ter vtslted Mr. sand uns. Aiez Joncas and tamily et Ponty- Sociàl .(.Pào-rsnai Mis. M. X. Poster has been Social & (Persrnalughter, Mhe. Phon 6233303George Russo, in Buffalo, and Mr. and Mn is. o this weekend. Mrs. Victor Fergusan, Con- Travelers Insurance Company, The béa gaines have start- cession St., hias returried froin Toronto, for thc suminer ed again. M9onday afternoon spending a few weeks with months. tihe juniors played, with Osh- ir n~' Ottawa. Mr. and Mis. Leslie Coom- awa winning 5-2. In the ev- Mrý avld Ecynolda, Wateî- bus, Liberty St. N., spent thec ening Kendal Bantaqns won 10o, s$nt the weekend with1 weekend in the Niagara Falls u<~iWloreb - cr bis niétr, Mrs. W. B. Rey- district and report the blos- The W. 1. met Thursday Bokas, Centre Street. soins and flowers werc at theiri evening at the home of Mis. .Recreitlon Director Bud: best. Mr. and Mrs. P. Auch' G. Cathcart with the presi- Fanning upent Sunday and'.of Windsor spent the weekend dent, Mis. Helen Couroux, in Monday wlth his mother, Mis. with her parents, Mi. and the chair. The rol ail a w Jean Fanning o! Hamilton. Mis. Coombes, and accompan-I 'Naine a town ai city in thi. icd thein to Niagara Falls. Maritbres'. The niotto wus Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre 'Sec Canada First.' Miss C. and John motored ta Chicago, Miss Donna Wilcox, daugh- W. Stewart gave us a veiy Ill., over the weekend to at- ter of Mr. and Mis. Gardon interesting account cd Uic twc tend the Willobee Faim Sheep Wilcox, Duke St., rccentlywes'tptknbhead Sale.successfully passed the Depait- her cousiný Miss Marian Me_ On Monday, Mi. and Mis .jment of Labor examinations Kelv'ey, ta the east coast last Don Milligan, Tommy. and and la now a licensed haïr- suinsier on thie Calmer Travel Sandra, vis ited Mis. Miligans deser. Miss Wilcox attendd Service bue. In P aas s1 n g sister, Mis. Violet White, Bruno': School of Hair Design, through Quebec they found. Crystal Beach. Toronto, graduating May 2nd., the French Canadians ver> Congratulations ta Mi. Nor ad i now employed at backward in their faxmlng, man Vanstone who has suc- Gieig's Hairstyling, town. 'but liked Prince Edward Is- cessfully completed third year1 Mis. A. L. Ashton and land veiy much. Somne inter. H-onora Chrnistîy at Queen's daughter Cathie, Ottawa, we esting points vislted were St. Univeruity, Kingston. weekend guests with Mi. and John, The Tidal bore on the Miss Carolyn Stacey has re- Mrs. H. J. Babcock, Ontario Bay of Fundy, The Magnetic celved word that she has pass.- Street. On Satuîday afternoon Hill, the home place of 'Anne cd second year Honor Classicz Mis. Ashton and Cathie were o! Green Gables', Charlotte- with first class honora average guests at the wcdding o! Mis. town on Dominion. Day, Hali- at Queen's Unversity. Ashton's niece in Trenton. On fax, Annapolis Valey and Mr.Alln YungansonofSunday Mr. and Mis. John Yarmouth. Miss Stewart i.c M. lanMsA Youngsna Ashton and daughter Mary, going to show silldes o« her Mand Mices. Arty ouflinan Pickering, werc supper guests trip et aur June meeting at scn sucessfullyconplted at t he Babcock home. the home of Mis. J. Hender- miaticz at Queen's University, Mi. and Mis. M. Whelan son. Kingston. and daughters Sue Ellen and1 A donation cg $5.00 was Mi. and Mis. L. S. Densemn Tammi, Sudbury, spent the given to the Cancer Fund. and son Scott Jr., Willowdale, weekend wth Mis. Whelan's Bille for the District Annual and Mr. and Mis. E. E. Field- Parents, Mi. and Mis. C. H. and the Penny Sale wcre put ing, Toronto, were weekend Palnmer, King St. East, and in order. A thank-you note visitera with Mn. W. H. Den- also visited other town rela- le ta be put In the paipers for sein, King St. East. tives. Mi. Whelan returncd ail those wfho helped and a home on Tuesday by plane. personal letter sent to the Mi. and Mis. Eric Stainton, Mis. Whelan and daughtcîs' stores. The Bo'wnanville W.. Chuîch St Mi. and Mis. John arc remaining for a week's Invitation ta, visit thern Oct. Stainton, honnie and Johnny, holiday wlth her parents. 