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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1966, p. 3

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Reetdbv a flSatn.g pnl ~ tIU i of the Rund-ie famfly wr sere n T r nocuhte h as yjëlfl %>eIIIing "'. W s T i ty U ted Ch rc present. Menibers o~f the Yel- bow. The roundéd neekline lowlees family atVended of the matching blue and inicellaneous shower held by white iniported lace bodIce Atm. Frank Wrighit of Bow- was edged with whitie lace à$ maxiville. wea-e the bell-ahaped ruffles EnsilnCeiuiyhl on thie elbow-length sleeves. Ea party f o the br field' They wore nmatching shoes agrm whenthe bwre apre- and bow headpieces with cir- sgrood wiethe cartbe pand cular veiJing. Their cascadesmatch ig ha ar d tablen bouquets were of pink and deator he w hite carnations. _______cu hi ns Mr. Abe Hofstede of Bow- nianville was best marn and STEVENS - MILLER the ushers were Mr. Eric BTqeso wie mm, an h e brdesO r o at h ko Mr.glaidioli a n d snapdragons1 and Rtebrd'brthoter, mr. for!ned an attractive back-i Bill ie. ,bt ~fBwin ground for the ceremony iný Tereoeption was held at the East Chapel of Timothyji the Mémîorial Park ClubEaoCh House Thebrid's mtheronto, on Saturday efternoon,1 Hoe. he i br i's later May 7th, 1966, at 4 o'clock,~ rea ived inat pink lae uniting in marriage Miss queater with iachngt, he-Helen Thomson Miller, dau- qa rtr<nth jn kt ht ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. acessories qid corsage of ~ alc ae îlr n yellow roses and white car. James aMlleens. nations. The groon's sister. SMr. Jamie amellStend rs, Miss Linda Barrett of Lon.-son « ed din-tev.end s don, Ont., assisted te receiveAlrdEwnSens and wore an off-white and Rev. Frank Cryderman of-A silvr seathdres, backac- icitedanid Dr. David Ouch-1 sveshanhd crsae black tc- yplayed the weddingi roses adwiecarnations. msc For travelling on the wed- Gie nmrraeI e ding trtp fo Niagara Falls -anduneM. onlP.Mle SNew York State, the brideof na, Mr. ciaois, ile r UNwore a navy wool A-line wor afoo lngh hat dresa nmre with whitegwnowhtpaudfile lace, navy coat with whiteThoversk wirtepaiuthe faillef collar, wthite anid navy hat, The own witasieted wkia re cesois n ora&o peari and sequin embroidery, ~~2 ~ .. tions. ~They are residing at egd te ebw lnt 46 Bse Lne. leeves. The peari and sequin e.The bride, who attended embroidery also adorned th.- Bowxnanville Public and High . neckline. Her shoulder length J th olssNur~sing dHome illusion veil was caught to a! ihe Lode Nrsig Hmecrown headdress of pearis,ý Newcastle. The groom is em- ~' n h are oqe Ployed et General Motors, ... aw he chues.tpanbotiuetndf Oshawa, and attended St.wht iessepaosang cornflowers. Thomas Publieceol and ah rd' sse. Ms Arthur Voaden Secondary Te biessseMs Sc~hool.Elizabeth Miller of Os'hawa,I Amno n gthe out-of-town . was her attendant in an A guest were the bride's grand- une aqua rayon worsted dressk tather and grandmnot>her who..... styled with an empire bodiced ride in Barrie., Other guests an tw bck aelfoig frmtewaistline. Matching t M r . n d r s . L e s i e s s e s t i e , h o w i n h e t t e d e d f r o n S . T o m a ~1 v e l v e t . r i b bi o n t r i m m e d t h e above photo were married in Emmanuel Church, London, Hamiilton, Toronto, dr« n h wr edn v ~~~~~~~Mark'ham, Oshawa, Newcas-desadh wrawdin Toonto, April 9, 1966. The bride is the former Miss, tee Leskard and Orono. veletr.. n He buqut. Leah Pricilla Lines, daughter of Mr. George Lines h rd a ooe ith \rn edic fmthn The bride was hnvelvet ribbonf mau ersauquset and the late Mrs. Lines, Toronto, and the groom is a several parties. A misoellan- 1 î -11d.t1haots ii iy son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Asseistine, Burketon. Lous s.we. .eld a.Memo !a__ l Park Club Hoeuse and giv- _-Mr PerLmse wai en by Miss Glenna Parkc and ibest man and the ushers were~ 'Mrs. C. Ball, was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Lloyd English are shown in the above photo as they ýMr. Johfn Day and Mr. Frank sehool friends. A similar cut their wedding cake at the reception following their marriage in Trinity lWOO-irow. shower, whidh neighbors ai- United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday afternoon, April 16, 1966, at 3:30 The reception was field ai' tended, was held by Mrs. G.'cok omryMsDon RuhY loletebiestedage f Almond and Miss Penny AI-o'oc.oreryMsDon RuhY lolste rde steduhtr f the Faculty Club, UniversityýE mond ai tiheir home. Mrs. Aima Rowan of Enniskillen and the laie Neil Yellnwlees, and the groom of Toronto, where the guests,- W e d i Ms.W.Thma, un f s heso o M. ndMr.Cfffrd Egi Bowmanville. were reveived by the bride's gsthe bride, assisted by Miss __ Photo by Astor Studio utMr.Vco W. ile Thelma Thomas cd Oshawa- --._ . of Cabourg, who wore green gave a pantry sheif ehowerSt silk shantung, matching flow-ý which w-as attended by family Ex change Vows in St.John's ei~am roomsandais r, isage Mllitchell of Bowmanville wa ces Stevens, wrho asisted to hostess for a miscellaneous receive, chose a pink brocad shower wihen co-workers of dress and coat, pink feathe the Ldge Nming omeiai and corsage of mauvel were present. Bvole BARRETT - RUITER Samnuel Barreft, St. Thomas, riedds and relatives at- mefo in Th Bafr ado, thi 1n helteMs.Br eit ndeda presentatioii shower mo nTeBraote ~' ouues f hie a nd- thre nite in mBarrege, held by Miss June Ruiter and bride donned her travelling fios n 'u~ ond OWht rhn rsttsmakdMrs. R. Hilditch, aunts of the ensemble of a white wo etrciebcgon nStegetpw.bride, at the latter's home, dress, navy coat and accessor- JohtsAc icanckgrud n tith ges pws Third St., when the bride e- les, and orchid corsage. on JonsAnlia CurhBo. Rex-. K. J. Frarnpton offi- ceived a record player stand -their return, they will be me- rnanville, on Saturday, April rintcd an-d the wedding miusic and bar. siding ai 25 La scelles Blvd., SP 96 t.:3 'lc nt~was plavYed by organisi Mr. Tht grooni was presented Apt. 1408, Toronto 7. leifternoon when Miss Carol!C. Evans. Mrs. B. Bridges wîth en envelope of money .Svrlpriswr ed Diane Ruiter, daughter cf Mr. Iwas hie solo isi anr itoby his co-workers. i honor nt the' bride andi a nd Mrs. Coulson H. Riier.i the service sang Thp. Lord's, groom. Dr. and Mrs. John i 5'_BmAmanville. and Mr. Rohrrt Praypr, and during the sign- Pg otdadne at eýý nBarreti, son of M". îng of the regisipr, 0 Perfect, ASSELSTINE - LUNES .Pageotheat'lt Cub nn ivr- Love. Ttmrigof isLehsiy of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. AnoneNwThe hîldp, whn \vas given Pricilla Lînes, daughter of RdadHri n m n in marriage by hem father, Mr. George Lînes and the laie I Mrs. B. W. Du.nne e a SIlealing Substance: vwore a formaI length gOwn Mrs. Lines, Toronto, and Mr. c.ocktail and dinner party at ofwhite organza over heavy Leslie George Asseistine, son . ..-threîeccfM.adMs SIrnks Pilefs taffeta, trimmed with import- of Mn. and Mrs. Vernion Assel- Hais ed French lace, and styled stiiie, Burketon, was solem- .