BUU fBowmanfille Rural Operating, Area has this miodern, new all-electric scaped. At left, W. Rex Walters, Manager of Biowmanville Rural Operating conditioned. Modern lighting is located ova iwokaasInhspctr head4tiarters which lias just been completed on Scugog Road in the Area, is shown leaving the new Bowmanville Area office. At right, three from the left are: Mrs. Gladys Kean; Ia uly he lr;adW nor thwest section of' the town- of Bowmanville. The staff will be inoved members of Ontario Hydro's Bowmanville staff are inspecting the prog- Rex Walters,- Area Manager.(ntroHdoP t) ta the new headquarters by the end of May. The exterior of the concrete ress of construction in the general office section of the new headquartersI block building will be attractively painted and the grounds will be land- building. The Bowmanville Area off ioe is electrically heated and ar- :euilt as a winter works pro- inside. -Constructed of con- standards. This wml ensure ~E cures, pedicuiýes, facials, eye- *V hlrn gssxt ly jt henw mdm al- rt bok teete I als that the building is warm and L )s~ c y c brow arching and eyelash tintr ~igID 'V er lyn u a~e ,t, tet.edwthatrnthe HblousethofxtFlaire H- S inga tvadHee Vva e ctieheadquarters building are being attractively painted. free from drafts in winter andL a te si)Sty l s D"'t a y e inÉdance floor, led by jat 'orý Ontario Hydro's Bowman- The interior offices are taste- fetate theeounes of coFlairn ~'~m ,iee Rural Operating Area fuily decorated and the whole also cool and pdeasant in sum- fetrstrelnso o Iu 4q1w is virtually completed, interior is cheerful and brighte. Temi fiescin A0E i metics, one European, one Hodgsndccoten *andI will be ready for the staff Modemn lighting has been in. is heated by baseboard elec- CaII T~I' ~ ~ ih nite ad Stae. inced id e wr evfyteH *Ocuyby the end of May. sald hoptimumi illumnin- tric convector heaters. Stor-A t i neuiiFsh ionaS hW Candia, ates.one "0'e ro Construction* of the ne ation over desk areas.ag arsae in these are creams, lotions,Roetoadcumeb ,ce began last December Growing Staff ceiling mounted electric forced The Bowmanville Kinette was the convenor for this most in a gay hooded ail water- soaps, oiîs, and make-up for On Saiurday pi Oh udwas carried on through- Tebidn s14fe air units. Modern, eIectric Club's Spring Fashion Show enjoyable event. President proofed reversible plaid cape, all types of complexions, lie Swingin' Bows edtersc çrypae uia h 'T the winter by Mel-Ro d6 ee ie.looo odiinng wilmaei at the Lions Community Barbara Conneli welcomed the and stretch black slims. An- explained. end children's atiih8tfrtecide n ae ou Landte2 of hji long anofo and conifortable in sum- Centre last Wednesday even- large number of people attefid- other was sweet in a red wool SecodV ePrsen " Construction Lmtdo ht offers adequate spacefte mer. ing, April 27th, was a great ing. blazer with jeweîîed crest,»ontencoVieorPresent Fairey girls and boysesntoakIhatem qurdncgd Lo tedgnr on rcto r. pan in stfofhe uy The well-planned h e a d- success. The spacious rooni The other memabers of the the pocket and pretty pearl gorgous buquet of red and part nfn ae n qaeIaddv ihterprns Loctei n cuog oa gowngrural area. At pres- quarters provides an office was filled te capacity. Second committee in charge ofar bttnsnhchinatrctv jlnrhes etono i et hre is asafo 5pr for the Area Manager, general Vice-President Virginia Faiey rangements were Ruby Wood- slacks. wrck hi e rnaistors. A.the parntsputon ' d biIdln hheaedand ir-con-e soel7aid g415 trad e dnpec- office faclties, a room for ward, Jean Williams and There were stromg long John and Judy Shop. The entertained in eaaero h cide hc hyf qitIoned l eticd dally.