Th Ce anadian Stateaman, BowmanvMfe, May 25, 1986 SP ORTopics WiII AlIow Camping For Player's 200 Race 623-72sportaapintaon6f si By Frank Mohun IU JWM IretuCmpngta on etitdbryadascn fa tiaseason forever, and you know something - it as been ai s work d o t a m ei g ra e d y 1 l 1ng tirne - eight months no les! But if you readers og te ot r f thjat ye r ec r a w ea thus a littie while longer, we've got a couple;WE track, (Cantrack MtrRc prscodo 83 a left yarns w e e rxjoyed hearing, and hope _ __ __ __ __ __ _C orporation)___ __ __ __ __ __ _ a U Driv~~~~~~~nfte rasci ation n h ev h lyrsC Tom Johnson, the former Montreal Canadiens' defence DrBi 's D o e jS O lCing wsoillbaetrceteia oacoCmay a t lwart, and now a scout for Boston Bruins, told this one iCropI u e le rs Ontari rvni * ýthe'MTaple Leaf Gardens' press lounge during the play-,B tL e '~ i I iTta persons livingmreha tif.W o' s n ae.200 miles from t]etakad___________ offi We on'tuse ny nmes.r g g lAI* ~ 'I K en s Çq'ucad 4 towill be confinedtahe ra It appears that this Young lady couldn't stand Tom a a a a ' ' 'bhn h adc tMs Xbhnson. She used to sit back of the vîsitors bench at te o r iIII lI V iDE 1o f JS i4a i<JI Don Bagnell's tihee run other in the next inning with port, known as t 1Gardens, -and Tlom was hier chief target for peanuts and; homer in tîhe top haîf of the Bill Osbornes home run ac ýCamping will e va1al whatevei. else she could manage to throw at him. In hier1 After droppîng their first phen's notched their lone1 In the tîhird, two bases on fifth frame gave Ken's Mens counting for Bill's other ta,,ly,,starting Friday nigt ue3 r a 0 . 1 twoappearanes, Bills Bil- mrker in heearfah 4-2ldecdisionrover sBigll'saalahoughecthey oveohlecteda hougAssistantleCommissiostaer J. opinion he was the dirtiest player in the league. "w aparnes Bls i- e k i t it. als nd Oaore'ingleBilliards at Vincent Massey double and single in the same' L. Whitty of the ...ot l1Alter Tom. had left the Montreal scene, she got married, liards demolished defending Ch uck" K parnck, oaking loaded the bases. "Chuck" Park, hast Tuesday niglit. stanza. lined plans to ensur mohO t d ,8ind it worked out that hier husband and Johnson eventulyChamipion Stephen Fuels 10'1 mound, permitted only two KiI.patrick forced Gord Wal- Both'clubs had lost their first Mel Burgess pitched a flow of traffic toah rako ~ecmego~dfrend. uby rid t eplinth t he no at Vincent Massey Park on hits, botih singles by Charlie lace at the plate for the sec- games of the season, so the strong gamne for the winners, race day.wiIhv a bý" e oA rens Hby redt epai ha henwThursday night. It wae Ste- Trim. Kilpatrick fanned sev- ond out, but cousin John tri- loss dropped Bills into the retiring 12 in order at one 1'le O.P.P. VU~iL L retired performer was really a fine upstanding felow. "Why phen's first setback of the en and walked four over the pled to chear the, sacks and Town League cellar. stretch as he allowed four mninimum of 1,50o e ato- if I was ever ta bring hini home with me you wouldn't young Town Softball League first four innngs, with Bill rode home on Fice's circuit Billiard's opened the scor- hits, fanned three and didn't ling ail roads laigit *ant to meet a nicer guy." Her reply was to the effect season. ORsborne fanning four and is- dcut. ing with one run in the first walk a batter. a on itlat At just was-n't possible. Bills broke in front with a suing three free passes the John