42 The Canadian Statesman, BewmanvM@l, May 25, 1960 Births Articles for Sale 1 Articles for S( IMECARD.--Garnet and Thelma WATER for sale and delivered,j MANYS suit, size 44, ai' happy ta announce the Call Cliff Pethick 263-2131 ýonce. Phone 623-3617. argival of their son Gamnet 32-tf 1 QAT straw andi feeri Bruce, 8 iba. 1 oz. on Tuesday, WATER for sale and delivered.f Edwin S taub, R.R. 3, ,May 17, 1966, et Oshawa Gen-i24 hour service. Caîl 623-5756. castle.__ ifal Hospital. Twenty-sixth 29-tf OAOS Mri ' -ftgndchi1d for Mm. and Mrs._ OA ES MatnY 'Fe icard, 40 King W., Bow. KEYS eut automatically, whhle Lambs Rd. North, R.R. 4 ~nville.21-1 Iyou wait. at McMullen Hard- manville. _______ Ware, 36 King St. E., Bownîan- IDA Oval enal .BITER...Normie and Teddievll.3-tf App1y 93 Liberty St. S.ý WU hto announce the arrivaI BUYING or selling funiture manville, eveoings. tf baby sister Jacqueline Eliz- or appliances, caîl Elmer, CHESTERFIELD and abeth Rosîna, on Sunday, May Hampton: business 263-2294 - fig.sial o 212, 1966, weighing 7 lbs. 5!¾ residence 263-2695. 6-tf fihoge.62s-3tabevefor Mge., at Memoriel Hospital, IDRIED shelleri corn, $65 per __ - »6wmnanville. Nomma a n dton F0O.B. Browview. Phone BiABÈY -c-arrna-ge, -pt-ay ;Wallace are the prauri parents., ecsl 8-44t rag iNcasto l 9874474ta arangetreacue sewing machine, SPIRES-Larry andi Barbara pcu r eiey.__1- phone 623-2567 or Orono (nee Hooey) are plcascd VoTSED washcr parts, U h.p.1 ftiounce the arrivel of their Imators. Complete line aiENTRD lpsta ;$on, Robert William Glenn, on Beatty, Thor andi Crosley ap-plns$2er10 ut lfhursday, May l9th, 1966, at pliances. P a riry' s Mamket eplants.M$2pern100. du MrrilHospital, Bowman- Hampton, 263-2241. 12-tf, %ff11e. Thanks ta Dr. Ru.ndle INSULATION, blowing meth-ICOUNTERS, show-caseý 'and matemnity nursing staff. od, witb rock wool. Work- I manship guaranteeri. F re e eImanqunfo sae WATSON-Ta Lt. Col. and esiaeHry L ac Breslin's Shnps Ltd., M - frs. W. S. Watson (nec Phone Newtonville 786-2256. __ jRarbara Rehder) et St. Vin- 38-tf PINE Christmas tmees, cent de&Paul Hospital, Broek-' for cutting this fall WMile, Thursday, May 19, 1966,' a I WILL boan you up ta $5,000 Stainton, 941 Dunda 'daugliter, a sister for William at a reasonable rate of inter- Cooksvilie, Ontario. Junior. 21-1 e4t osldt ombi 277-8081. ___________________o r for any other worthwhile - - - Eng gem nt purpose praviding ynu are CARD table, hotplate, Engagement_________ steedily employeri andi have Santa Claus suit, basl Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davey, good eedit. Phone 723-4631, nets, oddri rshes, includur Tyrone. announce the engage- 18-4 Idozen cups and saucers. Émnt of their daughter Joan T ' XrD phone 623-5817. Florence, to Mm. Thomntan TV OW R KAISER aluminum sidini John Webb, son of Mm. andi 850 up amounri cnmfort. repels Mrs. T. J. Webb, Bowman- OSHAWVA mer beat, contains ville. The wedding ta teke warmth. 20-year guai --ae o1Samrd -, une i h, TV SUPPLY LTD. Lorne Allin, 1 Prince St. a96 t 7 o'elock in Tyrone ,nited Chureh. 