Young Winner of Two Huge Trophies "~ ~~ Expct 60,000 at Player's If- the weatherman cornes through with a bit of warrnth instead of frigidity, the Player's* 200 sports car race at Mosport this Saturday should break al records for attendance. That means about 60,000 people will be makirig their annual outing to this area, over the roads, high- ways and byways not quite ac- customed ta handling such ,a large-sized crowd. However, Provincial Police will be around in large numbers to speed up the traff ic that will have to mingle with the custorn- ary weekend holidayers, head- ing. for cottages, and country relatives to get away f rom the city. They will also be on duty at the park ta ensure overnight ccamping will be kept under con- trol in the specified infield that in past years has been the scene of quite a f ew melees as the young f olks take advantage of the wide open spaces to stage near riots. Top drivers f rom many parts of the world will býe taking part in this year's Player's and the (TURN TO FAGE TWO) VOLUME 112 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1966 10e Per Copy NUMBER 22 Last Saturday, 700 baton twirlers from United States and Canada took part in competitions at Dundas, inclu ding several entries from this area. Top winner of the day f rom Bowmanville was Irene Rietmuller, daughter af 'Mr. and Mrs. E. Rietmuller, Concession St. East. She came home with these two large trophies, for second place in the fancy strut novice 7 ta 10 years and the solo intermedi- !tte for 10-year-olds. Swi"m Class Registra'tion Underway for Groups af Lions Community Centre T. A. Fannig.. Director ai and Six Year Olds Learni-to-J ta 8:30 o'clock. Ber-reation for Bowmranville, Swiin Special Classes will be RegistratiSis will be receiv- announced this week that in beld every Monday morning' ed at the Recreation Depart- addition ta the regular Swim- from 10:30 until 11.30 o'clock, ment Office at the Lions Cen- ,naing Clases for Seniors, In- starting July 4th. tre on Thursday from 8:30 termediates, Juniors, Begin- ..Rgsrtosfr' team. until- fiveo'clo*, in the iners and the Lern-to-Swim- Registratio n Defortn'ailtacaternoon,ý and again from g~upthere will be Special e reaVi'on earm ts 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. On Priday, fI't-to-Swim Classes for S1nii .lsssar ei1 registrations will be open 4ieand six-year-ol hild- held at the Lions Communi t' only from 8;30 a.m. o five ten Ths i du taa lrgeCentre' this week. This even- o'cîock in the aftern'oon. reuestfoma ar-e Ing(Wednesday) registration entse freqnsts ro for-i will be open there from 6):30i (TURN TO PAGE TWO> The children for' this pe- Mm.j i!.a cilal younger learn-ta-swim UD O eU nE inUon course m'ust be five or six u e years of age as of June lst, and each onie must be at ieast 42 inches tali, Mr. FanningTo F biiulInstruction. au e P a u Parents wIll be respr>nsible for taking these yaunger U cyie Pool.thq i e Cek o.Br-As T..ibute' to Genert len oo.t thix e Ce o! Bar HIGHEST IN IIISTORY The Canadian Statesman is pieased to announce that its circulation is now at the highest point in its 112 year history. Each week. over 5,800 copies are printed and dis- tributed locally and to many points round the ivorld. This ls an increase of over 200 subseribers In the past six months. A nuxnber of new displays wiil be featured at ville Museum which will open on Wednesday evening, June 8, for the 1966 season. His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs and Museum Board Chairman A. M. Thoqnpson will officiate aV a short ceremony at 7:30 p.m. when a plaque will be unvelled to the mnem'ory o! the late Mrs. L. B. Williams. Everyane. is invited to at- tend, and tour the Museum afterwarcl. Admission will bel Dancers HoId TOn Satday evening, ta celebrate their f ifth an.