12 1'~8Sboui enrolledti ive new«M eon Ckeek, nrth of e nBrownie., £.aurt Betiiune Unelormier Jacob Hart.pro. Couneilapproveti rst Puck rownm s àm and qnecrncations 'IA ia otreSmlsdTlyanid agreed thsat tenders be Woudsta. caued for 8 pin. IMay 1MU, n trt in Mv othrers Mrs. Stout, t.he Brown Owl, 196 for considerationet a peentet a Golden Hand spediairmeeting ta be belti et ~ 3@tupvfme lot Packk te tisais 60 people Wvirere adget Irene MeFarlane, «set tinse. éitetained Utielr rpuent at ,thse luncheon. andi Golden Bars ta Joye 1ise Clerk was inatructeti ~ll fet 4MiýË ter aaon-The attractive modem art Ross, Cathy Rivera, Kay- Ste- te write Dominion fr:ti Ma- X h eldieretlY Oat ti place nmts had bren matie by ihenson, Robin Martyn, Cmn- chinery Co. regerdinr thse late cerm. Al Unte wrJthe. Brownies, andi Allyson dy Masters and Susan McCay. tielivery o! an item purchaseti e psp~ig, eein, nt Fsser, Je-Anne Dilling, Irene e preetta i roti-i Marci and tV delivery Me d&10U5 " Tcearlan, anti UniofCaver duisain Rmes",ly wrerespnaib"ae r-necieticy Badges was madie by charges. e pu dihwaÜfl, ltr- y erereponibe fr heMia. Stout a foliows: Collec- Gortion Stroeig is to be en- wn dons; by. tihe ÉWrl effective table tiecorations. toi, Kay Stepihenson, at gageti as a Warbie Fly Inapec- = Ives. Goti Save thse Queen was Thit, Leila Cowle. an ton, ta transport tise trailer- 'I~addition te, ieioths lpayeti on the piano by Cindy ________ sprayer unit at Une rate oit 'the frownwo, a0ek tss MC ters. Grace was aaid by $3.00 per hour. Seemms W. M. Ru IelI, ia Lyn Lieton. The retunn o! thse 1965 Tax ttlct Conwniuuioner ter' Girl After lunch tihere was ea BETHANY ffll*Uwas accepteti, with $23,- es i dsaniBàownies, anti fine progmm o! entertain- 670.02 unpait. The total 1965 S 1-S IL -Ï&ieu. Mira. Doug- mnent giveas by Une différent Manvers Township Tax'Rell ansountedtieV $154,. FnC@verl.y and à Mas Alan Sixes, thse groupa inte which CouneiliNotes 762.66. ee41, usuintedth ie. Brownies. Une pack is divideti. The A committce appointed ti tà Spits ai .1sho Show, At the May meeting o! thse Centennial meeting, consugt. P019TLDAU TOIS tise Leprechauns macde their Manvers Towinship Council ing a! Mrs. Boss Cari, George FOI L» APLIACES own isats, the Piiîe present- the following coimmunications Neals anti Ross Davitison, ne- 'itIWOUE eti an amusing skit, andtihie were receiveti anti dealt with. portedti t the Couneil their STAIESMAN Fainies perfoninet a diance Frein Une County Engineer, findings oft the costs invoiveti CILA88IFIED thet they hati oniginateti. enclosing gravel rates for in having a Histony o! Man- Telephoe 423-3303 'lhe 13t Peck Brownies' 1966; County Clerk enclosing cirsulTownsi a Csetennir copies o! By-law neturningciulto asaCneil Na. 19 sohool section in Maen- project for the Township of Annu nce..~m ent .. vers township, which hati Manvers. Views wene expies- "UM5U been a ~UUmC ~ ~p~i~a!tofCavan.Tw-seti et the meeting tsat if the WE ARE PLEASED TO ship School Aiea to the Man- Tawnship history was te be vers Towniship Public Sehool recordeti for poeberity that it ANU NC111E THA? Aiea; a roati clairs freinSSl- shoulti ' be daine et this tinie. ,,,~*Thene are a few persons re- verwood Dainies Ltd. in Lindi- sitiing în tise general aiea say, the treasurer o! Ontario Who have a gooti supply a! M iss Shirley Patf ield ne thse purchase o! municipal matenial anti if thse history on deben bures with Canada Pen- hn ol ecmie n who has just completed sien funti deposits; requisitionlir cotib cmple ai whohasjus copleedfrom. Cavan- Township Public put into one booik while they hrhrtylngcorsSciool Boardi; a lettesr regard- are active