6 was îeceived and accepted. Maple Grave, and Mr. Russell _________ W eie oIvt al Spry, Town, enjoyed a fishing Grove ad Ntonve e ta travp onte ekeda Pl V fAL visit us Ini Sept. Two more grav. .L 113 Latree are ta be planted at thié Mi. and Mis. Don Wright scooal. Some floweis were and family,'Flett St., and Mr. Mis. Garland Cathcart, Sis alec> suggested. F.ach gave a and Mis. Leon Cannois and Millgan and Bernice wcie cuirent event and the pennies Theresa, Liberty St. South, guestis et Nestleton Wednes- for the shut-ins were taken spent the holiday weckend at day evenlng at Uic 6th anni- up. A social chat wae enjoy- the Wright cottage on Long veisary celebration of the ed over the lunch provided Island, Rîce Lake. Nestîcton W. I. by Mrs. Luxon, Mis. W. Mer- Mi. and Mis. Bob Faircy The Kendal Bowling group, cer and oui hastes.. A hearty and daughteîs Bobbi Ann and the Widcats, had an enj'oy- vote of tSianks was extended Lorin, Parkway Crescent, able evenîng out Wednesday ta Mus. Cathcart and Mins spent the weekcnd wlth Mr. nlght at SPruce Villa ai Stewart. and Mis. E. J. Falîey, King Whitby. On sunday, Rev. R. C. St. East, at thefr cottage, MI and Mis. George Clark, White took his sermon froin Twelve Mle Lake, Halibur- 5Snra , were down ta the 35th chapter o! Isaiah ton. Kendal openlng up their sum- which ended with a restoîed Mr. and Mis. Owen Nicha- mer cottage for the season. and ransonîed people. The tas wer wend uit T 'he McTaggart men, Toi. hope o! the world lies in the th SeatnBîack Hotel, onto, were 819o do'wn ta their divine purpose of God. The Niagaa Falls, Ont. Mi. Nicha- cnae lc, ulggas hoir sang 'Leaning on the la a uest soloist et the t .Anua WlshSiglg esti- putting in the gaRden and fix- Everlasting Arms' wlth Mis. valng up n general. A. Poster playinjg. Mr. Wm. vl ldon the weekend Inla u Laird of thc Bible Society, Niagara FeUls. Miss Linda Osland o! Can-Bwiavl, ilb th Mi. and Mia. Bert Engley ton sPent a few days, withB gustsakler next Sundtye and sons Brian, Robert and Joe Ellott.Th wahimn avue Daireli have retuined ta their Mis. L. Martineli, Port wThe a eptinahflartn home nt Ste. Therese, Que., Hope, and Mis. Bob Brooks, wit nexeend. It Is m nfeisending the holiday COOispn cnisa nsalfrte24ho a weekendwith Mis. Engley's wtI P&r. Mary7 Luxon. wend ft e 250 au fM ayîlk mother, Mis. Annle Wright, lirs. George Mercer and aend s tainl90 a weloom Chuîch Street. Shirley weTe guests o! Mi.,adwscranyawlon and Mis. Cy Elsey in Oshawa change froin Uic wetheî we Weckend visitors with Mi. on Tusdy have been having. Oui trees and Mis. Ed Youngman, Kathy Dennis accompanied¶ are usually out In leaf by the Brown Street, were their her grandenotiier on a holiday 24th but are just apénmng up daughtcr and son-in-law, Mn. over the weckend ta London. this year due ta the cold ."d Mis. Ken Spaîkes and Mir. Fred Warren retuined backward wcatfner. lihce, Rchmond Hill, and P'iy froan Memorlal HosDi- Mr. Ross Roughley of Osh- Gors.dongach'ofTorstro . tai wth his daughter Mis. arwa visited Mis. Alva Swar- Gardn Lacho! oroto. Paul Mercei and her hnsiband. brick on Sunday. Mr nhe 'Rntlehirn lnnie RmmaASLi bftSf* *fhflflp of the late Mr. and Mns. Mark Blackburn, who is Assistant Executive Director of Child- ren'. Aid, Metro, Toronto, will appear on the program "Gen- eration" over channel 6 on Tuesday, June 7th.. at 6 p.m. Miss Helen Vanstane, who recently received word that she has successfully completed second year General Arts at Queen's University, has ac- cepted a position with the Bowmanville Pentocostal (hurch la LIbuoet. Ea.S Phoe 4 33-188 helse: BIO. A. BimS, i.L Messages For Pentecost Sunday .Il a». «MOLY DESPERATION" 7 p.m. "HAVE YOU RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT SINCE YOU BELIEVED'" 9:55 &r. Sunday