21-1 . Mm. and Mrs. Frederický Dayes K.R. No. 2. Nestlcton, wish ta announce the engage- ment cf their daughter Pearl Lorraine, ta Charles William Andrews Jr., son of Mm. and ,,2Lrs. C harles Andrews S., * rince Albert. The marriage wiîl taes place Setumday, June 25th, 1966, at Black- stock United Chureh et three î "cloek. 21-1 * Deaths 'CAMPBELL, May - At Me- marial HosItal Bowmanville, on Tesday, May 24, 1966, May IfeGregor cf 39 Beech Ave. in her 84th year. Beloved wife ,of Arthur Campbell, dear znother of Mme. J. E. Stout (Marjorle); sister of Mme. B. Montgomery (Dorothy), Mal. and Lloyd o! Brampton. Rest- Ing et the Nothcutt and Smith Funeral Home. Funemal serv- ces 2 o'clock Tbusday aftem- naon. Intemment St. Peul's .Cemetery, Millbrook. 21-1. CA.MPBELL, Sarah Evansý , , a) -Suddenly at the South 'WAteloo Memorial Hospital, aton Satumday, May 21. T6,Evve A'rmstrong, belov- . ý wife o! the late Wesley Campbell, dear mother o! "Q at cf Nestieton, Evelyn 54r.W. R. Bonney) of Galt, ~Nb1 (Mme. H. MeMullen) af îfa]rt PermY and Jean (Mrs. S. Hacker) of Midland,'aiso sur- tjved by 12 gandchildren and r 74t year Res e t the '-*iapel -o! McDemmott-Pana- , aker, Port Permy. Service wes held in the Nestîcton 4nited Church on Tuesday. Way 24, at 3:30 p.m. Inter- Ipent Nestleton Cemetemy. FREEMAN, Ernest R.-Passed .way suddenly in St. Cath- Z~nes Hospital on Wednesday, Oay 18, 1966, Ernest R. Fmee- ~an, beloved husband ai Agnes Coleman, dear father &~fGlenn, and step-fathem of ~Is. Harmy Watts (Leila) and . Doulas Mowrv (Laîinzfl: TFaunton Rld. E -, Oshawa Juit East cf Ritson Road Diat 723-8131 Day or night - Bill Leask, Prop. 1-tf BEEF for your freezer, lneker Good Steer Beef with excess fat removed befare you buy. HINDS 65e - FRONTS 49e SIDES 55e lb, Cnt, wrapped and frozen No extra charge Don't waste your money on! fat - Buy goad prime steer beef BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM Phone 623-5578 ___________16-tf SPECIAL NEWS- We have recently received e special selection oi TROPHIES suitable -for EVERY SPORTING EVENT 25% OFF For Your club needs, contact TYPEWRITERS, adriers, registers, desks, chairs, cabinets. Terms, trades. useri, rentais, service. Hamilton, Raglan (Nci Oshawa). CLEARANCE Sale: Ki dunette, bedroom andi ch field suites, Iamps. matt andi sandwich cots, Lots cottages from $2,995 on I Rice andi St. JohnI Termns with $100 Murphy Co., King W., 623 BADGE] FORAGE BOX FORAGE HARVESTI FORAGE BLOWEIW DISTRIBUTORS Gordon L. Cor' SALES & SERVICE R. R. 1 - OSHAIM G 0D BR A fFABRIC< '28 King St. W., Phane 62 for the best ln r1'UU..AJrLn SEREDA LINEN JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOF11- -- ------ 29 King St. E. 623-5747 PRINTED LINEN BOWMANVILLE 4.5o' - 1.998 ________________14-tf POPLIN. printed and pli GOLDEN. FALCON PecID ADA ORBIT Special - 45" GRANNY GOWN PRINI COR SAIR 36"--------Sec--us -for-79 TRAVEL TRAILERS! CUSTOM DRAPERI] SUBWAY TRAILER:ý Samples taken to the1 for your convenienc Deal with Goodbrand PARK AND SALESi and bo sure of qualit' 1010 DUNDAS ST. E.sthfcan WHITBY Paris aldAccessorles 19-4 * SPRING 15 HERE! Time to Buy LAWN MOWERS roerof Ms elie JacksornN (Christine), Bowmanville; Mm. R T -ILR Aarry G. Freeman, Mepie R T -ILR rove, in his 72nd yeam. Fun- BUDGET PLAN j&aI service was held at thej "We Service What Wle Sei"l ,j xte & Winter Funeraif lorne, St. Catharines, on Set- ý.Vray, May 2ist, with inter- Metin Ebenezer Cemetemy. 