14 ft. caIsI atem mm4l ai'!l t 1, 190 Births Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Help Wanted Cars for Sale Tenders Wanted Real Estate for Sale Real Estarte frSl elEtt o i '19OUSA-Dell and Betty MOWER and horse rigg.Te- 300 BAýLES cat straw. PoeCABRAD ..-3 96CE. y. power T .Plr ~r <fiee Dawson) are happy ta phone 987-4952. 22-1 263-2306. 22-1 Phone 623-7072. 22-tf steering, -radio, low mileage. ne1 MONEY T LOANr.LUW, ý=nounce the birth of a POTBEdswse,~g N akbown nylon rug, HAIRDRESSER, female, ex- Phone 728-6811. - 22-1 BOWMANVILLE Finit and Second Mortgageu RVLE ELO' Zaughtr Dbriah Ka 2 i,10Os. Phne 623-3180. 22-11 6 x 9 ft., near new; price $40). perienced, full Urne. Greg's '59 CHEV. Impala, 4-door hard- Loan Funds Avallable GRAENRLVISRAC 2~ ~ ~ ~~~LY ozs..Frida, May20 atOshd Phone Bethany 61 R 1-2. Hairstyling, 65 King West, top, automatic, six cylinder. *Tm Consult RA SAE 5 iiS.W omnil wGeneral Hospital. A sister LLOYDobaby2carnage,22ood 22-1 623-2932. 22-1 Phone Orono 372. __ 22-1 REALA EStc63-45 lor Donny. Many thanks ta shape. hn 2328.2-1___rooring A.L. 'OEY28Divisio ,Dr. Rudnick and Dr. Ander- WATER for sale and deivered,. 12-P'OOT plywood boat and HOME typing work available '59 METEOR sedan, gond tires éoni. 22-1 Cail Cif Pethick 263-2131 trailer, will trade for 12 fi.'n Bowmanville and area. Full and moter, $150. Phone New- Contractors Real Estate and II1suranceWhvetebssecto _______ 32-tf~almiumbot.16Lab time-part tirne For details tonville 786-2225. 22-1 '31iet t . omnll B ~ ~ L fnwhmsi en ____ auinrnbot 1 Lms -- OY13RANNGSO LibnevariSu. locations at besM aeo«LTP Lane, 623-5968. 22-1 write Torham Co., Postal Sta- -~5 PONTIAC 4-door sedan,BOSTRINGCHL Ç#OP7, Trinity U.C.W., SEBAGO potitoes and mlxed t.6 e ____________~Ôh rce n xetwrmn 'Wish te announce the arrivai baied hay. Telephone 263-2675. DRIED shelled corn, i e on 'D", -Hamilton, Ont. 221* 6 cyl. automatie, private; will SEALED TENDERS will be 623-7264 12-tfship of their "Blossom Coffee ___ 22-1 ton F.O.B. Browview. Phone BANK of Montreai requires accept trade. Phone 623-5269. received until 3:00 p.m. (E.D. ______-__-- NerORN,33ar fr e ie aeseea coc ..at"on Thursday,.June 16,WARfosaendlvrd Newcastle 987-4474 ta arrange young men interested in bank-_____ 22-1 T.) on p wth ½ sORey oomhm.rsl fromn 10 te 12 noon, at the 24 heufr svie. adliv23575. pickup or delivery. 22-2 ing career, Grade 12 required. 'ss -FARGO sae rc - j Thursday, June 23rd. 1966 George JJiyleven Ou fu trnaeyildwel nprpris home o Mrs.Alan tnike - Aply inperso or Phne, M. cîas conition 3 oa nainbar- or theSuppdiatdoppliction EALTO 30'ar-5'forlyt$6.000- If euanr iAppelmcretifo 8 Beech Ave. See Coming 29-tf USED EQU.rILiLEJ.IBenny, Accountant, 623-3368. rels. Phone 987-4676, New- of Vinyl Asbestes Tule in the Terms 0'x . ahme les cî u ora Ivnsfor therdeQls AT ta and feed grain. 22-1 castle. 