ne e10Cmadiu@-t1temna.,owanvlflt MM1. M1 Report from Queen ?'s Park by Alex Carruthers, M. P P. On Thursday, May 12, major 114gainaffecting the Agri- cultural economny was intro- duced ln the Ontario Legis- lature by the Honourable WilliM Stewart, Min'ter of r Agiculture. The Legllation provides for the establishment af crop in- mrance, and 18 the result af an invalved study b y the De- partmerat af Agriculture and a Select Commtte. Ui h Legisiature, whlch tabled Its report ln 1962. It. was the unanimaus opinon af the Conait1tee, at that tlze, that no action shauld be taken as the majorlty af fariers and farxn organiza-ý tions lndicated a desire ta carry their awn crop Insurance. Crois Lomes Hawever, that was before the sèvere draughts af the lait few years, or the exessive rainfail af 1965. Particularly hard hit during tht, perlod has been eastern and north-eastern Ontario, but lait year, as weil, there were pockets af weather damage ln eush crop areas thraughaut the province. In aur awn area, severe damage to corn and tabacco crops was ex- perienced, with severe eca. nomlic lasses to local farmers. Goverament Assistance The Ontario Government has pravided assistance in varlous ways ta meet these lasses. ODES YOUR INSURANCE COVER YOU IN .SPANISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN? in any language-and ln any plac-yau need special in- surance protection if you're traveling this sumïnmr. WOULD TOU SE CÔViRU OrIF.. Tour car struck sommen Paris? You lipped and f .11 in Swtzerland? Tata lait yaur luggage ln Barritz? fo OUOUGNT TO KNow Muotu ou 00. Ask this Hartford Çroup Agency ta help plan your travel protection this summer. Youll have a happier, care- free, vacation knowing that yau're insured against finan- 1ia1 lots. STUART E. JANES GENERAL INSURANCE 84 Ring St. E. Office ,4235681 *Cottage Chees *Orafgo Drink Bowmanville Residence 628-5493 1. Provided subsidies for. the transportation af hay through ,ankguarantees. 2. C o-aperted wlth Uic De- partinent ai Energy and Re- sources Management in thc construction ai farm ponds. 3. Provided coupons for the purchase ai livestock feed, wlth extension ai Uic programme ta May 31st ai this year. 4. Guaranteed interest-free bank loans to a maximum ai $1,000 ta fariners for the pur- chase ai seed and fertilizer. Present Leglslatlon The present Federal Crap Insurance Act, as It naw stands, h flot suited ta On- tario's needa for the iollowing reasons: 1. The present boss coverage at 60% is not sufficient. 2. It daci not provide for sot lois coverage an an idi- vidual crop. This I a neces- sary requirement In Ontario. 3. It doci nat pravide cav- erage for forage crops sueh as corn, hay and pasture. 70% ai Ontario's agricultural rev- enue i derived irom the sale ai livestock and livestock pro- ducts. These are dependent on forage craps. Although no amendments have as yet been made, The Honourabie Joseph Green, the Federal Minister of Agricul- ture, has agreed ta the legis-1 lative changes sought by Ontario, and without whichi the provincial legisiation isi ai littie value ta farmers. Other Jurlsdlctlans In draiting the Ontario leg- Isiation, Mr. Stewart, and his Deamet had the benefit ai theeperece of other juris- dictions in this field. (a) In 1961, Saskatchewan introduced Crop Insurance with 194 participants. At the present time, there are still oniy 3,200. (b) Manitoba, although startiiig a programme six years ago, is stili in the process ai deveioping ItL (c) Alberta began a iimited programme in 1965 on a test area basis. (d) Nova Scotia braught in legislation in 1963 but no pro- gramme has been estabiished as yet. (e) Prince Edward Island'a programme, estabIlshed in 1963, covers only potataes and grain. 1actors Involved In establishing the Ontario Programme many factors have ta be cansidered: 1. The great variety ai agri- cultural crops ta be found In Ontario. 2. Premlums wiil have ta be estabiished for the varlous craps, and provision for the speedy settlement oai daims. 