~~'~- Misses Sumni Iwomota andI cIuiveheaIng substance proven toshrink with a rounded neckline, lily- nized in Emnmanuel United - ~Patricia Holder held a bath- bamorboids andi repair damageti tissue. pointed sîteves and bell-shap- Cburch, Toront.o, Apnil 9th, reom shower ai Miss lwomo- r hs d s'kiri. A chapel tralin, 1066. For the ceremony, an i ta's homne in Scamborough, and ~renowned research institute bs caught by two bows ai tht Easter floral setting enhanced Mrs. R. P. Baine and Miss oud a u.niqut healing substance waistlîne, was aise adorned the ohu.rdhi. Rev. Milton San- ll Smith were hosiesses for ~h the ahility to shrink hemor-t with the French lace. 'Hem derson officiated '-4."' a kitchen shewer ai tht for- ~ids painlessly. It rehieves itching,1 four - layer shoulder - length Tht bride, who was given T.- n ers home. Former class- nd discomfort in minutes and veil af French illusion. with. in marniagebyhmfte, k4aesith Toronto General fle ed is up e.ln foh njr d ne layer worn over the face, wore a form l gown of peau - - H sia atnd d a m cl- flaed isse.was caught to a headdress cf de soie with matchin.g jacket laneous --- --sh obenLeeie, yMs In case after case, while gently crganza roses encircled by a and mnatohing train falling Rob.4..........~ . 4~- aeorsshoe givey r. ~ieving pain, actual reduction, wreath of crystal and pearl frein tht waist. Lace aippli- .5..~- Mrs. Victor W. Miller wp..s ,hrinkage) tonk plarp. orange blossomrs. She carnied ques adorned the gown and h ~ ostess for a dinner party ati ~Most important of .aIl resulta, a cascade bouîquet Of pink jacket. Hem shoulder length *. her home in Cobourg, and~ resothoroughthatthisimprove-. roses. white carnations and veil was caught up by a bead- ~~~ sttgomssseMs rn ~nt was maintained overa period ;stephanotis. -1d1heA --rle And he ar ___ cs tvenom s e ansafiemnon The Canadian Statesxnan, Bowmanvlle. June 1, 1968 -3 MA PLE GROVE On Saturday. May 2Mt, tht! Mrs. L. C. Snowden and "~Jolies Shapeaux" went to Mrs. H. G. Free7an spent a Blackstock for Adiievemeni very pleasant week wîth thé Day. 'Mis la when all cd Dur- forner*s daughter and bus- ham 4-H groups mccitet band, Mm. and Mrs. Otis compare tht work tbty have Pritchard anti sons, while Mù. doe. Barbara Beckett, Janice H. G. Frteeman was attending Brooks. Jane Noble receivtd conference at Kingston. 2 year certiificates. Ahl 16 Temn red fM membrs rceivd si 1v er E. Ashton are pleased te leamr spoons for copleting the. thai she bas sufficiently me- project "Accent on Accessor- cevereti from hem ilîness to bu les". AIl the members aPPure- able te leave Oshawa Hospi. ciate tht work anti help Mrs tai and is recuperatinig ai bel' Lee bas given them, and are daughîen's. Mm. and Mrs. Gem- looking fomward to the faîl don Beecb, Maple Grove. Re. course which will be "Dres- latives -%,ho have recent visîtý- sing Up Vegetables". 1cd at the Beech's are. Mr. Mr. andi Mrs. Leslie Colla-' andi Mrs. Stan Aunger, Ed- cuit were Sunday supper monion, Alberta. Mm. and guests cf Mr. and .Mms. Roy Mrs. Silas Tmewin, Bowman- Langmaid, Selina.i ville. Mis. Stanley May, Sua- Mn. and Mes. S. S. Morton dridge. who bas just return d were Monday ttngvîsitors firoxyr Califernia, spent a fe_, with ber sister anti hushand, days with ber mothen. Mr. Mr,. and Mira. Clame Allun, ansi Mrs. Ronald Macklin andi Providence. family. her mother Mrs, Mr.andMrs Ry SowdnGeorge, Mm. and Mms. Orval Ishington, weme Sunday vi, sh-ond M es. Hois Ashton, 'Enk tors with hem mother, Mrs. R. andsiln Mrs. amld.shBnaggn R. Stevens, sîster anti hus-nsiln r.Wn rg band. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. and daugiter Janet, Previ.. Brooks. .ence. Mr. anti Mms. W. H. Brown attendedi the convocation of their son, Donald BnowntSP C I L Ma 0twh:e eved S E U L bis B.S.A. in Agriculture. ST UR GEO N'S Mr. and Mms. Roy Toooing, -andi sons were recent dinnPr' guests wiab ber Parents, Mr.1 FIRST QUALTTY landi Mrs. F. R. Stevens. Mrs. Aihan Snowden was a Sunday visiter.wiab ber tiau- I PAINT Save $2.00 per gai. PRIMER COAU Reg. $9.45 7 NO . . . gai, 7.5 FINISH COAT Reg. .$10.10 81 ABERNETHYYS Paînts & Walîpaper "Decorating Specialisis awa. The many frientis o! Millie VfoVi Weq-esory te hear of! ber accident w .henabe wasý knocked off bier wheelon days lasi week, wben on hert way home from schoo]. Glad' te report abI*e is doing nicely. t Mrs. C. Greenhan, anti Mi's, Carole Greenbham were gue4:s' ai the Trudelle-Debaski wed-ý ding lasi Saturday which was, held in Firsi Býaptisi Church.ý Oshawa, Carole being one oi the bridesmaîds. On Sunidavî Carole wa-S guesi of Mn. and' Mrs. Douglas Thsompson, Zion.1 This week Carole is spending! a few day.s with Miss Minn Newson, Mn. and Mrs. Earl' Baker, o-f Toronto. 62r3-3303 IPhone 623-5431 rm m , ý 33King St, W., Bowmanvllej Yirý Cecrners CzcU DEFINITIONS -PROSPERITY 1. Beng able to pay a litte more for things we shoaldn't. buy anyway. 2. That short perioti between the final installment and the next purchase. CLOTHES CARE IRINT: Garments are ruineti by pressinc et home. Brlng theni to your local drycleaner for expert attention. Attend Officiai Opening of Bowmanville Museuni Wednesday, June Sth, et '7:30 p.m. ther assistea and She wore n a rret. Photo hy Astor Studio IO Thursday evening, thei MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS fr 48 lulnn rea Ï O pale buelne des . -nuirses o! the Graduating. ),. Long and short siteves fr$4I1 nn MEN'S WORK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ja ~gvnat and the chuirch orgari: and waist were trininwd wf ihc re now refiga ,9Ca5wiIbte u5sf pceink m ad crsgeoi ;id 12 t.3!ý]s ilb h u so C* nadfaeet 2 fr$ . 8For a wedding trp tb Mon led tht wedding music. Mrs.tTheir headdreses were io-- ~in the Staff Dînîng Hall. CRobnranBakernfeOettwa_'_ay________oft treal and Quebe City thte ae-f saa 1y irsc ar drop crystil A sienographer w-îth t Roberi thh LA IE' LUSS 1.O- 2.0 bride chose a gray and pirlk cousin of tht bride, was te:and they carried bouLqllets of Oshawa hranch of the Tom- LA IS"BO SE ....$10 $.0 three-piece suit wîtb pink soloisi. white carnations qpra.ýed ýý'itli <rito-Domiiiion B a n k, tilh. GILS LA KS.. 1.5 aocmories and corsage o! ,Gîven in marriage by her turquoise. bride attcnded Tyrone Puiblicý BROWN'SI GIRS'SLA KS.........................$12S pink roses. uncle, Mr. Donald Yellowlees Mr. Gari' Mac-Dotigal of School and Cotin-ice Hieh The sympathy o! the ccm-1 The groom received his cdui-1of Ottawa, the bride wore a Bowmanville was hesti man iSchool. Thc groom is with munity is extended to Mr. andi LADIES' SHORTS.............. $1.00 cation in Blackstoek Public full length gown cf white silk and the ushers were Mr. AI the Lake Ontario Stpe Cc-, Mrs. Perey Allun and family! and High Sdiools and Peter- organza over taffeta, featu- Plumnier, Bewln-anville, a;îdlWllitbhy, and attended Lindsay in the sudden passîng of hist BOYS' PANTS....... $3.00 $2.00 - $1 .50 borougb Teachers' College. ing a bodice of Chantilly lace Mr. John Ritchie cf Oshawa. Ptîhlhc Schon and Bowman- father. Mr. and