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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1966, p. 5

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Former -Bowmanvilleé Couple Celebrate 6Oth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Deili eight great-grandchildnen en- awa, Bownanville Peterbor- Sr. of Port Hope. Ont. ce e-i tentained in their honoun at ough and Cobourg. brateci their 60th Weddin the home of! their son, JackDe r. and Mis. Demnili were Anniversary on April 1gth,I at 33 Harris St. on Saturday.'mridi Bwavleo 6Apnil 23rd. April 19, 1906, where their 6 femily whici includes They received reci roses agtrGet Ms ar two daughters. one son. andi a purse fromn thein family SkinherGrea r. Thary ____v grendeh-ilciren nd and wr presented with .a moved to Newcastle and Uvsed trilam.p and purse fromn theï h efrtw ersbfr neig'hbours andi many gftsteefrtoyasbfr and lowrs fom elis Movîng to Port Hope where Foresters HoId and friewds fo eaie they have since resideci. Their They received a telegrar second daughter Muriel (Mrs. of onratlaios fmBuk. _ .Newaste hein) a lfbredi Din er Da ce inghain Palace,meJohsci Nw Jrtl. Twason ilfPrtd congratulations from PrimeJon r.wsbninPt iiitr L. B. Pearson, andi Hope. A t Lions (entre ýMr. Woney. M.P. The Ontario~ Mr. Dml eie rm The dinner dance held re- IGovernment's congratulatony Eldorado Mining and Refîn- cently by Court Venture, Cen- I plaque was presenteci to thein ing Ltd. some years ago, but adian Order of Foresters et by Alex Crruthers, M.P.P. keeps busý gandening in sum- the Lions Community Centre! Fiends andi relatives were mer. He la also an avid stamip Was an enjoyable event. A1 presen~t from Saanac Lake, enthusiast. They are both delicious dinnen was served, N.Y., U.S.A., Toronto, Osh-Ikeenly interested in antiques. andi afterwards populan uî for dancing was provided by f C. a ra Nesbtt's orchestra. B E There w:re also::sveral square!D egat~ E HN table wer ea t Anua attending the who bas been the student min- the Frete da bleupervisor f r ie nulmeeting of ister at St. Paul's Church ini the Fateral Sper sr East Durham Women's Insti- Bethany, w'as ordained into Eastern Ontario and Mr. tutes at Garden Hill on Wed- the ministry lest Sunday et Keith Clarke, Oshewa; Mrs. nesclay were Mrs. Harry Ry- St. James Cathedrel in Ton- Glen Prout, District Deputy îley, Mrs. Hector Morton, Mrs. onto. Thirty members o! the High Chie! Ranger, andi her husband, Mn. Prout; Mrs. Bill Tema, Mrs. Wii- Parish ettended the ceremnony, Allin, President o! Court Ven- lam Phillips, Mrs. Thomas going by chartered bus. tune, and Mn. Allin; Len Bark- Jackson, Mrs. Gladys Mal- During the past week memn- ePresident o! the Kingsway colmson, Mrs. Ina Palmer, bers o! the Athletic Associa- eiric n, Mrs akr ,s. Emory Smith. tion have been busy givinýg and Mrs. Carl Devitt, e Past Miss Agnes Waddell, Onono the Athletic Park its Spring President o! Court Venture spent the weekend with her dlean--up. A new beckstop Miss Judy Allin was the parents, Mr. and Mrs. George screen has been installed, the winnen o! the attractive door Waddell. groundis rolled end levelled, Thespeialdna pnze rs StllaBoy, Tnonoand ail siectator benches .re Th pca rwprie.Ms tel odTrno painted in readiness for the winners were Orme Yourth has been the guest o! Mr. and oeigdyo ody a and J. Cochrane. Pizes were Mrs. Norman Boothby for the 23ci eni the n Mnua Sport also awerded to the winners past week. 23Dy wheîdh. tiulSprs Il the &pot dances. Rev. Arthur S. Allerton, - n a tur heday a 1, ArtCarvè d7 DREAM DL'jN!OND RJNGS St. Paul's Anglican Chxircfl, Rev. Arthu~r Allerton