The Capadim bttunn, Bownmnfle, Ifay 25. 190e Enjoys Large Part>' on Ninetieth. Birthday 1~ Mrs. William McHolm wha celebrated her 9th birthday on1 Harold Payne, Mrs. Mel McHolm, Mrs. Don Powell, Mrs. Ethan .4ay 14th, is seen above about ta tackle the job of cutting ber cake.1 Jones and Mrs. Norbert McHolm. Just able ta peek above the table W.ft ta right with her are faily members Ms. Cecil Jones, Mrs. 1 at front is Donna Powell. Port Hope Guide-Photo by Bil McKay Z HAM PT ON ic rn * Mr. and Mrs. S. Aunger, Mr. and Ma-s. Raymond Dewell. Mrs. H. F. TInk was! Edonton, Alberta, Mas. W. Clapp visited Mr. and Mrs. a Sunday guest. »eglya atrPtrGr adnCap, Belleville, on The home of Ma-. and Ma-s.1 rôw, Oshawa, were Friday Sunday. Wilfred Fowler was the scene êinner guests with Ma-s. A. E. Mr. and Ma-s. Jim Adams, a! a famnily reunian on Sunday. Billett. Taronto, visited on Saturday Present were Ma-. and Ma-s.1 pWeekend visitars with Mr. at the Clapp home. Howar-d Bell from Dawnsview sd Mrs. A. W. Prescott were Mr. and Mrs. Chester, Boa-ek and Heathea-, Mr. and Mrs. W. >f- nd Mas. Jacob Kessler, visited relatives in Taranto on J. Tomlinson and family, ~ny and Jacab Jr., frani Bal- the weekend. T-noM- n as ly tn. Callers at the Prescatt Mr. and Ma-s. Ron Clemens, Tanilinsan, R.R. 2, Pantypaol, home over the weekend were Brent and Brad visitedi with Ma. and Mrs. Don Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gray Ma. and Ma-s. Edgar Wright, Keitb , En! ield, Ma-s. C. J. from Kinsale, and Mr. and Enniskîllen, on Sunday. Bishop o! Lawson, Saskatche- Ma-s. Wilbeat Smith, Oshawa. Ma-. and Ma-s. D. McDonald wan, and Mr-. Ron Fowler. ,Rev. Catto left on Monday !romn Boston and Mrs. S. War- Ma-s. C. J. Bishop, Saskat- for the Bay o! Quinte Con- nock, Jenny and Christine cbewan, la visiting in the1 ference at Kingston. His topic were Sunday guests at the home o! ber sister andi bratb-1 en Sunday morning wau "Cen- home o! Ma. and Mas. Grabam er-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Fow- tonnial Christ." Dallas. 1er, for a mrinth. Master Randy Lake, Bow- Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa, Ma-. and Mrs. Ber-t Ashton, taanville, spent the weekend spent the weekend at tbe Toronto, and Mr. and Ma-s. wIt Greg and Tony Balson.I home o! Mr. andi Mrs. Percy Harry Baldwin, Courtice, vis- itea. at Mr. andi Mrs. Earl Lukes. Ma-. and Ma-s. Wm. Dadsan and cliilda-en farn Peterbor- ough, Mr. and Mrs. Don Goode and children farn Lakefield, and Mrs. Irvine Harrell and children farn Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whee- lock and baby June, and Ma-. and Mrs. Bob Wannamaker, - Oshawa, spent the weekend at Rice Lake. Mrs. Andrew Dunlop and * Ma-. Morley Dunlop farn Coldi- - watea- and Ma-. Bruce Dunlop, Dixie, Illinois, and Mir. and Ma-s. Murray Yeo and family, Tyrone, wea-e visitors on the holiday weekend et the home o! Ma-. and Mas. Har-old Salter. NEW fROM FORD 2 and! 10 hp !awn und gardon tructors 'n!y your wekoendsl Lot Ford' s new lawn and gardon %okfast and easy. Deslgnod for safety and convenence. lait et.ors are a tew of the futures yoI:get as itandard .qulpment.: U 4.UP", 2-ply il b froad ffvOiii B12-Vôlt bette'y Anda2461Y tires starter ~u 