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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1966, p. 3

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a floral headplecee of silk or-t ganza petals wlth pearli tn, her long veil of silk illusion flowed into # train. She car- ried a white orchid -bouquet 1 .with riigsentis n Xeaarngs Miss Shbeila Brown o! Bow-' nianville was maid of honor and the bridesmaids werel Mss. Paul Hunt (nee Janet Kîcinsteuber) of Maiiory- 4 town, a cousin of the bride,ý and Miss Margaret Thompson o! Toronto. Tbey were in for- 1 F-flmai length, empire styied1, sleeveiess sheaflis o! pale yel- low chiffon over taffeta. BRUIN SMA - KOOPMANS Mr. John ofl Or-' Fioating chiffon paneis, nt- i ono. brother of the groom, tached to a yeilow satin ring, The Rchoboth Christian Re-!was best man and the ushers fel] frcxm the sboulders, and -iormed Chut-ch, Bowmianville, wera anotiher brother o! ,he their matching yeilow floral' VJaafthc setting for the mai-- groom, Mr. Louic Bruinsma, bats wcre o!flice dress ma-1 riage on Friday aflarnoon, Bowi-nanville, and the grooni's terial. Tbcy canried shower Mardi 25, 1966, at 3 o*clock brotlier-in-law, Mi-. George bouquets of white daisies. o! Mse Wlly oopmns, ayer, R.R. 4, Bowmianvilla. Two smaîl nieces of the ghtcr o! Mr. and Mrs. F- A reception was held in the groom, iUsses Nancy and Koorpmans. R.R. 2. Stroud,1 chintch basemnent where the Yvonne De Bruin, Ncwcastla,ý an-d Mr,. Durk Theodorusý brîda's motîher rcceived in a ware flowcr girl@ in floor Bruinsm~a. son o« Mi-. and Mi-s. pastel blue dress with white iength !rocks ai! white nylon J. Bruinsi-a of Bow'manvillc. coisage. She was assisted by over taffeta witli rounded Rev. J. J. Hoytenia officia.,t- bb grooni's mother, who necklinas puffcd siceves an-d ed» and the wadding music worc a dark green suit wilb gathercd akirts. Streamers was played by Mn. W. H k, pink corsage., falling ta the floor from a stra. For tlic occasion the, As the couple left for a yellow velvet bow at the chut-ch was prettily deccratpd1 honcynioon in Grand Rapids, waiat accentcd the fi-ocks, with bouquets o! white andi Mit-h., the bride was wearingan hywrehl ed yellow cbrysanthemums. 'at-ad suil-drass, black acces-I dresses of yellow daîsies. Given in mat-iage by lipi- sories and coi-sage o!fi-adIThair nosegays wcrc of white' father. thVe bride worc a for- rosa and w'hite carnatiotir.Iand yellow Pinocchio 'mums.ý miai length :sheafli gown ofiThay arc rcsiding at R.R. 4, Mi-. Dick Bietsteker o!ý w'hite organza wilh long' Bowmanvillc. Newcastle was habst man for- eleeves and higiilIghtted by a. bis bohr n h se- chaîpel train whicli feu fi-om h se the shoulders. Lace adorned' Blersteker - Klelngteuber wre Mi-. Jack Bisschop of: the front of tbc gown and Bouquets o! yellow snap- ougb&amorntoi. Dnl train cdges. Har four-layer, dragons, white and yailowiLn iTrno veil, which was aise edgadj 'munis formried an attractive' The raception was heid at with lace. tefetram a flowcr sctting for the ccrcmony inlKnox Christian Scliool. Bow- petal licadpiace, and she car- flic Rahoboth Christian Re-!nmanville whera the brid&sý ried a bouquet of i-ad roses, formed Chut-ch, Bowmanville, mather teceived in a gheathi and stephanotis. on Saturday afterna4on, May dress o! aqua and goid bhi-- Mrs. S. Kooistra of! New- 7, 1966, at 3 o*cock uniting cade with mnatching jacket, mnarket was mati-on o! honor in mari-iagc Miss Lois Sandra champagne turban and cor-ý tai- ler iserandtheKîinseubr. auhte- o ~ sage o!f yelbaiw rases andý fo ersser ndtebrides- jwlisebr auhe fMshîtc arnations. To assist,ý Maids wera Miss Winnie James O. KlIýnsteuber, R.R, weegom'mthrcsea Koopmlans. Toronto, anotheri 1, Picton. and Mr. Simon teg-osmta hs iister o! the bride, and Miýsj Bierstaker Jr., son of Mi-. and jade gi-een crepe sheath dresaý AnmeBruins-nra, Bawmanville,'.Mrt-. Siimon Biaistekar, New- wilih matching lace jacket.1 sister o! Uthc groom. The castle. igreen and bronze flowcred matron o! bonor was in deep 'Plie officiating clergyman liat and corsage of pink rosesi pink and the bridesmaids iniwas Rev. J. Hoytema and witcraios equa. Thel r floo>r-langth, J. Kiappar, unle o! the groom,' As bhc couple