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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1966, p. 12

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play, the cadets marching forward to hear the inspeet- ing team's remarks, Staff Sgt. P. Good.vear, Asst. Instructor Eastern Ontario District, D-opt. of Nationial Defence. discussing the prograrn with John Paterson, Major E. S. Dawson who recrived a long-service medal and Stan L. Dutin, President of Bowmanville Branch of the Royal Canadian Lcgion p)rcsviiitig an award to Met-vin McCallum, judged the bcst cadet on parade. The corps is affiliatcd with the Ontario jRegiment atOsa . Lands and Forests Weekcly Report Week Ending May 24, 1966 'permits some wînter survival. Fires Pheasant hunting is avail- Since Apnil lst, 1966, there able during lhe open season have been 20 foresi lires in on a daily fee basis ai Darling-2 the Lindsay Fine District. Ap- ton and Presqu'ile Provincial rocmately 51 acres of fonest Parks. , havei been burned. Tic fol- Aduit birds arc reîeased lowyng causes have been de- daily in huntfing dys. Five terznined: Residents burning private hunbing preserves in brush, smoking, etc., 13 fires;1the Lindsav Forest District camnpers, fishermen. etc, 2 ofrph casant hîminting on a fines; bulldozing, logging etc., sinilar basis using pheasants' 2 fires; unknown, 2 fires; ligil- which are gcnerally raised onl §-gy' ning, 1 fire. the prernises. Preserve op- It sometimnes lakes as long erators are: J. Benson, Bewd- : as seven days for a lightning ley; M. Hurnphnics. R.R. No. 3, M.~ strike ta produce a delectable Hastings; H-. G. James, R.R. 5 lire. Thc May 25th storrn No. 4, Port Hope: J. H. Mound t caused a 27 acre blaze in Gai- Codringion: J. Re: mes, Graf- way Township souti of Crys- 'ton. tai Lake. This fire is 11owThe ;aîn r>nmsOUso Phearcon ntl. *Clarke and Darlington Town-î Pheasante ships raise over 6,000 chickst Our ing-necked pheasant, isupplied by tie Department Phasianus coichicus, le oigin- l'ta pouli stage for release dur- a321y a Chinese bird. Tic ing the stummer. Additianal LE. speCies was first successfully 'adult iirds are released n- irtrduedtaNothAmerica 'these townships b, the De- i the 1880*'s. In parts of parnorît. A special reguilai-i North Central and Nortbwest- led township huniing licence ern- United States and onis reqnîired in Clarke and,~ Pelee Island large self-stîstain- EDrigo onb s ing wild popuainhvebn The Provincial Garne Bird procluced. Farm at Codrington will pro- Iro compensate for a very duc. -)1,000 pheasant chicks, short life span, the pheasant j7,500 poults, 3,000 aduit bîrds hem. laY Up ta 18 eggs ai ai'and 1,400 -stock birds this yean.___ __________ tUrne and will often nest again - ~ - __ __ if he irs t ih limucesweekend with the Sargent jîlv Oshawa, and MIr. and Mrs. fuI. In areas wt ihlm gLàadtwanulso NILI family, Ida. Murray Pre.scoti, Susan and, tait, where corn listh major M n Mr, .LPect r and Mrs. Les Cochrane Cindy, St. Catharines. crop and high grass on cattail accmpanedard ad Ms. Kn.MiLndMrs nv ai inan cov«r is abundant, neproduc- ,were dinner guests of Mr. and iCochrane and Mn. Howard Enici prise. w C i weekend t1ag usually repiaces bath Mrs. L. Rahmn. Richmond Hi!Cowlîng to Wauhashene ta guests of the Allen Taylor's. huýting Mid natural lasses. also visiting Mr. W. HempHill 'visit Mrs. H. Hannai.Mran Mi.NlSmt Ui~tuntel mat t Otaio, and Mns. D. Robertson arnd MrdMs. J. W. Bowman and family, Columbus; Mr. inctuding ail of the Lindsav family, Long Branch, and Mrs and Eniîc atiended the convoca- 'and Mrs. Rae Cowling, Whiby,, nibchais too severe àa HemphilI in a nest home there. tion at the University of land Mr. and Mrs. Perey Peters,: for adequate pheasant:rThey had tea with Mr. and Guelpi when Bruce received Toronto, wriih Mrs. R. Griffin. val. ýMrs. W. Smith, Oshawa. bis Master of Science degree. Kelly Lavender had bis' 0 con f the Dis- Mr$. R. W. Pascoe spent thec CongratLlations, Bruce. tonsils nemoved l&st week. aptenDur- weekend with ber sisten. Miss: Recent visitors at the Pres-> Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lanm- >Comtar gmd the easternEvelyn Cunningham,. Brant- 'cott home were: Mn. and Mrs. er. South Monoghan: Mn. Fer-! I;oztb umnbe r 1an d'lord. Les Gibson. . Columbus: Mr. gus Abernetbl,. Manilla, visit- t y bu cLimate which M. IL