10 ~ ~ 8ate~s~, e n~'vffe, ~* ~,~ ~ i i.~ , 7i~ Aand Mr-.and Mrs. Wafly Reid on The Tee In The TeRn" ar . .U tbewith other assistants.' IThe Janetville HiC ,.~~~ ~ý orry, we couldn't get a listiGopH Is ofail the winners. gave a one-net play "e e Oil >_Report from - Queens Park re couple went to Mr. andipntEuXton udyRohit aphLre' 58 years; Mrs. Thomas Jack- TVaer Mll, CauhnM M PP son, the oldest lady; Mr. and Gi, Jim StaceyDuls Teecnrguametn by Alex Carruthers, M.PPMrs. Harold Green, Mr. and, Porter, Ronald VivinLdaf h 4- DarCaf lu Seme tel miles north of the econorny of the area, but civil servants;o re- Parg etf ae resefo rthe canand! carav r.id1~adM~Rlh amr ak thec City of St. Thomnas at the it also brought many nw ()Mh Ptni ro r-lrercy Pilea rsn, r:te Roan anfd Daai rw a.ashi ite oeo r jufltion of Highways No. 3 problemis. ~ w gional advisory boards made and Mrs. Richard Jenkins, the Reid sang a group !snssokonTusa vig Mfi No. 4 is located the town To meet the needs of this up o! senior civil servants:, nBob Gai oupeid ent odlso g ther" S hi ne h laesî n of Talbetville. industrial plant. the Province fronm each Government De- Bebest mieouple OfGodPalsTo Ggow.'IIa lt hemeflea This quiet conirnunity de- and the muncipalities had to partment wîth offices ]ocated the Athletic Association, wei- On Harvest Moon" ad"h rni oeadWi'~ab !'ives its nanie froen that niscrel le to see that services in desîgnated regions of thei comed everyone to the cele-iyou Beautiful Doîl", a ac yCu edr an hisàrke and colourful lig- would be established. servir-es Province; bration lard was in charge o! ed and kept up a runigcm Thfrthafotemet liTe, Col. Hery Talbot. who which could have beên pro- (c) The co-ordination of1 the microphone for ail eventS, mentary o! jokesan coi nwshed ttehan elaYed ald an importn role vided with less cost, if sorne the regional activities of ai with Wally Reidi assisting.'impressions. Terry acl hr is !Gene iti thie settlemient o! Western thought and planning had Government Departmnents and, IMrs. Howard McGill, secre-iand Jim Stacey ofYevrohefs a jue. Mr Ontario. been given in advance to the Agenc.ies. The aim i to have ý tary, Mrs. Charles McGill andgave a cormic skit"Teacsamlnfrtsgetdpit A few ntl ago, thi. industrial devellopment oi the them ail ado'pt a common ad-iMrs. Earl Weatherilt were infl 0f Life'. Miss VantaM-t ac fr n eea n rualCm!uit asjltddistrict. ministrative and geographical charge o! the prizes.Gi, evronsag Ch-srutns n dggdir Out of!lits routine !orm of ife New highways now must be unit- The refreshment booth was maine" and "Tammy.cti.Ate ugn.Ni by the aannounement by the built, power lines relocated In order to plan the growth in charge of Mr. and Mrs. WayRedepssdthîsiikBan rde ndNl Fôrd Motor Company that it and a pipe line frern Lake M.