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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1966, p. 13

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-Two Courtice Guides Rei Canada's Biggest Selling Brand... At a special outdoor meeting Iast Wcdnesday, two1 her daughter Bannie Bishop, Mrs. A. Laturski and il1855. rnembers of lst Courtice Corin of Guides were her daughter Linda Laturski, District Cammissioner presented with All Round Cords. Participating in the Mrs. Evelyn Hawke.P N Y O L ceremonywere, from lef t ta right, Capt. Evelyn Bishop,_I ___1_______ Pa orrY (oOaLSna Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kossatz.fhat Mr, Robert Hallbran is and Shelley, Oshawa. stili seriously iii in East Gen- D om inion Stores Report eaMr. and Mrs.Noe. Wer-,Uerstal, heornton Maf r. and Mrs. GNoblerrMet-'era Ho si ornto. e Donal and James, Oshawa, i telit with a heart condition. Reco d Pr fit n d ales Mr. Mo:tv Emrerson, Bnw: After losing a nw:l con- manville, were Suria guest,ý,tested game by one run toi vale. itoria Day celebrations our Dominion Stores Ltd. en- very stronugl and inexorably ,anything available eisewherp.l local bail club came back ~oyed the greatest patronage Io increase al] costs of doing Quality will not be sacrificed. Mr. and Mrs. (;eo. Cilroy.,Thrda eenn to eft inits 46-year history in th-ý business. Total expentses wereiThe greatest degree ilf intel. Phiîuip, Dnug Stephen and1Milîrook vey decisive th 52 weeks ended March 19, up 1ý7.5 million of which $38 ligence wilî be exercised to' Norman. Oshawa, w'ere te,- of these games were schedul- 1966, Thomas G. M.cCormaik million was in încreased em- hold prices to the îowest po- gust with Mr. and Mrs 1ed gamnes. ipresident, reports. It, resulled plnyces' salaries andl benefits.' sible level. Management islChas. Langmaid and family. Mr. E. Bruno had the mis- In record earnings, sales and Another major factor was the ,confidient that it can merit ail Anniversary gucsts Wi' fortune to ]ose the top o f one, idîvidends to shiarehnlders. ,;pit-alliiig level of mlunicipalý ever-increasing share of the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lau grnaIýf ibis lingers while working Net earning increased .5.7 <' taxes in the 197 communitie-s ekpanding Canadian retaili were Mr. and Mrs. Le.. ol-at a potato cutting machine, to $10,655,576 ($1.32 a share) in \Vhich the Comipaniv oper-ifood market. psto'lct, al rvM. aia Mr. Alvin Olan's farm. from $10.077.827 ($1.25), saýes ates. Strong financial postin sobanL loy esn, Bo y, Fire completely destroyed a 5.3% to $513,656,740l froili Platiied c-evelopmicut Coli-' wasmaintained. Worki Bo an Kolee, Bwman-[tractor and did considerable $487.735.081 and dividcndý; tiuuing acros.s Canada. Atý ital of $26.748.595 at March 191 ville, Mr. Lawrence Squair,.damage to the trailer loaded 12.6% b $5.805,852 (72c a March 19, 64 new stores were was up $2,057,324. CurrentjSalem, and Mr. Frank Mc-. tvh bushels of eut seed pota- share) from $5.153,81 1 (64n,) in varinus stages of develop-!as;sets including $13,510,485 inLacfilen, Toronto. itoes at Alvin Olan'.a. This :for vear ended Mai-eh 20. ment or necotiation. About cash and short teri jnvest-ý Mr. E. R. Taylor atteulded.tractor was owned by Mn. 1965. Ratio of net earningl to 31 of these wili he brought ments were 2.2 times current t, By uneCneec oc os.Tegrg a alawas the samle at 2.07'%. imb service this year. In yeariliabilities. Investment in baud, aindsto Brst ue*Mot- completely destroyed, whichi Average weeklv sales increas-'1965-66, 26 large