*****CLASSIFIED ADS~ s - .- - - -. .~ - Memoricmx 1 in Memoiam - i 9 in Events NIotices -11' i' wantea to ient &iI,;,4n hl imr fl07 a! SEYMOUR, MEllbeth Jane- Dancoe, Tyroie hall, Satur- TAXIEMY-Ilsh ineuted. PAeTUBE wanted. Telephone 401dMotber and grandznother, In loving mem ofo a dear day, May 14.- Claa Nesbtt Phone Orono 371. 19-2* 2632181. -î à>"!ýane Jeu . , who left our mother who passed away May Bnd. veryoue welceuie. Dr. A. F. MeKeuzie wlf not TWO or three bedreem house *mLet M i sth, le". 5, 1959, and father Samuiel 1'_1 b. ln hi. office from May 14 by school teacher and family. ?roo dq'I oved, ever te be James Seymour whfo pssd Sale of geranlumsand home to May 24 Inclusive. 192 Phone 723-5148. 19-2 tare em beday Sgh te pi r s 18, 1928.on bak n w St. Pau 'a Un te d L. C. M ason, Q.C., law office HEAED, 2 bedro m apartinnt, R Z CHle ad arart ra rP riday, May '13, 2:30- losed ta July lath, 1966, central. Cail P. E. Gravelle 01d aails..nd their band we canne 4:30. 18-2 EXCEPT Tue. and Wed. Evs., Real Estate, 623-3341. 19-1 touch, Rummage Sale and Bake 9-10 p.m. for current business. APARTMPNT or bouse for EF£ST-IJn Iovig memory of a StÛR we have so niany Sale, at Kaox Christian Sehool, 15-14* June 1, suitable for cule with dma don aud brother, Bob, memories Scugog Road, Saturday, May As of May l4th, 1966, one child. Call 623-7620. Who pahaed away May lUOth, 0f the ones we loved so 14, 1 p.m. 19-1 Central Cornmunity Telephone 19-1 lm. . much. Corne one, corne ail, to Sa- Company Ltd. new business Qie Sad and lonely year han Tlieir meniory Io a keepsake lina Hall, the last Jim Fisher houri wil be as follaws: Mon- Seed for Sale .passed With which we will neyer dance cf the season, on Sat- day - Frlday, 8 - 12 and 1 - 5; Siuice our great sorrow tell, part, urday, May 14, 19-1 closed ail day Saturday and INC1IEASE YOUR YIELD Theshck ha wereelvd odha.thm l Hs kar¶ Monster BaagoTusa Sunday Depasit Box on the WITH HIGH QUALITY SEED that day We have them in our hear . nlght at 8 o'clock, sponsored front office door for anyane No one con ever tell. --Sadly missed by daughter by the Sunnyside Park Redwishing ta use this te depasit 0OA T S God, gave us strength ta meet Hattie, son-ln-law Frederick. Bar. North Oshawa. 39.f their accaunt in and receiptGA Y, ODE, US L it 1,-i wilI becrnailed ta them. AR, ODE. US L And courage ta bear the Aninual Spring Suppar, New- 18-2 and STORMONT Btblow, TICKNOR-In loving memory tonville United Church, Wed- B R E utwhAt it meant ta loue you, cf aur dear grandfather Fred nesday, May 25, cornmencing Ne ont WUIl ever know. wbo passed away May 15, 5 p.m. Aduits $1.25, children p EITA and YORK lesa lonely here without you, 1905. 