22-i Boys' Training School, Bow- Phone 623-5300 BOMANIL,5nomapmmett xw urr 22-2 Edwin Staub, R.R. 3, New- TaLAR ïÀGE -ho-use in or around ilHEVleonexclletio. henyouareconidein E ve ts or eta ls.stle a w2 -___'9 ____ _1/2 ton, - - l n i a niv il e n a i .B ow m anville: N ew large new , brick bu n a owi. se î g y ur p pe y ca l u _______ castie. 21-3' Itetinal B275D vicinity cf Bowmanviile, by tires and mater, body fair, INote: As of januiry lst, 196 ranch style bungalow, over carport in northen.Qa-or cuatpmtad -1M1 ToMn.-TdorsMr..ITERAdINALFarmlR. IiNTEiRNninTIhOdNALtrnsmisioagee.AelehoneailFedralannProvncil i800sq.ft.tivignsmcisdoulenty uiler.Pnicd $7,30. eureousserice A mal ~avi Hue (ary Dewdney) tracter and plough. Telephone Itrnational B414D ranging in age frem 17 years 7862452î ae axendlIbepoinciarge,80 qef.livtin ceinublefire- bOWMANV Pi,nebikfidlofceistlhad at Ottawa Civic Hospital, May 623-5423. - 22-1 in st 18 months; have references- -- contractors and included ln place, dining-room with slid- bungalow with cmie i-ba ewr npoete daughtr. -- EVINUDE ot2-ar PlowNif ncded.Phone623-756. 163 COVAIR 00 4-oor, heir tnders iPhooors6nd3-ay5othr ingand dning coms030bcd thatwe lit - nttfilethem Sa22-1mtr,2- automatic, aIl options; A-I con- n oradmnyth igndiigi 10 hp.,196 mo-l.T-lp -e Iteratinal__f--o dition. Must sel]. Telephone Tender documents may be extras. This home built in a rooms, full baseen datCalody ]KIRKTO-Mike ad Mary 23-2332 22-1* Pt. Hieh MENor wo22.1* obtaiinde63-fro6.2Room 6630,edDe-m scenic30,Deietcareaquis afor thfor tachedch garage.e KI Kou N -Mithe a nd Miv l trar6 3 t.na lteh 50 g s o od cuto m ers wl$600 4 F R o et n ih ex e-W hitney BlIo ck, Parliament ing. Asking price $30,900. DOW NTOW N, attracti e A ( d- - - ~ q 4 (ne Mndy)ar peaedte LI-hoeaimen otMakier nentinl3fro onhwtemk 60lent 7.00x20 tires, 10 ft. plat- Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario.Trs TesonSchtnedwAril ls.n2M-2c84lin-1Fast Ilich mothly.Join the largest ail-Trns.storey and haîfhoewt3 a z. n Saturday, May 28,_______a______ -ny form with hoist. Phone New- edr ilntb osd ecsl:Fu bedrobdroms and deni.KWIJ. - 6356 a9sonAScottlEdwatefrd,7 lbs 284.22-bin David Brown 3-furrow Canadian direct selling enter- tonville 786-2225. 22-11 edr ilntb osd ecsl:Fu ero 1966. A Iitle brothr for 7' 12' PLYWOD cabîn3 Pt. Ilitch w/Gauge Wheel prise. Write Familex, 1600 ________-ered unless made on forms frame home, largekthn BUILDINGLOSwehvI__ Ewêrt and the nurses an Ma- Phone Newcastle 987-4429. Coekshutt 3-furrow trail Delorimier, Montreal. 22-4E T supplied by the Department. new cil furnace and in good several in Newcseape.THûy toe. pcarhnsteDtalricence plate 882-10FLLERT. ___ - TT six USED TRUCKS fE The lowest or any tender net1 repair. Priced at $11,.900 Grove and Oshawa tennity loor. 221* 22-1 * * FladeR Brsh-e or nt i 6 hv on i.194ýnecessarily accepted. which includes an extra 60' x CENTRAL, comate3bd SUPYJm n hrelnt$2r10,Dunip taberry Cutvlaies. C-20hoeur wn 96he.3jtnLc.a96B J. D. MILLAR. 