-C 1versary, mtembers o! the Swingin' Bows enjoyed ao ~elcîou banquet at Maple Grave Church Hall. After-s wards, they let loose for an evening o! sheer enjoy-o màent as they took part in dancing the many itriciLteL end çqqti-.,tepsthey had learzied ove t'eears free for this copening night only. It is requested that Lchildren be accompanied by an adult on this occasion. The plaque will commemor- aVe the late Mrs. Williams' igift to the Town fer the pur- pose orf establishing a mu- seum. The former Sarah Jane Arnott, a native of Durham 1County, she and her husband, the late Dr. L. B. Williams, were keenly interested in Lgatherinig and preserving the (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Magistrate's Court Neglects Caille 3 Months in Jail $500 and Costs May 3lst, 1966 Philip Druz, 750 Ritson Road S., Oshawa, was sentenced ta three months in jail and fined $500 and $62 costs, or a furth- er two months, for cruelty ta animais. This 70-year-old man, who owns several farms, pleaded flot guîlty when evidence was heard two weeks ago. He was remanded at that time so his record could be investigated. Inspector Albert Davidson, Ontario Humane Society, pro- duced a court record on similar charges dating back ta 1925. 0f his 74 court appearances 72 had led ta conviction. The latest of these was before Magistrate H. Jermyn in 1964 when he wvas fined $400 and $39 costs, and before that in 1948 $25 and costs. In evidence heard two weeks ago Druz was accused of keep- ing 34 head of young cattie literally starving in a field on his Base Line farm. When the Humane Society ordered them shipped ta the Ontario PUMPHOUSE ACTIVITY Further work is now un-. derway at the Pump House 'un Church St. -tereroute 'thei mains that now go through the building. It is understood that eventuaily thîs building wilI be torn down and the land Iwill be put to other uses. June 8th ous Donor MAGAZINS IN PRINT Reeentiy, Bowmanville High Sehool produced its annuai Sereech Owl maga- zine, filied with many in- teresting tories, with speclal emphasls on hundreds of photos. To date, magazines have not been seen from elther Courtice or Clarke High Sehools, but probably they will be appearing shortly. "Swingin" Banquet and Dance Callers Glen Dowson and Bill Carey were kept busy an the plat! am1 trying ta satisfy the dancers' in- satiable appetite for exercise. This photo shows a few of the couples ini action, with billowing skirts swing- ing wide and higlx. Stockyards ini Toronto, two of themn had ta be destroyed be- ~ cause they were so emaciated. One young' heifer found dead in a barn was trucked away ta Margwill Fur Farms,M where a post-mortem was per- formed. This revealed that CTURN TO PAGE FIFTEEN) Rezone Land On Base Line Three bylaws were passed by Bowmanville Town Cauncil at a special meeting held in the Council Chamber on Tues- day evening. Ail members(. . were present. A bylaw to amend the Zon-...... ing bylaw and Itemn 3 in the Official Plan was approved. This authorized the rezoning of a parcel of land in the vicinity of Martin Road and Base Line from Residential ta Light Industry. The other two bylaws pass- ed -were ta authorize the is- suance of debentures for loans î under the Municipal Works' .__ Assistance pragrarn in the axumtof $72,103.&4 (Lard, Ms .WlrdJ. 1cechan, Weli!ngtGnft Stq- Bow.*- Elgin School) and for' $81,. manville, was one o!f five top prize winners in the 697.48 (Public Library) - Rexail Drug Company's "Win Your Incarne Tax" con- Two readings were given taý a bylaw ta provide for bar- test held recently. She is shown here with her cheque rowing $28,000 by debentures for $1,000, being presented by Fred Tippins, Manager for purchase of industrial of Jury & Lovell's Rexali Drug Store here. At left land. This bylaw will be sent i ury reVc rsdn n ietro ae ta Municipal Board for ap-isMraGreicPrsdnadDrctroSls proval before third reading. for the Rexali Drug Company and, at right, Rick .1 ÇBits andi 9)eces SUBSIDY -- Ambulance owners throughout the province will be getting a better deal in future ...and un! ortunate customers should receive better service. On Tuesday, Health Minister Dymond introduced legislation in the Ontario house that would include provincial subsidies for municipalities with ambulance agreements and also set up a study o! the entire .problem. Such a study is long overdue. t t t i.t KEYS - Postmaster Geo. Vice advises that many Bowmanville citizens wha now receive their mail by carrier are stili in possession o! their post office box keys. If they turn them in, they will receive a refund. You'll neyer make money any easier. t. i i. t j' ICE FUND - On Wednesday morning, The States- man learned that the Newcastle Artificial Ice Fund bas reached a grand total of $11,000 in cash. If you are stili holding back, please send along your donation at the earliest possible moment ta boost