'A ~ 1 Wy f& nga. h aaS 1 Saemn omnvle USt ***** ~L~~I~IEU IJ~ * * * * * CATTLE for pature. Phone *taes r Meorim Comng Events 1Coming Events Notices Notice BORDnG .A ig wllbM agistot FRANIKLIN-..In loving me- U C W Bazaar, Zion Uni ted Tour of Seven Fre-Confed- L. C. Mason, Q.. law office madeIb up o al epie m marY of a dear nmother, Mabel Çhurch, *June 8, 7.:.30 p.m., eration Houses in Port Hope closed ta July lsth, 1006, wll estmde ala blc, co e II oma i thsFanklin, who departed: bake table, tea room, etc. and gardens of Batterwood EXCEPT 'Tue. and Wed. Evs., teeer h nqie el eld infl Iiue, June lst, 1955. à2-1 House, Home of Rlght Honour-'9-10 p.m. for current business. er writing, istngacomo-epoMPAy NE She hd gone acrosthe river* -iable Vincent Massey, sponsor- ____________15-14* dawtion aliseincs, mo ratesAG Anld wJÉ long ta see hier dear night at 8 o'clock, sponsored iancy of Ontario, Saturiday, Ontatrio etc., te A. M. Thompson, Sup- she had dled of neglect while ton, was fined $5 adcssSre . saa a le e by the Sunnyside Park, Red June 4, il ta 5. OTiNcketser$2.00, rthbJrLL'4 h waBowmanville. fo But t river flows between. Barn. North Oshawa. 39faalbeS Tur ckt sonic.00, A nergy Board. -21-2toc young for breeding. 15-year-old lad ta rv i o arin oddfrat N - 39____ ___- .nm Li n . Duzasedfo afie nl tacoronHihwy A prl iihi cran $5 ndca1s Borne day sornetime, we shah lantttn eletnTemple, Toronto Rd., Port 2p . 'il4p. IN THE MATTER 0F The Cas ontnead o r a inerm. 23trd Teoficerwas os ra diinlfv as a e fce elvds e Garden Party, followed by Hope..___--2.--TI-.,-EN Municipal Franchises Act, R. So insteado altri Tore fac e, lvedsp e ll'Amssio orluy $.00Jand 50cA. Vacation Bible Schooi il Jn 'ilnu S rn Cate05 ndfrDa o rple as "hsi asokn tr aleD tarOP dshrin to aSya oving U June 4th and am~endments thereto; Stock. Pioked UP PromPtlY not usually heardi hspr yTowCineer lovng and22-1 Rehoboth Christian bFrFrnMgsraeR .Bxe."n-gu.lty ta operatingamtrnollcwafie$1an And rneyer say farewell. - ~CucSue tetAll thsefine new homes bulit by applications by The Consum- iMargwill FrFn mals st ave B roer Areic- nNs odwtotcsto îedyo ah0 -Evr rmeberd y Nna LO. nd .0B.A ivîtd rg'Ga Copay fr pprv- TYRONE and attention. They can't look licence plates and fin esmlrcags GeogeRo, Anean 22a- Dance ayn Dra, Tyrne4Hll, clrneden ags 512are ble all o 1 f proposed bylaws in the LcneN.4C ~ atrtesle.We upoueeiec tisrne omrCntbeJ o IJY. 22-1 ~Catra Ne ight, Juchesth. t oread1ne Bbenoted for quality construction under-mentioned municipali- e nreANyo. C6 ard ere fine befoe owhent C ponstae HRCreh, onl, PP nwem 0 KING_ Car esît- Ochsra5A.I toisg me, 9-d12raft.te and crafttmanship. tics authorizing the execution,1-tfr i u ned did he saet onstole cutheH.bvaPtebrug irn1t -In-m leving me mnory o ofý s on $ .0.22-11 July 4 -1. Ti e -1 lO just take the second side-roaui of agreements between the - t h in ght o tain. outh e res awh n o sr e itat ha a plce ofcr --is-_on - Transportation provided if me OPP, gIf culdushe this grnfahrDnilKig wo Rud n SureDncn eeded! Cal623-2576 for in- EAST 0F "THE ACRES" under-mentioned municipalities .a.eadstock Sevi youhnger mn I ould give vehicle wihnholon id a npto nHgwy 3 gradfthr, anelKîn, hoat "The Wheel" every Satu r- formation. ___22-4 RTAUntnRTond nthe falchises frnt Fam toc oja er mn Iad dit te hoodnomproin îes a eigu h apot assed away June 4, 1962. day. starting May 28. Music -triten oranchssrturl gs n thsCahPcefo ad temxumixons sohr,.o 'hS memery is as dear today BwavleMsutiuino aua a by Norm MeKeen and Western cB opanvieleMsumAN]OLO H INSudrienin mnhepand- BURETT FUFarm o f jine n dito t ourhoneoatbut weedscs.nHgwy40 eosre As n heher e asedawy'Four, Admission, Si per per- offiil pning Wednesday FrfrhrIfraineundtics; Phonncial- UReTLongURisance Jhn Camron, Madion toe elscr nbheurt soude. w --Sadly missed by wife Stelilson. 