officiat- ed for the christening of Da- vid Todd Smelt, infant son o! Mr. end M1&s. Malcolm Smelt, with Mn. and Mrs. Norman Boothby as Godparents. At the same service Julie Carie and Sheila Casie, deughters of Mr. and Mrs. James Casie of Port Hope, received the rites o! baptism, with Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Smelt acting as Godparents. Mrs. Noel Wood, Mrs. A. S. Allerton, Mns. William Phil- lips, Mrs. Ina Palmen and Mrs. Hector Meton attendedi aSpring Tee et St. John'sI D urham Boys Doing Weil TwruhmCut ougne r elo erwetoscesubunescaerawyfm 32, wasrhntyaCointd Vic Presientaof Thermo- *this cy ompany sfor fiessarsaer severalyers *thiC oume r Manufacturn Comp and of OshawaFin- nthe v o irraft CopnyfMr.tond Orginall h apprnted wih Hwar Haoinowmanville. vrt,3,arih s Pihll ha seveirpatetsoffibion ontsmall plane p2 as rthat he deveopned Viche eiet Thermo-pe Croucts Crompanfyil. PrIlios.H asb Bihunesrenfcr KEompnD f saa a teA ccouiantCympas toek wOrecpinal-h Cartiee i oad Acn he bcig n owavcile 1 9Phili hurhsev e t liptto irobin honched uplonea 623-3861 h deelpoawihthe uthermolo it LEPoNADu J omaMEnROKy. ~ ~ Chartered ccunan Trustee in Bankruptcy Suite 205W 725-9953 Oshawa Shopping Centre WM. J. H. CoGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILSON & BURROWS Chartered Accountants 323 King St. W., Oshawa,'Ont. Partners : Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. Phone 728-7554 arou of! days Fonl M and Mrs. M and the Mýs. A: wen see T jtf - - Church, Idea, on Saturday. HALL, PEEKIN Sunc _________MaelMLLAN & CO. SÛRl Chentered Accountents djtio: Zin(H p T w shpý725-6539 comE King St. Box 245 Newcastle is ,~ >,~ Sincere symnpathy o! this 9874240Te -ît contmunity la extenided the'Patners:-M alfamily o! the late MT. Norman William C. Hall, B.Comrn., C.A. last àGerew whese sudden death David G. Penkin, C.A. horn took place Mondey afternoon, J. Craham MacMillan, C.A. mer May 2nd, 1966 et the Cobourgte General Hospital, following r severe heant atteck, taken Ch cic 1rsa while et work et the Bunley G D I AN C Garage, Cobour'g, where hie, hrpeco t A was empoyed.Oi c hirp:atonthe It wes.-g great shQk to hsOffElice: t.,con. o!Honsey St. hae for when it's more than "puppy love" p femily and'friencis, 'as he ha 15 Phogne 2St., nin been in apparently good Office Heurs: By appoîntment R. C health. Norman andi his fami- It W WIien your conversation turns more ly have lived et Zien fer 17 Deni a 1 thej and more to subjecta ike faînilies, yeai's where he, until recent- go____________ 1 furniture anmd love, perhepe it's also, ly, operated thie '.Hill. Top" DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. ville *that special timete consider an Art- service station. He md 75 King St. E. Bowmanville ser-i Carved diemond ring. As the Iasting many friends and was quite Office Hours:-,Tt r-- symbol which eternally reminds you interested in Sunday School 9 e.m. tût 6 p.m. deily colc, r.- of that very precieus moment, an wos-k. For a number o! years Closeci Saturdey and Sunday whel ArtCarved is unsurpassed. Since he was Superintendent o! the Office Phone - 623-5790 hekd 1850, the ArtCarveci people have Zion S. Sechool. Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 heni A-FNFRE created more than 50 million rings, Mie funeral service wes A-FAFARE each worthy of the messaxe it carnies. held Thursday aftes'noon at DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. asi Our new ArtCarveci collection en- the Roma Funeral Chapel;, Rev. Office Ms compasses an unusual vaiety of set-. J. Cargo conducted the ser- 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Hiig tings and designa, te match virtually vice. Internment was in Wel- Office Hours : P any style preference and budget. On lington Ceinetery, Welhiugton. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily addr the latter subjcct, it's nice to know A Masonic service was held Closed Saturdey and Sundey Mss of ArtCarved's Permanent Value there. Te1 hoe-Ofc 63549 ate guerantee which offers complete Mr. ànd Mms. Chas. Ralbyj DR. E. W. SISSON forh assurance of! uality andi enduring cpnt Sunday May8, in Fen- L.D.S., D.D.S. 6 ~' value. Models illustrateci from $150. wick with hen father, Mn. H. Office in hîs home Hc Matching wedding bandi circlets Trener. 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville lava *additional. ~Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Mene- Phonie 623-5604 ing1 S-WILD-FLOWER illey and !amily, Mn. and Mr-c. Office Heurs: ag John Meneilley and sons, Pont 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. deily cari Hope. visited with their pan- Closed Wednesday - Sundey MiEl ents on Mother's Day. tickE A o peý Y we eMrs. Margaret Whitney has n u r a ni c e tabiE M returned home !rom the Pr attre (L Hope Hospital where she was DONALD A. MacGREGOR chul SKING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE reoeing from the fu Life, Auto, Home wes M.HryRbStirling, Insurance ýfund _____________Aut$hoeized Ârtcarv.d." . ________ was visiting relatives et Rose- 9V2 King St. E., Bowmanvllle proil -~berry Hifle st weekend. Phone 623-59621 tend, IBA& O.MONTREAL "MYDANB' ewuamvilIe &rachà A lAMBL. MMAaas lU oqhawa Baancb. lAMSMcCANSIL Manaae, Undhim eary Lou Fonk and friend Burk's Falls spent a few rwîth Mn. and Mrs. Jack ik. r. and Mrs. Jerry Byers 1Diane visiteci Mr. and sHetcher Foster, Sund-ay. 4r. and Mis. Ciharlie Roach 1family of Lakeview spent Sweekend with her moVher, s.Wm. Mes-cen. ýy1waird and Alec Little re down froni Toronto to 1their mother, Mns. Neya fle in Memorial Hospital, day, and report thet there 1 i no change in hen con- [n. It la flot good. liss Selina Thertell basl ne out o! the hospital and with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ertell. Jn. TIios. Stevens came out tweek and has gone to his me in Toronto. Mr. Tru- nGarbutt came home fromn hospital Sundey, while ,.Geairy went into Mein.. al this past week vote by ballot wes taken chus-ch Sunday to decide question o! wbether to e church service for the- nth o! August when Rev. C. White takes lhis holidays. vas quite a close vote but noswere in the majority Kendal will join Newton-ý le and Shiloh in having no, vie. ruesday wets an extremely d, windy, unpleasant day en the Women's Institute -d their District Annuel e. Mns. Munday presided, isted by the sec.-treasuner, s.Wiseman. M rs. L. ahes, Miss Wray, andi Mrs. ny aIl gave interesting tresses. Ini the morning sPring sang, while in the ernoon Mms. Fonk sang 1 Mrs. K. Woods playing her. There were just about ladies out this yeaa-. eowever, the weatherman >red with a lovely even- for our Penny Sale and e ge crowd were on hexmd to npete for the pnizes. Mrs. Higan dnew out the lucky ets. The 'Touch and Take' [e was quite e d-rawing raction, especially te the dren. L.jinch and ceffe sserved afterwards. The is will be used for W. I. jects. A thenk you is ex-î .ed-to aIl who- helped toi Land -Surveying make i oscsfl MERRILL D. BROWN P.ENG., O.L.S. OBITUARY 121 Queen St. Box 16591WLIMGOG OE Bus. and Res. Telephone WTheAMdERE ocn e i Toronto on Thursday, Apnil L e g ai 14 1966 of William George _________Hooey o Nestîcton, Ontario, LA-WRE-NCE C. MASON, B.A. following an ilîness o! ten