1 P1.4-a Z- Reception 8 l~.WBwa~il Mr. and Mme. Arthur M- __ 5t .1.Mhon will be et home ta er friends and relatives et CERESDALE teir esidence R.R. No. 2, E TLZR Wontypool, (Lotus), on Satur FRILZR day, June 18, 1966, fromn 3 p.m. te 7 p.m., on the occasion of BULK OR RAG "'îeir Golden Wcdding Anni- A y na si sar 21-i1 n nayi Mm.an Mm. ougasMeCORN, GRAIN, TOBACCO Lughlin will be pleaseri ta AND POTATOES, ETC. V'~cle their relatives, friends SPREADERS AVAILABLE Jl neighbors et Adelaîde ouse, Oshawa, on Satumday,ý ANHYDROUS une 4th, 1966, from 2:00 p.m., 10-52-17 PLANT STARTER to 6:00 p.m. an thîe occasion aof i cir Sth Wedding Anni- PHONE NEWCASTLE $rsar. ____ 2~1*I987-4711 - 1Mm. and Mrs. George Kim- ai, Newcastle, wilî be most OR BOWMANVILLE 'ppy to receive their friende *id relatives on Satumday, 2375 È t, 1966, between 3 and201 141p.m. and 7 and 9 p.m. et the - - _ UntdChurcli Sunday Sehool, Attention nao, Newcastle, an hse c muon ot their 25th Weddn"ilg CORN GROWERS .nversary. 20-21I - - Mm. and Mrs. Chartes E.1 tayoMain Street, Orono.1 taowill b. "AV Home" Vo' em relatives and friends in SOdd Fellowî Hall. Orona, Otntarlo, on Sunday, June 5th, UBSO froni 3 - 3 pan. and 7- 9 jgm. on thc occasion of their! Mth Wedding Anniversary.î qW gifts pieas.. 20-2* laMr. md Mrs. Charles F.' LKttles, Bowmaavillc, wiIl be ~t Home" Vo their relatives ~dfrtends at tie home et frdoughter asdudsn-ln-Jaw. sud M»f. D. Tlllcock. 9 &p1street seeth, Boy- eavU. n Swiday. June SIli, US, rom 3-5 p-m. mnd 7-9 S baL Wn fthi Prie .tybrid1 Seed Corn ORDER NOW whilo supply o! ment pepular varietiem lait. ALSO CHIPMAN Insecticides Herbicides USED EQUIPMI Tractors International B275D International 300 International B414D International 350 w/Lo and Hydraulie Bucke International 300 w/Lo and H3'draulie For< Ford RN International W-4 Plows International 3-furro Fast Hiteh International 3 Furrn .3 Pt. hitch Davîid Brown 3-Furraw, Hit ch w/Gauge lVhe Cockshutt 3-Furran - Trail Plaw Cultivators International 17-tooth 1 Discs Ferguson 6' Trail Seed Drills Cockshutt 15-run Cern on Rubber International 13-run Ce on steel Mowers M.-H. No. 6 semi-Meui 6 fi. "".-H. No. 120 SemU-Mot 7 fI. Case Semi-Mounted, 7 Balers International 45 PT Forage Harvest International No. le W/Cern Hea d dcutter Atraz*n Ç~ COWA Atraoil EquiprnE GERALD BROWNLMIJ Po.62- 319WVMEW FAIM 1134 Kînit Mt. 9. Bowmu Ph eai U Ne87a "74 1 Lm eig Pnait, Ore.. ale1 Articles -for Sale Work Wanted jReal Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate f orlgié worn, TWO Case forage harvesters TEENAGER wishes work as MAPLE Grave Road, n~rho 2-1 with corn and grass attach- mother's helper during sum- 1 ceLt O E O L A .L oe hrh prx 8arswt gri. ments. Telephone Welcomne mer. Cati 623-5445. 