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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1966, p. 10

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10 ,1'he (Czadim staterman, BowmanvMfe, May 18, 1966 I Second Article in Travel Series Aboard The S. S. By Darlene Lang Wlhen we began ta plan aur spaclous, air-conditioned cabil yeai-y nprnn holiday, my (and every cabin âboard th, hbusbond anid I agreed an onse SS Baasil is tirst class ani thilfg that we wanted ta outside) we're swÎnmiing ii *v1,the more popular tour- the ponas, dancing, takinj ~It spots, such as Europe or part in the deck sports, watch the Caribbean, and concen- ing the latest movies or pro tralbe on some place "new"- fessional night club enter et least a country that is com- tamnment, and Sa it goes. Pfkatively new to us and moalt Almost every moment1 Canadians as vacation terri- planned for pleasure, whicl tory. We decided it should be one may take advantage ol Sout~h Arnerica, but while I nnly if you are in the mooc wanted to spend timne in la-1Il've even found trne toa( mous and romantic Rio, with a book or two since we boaird a possible side trip ta the; ed. til¶ra-modern capitol, Brasilia,, Sa much is continuailly bfl Ted's choioe ivas "Buenosý ing written about the island Aires" or "B.A." as the na-'of the Caibbean, that in this tives eau it, with its renowfl and subsequent coluanns, I'1 pamlpas beyond the city. concentrate only on my im In the end we found the! pressions of the South Ameri aolution tao ur differences inl can cities which we visit. one oft the luxunious Moore.! As I'm writinig, the ship i McCormack Line c r u ise rs, just to gain spee( which sail out of New York,as we eaul from the beautifu barbon on an almost monthly harbor of Recife, the "Venici scheiuae. Not only would we of Brasil", where we've spen each bave a chance ta spend a most interesting and eni tinie in the cities af aur lîghtening day. At each o choice, but we would e]so our ports of call, shore ex have the opportunity of visit- cursions are p1anne~d for pas fgother Caribbean and sengers who wish ta, go on South American ports en- group tour with a well ini route - places suc'h as St. Tho- . formed guide. The cost for« mis, Barbados, as weIl as Re- ha1f day tour of Recife bý cife, Bahia and Santos, Bras*d. motorcoaceh is $3.50, or 7,70f Then there would also be time. Cruzerios, which is the Ena In Montevideo, Uruguay en-isilian unit of currency. route from ia ta Buenosl When we reacihed the docks Aires. we met two charming loca The SS Brasl, whîch is to~ girls who offened ta be oui serve 'as aur elegant andý guides for the day, and wi glaimorous home away fromi were delighted ta accept theii hone for these 31 days, is a offer. One 0f the girls, Mer. sleek, white sister ship ta the cedes de Caroallio Silva, i: SS Argentina. They airejjust about ta comiplete hei Axnericas newest and most four yean course in dentistry mrodern cruise liners. while Sonia is enrolled ir I've heard people, who havec law school. We were amnazec nieyer experienced ghipboard ta learn thiat university edu. travel, w o n der if they cation is 'available toala wouldn't fund it confuning or young people in Brasil at ab. even boring after a f ew days solutely NO COST, and thi et sea. Our experience has girls took great pride in showv been that nothing could be ing us around theÎTr Portu. further iTo~m the truth. Whcn ýguese styled u n i ver si t we're not relaging in our grounds. Brasil, by the way BREED GROW - ABILITY INTO YOUR BEEF CAL VES Il PAYS!1 70% of the gain put on by a beef calf depends on feeding and management Seo depends on inherited ability to grow The low-cost, high-profit gain is in the last 30%. Imaure it by breeding ta beef bulis already tested for offspring gain ability. Tested buils ai ail beef breeds are available tbirough artificial insem- 1 Ination. Phone Weekdays tili 9:30, for Sunday service cali Saturday 6-8 p.m. CENTRAL ONTARIO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Llsted in local directories ?Pais.nm FOiD FourS.ssoi Iawutouigaihi trctors le y $0 11U2.SeFord li m iiiideln btrate osdlsplay now.