a permanent re-. or airs ing couse coindcitions In te cord coulti be achieveti. Tise WIL BEJOIINGiURSTAF oare; elt nitmatter was @et ove-i to thei WIL 1 OIIN OR TAF ots areportHeat Unt sPeciai meeting on May 19.1 ON MAY 17TH. maten l eort; g sete i Accounts totalling $5,179.51 Bthee ng cheque,5 in wene ondereti paiti which in- g. HAIRSTYLING Manvers share of fines for eue h odaonWr 'v Mi-ch1966 Proinceo! O- he Fly înspecton's salai-y,1 Marc 196; Povine ofOn-fuel, tiog contrai, shooting one (kSTUDIO tario ne intenim. subsidy fer dog, welfare store eccounts, 24 DIVISION STREET Winter Work projet. incarne tex anti peneion funti c at te metin wit plas leld ayl9th, 1966, et 8 pa.s ýSquare. Dan ce Grads Receive Dip tomas At SolJaeHall on April 28 Une Pinciidge Proenaden receivedti ieir graduatiai diplamas froin caller Gler Dowsor. They were receiveý by Eni andi Don Austin, Nolm anti John Boyle, Grace aný Byron Bridgea, Loaine and Dave Coty, Pisyllia anti Doug. lms Feuls, Jo andi Bill Hilts Muarial anti Alvin Meteaif Bert anti Jim Norriei, Marie anti Fred Parker, Marion and George Patter, Joyce an Ralgth Rowe, Pet anti Ted Stone, Isabel anti Wiif. Wes- ley, Molly anti Tony Horst. mani. They have now eom. pletedti Ueir basic nmanoeuver, - - - - - - Christian Lecturer Si Meeting in How good is your life goinj to be? It ail depends on what youi idea of 'good" is, according ti a Christian Science lecture in Oshawa on. Friday, April 29, Edward C. Williams, C.S, B., of Indianapolis, Indiana, challenged an audience heri with the question: "Who car really say what is good?" dMost people agree that "whatever satisfies is good,' he said - but "1there are count- [ess conflicting opinions about what really satisfies. "Satisfaction and p e a c can't be purchased at the drugstore," he declared. "Ma- terial concepts of good don'1 satisfy the deep human yearn- ing for lasting contentment. Many qualify for full or partial assistance Since the aim a! OMSIP leg- 0 The Disabled Persona' FuIIy-paîd.coveffec isiation is ta provide adequate .Allowances Act application medical insurance for Ontario 0 The Generai Weîfare People reident in Ont residenta, full or partial pro- Assac c the pat 12 monthu nsium assistance is available *Ac had ne taxable income for tisose who require it. 0 Tise Mothers' AllowancS es fullsi38stance. E*glsllbm ppr@*mgalthe Onlarto Medicel 5erries Insronce Plan-OMSIP for wIn -WBpesseci ithlie Ontario Lgisature en Feb. 1 8th of INs y..'. Coverage elacdApri 1 st for social assistance récipients. Coveroge willi begin July Ist fbÎ,*sas wha have olready ewolled, or wlio enrai now befare Moy I 6th OMSIP PROVIDES COVERAGE R~GRDESS0FAGE, INCOME OR H ALTHEveryone who has lived. OR H ALTHin Ontario for the past 3 .>SI P las been estab- months is eligible to join, Iieto provide adquate... exçep1~t tose who.are enti- m~uanc coerae or theted to physicians' services ppetof doctors' bis, under another Act.*. atu tonake -this coverage Members are free to avpilable to afl OntilO resi- choose their own doctor. If etsa regardiesa of their ae a niember fravels outside Ineome or Mate of health. the Province, and requires FnroUnmt in OMSIP in care, OMSIP wiIl stili pay vohmtary. the doctors' bis up. to The. Pl=n la intended for OMSIP established rates. bdividua]s and their fam- People who lind they can- ~JIg Mnd dmes fot provide inot continue to -pay for al g!