- tonlas tra ember s pec the sales staff, a data process- Gladys Ulley. A past presi- wearing jeans and Madra presentation of a lovely bou- accompanied b r.Gensejydadcerdfr qW ndeetiâl.to tf ebr.ing room, supervisory safda s Is R tent of the club, Kay Cain, sports shirts for young boys, que fflwr0asas immos.TheteaeshITre u apeey mae lsledi cmmnttoidnm et, oxrnhots.ad ae for Mwrs. Mac s- hepivleeofdacngthi lfttm al it teas e ..new Bowmnanville Area The walls and ceilings Of quarters, a conference roommaeaslni omntrdnmstbxrshtadmdefrM .MuicBe-tepiveg .-e presents a pleasing the office building have ben and a lunch room as weli a for the smart sports clothes lots of other good styles for lin. To Mr. Buzminski of the own style intebae ntoacetre oudeaoh apc bth outid ad hsuatn uLcLlc neamgstffwashrooms. For the ~f1 fashions from Breslin's Ladies' young lads. House of Flaire, 2nd Vice- the hall with odlaecilrmsprycm trades group in the remainder Wear and the attractive ap-- Little girls' styles displayed President Fairey presented an Miss Susan Caryenhl er of the building, there is a At Uia ýY prlfrcide rmteicue rtydess iýatatv e fcf ik n large work area, also an ade- I John amd Judy Shop. There turesque play suits and charm- tic tac, a gift from the Kin- qutetolrom gnea sor-was also a fascinating demon- ing sweater sets. There werc ette Club.ATE IN FR ESI rooni and foremen's quarters, stration of hairdressing by the darling little double knit suits Adeioulncwasr- A large loading dock is locat- Two local youn.g ladies, Ios fFarhw.aso.Acdely the K nte s.e th ~ W 'a u u u i and his wil helpto fablitatenors, suocessiully comipeted Several lovely bouquets of The hairdressing demonstra- Special Draw for the attractive y E.. Iy Py M r: 1 Iaand th handlng o efatil and in baton twirling competitions flowers emhanced the large tion by Bob Buzminski, pro- prizes donated by Harry snPrmumA ilt A N suple h i taering ofm t he mhei a d atUiNY.onSu- hall, and there was a mag- prietor of the House of Flaire, Locke's TV, Lander Hardware, fromtruks n an ou oftheday, April 3Obh. For the first nificent arrangement of chrys- Oshawa, was founld to be both Jackson's Drug Store, Rick- G SLN ISL&M TROI Bowmanviflc Area headquart- tinie, Patsy and Susan enter- anthemums donated by Ross interesting and instructive. It aby's, MeGregor Hardware, 10 1DB LOAN ers. ed the advanceda duet and Jackman, on the stage. * was amazing to sec the trans- tickets te the Shriners' CircusFamTnsA ilbe placed lat witha mark o The long runway for the foifmation in the models' ap- from Roy Woodward, Whyte -N LPThe Bowmanville R.O.A. 84.2. The judge com.pliment- Fashion Show extended from pearance made by skillcd Brothers, Jury & Lovell's Drug Il E LP ~staff hase been located in a cd thern on their origility the stage down the centre of coiffures designed and carried Store, Sleep's Conimunity Oto saa htyadDsrc YOURsection o a large, older build- and performance. the room, and it was sur- out by Mr. Buzmiski, and Store, Hooper': Jewelerf ing t 61Temerane Steet Susan also wea awarded 5th rounded by tables for four, others by some ofhis operat- p intue 4.j CA LCO ET ~ic~Noéme 151 Teplace in 13 yrs. Intermiediate cach with a pretty and orig- oirs. len's Crest Hardware, W'l- U. U INESS modern, new all-electric office and Dale Wilson of Oshawa ial carousel type centrepiece He toîd the audience that his liams' Eîectric and Snowden D hty6834 will offer more space and bet- was 3rd in 14 yrs.' Novice. with daity pastel colorcd salon specializes also in mani- Electric. ter facilities for the staff to Third place was won by Patsy miniature streamers and tiny serve thc Area's more than In the Advanced Fancy Strutt gay spring flowers. 