- T M 11.5.3 MORTONS Form Suppiy LlmIt.d - ONTAII< in le id in ig [s -h d. i s il .il ,e tr Ife ar as Brasil is thie on»ly count.ry ln Latin Anierica whue P ortuguece is spoken xnstead of Spanish. TIhuy ecplained ta us, as the taxi drove through this charniing city with braad modern bouaevards and nar- row, ald streuts, that Recif e is the capital ai the northern state ai Pumnambuco, and was founded in the first half ai the 16th century. This city, ai aven a million inhabitants, is bathed by twa rivers and crossed by many watenways and bridges - hence the nicknaniu "Venice of1 Brasil". In fact, Recife is really an island in the sense that Miani Beach is an is- land, reached b'y many cause- ways. We drove along the o'ut- skints of the city for well aven an hour, along beach ai- ten beach of glistening white sand. On Sundays, they tell us that the beaches are jam- mud with fgmilies who corne ta spuind the day, but &Ince it was a wonk day, there were very few people ta be seen. The surf was high an'd roll- ung, and flot ta be tackled by the timid. Every hundred yards or so, a boy tended a palm shaded coconut stand. The driver stoppud long enough fon us ta drink the milk frein a lange green coco- nut, w9iose top had been lop- ped off with a sharp machate, and a straw inserted in the opening. nhe cost was 2 cents. One could spend days ln Rucife, visiting the multitude ot beautiful churchus that date back ta colonial days, Home Destroyeci Near. Tyrone On Tuesday, May 10, Bowmanville f iremen were called to the home of Mrs. Thornley Barrett, north and' east of Tyrone, when neighbors noticed the building was on fire. Neither Mrs. Bar rett non two of her sans who reside with fier were home at the time and for several boums could not be located. The blaze, fanned by strong winds, quîckly reduced the building ta ashes with only the fuel ail tank and the chimney stan ding. No cause of the fire has been established. M. K. Collng, tby, vlth- ed the LCochraes Mr. and Mn. E. A. ienyonLosses and and isa ailKenyon, Wat- erdawn, were Saturday din- ner guests af the W. Bow- rMans, Miss Kenyon remain- Fea ture TO ing for the weekend.i Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman, T.O.P.S. Bowmanville Belles pi Miss Laura, Bruce and Eric, held their regular meeting on te accampanied by Miss Kenyan Tuesday, April 26 at the Lions la and Lloyd Avery had Sunday Centre, ic tea with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. There were 17 members Orniiston, Enniskillen. present with a 26 % lb. losa. in The eathr sems t be Aiter a short business muet- fc The eater eem tabu ng, Helen Shantz was crown- au foremoat In the interest of e ue o pi ihaf the farmers juet now. AfterdQunfoApiwthaf thu recent headlines it is ne- weight loss of 14% lbs. She w freshing to tallk about sorne-1 was aur Queen for March alsa, SI s wsth a lasaf 16%i. bs., really thing disagreeable that'c5 proving what a little bit of Is wholesame. effort, and a whole lot ai will lu power will do. Helen was presunted with the club traphy a TYRONurE 'SIendenella", a tiana and a Y lovely red rose In a bud vase. w (Intended for last week) Apnil was a busy month for Mn. and Mrs. Murray Yeo the Belles. were taken by surprise on On Apnil 5th, a K.O.P. show-. Sunday for their loth wedding en was given for Isobel Davis. anniversary, when her par- She was presentud with an ents Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Rose- electric deep-fat fryer and vean, Miss Esther Anne Rase- dishes af ber choice. vear, Mn. John Harmer, Mr. Marion Kilburn made a and Mrs. D. Dulaney and family, Mn. and Mrs. John Vaneyk and family, and Mn. H the supper. Congratulations,! Murray and Anlene.. Mn. and i g Mnc. Harold Salter oi Hamnp- is ton r al 1or callers. Meeting Mn. and Mns. M. Mavin and' The first regulan meeting Brent, Oshawa, with Mre. A. af the North Durham 4-H Corn Wood and brothers. Club was held at the