Stainton retired the on a pair of inrfield bobbles. Osborne permitted threec e will add mr e f pair of second inning tallies, rest of the way. side in order in the first inn- In the f ifth, Ken Park and safeties, had forsrk-usthe need arises,"Comsin One night during the Detroit-Chicago semni-finals, Tom and put it awayv by adding The strong pitching wasJ ing with Bab Abbott taking Terry Black walked ta set and issued five bases-on-balîs,,er Whitty said. "efe u ______________ was in Toronto on business. The two men gat together and five in the next frame. They aided at the plate by Joh vrt tr h eodadtesaefo anl' w ngigdw abs cndiplan will handiealthtafi hubby decided it was about time hie invited Johnson toi completed tiheir scoring with Kilpatrick who thumped' alabsorbing the defeat. Abbott out bat ensadd__ ____________-ican foreeenomajo ifcl T eW len s met iswie.Bu e oudn rsît h tmpatantaplya single run in the sixth and triple and double and Paul allowed six safeties, walked fotes." o mee lîtt f Btie joke. rsstte epttont ipa two more in the final. Ste- Fice with a home run. eight and fanned six.H oss C ar tics thsmaetomve~aO After explaining the way his wife feit, it was agreed H oD C artw riguh ts designed ta help h plc that the former hockey player wauld arrive at the house A n e e Iure move the traffie inoterc.Th V yae s A~~TwonPlay ae s a .gnd be introduced as a business man from Chicago who IVIdM a "o o w e S nt rd n ly sstructed in timefrterjy pcaua knew very little about hockey. Pae'20" And that's how he came ta be sitting in front of a:- Twa more top racing caisaie capable of winning," saîd: One gate is begbutatWdensWaAdetr - ~~~~~~~~~~have entered the 1966 Player's! race director Jim Muzzin of the north west cre fteVctoaon h ot television set, watching a Detroit-Chicago encounter, alongîm - 0 tMsot ue4teCnda aigDiesdwte es ie hssoeo aeSpro n with his friend - and the wife that hated him, only she H o .. .io s irmn B a n q u e t One is owned by tehevision 'Association. "We are confi-- -__ dldn't know who hie was. star Dan (Hoss) Blocker, star dent this year's Player's 20wswr atKnr.Ti According ta Johnson. lhe played bis role right ta, the Tlhe Mixed Major BowlingMairs. Thomnson. Clip this out and af the Bonanza series, whoýwill provide fans with the i M ixea e " e jvsttrioyLsa nîs hiPt, asking questions about off-sides, etc., which his hasts League wound up a very en-! Twenty-six bowlers recciv- ý av for next year. plans ta accompany driver best collection of machineryi nodn fImi ae graciously explained from their vast knowhedge of the sport. joyable fear with their an- ed pens from the league for A picnic at Waltona ParklJohn Cannon ta Mosport. ýever assembhed at a Canadian Thean vrgi frets nBoh Sudnyoeo h e xlie Lo tta nual banquet, held at the their 300 and over single::is being planned for Sundayl The other is owned hylrace." TeMxdBwigLau Sudenl on ofthemenexcaimd "ookat hat- Legian Hall on Saturday, May 'games. Fifteen howlers were 'July 24th-bring the family- former driving ace Ragerl The Blocker car, named hehd their banqut o au-ods ok ntewrd the dirty sa and sa." To which the other exclaimed "He'si l4th with over 50 bowlerspresented with lemons for theirmembers will be notified by IPenske, with Mark Donahue ýVinegaroon Genie Olds, won day, May l4th, tteMm ti oaercuty o Oie dirtiest player in the league." And sa the hait was and guests. The tables wereilow efforts of the