* ucverge. (Group Sov- or part of their OMSIP con- .e wher a number of tract because of unemploy- eoIIeclüve1y pur- ment, iilness or'disability, inSS imauane. through inay apply for temporary w ,plaw dempkQ7nust, assistance inpaying their mpu Ott)fées. Automatic fuily-pold covesage Many residents and their dependants have automatie-. aliy received fully paid caver- age under OMSIP. These are people who are already re- ceiving benefits under thse fol- lowing Acts: e J' Blind Persans' Allowanm eAct Yes, if you a and. your ta 1965 wua $5( Complete Goverisme. You pay.. ($7.50 evez 0 Tise Oid Âge Assistance Act 10 Tise Rehabilitation Services Act Autometic fully-paid caver- age in also provided for aid age security pensioners and their dependants declered eii- gibie for coverage by tise Ontario Department o! Publiie Weif are On taiafor and Who ie in1965 Ts i reans if thsespeaple make out their application faim now, before May l6th, .they wiil get OMSIP protec- tion, fully paid for by tise governinent, starting this Juiy Tt. In addition, many who have, been resident in Ontario for the past 12 montha will b. eligibie for partial assistance, depending on their taxable incarne and number o! de- pendants. (Se below). DO YOIJ QIALIFY FOR PARTIAL ASSiSTANCE? Lre a single persan Yes, if you have aone depen- Yes, if you have a family of axabie incarne «in clint, and if. together your 3 or more, and if your family's ;0 or lesg. total taxable incare nel 1965 total taxable in carne in 1965 was $1,000 or les. was $1,300 or les. cost...$60-00 Complete cost..$120,00 Compiete coet. ..$150.00 Mt pays ... 30.00 Govemnnent pays..- 60.00 Goverisment pays.. 90.00 ......30.00 You psy.......... 60.00 You pay.......... 60.00 ry 3 montha) ($15.00 every 3 months) ($15.00.every 3 mentis) What is taxable income? Taxable incarne la the amount o! your icorne upon whieh you psy tax a! ter exemptions for, dependants and other aflowances have been deducteti. NERFS YOUR APPLICATION FORM--Please use BALL POINT PEN. Cut out form carefully. Mail todalyl MSTRUCT1ONS t *pou ham a Social Insurue Ntmnber wite It i.ise * squr proslded atarisg Wêtis Nie fIast numnber ln 14W M lutur. If yeu do nat have a nwnber, place a v usuw in'the aqee madWedNO. t<Pdiyur li or Farrily Name i the box. (Exmpk &WI Jmohnm ts.Brown. etc.). &PIiyeurfiratanid second Gven NamnhNe lboxes. 1 M~i on, Harry. Mary. etc.) If yeu haveà rkmlcm ore coewnnly known by another name fr moUngpurpss ploe ndicate Wi the box 'mad.sd OTHER. 4Pili your ddreaa ln thse first box; your City, Towns, Village orPost Off«iceh ie next box; and your -Couem* or Dittriet ln Nie lest box. SWd Wrte uber of tise dey on whch yau were bain ln I.hNe box nuukad DAY. Prlnt the namne of the mnonth (or hta abbreition) ln tise box mnarked MONTH. WrIte thse number of the year in thse box marked YEAR (Exanspie: 9 Feb. 1927). &Mm theudpièceav%/markln the box marksd MALE. Wommeahcul place a -V mark in the box marlced FÇ4ALL iY u eio.1e ç a,,#/ark inie box marhe 'SOIRIfywurna tenplace aV mnark in Nie box ~~~ a ~ I lodA~tE.yoewatu isother thoansingle e' srls <xamle-Cpica dwmlvred«orwido'w- wMe wS e n thalasoUebusmsrIed OTHEL w#4 WqUs a c' ceu0aP ,s ad the kWuiof qbSal. or btuhy l. hslvu werk tExamplaiCrpener- IL Print the first narnes of your wife or husband (spouse) ln the flrst box. Thon print the lirst namnes of ail your eligible dependant children, starting with the oldest, in the following boxes. If you have more than five eligible dependant children continue your list in the section on this side of the faim. If you have mare than 10 eligiblt dependent children, llst themn separately end return with your application form. Under BIRTH DATE, write the number of the day of brth, print the month and write the number of the year of birth. (Example: 18 Sept.1964). Under SEX, write M iftha childfs maIe, F If the chld lW female. 