8.00- t 2.p! sud r L asy4otuuatttçhment MAY #rta Ncigarette liglifer, comiort seat, tood box, fend ors and foot rest Wt Automotlve-type 4-spqtd transissli Am* ÉrAOM i nd S1ÉE 88 TODAY FOR A FREE DEM ONSTRATION FOD MORT@N'S R FARM SUPPLY LIMITED e]OWMANILLE, R.R. 2 - PHONE 623-22 65 KING STREET WEST WE SPECIALIZE IN *STREAKING * TINTING e BLEACHING *PERMANENTS TYRONE M3&. and Ma-. Wm. Thies- burgea-, Ma. and Ma-s. Robea-t Tfhiesba-ger and Ma-s. Nan Nocais, Toronto, attendedi Ro- beat's graduation on May 23a-d at Waterloo Lutheran Uni- versity when he aeceived Jis B.A. in Business Adminstra- tion. A friendly rernindea- fraon' Ma-. and Ma-a. Rober-t Lambert «f R.R. i Bawnanville ta ladies o! the community, oa- any interested persans, ta gathea- information and pic- tua-es pertaining o Tyrone con-munity and chua-ch, and foward in an envelope ta the above adidress as soon as pas- sible, oancerning Centennia] o! Tyrane, ont. The triple paesentation in the Commnunity Hall last Frn- day evening, when Ma-. and Ma-s. Rober-t Thiesbuirgea- (fee Marga-et Hetheaington) wea-e presented with a mira-or and smell gift, Ma-s. J. A. Rose- v'ear aead an address. Mr. and Ma-s. L. Thornett (nee Patsy Gibbs), Oshawa, were pire. sented with a cerd table and four matching chairs, and a SMnl gift; their edda-ess was a-cead by frr. Lillian' Harvey, SMa-. andl Mas. Jim Bisbop (nee Women's Institutes Nestleton Women's institute Nestletan Women's Institute oelebrated its sixtieh anni- versaa-y wih a the C.O.O.F. Hall on Wednesday, May 18th. The Institute Grace was sunig and, while ail were standing, Mirs. Arthur Hy- land, president and chairman, propased the toast Vo the Queen and the national an- thern was sung. Mrs. Bruce Heaslip praposed the toast ta the Institute at large, with Mrs. George Heaslip aeplying. 3&rs. Chas. Smith, Blackstock, proposed the toast Vo Nestle- tan Institute and Ma-s. Cecil Wilson gave the aeply. Mrs. Dick Davison aead congratu- lation cards and messages far Mrs. J. Hernanson, pre- sident Central Ontario area fa-cm West Dur-hami District, f rom Mirs. Mel. WisenaTi, District sec'y.-treas., f rom Mas. I. Munday, district pre- aident, Mira. Hughes, Honey- dale W.I., Port Pera-y, andI Mirs. Wm. MaCabe. Ma-s. Lawr-ence Malcolmi led in a get acquainted sing-sang with Ma-s. Lawr-ence Mc- Laughilin et the piano. The president, Ma-s. Hyland, in well chosen words, wel- camed ail and introduced the head table guests. Among the honauredi guests were Miss Ethel ThSmpson, the only charter member, end Ma-s. Jas. Farder, a life mermber. Bath these young ladies are in 'the over ninety' group. Ma-s. Sam Cawker, a for- mer Cartwaight resident, and solilt for the evening, braught gaeetings fa-arn Hon- eydale Women's Institute, in ber usual bumorous manner. Mra. Cawker favoured with ,tha-ee nunibers, 'Sunsbine of Joyce Davey) were unable ta be present when her sister, t Ma-s. Ted Bartlett, Oshawa,n and Mr. E. A. Viatue capably t received their gift of a swiveld chair-. Ail thanked them kind- ly for their gifts from Tyrone I surrou.nding district. The ev- - ening was sîpent in dancing i with Norm McKeen and bis i Western 4. A dainty lunch F was served.v Mr. and Ma-s. Earl Paescottt] accooapanied Mr-. and Ma-s. t George Allread and Ivrs. M. a Gaskin ta meet ber daughtea-,F Mr. and Ma-s. Walter Stewart and famîly o! Montreal, at Upper Canada Village on Sat-a urday. Mrs. Gaskin returned r home with her daughter aftert spendinig a numbea- of weeksa with ber daughteqr and son-n- i law, Ma-. and Mrs. George1 Alldiread.I Mr-. and Mrs. Walter Park held a f am-2y gathering on Sunday honcring ber father's birthday, Ma-. F. L. Byani. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murney and faniuly, Peterborough, wea-e aloo guests at the Parkt home. Mr,. and Ma-s. Stanbury Aunger, Edimonton,. Alberta, Ma-. and Mrs. Bill Begley, Oshawa. were Saturday vis!- tors of Mr'. and Ma-s. W. Love-1 ridge. Ma-. and Ma-b. H. Taivett, i Weston, weekend guests1 of Mrs. A. Wood and sons. 4 Mia. and Ma-s. C. *Clark and famaily spent the holiday at Part Colbarne. Glad ta repart Gardon Jan- czyn returned bonme from Oshawa General Hospital last week, but will have traet- ments an bis leg in Toronto tiiis week. «Miss Elizabeth Miler, Oshx- awa, was, Sunday evenlng callea-o!fMa-s. R. Scott. Mr-. Fred Smiith, Misa Grace Smith, Mr-. and Ma-.. Kenneth Crowells and ohldren, New- castle, were Sunday visltors, iMnday callers were Rev. and Mui. A. E. Cressweal, Clare- mont, ci Ma-. and Ma-s. J. C. Next Sunday at the marn- h«g service tiiee wlll be a Parade ci the Yeutia Gm4up with the ,Junior Choir i at- tendance. A large crowd gathea-ed at the park to witness the dis- eplay ocf fzeworks on Monday Your Smile'. 'Alice Blue Gown' and 'Smilin Thru', wiVh Mrs. Gardon Morroyw accanipanying. The iast num- ber was especiaily sung for the Irish o! Cartwa-ight. Ma-s. Malcolmn Emerson re- viewed the last ten yeaa-s of achievernent of Nestleton W.I. She peid tribute Vo the faith- fui members, mentioned the Henry Thompson Memorial for Grades seven and eight, and spoke of the WSmen's In- stitute splendid antique ex- ihibit at thie Cartwrigh Cen- ennial Pair in Blacksack last year. Mrs. I. Munday, West Dur- ham district pa es id e nt, brougbt greetings farn thie seven branches in the district and congratulated Nestle on on this annîvea-sary occasion. The chairman, Mrs. Hyland, called on Mrs. Eimerson to introdtwe the guest speaker. AMrs. Etmerson said Nestieton is honoured to bave Mrs. J. Hermanson as guest speaker. Nrs. H-eamanhson, president of the Central Area Womnen's Institute, has a!lways been ac- ive in women's giroups. She bas h'ad six years withthe Y.W.C.A., six years with Lo- cal Couneil of Womnen, and she la currently co-chairman of York County Centennial. Mrs. Hea-manson, a. dynamie speakere, in her opening re- mairks, païd tribute to Miss Ethel Chapman, w-ha, in June, .viU becasne Dr. Chapman when she lis honoured nt Gueliph University. The speak- er urged ail1 Canadiens to support the Centenniai pro- jeets. The cosmos is the cen- tennial flower and she sug- gested the Women's Institute, as part of the4r praject, give a package of cosmos seed ta every school-aged child in the township. When the centen- niai caravan train goes thirough. the district, do flot Miss it - Vhirty-five minutes te pass tlhrough - f ive hun- dred an heur. Mrs. Herinanson chose as her subjeet, "lIow to Keep Young." She was interested in