School Wet~June lot, 7:30 p.m. Lecture: "'WHY GOD COMMANDS US TO BE BAPTIZED IN WATER" UWisew.the Word et 0". la mot bemuas to Guelph on Monday where he la golng to stay. Also visit- injg him Sunjday were hIs dau- ghter, Mirs. Pritchard of Toi- onto, and hie granddaughter, tMms. J. L. Sinkins and her husband of Waterloo.. Mr. and Mis. Charle Elsey and Dennis of Toronto were weekend guests od Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer. Mr. and Mii. Cy Elsey and Marilyn of Oshawa visited them on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. George Mer- cer spent Thursday in Toi- onto. Mr. and Mis. John Sarehuk and faimily and Mr. and Mis. WheÉlen were down to their, aummier homne. Vlsting with Mr. .Tlm Hoy this weekend were Mi. and Mars. Bob Stainton Saturday evenlng, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoy and fmnily of Pontypool. Mr. and Mira. Stan Hoy and faimiy o! Courtice, and Mr. and Mia. John Saréhuk and. faniily on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Aini MéKnight were in ta sec him iMonday a'ternoon. Mr. and Mms. Hatcher os- SREH0BOTH Christian Roformd CIurch Soutog Street MARANATI4A Christian Roformed Church Worship Services il a.m. 7:30 p.m. Back To God Heur CK&LB Every Sunday, 9:15 p.m. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH -Minister - Rev. George &. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur CollUson, Mus.B, L.R.S. il m. - Mornlng Worshlp Guest Speaker: 1EV. E. C.WOODLAND of Newcastle United Churcb SUNDAT SCROOL *30 au. - Junior, Itemedat. and Seaier U.20 &-m. - Prlmary and Kldergart.u 11:60 M.a.- Degln.u. Witnesses Make Plans For Convention Suniner convention plans leading ta the Canadienf Na- tional Exhibition Grounds, Toronto, are being fnalizcd by the Bowmanvillc Congre- gation o! Jchovah's Witncsses eccardlng ta an announcement made this week by Mn. Fred Roberts, presling mnIaster of thc congiegation. He will head a delegation o! about 60 froin this aiea ta attend the five- day gathening vihich wiii be held June 22 -26. Jehoveh's Witnesses froin Ontario and Nothein United States have been invlted ta this Bible con! crence. "We- are expecting an et- tendance o! aven 50,000 fiain the Great Lake States of United States and severai Oaa- adian Provinces," Mn. Roberts explained. "This convention will be the beglnning o! a seriez o! il North America essemblies scheduled for 1966. There will be six la Canada, four la the United States end anc I AlaAska. Oui miaistens froin the Bowmanvllle aiea are excited about going ta Uic fiiet anc." The convention Io cailed "God's Sons o! Llberty" Dis- trict Assenibly. Explalnlng this unusual titie Mi. Roberts stated: "«Truc Liberty rmens living inside God's priaciples o! freedain as autlincd in the Bible. There ha been a lot o! talk lutely about sa-called 'new marality'. What la ncw about self indulgence? Oui puipose as Jehovah's Witncns- e la ta reaffirin by tht. Yublic demonstretion, aur fulth ln the Bible principles a! moral cleanlinesa, !amily solldarlty, chastity, and parental disci- pline ta contiol juveniles in- stead o! Uic permissive p nec- tices that have made dcliii- quency a major national pîab- lem." Since April 24th, 3,500 Je- hovah's Wltncsses la Uic Toronto aica have been busy in a massive canipalga o! visit. lng homes ta arrange accom- modations for Uic comlng delegates, ta suplement hotel and motel faclities ta care for Uic large gathering. An lnteresting Mature o! Uic convention wml be a mass buptisin when it is cxpeeted aven 800 candidates will be lmxncnaed In water ln synibol o! total dedicution o! Uieir lives ta Uic service of Uic AI- mlghty God, Jehovah. The convention la arrungfed by the Watch Towei Bib le and Tract Society througb its Canadian branch. John O. Gioh of Brooklyn, New York, Ji thea convention manager. The chubby, happy littie fellow in the above photo is Rodney Russell George McLean, one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.,McLean of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. George White and Mrs. Mae MeLean, ail of Bowmanville, are bis proud grandparents. Successful Young Twirlers These two young ladies have been winning rnany aWards lately for their skill in baton twirling. Theyý are Susan Cannons, le! t, and Patsy Blake, shown with' the trophies they won recentiy at Utica, N.Y. Ex m Newcastle Mon In Charge of Music at Bob Jones University A native of Seattle, Wasb., *.