B reaking Sound Barrier. b7 *eV. A. Kudra SPentocetal Cburcht One hundred and twentyi est Chistians once tried hold Aqit, obscure ne- oua f ting. They werei 1d 41th fear regardlng kpubliec aiion, whlch hadE condenedWiheir Leader and1 sent Him ta a criminal's death. They gathered in ang exclusive, prearranged "lUppera Rlom" - away froin publict gaze and thc bustlng activity Of th tisreci belaw. Jerusalein was filled wlth thausands of visitors from Mèiny countnies because a! the .ewlsh E'east Day. For nine days the disciples quietly and1 liconspicuoushy threaded their Way tbrough the busy, boist- erous Jerusalern crawds andj Met together in the Uppen Ecoin. But ail their carefuily1 laid-out plans were Interrupt- ed and their quiet meeting was blasted ta amithereens! Let's read the Biblical report o! theE Incident: "When the day o! Pentecosi had now camne, they were ailimeeting ini ane mid, when suddenly thene came from; heaven a ound like a territie Blasut fWhad, and it filled the whole hause where1 they were sitting . . . And they were ail filled with the Igl SiËt" (Acis 2:1-4,1 Imagine! A terrifie blasi o! wind! Pehaps smre of us have heard the awesome saund made by a jet 'plane as ht breaks thraugh the sound barrier. Houses vibrato, walls and celingi crack, window- panes are shattcred, dishes and chinaware tapple over and are broken. Hearing a suporsonic basat for the tirai time is a jolting, starting, unforgettablo ex- perlence. And s0 is each ne- current ane! This was Gad's way ta capture the attention o! ail Jerusaiem "when the day af Pentecost was !ully camne." With a speed infin- itely faster than a jet 'plane, the Holy Spirit descended on the waiting disciples. The silence o! Uic mgo was broken! The silence af the Chistian fear, the silence af Judalstic decay, the silence o! Roman indifference - ail wene rudeiy, starthingly, completely shat- tered by this Pentecostai blasi. The 11sound barnier" was brok- en - God was speaklng froin heaven! The blasi as of a rushing, mighty wind attracted multi- tudes a! Jerusalcrn's citizonny, and they ruzhed to the point ci explosion ta sec what had cmused it. Doctar Luke re- cords: "Now when this wms noised abroad (and what a noise this must have made!), the multitude came together" (Acta 2:6Y. In these days o! religious apathy, mosi Chistian Lead- eru will agree that aur Church- es need anathen supersonie blasi from heavon - anather 4"sound as o! a rushlng, mighty wind". How heartening hI. Iota gpealçi ta ministens o!failier denaWations who stress the netd'jW another divine visita- tion fain heaven ta fill up a lethargie church! Taday, we are wtnessing a 4"Peniccosi Outside o!f'Pente- cea'."1 We mcmn by that that =Mellns of people throughoui the world have been braught face ta face with this expeni- eneand have enjoyedit tlioroughly. This new moving o! the >Ioly Spirit with the distinct- ive Pentecostal feature o! *ipeaking in othen tongues <Acts 2:4; Mk. 16:17-18; 1 Cor. 12-14, et. al.), in the old-line histonicai chunches heu been given space in the Religion section o! Timo magazine. Undon the captian "Speak- Inin Tnge,"T ereads: niuch impresmed by the phen- omnenon kcnown as giossolalia (li~raiy'speaking w i t h tage',whîch appoaned at the finit Pentecost: "And they wene all filled with the Holy Gliat, and began ta speak with ether tangues, as the Ttine gees an ta quote frein the Living Church (Episcopal) editorial, "lSpeaking in tangues is ne langer a phenomenon o! smre odd sect across the street . .. Itisn our midst, and it is bcing practiced by aur clengy and laity who have stature and good reputatian in the Church . . . ts wide- spread introduction would jar againsi aur esthetic sense and some o! aur more strongiy en- trenched misconceptions. But we know that we are mem- bers o! a Church whlch de!- initeiy needs janring ..." Quoiing the Rev. Dennîs J. Bennett, rector o! St. Mark's Church, Van Nuys, California, where Time states that 700 a! a congregation a! 2,000 members have manif ested a sympathetic inieresi in the Peniccostal Experience, gives this poinied description of speaking in tangues: "The gift o! Tangues Is a freeing o! the personality in expressing ane's self more pro- !oundiy, particuiariy towand God, even though the symbols are not understood by the speaker. t does not happen in a trance. The persan is releasing something deeper than the ordinary symbols o! language." Ail o! which agrees with the teaching o! St. Paul in First Cointhians 14. Why has God chosen ta Ibekthe sound barrier in the Ireiigious realm o! this day? What Significance thould be aitached ta these instances of receiving the Pentecostal ex- pnnce in denominational ccesoutside of organized Pentecostalism? Bniefly, we believe three things: Firsi, The Unlvenallty et the Pentecostal Blesslut. God's promise in Joel 2:28 was b4. .Iwil pour, my Spirit upon AUl Flesh ... I and again in Acts 2:17 the saine uni- versality was reiierated, ". .. 