7,300 rural customners. and she also placed 3rd i the The models were Ulva La- Bowmanvile Rural Operat- 13 and 14 Advanced Solo thangue, Bobbl Ann Fairey§ ing Arca at present covems a with a mark of 83.2. Enter- Lillian Hooper and her daugh- nfouuauds et buuinesses throughout Candahave ue territory of some 600 square mng the Two-Baton Solo for ter Cathy, Sharlene and Sandra miles i Central Region and the first time, Patsy won first Cain, Eleanor Murdoch, Bon- IDS Iammi b uxpnd or modernize their facilities. If you includes customers in rural place with a mark cof 91. nie Woodward, Dawn Coe, foeyou bsinssandreqir fianing ~ and suburban sectors beyond The girls accomipanied their Geoffrey Masters, Diane Mc-'h hae pklba 6a uies n eumifnncnc Whitby, Oshawa, Port Perry, teacher, Miss I. Harvey, tO the Mullen, Danny MoMulien, in andcimcu your neds with us. Bowmanville, Orono and New- competitions. Miss Harvey Joanne Collacutt, Dcbbie Mc-m castle. The staff maintains acted as a judge at the c>m- Mullen, Anme Harris and her some 655 miles of distribution petition, but mot for the clas- daughter, Debbie. limes also about 290 miles of ses in which hem pupils were Smart fashions hold the subtransmission and transmis- participants. Patsy is the secret for more glamorous liv- sien limes. daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. E. ing, and appropriate outfits W. Rex Walters, Manager of Blake and Susan is the dau- for both work and play were IND US TRIA L Bowmanvillc Rural Operating ghter of M. V. Connors. prsnted for both women an D EVELOPMENT BANK 1951, said the new office build- teL M te stnascot e da 27 BàANCII OFFICES ACROSS CANADA ing wl ea importantadSA Efiesyng w cmnd TOONOON.:25 UlvrutyAvnu -Teepon: d811tif od emthe rwistrucumres i n eseofthrt an ditin t th grwin nuber Salem U.C.W. held their practicability that was exactly TORNTO ON.: 50 niersty nnu - elhthe st15ca mdiexr n in g utows n oApril meeting at the church. right.p you drive wthout a worry ini the world,... Ford of Canada Bowling League banquet and turtie necl<, full fastiioned rag- dance at Maple Grove Hall Ian siceves. This outfit was cars. They're always in top Condîtio0i, servioed by men who know îa3t Saturday evening. . i sea foam green, and Itit FO R- M Ford-balt producta but. Just drop in a.nd lot-us show you.. and Mrs. Ken Shackle- oeof teKte Classics ex-h 4,~ We'rk lht in your neighbourhood. ton, Mr. Bruce Stainton at- Aniidst the most appealing ~9.tended the Chamberlin - Wood styles shown were the wide wedding at Kedron United variety cf sheils. There were Church hst Saturday. lovely embroidered 'orlion Mr. and Mrs. Laurence shehis, washabhc crocheted Savery, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. cnes, and some striking sets - John Kinghorn and family, with jackets to match or DA Richmiond; Miss Jean Willett, "Alioy Spring" could have r, Toronto; Miss Joan Westlake, been the name for one chic Messrs. Don and Larr Wcelsh, catching all nylon hoodcd vMr. and Mrs. Ron WIelsh, Fox- squal acket, worn wlth bell \ E~T -AC ARboro, were Saturday supper bottom.tirousers, and a T-shirt gucats cf lÇfr. and Mrs. F. striped in mcd, whitc and navy. Blackburn. The John and Judy Shop h - Mrs. E. Twist attcnded the wel tockcd wlth a niarv- W Zth annIversary of Maple clous collection of play clothes MM OF PMYU 0 N 6F CANDM MM Grove Womcn's Institute lust for the youngest set. Dellght- Monday nlght. fui vacation clothes were MuIss athy Twist attended shown, and Uic young models *1MB VO O~ CA ADAaUISTES1110W1h.l-C convention held re- won the bearts of heview- L34r.=WRDs wasa Eeyoy iedthe hee- ATO AEM L YNT $f IC (A IE #Mesu ~UWiu outut for a lIttle girl There wlI be a oe"tbat had. bell bottomed îIs ]=% D ~aY Br cat urch and a t9pper of white finel M W»A ? ioebL . e over pi