50C. 19-2* ~WO miss you more each day, To us bis name will ever b. Penny Sale, Kendal May 14. C R For lie la net the smre ta us, The key that unlacks Appliqued quit plus haut of FUNKS G HYBRIDS Since you were called away. mernories beautiful articles - 25 chances Rîgh Germnation Sometlmes it's hard te under- 0f a dear ane gone but for 25c, also "Touch and Take" F R E E Treated forDisease stand cberisbed yet, table. Admission 25c. Lunch. Why some things have to be, A beloved face we will 18-2* SPECIALCESME in ffis wisdom God bas neyer forget. ieok dispîay, Monday, CERESM OR planned -Sadly inissed by the grand- ,yireworks I..zinmnt arbage .rîckup F A R M S )3eyond aur poers ta see. Bons. 19-1 8M., fre1r966 entertiieN RHS FKN -Dearly rernembered a n d ___8p.. iears9pm , gBOT ID FKNOWMANVILLE sadly niissed by Dad, Mom, TICKNOR-In loving mernory Sc.ool grounds. Tickets 50 , Wed. May 18 Bowmanville Newcastle Anne and Iton. 19.1 o! a dear father Fred who available from Rotary Club ' 623-7150 987-4711 passed away May 15, 1965. members. 18-3 and SOUTH SIDE 0F KING 18-tf ]BROWN-In Ioving memory God knaws how rnucb we miss Womefl's Institute Bazaar, Thurs., May 19 o! aur dear sons Gardon W. yaU, Blackstack Recreation Centre, Repairs Who passed away May 18, Ha counts the tears we shed May 13, 8 p.m. Fashion Show, Place garbage at the curb 1964, and also Lloyd D. wha And whispers, ha only sleeps, prorm, sale of goods, re- GUARANTEED television 'and passed away Decamber 24, Your loved oue is not daad. freshmants. Admission 50c, T. K. STEWART radia service toa ah makes. 1939. Sa we'll ha brave, dear father, eilîdran 25c. 191* Works Superintendent Television Service Co. Phane They ara gone but net for- And pray ta God aach day, Auction Sale - Rain or 19-1 623-3883. 52-ti gatten, And when ha calls us home ta Shine- Saturday, May 14, And, as dawns anather year, YOU 10 a.m.- 4 p.m., St. Andrew's OPEN HOUSE Watch Repairing In aur lonely hours of thinking, Your smile will guida the United Church Parking Lot, Certifiai Watchmaker cf. Thoughts of them ara always way. Celina St., Oshawa, sponsored 2 p.m. 'tii 4 p.ml. Canadian .Taweller's Aton. near. -Lavingly remambered by by St. Andraw's Couple's Club.M rrs' Da:of sadness will came yourdagtr uryan Refreshmentson sale. 19-1 T EKN jw hr 'er us, son-in-law Henry Shirk. 19-1 Euhe crdpry Me- May 1 4th and i 5th 39 King St. W. Friands may thinlc the cre adarrty Hus, Lib Tk hsoprînt evs15-tf wound lu healed, -marial Park Club Housevisi ]Bu thy lttl knw te RMARerty St. South, Tuasday, May these fine new homes built by Refrirreration Eu sheo itl kooteRI A 17th, 8 p.m. Admission 50c, ijchonskid That lies within the heart MEMORIALS door prize, lunch served. Pro- an eric concealad. ceeds for Crippled Children's noted for qualîty construction ApplianceSevc -Sadly xissed by their math- Dlgnlfied and Distinctive School and Traatment Centre. and craftsmanship.ComriladD esi er and father, Annie and Russ. Monuments - Flat Markers1 19-1 luit take the second side-ro erigCmerco ia l mi oes 19-1* lu designs fer any mcci Woodview Cammunity Centre EAST 0F "THE ACRES" Phone BERT SYER 152 Simca. St. S.. Oshawa -Monster B i n g o. Tweuty RESTAURANT on Days - 623-5774 IBUTSON-In loving memory ~ , gams-twenty dollars; five Taunton Road Nights.- 623-3177 o! my dear wife Winnibred 723-1002 - 728-6627 gaiies-thirty dollars; $150 AND FOLLOW THE SIGNS adrH rw r whop assed away May 16, 1961. Office Evemlmgs jackpot, and two jackpots et For burter infrmaioncae rive 8ad and louely years have ____ $250. Door p ri1z es. NextFo uteinrmincalndE CT C passed WEBBER-In loving memory Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, the EXCLUSIVE AGENT aiEETI Since my great sarrow bell, of aur dear mother and grand- Oshawa. 