~.~-' ~ Dr. Gustafsoa reccived the Sbachelor of arts degîe la voice froin BJU in 1952 and the master of arts degîce in sacred music la 1954. He aiea bas attended Aspen Music .~School, was a student under .........Charles Joncs, and studied conducting with Izier Solo- mon o! the Indianapolis Sym- Laurence Morton Dr. Dwight Gusta!san, dean a! the Schaal o! Fine Arts et Bob Joncs University, Green- ville, South Caroline. bas re- oelved e grant o! $3,000 for graduete study awardcd by the Graduete Schooi o!f loride Stute Univcîsiy et Tallahassee for the 1966-67 academic year. He bas been given a leave o! absence froin bis present administrative post et Bob Joncs University ta accept the grant and ta pursue the doc- or o! music degice with a major la composition. He vil begin hie studies at FSU the latter part o! Apnli. Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., presi- dent o! BJU, bas ennounced the appointinent of Di. Gail Gingery, chairmen o! the di- vision a! music, as acting deuta of the Schoal o! Flac Arts and Laurence Morton, chair- ma a! Uicpiano depantanent, as acting chairman o! thc di- vision of muslc. He was anc of 10 young! American composcîs active ini opera who were sclccted by the New York City Opera Company tc> attend the 1960 season o! American Opera and Composcî's Fonum n New York. Aiea la 1960, he was given the honorary degree of docton o! lawe froin Tennesee Temple College o! Chattan- ooa, Terni., for his achieve- inents la music and Chnistianl education. Amoag these achievemnents are hie originel compositions and arrangements including two one-ect aperes, orchestrai scores for five religlous fumis and a numben o! choral and orchestra pieces. A aumber of bis compositions have been publishcd or arc la prepara- tion for publication by Ablng- don Press, Broadman Press, H. W. Gray, J. Fischer Bros., and Shawnee Press. More ne- cently, he composed the film score for the univeîsity'a award-wlaning feature.length Civil War film, "«Red Ruas the River". In. addition ta bis duties et BJU be bas served as min- inter of" munic for several Greenville churches. Dr. Glag- ery lse cpeet president aend currently regloael lieutenant 1goveinor o! Uic South Carabine 1Chapter o! Uic National As- .sociation a! Teacheis af Sing- laig o! America. gA native of Toronto. Canada, Mn. Morton attcnded Uic Uni- versity of Toranto and waa greduatcd la piano main the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto whure ho atudied wlth Alberto Guerrero, famed teacher af Glenn Gauld. Mr. Morton also earned degrees from Texas Wealeyan Coile and Southern Methodist Uni- versity. He holds membeiships in Phi Mu Alpha and Pi.ap Lambda national music ira ternities. Priai ta comlng ta Bob1 Joncs University, Mr. Mortoni was a member af thc piano1 faculty for eight ycaru ati Texas Wesleyan Coilege, Forti Worth, Tex. He has held hisi present post as head o!theic piano departinent at BJU for the past nine ycars. Mr. Morton currently Is president of the South Cardlina Music Teachers Association. He serves regularly as judge for the National Plana Au- ditions for the National Guild of Piana Teachers. Mr. Morton is the son of the late Rev. and Mis. R. E. ,Morton. Rev. Mr. Morton was minister of Newcastle United Church from 1938 ta 1945. Mi. Morton was graduated from Bowmanviile H Ig h Sehool and received his pre- college training from Reta Cale Dudley, an