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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1966, p. 16

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16The Canadian Statesman, Bownianvllle, May le, 1900 Ens Successful Season '-osital Marathon Bridgeý Dec lares Years Winners j he Hasia Marathon14, ist prize, Mr. and Mns. K. Hurson 32,840, Mrs. K. Jack- brige asagain corne ta an,'Kelly, 2nd prize, Mr. and son and Mrs. H. Rundle 31,- nd, this time without tbe1 Mis. D. MeAithur.- 720; Mis. N. Heenan and Mis. 8èriare'ut a party. Ihere iSI Since the complete lists ot S. Chisholin 29,290; Mis. J. odd fitty cents still owing, scores would take too rnucb McNultYand Mis. W. Mours t thie will probably bi pace, nly tihe top few have 28,230; Mis. L. Dewell and iedbefre hisis .jbeen included. Anyone want- Mis. K. laguire 27,320. e late d"te for the finish, ing information about the Group 3, Il gaines ta play. 12 rnostly dug t t e esizeý others con cal 623-7154 or Mis. L. W. Dippeal and Mis. )f one group. Since most 623-5716. S. R. James 39,070; Mis. R. players seem, ta prefer the Group 1 bad anly 9 games q. Cowie and Mrs. D. R. Mor- Lisui Bsebac itgoe neto play: Mis. A. Osborne and rmon 30,610; Mrs. J. A. Bell vr.Mis. R. Kent 27,860; Mrs. C. and Mis. E. Oliver 28,970-, The follo)wing winners have' W. Cawker and Mrs. L. Hur- Mis. L. T. MeLaughlin and >Iready received their prizes,i1 son 27,830;, Mis. B. D. TI.-Mms. D. Ferguson 26,170; MTs. either a cup and saucer or a' cock and Mis. L. C. Masbn E. V. Hoar and Mirs. M. J. dmoible deck ut cards: Group 24,230, Mis. C. Birtwistle and Hutchinson 24,680. t, M. A. Osborne and Mis. Mrs. A. Strike 23,670; Mis. E. Group 4, 15 ganes ta play: R.Kent; -Gîoup 2, Mis. W. Anderson and Mis. j. . ~Mr.. nd Mrs. K. Kelly 47,510, ~)xeand Mis. L. Hursan; Brown 22,920. Mr. and Mis. D. McArthur ru3,Mis'. L.W. Dippell Group 2,l.ganes to play. 46,360, Mr. and Mrs.K.Jak A. Cuthbe.rtson 42,440, Mr. and Mis. H. R. Moses 41,670, Mr. and Mis. N. Osborne 40,460, Mi. and Mis. R. Kent 39,600, Mr. and Mis. A. Thompson 38,630. Aox PONTYPOOL PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES " issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. "earn 6% interest, payable haif- yearly by cheque. " authorized investment for al Canadian Insu rance Companies and trust funds. V72 Boy St, Toronto 35Dunlop St., larrie 73 Mississaga F., Orillia U.C.W. Meeting BARBED WIRE LIGHT $ 8.15 SPOOL - 6.25 BARBED WIRE HEAVY $19 -25'ft. 1 The regular manthly me2t- ing on 'Wateî Safetyýý'. ing ai the Pontypool United Mis. Gwen Farmer, Bay Ch'ur<h Women was beld at Ridges, spent a week with the Ohurch on Wednesday ev- Mr. and Mis. T. C. Dodd. ening, May 4th, with an et- Mrs. W. Thiesburger and tendance of eight members. Mis. James Woadley attended Mis. Van Wieîingen presided. a shower for Miss Margret In the absence of Mis. Di-IHetheiington ai Bramnpton at vid Preston, Mis. C. Fallisl the home ai Mis. Nan Naris, w'as in charge ai the warshipý Toronto. period. Hymn 172 was sune, Mi. and Mrs. Irwin South- iollowed by a reading by Mis_. well, Mi. and Mrs. Robert Fallis "If You weie King". Southwell, Oshawa, Mirs. Stel- We closed with prayer and la Hesyn, Prince Albert, were hymn 488. Sun'day guests ai Mr. and Rail call was given, and we Mis. D. Southwell. were pleased ta, welcome Mis. Mis. V. Pleasance, Ajax, Rennie, wha lias been absent Mis. Marion Davey and child- irom Pantypoal inoe last fail. ren, Enfield, Mis. Jae Snaw- The secietary's repaît for den and Bruce, Solina, were