21-tf evening, June 8, 7:30 Fopm. Ave.,raton Tl ie; ohn Cron, Madgisonty Chmelailie.htrrfe arl rtue u and f mily.22~1* Enfied Su day S hool n- Iw en a plaqu ta t e lat Mrs the XCLUS VEDAG NT A DHENMHE TMA TER O0F Zenth 66 506<n5charentoycharegeea ing t e scnAvo.an acohentdoco cocte thîs vehice wi dow.msbhrlatche boj _______ 'Sndy cholAn L. B. Williarns will be u- tFA Kaplcton yTh osm-Dp.Agi.Li.N.35v6 inthddrivngie na-his wih anc mate nitotas ee icagdtwr MILLS-In loving mmoy !niversary, Sunday, June 5, veiled. Everyone isinvtedtoi W GAKapplcatopn yTfer Onsrnlders - Le N.35--6 icence as ndr suspension misionse"whichrduce h il etenrho h i Et dear father, Charles, who srics2 and 7 p.m. Speciai 'attend and tour the Museu',REAL ESTATE LTD. declaring and dîrecting that NoiictoCrectos ay 7th. sspe speedmasdionultwipl h e a.H oudalv hi ad a Ma y 29he, J196,; si by heD R cho. Getadsonly filree mstpening ight21 King St. W. Bowm&nville the assent o! the municipalCRDT S Cosae B. Tilîson, Opp, er by three". Hes1 ei h raho ahrfe Nvnd assda mo thJneaker Re.D2R. -rsctt. omnidrey n m u t . beon ac-393electors of the under-mention- NOTICE TO CEIO told the court his investigation wcîghted it down wt i esic h epn n Whe pssedaway epteber 22~1 'copanid by n a u i . Phoe 624393ed municipalities la net neces- AND OTHERS o! an accident on Highway 401 moulding and odcire(n adtecags 20, 1957. te roen Blackstock Sunday School Museum en heetter edach_______2- ay etefnl asn In the estate o! Alice Regina at. a.m. caused hlm te alert used it te tili his ongre day 2 t7:3excet Mondysssucpeakers Powell, deceased.. neighbouring detachments te and some of bisnegbrs Godwil med te renAverary, unA t il Gac..adMnaswhnahldy ow !Bwavle AILlpersans havîng cdaims watch for a car which had left "This cernes undrhe~ A aT iIr And one by one well meet 1 Hrr tino, Gro evenîng 22-1 initien o!wa oarm tractar," chain. and 7:30oronp.m uet speaer, roups by appint.ment2dayTownship e! Innisfil against the estate ef Alice the scene. ntoofaar gadl i. yMagae, theev-- OteRON tc fHarn îaPwll aeo e-Cameron, eastbound toward cided MagistrateBaxter Church, Toronto. Ate. 1 . NTAIONieotie oEneri gio ntarwll a, whofdew-onTrenton, decided te turn off "Charge dismissed" e h i -Sady mised y Mrgart, eingservice Bowmanville Newcastle Ilecreation Cern-cat, -ciMîde n fmle.Legion Gîce Club will supply rittee's Swimming Class Reg- TeOtroErgBadcabtthe, entaio th oday o! at Waverley Road service sta- Albert Maynard, oor u 22- 'usc.22l*igstrto,hursday and 17ri7day Ontario hereby appoints Fr1 ay, the February, 1966, are hereby tien. When he missed the charged with failigtpr ________ wComuit C ntr . ights ue 6ad 7 7-lth day o! June 1966, at 10ntiedesedptcur o turn he proceeded on te Lib- duce proof o! insuraci la Wodview Coinunia.t entre p.rHa, NLionst.Red, Consers .