outstanding Durham County piano teacher. STARK VILLE Mis. Jin Stark sp cnt a few days with Mn. and Mis. Grant Sylvester, Sarnia. Mr. and Mis. Deibeit Hal- iowIl, Linda and Bill, Toronto, spent the wcekend et their sumnici home. Mr. and Mis. Bilan Caswell and f amily were Sunday even- ing dinner guets at Mi. Orme Fells. Mis. E. Forrester who spent he winter monthe with Mis. A. Dobsan, ha. gone to Ottawa ta visit her son. Mn. end Mns. C. Hait, Toron- ta, and Mi. John Stone, Orono, wcrc visitons viith Mis. Stone. Mi. Jim Westhcuser has a position la Peterborough. Miss Beuiah Haliowell, Mn. and Mis. Maurice Hailoweil, Michele and Scott and Miss Norma Hallawell wcîc Sun- day dinner guets at Mr. Llew Halloweii's. Miss Joan Falls ad Mi. Bob Pelle, Peterborough, w e r e weekend visitais with theur e arents, Mi. and Mis. Len Miss Norma Hallowell speni the weekcnd at her summer home and also Miss Beuleb Hallowell wes a holiday vis!- itar. Mis. Rassa Tdd entertained relatives and friendsaet a shower for Miss Barbaia Stapieton last Friday evening. Mi. and Mis. Clifford Fonl4 and Tanya spent the holiday et Burk's Falls. Last Saturday evcning, Mn. and Mis. Frank Westheuseî, Milibrook, vicie honoured by a large crowd et Newtonvillb hall with lots of good wishes on thein recent marriage. Rev. R. C. White vies chairman for a fine prograin. With an address îead by Mis. Charlie Tnin, Frank and Donna weii presented viith a brown up- hoisfered chair and bridge set. The latter part o! the even- ing was spent la dancing witi music by Mn. and Mia. James Lowery with Mr. Sid Lock- hart, Port Hope, as calier. Lunch was served. The com- mittee in charge of the fine fine evening was Mis. Ewart Robinson, Min. Maurice Hal- lowell, Mrs. John Stark, Mrs. Llew Haiiowell and Mi. Roy r i i s B t I. Junior C. of C 7tm& Provincial and Metra Polie Plans Traffc forces. hThehelicopter a"so maintains close contact withS aleytrie eiccontrai toviers at tUicre Safet Drie eiportainaToronto - MeltonI International, t he TorontoJ Concerned by thc appalling Island Airpoit, and Uic RCAF acciclent toll on aur provincial at Downsview.t hlghways, Junior Chambers o! In addition tc> reparting on Commerce thraughout On- Metro traffic conditina twioet tario are conducting a safe- a day, Uic CFRB helicoptere driving cempaign designed ta reports an highway tiaffie muke drivers mare safetY during summer holiday week-1 consciaus and instill in 'teen- ends. age motorists a greater sense _________ o! responsibiity. Durlng 1965 there via: a O T P L tota of 28,P2ONTYPOOLcc dt Otalo!18,iohha cacii- jury or damage of $100 or 1 amn afraid 1 have been a more. These accidents result- poor correspondent recently. cd in 1,611 deaths and 60917 Attei spending 10 days in non-fatal injuries. Praperty hopital with an opuration I damage from these mishaps vas iushed la twa weeks later wes cstimeted ut mare than with double pneumonia and sixty-nine million dollars, came haine last Sunday. For the past few viceks, W just heard that Mi. regional safc-dniving coinUti« Robert Hallbran had beeni tions for 'teeni-agers' have ben taken tAohaspitel in Toronto held la a number af provincial with a hart condition. centres under the auspices o! Mis. Alvin Olen, Mrs. Zel- local Junior Chambers O!fina Ricliadsan, Mi. Jack Dunn, Commerce. Winneîs will go on Mi. Earl Gilbank arc in Civie ta campete in the provincial Hospital, Pcterborough. We chempionship which will be undeîstand that Mn. Gceld jointly uponsorcd by the Bur- Fisk and Mis. Alan Bazinent lington Junior Chamber O! are home again afteî spending Commerce and Impenial Ou saine time in hospitel. Limited. It wîll be held at Those attndiag the dance Burlington on Saturday, June and draw inl the Orange Hall, 25th. Satuîday night, vicie treated Winners o! negional contesta to fine inusic rendercd by as well as the finals, will be Noini McKeen and his Western the recipients of trophies, Four. The 