April was read and approved. Discussion followed with ta and tram the sohool. Also regard ta the Garden Party al the ladies who helped in whioh will be beld in June. any way at the wedding re- A definite date wiIl be set at ception. the next meeting. Mis. Van Members are urged ta con- Wieringen volunteered ta, con- tinue ta, save the Canada tact a local carpenter ta see Packers labels. We bave re- if it is passible ta, have the ceived thiree oluininum pit- tables oteîed in time tar the chers for the labels we sent Garden Party. Mis. McKay in, and they have praved veryr was appointed ta look aiter use*ful in the kitchen. purcbasing vases, tea tawels We' wish ta tihank Mis.! and plastic table claths. Lairy Bradley for the rail cf Mis. McKay read the treas- plastic, clotix that she donateçl uirer's report and a favorable for the tables, and alsa Mis. balance was îeported an bond, Aubrey Cain wha donated the due ta the recent wedding cloth foi tihe table in the kit- receptian and tihe card parties cben. which were held et the sooal The meeting closed witb duiinig the winter. We of-fer the Mizpah benediction. 'Me thianks ta John Van Wieringen next meeting will be held at and the boys wha helped the church on Wednesday, carry the tables and chairs June lot. ' FARM FENCE **. 8 Line - 42" 7 Line - 42"' $1.40 ROD $1,09]RI i - $3035 SPOOL FARM GÂTES I4,FT. $2 07 EACH 16 FT. $32.7 EACH 50 fr. WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK 0F: POSTS - WIRE STAPLES - FENCING ACCESSORJES STRETCHERS AND POST HOLE DIGGERS ON LOAN FREE WITH PURCHASE 0F FENCE -E - 9SP~~ ~-McGregor Hrdware LIMITED PHONE 623-5211 36di x 13 G 50 FTI 42" "x13 G 50 FT. 9 Line - 48" 36"i HOG FENCE 32" HOG FENCE $1. 9 oD95C RI Consumers .Gas Plans Servie For 10 Centres Ten more Ontario communi-' ties will receive natural gos service this sumnmer, bringîngý the total ai cities, towns, vil- lages and townships served by the Consuniers' Gao Ca. tai 157. In a $2.2 million expansion pragram ta assist stili more Ontario centres in their efforts ta obtain mare industîy and create more employment, Con- sumers' Gos will build trans- mission Uines tram Bradford ta Beaverton and tram Or- angevile ta Shelburne and distribution systems in Bol- tan, Nobleton, Tattenbam, Schombeig, Shelburne, Orono, Beavertan, Sutton, Jackson'a Paint and Keswick. The programi will include approximately 70 miles cf transmission line and 27 miles ai distribution systems. Construction ai the line ta Beaverton will begin at tbe end ai May and is expected ta be completed in June. Tbe line ta 'Shelburne will be started at the beginning af July and be completed in August. Natural gas service will be available in the 10 cammuni- ties well ahead ai the 1966-67 heoting season. MAPLE GROVE Mir.and Mis. Bill Mirilees, Richmond Hill, were Sunday visitais with ber sister and busband, Mi. and Mis. E. Spry and family. We welcame Mi. and Mis. Sweet, Bowmanville, ta oui cammunity; they bave maved into the bouse vacated by Mr. and Mis. T. Dickson, wbo bave gone ta Peterborough. Mi. and Mis. Bruce Me- Donald and family spent the weekend at a cottage at Buck- bain. The many friends ai Mis. R. MacLean will be pleased ta leain that she bas returned home tram the hospital. Mis. Jack Marchant, Ba- diane, Sussex, England, wha bas spent the past month with ber brother and wife, Mi. and Mis. Harry Pettit, wham she b as nat seen for 20 yeaîs, leit Saturday by 'plane for ber home in England. Before that she spent il months visiting ber only son and wîfe and family who