner guefs 0bugsM.R theii daughter, Dr. sud lins. witih Mr. end lins. Tony Ton Port Hope, MT. snd lins. E. Chunch, Sunday eveuing. tKen Miler and famlly, S'wift sud famnily, Newcstle. Méweu sud Grace of Peter- Congratulations te lins Curzent, snd other relatives. nupr uul uSunday boroOugh, Mr. and Mre. Deni orei on c a iono wîthMv.sud ira C. arrw , rley snd Roduey of CO- lier 83Td birtMday, Mayv 10. suw iehMr ndwerM. . Far- g.Rgua obuy ie HÀYDON awadsLinda CalIr Mr . WlM dPia.-Gurgo r e g tic oeneu'a I mst ti HAYDON row ansd Mn LiWa lae SaWpt Mr. redM. Geo e iteld met U Ic home f Mru. Sudy ahoa su chrcighMrwee a ndd ayaS Bu.er Cletw el fTronoM. Band M ellet tJ onm onfTuesy tsrvice w ol antldrawu on guestuwith e Sndparens, ip MCa.lallcdroStpntonM suad Meyl17llat :30 pon. ubla rvc unday o acoutcf Tyn on estnd Mi S. GnoprendaM. BevenL fAjreSalanMs deroMHal7 th 2u30e, Misa Elsi A Sndan vraySces, so f t3re-aVdsitrs . dn tic a Bk thy o A jaxet issudM oHrry ReakesNcfsewmv lolewl 9noonvesd erv ices f er- id itli Miui. C Buhey lu- tStat c ngsndM. br Rie ticfspecia speer. f nn ad eleia. Be Altn ldcd tM. sdCi. rold I-vStwardOfMinso. b. o etade s el peakr.A Mronand w' r t n s ca jlle dM.an r.Haod M. n m C . -eldeswlo who ofv as1 they toa lous. It w ever City but line, like beez noti t