season hy team captains when plans are as driver. the first event of the United anial Park Clubhue hihnrd fyas decorated with flowers, and Helen Dun Muriel Hohroyd compieted. "These two machines both States Road Racing Champion- Park ladies servedadicfs eut - ta wbich she replied, "that Tom Johnson was the 1 f_____________________________te_____ - shfipesent at Las Vegas with Can- roast beef dinner.taeln:eedmne mnost blankety-blank guy who ever laced on a pair of skates." lfanosd natBcehy St Du n Ha roe leaure ofrest- a non at the wheel. Charlie After the troîharsnaiton akadago Of course they tried ta explain that hie wasn't sa bad, but;'deliciaus dinner served by the small token for his low triple Hae, h ohr - fth ios lcinîf tai * w IIC Blocker-Nickey team, won the place. The execeutvfo166.wdeesrman once she gat going, there was no calming the sweet Young Ladies Auxîîîa'y t the Legion,,of the year. atcaposi1eeta 7aea flos rsdn presentation of the trophies' Our President, Pete Dobbins,j N.H.L. BOUND? atcaposi vnta 7aea olv thing clown. took pae.' h dsinthoo. fg ,ras fn'Laguna Seca. Hayes entry in Mary Wilcox; VicePeiet npiebthgwy She becamne sa wound up in calling down poor Tom, Bern ice Biîday and Leon' ing a very special award this, Alyalogtehe «20 sanueà ikPrct that bath hie and lber husbanld were afraîd ta tell ber thatiConnors were presented with year ta the Best Sportsman oUý usually got around ta wondering if Bobby Orr would bc earlier.1 Yvonne Oshorne;Tesrr comdtosfeun Mr. Smith was i-eally Mr. Johnson. the trophy for the High Single t he eague, picked by the cap- playing in the National Hockey League next seaon et Cono f orely erc- Audrey Omsonan; Drcoadwelapitd 1 euly Me eulyws h apyonrc a 3,00ayer ed out of Mosntlybefore JM hn psotnteurb tesportsfeldpba eaer bro ther ffwe h-k ook.pra Hente!is chdl yMe an, n er upi hdl ar linasit thora twO rr ic ayrAa aîsnmvn ateSatstre AtrtemeigteBwfsigi t~h sprtsfied t cme nd et hen of tDoriksHe cN lty lelMNatndste ap hv beHarnofralwdea onrcta 3000 er.yar goisprsntytir anqare ntraie arnwitflapansprvd ,falked in with a "Hi ya Tom"~ and seconds later the stary oi oî n aradBl rcpet That caused one of the Maple Leafs' publicity men ta state in the US. Cbampîonships1 a balf haur. Draw nzswr l- sriet ofrai y em, swept the board for High ]Helen Dunn, aur Sec.-Treas., h f ta ti a ae oe hr aywt nthrrc ceduled! given out duringth dacn cmsndctaemie was out as tbey ail had a good laugh. That is, ai excePt Averages and High Triples for! deserves a big "thank you' 1 something ta the eectfora this weekendrat Bridge-which finished of a veryaen-Icp g the emnbarassed Young lady wba burst into tears, ran and hath schedules and high single froni the bowlers for the beau- of the Leafs got last Seasan.. moNY. joyable evening. Hp ose rmtenaetra.I 1 cked herseif in the hed-room until that dirty Tom John-iOf second scheduhe and weretiutrpeshecoefrs Considering the maney the N.H.L. miogahs are reaping Bhocker, who stars with everyone back inh alaitefespn-rgatar àon had departed. Wonder wbat she liad ta sa a presented with dlock trophiesithis year and for ail the long' in and the fact that players are always risking înjury, Yau Torontonian Lamne Green in Liberty Bowl. - o le epy wk liusband! yt Ernb osiercgvet he r ua- this banquet a hest ynae certainly can't blame Bobby for attempting ta get as mucli the Bonanza senies, is expect- i triP ropytgaveDte rns ahBcelo