~ao'clock In the forenoon, Day- sarne te the undersigned with- ct tetadmd -c e uly osal sLwetydolas- ilht Saving Time, at the in thirty days o! the l4th of turn, colliding with the other R. Corneli, OPPsîdh SMIth-inelSmi meory sef amoer in o T etciy asss-ll, eae7 Red rssI H ATRo h or ffcs om60 9 aý athriJne Smthwh19 pass:dgarnes-tweny dollars; $10aniv doe classes-Childen agM7nyecipaNTH FraTThieso!ctheDadofcs om6 9 , 1966, after which date cr. He went on te Newcastle, checked the 1956 1og tte Btn wresfe h Ow un er6 th, 96. aîdesthirndt ollarks e$150 nd4up: Tap of elescild-Muiipl rncissAcR. Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, the estate will be distributed made a telephene caîl and Government Scalea MaOswa-omnvle rè Ou harsstill ache with1D6ri z e s Next tnbdheorbtJee i dt thof thIl ano! hchteunesind Ex-A a owad hTrntoeut h.ad pad 0frthecrt s ds atrai eptt Adsce er tlfow Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, 1966. Certificates of last class AND IN THE MATTER o! intcrested therein. ofecrsh thhae rinotice, of gas and was picked up ywiehsanwsaa en ih70tilr rmCnd What t meat te ose yuWhstwa. OPP. psrep eircd. Henedthoughtuorthell n-n aavdnthee Unîtedil States.w NoAn ecrlet er silow, Ohrwe__i46tfadtaon.be pesented00 forapplications by The Consum- Copy o! the applications, by- and the undersigned Executoýr TWhe acued drîte on sranced.onethe frtcvrd Tra ase aetir Nhenc th evsae kd no d Slm ud cha A-rgstratldion Feei, $1.00 for es GsConan orcrtf-lananeracis greetswîînt ehal t n pr vcio oripardtrvngte eon.Jugen a lnth eroalsadac Whntedy aesdadniversary Services wilI biefrscid namy,$0fo cates or public convenience and may be inspectcd and further son whese dlaim it shahl net ito.frmpredivnthscn.Ju lnl held Sunday, June 5th at 2.30 each additional child in same ncsiytcntrtwrsparticulars obtained at the then have notice. in January this year, resuit- reserved until nex odyjnoswiePtyBa< loney ges ran nd7:30. Guest speakers: fml.2- and ta suppîy gas ta the in- offices o! the Clerks of the DTDtNecsîth ltjng in a three months' sus- in Cobouirg. lc Ohintemltr Wesemt ea ouwipeRv.D Nrhy nth fer ",4~~DTD O Rhabitants in the undermen- ,aforernentioned municipalities, AE tNwasl hs1t pension and another in March Heward Albert R..srtavnefr1-4yr Cher u an cary n. noan and Mr. John Twist in .,'~~± tioncd municipalities. the Solicitors for the Appli- a fMy 96 bringing a further six months' 3, Bowrnanville,peadntods -Lovi gly remembered bythe evening. Special music t h areTwsi !Abo catît, Messrs. Zimmermnan, Harvey S. Britton, Executer, suspension. guilty te impaired(rvngn o h ac tu oie husban% Fred and dauahtar ibythe choir. 22-1* t h ap Township o!fMlmior Haywood, Winters & Chamn- by Lovekin & Stubington, Leaving the scene cast hlm April 23rd but adrnte le-71 erIeeRemle Grc.2-fAu 4 to .A-ug. 13Wet Townhpo r br,11Richto, nd tarete arste,o trs New- $200 and costs, or one month. ai possession o! theerfudwnscodpaendorte Grace. 22-if ug. ~~Township o! Alarakth Werst,11Toronodntartetarste, O icto.,20-3 Driving while bis licence was in his car..soenvcivarSrr WOLYI oigm-MONSTER BINGO See Quebec City, Ste. Anne de. Villae of olto Applcant or this Board.- - under suspension brought a Corporal J. McGe(tsi ai aefut.I h 3 WnOrofdLEY-I lifand me-;THURSDAY NGT 8 o'clock Beaupre, Gui! o! St. Lawrence, Vile of 5hlburme NOTICE 0F APPLICATION Repairs fine o! $100 and casts, or an fied that he andCosae 14yrrngMsBrba lerGy Wodle wife and moth- NIG hTunorBay of Chaleur, a tour around îagO DISPENSE____________VOTE_ additional 15 days. Bird were parked nfoto orwpae eod er, GlaysWooe, 956. pss- C Spons o mmteJur the entîre Gaspe Penînsula. Notice o£ s.ar- O MD IPS ET OT GUARANTEED television and Anthony Edward Petersan, the Shell Gas Statino ig I h ooitreit o cd aay un ee, 1956. i Cabro!Cmec Over 2.000 miles by deluxe FMNCPLEEtR radio service te ail makes. 