50-50 draw was cash ewaîds and prizes offer- won by Clifford Richardson cd by Imperial OllLmîted. and the lucky ticket was sold It is cxpected that appraxi-yTd Grahein. Everyone mately 70 boys and girls fr0 ni eported a good tinie. different parts o! Ontario wiil Our local softball teai has compete for the Ontario tiieir first leegue gaine e... championship. Bobo Wiedemaan, age 19, o! Manitouwadge, was the the1 EDUCATIONAI winneî o! the Ontario 'teen- age sa!e-dniving champianshlp, in 1965. Daug Woodman o! a Wallaccburg and Jack Sheal t " . ~ a of Kenore tied for second pqiion and Elliott ShiY o0-f Begins 6th Yr. In Helicopter May lst marked the begin- ning o! the sixth ycar Radio Station CFRB's traffic-report- ing helicopter has been in the air. Since 1961, CFRB an- nouncen Eddie Luther has been reporting on Metro roadweys every day, twice a day, froin the "'chopper". The helicopter tekes off et 7:15 each morning ta let WaUly Crouter's dîive-to-work audi- ences la on treffic conditions, agein et 4:45 cach afternon ta accomniodate Bill Deeg- an's on-the-way home listen- ers. Befare cmpioying the bell- capter for tra!fic neporting, CFRB used a smail airpiane wblch made it the first Can- edian radia station ta provide treffie information ta frustiat- cd motorista by means o! ueriel survey. The helicopter now used is known as a BELL J-2, which cen eccommodate four people . . . two passeligers in addition ta Eddie Luther and pilot Smitty Pruner. Top speed la 105 m.p.h., and Uic diameter o! the two-biade rotaris 37 % feet. The CFRBI heicopter la by no means an ordinary "chap- 'er. it le iiterally loadcd with electronic equipinent ta ellow Uic belicopter to kecp tauffme, May 51W 7 Field Day la Bcthmny om Mm*' day. 'lwo o! oui local boysý have been plckcd for the i#l star terni that viii bepylt it home games in Mfbrýoôý. Dale Stinson, pitcher, and Jimmy Richardson, lat base* man, are Uic twa chosen for thia honar. Visitais on Uic wcekend la~ this communlty Included: Mr. and Mis. Rtalph Sharpe, M4 and Mis. Clif! Olver, Taronte;. Mi. and Mis. Freeman Eddy Orona, and - Mi. and M Archie Whitmee, Oshawa. Durham 4 - H Swine club 'ne second regular meeting o! tihe Durhiam 4-H SwlnO Club vien held on May lflth et the faim o! Mî. Glen Lai- nm, club leader. The mneetin was callcd ta aider by Ted Skinner, Uic president, viho had Uic minutes of Uthel1s9 meeting read and the. rall call taken. The nbers moved down to Uic bain, where vie <udged twa classes o! gilts and gave aur reasone. Mr. Lernier ex- plained ta us about Uicead* vantage cd his new hag barn. This was followed by a gen- eral discussion o! the dîffer- cnt types o! svvine-'houslng. The second wonlc sheet wem taken up by Allen Trevi. The meeting vies then adJaurned by Ted Skinnere. We extend aur thanks and afpieciation to Mr. and Mis. iLainier for their kind haSpi- tality. LL and SCEIC LPPLE 9% r 9% U ~DLU33UMI TOUR SUNDAY, MAY 29th FOLLOW THE YELLOW SIGNS STARTING AT LAMB'S ROAD (1 mile east of Bowmanville on Hlghway 2) FEATURES * Tour through Apple Biossom Aiea * Slides and Tour at Orono Tre. Nursery (2 and 3 p.m.) * Tour of Mosport Race Track (2 to 4 p.m.) * Tour through Scenle Ganaraska Forests * Picnic Areas - Orono Park and Ganaraska Foresti loin ln thse fun of tournfg titis Interentlflg ares. Sponsored by ORONO CHAMBER 0F COMMERCEi ~~Te LIVE WITH.. Furituo Enjoy Out-dloor Living with SnLt" See our large selection of 4 PATIO FURNUTURE4 IN THE FAVORITE REDWOOD you can use this newly designed4 furniture not only outdoors . . . but it is ideal for the family room or any informai 4 TABLES- BENCHES- CHAISE LOUNGES.., TETE-A-TETE (2 seater settee and table)4 UMBRELLAS - TABLES - ETC.4 VISIT OUR BASEMENT SUMMER FURNUTURE DEPI. CHAIRS m m - - $4.95 UP TO $14-95 CHAISETTES - - - - $9.95 UP TO $19-95 UMBRELLAS m -$29-93 UP TO $69-954 CHAISE LOUNGES -$24.9,5ur TO $59953. F.eA. KRAMP'LTD. 3 7-41 KING ST. E. DOWM4~W <i