lnsha'a i a.W aealsa heard frainian unconfîrmed source Y tnr-ptemtrpy aDe-eir B+el f olig-ed a iecn.W hv nîglit hefore the race. "He lias BEMEMBER RUGGED ROBERT? naet capt.. Bahe Brown ' Ltd. a vote or thanks for ail1 that the taiented defender lias considered tufning out with it marked on bis scbedule," aan n hnyune ;Mel McNuhty, Harald Baiiem, the prizes lie donated through tentoa em fFte ae esubnaeiis hr r j ip oeo u edeswl eebrBbBilY h ainltar.I ahrBurgt Orr for the teani,!Cannon tald race officiais. Perlaps omeof ar rader wil reembe Bo Baiey1 Fred Thomson and Hec Ballan- 1 the C a' OymichneinUnss se ist iue eho played witli the Toronto Mapie Leafs for perhaps oneltine. Termidr fteee- it wouîd bc quite a hostor Canada hymi hacs itchUessi s TV ltminutde- rgtadbs o ï"ason. He was a rugged character, who tanghed withl George Behee presented the i ing was spent in dancing and 1968. velap, lie will becliere."anciis 'ýRocket" Richard one Wednesday niglit at the Gardens, in Iwinning tropby and the Seiby witli lucky draws, everyone However, considering that Bohby's aim is the N.H.L., Donahue, one of the rising AWlens a .i wild woolly affair, we won't likely forget. I Grant trophy to Capt. Doris receiving somne smail token. we Adventgieure Vacation wiabuItelov,ýongstrsofmto rcig Joli, Molly Mains, Hilda Simý-IjMusic was supplied by Dudley w antiagn u en toseiu aotth o e ougstcnaroftarrcingi Balley, playing now in the International League attacked nick, Jini Murphy, Bihl Hol- ISmith of Toronto with bis unîess companing it ta two mare seasons of Jr. "A", hleatacsecnaebrng tis.~ epyusdalyu arival so viciausly that tlie league president handed hlm 'royd and Albert Saman. wneflclctoofrods esAwudbceteyRarlier, lie had fînished third fml-ogo ite *ý suspension along withafie Pen and Pencil sets, donat- Tlie new executive for 1966- that Orr wilh be a most souglit after individual ta turn pro in the Daytona Continental. ndeSaryorpnig Fallowing the next home game, Baihey grabhed edbshi ee restd. ot67 ibeePs President Gere this year. The lang-suffering Boston fans have been told' His car, a Lola T-70 Mark Il Ûle Public address microphone and exhorted the fans t saawr sneta Beh»ol, Bc ell e', Ps ident P"' edsste . *;-i te sarta ffi tem into playoff surroundings . w l c nownas the Sunoco nw ymiigti Dors î, Shirley ikli obns, Vie-Prs: , sptonsoreis e arO copun oday belp pay his fine. Tliey tossed money ta the ice, as Robert Denise Annaert, Hilda Brock Wright, Sec.-Treas. Mel Me- If lie should get away - weil, don't tbink that lawyer Seil pnoe ySnO and his wife quickly scaaped it into a pail. Tbey collectedý and Bernice Buday for single Nulty, Averages andCars Eagîeson knows this, and is in a favorable bargainîng Chevrulet engine is expected OtroDprmn soane 326 bucks, paid the fine of $25.00 and pocketed thelgames aven 350 and ta Harold pondent, Vi Coole;.Fines, Ang- position. ta develop better than 500ofTuim&nfmaiv balance, ~~~Balleni and Albert Saman for ela Saman; Replacemnent, Jean 0fcusinoeysth prm faor-teein' 'horsepower. over 400__games by Molly Holroyd and Social, Fred O puslanin y ingthforite atonal hee squd. (f Pnk a eua ttePoic fOtro n t t t miucli ta be made by paigfrPîayer's 200 before retining at Dprmn fTus ~rWAS "NIP" I'I Ith le story is truc). Bobby, althougli a Jr. "A" star, miglit the end of the 1964 season. aamnEuîiRem24 Several people have mentioned ta this reporter bct i better off ta settle