120 ft. building lot. Give us roem bungalow na col R'LETT N aI~rehppy-Jtaand Sc h rle lns 2pr 0,dgt r-International 17-tooth Trailiearn $30-$40 a week, car need- 1958 International 1/2ton wlthanofradshpig -birth of a daughter Lisa Ann, .RMnig edl21 -tf on steel cd; for Bowmanville and sr platform. Ser. 105,C Deputy Minister. 2-2 roo w eated5: 2B-steyn oeWara ero onanil LbryN -R lbs. 9 azs., Saturday, May 28 -- rounding areas. Caîl office for 1960 Chev. 34 ton, Lic. 4161 r' h wlre pemaen -tshedbNgWAloSwTh ooEbrnn 196, MmeialHositl, ow KEYS cut automatic-ally, while .* information between 2-4 p.m., 1954 Fargo % ton, Lie. 17105B VWork Vlanrtea celtd6fe oe at Memoriai Hospital, Bow- You wait, at McMullen Hard- DiJsc riarrows 723-0317. 19-4! 1954 Dodge 1-ton wlth stake on__4_acre__lot. Asking price fireplace and e66 AELC RA 3Bd inianville, a sister for Jimmy ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- Ferguson 6' Double Dise, Trail RA STT ALSA odLc.236OVING? Cleaning up? Wili $13.000 with $2,000 down. lîne. Asking $950 Tens and Derrick. 22i ile 2tf RE* * A eSTan EpSe Ang b16ordyEcLine36 take away discardable and ap- Orono: 8 rooni frame house, BOWMANVILLE lchtrosnybah 565 HAND-MADE bushel box- We have aer. E105H1for4a pliances free. Phone 623-7276. new cil furnace, double gar- New Bungalow nmpi j etn î.o.Trs PORTER-Allan and Lenore es, standard size for storage. ae elett aerawtor SrElS13416fag.Icnehm.AkgLvl tahd _neFarley) announce the Quantity lumber ' x 2½Ç"x7'. Rke raltt esaiesn, MstbelI957 International 4-ton Dump NRHmrcaepet1-t-ge narehme-sk--evl atccdgrge-d rc-bnalw leti -it ofasn onFrey 6-24 21International 15 -5 Bar industrious, honest and re- Ser. 5512C mNTH mwo eprt.Pn c72-0729 On$12four miles$20fr o Osha ano$1.50. eaug.31,50- erv itheasoJhFaey26-242-i 2-wheel, on rubber lhable with late model auto-116Fod3tnDm, retwr.Poe7302 lyfumisfo Oh-ad$85. Hopay l6, at Toono -eser F IIDAITRE family size ne- International 3-bar on steel mobile. F er confidential ti-i 1960 For7d 3-to1um ,fo stm tbund p rtcnas a o,lrbedr o o y eas odiCarman Barreit - 9 74 3 L CK T C Ifospita. 22-1wfrigerator, ideai for cottage, * * *tervicw. contact Mr. Gravelle, 11963 International 3-t oOR fate, aiabwrkngpic -3,00--rs-Gie ar-eah -- 62-20--armet-L rg--p-nd Deats ged coditin. Tlephne Blers623-3341. Ra sae and chassis. Ser. 26098 hveussarentos sws s n er22-i0$12.000. Only $2.000 deanh Dets623-5141. 22-1 BlesP. E. Gravelle 22Re96alneratona 3ta wthaeu sha an tmoes .. RNO-.,,trm ALLIN, Arthur-At Memoniai OUTBOARD motor, i19 6 K International No. 45 P.T.O. 22__-1 195-Iteanional, 8cr. 54545 Cerwe. 102 Elgin S . us-nore omnvle e TFoia, Maywmanvil9, A onhJonso wrn, 40$h.p. Pcrihotne * *APPLICATIONS will be r- 958 International with hydro manville. 