laft for a sheafli gownswere stylad with~ played the wedding mutsîr .lwcdding trip ta Lake Placid, tht-ce-quartai- langth sleeveslMrs. Betty Bandstra sang " OIN.Y., the bride was weai-ingn an-d flic-y wore white flowar- Perfect Love" before tlie care-I a beige liopsacking, A-lina cluster lieaddresscs with veil- mony and during thc signing jacketdress with Kelly green' ing. Their bouquets were o! o! l'he register. "Ihe L rd'sbr, Kelly gi-cen accessoriesS pink and white carnations. i Prayar'. and corsage of bronze carna-a The bridc's small niera, AÀ floor lenglili empire styl- fions. Tbiey arc residing ati Miss Gi-mca Koopmans of cd gown o! white chiffon waq,1235 King St. East, Oshawa. Mou-nt Albeait, was flowar girl warn by tbc brida. The gown ie a white !rock with short was designed wil'b a draped latad ski-t. Slie wora a nacklina, three-quartei-îen.gtîî SHAW'S -whita floral headhand ana sîceves and a softly flai-ad carricd a basket a>f mixadI ski-t. She wore Uic groom'.s TPle May meeting o! Shaw's flowers. i gift. a strand o! pearls. Fi-arn ~ ~ ,h l14h DENHERTOG'S CLOTHING TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMANVILLE MOVING SALE at WHOLESALE PRICES FOR EXAMPLE LADIES' BLOUSES ...............$1.00 ,ME N'S WORKPANTS .... ........$3.68 /ORK SHIRTS ............ 2 for $4.29 MEN'S SOCKS ..........50c - 75c - $1.00 BOYS' JACKETS .......... $2.29 - $3.39 MEN'S JACKETS......... ... $3.99 BOYS" PANTS...... $2.19 - $3.19 - $3.89 BOYS' DRESS PANTS ............ 1.99 LINED BOYS' PANTS ............ $2.00 MATERNITY SKIRTS .............$1.00 MATERNITY TOPS .............$1.00 BOYS' SHIRTS ..-_..-.... 88c - $1.35 BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS ........... $2.19 BOYS' SOCKS ý...........................49c LADIES' SLACKS .................-$1.99 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS .......2 for $4.88 GIRLS' SWEATERS ............. $1.25 FLANNEL BLANKETS 70 x 90.. $3.88 pr. COME IN AND SAVE MONEY ON THESE SPECIALS STOREHOURS Friday - Il a.m. te 9 p.rn. Saturday - 10 amn. te 6 p.rn. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD I I the scbool on Wednesday, 4tb of May, 1966. President Ken Bragg prcsided over the busi- ness portion of the meeting. The minutes of the last meet- ing werc read and approved. Slate of otficers for- incom- ing year 1966-67 are: Pat President Ken Bragg; Pi-cal- dent Gordon Barrie. Vice- President Bob Guflinie; Re- cording Secretary Mrs. H. Robinson; P r e s s Secretary Mrs. B. Guthie; Treasurer Mrs. T. Price, Corresponding Seciretary Mrs. Austin Wood-, Pianist Mrs. O. Bragg; Audi- tors, Mrs. Lewi.q Wood, Mr&. O. Bragg; Lunch Coin., Mrs. Wm. Braîgg, Mrs. Ross Lane, Mrs. John Killeen, Mrs. G. Riekard; Programme Coni., Ken Bragg, Ross Lane, Mrs. Reg. Brock, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wight; Visiting Corn., Mrs. Wni. Rudeil, Mrs. Gordon Barrie, Mrs. Calvin Crago, Mms. T. Price, Mrs. Stewart, IWood; Gift Com., Mrs, Lloyd Ayrc, Mrs. Stewart Wood, Mrs. Bob Gulibnie. rMrs. H. Robinson and Mrs. John Killeen întroduccd the follewinjg prograin on behaif o! the commîittce: A vocal duet by Roseniary Killeen and Susan Robinson; a poem by TWalter Fredrich: and a vocal i solo by Linda Brock. Steven 'Biicîtt of Bowmnanville per- formed foc us on bis violin, accomipanied on the piano by his mother, Mss. Kcîtb Bil- le tt. A play was presentcd by nine students from tlic achool. The thene rof the play was safety at sahool, at home, on thie fam, and on the bi'ghway. an-d was the claver creation of! Mss. John Killeen. A fine program was brouglit toaa close by an hilarious perfor- 1 mance oaf a newiy fommed quartet who go by the name "The Harried Housewives". Lunch was served by Mrs. Geraid Brown and commuiittee. The pienic will be held on the 28th day of e4ýTt CarvedIA M ND RNG ...-mmt girls do! 'I¶,re's a oertan time in a man's lite when it seems that everytimo hoecorts bis apecial girl out of the theatre, she takes hisa stright to a jeweler's window. And mont girls take specilcare te point out their fvrtsyei u Art(lsrved di-a ou: a-TRI"£l C-PROMISE BOWMANVILLE *dum --.U» oa Choose. Montb of May for Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Simon Biersteker Jr.