Bennisten. Solicitor months. Noteny Public Mr. Hooey the son of the King St. W. Bowmanville late James and Mentha Hooey, Phones: Office 623-5688 was bonn on the lst Conces- ____Res. 623-5553 sior'.o! Cartwright Townshîpý E. RICAIWLOEKIN and had resided on the olci B.A., LL.B. Hooey homesteaci on 7A High- Banister - Solicitor wey since bu was six months King St. W. Newcastle old. Heurs: 9 -5 daily; Set., 9 - 12 o He was a faithful member ____Phone 987-4735 of N e s tl1e t o n Presbytenian Church for elmost 60 years. HODGINS & FLEMING During his membership he Hugh E. Fleming, Q.C. serveci the chunch in several Apha I. Hodgins executive capacities. For years Barnisters - Solicitors he was chunch secnetary, was Nota ries Public one time Supeintendent o! 14 Frank St. Bowmenvifle the Sabbeth School, andi at Telephone 623-3351 _ the time of bis deeth was STRIKE anmd STRIKE Kirk Session Clenk and mcm- Barnistens, Solicitors ber o! the Trustee Board. Notenies Public As well as bis untiring ef- W. R. Stnike, Q.C. fonts in the church he was in- A. A. H. Stnike, B.A. teresteci in the wonk o! the Edwend C. Wildmen, Canadien Bible Society. B.A., LL.B.. Surviving are bis wife, the 40 King St. W. - Bowmenvlfe former Elsie MacDonald, two Telephone 623-5791 daughters, Joyce o! Ottawa and Margaret o! Gravenhunat; M o r t g ca g e s ephewv Donald McLaughlin ef ______Toronto,______________of Pet- SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO erborough. A brother Ed- Phone 1 r 16 mond and a sisten Myntle pre- First Motgage Funds deceesed bim. Residences - Ferms He nested at the chepel o!f Business Properties McDermott - Panabeken, Port Penny, Ont. The funenel serv- 0 p i o m e i r y ice was held et N:stleton rs KEITH A. DILLETr. O.D. The miniutete were the Rev. Optometrist W. H. T. Fulton, Pont Hope, 143 King St. E. -Bowmanvile Ontario, Interim Moderator, Office Houns: By appointment sand Mn. A. Inglis. Telephone 623-3252 Interment wes in Unionj Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fnl. Cemetery, Cedmus. 9 s.m. te 5 p.m. . Pelîbearens w e r e Messns. Wed. andi Set. - 9 - Il William Wallis, D o u gis s Thuruday evenipg Mackie, John B.acock, Hsrry ti tg t s r 1rTr~n 29 Sanderson, Wilbert Reynolds~ - S LN aainSaemn omntlMy1,16 and ecilWilson. O I -7ecnda tts Bo ' l ' Floral tributes included hose fromn Nestieton Presby- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake -Bruce Montgomery. terian Church, Canadian Na- a n d family, Peterborough, Miss Ida Arnott, Mrs. Jes8ie Du h m à .. tional Telegraphs,' Saffari were recent tes guests with Chester, Mrs. Muriel Wotten, Jewellery, 'Gravenhurst High Mr. and Mrs. Wesley His Mrs. Hazel Merritt, Oshawa; -Elc ' ' School and Vincent Massey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wôtten, Ke -E W t Public School, Ottawa.On atraMy4tth Whitby, visited with Mr. N. Eldad G.G.I.T. girls ventured Wte n rni. ej.E euie C m BOWMWAN VILLE W. 1. mto the big city of Toronto Mrs. Frank Westlake rE eu ie C m Bow[nnvileWomnen'sIn for a day on the town, with vsited Mrs. F. R. Cook, Bow- stowtemetnalle i.I- tei leaders Mrs. J. Snow- mnanvile. DuflhBJfl M.P. Rusll C. stiuteme onMa St mthe den andi Mrs. H. Knox, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice, HoneY was re-elected to -the pesHalli .A~y on < other chaperons, Mrs. R. Vice Teuton; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Executive ConmIttee of the ple' Hal.and Mr. H. Knox. In Toronto Glaspeli and sons, Tyrone; Mr. Canadian Grou.p, Inter-Par- The opening was taken by they enjoyed window shop- and Mrs. Percy Westlake visit- lja<mentary Uina L n 2nd Vicoe President