22-2* acre lots close te new County U '. o~.A da aiyhue 'Arin of Mamp2ton h, 6,Atur2un6e81a.rant-1 $95.bPhoneceived by the undcrsigned lne body and winch, Ser. 590C --- Road. Good investmcnt at vW. Franks ei 1Li $310.Tr len cfhampoftninbisa-te 728-6811IS22-1 Combines until 1 p.m., Wednesday, June A A $450 per acre. 22-11LMTDOOO-Buliglt et .Alein, huancfthe latr. e OraDScltt er, sed drill, International No. 93 - 10 fi.SP. 8, 1966, for~ the position etiICPW7K rl-$15 Aln fterc rs enehwagon trailer, barrel sprayer. \cafeteria.assistant..for n 1,I21King St. W., omnil ANO OD-3Bd ,almer (Manioie), Mrs. Ken- Mns. L. M. Alldread, 71 High * *cfetera ssistlat fortinew r±PEN O.Pumbinfg &'.x John F.DeWilh62- tieth Hooper (Florence), Bow- St., Bowmanville. 22-i Swathers Dte ecmec etm 35 Nelson Si. Bowmanville ELO rnanville; Percy o Na te. Dutoiesin frntreMate comm10 f. .Pe nc196.P eSe pter n-Phone 623-5689 MC. isnxcta .tse tNortbcutt adSmith o pline, alElewriting, stating qualifications. 134 King St. E. Bowmanviile ---- -- --- WIanvTARK-14VFLLkES.AREA Est ..Puneral Home. The funeralHorapo:ianess2c-294i Elmer, *d * * a M A.22-1I I PRETPhone 623-3950 service was held at 3:30 'clock amto:buins 23-24 CMcendtdmnrtatrln ,ýn Menday atternoon. Inter- residence 263-2695. 6-tf Frg avsesMced diita dPUBN ETN 0 ce ih9ro rc o Phonon23-354 home, barn and approximateîy frpae îhdrceto e .Cvry-2323 netHampton West Ceme- COCKSHUTT side rake, tand- Case w/Corn Head and Coutay-TDis r ric i h arSc340ooln lery. 22-1 em dise, subsoiler, Ferguson Pick-up CBearyDi8trc Sthocw-n 2 600Crsms re.Pi-rom 1,0 rigid cutivater for corn scuff- International w/Corn Head manville. 22-1 0 o 59e6si iht-Fu ero rc u-EneBaly -6336 CARPENTER-At Memorial ling. Phone 2638830. 22-1* and Cutter Bar ceived CORtN 7unOnsiared un-,TANi-tf st 1 re and 5 nodnga- aut 9IOWn ron;tnia11et1Jc 2- Hospital, Bowmanvilie, on Fni- RESTAURANT boeth sections, * * *APPLICATIONS will be re- FUNKS G HYBRID 1low Locamatd 5northet Bew- . o od ortendlcain day, May 27th, 1966, Greta leather vinyl upholstred, ideai M ow rs 8 1966 fthe poesin cf When i estndPU M PIN wife ofth lateHer Car- Flying DutcbmanMae Hotel.8196fothpsionf e ITs' 16 Acres with 8 roomed REALTORl $1 cf LI1dar oterofHrold D2Moto Massey-Harrls No. 6 6 fi. head caretaker for new sec- HARDOME U PN home, barn. Large pond and Liberty Street-2brom9Kngt.E Boavil --imd Grace Carpenter. Service _____ Semi-mounted ondary schcol at Ceurtice.. Ap- 1WRITE WASHINGSTBE stream. Located north cf 623-2503n 1 was held in the Morris Fun- TISED washer parts, 1/4 b.P. New Holland No. 120 7 fi. plicants should be experienc- SOY BEANS BR OvPISBwavle rcdt d.na ofcus;fu ic eral Chapel, Bowmanvilie, on metors. Complete lune cf Senii-mounted lcd in the care and upkecp of BR O PI BVirAUABLE P PriEdtY bllnahgolf cuinc.$1,0 RN.Eetial et Monday at 3:30. p.m. Inter- Beatty, Thon and Crosley ap- CaV LU Smî-ouncPbuidins. utisEa crn-I CRachbrckbore wtb arprt ment Bowmanville'Çemnetery. pliances. P a dd y's Market, C lueGoofi., rkîn oun- meulne.Juti easapplm-y'ESMORE Phono Nlewtonville 786-25512 NEAR OSHAWA. 