for a littie less. After ai - lie isn'tý He was a spectator last year, Trno2 thtJ .C a thelping ex-teammate Jlm Hall tbey saw what appeared ta be a familiar face on teîevisîon1 ast Y ar s Ie established in tbe National Hockey League yet. As former wt i hpma.Pes edm ý8 h W e N.H.L.'er Floyd Curry remnarked ta or ruyWy o'Te Lola T-70 marks bis couple of weeks ago. He was surrounded by Young cild- SeaN Way AdvennJrs Vacatioot O pe eig reiusOhaaEdoto on n V try for as mucli money as you can get? But on the other return ta big-time racing- BANNER PASAN 1,4 their horne. Channel 9 cauglit tlie family on film, for d telwersptc" Thi t o nwhterol s n ywer's <62fr3he32 use oetween periods of the folowing Wednesday niglit D e n w n ntOrr sign~S aintre th r.Or nKiceera i hisayear's Cup , res theBowmanvll FrofanPhayers Cigarettes, carnies SnLf suac dra Those younsters allbelong taan oldIbudy of min back, we wouid have ta think that she wouid like ta see'cash awards in excess f SnLf the familiar face being none other than Bernard "'Nip" I Wver Fralier son wit Oshawa again next year, attending sehool. $50,000.______________ >Ines. Everyone must have recognized th'nwedebeWui hseentuality may be unlikely, Who is ta Say it'Cm ayo aaa Ct à1low who was debatîng the Generals' chances witb Jim: by AI Cole runs and thuee bits off Saow- isn't the best. Bobby lias only just turned 18, and unîess' HAYDON 91shop in the sequence fiimed at Bisbop's Sparts. In case'Te16 den, during bis 1 2/3 inaings. lie is practically an instant bit, those beantown wolves are Practîce for aour Sunday' ybu idnt - t Te 165 Jr. en'sChaps. The lasers tock a 2-0 lead apt ta band bim the type of treatment lie lias neyer been School Anniversary will Stant wakbuldig oGay.orandsprtsan t 1onked Dals'on Sunday morning at '1516-58 Barry 't Gay. bildngcotrato.alisortma . Shoes, stanted '66 ao.n a in the firsto er al'forced ta endure.I WM N LE Don Stutt (there you go Don we've finally got yu winniag note, trou ncing~ n Wbile aîl this is conjecture, one thing is not - Bobby mmiutes ta ilocRc.Chr0i__ me n hi clun)inarisustht ve w mde 1h Frank's Variety 16-7, Tues-j1 Bisbop's two base errai'. if1fJ ""h service at 3 p.m., Rev. Devid' - ipre i tis olun)infrmsustha evn e mde heday, May l7tb. Darkness' Ellis quickly pounced ôn Orr's record in four ful seasans of r. "A ocey. As a Northey in charge. a1V n C.B.C. a few weeks aga wben tbey were filmiag aistalledl the match after 512 I Baker in their haif of thel real little guy, lie played with the newly formed OshaThursdany SaturdrtyAshtoay urs - portion of a Generais' playaff game at the Civic Auioru.frames. Jini Coyie worked 'finst, scaning four ruas 0Iiý Generais at the tender age of 14 in the Metro Jr. "A"and famîly, Mr. and Mrs. Jimi tt t t t the'lirs fouaviag itha 12-4 l- dfoua mr by Johdn Kla t - crui.In that seasan, against some guys who were fiveiM'adore and family, Toronto.ý the f 20 ins t ou inng or bohudn a t 1rand circuit.dr rrsoedsxtme n cletd 5 ttheir cottages on Sunday. 1 K r i e l j~ I PLAYER'S 200 ~Slowin.g welh in bis initial rick. Fraak's tied the gameadslyasodeOrsoe i ue n olc 5 Mnr.and Mrs. Cordon Dud-, A Week frorn this Saturday, wbat wihI proabhy bepitching chore of the season, in the third, on a f'ieldersl assists. lev, Bowm~anville, were Sun-' In Clr trigJmRee telretsrtn cow ofteseason wilh he heading Coyie alowed five bits, fan-ichoice. Brian Bradlev's singlel The following year in OHA. Jr. "A", Babhy broke day supper guests o! Mr. Ni-àfhi Pml= aad.