3. A major cansideration wiil be procurlng capable personnel. None of these matters can Cet Cash Today For OId Appliances througli STATE SMAN C LAS8SI1FI1E D Phone 623-3303 be started until miter the Legislature grants Its approval. Features ef the Ontario Plan Sanie af the.features ai the Ontario legislation include the follawig. 1. Participation hi tie plan wili be an a voluntary basis, but applicable province-wide, and will be effective in the 1967 crop season. 2. Thc programme wilpro- vide coverage up ta 80% ai thc normal production ai a, particular crop. 3. 60 % or 70 % coverage wlll alzo be available if desir. cd by the farmer. 4. Each tarmn unit wll be insured at a lavel ai caverage representing the productlvity ai that tarmn. This eliminates thc crhticism of area coverage where Uic average yield may be low. 5. Each farmer wMl set hi. own production standards, based on the paît perform- ance ai his tarmn. 6. Protection will b. oiiered against such perils. as drought, excessive moisture, flood, irait, hail, winter kili, wind, disease and other pests. 7. Premium rates for each insured crap will be determ- incd on actuai yheids by county. 8. A fariner will flot b. compelled ta insure ail his crops. i9. The insurance wiii be marketed through commission- ed agents, who may be regular i n s u r a n c e representatives. Commissions wiil be pald on a combination aififat service fees, plus a percentage ai the total premiums. Agents will be under cantract with the Crap Insurance Commission. 10. The actuai premium caît ta the producer will be re- duced by a contribution from the Government ai Canada ai 20% ai thc total premium. Advantages 1. It wiil insure a îatisiac- tory return ai the farmer'î investment Inis crop, regard- less ai weathcr conditions, or other hazards. 2. It will enhance his credit position whth tic banks or other lending agencies. 3. It will encourage greater specializathon as tic farmer will not nccd ta diversify i cropsaua protection against crop failures. Conclusion Farming whether we reabize it or not, Is aur most import- ant basic idustry, and as suci, every effort must be made ta Improve and mai- tain the cconomic position ai tic fariner. Indeed, thiî hi a major probbem facing the In- dustry at the present time. Farm casts are rising muci faster than farmn revenue, and i order ta keep thc industry solvent, either farm prices -must. rise or tarin icame b. ilsubsidized. Thraugi tii egisiation, the fariner will havc an effective weapan toa asist hlm ia strugglihg with thc hazards that are beyond is contrai in crop production, and it will be anc major step towards great- er ecanomlc secunlty for rural people. KEDRON (Intended for last week) Puphîs ai East Whitby Town- ship ichools and their par- ents gaticrcd at O'Neill Cal- leglate Auditorium on Mon- day evenig, May 16, for ther annual Religiaus Educational Raliy. Rev. C. R. Nelson, wio la the director for tic pro- grass in tic uchools, was ciairman for the evenhng. Tic program apencd with p rayer, fobwcd by tic sig- ig ai Gad Save thc Qucen. Tiec cilîdren, seated i sec- tions according ta tic sciaols tiey attend, sang sevcral sangs durhng tic evening, includig Loves Me", "Dare To Be A Daniel"', "Thce --BL-"and I "We Siail Foliow on tic rrail". Mr. Nelson explained tiati tic course af îtudy this yearT was based an tie tieme "'God's Trail Blazers". Tic lives ai mecn from tic latter part ai tie Old Testament wecr e studied. Coronation Scioci Chair, under tic direction ai Mns.1 Barry sang "Tiere's a Grandi Highway" and "Daniel Was a1 Man ai Prayer". A great deal of excitement was aroused by( tic Sword Drill conteit. Terry4 McInnon, Kedron ichoal, won1 tic junior tropiy for i1 echool, and a personal Bible1 for hlmseli. Wicn Terry'si ister, Sharon McKinnon won1 tic senior trophy and a Bible. tie Kedron section af tic audience was Jubilant. In tic absence af Mn. Peter Baluk,i Kedron principal, Mrs. Sinclairi acccpted the tropiy