194 Acre $2.500 down. Haptn,26-241 1-t n Cn-inwrtigsttig uaifca _--.,(-al Colleet _ 41-tf Dairy Farm with excellent Queen Street tryBiti vnadrne 22-1Hamten,2632241d12tf on.rs tbc g . ins, writin sand g ualifia- _ -Oshawa mulk contract. Future brick semni-detce ho,$780lss50WitrBn, INSULATION, blowing meth- Any reasonable offer acceptedtinxpiecanaetFri.'r.DfI.It sbiiinoglfoue.ewO YPRSTAtatvesre ..'LLIS-At Memoriai Hoapital, cd, with rock woel. Work- M. A. MacLeod, Administrater BOWMANVILLE FAN .BIPnsbiisianoterm lfacoan se. norae. 1,00-$,0don ndhi bre ihahcn SBowmanvîlle, on Sunday, May manship guaranteed. F r e eand Secretary-Treastirer, Dur- IomavPlriwace recin 0aCdtrisPARCanE with ewcsle-Stn $d12,000ece.Cls t cho 29th, 1966, Albert Leray« Ellis, estimates, HryL.Wd.COVAN ha County District' High 623-7150Necsl Tecin ) CEPRCLwthNwasl ,aged 75 years, husband of the Phone Newtonville 786-2256. l 'Shcol Board, 181 Churcb St., 6375 987-4711 SEPTIC TANK stream and beaver dam. Ex. bungalow on lt6'x34,$200 1,late Ena Ross, dear father of 38-tf .IEqupment Bowmanville. 22-i11 -_21_2_INSTALLATION erms. pondsite. Askîng $5.000. nWousir VLA Aknaencoe niaceu Eh~a (Mrs. Claude Bissonette), TYPEWRITERS, addems, cash C.flTermsamtn 6.27 0 CEPACL h$1.0 -$,70dwn idn.Aisoueincstl'C BÔwmanville; Helen (Mrs. registers. desks, chairs, filing PhonoAt623-5689mponm 263»Mre ~I___24-tf tou tAsRE alce orth cfTantnoa1120crs-e ap$2ace7$2.00 tFloyoyd Bissonette), rel; cabnets.Ternis-t____. 1-Pone 62.5landowmwithle10eyeartf aidt frame CENTRALd orSCHfOTLuARnERa 'Crisi (rs Jme Bye abietTens, serde. Niint.EBw vilB--~ J1'../VJLJ~.ljm owmanville. Only $1.000 buangalw. 100-Tens O1er3edcmbikhe , Germany, and Lerey, OttawatI,.evce i 34.llauatrig'-'~on Service ws Od nte MarHamilton, Raglan (North etlorne PerauutgaOroo.27$1U wi ueas Chaeid iBtheMer- Oshawa). 15-tf 22-1 Firmn Requires Pride Hybrid F AR M IN G ._10 ACRE PARCEL north *Building lot na etn n6'x16 o.Nc ei vill, nFunelCape, wa n- _2_________________ Ietast et Oshawa. Al wooded. ville, 66' x 330.$5 uldnillcto,$250 vile n uedy t 'coc. TV TOWERS FoS RD CIN1eed Corn AT REASONABLE RATES Asking only $2,900. pnice.BREON30Arswt Intenment Bowmanville Cerne- For ent R DUTO ORDER NOW whilo supply of1 Phone 723-1308 CHRISTMAS TREE FARM, Building Iotsa rnbueadbrsm uh ter. 2-1 50 TWO bedreeni apartment av- SUPERVISOR most popular vaileties lasts for BALING - PLOWING 100 acres with 60,000 tmees $1.250 full pnice$960 £XM aial .yls.Tlpoe SPRAYING, ETC. partly ready for cutting. Only 165 Acres, fîv ilssa-LKM NTSOhw. IBALL, Eva Winnif mcd OSH62A3il5be6J.y 2s2-el he ma ereloi frAS ,%%AtTMemoiTV Hospial623-5246.SU2-i The anwe rlookigcfr ASO5-tf $4,000 down. wa. FrontageonSicet.Frttebk pt.4cd :AtL AtWm&aiHsial o-TV r.~.JaL. llb CHIPMAN - 70 Acres with small bomne gond strearn,2busslneomsExr2-cewa- a-nville, on Friday May 27th, ntnR.E*shw FURNISHED apantment, four APAACT~y~Tr~rrr WinnifredGlý rsad bata Es tBisnRa bl uy1 hcnera;623-91. AET ADWLIGJACKURGESS L~D and 5 roomed unfinished new painted barns. Ecleti-ro nbsret elkp 3, ewatlinmer, rooabl and bat hcetai2aa3-351 NAERATND I IG> Insecticides OLBRES UNCSbungalow. ,Excellent streani. vestmnent atiny$500 oec1.50-Trs