-n [ ~~flI AAA'~~, Rayniond -Cameron. Mr' and v-..'x OLl IUV1S- M 7 rs. Robt. Camneron iand' G. Smithî wene Sunday suppen o! golf - and our first attempt definiteîy wasn't under at hi cottage at Irish Lake th Ruth-Anne were Sunday af-1 guests of Mn. and Mrs. J. C.1 the hest circunistances. It was one of those tumes wben andai LostdProton rs KINS EN UPE CA tenoo viitos a! Ms. aokSm.lades et t the~you reaîîy value an umbrella. We bad got as fanrste n a Mn.LoShmn Clubds0 aTirsnet.aClub second green at Thunderbird when the nains came down.,Susan and Fred, attended En-! Mn.Norman Davis and; home of Mrs. Stanley Gal:fe uvvn h on-or n tyn lotdy niskillen anniversary serviceI et- BhIeN G O - - c i or wer sday aetifte- n mmbeV 1rMand oneanoher nine hles later, we were wishing it had kept F.nd wee tea .guelts Of Mrs. ai the ~1ni ley. Port Penny, and Mr& . w. visitoT present. Vice Pres. raining. MF . Tospn te LBR . RGO PETER OROU H ME ORIA CEN RE IW. Senrat, WllowalewereMrs. . Baker opened tli However, the weekend weather was tremendous ah-'; r. Thurdy lldy istrs admeeting witili yma 502 fol- toganoeEari Thompson, Bowrnanvll, '~ al ayviitns ad>lowecl by the Lard's Prayen, k aur score didn't show any impravement. If an d ejaed anouig t ÔVEI~~I,~V IN r z~s îcludig z'ruce, ~ee~ aind coaducted the busines.nows any îittîe aid ladies who don't bit the hall any more Mis ayTbNectej FLNG $7 2 0evening visitonso! Mr. adSc'ipture was nead by Mrs. S. lIthan fifty fet aMaarack pehapswNecucdarrage, Mrs. Rye Gibson. Goble and Mrs. R. Burgess game. pnth wekd at home.j 198seiidCrfo elro orchoce. ab]y took the devotion Al Les Snuale, manager at the Bowmanviîle Golf Course'Mnr.and Mrs. J. Jones, Tom AM OCwL »WMr. and Mrs. Clayton Brown donation 1a avn a. fSnyvfielv ad <c~ Â E kREVU6RIHR ABU a~ONHP<N er !Pt,0 Cash; $1,060 Ri-Lo Game; $1,2900Bit and inda wee Saturay ev-jtells us that Oshawa's Wilbert Clark will be providîng free adSBd i RoedtsMr.ohand "u*"""l" Snewball (52 non.); $600 5mai! snewball (Se nos.>; ' --- ret who had lost lien gl instruction ta anyone wlio is interested on Tuesday and on sundByillVIRobertsHM aetIA FEMIN $60 rsulr ants.$44 Secal ams.home and al contents, and a Snay. golf IN WCiue,um uLJiJNTI~RlT $600 rgulargames .,50Specll gams."The IIayers 200"' 25tub wedding annivensary, Thursday~ evenings, after si o'clock. Wilbert did a fine jobi Mr. Jim Jones was at Nia- , ICU'LO MDAfîlffj.' b Dent forget te buy th.e«oBomy pack fer vaine and ' gilt was pnesented ta Mrs. G.; hast year and we would certainly recommend that you take gara t e h blosaorne on MOSPORT PARK I aker. Contests and games avnaeo hs ieopruiythe weekend. save moue!. JU E 4we re t hen enjoyed by ahI. 1 Mr . A. Th m so *1I S n t r SvaRineJU E anetid Plus d 3«17 »WtrasGe. (Shar. th. Weallh) Mein losed iin the usuali ounaay, ,,une 19t, te Bowmanvihle course wiii be the ber brother, Mn. and Mn.. B. lad by ahi. June meeting at i outstanding golfers as Nick Weslock and AI Balding. Sev- 'fl'ursday. Ia M sfteroamturdedamn, ehat etuie ucBE nile, n n uoo PrzesDryon' Smke ho th hoe a Mr. Jhn anek'eral other top-natcb golfers bave alneady been signed. We Sioa rniHyo t Aduits $1,00tdna7eCide O ICoach and Four, Orono 'wîth rail cali to be answered ed teEnsil ai- I ________________ by a Pnuy si. iwill have further details in next week's column. ý v i________________on______________