the fund ta the point wbiere installation can start for next winter. t t t t t NEGLECT - If yau own cattie, iV pays ta feed them. In Magistrate's Court on Tuesday, a part time farmer was sentenced Vo three months in jail and fined $500 and casts for neglecting ta provide praper care for bis bovines. t t t t t ADVANCE - If yau are heading for the Player's 200 race at Masport on Saturday, you'll save time, effort and cash by obtaining« advance tickets at reduced rates from either Bryson's or Frank's Smoke Shops. If the weather warms up a bit, a huge crowd is expected, starting Friday night. t t t t t FIRES - The cool weather lately has not onfly brought inany furnaces back into action, it bas also caused firemen a bit of trouble. Two calîs from Darlington on Sunday and Tuesday resulted from chimneys and stove pipes being filled with winter's soot. A third caîl was a bush f ire. No damage was reported from any o! them. The amaz- ing thing is how fast those volunteer f ire f ighters get on the job once the alarm bas been received. They deserve great credit for their efforts. t t t 1 NEW STORE - Tomorraw, Bowmanville will have a new business at 67 King Street West in the store formerly occupied by Huyck's Hairstyl- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Teerstra are opening Bawman- ville Mill Ends and Fabrics. Check their advertisenient far details. t* t t t t RALLY - Apparently, two Bowmanvile repré- sentatives Darcy Mandzuk and Hannu Halminen were winners of the Greenharns Rally over the weeloend. The event was organized, by the United- Coimty Motor Spozis Enthusis. Cowan, Eastern, Ontarlo Sales Representativ. Mii. McMechan entered the contest some time ego, was able to, answer the tricky mathematical question given her over the phone and then doubled her original prize money by shawing proof of purchase of Super. Plenamins. "First time I ever won anything," she cammented, "I feel wonderful." Started This Morning List Enumerators for Canada's Census Taking The Canada Population Cen- sus started this morning. The census is based on hpusehoids, each occupying a dwelling, which ceuld be a hiouse, apartment boarding or roam- ing house, hotel or motel. Five questions are asked. 1. Name in full? 2. Relation to head of household? This includes family relationship such as wif e, son, daughter, niiece, nephew, grandchild, aunt, etc., and in addition any other occupants of the house- hold such as employees and lodgers. 3. Sex? 4. Age? 5. Marital status? (Whether a persan is married, single, widowed, or divorced). Sons and d'aughters of a family whoaxae-working and living away Érom home will be enumeratedl where t'hey are now living. Sons and daughters away et boarding sdhood, college, or university will be enumnerated at their homes, which are their per- manent residence. Besicles the Population Cen- sus there is the AgriculVural Census. Farmers in addition to answering the five ques- tions everybody does will also be asked questions regarding crops, animais, and use of land. A fermer is noV necessarily (TLIRN TO PAGE TWO) DEMOLITION STARTING? Whle we have been un- able to, confirm. plans for 7the old Library building on rthe corner of King and Tem. perance Streets, somethkng is definiteiy stlrring on the »corner. 1 The Public Utilities have 1removed the string of Christ. mas llghts from the building and there are other Indica. tions that the Bank of Montreal owners may be contempiating demoition of the structure ln the near future. Dignitaries Watch 'Cadet Inspection *On Friday afternoon, cade*~ fromn the' Ontario Training Sohool for Boy%, Bowmanville, held their annual inspection on the spaclous school groundU Alter they had showîî their precision in niarching, physical educaticV and ta,. various demonstrations they gathered in a, hollow- square -tej isten ta re. marks by the inspecting officers asnd visiting edgn*ýtmrîes. Inchtide.'ini the Je, specting party were, from left to right, Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., J. K. Lamb%~ ~xecutive Assistant to the Minister of Reform Institutions, School Super1ntendeû Hubert M. Hooper, Inspecting Officer Major R. Cziran1ka o! the Ont4,qQ URI.+ mient and at rear, District Cadet Office r F. H., Mennis and . iXA4ýC Preuident, Sten L. Dwun 200 Bowmanville Woman Wins $1,000 Drug Contest Award Square be ian an