the x-plus in peofple - the inner space between the ears. Keep Young by association with people - in the home, the church and the communi- ty. Education, starts at birth and continues until death. Keep young and continue edu- cation by reading. Pick good books and read al books with an open mind. Be students of nature. Know the flawers, trees, birds, the wild life around you. Study the peint- ings of great artists - be fa- miliar with their names and history. Mrs. Hermanson con- cluded her very întea-esting, educationel and huimorous ad- dress with a beautiful poem, "If We Had ta Pay"l. Mrs. Dick Davison very caPably voiced thie apprecia- tion ta Mars. Hermanson for her excellent address, to Mrs. Cawkee, to 'Court Lady Snow Bird' for the delicious ban- quet. and to ail who, helped make the evening such a nienorable occasion. Ma-s. Cathcart, Kendal, teniL dered the thanks.qof the guests ta Nestleton. O Canada con- cluded a most enjoyable ev- ening an-d anothe¶r histr-ical event. Guests were present fron Weston, B.rampton, Cooksville, BawNnanville, Lindsay, Port Perry, K e n d a 1, Janetville, Newtonville, Maple Grave, Saline, Hanmpton, Blàckstock, Shirley sdOrillia. Maple Leaf Rindies1 BREAKFAST BACON <99C vW e Ic 0orne the CENSUS TAKER and be counted 1 for Canada Frozen Farm House ommS' l 7P 12-oz. Pkg. CREAM PIES 39C King's Choice 48-oz. Tins APPLE JUICE 3for79c Kounty Kist Standard 15-oz. Tin GREEN PEAS lOc* Fresh Ground 1-lb. Pkg. Richmello COFFEE 79c TUEIM-O-WAIIE .~ 29c Only at Dominion Domino SUPER HOTS Pkg. 5 C Jumbo Size 4-Qt. Basket 39C 69ci Richmello 16-or. Loavesl Raisin Bread Ifor4L ANGEL CAKE 39C Country Girl 24-oz. Size PEACH PIES 49C lst Grade Braeside Butter IL62c M Budget Values Salada Orange Pekoe Pkt. of 60'1 TEA BAGS 79c Heluz Pure Tomato li-oz. Bottles KETCHUP 2for45Sc White - Pink Ballet 2 Roll Pkgu. BahroTissue 4-88c 9 VarlettfrnPilIsbury 19-ox. Pkg& 40e Off Fab Powdered King lime DETERGENT $1.19 Lancia 2.1b. Pkg. r4acaronî orSpaghetti 39c Aerowax 32.oz. Container LIQUI WAX89c Good Luck Coioured 1-lb. Pkgi. Margarine 2for77c Society Liver or Beef Chunks 15-oz. Tins PET FOOD 2for39c Cooked Spaghetti Pork and Beans 0ts for $1 Kleenex Whte oPink 2 RollFkE BahromTissue.ýV5c Bllet White or Rainbow Pkg. et 10 callet Nopkins 19c Solld White 7-es. Tin Cloverleaf Tuna 49c Al merchandi»e la gumteed t. give 100% u a"lfethon. Values Effective Until Closhag, Saturday, M.ay 28, 19086 i Bowmanviflp WB RESERVE TmE IGET TO UNIT QUANTITIES Oýpen Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'til 9 p.m. KING ST. AND SIMPS0N AVENUE (HighwaY No. 2,b) MEATY - TENDERc LAMIB LEGS Whole or Half 169 l IDEAL FOR BARBECUE RIB LOIN LAMB CHOPS 491b THREE MEAL VARIETY ROAST - CHOPS - STEW LAMBIN ABASKET Ontario Pork Sale Shoulder But ROAST PORK 47'b ROAST PORK 57b S H O P M RI 1 C O N F I D E N C E N a Mdu d mi" aoduits id tkh~ v éther Fmb, fum e r Pruossod oas GyOVERmET-lNSPECTEDI Fresh Produce Specials Grown In Carolina GREEN BEAN#S 2Ibs39c Wilsons Brand (ANTALOUPES Ontario Grown C.A McINTÔSH APPLES Deep Cut Feafures ý279j GREG'S TURQ UOISE BOWMANVILLE HAIR STYLE OF THE ALL WORK GUARANTEED *GUARANTEED UNBREAKABLE! * DSHWASHER SAFE! *STAINPROOF! P APPOINTMENT PHONE 623.2932 àm 1