- eorcs eBue li aeorlraos 'was estab1isihing a $65 million Erie built to provide the vast s9earch must be carnied out in 1 ar Rly M.ad r.to Bob Gilmour, prsdno! Terto!t mtigok &SaetblY Plant in the corn- amounits o! water needed for several at-cas. This will be ý'esn yeMs aodSn-the Athletic Associto o lc n h os.Sao hInhwUtand -; orne15hirsth T e et the needs o! one through the reconstitut- eido, Mr. and Mrs. Waliy ays pvnitsadepcaltebuis.Werpadth mnwiity, wans, oe150 rs te nwxnutr.ed Regional Development Ag. Rndha rus h innt Jcaciksoantheihc Productive farmin land. bécarre rapidqy developingw Provincencsowihhre are 10, and ha aftr n businessthwokP4H leg an a e la 1500-acre industrial de-, and to ensue or erly indus- the local one being L.O.D.A. ! aill pano n Ihe rk The haliam n a iue f h at m eig Wélopm ent. trialization, the Ontario Gov~- These a nil s w ill be re- . ma1Al x C rr t en , M P r. T e arrang d i; e a k iQ î si îs a W r h e o Th anhncenntwanametuaruneiedarolcyantamd oucis ndwilalt ehedrw oranelcticsopscee isthandrsh2 er tke u. raci ds Weleone "shot-in-the-arm" ta régional developrnent andi $25,000 per year from the! avn nfwt o ctpito i h .ettricse lbDmnta plannng wic.h might Provnce o cary ou theri he lucky winner. ibenches and the refefmn plnig wih mgtbe Prvine*o crr Nueil Tienk and gmeswee BrianothnKnswng termied "Design or Develop- responsibilîties. hstof bhel gasnwere the both, ew wigsadorie anttbhevn t reoFtr LR R L ~ment". These responsibilities will No'~ki~,frotherh s eaon for h se fore chretc BinBale illo F WIWIERS URégional development must include: analysils o! the Po- iNrthe uirm egue. Bh anhourshfe cort. l vigife hs be distinguished from régional tential of te .aurlresour- n the uno er Bthemiyhusogokan.ln heso!pprhvn goverrnment in that it is based ces in the région, manufac- Ca[an y ok thhe soe 8-dairIcow drawnanrit wer on thrpe particular principles: turing and agriculturai ,,- Caaboswihhesoe82 Inur, r.Glungangvnot.M.Jehate tential, rura, uba!aGe orge Elîson was an the'expressed his thankst hs uir detf h at n respon- re1 :x~~~~~~~~ ~ mound for Cavan with Bnian wohddntdpie o ics hm (1)Th Prvîce1 ceational land use; water, sibility for guiding, encourag-sppy cnevtaI "'4 Reynolds receiving. Briatithe sports events andteen- MtiRadurdwhMr 1r. Je. Snowdon ing and ascisting the arderiian atedspsi swg Wilson did the hurling for ane who had helpe nayadMs.Lre evn R..#1and rational develrpment of, adr se t powstde ofBethany, with Ciare Robinson way. dlcaslnh Eiiklo,01 lcithe Province; diec oivestment receiving. Innskilen Onanoplies, markets, transportationlI e se nio ae.tescr Phone 263-2655 (2) The Province's efforts; farilities, roadsl commuteri In thewasclsenirw rithBtheny ak %Iul be directed ta cO-ihabits, hnusing and social' " ing lthe wi ove Ponytpoo, aloperating with private busi- ,services. B R heO O K LU Ntyool ness îR nterests in rreating an Coýennt'v' 8-7. Bethany line-up: George a tmosphere for growth and' Cnpeetr ta this pro-1 Scott P, Levi McGill C, Harry development:i gramme will be upRrading' Jakemnan LF. Bob Gilmour lB, the Ontario Developrrient Ag- 'Morley McGill and Bob Ryiey Ic#(3)AI]67Iici1Ir hnud heency into the Ontario Devel- w IGFI (C ilplci :nudh 3B, Bob Edmunds SS, AlianP R MA 5AGODM N noulded frmta r o thetoriet Corporation with au- Mrad Mrs. David Henry MeMullen, residents at Hillsdale Marior in Osh- Smîth