live in Australia. iMi. Dan Brown and friend ,Mi. Meii Soari, Toronto, spent the weekend wîth the former's parents and brother, Mr. and Mis. W. H. Brown and Master David. iMi. and Mis. Cedric Russel attended the play put an by Cambridge Coppers in Scm- giave United Church, Satur-! day evening. IThe U.C.W. meeting will not, be held on Thursday evening os usual. We arc i.nvited ta meet with Ebenezer at Eben- ezer Cburch at 8:30 p.m, and hear Mis. Hambly wbo will speak on "The Eskimo'l. Mis. Stephen Jeffeîy and sister-in-law Mrs. Plummer, Part Hope; Mis. S. S. Morton. Mis. L. C. White, attended the Ebenezer casserole luncheon and bau style show,' Manday. Maple Grave Hi-C bmd a bal ganse ot 5 p.m. on Sunday ater which a potluck supper was served with several visi- tors from "Alcohalics Anony- moüa" present ai guests. Ray~ H. spolle of bis experlence~ wthî alcohol and'bis lite in A.A. Frank H. spoke of the unhappineis cauued by alca- hol and how bis lite h9à, been helped by A.A. The visitoaj were entertained atterwards at the hoofaiMr. and Mia. Ted White. ~t~i~'%xii~ét 7~* ~ b0~ e L. 'l 1 TYR Ty'rce United Church Sun. (18Y Ss*ool Anniversary Ser. vices were well attended boOl afternoan and evening. Mr S. G. Saywell, Oshawa wai guest sPeaker at bath services, In the aiternoon Mr. Say. well spoke mniy to the childien on "Timne". Music was provided by the kinder. garten "«Who, Made the Stars", and the Sunday Sehool c'hoi, "You Go ta Your Church.' Guest soloist was Mr. Gler Allin of Newcastle, "q walk- ed wbere Jesus walýked.", At the evening service the chi1dTren sang "Lily of th( Valley" and "Four in a Foin. ily". Mr. Saywell taok hiý! text f-rasn Pualm 90, verse 15 The levely organ and pianc music before bath services was appreciated. Many thankç ta Mr. Saywell, Rev. D. Nor- they, Supt. Mr. Rowlarcl Coofn.bes, Organist Mrs. Gor. dyn Brent, Pianist Mrs. John Vaneyk, and oui choir direc. toi, Mis. James Woodley, and the Sunday schýoal choir, te the Exbplarers for the littie wi-shing wells tbey made and Put in the windows. Ushers were: Sandra and Aileen Hall, Douglas and Ruby Broome. CouPles Club is meeting at the homne of Jim, and Marg. Coombes, MaY 28th at 8:30. The speaker is ta be Rev. Glenn Taylor, Chaplain ai the Boys' Training Schol. Michael Gibbs spoke ta the ExPlorerslast Thursday even- !ONE . i guesta utfMr. and -Mrs. T. h Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner, r. Mns. L. J. Goodman, Mis. N. is Woodley, Bawrmanville, ond Mis. W. Park Sr. were guests of Mr. and Mirs. Lloyd Skin- enrie , c Mr. and Mis. G. Alldread, *Mrs. M. Gakin were Satur- d-ay visitors of Mr.and Mrs. John Baker, Toronto. Mr. and Mis. Arthur Smith, n Clumbus, were Sundoy tea *gueste of Mis. R. S'cott. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue e ttended the Campbell-Ste- ýnekes wedding at Park Ave- nue Church, Burlington, and reception in Continental Ban- quet Hall. *Mi. and Mrs. Ross Piooley. Oshawa, were tee guesta of Mr. and MTs. G. Brent. Congratulations ta Mr. Ro- dbert Thiesburger on bis mar- .riage ta Miss Margret Heth- Serington, Bramipton, wh a were married last Saturday in Bramnpton. Mr. and Mis. William Thiesburger nd Mr. 0and Mrs. Douglas Delaney at- etended the wedding. 1Mr. and Mis. Walter P-ark *visited Mr. and Mis. Charles Murney, Peterborough. .Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Hoar taccampanied Mi. and Mis. George White af Bowmonville nd attended the Stevens- Miller wedding at Timathy Eaton Metmoîial Church, Tor- onto. ýjMr. and Mrs. A. Tl'iessen .and faniily, Mrs. K. Robinson, and children, Mrs. S. Walker, Bowmanrville, Mr. and MîsI 1Rosm Hall and children, Hamp-* tan, Mr. Russell Hall, Osh-, owa, Mis. K. Robin and child- ren were Sunday visitois of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rooker Pnd Colin, Hamilton, Mr. andl Mrs. T. Scott, Port Hope', were guests of Mr. and Mrs., J. Gibbs. Mr. and Mis. L. Tharnett, Oshawa, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs. Mr. and Mis. H. Degeer, Bethany, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rabni, Burketan, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil, Mrs. Alex MeMaster, Joan and Ross, Zion, were supper guests of Mr. and Mis. R. B. Glas- pell. QStM, Icbv 5 -10-1b. AVERAGE TURKEYS ------ RED BRAND STEER BEEF BONELESS ROUND WITH THIS COUPON AND ONLY STEAK OR ROAtSI 7' ONLY AT DOMINION DELUXE 10-1b. AVERAGE GOLDEN BIRD TURKEYS 4.7. Sifts Pure Pork SAUSAGE 1-1b. Pkg. IShopsy Pouches CORN BEEF Pack 9 9 Bargains Galore 4c Off Kraft Miracle Whip 32-oz. Jar SALAI) DRESSING 5 9c 9 Varte PayTyme 25-os. Botties COC TAI MIES-$1.19 Plain - Fruit Flavoured - Cbocolate Kraft Jet Puff llYs-oz. Pkgs. MARSHMALLOWS 29c Mlxed 14-oz. Pkg. Kraft CARAMELS 49 c Kraft Regular Hickory Smoked il-oz. Bottie BARBEQUE 47c Van Camp 20-oz. Tins PORK & BEANS 2for49c Brights Choice 48-oz. Tins APPLE JUICE 3 for 89c Hostess 13-oz. Bag POTATO CHIPS 69c Swifts 24-oz. Tin Beef orIrh Stew 55c Swifts Prem 12-oz. Tin LUNCHEON MEAT .59c Pure 1-lb. Pkgs. Silverleaf Lard 2 for 49c Scott 3 Colours 4 Rail Pkg. Bathroom TISSUE 49c' 20e Off OMO Glant Pkg. Powdered Detergent 79c fe Off 4 Colour Pkg. of 3'o LUX TOILET SOAP 41c Evaporated 16-oz. Tins Carnation MiIk 3 for 49c 5 fb Swifs Premium 59c JWIENERS 1-1b. Pkg. 5,5c Swifts Premium 1IAK B C N 8-oz. 9 Domino Fancy Frozen St-rawberries .2 Rgichmello Peanut Butter Richmello Orange Pekoe TEA BACS HilTop GINGER SNAPS or (HOCOLATE GRAHAMS Richmello DINNER ROLLS Country Girl Fresh Produce Specials CABANA GOLDEN RIPE BA&N AN AS 2 bs. 29 c 15-oz. Pkgs. 2-1b. Pkg. Pkg. of 12's 89 40-0z' Jar 8 1 Pkg. of D0's 79ci Dominion 12-oz. Pkg. Macaroons or Bud s4 9cý 20..oz. 3.9 FIRM CRISP HEAD Mexican Grown ORANGES LETTUCE 4.1b. Bag 53C FOR YOUR GARDEN Attra,çtlvelY Full Supply of pijced Ail merehandîs. lu guar*nt..4 t. give lN% utustw Values Effective Until C)oslng, Saturday,MIay 21,'19U la Eoèwmanville, WBE RBVE "Z IUGRT TOLUÇT QUANTITIES. QPen -Thurs.and. Fr1. Nîoht* "tif. 9-p.më. KING ST. AND SIMPOSON AVEUE HigWayN. * i SHOF' W NVHCONFIENCEI A ut mMd mmt.dmIdnut ha Wh"lo Frub, fr... or humdaor@ Meet Dominion's Family Domino Choice Fruit Cocktail3 2o 1e00ý 3609 x 11 G 42" x 11 G $11.21 505FT. $2,55 T 15"f GREEN BOR-DER. F'ENCE ADD GAIETY TO ENTERTAINING WITN COLOURFUL' ~f'~%TTERMOmWARE *GUARANTEED UNIREAKAIEI J . *UMUDISHWASIIER SAFE! Start coflecting youo sSm of beauthM Bolerco Them-War. wrth Bolero Thun O-War. s gumrng.ed tetbreakable eNd q9 thlo exciting ecluksive off er et ySr rierndfy Domninô. This Wekl for ev*Wyay u», e. tertainitg. piScc or the coinr otae Pet ttvo coolsSoz. 9 ýcoral B CLIr cP bsobutely fl .wstth o'l I mmVa th e .comploter p" oc. o.. a Pitcher,ý.% n oo Icoupor, below and !ooly 115.00 or morein puchases. Thn., coilect a server, snack trey and! crean-ndeougar se. Stert your Summer diffemont coour each week to complota your full oct! Femous living this week un Domnion. Got yoor r e. oip todlayl It's Mainly Beca.use of the Meat CANADA GRADE A OVEN READY YOUNG i 69C.1 27cl

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