Bethany Mre. W. Thiesberger and Mrs. James Waodley attended Hal on Tuesday evening, May a shower fan Miss Margaret 3rd. With a langer memben- Hetherington, Brampton, at ship, thanks ta the new club the home of Mrs. Nan Nonnes, leader David Fnew, the club Toronto, laet Thursday uven- president Mary Shea called ing. the meeting taonden and led Mn. an~d Mrs. James Wood- the gnoup in repeating the 4-HI ley attended the 25th wedding Pledge. John Henninga thel annîveneany af her aunt, Mr. club secretany called the roll! and Mns. W. H. Bnidgeman aif. eaU, and the president took Agincount on Sunday. lup workshuet No. 1, Sympthy s exende ta:The Assistant Agicultural' Mn. Thomas Tabb, Onono, on Represuntative Mn. Matthuws the passing ai his wife. gave a lecture on the produc- tion of corn, growing ai corn,ý also points on sending a soili ýnthe sugan cane nuis, museums __________________________ KNIIII. ýd and convents, and even one Mrs. E. White, Newcastle; i ofa the oldest newapapers in the gneatest distance, Miss K. (neddfrls ek Sthe wonld, the "Diario de Pur-I a l ~ h McKenzie, Tononto; the mort ineedfraswe) nanibuco". E rm U ni n MN wsarticles in ber purse, Mrs, A. The U. C. W. will hl a le Mften a delightiful luncha BanhadHaptn meeting on June 1 at the hm -castelhnih (local labsten), ac- Darlington Local ai Ontario Transport Comniissioners un.: The best wishes af the com- A ofMeithrWsorods.yDf -campajniud by a glass ai veny Faa'menst Union held the May der the Chairmanship cf Roy munity are extunded ta Mn. AMtersoiaml a y fine Brasilian been, we just meeting at the home ai Atkinson, National President, and Mrs. Jack Goldsmith (nee service was held henu Sunday.; *had lime ta visit the new ai r- George Irwin, Ennlskillen. was onu ai the finest uver Karen Cummuns) wha were The Rev. R. C. White spoku pont, and the faseinating, an d President Luw Wood conduct- submittud ta a Dominion married in Westmount United on the mothers in the Bible vemy aid, Sainte Isabel Thea- pdtebuies Go'vrnment Department. Chunch last week. Mrs. Gar- and how the Christian Chureh ter, where a practicu session bh uies a e vlefotednCumn n ae n as raised the statue ai for a concert was taking Somne discussion on the ne- Caésnteouv o e ptom tern uinseloa an d ensun- womanhood. He also mun-! place. The theaten dates back cent Maneh ta, Queen's Park apese econom coneptu ta osa tentie the ocal ldit tionud haw Christ had given to the l8th century, and we took place and what kind 0aita planne e ntyLut strose a Theailtthe Pmofucedun¶r May sat for a marnent In the Gov- action should be taken in'thu gtou goen nstaswe.Te young couple wilt the caelva i iploteoMary, ennor's box. event nothing is done ta im- down witih us and admit there live in Oshawa. 'The choir sang "My Mother'e' Time was growing short, plement the brief prusented. 18 a problem. Mr. Bragg was Mn. anid Mns. Roy Nichols Prayers" with Mrs. A. Foster- and we sailed tonight for If it becomes necussary to thankud for hic fine report by visited the F. Samnis family playing the argan. This wasl Bahia, so with reluctance take funther action suchi as tepeiet hl ntenwyfo ln also a baptismal service when; said ~ ~ ce gadbet u e blcigrod twsfîth Next meeting June 7th at da ta their summen homne at three babies were baptized: tound South Arne r ic a roade le.ading ta summenru- the home ai Ivan Baîl, R.R. 4, Port Carling. They bugan ta Allen Kuith, son ai Mn. and friends. sorts would best bring the Bowinanville. Thanks was ex- wonder if they should rutura Mme. Bruce Cathcart; Murray' sa plight ai farmuns ta the at- pressd ta the hostese and ta Florida. Rlph, son ai Mn. and Mrs.1 tention of urbani wdcs uchwssne.Mr. and Mns. Edgar Preseott Ralph Gruenwood;, Tarra Lu- Otto Bnagg gave a repart on vieited Mn. and Mrs. J. Kess- anne, daughter ai Mn. and! Brown Pigeons t 0mM aotl.ENFIELD Mr. ruceBowman, Uni- Ms Mre o ai f t This was conducted by Pro- versity ai Guelph, spent a Catharines was home with ber 'W i R cef om fesorMyr ronsto-nu, Pro- (Intended for last