21-4* 1 ceLt O EY T OfA .Hoe hrh ront18aes bcd- New- 753-2292. - -21-1 MOVING? Cleaning up? Will BARGAIN PRICES Fiotand Send Motailbes REAL ESTATE AND roorn house. garage and barn, 21-3 1 SWEET William and pansy take away discardable and ap-1 Consuit INSURANCE asparagus p a tec h, valuahle --trt plants, 25e box, et 90 Con- pliances free. Phone 623-7276. lleot fBwa- omnil 6Llet .foe1edwoe opr cs essonStW o tlehAe oL.nileHO3OEYetyN.1fect garden sou. 5 acres of hay , Bow- cession2t. W r e 2ho1-1 __ ______ 1 ville frontlng onf.l.HO E 623-7264 Phone 623-3083. 2 1-6227.21-1 REPAIRS ta ail makes elec- Real Estate and Insurance k-tv 565 HANU-MAIJE bushel box- tric motors and appliances. Liberty Street 36 Liberty St. N.. Bowmanvllle STARKVILLE1 AREA. Ten Bo-es, standard size for storage; Schlacht Electric, telephoneace ihgntrusramJ.VnN t _______Nothf_____ ll 63-26 $.000. REAL ESTATE BROKER 26-204 _____ ROTO-TILLING Golf Course-- 12-tf SERVICE STATION - Hgh11Kngt.E - 623-3234 cotage lans.Phoe 23-530or 1,50 Dwnway No. 2, with separatebrc Bowmanville 'ottage. A ZI E lwns3 Phone 623-2530or 81,500 Do house. Only $ 15,500 with1 gsanil. 21-1*TR ZIeoErge B Lmb1Lne ~w 3 Bedroom bungalow, Souîth- 21-1nvi----14* Phone 263-2159 Gog llvn terms. 'a r %NHA otae and Korn Qil ~ Rfseese okn _ _ 11 ELO NEWCASTLE - New 3 bled- 1 ...mrgg Tl FOF, WEED CONTROL have us sharpen those Saw, Phoe 62-530 roomn brick bungalow-Elco6rombnawsas t sa w ,Elec-N ew castl , N o. 2 H ighw av, el, 15610. IN CORN shears, lawn mowers. F. i F i TPoe6350 trie heating - $16,500 - Terms.Ifive acres of land. 21-1. Crowe, 102 Elgin St., Bow- LIr1\Wij. Nw ac1syebuglw NECSLE-3Ber 5 Room brick bungalow with manville. 21-1* RELTRlarge living-room withfie bungalow, npw furnace andgrgvr cnrl e wbry~Bplace, large dining-room with new bathroom. Only $13.000. îocated; for older couple. to lord- A. BA A RS 'and GENERAL INSURANCE sliding doors ta patio, eîectrîc Terms. Town lot 75' x 90' on Fourth dal. FERIJJ~LERS 52 King St. W. Bowmanvllle'heating, two car garage and ORONO - 8 rooms. Brick Street. 21 - tf LIMITED Plumbing & Heating 623-2453 many other extras. A home for; bouse. Central. An ideal VlaeEnskte.svn ýsapdy NrEWCASTsoESt.8o7-4n711 Npwcasl]e., Charming 11-the xvealthy man in a quict<filyhm. 1,00 o mhm n12ars ah spl andNelEonASt.LE 987-4711 - scenic location. Asking priceldown payment.rnmheonI aebt- Xhitby, _or_________ ry brick home in 1immac ;$30,900.SLN AE I2Bdroom; alo small barn. Priced 21-1 BOWMANVILLE 623-7150 iulate condition on a large lot.1 OIAI A-2 ul-to sel1 quickly. 25,000, 21 -tfl ERNIE PERFECT Features 3lag beros Nccte:Fu bdom ing lots 90' 'x 200', selling at ___21 2,0,beautiful kitchen, nice diningýframe home, large kitchen $1,600 each. 21-1 Donj asfrSl PLUMBING & HEATING iroom and real cozy livin new oil furnace and in, gooâlErnie Bradley - 623-3560 rn elEit s W, __________________ Phone 623-3540 rooni with fireplace. Almoýst repair. The asking price is Ken A. Caverly - 263-26321I Phone MUST seil, '66 Mustang, light . O Bx159new oil furnace. This is truly $11.900 and includes-a 60 x 120ILMTD 21-1 blue, 6 automatie. Best offer. real v.aluue at the asking price ft. building lot. Give us aniLawrence C. White - 623-2158: cdo ck, Cal 725-0932 between 7 and 78 Ontario St., Bowmanvillelof $17,500 with terms. offer. 