for tiec scical.1 A choral recîtation witi actions cntitlcd I"Christopher1 Robin Saying His Prayers",1 was penfonmcd by tic pupils1 ai Grades anc and two, Ked-1 non school, under the direc-j tion cf Mn.. Harold Werry.g Mrs. Sinclair dlrected Uic Kedron School Choir ln "110wi Great Thou Art". Pupils from Dr. Robert Tiaraton Sciool rccited a serles ai Bible verses witi thei thume "Goda Weyl'. As each1 child fUlsied their memory verne, Uiey jolned in iarmlag a "Trahi" ai signi tellng thi "'Ways" ta achieve a truc Christian lite. Mr.lelson explained tiat no pizes were belng award- cd faor note bocks tis ysar, froni tic varlous schools werc Aiatio iforms for thec chIldrcn'a summer camps wce asa available. Additlonabi- formation on these camps as well as application forma, la avallable througi Uic ichools1 à=~ frMr. I<d.M 1 KING ET. W. *Fresh Eggs *Whiipping Cream BOIWMAN VILLE Traffic Heavy But No Fatal Holiday Accidents AUl highways throughout the area were packed with vehicles on Friday evenlng and again on Monday with vehicles whose occupants were taklng advan- tage of the first long holiday weekend of the year. However, acciden~ts were kept to a minimum and no lfatal crashes reported. These two cars were involvedi BETHANY (Intended for lait week) 'ta love God and aur ieliaw- ings wev Tic Board ai Stewards ai man'. If we follow His teach- in a con tic United Church were en-- power of tertained at the home ai Mr. muSInOSS DireClory Je sus Chr an r.AdsnSotfor _____________LThe c their meeting on Monday - "Bessed nigit, with Mrs. Harold White & C COUi ta n Cy Father" presiding. Robert Ryley gave Acended tic financlal repart. RAY J. DILLING (Pîercy). There was a general discus- Chartered Accountant hymn waq sion an neededirepairs and 93 Ciurch Street Secs Hin renovating for tiec9curch and 623-3861 Above th( the Stewards will ivestigate LEONARD JAMES BROOKS Followi costs ai a new cciiing in tic Chartered Accountant GalleryC auditorium and tic installation Trustee i Bankruptcy gramssfai ai new toilet facilities. They Suite 205W 725-9953 Sunday Si will present their findingi ta Oshawa Shopping Centre cluded 1 a general congregationai meet- u~~mbcra ing.W JH. COGGINS Music F( It was agreed ta purchase Chartcred Accountant ough, "Fl sasse ncw supplies for ch 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmla'nvl'le A"Just As Sunday Sciool including small Phone 623-3612 ing", "AIl work tables and stacking WILSON & BURROWS (Dr. Hea chairs for the Primary dlais. Chartered Accountants Awork bec will be held ta 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. repair and paint the lawn Partncns:- fence. Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. Fr Choral Evensong A union service ai Choral Evensong for Ascensiontide was ebd i the Bethany Unit- ed Churci on Wednesday ev- ening. Music was provhded by tic Gallery Choir ai Peterborough with Mrs. William Plercy ai Betiany as organist and di- rector. Rcv. Arthur S. Allerton ai St. Paul's Anglican Church, Betiany, led tic service, asslst- cd by Rev. Daniel Manning ai St. Andrew's United Churci i Mlbrook. Mr. Aibertan took his sermn- on text framn Acta 1-11, "Ye men of Galilce, why stand ye gazing up ihua icaven? This same Jesus which i taken up fram you into heaven shal 5 came in like manner as ye have seen Hlm go ito heav- en." "The Ascension was tic fulfibîment ai Jesus life an carth" said Mr. Allerton. "There are demuthologists who scofi at the virgin birti ai Christ, His deati, resurrection and ascension, but as Christ- ians we know tiese tacts for truth. Christ did ive on carti. He itic Lard oa isi- tory as well as Lord ai aur lves. Aithougi we may lie ai different sects, we are unlted In aur fathI n a common Saviaur w ho pratects us through the journey af lii. and all Its prabiemi. Jesus leit us three important things -the message ai tic Gospel. His own love available ta everyonc, and bis command KEDRON (Intendcd for lait wcek) Sixteen Wolf Culis tram