the Canadfian Statesmnan, Bownianvllle?&yMai1, 1966 I"Con We Be. Sure" I y Rev. A. Ku dra I Pentecostal Church «VAN WE BE SURE???" This-captian is taken from a beautiful Incident in the ex- ernce of Qucen Victoria. It ha rmquestion ail are asking as ta the things' relative ta future life. It is a question that Makes us think deeply about the future lufe. Is there anyway af making sure that we 'shall epend eternity in heaýen, welcomcd into the fedUowship af God and not in "fUe. eecand death" aof eternai separation fromn Him? Many hsuppose that this question, the greatest that can confront one, must neccssarily wait for its aflswer until the present life 38 aver. But is it sa? Must the question af eternal blcss- edness or miscry, heaven or heU, remain a torturing un- certainty until it is tao late ta mnake any change? A beautiful incident in the experience of QUEEN VIC- TORIA is worth remembering. [t bas been published and is ianquestionably authentie. The Qucen had attended a service ini St. Paul's Cathedral and had listened ta, a sermon that intercsted her greatly; then she asked her chaplain, "If one could be absolutely sure in this lufe af eternal safety". Ilis answer was that he "knew of no way that one could be, absolutely sure". This was published in the Court news and feul under the eye af a humble minister af the Gospel, John Townscnd, an intimate friend af George Muchler, whose lufe ai faith led ta the founding ai bis well known orphanages. This John Townsend was the father of famnous "Sister Abigaîl", an- other Christian af extrard- Inary faith and service. After reading ai Qucen Victoria's question and the answer she received, J a h n Tawnsend thought and prayed much about the matter, and then sent the follnwing note to the Queen: "To her graciaus Maijesty, our beloved Queen Victoria, from anc ai ber most humble gubjects. "With trembling hands, but heart-filled lave, and because I know that we can be abso- Iutely sure now af aur etennal Hampton Bîrds Win Opening Pigeon Race The Bowmeanvillc Racing Pigeon Club opened the 1966 season with the first race on Saturday, May 7th irom Penny Sound, Ont., an air lime dist- ance af appnaximetely 119 Thue birds bed ta ily Itaa soutb ta sauth-cast wind which resulted. in a slow race. This yeer the Club lu ilying B pointg systaem ion positions ofled yards per minute. Teiut race 100 miles, 10 points for iirst, diminishing down to anc paint for 10 po- sitions. The 200 mile starts witlh 2q peints di.minishing -ta oints, etc. The iollow- inp 90 a result ai Uic fîîut race, number ai points in breekets: lst, Ralpb and Alan Luke, Hampton (10); 2nd. L. Ichards, Bawmanvillc (9); Ord, Ronald Luke, Hampton (8); 4th, Brown Bras., Bow- mnanville (7); 5tb, Banl and Grant Luke, Hampton (9>; MU, Don Steinton, R.R. 5, Bow- nianvIlle (5). Yeu, a thousand times YES!! "Amnazing Grace! How sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I once was lout, but now arn found,. Was blind, but now 1 sec." It bas been aur privilege to tel people that Salvation ln as simple as ABC- 'A-Admit. that you have. lie in. the Home that Jesus sinned - Romans 3:23. iwent ta prepare, may I ask B-"Believe on the Lord .youn Most Graciaus Majcsty Jesus Christ and thou shaît ha ta noead the following passages saved." Acte 16:31. af Scripture: John 3:16 and C-Confess youn sins. and Romans 10:9-10. dcaim the forgiveness God bau "These passages prove thene pramised. Romans 10:9-10. ifull assurance af salvation On I express salvation in by faith in aur Lord Jes"s this nianner: Christ for those wha believe and accept His finishcd work. A-Accept Jesus Christ as yaur personal Saviour and "I sign myscîf, your serv- Lard:' ant for Jesus' sake, John BB atzdo ofs Townsend." BB atzdo ofs John Townsend was not sion ai your faith. alone in paigaoths C--Chûrch membership nat- letter ta the Queen. He took urally follaws, for you take others into bis confidence,' and youn place in the fellowship ai much prayer from many bearts baptized believers for Christian went up ta God. In about a nurture and service. fartnight he neceived a madest But the A'BC formula is in- looking envelope cantaining campîcte until