RF, Roy Scott CF, Gar-t MA e OO A N e. tions rte hnbro h ,oiyt edmoney ta in-1edigDySitMr.BhLarneudanJ ne 4 t OKN Wprogrammes <of ailier urisdir- dustry. awa, celebrated their 7lst wdigannhversary on Victoria DyMay 23rd. Mr dn th 2Bnewimanagero!ee S t 70 KNOW beccuse... dveloprnent The Taiholville develop ýMeMullen, 9 n r.MMle,9 tefimrLl lzbt ryw .tenwmngro h When it cornes to poutry or live. This design o etpit ptenc~t at on9 n r.MMl,9 tfororme Liy EizaethGra), ereithany team this year. Panty- etock health troubles, hispractical, tmuoininclude consideration o! thatr in Manvers Township where they spent the greater part of their life pool line-up; L. Brown 2B, - 1:0NO on-the-fianm experience can often :water supply, sewage dispos alI be goverrnent expenditunes; on a farm. In 1956, Mr. McMullen retired. He and bis wife went ta Oshawa ýDave Sutch LF. Neil Finney HRESO HRERCN Iead toi a more efficient and eco- transportation facilities, high- dretd ath ne 1 f where they resided at 170 Oshawa Blvd. N., until 1965 when they moved int CF, T. Fisk 55. .J. Richardson, liamical solution to the problem. ways, agriculture, mining, theý he regions, and will require th1iyshm1o teae.TeMMunshv w agîr , s.Doalb, Dale Stinson P, Morris CATTLE SHW BE ADDAR IRis 'boois" are the compiete line location of indusbry, the su-ý- ace. îsoegoenus.nrgu fJntil ndMs v n ilim fNsltnMitchell C, G. VanDani 3B, L. MD A of famous K-Vet pnoducs plus the piv <of labour, as vwelî as tîi nacpigsoegvrmn rgeo aev]e n r.Aeee ilai Nieon.ATmstrong RF. s ouid know-how cf the unique sociladclurievrnidirection when îoratine in an Oshawa 'Times Photo Gro mtVnetJc-i D1YPICS O PTTO N organizatian that stands behind ment e. son and Percy Pearce were the SUR ACN bim..aepedabeternfrefec- In order that Immediat.e u-, There are sflmethinig je prs ttive disease prevention,-sanibation tion cao be aken, M..11o-I1900 units of localgvenmn The Athletic Association ex- F DYEEIG JN R contraI and high level %ta.htY harts, as chairman of a ci-lin Ontario. It is not essential pes her hnk t ilths additves.net. comumitbee ta co-ordinate that these amalgamate ta îwho gave donations towardsî 8:30 P.M JOTALG M K-VET LABORATORIS LTD. Irégional planning. is taking! fat-m regional goverroments, (lntended for last week) Chapelle. Best decorated cars, aod Vincent Jackson, parAdelthe prizes. ADCIDE' IE Hespeler, Ontario the following steps: but it 1is necesary for themn Miss E v le 1 y n McKînnon, Frank Martichenko, fîrst; Har- mar.shall. AaitNocrI______________________________ ' a) Ther comttng up i n ta coaperate with each <then, Montreai, Que.. was home for aid White, scond. Bescm- Teewr rce frai The Town Hall was packed advsoy ommtte f snir it the Provincial Govero- the holiday weekend with ber meca eiiî,Dvd ere es in charge of Addison t h or o h nient, adwthidsty nmother, r James McKin- 3cattJunroey cGill. VincentConcert an May 23rd, spon-, odrtan decew aith ionry rs.Bsunodoic egtJackson and Gardon Chase, 'ordby the Bebhany Ath- A ordesrytha de crioriotnn.Hackenburg. Best Senior t e n io efficientiy and at relasonable Afe Wattling, Toronto, camnic group "The Bethany wt h oiwn rz illei soito.