new stores' buildings and equipment was M.adMs rc ot contained Iwo tanks of fuel, ed bv $500.000 to almost $991vere niue (averae foe$38.6.Str prerisgmy were Sunday tea1 potato duster, fanning ni million. eveex' 14 days), 21 were mi ol otu $3,106.,000 were soldIguests with the Bruce Taylor twv sets of scales, Skill saw1 The year waq inet mie of ennized and 29, mostly small-' end lcased back during the1family.l and many, many other articles. easy achievemaent. Mr. Mc-,en uinits, were closedl. Number ypan. This together w!th ne-1 Mrs. Ella Taylor and Sau1-îThrough thle combined efforts Cormack states. There xvas'of torrs at March 19 was 377. investment of earnings gneat-I dra, Toronto, wene Sunday of neighbours and Pontypoolý contlnued economnie pressure Dsie2 er fcnIl contributed to providiingýguests with Mr. and Mns.ireBiae h1wrealt towrd iger oss o goriý intedsals rowh.Dominionfunds for continueldevlo-Howard Millson and family. sav, the new barn. towad hihercost cfgood tiued ale groth.deveop- We are pleased Io report nI was with regret thai e ilnTe sane spiralling eco- Stores is net complacent ilment. Reinvestid earnnngs. 1 t isDri iîoni u hadtatM.DveMMl nomnic pressures (bat iended a;bot bhile future. It wilb con-1totalled $51,331,926 and aha tane-1oi ofilo i5 uýhadtatM.DveMMl tn raise the rost of merchan- tinue to offer a package nf holders' equity $66.948.862 ai u.cbe hpoputa and is fbetloin n of Oshawa had had a dise purchased aso tendelserv ices (bat are superior to March 19. rnueh imrovd sudisabe stroke. Mn. and Mns. McMul-l walkaroud soe. en were about to celebrate Mn. and Mrs. .Alf. Allun. their 7lst Wein Anni- - ____ ~Johnl nd eny, Miss" kvr *Mr. McMuhlen is a -- ~~~~~Elliott, Bowmanville, were tea brother fMs il ihr- LU guests with Mn. and Mrs. Wes.son andM. elnRMcMuaren T he OW lU IN e w s Yelowees and famil.. iwh oare local residents. Ms Ars. James E. Richards, Editor Mrs. Walter Short Cotitandipolan 5In makigtiafaco lwere sniirvensary tea prgres n hspia1 witlh Mr. and Mrs. Harvev, Mr d Mrs. Perey MorganMrs. Ralphi Sanderson, Mrs.1 Mrs. Keith Tregunna, are1 Yeîbowîees. A . rf.d Rosetth 1i- Banbury, Mr. snd Mrsamong the patients f-mReetviios ihMn. andVVe[ 3,200I ldey weekend visitingýRussell Rule of Woodstock'Orono in the Memorial Hospi-ý Mrs. Gea. Knox were Miss~ In Smith Falls and Perth. !wene amng the out of town ,taI, Bowmanville. Helen Dechent, Mrs DechentEeti Mr. and Mrs. Lonne Bowins guestsof Mr. and Mn Lamore Mr. and Mrs. James PwrM r. Doug Dechert and friend,î eti e tn weednnen guesta of Mr. adBWiifenteGadainand sons Craig and Mark cf 1ac Toronto. Mrs. J. Lloyd Beatty and Ex~erise cf thein daughter 1Bowman ville, were Surday Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cry-'L fS IIfI famlyOshwaon Sunday. 'Miss Sandra Bowins from S.spe guesta of Mr. and Mns.ý deL'man, Jim and Ralph, Masuta t Mn.sudMn. Aex atoJseph's School cf Nursing in Gordon PoenpeGrvwerennvessry The province of Ontario now and her cousin, Mrs. Jean Bsrr, Peterborough on June lst, Mr. William John Malley, guests of the Ross Cryder- has more (han 3,200 qualified of Kingston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson cf age 82. husband of the latel mens. :electrie beating consultants. Mrs. Archie Watson, Bett «y BOvmaulville, with Mn. and Mrs. Hattie (Harris) Malbey, Mn. and Mrs. JIohnu Leýger,!Some 900 cf these consultants Ann and Lsnry at Waterdown Mrs. Reg Sutton attendedpsssed away at the Oshawa Wayne sud Susan, Oshawa, are located in Metro Toronto last weekend. Nestieton Unitcd Church An- General Hospital