10. Sign your name on the nne marked SIGNATURE 0F APPLICANT and write i-i the date and year. 11. IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR PREMIUM ASSISTANCE Read this section very carefully and complote ether thse section marked 'A' or the one marked 'S' (flot both). 12. Remnember. if you receive benefits under any o! the Acts listed under Mi() ln the folder entitled --isp ..WHiT IT MEANS ANO WHAT IT CAN O0 FOR YOU'. you should not complote an application form. You will. be providé-d automnatically with fuIllv aid coverage. Birth Date Sax ADDITIONAL DEPENDANTS Day Month Year M or F FOR ADOITIONAL CHILRUO ATTACI4 A SEARATE SHEET ONTARIO MEDICAL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN ~ APLICAION ORM PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE hm* 1 P~ as Ilyse hsert hS= Wu PARTIALLV ASSISTED PREMIUMS Coat fo thoseeéligible for CompimesGovemment Ye« pramium assistance Coil Pays !g[ (d>i) hésingle person ............... 80.0 33M.00 M5.00 (coverng only the mnernber) (8750 wth a taxable Incarne ini 1M0 otf$500or ls (b) Thse lamIly of lwe .............. 0.00 30.00Min 0mm (co'vering thse head of thse famnily(1.0 end-one éligible dépendant) wlth a total taxable Incarnein 1905 of 81,000 or les (c) The famlly 0f lhréé or more ......... 10».00 3A00 Min0 (covering thse head 0f lthe famnily 580 and ail eligible dependants) with a total taxable incomne in 1M0 of $1,300 or ls FULL PREMIUMS Cast for those net eligible for premium assistance COST (à) lThe single person.........................0M.00 a year (covering only tise memnber) (Si 5.00 .very 3 mnontha> <b> The lamfly of lwo........................ 0.0a yéér (covering the head of tise family <$30.00 every 3 months> and one élgible dépendant) (c) Thse famllty of lis,. or usa.... . .......IUAO a yee (coverlng thse had of lise Ifar (337M50 «"ry3 nmias snd ail éligible dspendants) SEND YOUR COMPLETED APPUCATIO FORM TO: ONSIPI P.O. Box m. ,TerminaA, Tixonmlo ntai.. APPUCATION FOR PREMIUM ASSISTANCE ti. Ihav.BvdlnOntalofrtheaati2mnfti.lam 'rot coverd for total médical cars by gomrfmenit I agres toalalow the Médical Servicsu asc Division te, verlfy all statsents mode by n» on' thés apoksfiom <SSGH A OR 3 ONt.Y) A. NO TAXAffl WICOUE 1 hereby 4pply for fuWprum aestlum 1 and my éligibls dépendants had fna taxMbi IW carneforthe12 monthi snded Dscsmbsr3lst "st I stats hte # lnfèrartior glvsn by mole cent.t IL TAABLEINCOME 0F SISSORt LMI 1 hersb &Mpy fer partial premlum seam My taxableincarne wa n temxble Incane ef my eliible dow4uantawu hlai S$ _ for the12 rnrnfti mdtDecunr4w 31tIeo ldabbmbo& ft "0 okue h am be-'ào 81 )n n la id id in modem square dancing, anti are .now caileti Swingln' Bowt ant i wid<ance to BlD Carey.,, There was a large welcomeý banner acroce Une stage. Mern-1 bee's o! tise executive supphieti a loveilv. lundh anti coffee. the bias do1 a deep spli-itual turi'ng ta Gati. "In Une smallest or largest humais problen," h. sani, "Une tieep satistattian' a! victory can always be founti in an untierstanding of gondthUe tender power anti presence which is Goti. Then we cen say with Une Paalmist, 'I shall be satisfieti, wiscn I ewakc, with thy likenesa' (Ps. 17). HAMPTON .iý in undèrtnin i, o- rows home for Sunclay supper cluded, Mr. Williams. The wr Mirs. Amy Burrows, whaic purpose o! Jesus' min- Ajax, Mr. endi Mî-. Rudy istry, he saiti, Iwas ta show Jatnme- arnd family of Port us what God i. andi how ta Peimr, and Mr. andi Mrs. Fritz know Him." Janmier andi Arthîur. The ectrercitd apas Mr. and Mirs. Ted Chant' The ectrercitti pasae took a trip to Stirling, Ont., from the Christian Science endi spent the weekend et textbook, "Science and Health their cottage situated