___________________ and Mrs. Gertrude Turnbul, rtes i r.Lv c ners: :boys, under six vears,ýBb Glor rsdn, cost. eterbroughwere eekendGuI, rs. Gah rn WoadMes.of age. Jimmy Reynolds;!Bb Glor rsdn 'ýPteborug, wreweken GllMr. ordn ood Ms.girls, Kimmy Wood. Boyswelcomed the audience andi e ~~f"Industry must be created guesis w ith Mr. and Mrs. Harold White and Mrs. Earl udrthRnked everyone for their ru iOntario as, fast and as ef- 'Roberi Giimour. iMcQuaid dressed as hanses une '8 eaî's, Reggie Mast- co operation in makîng ail bbtheR SIAS;K ficiently as possible in orde r and Mrs. Raîph Whet- iand Roy Scott dniviog the Bors gir , ea e MGiîî ictonia Day celebrations suejchR taasr i h otwrlufroronto, were guests buggy. Best farmers' entry, omgilAe Pe.Byý success. babies wiia are about to,with Mn. and Mrs. Mansci Mrs. Eanl Weatbenilt, first; col; rls2,ALe Pague. Bys1 Howard Malcolm chaîred the emnerge from aur schools, tO Wright for the holiday week- Raiph Preston, second. Best ude11,Lary Gum r ga.Pilp n ah: firsi, Murray Finney, second;' orm hli n ah keep tihese young people froni end. decorated float, St. Paul's Ang- lenine Beer gave thnee ac- leavin the rovine, an tri Tere ws a gnd atendane licgirlsh YMaryPeJanes Stewart.y ordionwart.selections.cti MissMi Lindad keep themn out of the bigai, the dance sponsoreci by the group, firsi; Levi McGiil and Boys under 1à, Chnristophen Rowan o! Yelverion played O PEEcte.Athletic Association on Satur- famiiy, second. Best club Wood, firsi, Gardon McGregor A HiaEoiLstumCnaOs P T E RM Creaiono! jbs n ai patsoand 15iroy DanaGreen.pianisrumd ntashe ramssMs LEY11H Cetinofjosinai arsday night in the Town Hall, entny, the Brawnie Pack. BestBysie:rls5, DRony SFirtLdy".Tgirisse Ann with Robert Sisson's Band pleasune hanse, Miss RuthSct, ' and Norma Wilsonî, Yeiverton, of the Province is the ailan spiig hofsi.Bon n , Barbara Ann Green. Women 'gaeanausogsit Tal "Design for Developînent". .splnG temui. rwnadMns. John Nas distance shoe kick, Mrs. Levi Sice.Wiegave P R A Y S E R V "TaClE ____Gordon____Chase;, ....-ar , rt en ulg adhsýSrie.Douglas isavhiateforgatrove ýwshome with Feeshfamiyfr, erne uig Anaecnd.hisMcGiii. Ladies' race, Barbara ltwo numbers with bis ac- i was famly for aughterLaunie Ann, eod n Green, finst; Mrs. Jimmy U~....Nthe weekend. Best single pony. Babby Palm- ; ts eod.Mnsrccordion. Miss Pamnela Cook.' EUROPA IE A -L Jerseys Wayne James went by er, first; Charles MeGill and uts seod MnsDac Janeiville, sang "Cbim-Chim-: uua.uupvu. i plane ta spendth weekend bis daughtcr Mrln second.Awtfrt anee". Mrs. Ruth Jenningsi For funte nomto otc 999: iwitb bis parents in St. John, Best pony teams, Allan Been Scott, second , sang two numbers with berl NwBuse.and bis chiidren, Philiip and In tchanhose shoe pitching own guitan accompaniment, : iTon 'of GoId Cows Mer. and Ms. H. . a obntherndf;M.arndy, s. c aontWbrincharge of eFred "Second eand RMe"ToandIý. Ricar S f~.