W. Pascot spent the îand Mrs. Roy Gibson and tam-!ed at the F. Sam.ns'. B.T.S. Cadets- HoId l3th Annual Inspection KEDRON Thie 2lst Oshawa A and 'R Cub Packs won several rib-: bons at the Osihawa District' Cubnrce held ai, Camp Sarnac' on Salurdav gfternoon. Thc Atterjdance Trophy was~ joinlly won by btht wo grou ps.' with ecd pack having 17 out oýf 18 boys in attendance. Thel t.rophy will be beld by eachi pack for a pe-riMof o sixi mon tiis. In the Poster ronesi, the' ý"A" pack ffook second place. wit)h an entry by Neil Love. Earh pack receivedi a merit ribbon for their displays, as1; did aIl other packs whn par-ý ticipated. At receni meetings, of "A"' pack,.th(- following awards, and badges were preseni.ed:ý 2nd Eye:. Jefferv Densham, Jeff Tharnas, Harold Dervent,i Pat Atkinson and David' Snowden. Black Star: Neil M'ahaffy and Brian Ellioli.ý Blue Star: Neil Love, Neill Mahaffy. Brian Ellioti. Bnianj Mahaffy and .Joe Wright.' Green Star: Ncil Mahaff v.î Neil Love earned bis Reader's' and Pet Keeper's badges. Lift Charges for Phone CaIls Long distance charges Or!~ ltelephane caîls belween Port Hope and Newtonville were' removed, effective May 21. J. H. Guest, commercial mranager of Bell Canada's Go-ý bourg terriiory, siated thaV Ibhis will givci Port Hope tele-ý phone custorens il-free callilig Io four neighboning excianges: Newtonville, Ca- bourg, Cold Springs and Wel-ý came. TPhe Newlonvilîe exchange, camprising îîearly Io() cus-ý tomners, is owned and openated, by thc Port Hope Telephoneý Company. Mr. Guest said limatttus pro-1 ject wiIl benefit bath lie Pont! Hope and Newtonville com-ý mrlities because of the econo-ý iei grawtn and ideveîopmentý they -siare.,- Gel Your Price For Your Livesiock dmuEb STATESMAN C L A 9 1FI19D à Phone 623-3303 Pontiac Parisienne Custom Sport Convertible with Sports Optiona A GENER~AL MOTORI VALU The only thing that says"low price" about Pontiac is its price tag... and that's removable. It would be easy for a guy like you to get excited about a new Parisienne convertible, wouldn't it. Breezy, fuIl-sized styling. Rich interiors. The car lias success written ail over it. Sure, you'd like to own a Pontiac. But if you're like a lot of people we know, you niaybe figure that Pontiac is just too good to bc truc. You figure it costs a lot of money. 0f course we can tell you al kihds of nice things about Pontiac; how well it's huâlt, how much you deserve one, but the nicer we niake the car sound, the more expensive yau think it is. The only way we can geL around this is ta invite you in to have a look at the price tag. It's maybe flot quite as colorful as the car, but it's liable to turn you on just the same. People forget (and who can blanie them), but Pontiac is flot an expensive car! And that's flot just talk. We can affer you the kind of a deal that could put you behind the wheel af your own new Pontiac this week. A guy like yau could really go places in a Pontiac. If there's any better way to get there, we can't think of it. And an easier way, we're sure there isn't. Sa drap in and get acquainted with al our price tags. You'l know us right away. Just look for one afthe names Jisted be- Be sure ta watch"Teleecope","The Fugitive and "The Red skektoniHour" now showing on television. Check local listings for time and channel. . AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE: ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED 16 luKingr St. IL HOVWMAN VILLEPhone 623-3394 I k t; tE DA compromise that was accepted. f S He proposed that the board Mrs. Spence Gordon secam- i h S h o o r e r s sn h onafv-erpo panxd te Net*,ivile flksjection of costs which was oni the bustn to lk-'t ~UA l .already available to the board on thïus triy. T oronistod1> 1 > I Igtthdan had been made available ICLatTuesad eniyd ste:t h municipalities of Bow- tenpu on the show 'Front, mnr PaeChallenge'. R5mr MayKendal people ae~ / 5 i f~i lt f ffI. buythese days as the tobacco ý Broken at CourtEice I.IS4IJI Muuc-x growrs tartd pantig tr' 0 M u ic E am or middle of the week. It !IS A Durham District High School Schools have qualified staff resolution was that these esti- 5 A week later than last year and,Board was disturbed lastlmembers to teach the course. mates couldnt pnssibly be li S f they have a larger acreage tOWednesday when it was learn- h r1a ol b uh ie eaueo h lcu- ;:s n *re