weuk) week with hie parents. parents, Mn. and Mrs. Martin University of Toronto. e' Dy w uwll attendud and family visited Mr. and With Mn. and Mme. Hatchur, Parry SoundProfesser Brownstone out- with the young folk assisting Mms. Haskin Smith, Hampton. Foster for Mother's Day werul lined a course ai study being the Rev. Mary Daugherty. Mothen's Day visitons ai Mm. and Mrs. Jerry Byene and The Bowmanville Racin.g carmied out by the Saskatche- Those takung part wune Miss Mme. T. Taylor weru: Mr. and Diane, and Mn. and Mme. Bob Pigeon Club huld the second wan Farmnens' Union, this Donna Samis, Jim Oke, Allen Mme. Les Johnson and iamily, Caruthers and sons. race ai the 1966 oild bind sua- being the only province wîth Griffin, Norman Lue and Don West Hill, Mm. and Mme. Bob Mme. Alva Swarbriek attend- son frein Parry Sound, Ont., such a program. This is a fivu Gniffin. The choir sang "It's Smith and farnily, Sean- ed a shower in Oshawa, Wud- on Saturday, May l4th, with yean study by smaîl groupa a Goodý Thing tai bu a borough; Mn. and Mne. Ray nusday, -for Mise Ruth Tal- 1 the following recuits: 1lst, meeting from Octoben ta Ap- Christian . At the close ai Taylor and family, Oshawa-, madgu who le buing married IBrown Bras. 10 points; 2nd, nil once or twice a month the service the eilîdren pré. Mn. and Mme. Allen Taylor ta Rtose Roughley. Visiting Ron Luke 9 points; 3rd, E. & with an annual Semninar. sented flowers to their moth- and family. with hum on Suiiday wenu Mme. G -ue 8 points; 4th, L. Rich- The threu thungs nuedud are ers. With Mme. R. Griffun were: Edith Ferguson, Mme. Wilfrud ards 7 points; 5th, R. & A. organization among farmers The U.C.W. held a succeuse- Mr. and Mme. V. Redding and Roughley, Ross Raughley and Luke 6 pointe; 6th, D. Stain- and athers, teachers who are fui Spning Tua ha the basement family, Pufferlaw, and Mn. and Mise Talmadge. Mns. Russel ton 5 points; 7th, M. Bradley avallabie and willing ta do rucently. Suveral of the guests Mrs. Rau Cowling, Whitby. Wright and family were in ta 4 points; no report, Piper & this work with people who won pnizes: the oldest lady, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lue and sue, hem Satunday nîght. BCake oy Horner. desire éducation at university Mme. Glaspell, Zion birthday Keith had Sunday tua with Mr. Mulvin White ai Lind- Next race fnom Capreol, levul, and studunts. An ex- dates, Mme. R. Vice, Sauina; Mr. and Mre. W. Fowlun, say called ta sue Mr. and Mme. I nt., 219miles. whun we join ample ot first years study Scott Kossitz,OhaaMrr . atnd . KVnuonorneMe PuFidacoe a n m. W with the Lake Shnore Combine would bu, The Géneral Nature L. Simpsan; maet necunt bride, M.adMe e ohau eer ndyatron witih clubs irom Cobourg ta of the Ecanaomy, Technologi- .- Hamilton for mas,-s libemation. cal Society, and Political and . *. .., Econornic Lii e.. ?TIT9flWWTyT~ Professons frQm Guelph, *~..~ ~ YI.aLEILJLE Canleton ansd Queen's are ~- ready and an.xious te corne f . (Intended for lact week) eut and work with fanai 1'1en this ninth day ai May, groupe. They admit we havé ~ 1966, housewivee couldn't com- sorn'ething for thei as they plain ai the yuar la and year «Tne rermoved fnom what is .. out samenesai hanging out taking place in our eccnomy. the weekly wash. For a Profusson Sirnm ai Carle- change fingers weru cold as ton Universityv bas a farm -mid-winter and clothes froze outside Ottawa and he has ai- on thé. lue. The chili con- femed a bouse fan weeikendV o a i n rg t cu d In contraet, a télephone caîl my of album countries, ta raise from North Surrey, B.C., on aur horizons, ta see aur raie Sunday told ai a sumnmery in the world and ta contact 'day. folk in ather counties where you'II also find Bumniecu Best attendud the The Saskatchiewan Group le meeting af Provincial Ineti- comprised oi ail ages of cum- tutus held at Guelph last, loue, well motivatud, intuili I week. gent people who want the iZ a t e ir Mn. and Mns. H. Darke were ability ta deal witb the eco- 2 a t e lr ini Toronto ion the weukund nomie