on Tuesday,! Mns. Effie Babson were leaiand other sectors of Ontario Congratulations (o 1uiversany oun Sundcay monningMay 24th. Funeral waa from, guestq with Mir. and Mrs.iHydre's Central Region. Ivrs. Chantes E. Taylor wvho and aften wene dinnen guests the Barlow Funeral Home on' Everett Cryderman. The iatest graduates cf the- wibl ceebrate thein Golden of Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Bowers. Friday, Interment Orono Cern- Mr. and Mrs. Foster sl1ow- _compiicated, technical eiec- Wedding Annivensary on Sun- Mnr. and Mrs. Wibfned San- etery.1 den, Bnooklin, Mn. Isaac Har-ýtric hleating course, included day June 5th, wiil be "ýAt derson of Columbus visited Mn. Mr. aud Mrs. A., Forster cf, dy aud Stanley were SundaS' 165 pensons of various bac'- Home"' in the I.00OF. Hall, aud Mrs. Wm. Robinson. Vancouver, B.C., visited heri tes guests with Mn. sud Mrs.,.grourids. Among them wene Orono. Miss Hcather Rutherford, mothen, Mrs. Ross Giibart and Joe Snewden sud Br'uce. elecerical contractera, tech- Mns. Marshall Chatterton RN. of Cornwall, is spendicg brother John reeently. Mr. and Mr-. Morley G il-icîcisus, consuting engineersý spent several days visiting Dr. hir Vacation with ber parents,ý Mrs. Carl Bilicgs, Mrs.' ty uied ee e ustsSu anachitecta. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Bonulie Mn. mard Mrs. S. B. Ruthenford Orville Chailice and Mrs. wi il Mr. aud Mrs. Murray' The course was presented and Nancy at Brampton. of Kinby. Everett Ceuvier attended the' Vice and family. lby Ontario Hydro Central Mn. and Mrs. F. 0. Cooper, -Mns. Joe Zych, Bobbie sud inaugural mneeting of the uew. Mn. Norman Wîllsou. Fd- Region staff members, who speut the weekend with Mn. Kathv of Woodstock, retuirued Herticultural Society of Bow-' mouton, Mn. sud Mrs. Bert'gave a series ef lectures at 0. M J. Fagail. Michael aud home ou Suunday after spctfd- manville bast Wedcesday. Wilbsou, Toonto, Mrs. H. Hydro,'s Central Region head- Karen at Markbam sud visit- iuiiptwovo eeks with ber par- M.adMs an -oe Couch, Miss Eileen Couch,lquantens, Willowdale, in the lie thirdauhte Ms. l nts Mr ad Ms.Her ofToont sentthewekeni Bowînanville, Mr, and Mrs.evenings. Course membens id theiSrbugh M r.Hebouonnospn h weedJames Smaies aud rnllttn ibgte ectures were in heScnbnogh enra Brgss. ýwith Mn. and Mns. Horace:Oh ,wreSua .ljfrom Scarboro, North York, lospitab. Mrs. Jack BairstOw%, Mns. H. Beqt aud Roc. Ohwwr uia alrl YrEoioe ih Mrs. J. Agunir. Mis. Ed E. Logan, Mis. Viola Smnith, Mr..JmMîdeoaa nud Mrs. Tom Bake's!Ess orEobck, ih Miller cf Hamilton. Mn. sud Mrs. Luther Barrabali sud visited 1Mn. aud Mns. Stewart! an d faili Suuday tes gîîess mu iiBwsvi.Aa M ,J. Agnen cf Durtrvilbe, Ricky, youulg son cf Mr. and Tweedie at Locust Hill and' with the Tom Bakers wene sud. Tororito. The graduates Ivlr. tgeter isîtd1MsMr.di ansd l'ls. Walter Onmkz- ireceived certificates f r o ni E ! S A v i Hamhe in atetcuffv li nen- cSharnu, Jill sud Jack !Adam S. Smith, Ontario Hamlin ai Staws, MissonHelentoBk, rCeîntral Region Manager and s A Chai-À V E dvnOnwat Mss. - BkeHarny Hyde. General Manager SMn. sud Mns. Warren cf TonontorHydoo lireosud family of Millbrook M.Wso oel is Tegautu bs a ONvisited Mn. and Mrs. OrvilleiMabel Powell, Oshawa, Miss' ohd (bardntial e]ectnics ONChabice and famiby on Sun-I Vers Gibbons, Mrs. Ruth Ta%- odtareinileeci, day atencou; Io, Mis Dortuhy burîet, aticg is gnowing at a ne- day aterrion.']or, iss Droth Plu.iketti mnkable paceIn15 hr Mn. Sid Hughes was moved. Toronto, were receut visitons wma e. Tu 1958 lleletre EJ t o s rew romr since his bouie, ihMs .Wt n homes in Ontario. By the1 ungeny - No. 519, 5B, East,' Francis. encd of April 1966 thene were Sunncybrook HsiaTenonte. Congratulations (o Mr. and ueanly 28.000 elecetrialby lieat- cports say h doing fine Mrs. Chas. Smith of Oshawacdd figsiteprvn. B E A U T I T O N scni~Rptos alo IiS enuunty tte ed f otl Rgsin dhelprinceha sud able to be up daiby. wvho ecebrated their 40th Mr hn690 fteeal -. .