211___KnS.W.__wavil ;ketball 10 P.m. __ 21-1 ___ .k!' New Homes! We have 5~ Mapie Grove: Weil kept 623-3r393a ndDitrc ng four TRUCK, '56 Chev., 1600 series, S PTC AN Brand New Homes buiît by bedroom bungalow, largeloRcrd6339 Te- DP. axle, stake, 14' 6" plat- Ohawa Wood Products for and garage. Asking price REALTOR Real Estate Board 21-1 form, good tarp; cash. Dial PUMPING your inspection. Al 5 of these Î13,500. Termns.99RnStE. owavie VrCnrl- Bdom -- 72-69211offer you 6 %4 % mortgage rates',9 bgS. . Bwavll eyCnra ero g.year 7530.2- WHITEWASHING STABLES! under the N.H.A. Ail have Near Highway 3.5. 4 bedroom 623-2503 1 rick bungalow,bo war su-1963 PNICsainwagon. S ýul-nTpa tvs on o ae wînter excellent condition, financing BERT TOMPKINS iti apa tvs oewell decorated home, big im- i heating n a t ur a fireplace, with carports, one with b eau- *lment shed, 4 acre lot. Asking1 SHADOW LAKE near Co-lcedar lined closets, extra lot. rantele. available. Cal C. Gould, Phone Newtonvllle 786-2552 Itiful fireplace. Comne and in- price is $13,000 and includes bnconk. Furnished, 3 bedroom Ideal retirement home. Only 121-1 Newcastle 987-4223. 21-1 Cali Colleet 4 i-tf spect before you buy else- 0,000 glad. bulbs. $2,000 summer cottage on 100' x 250' $17,900 - Terms. cash -- __ -~ where, on a. lot. Safe for ebjîdren. $6,700, Queen Street - $19,900 buyg filing L---ok o Sl FRANK BRINK Spi-ee nsoc oa Miles north of Bowmnan-I1-3 *000 down. s,'Paclous 8 room 2 storex' brick New, pONIES for sale. Apply R, tion; 70' x 130' lot. Built-in ville, very scenic ten acre lots' PARK STREET Attractive!home with 3 bathrooms. hot Bil T. Currelly, Phone 753-2336. Trenching garage. Oil heat. Three large with neyer failing creek. [storey and haîf home with att 'water nil heated. Fireplace. rth of ___ 20-2 SEPTIC TANK bedrooms, extra large living' 2 1 1i conveniences. Close ta schools. Finished recrea tion ro om. *-t-PGsta n ran a1 ISALTO room, lovely kitchen, bright $12,000. Broadloom. Many extras. itchenIAustin Wood,_623-2212. 21.1* i U iig rom -ic ie CENTRAL, SCHOOL AREA.Laglo. oudmkidl _etrýN __ rbe Po. dH.ee-IJ.Hampton 263 ~b-2270 bath, Pierson type windowsý John F. De ih Odr 3 bedroomn brick home income home. Easy terms. dresser-' ONE Purebredoms aPolledes. ere- RELORo 66' x 166' lot. Nice resi- Elgin Street - 2 Bedroomn trsesfrd bull. Phone Orono 12r20. ____ 4-fwihoms adsclns]r.-REL _____ cd t21s1I.Bowmanvllle - 14 Frank Si. dential location, $12,500. bungalow, lot 60' x 150'. Ask- Pigeon, C ner 0Mchool anbdoppibng.alo- Phone 623-3950 SOUTHWAY DR. 3 bced-!ing only $10,00o - Terms,. Lakes. f esF'ARM I a ri co aconersotping.ce STCK FRMo10 crs roam brick home with separ-ý 2 Bedroom bungalow on dow.1Pes ARM NG radcaecre lti ice TC FR,10 aceRte dining-room. Good con-!Iloiý 66' x 660'. 3-pce. bath. 3-3781. EMNSehr us w TRAOAL AE neighbourhood. New furnace,jwith 8 roorned home. L-hp ition. $15,500. Close to town. Maple Grove wrkshop. Altiminum storms cd barn. Cobourg area. Ask- BURKETON. 