tie 2lst A and B Packs rcccived Religion and LUfe Embleins and Certificates froin Rev. Winlifred Bridges at tic spechal Mission Sunday serv- ice. Those presented wlth awards were: Joe Wright, Harold Mauntjoy, Jeiiery Thomas, Jeffery Densiain, David and Gary Snowdc!n, Michael Petets, Brian Ellhott and Neil Lave ai "A"' Pack. Fred Jensen, Brian and Wayne Watson, Jordon Lambert, Robert Mac- Donald, Alan Starkoskl, Rich- ard Dingman and Donald Tre- gunna ai "B"' Pack. Members ai tic C.G.I.T. Group, Explorers and tic twa Cub Packs prcsented giits irom their respective groupa ta the Misalonary and Main- tenance Fund of tic Churci, wiici were recelvcd by Mr. MarviHannah and Mns. Ev- erett Mountjoy. At their regular meeting tic boys ai "A" Cub Pack pre- sented posters on Uic Sti An- nlversary ai Cubbig for judg- lng. Wines werc NeiliLve, iirst prize; Garti Pascoe, sec- ond, and Bria Eblitt, thîrd. In presentlng tic prizes, Ms.. Robert Dale, former Akela of Uic Pack, noted that It waa vcry diflicult ta select tire. fram the many excellent post- ers submlitted. The boys froin "A", Pack also cnjayed a rambbe recently ta decîde an a camjp-slte for a praposed weekena camp ln j une. Cuba fram bath Packs are hard ut work pnepariag for tie Cubr" Scoulmaster Wmn. Werry was very pleased with tie showing the boys tram tic 2lst Traop made at Uic Camp- orce lait Saturday at Camp Samac. While ticy dld not get top honours, they did wln a substantial numaber oi "Bear Claws"', and la view of the fact tiat thia was a first camp for many ai the baya they feit very gratified wth the results. On Suriday evenlng, June 5, Rev. Bridges wlU conduet a special service for all yauti groupa conaected with the G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. 1 Phone 728-7554 HALL, PERRIN MacMILLAN & CO. Chartered Accountants Se % King St. E. - Oshawa 725-6539 King St. Box 245 Newcastle 987-4240 Partncrs : Willam C. Hall, B.Comm., C.A. David G. Perkin, CA. J. C raham MacMillan, C.A. Chiropra c tic_ G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elffi St.,- cgr. af Horsey St Phone 623-5509 * Office Haurs: By appointment De n tal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 Km gSt. E. Bowmanville Office kHaura : 9 a.m. tu 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 75 KiCng St. E. Eawmanvllle EOffice Hours : 1 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally iClased Saturday and Sunday %Telephane: Office 623-5459 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office ini his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvllle Phane 623-5604 Office Houri: 9 a.m. ta 6 p .m. daily Closed Wednesday - Sunday Insurance DONALD A. MacGREGOR Lite, Auto, Hame Insurance 9%4 King St. E., Bowmanville Phono 623-5962 Land Surveying MEREILL D. BROWN P.ENG., O.L.S. 121 Queen St. Box 1659 Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 L e g ai LAWRENCE C. MASON, n. Barrister. Solicitar Notary Public King St. W. Bawmanville Phones: Office 623-5688 Res. 623-5553 E. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A., LL.B. Barrister - Solicitor Kig St. W. Newcastle Houri: 9 -5 daily; Sat., 9 -12 Phone 987-4735 HODGINS & FLEMING Hugh E. Fleming Q.C. Apha I. Hadgins Barristers - Solicitors Notarles Public 14 Frank St. Bowmanvile Telephone 623-3351 STRIKEand STRIKS Barristers, Solicitors Notarles Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike BA. Edward C. Wiîdnan, B.A., LL.B. 40 King St. W. - Bowmnanville Tulephane 623-5791 in a head-on collision a week befare the holiday, at Enterprise Hill, highway 115, on May l6th. Mr. and Mrs. Leopoldus de Sinit, R.R. 2, Orono and Edmond' Menezes, Scarborough, were seriously injured. No late report of their condition has been received. will surely be united ramon belief in the )f God and His son rist". ,hoir's anthems werc Be The Gad And (Wesley) and "God Is dUp On High" The Processional as IlHail thc Day Tiat m Risc ta His Tirone Le Skies". 