we add one the followrng letter: more letter: "TO JOHN TOWNSEND: D-Do whatcver Christ com- "Your letter ai recent date mands. necived and in reply would Ycs we must be saved. We state that I have carefully and cannat save ourselves. Thank prayerfully read the portions God thene is anc who cen save af Scripture referred ta. I us now and fonever. WILL believe in the FINISHED YOU BELIEVE??? WORK 0F CHRIST FOR ME, and trust by God's grace ta meet yau in that Home of which He said, 'I go ta pre- Ret urns from. pare a place for yau'. (Sîgn- ed) Victoria Guelph." - Whether anc is an canthly C p us D t ,monach o an ncanspicuaus, unknown persan, the way ai salvation and of eternal lufe is the same. The Scripture pas- sages John Tawnsend com- mended ta the reading ai the Graciaus Qucen wene these twa: "For God so lovcd the wanld that He gave His only begot- ten Son, thet whosoever be- lieveth in Him should nat per- ish but have cverlesting lufe."1 John 3:16. "If thou shalt coniess with thy mouth the Lard Jesus, and shaît believe in thine heent that Gad bath raised Him from the dead, thou shaît be seved. For with the hert man believeth unto righteousness; and witb the mouth confes- sion is made unto selvation."1 Romans 10:9-10. "Cen we be sure?" you ask. The answen MUST be in the affirmative. The Bible gives us a positive assurance that we cen be saved now and be prepered ta meet aur wond- enful God even -Jesus Christ the Saviour ai the Whole Worid! God would not create this wanld and the inhabitants thereai and let them flounder araund fan somcthing tangible. He would flot leave this world without a standard and rule for this lufe and how ta pre- pare fon the ncxt. It is basic and logic ta conclude that He who made ail that ls therein wauld give us a critenion by wbich ta go by. This He has given us. What la it? In aur languste we eall it uTne Hofy Bible". We bave the Holy Bible that contains the KEY TO SALVATION. What or who lu this key Let me Lance Corp. Tèhemas W. Grills answer this plainly; THIEaiheRyiCadnDrg LORD JESUS CHRISTI He.fteRylCnda rg is the key ta salvation. aans B. Squadron, bas just Mankind need not ask, "ICen returned atter six months duty we be sure?" We can be in Cyprus. He and family will sure! Heed the Word ai God b eunn t econ Obey the Word ai Gad.. New Brunswick, aten a few The Bible fect is that Gad weeks leave at the home ai laves us: John 3-16. He sent bis parents, Mr. and Mns. His love gift ta die for you and Dean. Grills of Countice. me an tic Cross ai Calvary. II Cor. 5:21. He arase froni he dead guaranteeing aur BURKETON justification, i.e. "being clear- cd of ail guilt and blame." He Burketon U.C.W. met at the lives today as the anc and home ai Mrs. Turnbuul on anly Mediator between God Tuesday evening when plans and man. wene made for thc annuel te. "CAN YOU BE SURE???" in June. Severai ladies attend- cd. Mns. Ribey, Mrs. Turn- bull and Mrs. Devey's graup were in change. Mru. Sam Grant and family visited with R. Davey. Mns. Tom Beiley is visiting in Oshawa fon a fcw days. Glad ta report Mr. Chester Hoskin rcturned home irom baspital lest Thunsday. Mn. and Mrs. Dave Gatchel mpent Sunday with Mn. and I Mrs. A. C. Stephenson. q Mn. and Mns. Turubuil were 65 STYLES, SIIAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM " FOR MEN a FOR WOMEN e FOR CHILDREN a DUY DIRECT FROM THE LASOR&TORY AND SAVE " DONT SETTE FOR LESS TitAN NATIONAL BRANDS * SOKEN FRÂMES REPAIRED OR REPtACED WHILE YOU wArT ë W. 1111 .&U P,.3., Oculiste' & Optemetrlusaprescriptions aIsanMe Iew prise. 17 ~bond St. East I 2nd Floor HOUES: MON. TO SAT. CLOUED MAL DAY WIEDNEDAY BROWN'S Brown's H. & S. Club held their Mey meeting et the school an Tuesday cvening,ý May 101h. In tic absence ai the President, Mrs. Gwen Hughes took thc chair. It was decidcd ta hold the picnic on Saturday aiternoon, June 18th. Mn. George Stephenson show- cd coloured lides thet were muci cnjoyed by evenyane present. Master Bradley Wil- son and Kennelli Boyd enter- tained with piano selectianu. Those fnom the neigliban- hood taking in the Oshawa- Edmonton hockey geme et the Maple Leai Gandens on Sun- day were Mn. Harold Hughes end son-in-law Garry Hooper, Mr. Pency Allin and Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Boyd lest week were bolidaying et Myrtle Beach, South Carabine. The Boyd childnen, Ken, Bob and Jim stayed witb their grandpanents, Mn. mnd Mrs. J. G. Stephenson. Mn. and Mrs. Alec Martinit toak ln thc Oshawa-Edmonton i hockey game et Toronto oni Wednesday night. Master Tommy and Don Mertin spent a couple ai days! ln Bowmanville with theirý grandperents and Master Gregi Meln spent - ame lime in Tornto with his grandparenla there. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes mand family were Sunday sup- Ve guezla wlth Mn..mand Mrs. CarY Hooper, Whilby. Mr. and MUn. Alec Merlin vuited Saturday eveig wMt bMr. and Mrs. ClUford Reid,u PLANNING TO HEAD OFF SOMEWHERE IN THE FAMILY CAR THIS WEEKEND??? You'l1need tabe a ikiliful driver with a sure knowledge af the rules af the road if you want ta get through the weekend traffie safely. Out-af-town visitors, unfamniliar with the streets, will create additional cit'y hazards. The freeways will1 be heavily travelled by folks heading out for that first weekend at the cottage or lake. Many of the cars will betowing boats or trailers, manaeuvered, in soeie cases, by drivers flot fully expenienced in towing such loads. Quiet country roads will have hidden- hazards. A slow-inoving farmn machine or a cow may be around that next bend or over the hili. The Ontario Department of Transport advises drivers ta make sure their cars are in good mechanical condition bel are starting out ... ta load cars so vision le flot obstructed ... ta exer- cise particular care with boats and trailers . . .to travel at reduced speed when road, traffic or weatber conditions are unfavourable. Reports from lu Women's Institutes ' HAMPTON W. 1. a'nd she did it". Mrs. Nesbitt played a couple of ntumbers Hiampton Womens Institute an her piano accordion, very May meeting was held in the nicely. Citizenship and Edu- C. E. building with Mrs. AlIrn cation was the to'pic. Mr. Alex in carg. 'lie de as Un, Carrick gave an instructive and the Colleet and Lord's, talk on some of his experi- Prayer were repeated. Motto i ences in England in War I, was Failre ned nv r l and bis home co.untry, Scot- final". Mrs. James Smales îland. Sanie were quite amus- prepared a good paper on it ing whioh was read by Mrs. Car-_______ Tick. Rail cail was answered, by "Little things that make SOLINA W. 1. lie beautifud."San Wdn- Mrs. Macklin, assistant sec-' oiaW . e ens retary, read the minutes and day, May lith, with the 4-H roll eall, correspondence and girls, TPhe Salina Mad Hatters,1 thank-you cards. Final ar-, as guesta. In deference ta rangements were made for' these school girls, the pro-ý aur I.ucky Luncheon in the gram preceded -the business. Township Hall, May l8th. Mrs. C. Hamer, assistant con- Goos t te vlueof$4 00venor for Home Economics Ga o sen the au is$4i00 and Health, took the chair for Annual for re-sale for dis-th olwigpgrm trict expenses; carried. It was Dianne Darch, Carol Wat- euggcsted and voted uipon son and Jennifer Best pre- that wc give ta oniiy one sented their skit an Care of ehanity in a year, other than Accessories, which they have our own church and eckm- prepared for the Achievement munity; carried. Birthday box Day af the club "Accent on was on disPlay, also pennies Accessorie.s". Mrs. John Knox fuor friendshýp was passed and Conimented on the- motta, regular collection. "Real H'appiness lies in the. Mrs. Artymn, a new mem- JOY caf Achievement"1 We, ber, took the chair for the were dehghted ta have the. east graup. Mrs. Carrick read 4-H1 girls model the hats they 4t pocn "It couldn't be done had made, each one a master- piece, made ta suit the ginl's 21 YRS OLD? When you turn 21 you're no longer covi ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep insured, you must take out indi- vidual membership within 30 days. Get your application form at a bank, a hospital, or from the Commis- .sion- NEWLY WED*? The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid ta cover husband and wife. Notify your giroup' without de- lay OR, if you both pay premiums direct, noti- fy the Commission. NEW