30 Acres with area. Only $12,600 - $1,500 21-1* months nid, Phone 728-6641 Phone 723-1308 and sren.Ida o eirdig$800.Tr, hueadýdown. or 723-7195. 20-2 frBLIG -sLWN, ceeo130. efr rtrd n.180 ers oueadbarn, some bush,. R. BOXER puppies, welI marked, SPRAYING, ETC. Choice building land!" OBUG R4'10 x bu,60 Amotngal o r rc titer cgsteed paer ifdc 15tfI 1' n agod4sret xwtharmn with 8 roomed home, LA'KEMOUNT ST., Oshawa. ranch bnao on spacious littr rgisered paersif e- 1-tf 115' n a ondstret iodern conveniences. Large Front ta back split. 4 bcd- lot 100' x 175'. This home le 'ER sired. Caîl 263-2773. 21-1 - water and sewer. Asking barn with steel stanchions. rooms. Extra 2 piece wash- 1,267 sqI. ft. and well con- isSPR A Y ING $11.500. ýAsking only $25,000. Ternis. roomn in basemrent. Weil kept structeri. Asking only $16,900 Seed for Sale _ GRAIN TOBACCO Centrai Building Lot, 77' xý GENTLEMEN RETREAT,Ihome. $15,500 - Terms. -Terms. Newtonville area. ner CORN PASTURE 66'. $3,500. ýstately, colonial style, 12 room-' ORONO. Electrically heat-1 Newcastle - 6 year old 2. HARVY FAROW'Bungalow on Duke Street. Il cd brick home, ail modern con- cd brick home with carport. 1 bedroom bungalow witb 1Y4 SEED CORN HARV Y FA ROW Rea] comfortable 2 bedroom I veniences, on 35 acres with Bu jît-in aven and range. acr lot. Ideal retirement 21-1TUNKVG LLEIDbungalow with attached gar- good size barn. Terrifie views. $17,800 less $500 Winterlhomle. Only $8 ,500- $3.000. 21 UNSGHYRDCali 786-2223 age. Aluminum siding and nil Asking $25,000. Terms. Bonus. Parkway Crescent 3 Bcd- Proenth Bet uracepls-n1etr 2car 10 ACRE PARCELS, îocated ORONO. Very nice storey room brick bungalow on lot NID, When In Test! 2- garage and large garden. Prie- nortb of Bowmanvilîe. Partly and haîf home cast of United 61' X 100'. Oit heating, 4 pce. ced to sel] at $11,800. Terms.wodd Predtsi. Cuh. ingrom Al bath, attached garage. Own. 3HARDOME 1wRoofing Sidse]. Chrc. rnngrogsAl sR oig- ing ; Orono )- Brand New Bunga- TOBACCO FARM, 97 acres conveniences. $14,000. er transferred. Must be sold. 23-551 S V BEANS chlmneye Built and Repaired .low! 3 bedrooms, large liv-' with 38 acres growing rights. 100 ACRE FARM et Tyrane. Asking $21,900 - Termns. 3.551 ON RE E OR i ng.rnom. familY-tYpe kîtchen;, New home with aIl modern Solid masonry home. Good Furnished cottage with two C N R T O K4-piece tiled bath, full divided convenienesNwbr.Twban Tw stam. Gd bedrooms. Lakefmont lot 80' x CERESMORE Workmanship Guaranteed basement, nil furnace. Priced gcnhues. NGoin. on arn. m wing l rd. 2,000 ond490' locateri at Bal Point, $22; F R SPhone ito selI. Terms. Priced tn sel] NEWCASTLE. Cusom buhît Lake Scugog. $7,000 fulli e * 82.25: Blackstock 986-4243j' oaatmn uldn o DAIRY FARM, 150 aresbungalo, carport, large liv- 2 ero otge odVlot $.0 BOWMANVILLE202j choice location in gond re- Port Perry area. Good Toron- jing room, fireplace. Vc f3' 12.Eeti heat hg. lain 1 Bomanvlle Newcstle- -pair. Large, well-treed lot. to milk céontract. Cao be lake. $19,900. Terms.'w0 Rice Lake area. Full prie 623715 987av ,e Neeatt - BîGEGarage. Ideal place for $5,500. 