an Oak with Key to the Scriptures'" Hill Lake. by Mary Baker Eddy: "It i5 Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Cle- aur ignorance af Goti, the mens visitet M.r. and Mirs. divine Principle, which pro- Abin Clemens, Bowrnnnvxlle, duces apparent discord, and oùM*rsDy the rignt undertanding of Mi-a T. S. Mountjoy attend. Hlm reutoreg h ar m on y ed th;e Federateti WomeituIni- (P. 390). atite of Ontario Conlea'ence« Mr. Williams llustrated this In Guelit last week. Mi',. paint by relating several cas- Mountjoy repreuented Hamp- es, mcludlng one af "Incur- ton as thefr delegate ta thse abl"ccer, where individu- copitrence. job -w. coapet4y -ua1ud@a Miý Jum Wun±,EOWMm q- beve a -mem*O fl inie Mthr'rDy asobere s, diate-club level came ott ohrsDywsosre f, danoe with them,. Thre cou. as Chiristian Famlly Sunday le pieu ci t ,he clam o!f ive years in Hamptonl Church. In keep- id ago. were aise on hand. They n wibh this theine, the Sac- id were Jean endi Ai Brookingr asent cd Holy Baptism was ýd Vi and Stan Norrish. Helen celebrated. Susan Ruth, dau- s- and Bruce Vivien. ghter of Mr. an'd Mrs. N. G. t- Glen Dowson wilî utart a Stacey, Stacy Lynn, daughter inew beginners' clam corne ot Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Stick- rs. nert Septb wood, Shawn Celvin, son of Ronald Wilam, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Holroyd. Melo- Science die June, daughter o! Mr.an Mr%. Gordoni Chant, Leah Beth and Kevin Lewis, dau- pe k tgtter end sonofM.ad rs peaks atG. H. Wilbur, Barry George, liam, sons ot Mr. and Mrs. i Oshawa Harivey Thompson, were bap- tized on Sunday. g Evntualy mnkin isOn May gth, the Darlington! pee Eetalloomkin 5c~orn-Citi7ens Advancement Com- pclld toIookfor a more mittele hed ameige h ýr permanent good . .. It is use- ScoîBad eing ofnshp o ]ess to seek good while dis- Hall. They are interested in ,r regarding God. This wauid seouring the aid Hampton make no more sense than try- scolpoet nodrt ling ta fly by digging a hale in colpoet nodrt the grund."use it for variaus worthy the grund."cornniunity purposes, particu- S Mr. Williams, a recognized larly Youth wnrk. n teacher and praotitioner of IIs ae mlsfo Chîtatcece pk ne Oshawa was the guest soloist on Sunday morning, rendier- ing beautiitully the selection t "How Lovely Are Thy Dwell- t Ings". The sermon was pre- sented in dialoigue form by - - Rev. and Mrs. Catto, with «their tw~o ahildren, Linda and t David assisting. It was very imipressive and effective. Mr. andi Mrs. J. D. Caverly, * Lindia, Mark and Gail, Mrs. Sudds of Bowmanville, Mrs. Bruce Caverxy, Brent and Sharon, Oshawa, were dinner gucats on Sunday evening at the Ke'n Caverly home. Mr. and Mi-s. Ken Caverly were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hughes of Whitby. The Caverlys also visited Miss Olive Barton in Bow- znanville on Friday. Mr-. and Mrs. Wray were Mather's Day guests ot Mr.i andi Mrs. S. Keane and also calleti at the home o! Mr .and Mrs. J. C. Wray, Oshawe. -On Thursday evening, Mr. Edward C. Williams andi Mrs. John Casrrigan and1 Douglas, Oshawa, visited at sponsorship o! First Church the Prescott home. Sunday af Christ, Scientist. The lec- visitons at the Prescott homei ture was presented in the were Mr .and Mrs. Jacob Kes-; church, 64 Colborne St. E., sler and Amy and Jacob Jr.,1 Oshawa, under the title "What also Mr. Larry Quibeil, al Is the Good that Satisfies?"