Murs. Asseîstine will with scalloped Bateau neck- The reception was hld ai, ville High Schoo]. Ased rcvi i ihd BOYS' SHIRTS..1-.. $2.0- $1.50 - $1.00 reside at 196 6th Avenue, line and lily-qoint sleeves. the Lions Commiinity Centre. The bride was guesi Of for ail who are ill in the, KitchnerOnt.Tht semi-bouffant skimt, high- Bowmanvîlle. w h e n e the honor at several partie-s, section, Mrs. Ruth Crowelil MEN'S OVE RALLS .............. $400 lighted by appliques cf simi- bride's mother reccived in a Frîends attended a miscellan- and Mrs. Olga Kozub who are ENUIH -YELO LESlar lace flowed into a chapel sheatîh dress cf white lace cotis shower given by Miss both patients, ai Memorial' EGIH- ELWE train. An exquisite double over pink, pink bat. and Marie Draper of Enniskilien.osta an Mis Cdy BO S'JA KES$3O0- 2.0 i Miss Donna Rut.h Yellow- rose headpiece held ber sca- matching aoceessonies. To as- MisS Peggx- S-hofield, OSii. Dewney, who is now convRles-1 LA I S'BUKYSW ATRS$45 lees, daughter o! Mrs. Alm-a loped, tiered veil of silk il- sist. the grrnemms mother ohose awa, was hostess for a bath- cing at ber niome having been LADES"BUL Y S EAT RS. ...... $.75 Rowan of Ennisicihlen and tht lusior and she carried a white a lime green brocade dre3ss mc-m sliower attended by girls stnuck by a car on the holiday. late Neil Yellowlees, and Mr. Bible crested with mcd roses with matching tbree-quarter of the hank staff. weekend. MEN'S SWEATERS.............. $5.00 Mervyn Lloyd Englislh, so o and w-hite siephanotis. jacket, andi white accesories. Members of the Eng1Lish Brown's Ist Cub Pack en.! Mr. and Mms. Clifford English, M"r. John Ritchie e! Osh- Both wnre corsage.- of pink farnily and friendi were Pr- joyed a day's bike in Mr.! Bow'manville, were unuted in awa was matron o! honor rosebuds and white carnaI sent a iclaeu hwIra awl' od nMn COME IN AND SAVE MONEY! marig on Saturdy ater- and tht bridesmaids were theitiolis. at a i .vMs.clnecusshow-Bna, aswell's hewoods n Mon WE HVE ANI~ M RE ARG INSnoon, Apnil 16. 1966, at 3:30 bride's sisters, NMis Marîlynt Before leaving for their hîsb.h Bowmanville, andi co- companied by Assistant Cubý WE HA E MANY MOR BARGINSo'clock in Trinity Unitedi Yeilowlees o! Oshawa and honcymoon at Davtona Beach.lhoste-, Mrs. Camman Shirk. Master, Gwen Hughes ani TO CHOOSE FROM. Churdi, Eowinanville. For the Misa Cheryl Rowan nf Ennis- Flonîda, the bride donned a A mnis7cellaneous sbower was Messrs. Harold Hughes anti1 _______________ __ceremnony the church was killen. They were in alfter- two-piece ptastel blue suit,'also given hv Mrs. Rowan. Alec Martin. They had a veryî OPE FRDAYANDSA URD Y O LV oeettily decorateti with £aster noori length gewns of tur- black hat and accessories. A Osharva. and attendeti by enjoyable day andi are mosti OPE ______ ND___RD Y NL ____ ies. qUOLSe sata peau styleti with corsage o! nînk rosebutis and, ichool chunis. Mrs. Fred Sis- graieful to Mr. and Mr _______- ____-Rev. George K. Ward, high waisted bodice, andi white carnations complement- son, Oshawa. wes hosteas for Caswell for allowing te B.D., wu the officlating cler-l1he scoop neckline, uleeves ed her travelling en&emble. a linen ehower wihen members use of their property. Carved® When ArtCarved introduoes a new style it wM lnevn jeouSw old. No one knwm how t. dei a uting and fatr ila moud better than ArtCarveid. A - VANGUAROD9 - PANPARE C. - SLOSSOt 0 - COR»I Hooper's Jewellery PHONE 623-5747 29 KING ST. . O WMAN VILE

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