45 Winchester Avenue, 'Toron- Street E., about 3an hnî erIeeRerue Beutfldmmre, vni JUBILEE PAVILION air-conditlonéd moter coach1 The Ontario Energy Board TAKE NOTICE THAT at the Televisian Service Ce. Phone to, plcaded guilty te irnpaired they abserved a193Cdla'pcdseo.Frth1-1 OSHAdA 8-tf Nongtrae hereby appoints Frlday, the above public hearing, the 623-3883. 52-tf driving May 28th. He was westbound. They olwdi optto etesl n Deptenderly hold: Cadmus Sunday School An- Write or Phone ýo'clock in the forenoon, Day- Orders declaring and directing' Watch Repairing days. His licence was sus- At Don Boe's servc ttopae orhadfrte~1 Depin aur hearts yeur niversary, June 12th at 11:00. liT~rDiight Saving Time, In the that the assent o! the munici- r ' pne o n er esiteCdi epd~gôp alMNlycpue memory is kept, !Rev. John Porter, Oshawa. CO ME Board Offices, Room 620, 790 pal electors ta the passing o! Certified Watchmaker o! Cnsbed D.ro Stuyart, OPP, overthe lotadetaa eodpae The love te cherish and ý,Music by the Sunday School TRAVEL SERVICE Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario said bylaws la net necessary. Canadian Jeweller's Asan. stated that he observed the In the officer's oiinte I h ooavnefr1 'eneyer forget. Choir. Garden Party, June, for the hearing o! the above DATED at Toronto this 25th arsvehleasbudo i-drvrw mpi -Rmerbrd lasbyte.l7ha :0.Pa b uk-b4O ard Vlew Bivd. applications and ail persans in- day o! May, 1966. ~ way 401 weaving back and Ernard said theumreFhl ian hwtohr farnily. 22-.l*i ton, "The Ring and The Look".1 BOWMANVILLE 623-3265 terested therein. ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD 39 King S. W. forth from the driving lane ta car tail-gating hlmmdii lc onr nte1-er - - Adults $1.00, children 50c.____2- Copy o! the applications A. R. Crozier,Reig atn the passing lane. The driver nervous and besdehe asidcmtten R IMAR- 22-2 GEORGE MEEK 'may be inspected and further Chairman. erg ato was in an impaired condition net used te power eing e Frdes hrlMC Group 7, Trinîty U.C.W. are PRODUCTIONS presents at particulars obtained at the A. B. Jackson, and from alcohol and was most explained that hehdbe1n inn hwwnscn MEMORIALS having an informai "Bossam offlji'i ic :e o theCerks of the Vice-Chairman. A ~ unceeperative. He admitted smelt fishing andhagnetplc Cofe at"itth oe fWITTm1,N aforWrentioLe municipalities,_____ 22-1 ppliance Service conviction May l7th in Teron- bis unele's in Newcsl fe- DaneSa a hr i Dignlfied Pnd Distinctive Mrs. Alan Strike, 8 Beecli (Downstairs) the Solicitars for the Appli- Commercial and Domestlo te on a similar charge, result- ward. He said bhwso i h oylyqenaad Moi*rments - Fiat Markers!Ave.,an Thursday, June l6th, on cant, Messrs. ZimmTerman, Cards of Thanks Refrigeration - Milk Coolers ing in a $100 fine and licence way home te cag i ldesigns for any eed !rom 10 ta 12 neon. Everyone W'ed.,Jn 15 Haywood, Winters & Cham- Phono BERT SYER suspension for anc year. clothes and go tcok IE ULT lwloe Ciuake.Po ers, 111 Richmnond Street 1 wish ta thank my friends, Days - 623-5774 Eric Enesse, 50 Pembroke The fine was 15 n ot OUET 152 Simeos St. S., Oshawacedfoth