~ from Bolton. Surnday callers1 Mr. Williams observed that were M"s. John Malette and9 4eane o! the deepest human in. Allun. Miss Jean Malette and1 stincts is ta search for good." Mr. Clifford Garilnl, Mr. Glen1 "Yet how often do mortals Malette and Miss Hildia Row-1 Pursue it without ever scem- netv, from Woodville, aise Mr.i ing to catch up with ît."' and Mrs. Eldon Malette and E Judy frein Argyle. People start out in their A Mothers Day family ga automobiles in search. o! athrgathe om !M. gaod time; others hurry to the and IM.rs. HSken Smith in- bargaîn counter in search afcudtMrani rs Ry good things; stili others seSrdted Mr.andl o!M iltay solace at the gambling table, Mr'. and Mrs. Donald Prescatt1 in alcohol and tobacco, or in and family from Enfielti, Mr.i variaus forms of physical and Mrs. Allyn Taylor and1 sensation, the lecturer noted. gils, Bowmnanville, Mr. endt But then he warned that Mîis. Glenn Smith and fanîily,1 "the pursuit of good in ways Hampton. The gathering cele-a eontrary to God's moral law brated inh advance Margaret « is a dead end, a blind alley- andi Donald's l5th wedding I an alley littered with the rub- annivcrsary which is later on bish af broken lives." this month.1 Pleasure is not- wrong, he Mr. andi Mrs. Ralpih Ballard said, but the "counterfeit and girls spent Sunday affen'- pleasure in which one becomnes noon with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. servant ta a material craving"' Ballard et Columbus. is wrong. The indulgences The second monthly meet-;] which weaken self-control ing of the Doubles Club wasa erode man's natural frcedam. helti on Saturday night in the I "The fact that it becomes C. E. Wing. The installation P habituai shows that it doesn't aif Officers was helti during really satisfy; it's simply mor- the Course of the even.ing. al starvation"' . . . !eeding on They madie their own enter- t "cheap counterfeits o! some- taiiment andi rounded the c thing permanent and divine." evening et!f nicely with lunch.n Mr. Williams pointed out, They hope to have more in-9 however that "many teen-:te'ested couples join them in t agers and young people today the months ahead. The club r are quietly standing against :is held the lst Saturday o! the world's pressure ta con- every month1 forin. They choose rather ta Mrs. R. Farrow, Marilyna con form ta God's law of lib- and Gloria visited Mrs. B.a erty; not ta popular examples Dehart in Brooklin on Sun- af weakness.'" day. Mir. andi Mrs. R. Farrowv we nd family visited Mr. and 9 He went on ta say that "wland .Ali ni aiy have as much evidence o! r.C AlnadfaiywE gooti as we give evidence of! eodvil]e, on Saturday. good. ýMr. and Mrs. Don Lee and gooti. don aytrin Keith !rom Enfield were sup- e're ignotling usath per gjuests Suntay evening at very godoriginleifwe W"serchthe home of Mr. andi Mrs.c for~ ~ ~ ~~~_ go1,fr h hlewr Wilfred Fowler. ville, Mr. anti Mra. Bruce Ho- garth anti !amily, Pickering, andi Mn. anti Mis. J. B. Wilcox anti son Donald, Cobourg, vi-siteti Mrs. James Hoigarths on Motlier's Day. Mn. anti Mra. Normain Han- cack, Greg anti Jil fraie Hamilton visiteti her aunt anti unele, Mn. anti Mis. Bert Ste- yens. Sunday e!temnoon. Mn. anti Mrs. Lo6scli, Tan- ento, anti Mn. anti Mis. James Smales, Osliawa, were guests on the weekenti nt tise home of Mr. antiMra. James Sniales. Mn. anti Mis. Bob MeQueen, Toronto, were weekcnd visi- tors at home for Mot.her's Day anti aise visiteti at thse hoapi- tael to sec Vhir fether, Mr. Wilfreti Smale. Misa Linda Ssnale oft Weston woa home for thse weekenti. Mr. anti Ms's. John Cook were dinner guests on Suntiay attse home o! tse WiliretiSals CALL your mmperîaî Esso Agent, you cal on the total resources of Imperial Dil 623-5-516 Rave you found the aai.wer to your family alwayis having a home of their own? Call: The Mutual LU. of Canada r XSENTATIVM Donald C. Walsh, 23 Sunst204 Twirling