plant. ed that almost $12,000 worthiorized under the Departmenttioivn.. te geofermtheuca-, mnD There was a good turnoit of 111e in the septic tule bedtof transport. itional rnts fovromeea UUI at the Starkville Penny Saleýat Courtice High School wasI Carlos Tamblyn, a board year. and a number of Kendal folks;badly cracked and broken andimember, objected to the mo- brought homne somne nice arti-1that the Department of Health ýtion because he felt rural stu-1 A. A. H. Stnike. chairman of Miss Anne Drake of the cles. is requiring that the problemn dents would not. have the saine the management committeei Board of Examiflers of the Mrs. Edith Ferguson, Tor- be corrected. iadvantage to take part in the ,said that to provide the in-ioa onevtryo ui onto, and Mrs. Wilfred Roughi-' The advisory vocational com- course as urban students. formation required would be of Toronto will conduct cur- leyOshwa cae dwnFri-imittee stated that the rh- Emmett Creighton, a mem- .quiite a 'studv" and woutld ren examinations for the day o sendtheweekend tect has been instructed to ber of the Port Hope commit- bae a lot of time and would,ýConserva tory in Bowmanville with Mrs. Alva Swarhnick. proceed wîth plans to replace tee, comntbthtt ere very difficult. He suggest- on June 3 and 4. Mr. and Mrs. Sarchuk and the file bed with non-corrod- were omme "per jock tese hta siat nte rliatpaogau famly Troto wredowning tile. thtsol ae h ore present grant system might be of the Royal Conservatory of ta their surnmner horne for the W. J. Brown, chairman ofibut wouldn't take it. ueonusc.MissDrbtak eade herd weekend. :the cornmittee, said it is still ai The Board was presented While some board member.s conritadgebu aman Aui- We wish a quiýck recovery rnystery how the file becaine ýwith a problem of its own comrnended the town counicil.thourn at nt arioany ecita to Dick Martineli who is inibroken. Cost of repairing the!making. for their request,smetogthruotOnao.Se1a Por Hoe ospta sufeing hec ad ist]lig ew; Earlier this year the board the equst hould be s ev-lading member of the Con- 'frtompemoia sffrig1.e ise ndimatat $11660., te qetsoldb hl servator-y piano faculty and ornpnuaia le embters etine60 announced that special cam-id also a member of the Board The pupils of Kendal sehool, whee te m gersq msightmerciaî classes would flot be'ý Carroll Nichols, a member of Examiners. he]dhehe PentaeFi f haveamgby iheavoffered at any of the five high of the Port Hope comrnittec,! a ay be en c25usedmady sch ools next year. suggested that the board do' er1 nwhn$5wa ndequipment moving over the a hepblcsh1lbor Cd(ET CASHR TODAY toward the trip ta the Thotts-1pipe. It was revealed that no A. A. H. Strike. manage-:a h ulesho or a and Islands that they are ednc ofti ha benm tchim ,sidhe class- dlone and send the request FOR OLD APPLIANCES looking férward to taking. founci, but a niatural element *es were being stopped because1 back to councasington wti thraugh Mns. George Mercer was inifrogi, was suspected ta be the 'there are not sufficient students bsste atd h si-S Oron-o a couple of days last cause of the damnage. ta warrant the course being ate. TTSA week receiving instruction,, n ali oe wsta held. Mr. Strike, ai. the end of CLASSIFIEDS re the taking of the census. not enough top soil had been P. J. Bigeiow, principal at the discussion suggested a Telephone 623-3303 She starts June Isi bo take placed over the section. Port Hope High School, told the census in this district, so the board he had a girl in the 'have your leafletsý filled ou. When questioned how the four-year program who wish-i Visiting last week with Mri darnaged file would be paid cd ta take special commercialý and Mrs. Truman Garbutt foM .Mced erir- next year. The girl, n ow in were Keith Swarbrick and treasurer, said that money the arts and science course, Gail, Wendy and Dawn Teach- could corne oui of the con-Iwas promised four years ago, oui. Mr. and Mrs. Teachout tnenis ud she could enter the special NW0 0 O Iwere attending a convention, The Port Hope cOrnriitee, commercial course at the end ý ~ ~ t wth... t~ta reo h in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack hnwever, seeks to use thisIof the four-year course. lstefnet tth I' httreo h Garbutt and farnily spent thisfund to complete parking lot* Mr. Bigelow gaid that the vear w~hen interest lk pald on savings