- shown in the above photo cxchanged mat-nage vows in the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanvillc, on Saturday afternoon, May 7,1966, at 3 o'clock. Formerly Miss Lois Sandra Klein- steuber, the bride is the daughter of Mrs. James O. Kieirsteuber, R.R. 1, Picton, anîd the groom is the son of Ms. and Mrs. Simon Bierstekcr, Newcastle. Photo by Ireland Studio Recently Wed in Christian Reformed Church Mr. and Mrs. Durk Theodorus Bruinisma shown in thp above photo were married in the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville, on Friday afternoon, March 25, 1966, at 3 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Willy Koop- mans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Koopmans, IR.R. 2, Stroud, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mss. J. Bruinsma of Bowmanville. ______________________________- Photo by Astor Studio -I The Grace of God i In Our District i I by the ie-v. E. 0. Boomer which came ta those wlio serv-i ed in tlie various committeas U A number o! churches in and activities o! the Crusade. Bowmanville and many more There wms the choir o! 450' in and around Oshawa have people led by the Rex'. Doni nass and inspiration. For 10 istered nightly. Many a! the niglits, May 6-15, a local com- Imen servcd as ushars and a mîttee fi-rn oui- chut-chas and Inumber fi-rn cadch ni-ch wcrc Critsade Evangelism a! Canada t raincd in spacial counselling have prcsented Mi-. Barriy classes for the Crusade. An- Moore, evangeliaf, ta mmny other feature a! the crusade people from aur district. The was fthc cmrly undarwrifing o!f total attendance was weii over the expenses o! Ibis effort,,b the 25,000 mark. On the last ieaving many nights frac of night cmpacity crowds fîlied offering. The spirit f o - thé Oshawa Civic Auditorium. opération bcfwccn evangelical There were 500 childi-en in a p asters in oui-ai-ca will long spécial junior chut-ch an-d two bne remembcred. nurseries, This total attend- ICrusadcEaglaio te lre religious meeting Canada is a team o! men wlho ancte haf ory5,000Omdhawa. shave dedicafed fliemacîves o the rifa-y o Oshwa. evarigelistie work in Canada,, Throughout the week Mr. gain; fa many snialler com- i -Moore stressed the need of muruties where financi-al i-- conversion from ainfulness and muneration is amail. Thera seiiishness ta Jesus Christ. Ili are nine on salai-y in flua oqg- licly indicate persenal de- ary being underwrtten priv cisions in favour of Christ. ately. Thus there ta no Not cniy because e! such a question o! personai prof ifeet- h fruit!ul response were the in#. Igarticip,.tlng churches happy Last week we saw the grace u~t &Io o *S.the inspiration ci God anrd wwere glad. ' The Canadian Statesrnan, Eowmanvifle, May 2s. 1966 dee Describes Experie nces On Citizenshiop A dventure-, Students froni ail across rapher. She wiil go to Switz-,ideas on many topics of na. Canada have common inter- erland for ber final year in tional interest at Carleton; ests, goals, and aspirations, Secondary School next aut-l University under the super. Miss Janet Robson, a Courtice umn, he added. ;vision of a professor. High Schooi pupil told the The Adventure in Citizen-. Other important events for local Rotarians on Friday ifl shir, is sponsored annualiy bylthe students inciuded a visit her account of the Adventure the Rotary Clubs of Canada, to the residence of the Gov-rl in Citizenship held in Ottawa. Mr, Speers stated, and added ernor-General, Rideau Hall, She was the guest. speaker at that the Rotary Club of Otta- another to the RCMP Trainin& the Rotary Club luncheon was in charge of the prograni. Division at Rockciiffe and a meeting heid at the Flying Mips Robsori extended ber view of thec memorable musi- Dutchman Motor Hotel on!,gratitude to the Bowmanvilie cal ride. Friday. ýRotary Club for makîng it Sergeant AI Barker, OPP,* The birthdays of Walter possible to go to Ottawa and moved a vote of thanks to Misa DeGeer, a past District-Gov- have the opportunîty to en- Robson for ber outstanding ernor. and Tom Rehder were joy the worthwhiie and fui- address, and President Dons celebrated by their Feilow fiiling' Adventure in Citizen- Morris voiced bis personal ap. Rotarians. Mr. Rehder, the ship. preciation