JOB?3 To keep insured fol low the, instructions on the Hospital Insurance Certif icate of Payment 'Form 104' that your present employer is required ta give yoti on Ieaving. Your ONTARIO INSURANCE plan ®ntrio mrn own pensonaity anda-wera- robe. Two you.nger girls, Jen- ien Eains and Wendy New- cil, perfornied two lovely batan twirling nunibers. We were then iavored with a group ai salas by Mrs. C. Hamer, "Mother MacCree," "How Great Thou Art" and "Beyond the Sunset", econi penied by Mrs. Don Taylor. The 4-H girls presented giits lia thein leaders. Mns. R. Eak- ins and Ma-s. F. Watson, in epprecietion ai their tireless efforts on their behali. Mrrs. W. Hials and Mrs. C. Lengmeid took change of the 'business. Mivrs. Roy Langmaid read a letton fnom aur ieith- ýfui correspondent, Miss Vena 'Cleyton ai Bilton, Englend. Mrs. R. Davis gave a very comiprohensive repart a& the District Annuel. Ma-s. R. Eak- mns reponted that a total of $121-85 had been collected ior the Cancer Society. While lunch wes being pre- pa-red Mrs. B. Hooey reed an intenesting and aniusing arti- cle on Vegetables through the ages. nPle meeting clased with God Save The Queen. MAPLE GROVE W. L. The Ma-ple Grave Wonn' Institute met in the C. E. building et 8:15 p.m. on May 9th, 1966. Mrs. S. Dayle, president, extended a wel- came ta four visitors and the memrbers. The rail caîl was "Flash- back - My occupation 25 years ega.") It was decided ta put sihrubs in iront ai the C. E. building arld extend the sidewelk as aur Centennial projeet, s-ul- aiject to approval ai aur church trustees. It was decidcd ta have a Shinifi Tee in the Fal. The report fan the Can- adýien Association ai Con- suniers was given by Mrs. W. Brown. It was decided ta leave the planning ai aur Jul 'v auting in the Cobourg anea ta Mrs. Greenbham's group. Mrs. W. Brown wes appointed Press Reporter for the coming yeer. Mns. Doyle reminded the ladies ai the District Annuel et Kendal on May 10th. Oua- two resolu- tions ne farmn ponds end van- delismn were read and wilI be presentcd et the District An- nulua. Mrs. H. Crydermean,* con- venar aif Histonical Riesearch, wvas in charge af the follaw- mng prognam. The motta, "The only old persan là anc wha na longer desires ta bcarn,"1 was given by Mrs. K. Hap- kins. She said "Wc must be doiers ta leann and we should bighten the burdens oi an- ather. If we have truc wis- dam wc should gather tic precious memories irom ecd day. 'Small deeds donc are better than great deeds plan- ned' was a favorite saying of Peter Marshall. The thoughts we think are the seeds we sow. There are two days that we do not need ta wanry &bout, Yesterday wilb its aches and pains, mistakes and Sceaes is beyond recail: taqnor- TOw in beyand aur contrai, w have ta wait and face it as itlînstitute were also read. Mrs. cames. Today - we must con- Emerson; representative ta tinue to iearn and live anc Port Penny Hospital Auxilîany, day at a time. We shauid neminded us ai the Spring Fair make the most ai each mo- in Masonie Temple in May and ment, as there is always some- asked for donations. Mrs.: thinig new ta learn, some new Lawrence Malcolm, leader ai beauty ta sec. Ta think isithe 4-H Nifty Needle Workers,! ta grow." asked ta remember Achieve- Mrs. E. Foley and Mrs C. ment Day in the Recreation'i Swallow, with Mrs. W. LairdiCentne in Blackstock on May' et the piano, sang, "Silverl28, when 140 4-H Club girls,i Threeds Aximong the ,Gotd"' from -Durham. County, will be and "Stars of the Sumnmer present ta dîspley their work. Nigt."The correspondence was then Night."eed which lncluded sevenal Mrs. G. Lee told how ber thenk you notes. A number mather's Institute in Glou- ai get welî cards were signed cester, England, iaoked aiter for those in hospital and for an orphan each yeer. Mrs. the shut-ins. Mrs. Devison Lee then read the history Of. gave e substantiel donation,j the borough oi Darlington, commission ai ilower sales.