problems cf taday. ta attend the annual banquet The recent subinission by ai Canada Packers, Mn. Danke'e the National Parmens' Union former employers. Miss Clara ta the Dominion Board s 3 travel services Darke went ta Tomonto it thum. -H Most familles, where it was possible, gathured togethun for Durham 4- Mather's Day. Special Family ,, boat dealers Day programme was used i n P :f L u Sunday Sehool with Suzann e o ao li Eyden eading thé, invocation, Cheryl Clarke the seipture, Tçfret meeting Of théu srtn o ds so e story read by Sandra Payane, Durham 4-H Patato Club was ' p rig g o s so e and offering eceived by Timrn held on April 27th at the*. Nichols. Dog-tooth violt Mamsh Hall. The président, were the flowens frti Fred Taylor, called the meut- z..~~r~~r~ o e vc spécial day mnd there, weru ing te orduir and the 4-H a y 0117or s rvic 47 present. pledge was repeated. Sacre. Mn. T. Wilson wha has been tary Barbara Walker took the in Part Hope hospital return- roil cail, and the assistant ~ ed home hast Friday but it Agric. Rep. for Durham Coun o c n t ik f1 returning te work. suppilies ta thie new membere s . Ia 1895 the family ai Mn. The présiddent Fred Taylor'e" and Mme. Charles Meadows reviewed the wark sheat with luit Wesleyville ta planeur in the members. Thse club lead- . the aew west country ai AI. un, Mel. Wood, tlid thse mera - burta. Thuir son Harny and bers oi thse club that they hie wiie nuturned Ibis month would ba planting thse Chip- *. Ourlcaffity ha a lot to c ta pay a visit ta thse district Pewa variety ai POlato Ibis .Àji.a.., (LAA hu luit when a emall child, year and ha pointud eut sane e ""d sx.Go . s«ices.'o .. ývisit his cousin Mns. Carlton ci thse characteristics oaisbe~ ' olo ia ohm o orn ýPaynu in Part Hope and other patata. S ok' relatives, and renew acquaint- Mr. Rutherfoird, the fruit U.......... .......... e wW gthog r e]o ances he made when hure on, ndvgetbesseiait oftofdte bv pepe..adm nyo He tells us that his fathen eut how rewarding il la ta o. later bought land ln what was womk bard in your club work -bE «â w e nt ,called "South Ainican Script"' and ta become the patate vrth gsee.ît 'l;îat Hanna, Alberta. This was prisme andc prinoeat te 500 land whîeh had been given ta bushel banquet. ?&. Mathews they sold IL. The land pnoved how to interpret a soil report ta be not suitablu for culil- analysis. Thse raenhurs ru- vetud craps and je at présent viewed the points fie lok for time government pasture land. whten judging a dis of oats Ilt 1.a--- ea 4agm. - 14- ..e.M . 1-athwsgvetse-1-. -4~~.~'~~ '~ sample form. The merembers iudged a class of banley and gave reasons to the club Iead-ý er. The meeting was adjourn- ed by the president. Gains ' 'PS Meet >resentation to aur firat bride- o-be, Gladys Yellowlees who anaw Mrs. Short, of daurt- .e. On April 19, our içub was nvited ta IsobulDa ~homne, r a lovely social vening, Lnd to view the mnari beauti- ul and useful shawer and wedding gits afi Mn end Mrm. Short. Games were enJoyed and Isbel served a lovely 10w-cal lnch. Membèrs are remInded that ipenny sale will be held in gay, a fact ta keep in mind while spning cleaning. FARMERS EnnskiI.u,O Phon 263-26S5 MAN IS A GOODMA TO KNOW because. When it cornes to poultry or lv. stock health troubles, hie practical, on-the-farm experience cas oftaa Iead ta a more efficient and eco. liomical solution ta the problees. His 'tools" are the complets lino; of famous K.Vet products plus the solid know-how of the unique, organization that stands behind hlm ... a dependazbic teAm for effc-* tive diseasa prevention, sanitatioa contrai and high level vitality additivés. K-VET LABORATORIES LTD. mwfflIoe, Ontario WANTEDI (UCUMBER CR0 WERS Bick's Pickles are now contracting cucumber acroage in this are. Pick up can b. arranged. Wil contract acreages f rom % acre and up. Further information in available front the District Fieldsman for Blck's Pickle. RONALD W. BROOKS R.R. 6, Bowmanvllle, Ontario Phone 623-5125 M

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