to the young guest Attendance Chairman, present- The so-alled differences in speaker. He presented her ed Perfect Attendance Pins as people from different parts of witb a book as a souvenir of foilows: Dr. Alian B. Sylves- Canada were not apparent to ber visit to the Bowmanvllle ter, three years; James Speers, the students, Miss Robson saîd, Rotary Club. four years, and Wilfred Mc- and she expressed the belief - Mechan, five years. that far too much emphasis laý James Speers. the Principalipiaced on minor differences. Be1dtislbl. of Courtice High Sehool. n. Ail the students were very troduced Miss Robson, a Grade tnterested and outgoing. Be-* 12 Honor Student, who re- cause we were strangers in;, presented the High Schoois in, aur own national capital we 1 this area at the Adventure in ifelt bound together by strongl Citizenship held recentlv in te and friends we easilv. Canada's capital city. He taldJmade. On meeting a student' the club that Miss Robson islYOu laoked at his naine tag: actively interested in athiet- flot ta find out bis name but ics. as well as being a chieer- ita learn fram which part of leader, and the schoal photag- !Canada he came. Miss Robsan said that the. students were ail interested in EBENEZER 1'the warkings of government, and they reaiized that they iii have tai do their part in The Ehenezer IJ.C.W. Even-ithe future ta mold Canada &II ing ULnîit met on Thursday, ia a greater nation. She re- May l9th, with 46 lades in1ferred to the refresbing en- attendance. Mrs. Wes Don thusiasm of the young people, - ivelcomed the niembers ofiadt aaasgetptn Maple Grave U.C.W. and thea.dtaCndsgetpt- tLia].' Ebenezer Afternoon Unit Dlsrt issinp, the highlights af ...a wilit had bee'n invited as our:her stay in-Ottawa Miss Rab-1 you'il eniovi guests for the evening. son spoke of the impressiveI The meeting opened with Parliament Buildings and the! ihe singing of bynin 366, "O Supreme Court of Canada, the brother man, faold to thy heart visita Io the National Galleryj thy brother". Mrs. Ken Tinkiwithl its great collection afý1 read the minutes a(f the April'paintings and the exchange of ,meeting, which were apprav- ed. Our recent Casserole L.uncheon and Hlair- Style Show was a tzrmendous suc- cess, thanks to ail who parti- Z r C / un s 6 / c/ I 1Our Supply convenor, Mrr. Garnet Goynie. asked that al EIIIN LR used clothin.g for thbe over- DFNTON LR seas; mission bale ha turned in nnr later liban May 27th. 1. A girl who got the boy you wanted. For the bus trip ta Scoti Mission and Yotrkdale Plazal 2. A woman who helieves lt'u every man for heraelL an Thursday, May 26th, marri- bers are reminded that the bus will be leaving the church promptiy at 1 o'clock. Zion UC.W. notified us that their bazaar will ha beid in, their C. E. building. Every-1CORSCR IT one welcome. 1CORSCR IT jMiss, Ann Holt presented Wn inspirin.g devotional on "Stew- 1 Home Cleanlngit s Dangerous a@ eleanlng fluids ahould be ardship" and enuded it wîth aý handled by -experts only to avold explosion and fire. prayer. She th-en intfoducedý Janet Down and Shirley Pickell who fayot-ad us with, SALVATION ARMY BAKE SALE AND SPRING TEA a duet "Whispering Hop«'j aecoimpanied by Mrks. Lloyd1 FR1DAY, MAY 27th, 2:30 te 4:30 Down at the piano. ,Mr.q. Neil Metcalf introdur- ed our guest .speaker, Mrs.ý Albert Hambly from Oshaa /ý whose tapic was "Life) witb /ý4 the Eskimo". She fît-st ha-rmo camne interested in Eskimos thbrougili ber eider son David who lied been coliecting cary- ings and other craftwork --- tbroughout the years. This led ta lier finding a miethod of transportation to an area called Povungnituk, whicb la located on the eastern coasi of Hudson Bay in a region now known as Arctic Quebec. Mrs. l{ambly discovered that these Eskimo people were so friendly and bancal that she took lliem te heart and bas tibus visited Povung- nituk four summers in succes- UNDER NEW4* MANAGEMENTý- Wanda s Beauty Shop EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN HAIR STYLIST 71 KING ST. E., BOWMAN VILLE Phono 623«3801 ig-DLOSS HOOPER'S JEWELLERY PHONE 623-5747 29 KING ST. ]EL lqý lqý iý lý lqý ýý 'WF lqr Ilir MI IV, 'Ivr IÇF ýw 'V Ir Ir Lýý

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