6$3-750998-4711 JC a bougbt as a going eoneern.1 NEWTONVILLE. R e t i r e- 21-2 U GE home and supptementary in- Priced ta selI.mnth eonIar.Au 28 Acres with trout stream, $1.39UNES-FRACScre Cl oa. odtrs DAIRY FARM, 100 acres,lsiding. AIl conveniences. Nice hardwood a nd evergreens, UINITED MAGIE 108 Properies ofail iods. as a going concero. Including appearance. $12,000. pond sites, gond road. $5,500 [S PLUMBNG REPAIRS Poete fa]knswni l ahnr n ik(full price. 0- 98e HYBRID CORN PHONE HAMPTON ed for summer buyers. List ahnryadml ows. IGarnet Ricard - 723-5688 10Arsciepreswt t cetrborough milk contreet., 0Ar cnepreswt Top ylelder hIflepartment 263-2151 yours today. ,Asking $45,000. Terms. Milford McDonald - 623-3911 trout streamn, woods and open [ES al grain corn tests the lait Mail Address: Evenîngi: STOCK FARM, 144 acres~ Wilf Hawke - Orono 1 R 12 land. Kendal HuIs. Only home two years. P.O. Box 543 - _Bowmanville A. Code ---623-245with large barn, drive shedi.1 21- 55 - $1,500 down____ ce Also UNITED MAGIE No. 7, - 1P. Rowal Jr. 623-5868 Brick home. al] modern con-1 otgsonLkInai AloHGEMountjoy I21-11eiene. Stream. A- inid Mabncottage on'Lxk211',ari UNo.TE0, No.. $3en0.iene s. cofed ke i. edrooms, 3 pce. bath, space A o. 10,hve n o ck Backhoe Forervice- DAIRY FARM, 150 acres OSHAWA PHONE 723-2265 heat, 2nd cottage 20' x 18';1 Aiso tll hveFstck ______bedroom, kitchen, living moom; TRENCHES - DRIS._wtex len buildings. Oe al ..-9pm r cottage 18' x 30' - 2 bled- Oas aley~ FOUNDATIONS AND jW-edon house, nearToronto milk contract. Largel raoms, kitchen, bath, Ask- ENT and Grass SeedsSEPTIC TANKS Ne wcastle. Phone 987-4467. f barn. 10 Roomed home, alll Building Lotisn opec $450-Trs Phone __ ___ 1imdmcneine.Akn Two excellent building 1 cewoe acl until May 28 Baktok 96-77FURNISHED apartment, four $32,000. Tcrms. 1rom 1losinte ilae fAcb erfe wvîe, a r Blacstok 98-477 ýrooms and bath, central; avail-j BOWMANVILLE,5 oer i Hampton and priced witb Tyrone, 10 minutes drive ta PHONE 20-tf i able Juiy 1. Phone 623-359L' new brick bungalow with car- only $700.00 dawn. Oshawa. Only $4,000 - $1,000 21-I iÈ port. Buiît with the bcst of clnwn. S"ANACKERMAN KENIS KILL EN - 2-Bed-roomm erial. Price only $17.300. Frederick St. 10Ace,2soy unhd SEED CLEANERS EXCAVATING apartmocots, rentîng soon ed-1 BOWMANVILLE, split level, Attractive 3 bedroom Ars,2tryfuihd oader erly peopte preferrcd. Phone 1 new brick home, Eleetricaltv bungalow, with beautifulfam bos;rutresGr- Let AND DEALERS LOADING - TRENCHING .723-580q. 21-1 Iheated. Garage. Rerreation cathedral type ccilings in en Hill. $7.000 - $3,000 down. ~ade BLAKSTOK fSand, Gravel, Top Sali and room. h etlctn f living-room sîtuated in an 177 Acre Tobacco Farm with F11DeierdSUMR otaenJl.ad Asking $2 1,300. Terms excellent residential area. 53 acres Marketing Board OQ~AQ'~124 ~ ERVCEAugust. Private beach; Pet-ftononlrereuarot7'xRgt.2trybichm, 986-4331ur erbornugh area. Telephone arrangeri. o ag reua .t7'xRg 20-2 Reasonable Rates 621 6.2- OMNILivsmn 175'. This home d'na 2 bathrooms, nil furnace. Large 623-5756 -BWAVLEporty. New office build- cent to a partially wooded barn, 7 kilns, 27' x 100' green- I MODERN 