accounts weekend with his paving of the high school. board might have to send ber... THE. PE~RFFCT TIME TO Mr. Wrn. Laird wasth The Board passed a recom- to Cobourg for the course. Heý guest of Mrs. Chas. Thornpson:mendation by the co-ordinat- said he understood that thei C A U r I '~t and Art'hur for dinner Sun- ing guidance cornritiee that high school board is obligated JVV UUCU1 UI * e Clay. students be subsidized for tak- ,ta pay her tuition. As Rev. R. C. White tnok ing summer courses ta make' Carroll Nichols, a member 4!,2% on SAVINGS an anniversary service on the'up subjecis they failed in their of the Port Hope cornmibtee,40tonCEUN Canton circuit on Sunday. Mr. ýGrade 12 year. questioned whether the board4% n EQIN 6%1 on 1 ta 5 year G.I.C.'s Wrn. Laird of Maple Grove: The guidance cornrittee would have to be involved in7,iedpranuio l)ya i took the service here for t.hc recornrended that the boardIoffering paid tuition ai anoih-710yedpranm n10er Bible Society and gave us an'pay one-haîf of the $60 fee'er school. ACCUMTILATING (i.LC.rn i interesting account of the for the summer courses offer-i Mr. Strike felt it wnuld be wo.rk donc bY the ScîetY. r d by the Oshawa Board of beiter to pay the tuition than. Langer CONVENIF.NT HOURS They have Bibles trantslated Educabtion. Members of theto hire another beacher. 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Mon. to Thurs. into many languages. In CaIn-Iboard bowever, feli. that this1 A request in the form of a ar.t9pm.F.9am.t5pm.St ada alone it is rc'ad in 21 should be extended ta students ý resolutian tram the town: ..t ..Fi ..t ..St lanuages besides the 14 o)ver-!aîtending other centres ta council of Port Hope Ia the(Coe Wensa) seas cauntries where we main- make up these subjects. :school board. ran into a cool r tain rnissionaries. TPhe choiri The Board agreed ta pay reception. However, a corn- saz'lesdAsuac Jss[$0twad h cs f u-!rms myhvebe rah W I C Pt is Mine' with Miss Ann Fos- Imer course taken at Peter- ed. I CU. . ter pla.yîng tîhe organ. :borough, Oshawa or Kingston.i The resolution called for the: 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Fos-:Students ta qualify for this county high school board t0: CENTRAL ONTARIO tcr were in Sirncoe Sundav, special grant would have ta 1provide a projection of educa- TRUST & SAVINGS visitinig ber uncle, Mr. H. be recommended by iheir ltion costs ta the town af PortCO PR T N Hall, who lias been ill. Mrs. principals and be barderline!Hope from 1967 bo 1976.CO P R T N M. E. Foster returned with failures.i Council requested the esti-MKigS.W o anle t'h. froni Vitt.oria. i A proposal tb introduce driv- mated figures as part of its 623-g25.W.27mavll Fonk, son ayf Mr-. and Mrs.'schonls was deferred one the town for the next 10 ycars. 19 Simicoe Si. N. Oshawa Jac Fok. adthemisor rnnth forfutie stdy by Council realized that only esti- rOINTAINHEAI) lune to get his arrn broke!n Duharn District High Schaalmates could be prnvidcd t O EVC when il. is thnughl lie moved Board. îWas explainpd in an accom- thc lever from park in bisI It was noicd ihat boou panying leiter. grandfather's car and il roil-;Courtic'e and Port Hope High' Immediate reaction to thp cd down on to the road. Hp1 -, -, is in Bowrnanville hospital, as also is bis father. Jack Fonk was oYperated on for ap- pendticitis e a r 1 y Salurdav morning. We hope lhey willI ba-th soon be feeling betterý and wish Judy thc best ofý Isuoces.s in looking aftr her, two invalids when she gets themn horme. Guests with Mîr. and Mirsj Spence Gordon on Sundiy, were Mr. and Mr.-. AIt Gmr-! don and thcir daughter, Mrs.' iFrank Farmosa, her husbandi and farnilv, of W'hiiby, andý Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bau-ý ghen of Newlonvi]le. On a cool Friday afternoon, cadets from the Ontario Training Schoal for Boys put on an excellent display for the inspection team during their l3th annual cadet inspection. They were given high praise by the visiting officers and by Supt. H. M. Hooper who explained they had been operating under diffi- cuities due to the illness of W. W. Bagneli wha eus- tornarily trains the corps. John Paterson had taken on the task, and had bis recruits in good shape. The rormopened with the march past, led by the uge ban. Photos show some of the gymnastie dis-

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