46-tf W. FRANK Wlted The shock that I received that mother, Mary J. Webar who M N T R BN O R A S A ELD ahteSo day passed away May 9, 1963. M N T RB GO EA S T L D Cahonfhl S o No oe can ever tell. Laving and kind in al bar TRURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'clock 21 King st. W. Bowmanvllle 1 little knew when I got up ways, Sponsorei by the Jumior Phone 623-3393 for Deai or Crippei Farm that marri Upright and just to the end Cameo!omrc 19-1 Stock. Plcea up promptly What sarrow the day would of I4er days, hmeofC mrc Telephone collect 263-2721 brin t hat o Sincere and kind in heart and .IUBILEE PAVIIJON N 0 T I C E* Margwill Fur Farm 1lsa gi haha rt'f mind, O SHRAW A, 34! The Board of Trustees cf the TKN gald, What a beautiful memnory Sec Uic Fine Arts Spectacu- Roman Catholie TRN Sh asmret m ha* she left hehind. lar 1966 at Bowmanville High Separate Schools for the We Licnce ANyonus-C-66 wealth untold. -Lovingly rememberad and S,ýhooI, May 18, 19. The latest Town of Bowmanville HnrAyBnsCr Zhe was always &o gentle, o sdymse yduhes.TAEN ICta hebv 1f and kind, sadly missed by daughtrinSprîng Fashions, the hast in AENTIEta heaoa1t andhis d braqa sonm, sons-in-law and grand- music, handcraft, art. Fashion meutioned Board o! Trustees Deadstock Service Few in ti ol e qa children. 19-1 show, May 1 8, 8:30; Music on the llth day of May, 1966, you'll fiud. Festival, May 19, 8:30. Dis- passed By-law number 5 to Rithest Cash Prices for Deai A beautiful Mie that came ta WINDSOR-In loving memory pîsys open at 7::30 p.m. 18-2 authorize the borrowing of ami Crippîci Farm Stock an end o! a wonderful busband and . roney hy the issue and sale BURRETT FUR FARM She lived as she died, every- father, Harry -Ross Windsor, Wanted-Anything suitabla af debautures of this said Phome Long Distance oue's friand.- who passed away May 16, for sala by auction on May 27 Board of Trusteas in the prin-Z.lh650(.crgtaou Bbc left me suddenly,-, 1= 1965.., at the.-Old P-ast Office Build- cipalarmbuht o! $1T55 (» hare t0a 1 thoughts unkuawn, -Sadly mlssed sud aver re- ing. The proceeds are ta ha 1. The purpose for which Dept. Agric. Lic. No. 351-C-65 ' she l ft nm a m em or es I m em ered y w fe D oris, used br unds for St. P ul's the m oney is t a ha orrow ed __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ aproud ta own; David and Betty. 19-1 United Church Christian Edu- is ta build aud aquip an ad- ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIEDS D n my heart, Winnie, cation Building. Donations dition ta the school. you will always stay, For Ren will ha pîcked up Tuesday and 2. The amount to he bar- SEE PAGE TWO evary way, GARAGE for rent. 31 Carlisle 623-7229 or 623-2342. 19-1 security of the saîd dehenturas by ber laviug busband Lamne. Ave. Phne 6235940. 