3-room apartm ent in. ilIese. letrcaiy lot, whicb makel tslcahouse. Paved rmarifrontage; Business BA N S& YA for rent, heated, at 105 1Kîng eat laed. i e ect i.al tion especially atrcie-stream. Excellent investmnent O nru ivSt. E. Immediate possession î asaGa-oo il 1et only $68.000 - Terms. )unted ern i30-$40 a week, car need- taken to home. - Ah] persans having caims' PORT PERRY, 5 roomned a large lot 75' x 150'. Cali 50' x BO',. Aproximately 160 ed; for Bowmanville andsr ugtTrsArne ga inst the estate of Atice bungalow witb nil furnace and now and arrange an in. rodi hwy. froiitage. Blackwat. i t rounding areas. Cail office for Regina Powell, lete of New- 4-piece bathroomn. Asking spectiori. edow . $2,0 -$1,g information between 2-4 p.m., W'HYTE BROS. castle, Ontario, who died On $12,000. Terme. I yuar hikigoflstn 723-0317. 19-41 FURNITURE AND or about the leth day o fy arihikn f itn SELL World-famous Goodyear' UPHOLSTERY Februamy, 1966, are hemeby OSHAWA, 5 roamned, aimnost your property w. would wel- Cali 823-3393 InutilMitnnc r-NwLcto notified ta send particulars cf new brick and stone bunga- t) ndstie Minennc Po-I ewLoatonsemne ta the underslgned with- low. Alumninurn stornîs and camne the opportunlty to serve Alter 9 p.m.t duets for 62 yeer aid firrn. Corner KfIn and Division gt.in thix-ty days of the i4th of ecreens al eround. Asking you - We have 14 agents ta And' Kers 1. 28-0198 itr Trevel 1'mîited, but carninga Phone 623-5252 May. 1966, aftem which date only $14,900. Terms. give your listings the very 300 Darnoski 723-5787 tr are not. Experience not neces- 17-tf 'the estate will be distributed' hbest attention. Clare MeCullougb 723-7848 f sary. Write ConsoIidated, et- wt eadoi atedis W. Liit Photo M. L. 8.egGoe 7810 r Bar tention: J. A. Bye., East Ohio Vanted to Buy af wbich the undersigned Ex- and Exclusive Cali 723-2265 Knlskn . - 6355 f Building, Cleveland, Ohio. po-ty_ - Y~ e cuf om shall then have notice. K er Cî:o a e - e - 0623-505 IN ~~~~21.1 Lrn putrod ete and' the undersigned ExecutýAtr gorCaiorPtTe-63 j ik.M. Fîatt, R.R. 1, Bcth- wiîî not be hiable to any per- Donald Mountiai' - 623-3614 Mel Dale, Roy Fesier - Oioe. IMONEY for Part-Uirne Work. any. Plhons 7 r 13 coilect waedi lsa o u'Lflî 2-75 oxavîeRpeettv oadFre en Fodr1 b aM zed o n mach28-2 then have notice. Idse.Wlersmu -Orono 1849 123-9838 Brooklilu 6â55*8 SUPPlYing motorits with a Nuu g DATED et Newcastle this 14th jn,îUu Nclobbîe- 623-7159 ~bra siw George Boston - su mruch needed service. For a Nusn Home day nf May, 1966. Mene fmsaaad Fort Ferry 985-291 pereonal interview cqntact- LMNU T Manor h a s, Harvey S. Britton. Executor, Inter Jorgensen - 987-4491 District Real Estate B8oard Bil and n ».een Gimblett avilie Delbert Grills, Group 12 Box accommiodation for ladies and by Lovekin & Stubîngton , Lorne C. Duff - "9S-2728 eLsZzlivantM .S lm.p lf S04 $71 29, R.R. 3. Bowmanvila, tel.- gentlemen. Phone Orono 371.1j Barmisters, Solicitors, Neýw- Rois Davids.R - BWoLtExltiean .LS Ofce-Pt oi 8544 21-1 phone 728-7200. 1419-8 castie, ont.20-3 à1-1 3a KING BT W. - O8HAWA lu1l.ae. 1%. Pt. oi.885218 . 1 1- lý