Necatei br76h Dial 723-8131 O221 O LEARN. ANAC Skig$000 ersTernis OOO ey esoe ar, beloved wife et Milton Day or night - Bill Leaak, Prop. --1 i--iRN CLEANED sig$00.Tem. mball, dear mother et Mrs. 0t ENNISKILLEN - 2-Bedroom REVOS UEVIINHerbicides PIMN EAR PORT PERRY, 10ar 160 Armes nerCutc,2adafhoeascfntd 10-tf farahamt goenabrickorrne. sterey 7rSUPERhomeNlageI)burch.EDiing-r100nacAi d Jreu Gra ewam tleGere E -Ëi - apartments, renting soon; eld- XEINEWL EPOEHMTN fr ihgn rc oe try7ro d Jon c Necasledea B E cny pepop prle red.Phee EPERINCEWPLhBEAerzin PHNE AMPON Godsiz ban. skiba$8.00. brestram,$ooggvelde-conenrnc,, hc au t i u1 uglitcr cf Mrs. W. Smith foryu reelee 723-5809. 22-1* AN ASSET. Terns. posits. Ownershathfcegousangrds.$40. oc) f r wmknille; sfise- Go te fwt xeiCTAEfor rent, Lake! Apply In own handwritlng te Atraoil Mail Addmess: 5 omvle. ericke- 10 Actreis at Gre iIwt omsme otg n10 rile et FraantGîl orthNe- fat removed before you buy. Muskoka, suitable for twe B omvilewroprick itbcmsau%.bcnk unihdn3bd nyîl.Rete t heNnt-HINDS 65oc - FRONTS 49e families; sate, sandy beach. Avrie 2 EAD BO NP.O. Box 543 Bowmanville ,1 crsa tt and Smith Funeral Home. SIDES 55e lb. Phone 623-2445. 22-tf - etsr 2 EAL R W galow with carpent. Good Ile- 4-room framne bue ns-20 o.Sf o hlrn o'clock Monday atternoon. No extra charge mW ent oo upstars apart P.O. Box 190, BowmianvillloPoo ecste97-4474 1 JZbest cf mateniai. Asking barn, pcacb andpu re.EEAINwt 'e terment Lakeview Cemetery, Don't waste your money en en in Newcastle, private 22-1IPonNwcatl_9 22-2, Backhoe Service 1$17,300. Terns armanged. $7,000 - $3,000dwnetLkOtaoadth hp ewtnvlle 2-1fat - Buy good prime steer beef bt n nrne ls t -_____ - -TRENCHES -DRAINSi New brick bungalow with BUY NOW ADSV iglnsta hstse _______ scboel. Phone 987-4621. u Vne ONAIN N attached garage. Al mdm $0 itrWrs ou ul îihd modembic SMALE-At MemoialF Hes- BOWMANVILLE ___-_____.22-1 *.Lelp W nSEPOUDTI T ANS convenjences and very well $50 Ber lcrclyha-hm ttews n tN Sîtal, Bcwmanville, on Fnîday, 'DT'!r TPF MODERN 3-meoni apartmen'c ________ MALE .S Phe TN Sbuiît. Gond location. Asking c drkbaowsbigbmî ate 1 iue t saa ~ay 27th, 1966, Wilfr'id O...LJ.LJ.. .I.J-' for ent, beated, private en- Ph~~" -o A'oe7$18.300. Temms arranged. e rkby Js.O'aeCnsrcin$90 à . . Hmptnagda6nSSTM raneat1010i5 t.E.ng-TH STt.O RAN.N Ir.>n.'BîcKtoc . UBli 8Rome hoe it 4b9d86-us4tTe3ae1ubdviic $150.DWNis iltht' owmanville evenTHE (MNs.RAIN ERAINTA CVTNG bungaowmdh with inîs edce- ith momt Tram osc xrs mvaleHmpt obentAbt) ZIaatmn unse ru- 5Ro6d lotnw rc 10Ar eto ob am cravle oelt fumnishe, beautiul«surrond- Ras-a1anliesIn thrnfllcwlng ositions WVTne oBy-SUBVIAY TRAILER SïIX -urebmo-ed-'onshir pigs, maintenance and repairs ot several school buildings, and Lecoratînng um513,250.n Tens. As 000 T senis.at8Prm lotd oBu 0weeks eld. Phone 23217denmitonies, shops etc. IEETMAE n 1,20 em.