~~~~- Please telephone Orono 127 wedn niesr ectyelee(nie homes are located in TOP QUALITY ne your recewals or cew sub- A înumber of relativ'es frorn Central Rein h umber ti esitems. icelebration hcld at the hoGme more (han doubled in the past ofMr._nd__________t Hoar, two years. Mr. sud Mns. Evenett Spires Hanny Hyde, Genenal Mac- H OUf lO _A1 ager cf Toronto Hydro-Electric S OLNA wre Snda caler5 flhSystem, addressed the gradu- - *Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hutch-lElmen Crouse, Oshawa, students. He stressed the! EU Mil Ue n sd boys. Oshawa, Mrs. Mr. sud Mrs. Hilton Tink, icomfont alis l afe eean ai- r _____ ~Howard Brown, Kedron, M.' Mrs. WI. Bickle, Ebeer.ivantages of electric heatiug' P A -T and Mna. Clarence Vice were' ev.sud Mrs. F. Reed eesda(he weresmecf Sunday tes guest with Mr. Sunda\ tes guests with Mn.ithe ebief factors in the public sud Mrs. Francis Johnstou and Mns. Harry Knox aud dernand for this modernmimlh a nd David. tamil y. 1cd cf heatin. GA.Recent visitors witb Mn.' Miss Joan Davidsoi. Osh-' C. E, Crease, Ontario Hydro's QUART $ 3GA.$7 *97 sud Mrs. Frank Gilbert were sws, Mn. Donald KCltt,lCensumner Service sud Sales ,Rey, sud Mrs. F. J. Reed,î Bowmauvibie, were SundayviPngrin p oniuted eunt thati Keep thirýgg maror COLD j/Onget- i7 STAINPROOF! Ail merchandise lu guaranteed te give 100% satisfaction. Values Effective Until Closing, Saturday, June 4, 1966 in Bownianville WB RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUAMnTES. Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'fil 9 p.m. KING ST. AND SIMPSON AVENUE (Highway No. 2, Iost) ceive Ail Round Cords kYrn Saas! Mm tm have Rev. and Mrs. F. Reed rail on her Sunday while visiting somne of tihe older rnembers of the cotnmunity. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott and Sanidra. Mr~. Jimi Booth, Peterborough, were Sundsy tea guests witti Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday and faniily., Suraday tea gueste with Mr.1 and Mr s. Bruce Tink were Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brook- lin, and Miss Tina Siertuis, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Mrs. A. Tink and Mrs. W. A. Ormniston ettended theBca laureate C'hurch service at Simncoe St. Church, Oshawa, on Sunday evening for the 1966 Graduating Ciaesaof the Oshawa General Hospital of which their daugtiter Diane is a member. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson and Uornthy, Beavertori, Mns. Greta McCormack, Columbus, fMr. and Mrs. Howard Slute and family, Raglan, were Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice and Mr. Everett Vice. Mr. Donald Taylor found a rare coin in the Eldad ceme- tery recently while doing some caretaking. It was an 1852 half penny with French writing on one side and Eng- lish writing on the other. This coin is dated three years earlier than oua- present 1 h vnwhioh was built in 10" Stainless Steel Ideal for Cook-Outs, Camping Etc. Frying Pan 79c Decoraid Glaua With LiII Cookie Jar 88c Bot and Cold Tartan Patterned Meai Covering Thermo Jugs 1.49

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