ý England. as ta its ga-owth, etc. Several articles were pramisedý Meeting closed with the ne- for sale et the District Annuel peating af the Collect in uni- on Tuesday of next week. son. Lunch oi doughnuts and The June meeting wili bel cofice was 9erved by thc in the Presbyterien Churchý group. basement with Mrs. Harry Mc-1 Laughlin as hostess and Miss Ruth Proutt ca-hostess. At NESTLETON W. 1. this meeting the 4-H Nifty1 TheMaymeein ofNesleNeedie Workers will have! The ay eetng i Nsti- tiieir wonk on display and ton ome's nstiuteweswill present their skit. The held et the lovely home ai Qucen and Institute Grecei Mrs. Dick Davisan. The Presi- brouglit this part ai the meet-: dent, Mrs. Arthur Hyland, ing ta a close. opened the meeting with the apening Ode and the Mary There wes a splendid assont-' Stewart Colleet. Foliowing ment ai plants and bulbs ta be this, Mrs. Hyland extended a sold. Mrs. Graham wes the weiconie toalal. The. minutes efficient auctioneer. The bid - ai the Apnil meeting were ding was brisk, soon ail wée reed and approved and the dispased ai and a tidy sum treesurer's report given. The realized. minutes ai the two executive Several ladies bought tick- meetings ne the 60th Anni- ets for the banquet. A dainty~ versary ai Nestîcton Women's lunch wes served by thc ex- ecutive and à social ie en- -patterns mnd color eon*hia. joyed. tions and dieplaying many Mrs. Jackson voioed the samples of carpets and dra. thanks of the meeting ta Mrs. peries. S. E. Seymour aaid Davison for*her hospitality; ta "Ail carpets are made of nat- Mxs. Graham and ta the com- ural or man-made fibres, or a mittee in charge for a very blend of bath. The service enjoyable afternoon. you wiIl get from yaiir carpet or rug depends on its basic DETHANY W. 1. quality, the kind of use it re- cves and thie care you give The Nu Way Rug Sales & it.' 0f course there are good. Cleaners, Peterborough,- were better and best qualities, and hosts ta the Bethany Wornen's the best you can fd il Institute on Monday evening, give. you thec greate mts 'wdh 18 members and five faction. Any gaod c et il guests present; the meeting designed to stand up,.ta ser- beirng held in the showroom, vbce underfoot and 'ou can with Mrs. Harry Ryley pre- enhance its beauty aàï ength siding. of service by caTing for it The members danated $5.00 properly." ta, the Bethany Atihletic As- Thsearserinadc sociation to assist with their Thspaeswr nrd. Victoria Day celebration. Mrs. cd and thanked by Mrs. E.arl McQuaid reported on Thomas Jcnnîngs. Manvers Township Centennial The mcm bers wére shown plans. A bus trip during the the cleaning department of sumnier weas discussed, with t'he plant wbere they watched iurther information ta be a -carpet and a chair, being availaible for the June meet- cleaned. The laying and ing. The program motta 'Sup- stretching of carpet was also port Canadian Products and demonstrated. An intexesting Canadian Industries wil up film was also shown on Car. Port yau" was further ex- peting, with many idéas of plained by Mrs. Fiarl Mc- interior decorating displayed. Quaid. Refreshments were enjoyed Mir. J. L. Watkiss af Nu- by members and guests at the Way Rugs gave a talk an car- Fireside Restauran.t on the pets, diseussing weaves, types, way home. Ra _ _ _ Township of Dairlington. First Instalment of TAXES Due June lst 1966 Penalty of 1% per month charged on ail u.npaid first instalment taxes NOTE: 3% Discount on 2nd instalment if paid on or before June lst, 1966. REMINDER Dog license fees, If flot paid, are now overdue. W. G. DALLAS, Treasurer. ChevylL-the good looks ar e part of its practical nature. So's the Iowprîe. Look over Chevy Il. We guerantee you'll Mîe what you see: modern styling, comfortable, colorful ln. teriors, a choice of 7 power teams and a price tag that's way below what you expect. After ail, if's made by Chevrolet . . . sa you know you're going to get more for your money. To finid out about Chevy II, see your Chevrolet dealer now, during Car Buyers' Field Days. He has just about every Chevy II model and color ln stock. So corne on ln. You'l neyer get more car for your money than a Chevy Il. H-I43&~ - AIUTORIZFe CHEVY Il DEALER IN BIOWMANVILLE: ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LIMITE.D k- OWMAN VILLE 823-2559 COUItTICE 2582 ne sure te à» sommez on the CSC-TV awfwork cad udy. Che&k your local istig for dicm"l nd lini.