1 will pour oui My Spirit upan ai Flesh . . . I" Gd's promise knows no racial or denornina- tional boundanies. Second, the widespread na- ture o! these reports reveals the depth of Spiritual Hfunger in many varying sectWr. of Christendoin - a happy amen for a genuine* spiritual re- vival in the Body a! Christ Third, a Reminder ot the Lord'm moon îeturn. Bath Scniptunes, Joel and Acts 2, have definite connections with Christ's second advent. Thus this new manifestation of iPentecost is a prophetic sign of the centainty and nearness o! the Lord's neturn. iLot the Chunch of the living God pray in this hour of world crises and travail, that the bneath o! God, the Wind a! the Holy Spirit will blow once again, reviving dead, listiess people. 0Victory will come in ane imighty, Penitecostal 50 ni c 1biast!!! Courtice Guides Presented With AIl Round Cords On Wednesday, May 25th, to put them on their daugh- the let Courtice Bxownie Pack ter's arms. Mrs. Parkinson and and Guide Co. held their an- Mrs. Black then presented the njual Fly-up. The ceremony two girls with a decorated was held in the garden at cake on behaif of the Parent Brown Owl James' home. Ca'nn'ittee. Botlh girls ex- Parents of the girls were in- pressed their thanks to al vited guests. who helped make thin even- The eveninU eed with ing possible. 0 Canada, followe by the A short sing song was heid Lord's Prayer. District Corn- around a caimpfire. Thie even- missioner Evelyn H a wk e rng closed with poeayer and Lbrought greetings, also pre- TaÇs. sented Brown Owl James and Tawny Owl Redstone with five year service stars. Capt. LONG SAULT 1Bishop received a four year service star. Girl Guides thon Mr. and Mrs. Joe Diaze and formed Hor.seshoe for presen- family, Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. tation of service star and John Johnson, Oshawa; Mr. badges. Linda Laturski re- and Mrs. Albert Davey, Oriiiia; oeived her 4 year service star. Mr. Wiilie Irvine, Hamilton; The folIowing badges were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and preoented: Hostess: Jil Van Linda, Lifford, were Sunday, de Walker, Linda Eflis, Kris guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert 3Pullen, Pam Vetzal, Lou-ann Johnson. Reynolds and Eva Novak; Miss Mary Irvine, Iyr, Cook: Vicky Reynolds, Laun- Scotiand, ieft Monday by dress: Linda Laturski; Con- 'plane from Malton for her servation: Gloria-Jo Pulilen; home after some weeks with Athiete: Bonnie Bishop; Nee- her cousin, Mrs. Bert Johnson. dlrewomian,, Homemaker and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Simeon, Toymaiker: Bonnie Bishop, Oshawa, visited Mr. Robert Lind-a Laturski; Little Hbuse Sim, Sunday evoning. Einblem; Bonnie Bishop, Lin- Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, de Laturski. Brooklin; Miss Grace Rocke, The Brownies then forimed Oshawa and Mr. Bruce Baker their Ring for' the badges and visited friends. in Aldershot on ceremony. Lisa Elliott was Sunday. enxolled as a Browenie. The Master Ricky Baker spent tfollowing badges were pre- the day with his grandparents. tsented: Athietbe, Debbie Beer- Sthuizen; Thxift, Susan Leger, "Patti Rucksthul; Toymnaker, HA T N tWendy Hoy, Sheryl Biack, HA P O Cindy Ruckstihul; CYclists, Last Sunday was Whitsun- Dianne Oke; Colloctors, Be,%- day when Christians mark the erly Thompson: House Order- coming of the Holy Spirit to ly, Patti Rucksthul, Susan Le- the Aposties at Pentecost. In ger Dianne Oke, Cathy Ro- keeping with this Rev. Catt.a'i berts, Sheryl Black, Debbie sermon was "Spirit of Proph. 1Beerthuizen, Susan Bennett; ecy". The children's story 1Golden Hand Badge, Beverly was called "The Hoiy Spirit". Thomjpson, Patti Rucksthul, The hymns were weil chosen, -Sheryl Ïiwac, Debbie Beer- ail concerning this Person of thuizen. These four girls then the Godhead who takes of the followed the Golden Ribbon things of Christ and shows from Brownies and were thom unto us. greeted into Guidin-g as they Sympathy ia extended to the entered with their wings. Smale family at this time of t Gail Walter was then pro- bereavement. Mr. Howard sented with a gift froan hor Stevens of Enniskllen passed Guitde Go., also froin the lst away hast Sunday and sympa- Courtioe Parent Comganittee. thy is extended to son Gordon emTis we hope will help Gail and brother Mr. Bert Stevens. .in sorne smail way as she Recent callers at the home rmakes her trip to B.C . tis Of Mr. and Mrs. James Smale sumimer representing Durham were Mr. and Mrs. Prouse dDivision. Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. John The higihlight o! the evimn- Motrailler and family, New. g.ig was for Linida Laturski castie. eand Bonnie Bihop. District Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred White, eComimissioner Mrs. Hawke Toronto, and Mrs. Lerril a spoke to the girls as well as Reeves, Wiliowdaie, were re- .the mothers present. The cent visitons with their cousin ecords were handed from Coin- Mrs. Bort Stevens. smissioner Hawke to Mrs. A. Mrs. White and Miss Johns [- Laturrisi and Capt. Evelyn attended the Allun - Dokuchie Bishop who wene very pnoud wedding at Eaton Mernorial Chnurrn in ioronfo n- iayin D DNCING- REG'S'MARINA, CAESAREA *VERY FRIDAY "Lynda and The Chancellors" EVEÈkY SATURDAY #"Charlis Cochrane and His Orchestra" ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE pBTEIEBOEOUGHt CLUB Membershlp Foe $1500 su Water 8t.9 ($3.00 entrance tee for bPeterborough, Ont tint year ONLY> OVER 50 YEAES 0F SERVICE TO THE MOTORIST St34hi. Emmrener RIs Service * Personal Accident Insurance ponecy up te $M80.00 *Legal Advice and Defence *U.S. Bail Bond up te $5000.06 *Domestie and World Wiule Travel Materlals *Canadian Motorlat Magazine !jftatdwittk « Canadian Automobile Association Amelau Automobile Assoiation and Auto Clubs lu Ceu lsal over the worid 0.T.A. - F.L.A.C. - U.T. - FI.A. ~e ore latrisation write t.eO01M - Peterbor.ugb Club evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lester and David, Duntroon, visitod Mn. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd Sr., on Sunday. On the holiday weekend, Mrs. Hindinan, Mns. Guest, Mrs. Macnab and Saliy Payne took 16 Brownies Wo Brownie Camp, Camp Samac In Osha- wa. Everyone enjoyed thom- selves on this thnee-day ex- cursion. Mr. and Mns. Ahex Carrick have just returned home after spending two weeks in Wind- sor visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cockburn. Visitors f r o ni Toronto at the Carrick home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Keese and family. Sunday visitars at the home of Mr. and Mis. L. Hunt were Mn. and Mrs. Ray Maynard, Mr. and Mis. Ken Chamber- lain and Mr. and Mis. Ben Klein Meinhuis. Mr. and Mis. Merwln Mountjoy took a bus trip ta Niagara Fala on Sunday wlth several othens. Mn.. Mountjoy was a coin- plimrnntany guest at Nestieton's W.I. 6th year celebration. Anyone wishing ta take over the Hampton news, please contact The Statesman office. I've enjoyed being yaur cor- respondent. Calra at the A. W. Pres- catt home durlng the weck were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pres- catt, Enfield; Mr. Herbert Preacott, Ma ple Grave; Mm. Sam McRelsOsawa; Mr. and N. John Carrgau a"d Graduates 1IWiII G.racluatei Graduates beadi foS a lcnlc. Tis In- The. Canadian Statesman, Eowmanvile, :une 1, 1006 vitation was aoceptcd for the afternoon o! June 17. Trans- portation will be paavlded l. frm hecurh t2:30 pa. Mitchell's H &S Club AUl membors are reucted to bring a pot iuck ln1 . I ciU h Li. Tea wil be suplir.oids- 'Ta'ent.Nignt' The May birthdays o! two o! our members, Mrs. S. Run- Mitchell's Corners Home dira ma t ic rocitation, Mr& dle and Mis. Nina Cark, were recognized with the and School Club hold Talent Parry's raom, batan drl, singing of "Happy Binttiday."1 Night on Wednesday, May 18. Lynda Hazelton, Wendy Han- A sior peioc 0<gaiesThe Presideni Mis. John Adair ris and Pameila Hardy; gultar Aoio. hpe t mes pened the meeting with < P0i folowe. Ten he roand Canada and welcomed anl selections, PuHart and Ji the invitation of Rev.an present. Mr. S. M. Griffith, Hopson; sang, Dianne Thomp- Mrn.t G.Km an wet oaur principal, took over the son; paem, Nancy Head; piano Triitymarsefor a social programme. sls agrtHa n bai! hour and refreshments. sls agrtHa n The visit to thc manse was The School Choir sang thnee David Stainton; boys' quartet1 mu>ch appreciated, and at; the selections and Grade b group Peter Pinsent, Dick Aistein, close MiTs. Ward and mem sang three selections with Mrs. Jim Hopson, Harold Schmnidt. 'bers of Unit 12 were thanked Margaret Snowden directing. Mns. Hart thanked ail teach- by Mrs. Ted Morris on behaîf Recitations were given by ors and pupils for their efforts& of the club. IGail Heard. Cathy Shewring, Lunch was senved. It & 1 ,e