rkfte front 7 p.m. te 12 p.m. West, Tarante 1, Ontario, the relatives, neighbors, for cards, Nights 623-3177 Street, Toronto, a passenger in or seven days, onci drvn ceeds f o teandor o! th "The, Battie of the Big Bands" Applicant or this Board. flowcrs and kind thoughts dur- the Peterson. car, pleaded charge, and $15ancstoMRES 72-02 78627fin.Bb itigpoie.featuring DATED at Toronto this l8th ing my stay in Memoriai Hos- Lander Hardware guilty te illegal possession of an additional. fivedy o 723-1002 - 72866 1fre22Bbysitngpr4ied-* BANDS - '4 day o! May, 1966. pital, Bowmanville. and ELECTRIC acoî,or Hesev eds. an eautosnsteicnc upnffU I *The FCeRuns OTROBADJoyc Darch. 22-1* c_____or___________an_________li Th onsOTROENERGY BOARDed~ Constable D. Stuart, OPP, sien for three ruts.D TAFR *The~ Ugly- Dueklilgs A. Ç. Creziér, I .wold ik t thank Rev. me t Rn said Enosse claimed the nurn- Rager Snoxall,14 ng dC~JB S.LD *The Associates Chairman. ircy resannig- VICINITY o! Bowmanvilc erous cmpty beer bottles and .ui Advance Tickets - OnIy $1.25 A. B. Jackson, beurs fer visits, inquiries and bouse with twe te 10 acre~ h eea ulae vres RESLJILTSCO NT ' Jtof* At Door - $2.00 Vice-Chairman. cards during my stay in Civic good land. Write Advertlser brands on the floor in front Tickets available at Candia Statesman, o! the rear seat. The officier Consuit a Memr o h iiWUI~~Di S e le tIBRYSON'S SMOKE SHOP 21-2 Hospital. Fs. 2.*729, c/o 0, Bewirn allc. ::2 t::c: dWas in- rohr OK' MK HPGcral i k 21 P.O. Box 22-1 tanile. oxicated and passed out sev- Safr 3,00-I epeceI I would like te thank Dr. JonWlerRR 2 ete 22-i* Wright, staff of Peterborough YEV ERVPTON CLLA ________ he___________ Qanttie Civic Hospital, reciativ es, GET CASH TODATMou ns We Reervethe Rght o Liit Quntitcs Aution Sale friends and neighbers for FOR OLD APPLIANCES MULTIPLE LSIGSRIE o 3 LEAN - TENDERtin Sle cards and giftt sent ta me Congratulations te Mr. Ken tLug O ha a Isrc 31DudsS.EWtb LEAN -TENDER Onari during my stay in hospital. Wilson who was success!uil in truhOh w Earl GlbanOn22-1ionsirg his exatimo follo'wing STATESMAN PoeWlb -- ~ O K SALE Enery ~Boad Travhl-I ouid hke ta omepletion o! bis second year CLASSIFIEDS ]Real EstateBadMhak835 SH R-I IET C S LS Eeg or at Guelplh University. Telephono 623-3303 SORT R B Ora-mCor urs., 1:30 pn IN THE MATTER 0F The gress my incere thanks te my Aise te Case Gabre R lb Selling Herses, Cattle, Swlne, Municipal Franchises Act, R.S. grothers, sisters, cousins and who again won laurcl.s in the 1E b I&lvS, SaesManers J A Reid O. 1960, Chapter 255 and friends for their kindncss, discus trowîng fer Central BL D Co s &S alves Mangers 1-t! amendments thereto; cards, gifts and flowers dur- Ontario held recently et Tren- ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ _ _ __ __AND IN THE M ATTER F ing m y five w eeks in bspital. ton, by increasing the exist-7R W GE crs'Gas ompay foap sev- many thanks te Dr. H. îng record throw by 10 feet BE 'W dneday, une 8t, 1 p.n.: rv- esand ward aides on Ward 2D. his poorer day's, Case adimits. S G I T Àr C ~ednsaJn 8h ..ah o! proposcd by-laws ln the -i nilsCs eprii oea il MU Complete Lowtage Dispersal under-mentioned municipali- Mns. Ira Traveil. 