7ing thc service tic Choir gave a pro- secular music in the School Hall, which ia- their prize-whnning at the recent Kiwanîs 'estival in Peterbor- 'owers ai the Forest", ;Thc Tide Was Flow- 11 the Things That 15" Now Take Our Time", a mad- rigal "The Silver Swan" (Or- lando Givens) and three paemns by Emily Dickinson arranged by Keith Rogers. Thc ladies ai the U.C.W. servcd lunch ta thc visitors during the social hour that followed. 1 Mrs. Charles Reynolds and Mrs. William Jordan went ta Ottawa on Tucsday for the tulip festival i company with a bus load ai ladies from Bailieboro. The group were taken on a conducted tour ai the city, whici included the Parliament buildings an d many otier points ai interest. Mrs. Dorothy Mark return- cd home mass Florida on Tuesday. Mrs. Mildred Bristow bas been in Belleville for the past week visiting with her daugh- ter and son-in-iaw, Mr. and Mis. Ted Laidley. Sound Death KneII For Grade 13 Exams The dcath knel ai Grade 13 educational methoda andil examinatians as naw consti-1 tuted was sounded in a repart1 given at a recent meeting ail1 the Durhamn District High'1 Schooi Board meeting held ini Clarke High School. This year is ta b. the iasti for examinations set by the dcpartment as has been Uic practice for years past. Next year Grade 13 stu- dents will write tests prepar- cd by a newly farmed "Serv- ice for admission ta' coilege and university."1 These tests wil Include an aptitude test and achievement tests. For the 1966 and 1967 tests the final mark wiil consist ai 35 per cent teacher's mark and 65 per cent examination mark. No Examinations lu 1968 No Grade 13 examinations wili be set in 1968. In that ycar university ap- plicants will again write the aptitude and achievement tests prepared by the Service for admission ta college and uni- versity. Alsa In 1968 the Department of Education will turn over ta high schoois the school leavingi examination at the Grade 13ý level. Schooi records wiil be made available to universities andI other institutions for further education. The report of the Minister' of Education said "The elim- ination of the centralized ex- aminatian will provide school systems with greater scope and flexibility in praviding stu- dents with more meaningful educational experience". Mare Scave Allowed "We believe such a change will enable highly qualified teachers teaching Grade 13 ta give students a pragram more closely related ta univcrsity work in termas ai depth and maturity." "Experience indicates", the report continued, "That the assessment by the profession- al staff ai a student's total achievement together wlth the external callege entrance type test provides the most reliable basis for predicting success ini future educational endeavars". The report said the, real probiem is that the Gra§&1 teacher does flot have ~t ive control of the courr ho teaches. He must prepare hl(stu. dents for an examination which he will neither s§èt nor mark and he has no positive guarantee that the hours ho spends in developing a par- ticular topic in a particular way are not a waste of the students' time. Make your comfort complete ... around the dock! Se. Us. Sleep in quiet comfort, thanks ta silent, electric heat. Clean, draf t-f ree air keeps yau comf art- able ail night. 16 TEMPERANCE ST. M, lei I IIIIS . U E4H LATDYFRS Y C ASHCA OS Mo r ig ag es 8ABlER AMLTON - ORONO Phone 1ir 1 ViralMortgag. Funds Rusldencus -Fanm= BusinessProperties KETTu A. ILLET, O.. 143 eIgtE Bwavl OMM e ouri: Byappontmt 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. 1 Wed. and Bat. - 9 -la - -ev«OW MAPLI GROVE RED & WHITE. Mapi. Grove CORNUSH'S RED& WHITE Orono- LOOK AT Il YANISH!I Mlflk foutsgod auuyime, and hoe knows 115 \4.N Nothing tastes better than milk, espe- cialy when he's really thirsty. Milk has a flavor ail its OWfl ... so rich and delicious. Be sure your chid gets lots of nourishing, growing power with niik! GLENRAE DAIRY PHONE 603-M"4 Try AMlOur fine DaIry Products, Sooni1 kl Ig .1-