~ . ( nr - 236-Vn od-aguests with Mn. and r.En ond. Seilpie ee1Hrl Green had tehgetAitar".Cei White ONTARtTO J ensey cow in the herd o! L. est Lamb. awarded ta Tenry and Ricky soe o dudsa Hpwt bsonbnoa-Telepoe5r Btayo C.9rdly9HaptnOn. Mn. aînd Mrs. John Earl,lKerscbener with thein pet kit- Norman Lane, second. companîment sang a group o!: I ~~bas just been issued a Ton of London, spent the weekenditens; Donna Strong and ber i In the Tug o! War coniest, George Formby sangsowhich INTERLAKE HMCLSEVCSLD Godcriiae n18 aswtbMr.adMs Morgan 1dog; Douglas Palmer and bis Betbany retained the tnophy, included "You Can't Foa1 Me, 355 Rîdoug t . odn nai Gheoldceicte.314 61 df at.s Bu lo. ad rsdog. Rev. Arthur Allenton,itaking the win aven Ponty-1"When I'm Cleaning Wînd- Poe4826 COMPLUE IPhylFis is also a AiDnCASE Andy Watsonî bas returned ýHope Rayson and Mansel ,pool. ows", "My Grandad's Flan-1 thre- Silven Medals. borne from Ross Memnorial Wright were the parade judges' Mr. anîd Mrs. Douglas -Smelt nelette Nightshirt", "itn ~ITL .~ HRrt~ A D Itree'Hospital, Lindsay. 6O5'?STLSOR ATIONAIA S Windylea Manlu Susat'si Mrs. Ted Calden, Soest, .,... '. COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM ~~,Rose 4R - 328907 - Very Good 1 Germany s visiting for three ..-... .. *.> Y, ': " BROXEN PRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIr Ont., bas jusi been issued al'Mn. and Mrs. Frank White, . 4 We f111 all P.S.J., Ocullsts' & Optometrists prescriptions Ton o! Gold certificabe. In Trenton were weekend guests . at saine îow price. . 1435 days she produced 2,0561with Mnr. and Mrs. Hanry ;?-... lhs. o! fat. Rose is a daughteri Ryley. .' SIMP INR EBIguests with Mrs. Mildred Bris- tow fr th weeend.any snop or service Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Awalt, MET 5 4% SI PLE ITERES Mr. and Mrs. Ha olcd you can think ofI WITH TgORO N -DOMINION GenAthietie Sports Day Record crowds and the sunny, warm weather conbnib- uted ta make the Bethany 6-YE U V NGSGERTFIC TESAthlebic Assocîation's annual D-YEA SAV NOS D RTIH ATES sports day on Monday, May * 23nd, a very successful event. .-Orhaalotofe. Teewere 64 entnies in theOu locaiity aalot fer parade which got under way Good shops. Good services. Good people. Avalabe i covenentamontsfro $1 to$50O00at 0000 beginnîng from St. Avaioblein cmmen cmonts rom 10 t $50000 aul' Anlica ChucPaul'sgSoAnglicant o Coeufchou nelens (a$0certifiécat. costs ly$.0 and macy b. cash.d the main street ta the Atbhe-orfnesdoS okfrtt hm o ornes (a$0ol 75)lebic Park. The parade wa. e orfnesd the walking through the Yellow Pages anytime if you n..d the money. 'led by the Miilbrook Boys' to find the above people.. and many others. Band dfrected by Rev. W.' L Harpur and the Majorettes Eevhn' ee. atw fenthe Brownie Pack led by ;Mrs. Waliy Reid. Go-Aead eopl ban on rst prize for the best der-'i il McQuaid. Beit decorat- , TORO TO w130M NIONed -baby carniage, Cathy and k I mke tie dffernoe.Brenda Pearce. Beat decorat- T ank eepeope ak tedi eine e by riyce,'rr G vass our;girls' tricycles, Kinimy ~ . ."' ~ ~ .4~ Wond Karen Chase, Susan . .. ~' 4 ..-',I.<j, BG.LWOMngrRyley. Best decorated boy's ...~'-.t'~~. Larry Vincent; girls' bicycles,