22-1 Thi niisCs aprii owned by F. G. Leask & Son, tics autherizing the execution, pabe in the cemipetitions held selling11 at1- h fa-Rm 5 mi o arer+ls'awen u I wish te thank my manyat London, Ont., on Saturday, ' ]an Bar Ofies Rom6cardsfrit and asitd nay a hbition Ground.s, took the' 0RD FAIRLAe ________________land haimle (gaad,20complete Bay Street, Tarante, Ontario, bfrtand assited ging any way ferry to Centre Island, Tor- AYLMER FANCY hesot ipmet, 1,200 baleshy for the hearing o! the above befere an fe igth a as - onto's new city hall - niglit taý tr1,6 00 b al deynso!quayt- applications and ail persanspt.ayhan. 221tihe topo! its 27 floors, in-1 i STN GS FAL 1,60 us.Ronc oasqu nt nerested therein. Wews eepessneesected the mayor's office,1 rity of furniture. Real sa ews oxpssinr & ~~ SAVE ~~~subject te reserve bid. 150 Copy of the applications, thanks and appreciation te o edl o wtotlsn J I E 19e Tn 9 roemý house with bath, gaod ments rnay be irispecledd o! the Order of the Eastern asCain.Ro io _________________________________________ , well. Th e property o! the further particulars obtained at Star and relatives for mes- Mse lr LIBBY'S'estate o! the late Lerne the offices o! the Clerks o!ý sages, cards and fierai tributes spent a day Ibis week in a FORD TRUCKS LIBBY'S CHUNKS 0F GOLD Thompsen, Lot 15, Con. 3, the a!orementioned munidi-soa athelm au Toronto baspital. Cartwright Township, 1 mile palities, the Solicitors for the rh ethe me o uer entennial preparations got FritCocktail Cheese Slices south andi 1 i', miles east o! Applicaiit, Messrs. Zimmer- rcn eevmn fada newyi aevlecn TTDYSPI Fri lc Stok aie te settle man, Haywood, Winters & Mn. Nrand iliarns nd nnity on Thursday evcnung ABTE IET U estate. Terms cash. Sale at Chambers, 111 Richmond Street Mr. Ndrs.ani Hllswnd ith a meeting of representa-A ETR I 1 p.m. Lloyd Wilson, auc- West, Tarante, Ontario, the 2Mr.wtivndo! th varins oranlla ~ 1-o. -os. tionen.. 20-3 Applcaft or this Board. ____ ions present attheicbomne cd 3 ~89 2 5 i 7' Personal T ISPNSETICa ~~VOTE fmly eihousMn r. M a cf me, O . prS A L Da good) maledpostaidin aovepublic bearing, the letters and visita while I was. Betiîany comrnunity have plain sealed envelope wt or will be akdt issue In Mernoniai Hospital. AIseliîkcwise done. sorne qpade I ,price list. Six samples 25c, Orders declaring and direct- rnany thanks te Bowmanvilc W'orinh preparation o!fUc the__ D Y K STRADSp24.sT-28s$ 1.00. Mail Order iag that the assent o! bhe Ambulance, Drs. Hubbard and big brthday pa.rty with a F K I.. _x_9_1___Hamilton, Ont. - passing e! said by-laws la net an Third Floar and ail wbo O! Mr. and Mns. Lawrence F OR D FO O D A RK ETnecessary. helped et the scene o! the acci- Statphes ta pla~n next year's 77 King S.W.FEE lvery BMr. and Mrs. day o! May, 1966. Mns. Muriel Burrowu. that il Wil1 be possible ta 1 INGS.E Mr adMr.George Ail- 2i2-1 compile a bistory o! Manvers ý;R0 AN SAV PHNE 63-341 cin illbe "At *Home" ta ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD,- Township under the capable POE632q HOM NDSAE O623-3541 Ifrend ad relatives on Tues- I A. C. Czen dietin founin hst "HOME 0F QUALITY" d.7h, fram 3w5 and! . . rozi. rlQflo dTutlno!auiambto- Contact On. -of Our Courteous Salesen ayNTUSA adFIA TIL9P . Jun e Cocrmnasion____of!___ -__ian, Mr%. Ram CCer. ol'N TURSAY nd RIDY 'IL NI . 79p..othocaino A. B. Jackson, rPROFESSIONAL work guar- Mr. Ken Lemal of Hernil- 1 B1UD FOGG JRYKA A RL their 5th Wedding Anni- Vice-Chairman. 1Ianteed. Arthr collis:o n, tan was a guest Ibis weekend versary, 22-11 212623-3900. - .. _36-tf at tUe Ray Roblnee, -- ~. The CanadidW StatevnM Bow anvMe. JUnè 1. 90 . wemtowl -