Mrs G.pnetn adth shwe ihMsFrn elk nI tisA. Bagneli with O Canada, W. I.netigadte hwe it1. rnkWslk nual Meeting. MT. Honey was anc te Lrds PayrSoundi of Music" starring Sr. first elected in 1965. Ode, adteLr' ryr Julie Andrews. After a three- Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, Mrs. G. Bagneil called the hour show which was fab- spent the weekend with Mr. convenor of the meeting, Mrs. ulous, they found their way to and Mrs. Tom Baker and C. Downey, who introduceci the cars and started the family. CtCs oa the guest speaker, Mr. E. journey home, everyone happy, Mr. and Mns. Harold Honey, the lest meeting wene given they will always remember. Ont., were Sunday viitr For Old Appliauces a irageI.tsmdy or, i- nSunday, May lSth Rv.with M.adMrs. Roy Lang- truh aranemns ad orDi-Charles Catto. B.A., B.D., in- meid. hog trict Annuel with Mrs. S.M.adMs rc in Corden and Mrs. M. Flintot! spired much thought with his . adM.Buc ik.TA as delegates. fine sermon "Feith in the visited Mr. and Mr.. Bruce C L A 8 8 I F 1 E D 9 Mr. Youngmnan spoke on Future of Farming". This be- Ormiston, Columbus, and also Conservation and told of thie ing Rural Life Sunday it was called on Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Phone 623-3303 Swiss family in the United very fitting et this busy time ý1rokîîn. States which had large herds of seeding. of oettle and each animal had Mr. and Mrs. J. Snowden a bell on which was tuned to and Bruce were Sunday teas make music. guests wîth Mr. and Mrs. Tom The motto was given by Pleasance, Tyrone. IEU T Mrs. E. Black which heci been Mr. anid Mrs. Harvey Yel- prepared by Mrs. R. Cameron. lowlees and family were Sun- Motto was "Grumblin.g spoils day callers et the Ernest and Let us learn to be good to Mn. and Mrs. W. Quick, ourselves". Bowmanville, w e r e Fnidey The roli cail wes "Narne an visitons with Mr. and Mrs. old implement and one that Wes. Werry and family. has rejplaced it." To finish Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis our program a quartet of la- visited with Mn. and Mrs. dies from Shaw's - "The Har- Ross Pearson, Woodstock. ried Housewives"l - Mrs. J. Killeen, Mî's. L. Wood, Mrs. Mr. and Mns. Wesley Hills.0 C. Cragc> and Mrs. C. Dow-_ and family visited on Sunday.8 ney, gave three numbers, with Mr. and Mrs. M. McCar- Home on the Range, Wreck reli, Omemee. of the Old 97, and I Want a Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- BeciutfifUlSu-Proof Coton <cmd Pure Girl. man end family were Mother's lseu Wit Utneuws Meeting closeci with the Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. '%l%.n w e*.t»Y w Queen. Liunch was served by Jackson Wray, Oshawe elw<dseI ,u iewae 1 Mrs. C. Downey and her Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knox, 'eo m " ds mwt group, with Mrs. C. Corden Picton, spent the weekend off a duck's bock.%Two coat of as convenor. with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Ken bas accept- Perfect Coverin Sd Pro*ecfim., Based on an index of 100 ed a position in Prince Ed- for 1949, the Bureau of Sta- ward County for the summen. t1stics estimates that output Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knox and B M R N E T H Y Sâ per man-hour in Canadian family visiteci with Mr. andA manufacturing had nisen to Mrs. Keith Rowe, Bowman- PAINTS & WALLPAPERS 154.4 by 1963, while the index ville. 'eoaigS cals in 120 of average weekly wages had Mn. and Mns. Jack Hender-"D oatn SecastSne19" isen to 190.2 in the same shot, Oshawa, were Sunday 3.1 KING ST. W. PO E6353 period. callers with Mr. and Mrs. 1 1-11ýl

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