191* 7f-T which shalha a charge upon Three-bedroorn a p a r t m e n t. M ONE th schoolhouse property and PERGUSON-In loving me- Phone Newcastle 987-4487 TPTh V QrU CLpreisadan otrral- marya! der huhan su - and persanal property vested father, Walter Fergusan, who 1- in the said Board of Trustees assed away May 13, 1965. TWO.bedroom heatad apart- A.NNIVERSARY and upon the Separate School lis weary heurs aud days o! ment, central locatin, lm- wl ehurts platihdn, ghs ae psty. phoses623-3111. 19nt-1F. K. MALANE, Histrubedniht ae as, I. hoe 23311. 1--lSunday, May l5th Secretary-Treasurer, And lu our acbiilg hearts we FURNISHED basernt spart- C.R.C.S.S., Towuo know ment in Newcastle. Apply at 2:30 and 7:30 P.M. Bowmanville. 19-3 Ha. bas bound swaet rest at Karl Wayrich, Newcastle, Sat- MR. S. G. S9AYWELL last. urday aternoon, Sunday, or Oh I .th t 'D'TH U .wife Verua and bamily. 19-1 FURNISHED 2-bedroom hun- speaker at both services S tra ,M y 1 ]RENNING-In loving memaory villa, 2aile rm Bowman-- wlth Special Muie of a dar husand ad fathr vill, allcouveniences, 2 - 3 ESCOETED TOUR TO u d y Ma 1 o!me a . d ear hsbaud andasoeradults. May ta October only. W strn Canada 2y4o'ic ed awaY May 12, 1964. Phnj2-23o 2320.2-4o lc family. 19-1 APARTMXNTS-Bachelor, oue 1966 S ne Terrace bedroom, two bedrooms and 1-r s ]HOCKLEY - In loving me- three hedrooms. Apartmauts No Night Travel Sub-Divisioni mary o! aur father, Horace naw rerdy for occupancy lu See Regima, Edmonton, Jasper, LIBERTY ST. NORTH }Iockley, who diad May l3th, the new Erskina Arms build- Vancouver, Victoria, CalgaryI 196n-. ing, 250 King St. East. Rents and the Stampede N.H.A. 3-Bedroorn Brick Bum- msother h passed away May and six chairs wlth china cab- Aduisson PUL UIN YOUR NAM£ à s,8, and ather Samuel luet aud buffet; Captaiu's Aduits $1,50 . Children 750 LINTONURST Manor b as James Seymour wvho passed chair, 2 chromne tables, larg 92acmoainbrlde u NAME awy epemer18 129 sze wtbfur chairs each; gentlemen. Phone Orono 371. The depths o! sorrow we Westinghouse frig with large PLAN TO ATTEND . 19-3 DAENM cannot tell, freezer, kitchen cleck, glass-- DEALER NAML..... well . four-hurner electric steve, MONUMENTS AND A»d while thty sleep a two steel bais sud mattrseLegiofl MAIKERS 1peacebul sleep dresser, 3-piece bedrom suite, GeeCu Thei mernories we will 2 end tables, cobfee table, 2 leCu .ai y ke.occasons chairs, lawu couc, SPRINGSAFR wq& r isee b daugbters writlng dl, studio coucb,4 P I GSAFR >jand Ie. 19-1 odd chairs, rug 6 x 91, 3 lawu RS LT». chalrsm step stool, ban, wasis- CON CERT #'66 H = MTS CO NI ing machine snd dryer, tb Drector, Mr. IL Cotton ià= BMULTSstand and tub,4 large quartity cwuatsm a shmer o! lb.o! tools, gardon tools, power 6MeNiAUtlts COURTICE lawn usower, other susall Mm V»EDs7ealg, Ista articles. Alm et atme day Mmn T. Kesub, a«aolnlu lfu rolr 21 and place, property eonslsting Mr. ]. Meteai&U .mpu St i MI te rs 5 ots sud bath, rec roorn m l7. *flTII OTIS [*~~5wlth bar, oaU furuace on a 8:0.66 138 Ô.ha a &Dlstilct sale. Terins o! proery - owflCITvile $18 DandiSa t. E,. wlciuy AIDN suco.r, 8y eV- .0- iiat 8 rw - - - - - - - - - - - onal SPECIAL! BRUS-H SALE quality paint brush. Etegr.$405 'Value SAL $2 9 AWA W OOD LIMITED PRODUCIS SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1817 ruTHR NAM I QmuWWON,. Pittsburgh Saýle! I I I i N I I I I I i s