$3,022-1erm --nga---o - PARK AND SALESbewe nd9p 2-1 Must have Deparîment of Labeur jeu neyman's papers,. ' E.ETMAE 8 Rcomed homo on main 50 Acres withsma nl -- dre sses, i odc on- ewe n .n 21 se veral ycars expenience, and ability to work under. Phono sîreet. Vory dcean and In ex- tien. Phone 623-5616._22-il 1010 DUNDAS ST. E. d v minimum supervision. GEORGE VANDEMEENT collent stateocf repaîr. Ask- ponds nean Tyrn.$.0: m adMs ANTED ta buy, ginl's 26 or WHITBY _______and__Board__ salary - Range $4,800.00 - $5,000.00. 6337 ing only $12,900. Terms an- $3oune0t00egagmen c inchbike Phoe 2-433 Parts and Acemorles ROOM and board available for rne.Ct ______19-4e two, gentlemen prefenred t Raie - Te provide gnrlCARETAKER n antra service MEL ROZEMA COURTICE AREA, bricklAtr2p. r olrodfahrPhone 623-2665. 22-1' amiisraio ndclssoanbdingso.ialheme on bighway an almosî AirSpm:WyeViIrPreusnc CIESpou lat, aid 1,eather SPRING 19 RERE!h--Should have several years expenienco in canetakîng 1623-29veniceslo. AVemoduxenson tareeug Go 21 lc n audy uy2d ny. Phono 7 r 13 collect. Time to Buv Pets or genemal handyman work, goed bealth, chauffeur's 1 sdveIee. Vr niu oDu o 28-tf --__________free t -- permit and prepared te work atternnn and eveningi POSÉIG slAnyK% RY baicci oat or-wbeatstrwLAWTN MOWERS!homes. Pup f egode23262 21shift. UPLisOPhtTEMRL.8. Aa Kos *-7309 16,a 'cok nnt ese r 7,c/o ad rThe AdeN alr $,8.0 336.0 Save Dollars! Have your choit- WKeiPht .L 5 a n oki--7358 ntdCucBwavld rt ico paid.c riTe And- ND'hme.Fuoel63262.221taario Cvi$2erv880,00 - 53,360n.00.psitinsterfield and chairs re-uphoist- and Exclusive PKtn Ho kn*-6355 m ndMs oetI i tpesman, P-..Box 190, ROTO-TILLERS i Business GeFullOts CvlSrvceeeisapy nalpstos red. Froc estimates, samples After Houri Cali:Pa e---6207Bwaviennucth wxanlle ----22-1 UGE LApGnrosension, sick louve, me~ical and insurance plans talken te homo. R oy Foer rn 2 naeete hi agter arffe BDGTPLN- orunt in ettect. Regular menit increases. Bde em ratd Dnl onjy-O-64Hwr ad I eur os *uSrieWa eSl"PART or ful l ime. Manu- Apply in porson Monday tb Friday -9:00 arn. te 1 1:00 a.ni. BugeuTrns rrngA Do aMontio 823-3115Ho r&dr-DxeAn eM.Jh a I Requre Lot ~We ervie.What W Sou"and 1:00 p.m. te 4:00 p.m. VHYTE BROS, Guy Loflhane - ne 623-3715 e Datroîu 6535 tvn o tM.adM ay Ie, prevldina Uey acuner equires dealer in lAe UerNI- Oon 169AeorD ePori ilamSee t i1wa Bowmanville area for exclus- or write for application terni te UNTR Phylliu Mclobbie 8 23-7159 Pr CT 1-97fnel tBwavf et lie oal buIIudhi< & Ive new process in higb public Superintendont or Office Manager, U Loction Barery and Dixie-491wBillando ni Wite *demand. Total investment NewOLoctEione Iresn- 3-41Ri n loenGmli idinAa I4pm.S 0 v~,O Perrv URit St.W . Bo- a » le 1,95 e te' .write De- Ontario Trainlnt Uchool for Boys, CerunerKigndDivision s. 'Lamne C. Duf f 985-1,223 1Offie -Pt.,O 8-58udyJn 5h nHl H=IAIYI L*Oushawa - h.». 623-3134 Lx hmcl 574 Rogers aowma»vlII, Ontario. Phono 823-5252 Rosi Davidien - Dethanr 3er2 E.eidene- P.Hp 1bn ficam. 2- 22-1 15-tf Rd, Toronto 15. 20-11 32-il 17-tf 2. 22-1