Display HeId at Auditorium Tise Oshawa Civic Audi- Whitby Brasa Bandi inter the. taniumi was Une scene et a direction of Eric Clark did colorful dispiay o! Baton mucis ta makc this pro ra Twirling recentiy, under Une success wits jieir bt-ih reti direction o! Irenie Harvey, uniforma anti hiveiy N.B.T.A. Instructor anti Ad- judicetar. Local anti visiting î il * majorettes taok part with the Memorial nos ital. 1Pickering Blue Note Drum i 1Corps; the Wisitby Brasa Wee l Report .Band anti Drum Corps, adtiing -much ta tise success o! the For Une week of May 2.8 gevening. inclusive: Tise Tartan Twirlers pareti- Adérnkseons . ... .79 eti down tise floor led by tise Birts, 3 male, 6 feanale.- rOntario Champion Dianne D hags.... . .......8 .Shaw, Caler Party, anti Wiit- ýo prtos........1 fby Bras. Bandi. When tise Major operations'. . 1..4_3 hati manouveredth ie Sailor- EMnrgoen ratn ts ..33 ettes, Colleens, Twirlettes antid egnytetnna 3 »Tiny Twiriers, paraetieti Visiting hours 3-8 pm. daiiy. 1position, anti au seluteti whilc tise bandi playeti "O Canada" Mis. Reertian weicomedth ie n visiting majorettes, tise audi-3 ence anti local twirlers on be-* hait o! City Council, ant iwts e word o! appreciation for tise many honoîs tise girls hati bîougist ta Oshawa, tise pro-.. grams sterteti. Mickey Mouse Club by tise Tiny Beginners was tise !îrst . in the Group Mercs anti Twîil, !oliowed by Toyshop Twirl, MacNamara's Banti, Tartan Blues with Captain Heather Nelson, Tertan-Teens, Cap- tain Cheryl McCune anti Blue Note Drummers; Tartan Juniors Captain Jenice Man- ning, Bowmanvilie Sailorettes, Captain Irene Rietinuiler; Tar- tan Lassies, Captain Gayie McNaily witstise Whitby Drum Corps. Cernival Twirls was an in- teresting display by yaung teachers froi tise Harvey 1Dance Academy presenting their own classes - Haîman- ettes - Director Pamela Young; Rouge Hill Lions - Nancy Hat- fieldi; New Saîlorettea, Bow- manvilie - Shirley Fowler; 1Narts Oshawa Park - Suzanne rWilliams; Purpie Tones, Burn's EScisool - Jean (Brigist) Barber; Runtilettes - Lynda Dawe anti Ann Bernard; Wootiview Maj- arettes - Joan Major. - Strutts and Salas by Miss Harvey's Twirlers was igi- ligisteti by the ciever perform- ance o! oui Senior Ontario FARUUUJU Champion, Dianne Shew. Mis. lier hard wark anti wontienful performance. Mis. Backstrum, Parents' Association presentetic i a bouquet anti gi!t te show liow happy anti prouti we are o! her success, anti Miss Han-. ....... vey witis e beautîful bouquet o! red rases. Mrs. McNelly assisteti in presenting Miss Matai City Sweetiseart Cindy Kowal anti nunners-up Kethy Ross, Valerie Brooks anti Ciseryl with rase-gays. Also, Miss Oshawa Teen-Twirler, Dianne Shaew anti nunners-up Patsy Blake, Brentia Henning anti Pamela Young were pie- senteti Witis flowers. Mass Harvey presenteti Dienne Shaw anti Cindy Kowal with puises. -The Ronnette Junior and Senior Corps, Juvenile Pem Pom Gnoup anti Druin Corps, presentedth ie Show Routine they will perforin et tise Cal- gary Stampetie tisis Summer, untier tise direction of tiscir - teaciser Mi. Ronald Kapas. Mr. Kopas wes presenteti wits atrophy in remembrance o! .S u rc Harvey. Variety Twirls were Dace Teain, Duet anti Two eao an d o s Ld Twinl by tise Tartan Twiriers. Student teechers o! tise Bowmanville, Ont. H.D.A., Dianne Shsaw, Cheryl McCune, Shari Zakanow; also -Bowmenville Recreation assist- ants Canal Gîcenham, Maureen Martin anti Petsy Blake were for: presenteti witis dcsk pen sets. Tise Pickering Blue Notes *RllIT Druin Corps untier tise direc- -VIFOUCTS tion o! Mr. Holter put on a colorful dispiay o! mercis rnenoeuvers anti music. Thein E VC MM"